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In Prayer: We Are

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The key takeaways are that JDM has been reaching people and changing lives since 1978 through partners who support the ministry financially and through prayer. The Partner Wall displays photos of thousands of partners as a reminder of how partnership brings the gospel to nations.

The Partner Wall consists of thousands of photos of partners displayed on the walls within JDM's executive building. It serves as a reminder of how partnership brings the gospel to nations worldwide.

Jesse recently received a prophecy from God stating that the ministry would soon have so many partners that there would not be enough wall space to contain their photos, so a digital version of the partner wall was installed.

WE ARE United

United in Prayer with JDM Partners
As you walk through the halls of Jesse Duplantis Ministries’
International Headquarters in Destrehan, Louisiana, you will be
captivated by the magnificent sight of the JDM Partner Wall!

Since 1978, the ministry has continually been reaching

people and changing lives all over the world for the glory of
Jesus Christ. Throughout these many years of ministry, Partners
have graciously sent in their pictures, praise reports, financial
blessings, and much more to the JDM Partner Care team. Jesse
and Cathy honor these countless Partners and their generosity
by displaying their photos on the walls within the ministry’s
executive building. The Partner Wall consists of thousands
of pictures, and it serves as a constant reminder of how
Partnership brings the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.
Jesse and Cathy often lay hands on the Partner Wall and
pray for all those who sow into JDM’s mission of worldwide
evangelism. They agree together every day that every Partner
will be touched, transformed, and supernaturally blessed by the
power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesse recently received an encouraging Word from God

stating that the ministry would soon have so many Partners
that there would not be enough wall space to contain their
photos. We have prepared for this prophecy by installing a
digital version of the Partner Wall right next to Jesse’s office!
Jesse and Cathy love looking at the photographs and are so
thankful for every Partner being represented. More pictures
being sent represent more souls being saved, and we are excited
to announce that Partnership is growing every day!

Be a Part of Our Virtual Partner Wall!

We invite you to post your picture on social media with the
hashtag: #JDMPartnerWall. Share how the teachings of Jesus,
through Jesse Duplantis Ministries, have strengthened your walk
with the Lord and why you decided to become a JDM Partner.
We will collect these photographs, share many testimonies, and
believe that you will receive ALL of God’s promises!

Want to Become a Partner?

If you would like to find out more information about how
to become a JDM Partner, visit our website at JDM.org and
click the “Partnership” tab. Together we are reaching people
and changing lives, one soul at a time!
2 • Voice of the Covenant
Jesse always says that he doesn’t just
pray to God…he has conversations with Dear God...
Him! Our Heavenly Father is asking you
the powerful question, “What Shall I Do
For Thee?” and He is eagerly waiting
for your reply. Initiate the conversation 2 Kings 4:2
today and discover that your connection
with Jesus is much stronger than any
text message!

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Walk in victory with Jesus Christ tumbler
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get yours at jdm.org

March 2021 • jdm.org • 3
He Opened
the Ears of

I t was Labor Day Weekend in 1974.

I was twenty-five years old, touring
with my band playing nineteen-seventies
style, kicking rock-n-roll—and I loved
it! Man, I still love that kind of music!
If you saw me back in those days, you’d
have called me a “long-haired, hippie
freak” unless you were one, too! That’s
what they called guys who looked like
me back then.
My hair was chocolate brown and hung
down to the middle of my back. I was
skinny from using drugs. I had the smell
of booze on my breath because I loved to
drink. In fact, I drank a bottle of scotch
a day—not to get drunk, just because it’s
what I did. I ran around with women and
JESSE 1974 did as much sinning as I could.
4 • Voice of the Covenant
My wife, Cathy, traveled with the band, but she and if things hadn’t changed, somebody would be
stayed in the hotel room with our daughter, Jodi, dead today—namely me!
most of the time. She tried to make a normal life out At that time, although I loved my wife, it was my
of the road. She’d gotten saved about a year and a half music career that came first and Cathy knew it when
before while watching Billy Graham on television, she married me. I’d grown up poor, worked since I
and then she was filled with the Holy Ghost not long was eleven, and had a hard life. I came from the old
after. I couldn’t believe it! I’d cuss whenever she’d talk school that says you work hard for everything you get
about God so she’d change the subject. and you don’t stop until you get it. Nobody was going
Cathy found a church in every city we went to to give me anything and I knew it. I had to make a
and attended while we were there. She’d take Jodi to way for myself. That meant that nothing was going
church, and it wasn’t long before my two-year-old to stand in my way—no wife, no kid, no nothing!
started telling me I was “going to hell.” It’s shocking Everything in life was second to my career.
to hear that come out of a high-pitched, little voice! You wouldn’t have liked me back then.
I’d say, “Who told you that, Jodi?!” But God loved me.
And her little finger would point to Cathy and And as I listened to the preacher on television
she’d say, “Mama.” talk to me about God, I heard something I’d never
I guess I should have seen it coming because heard once in all my years in church. I heard about a
Cathy had been talking to my crazy Pentecostal God Who loved me exactly how I was. He didn’t care
mama, who was always preaching about God to what I looked like or if I had alcohol on my breath.
her. I’d catch Cathy praying over me at night when That night, I heard about a God Who really cared
she thought I was asleep and I’d say, “What are you about me, Who was interested in knowing me, talking to
doing, woman? Are you blankety-blank-blank crazy?! me, and Who wanted to wash my sins away and help me
Leave me alone!” out. Now, it’s hard to explain, but something happened
But the life I’d been leading was wearing on me. that night in my heart as I sat there listening. Instead of
That night, I was in my hotel room getting ready doing what I’d normally do when Cathy talked to me
to go and play a gig. I happened to finish dressing about God, which was to curse and walk away, I sat still
early and had some time to kill, so I figured I’d and listened to the man talk. But his words didn’t just go
watch a little television. Cathy had it tuned to Billy into my ears; they went into my heart, too.
Graham’s Labor Day weekend preaching special. I’d never felt the compassion of God coming
I said, “I ain’t watching this junk!” through a preacher’s words before, and suddenly I
“Why not?” Cathy said, “He pulls more people wanted to listen to him talk. I wanted to hear what
than you.” the man had to say because there was love and mercy
Whoa, Cathy gave me a shot! Normally, she never in his words. That night, I didn’t hear one “don’t.”
took pot shots at me, and to this day she says she I didn’t hear about God getting ready to kill me or
doesn’t know why she said that to me. But it hit home how much of a low-down, dirty piece of trash I was.
for me and I didn’t say anything back because she had I already knew I was a sinner; I didn’t need anybody
a point. I was interested in success, and this guy had to tell me how bad I was. But I never once heard the
filled a stadium with people who wanted to hear what preacher say that I wasn’t good enough to know God.
he had to say. As I listened, something started pulling at my heart.
I left him on. Something started to break.
Now, you must understand that back then, I just Now, when you’ve been pushed down all your life,
wasn’t what you’d call a nice man. I wasn’t friendly or told that you’re not good enough, that you’re not worth
funny. I was ambitious and interested in one thing anything, and that God is angry with you, something
only—success. I didn’t care about anybody but myself. happens when you suddenly hear about God’s love.
Cathy jokes, “Nobody loved Jesse more than Jesse.” Your heart is almost overwhelmed by the love of God.
She likes to say I was a “legend in my own mind.” We Your mind is almost overwhelmed by the truth.
laugh about it today because I was such a selfish man, To suddenly hear that God loves you exactly how

March 2021 • jdm.org • 5

you are, that He created your personality, formed you to “be a man” and stop the tears, but they wouldn’t stop
in your mother’s womb, and that He cares about you coming. In that bathroom in Boston, Massachusetts, I
so much that He sent Jesus to die for your sins, well, released my life into the hands of God.
it is nothing short of amazing. I said, “God, I don’t know if You exist. But if You
And that night, I heard that God sent His Son, do, come into my life and save me.”
Jesus, to the cross for me. God wanted to clean me up And do you know what happened?
by washing away my sin so that He could know me God saved me.
and talk to me. And, well, that’s all I ever really wanted Just like that, I knew in my heart that He had
as a kid. I just wanted a God that I could talk to. heard my prayer. Now, some people might not believe
Then I heard the preacher quote this familiar verse: that, but it is true. It’s hard to explain, but it was like a
For God so loved the world, that He giant pressure came off of my chest. I suddenly knew
gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever without a shadow of doubt that God was real, that
believeth in Him should not perish, but have He was right there listening to me, and that He had
everlasting life. For God sent not His Son just answered my prayer by coming into my heart.
into the world to condemn the world; but that He was filling me up with Himself and healing me.
the world through Him might be saved. Suddenly, I wasn’t on my own anymore. I had God.
John 3:16,17 It was a simple prayer, but it radically changed
In other words, the preacher was saying, “Jesse, my life and I walked out that bathroom a free man.
God sent Jesus so that you wouldn’t die without I didn’t even know that I was carrying such heavy
Him, but that you’d go on after this life to live forever burden. I didn’t have a clue that I was a prisoner in
with Him. That’s salvation. He didn’t send Jesus to my own life. But after I accepted God, I realized for
condemn you and tell you how bad you are. He sent the first time that I was free, really free, and that God
Him to save you and tell you how much He thinks Himself loved me. Life suddenly felt new. I walked
you’re worth.” out of that hotel bathroom a new man.
I suddenly knew that there was a big emptiness I had been born again.
inside of me. I’d been living on my own, doing my Man, who would have thought it could happen to
own thing. I’d been working hard, drinking hard, me?! Nobody but Cathy and my mama! And, of course,
drugging and living hard. That kind of hard living God. He knew I needed Him all along. He knew all
had molded me into a hard, hard man. But suddenly, about my past and was waiting for me to turn to Him
that hardness began to crack and the emptiness in my so that He could show me a good future. God had plans
heart was overwhelming. for my life that I couldn’t have dreamed up if I’d tried!
Now, I’m not a crying kind of man. I couldn’t even
remember the last time I cried; maybe I was five years A Voice Coming from My Heart
old, but I don’t really know. I was taught that men just When I got born again that night in Boston, I
don’t cry. Even when I was a very small boy, if I got immediately began to notice that something had
hurt I was told, “Suck it up, boy! Don’t you cry, boy! really changed in my heart. It was as if God had put
Be a man!” ears in my heart, and suddenly I was hearing this still,
As a boy raised in the South, a truck could run small voice talking to me.
over you and you weren’t supposed to cry! But my In the days following my commitment, I’d wake
little sister could bruise her toe and wail for hours yet up in the middle of the night and I’d hear this voice
nobody would complain. I never could understand coming from my heart. At first I didn’t know what was
that! Pain is pain, whether you’re female or male! going on, but soon I realized that the voice coming
But as I sat there on the edge of the bed, my eyes from my heart was God. He was talking to me!
started filling up. And because I was so uncomfortable Before I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I never heard
with crying, I got up and went into the bathroom so that a voice coming from my heart. I didn’t even hear the
Cathy wouldn’t see me. As I shut the door, I looked up “voice of conscience” as people call it. I didn’t have a
at the ceiling and tears began to fall from my eyes. I tried conscience that I knew of! I sinned without a second

6 • Voice of the Covenant

thought and I figured that the more sin I could do, They were just like I was before God changed
the better. I did whatever made me feel good for the my heart. We all had a 1960s attitude that was
moment. It didn’t matter if it was sleeping with a basically, “Whatever is good for you is good for you
different girl or two every night, drinking bottles of and whatever is good for me is good for me.” But
whiskey, or snorting cocaine for fun. suddenly, I knew differently.
I used to sprinkle hallucinogenics in the club’s God was for everybody and not just for me. I knew I
popcorn bins and then laugh as people got so loaded had to get out of the rock music industry. My heart wasn’t
that they fell off barstools. I could have killed them if there, and I knew God had other plans for my life.
they were taking other drugs, but I didn’t care. I was
crazy and without conscience. It’s a Joy Knowing God
But after I gave my life to God, my heart completely I went through many changes during those early
changed. It was as if blinders had been taken off of my years of my life and today I am a preacher of the
eyes and I could see, really see, for the first time in my life.
Gospel. I never thought that would happen! Nobody
I’ll never forget it because I had to play a show the night
else did either! I’m the last guy my family, or anyone
I got saved, and when I walked into the club, I looked else who knew me, expected to become a preacher.
around and saw it for what it was—a pit. It was a dark, red
When I went to my high school reunion, I was the one
velvet-covered pit. I played my show because it was my voted “Most Changed.” It wasn’t an understatement!
I’ve changed completely from the man I used to be.
“For God so loved the world, God called me to be a preacher in 1976, and since
that He gave His only
then He’s used me to show other people that being saved
begotten Son, that whosoever isn’t a drag. It can be fun. I don’t believe that you have to
believeth in Him should not suddenly become a religious fanatic when you get saved,
Shall perish, but have everlasting
although I’ve seen a lot of people who seem to do that!
Being saved means that you are aware of the reality

I Do
life. For God sent not His Son of God, His plan of salvation, and the importance of
into the world to condemn communicating with your Father. When I got saved,
For Thee? the world; but that the world God’s book, the Bible, suddenly became important to
2 kings 4:2 through Him might be saved.” me. I wanted to know what God had to say! My eyes
John 3:16,17 were open to see truth. When a person gets saved, the
ears of their hearts are opened to hear truth.
I believe that living for God isn’t some hardship you
job and I was on contract, but my heart wasn’t in it. have to endure. I think it is a joy to know God. It’s fun
I still liked the music, but the lifestyle wasn’t waking up in the morning and talking to God. I’m never
attractive at all to me. I didn’t want to drink anymore. really alone because God is always with me; He’s ready
I didn’t want to dishonor my wife by sleeping with to teach me from His Word and talk to me—even guide
other women. I wanted to be loyal to her and be a me in life—so that I make the right decisions.
good father to my baby girl. I didn’t want to snort I believe that everyone can talk to God and fully
cocaine, take PCP, or swallow speed. God had expect Him to communicate back. It starts when you
changed my heart. He’d given me a desire for purity decide to release your life to God like I did in 1974.
that I’d never had before. And I began to have a love When you understand that Christ died on the cross
for people, too, that I never had before. for you and ask God to save you, it’s as though He
Suddenly, I cared about my band members’ souls! puts ears on your heart right then so you can hear
I couldn’t have cared less what they believed in before. Him say, “Of course I will save you. I am not willing
But now, I wanted them to know that God was real. for anyone to perish but that all would come to Me
They didn’t care too much to hear about it though. and have everlasting life.”
They would hear me and just agree for agreement’s This article is an excerpt from Jesse’s best-selling
sake. They’d say, “Yeah, man. Jesus, man. That’s cool.” book, Wanting a God You Can Talk To.

March 2021 • jdm.org • 7

God WANTS to
Talk to YOU
Friend, God loves you exactly how you are. He’s interested in knowing you, in talking to
you, and in giving you a new life of real joy and peace. He cares so much about you that He
sent His Son Jesus to the cross to shed His blood as the ultimate sacrifice to save you.
If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, I would be honored to
introduce you to the Greatest Friend you’ll ever have. As you say these words, and if you
believe with your heart, you will be born again (Romans 10:9-10).

Say this prayer: Jesus, come into my life. Forgive me of all my sins. I ask You
to cleanse my heart and make me a new creature now. I believe that You are
the Son of God and that You died on the cross for me.

Jesus, I want to thank You for loving me enough to die for me. I accept all that
Your shed blood bought for me on the cross, and I receive you as my Savior
and Lord. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Congratulations! You are a “new creature” in Christ and, as 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “…
old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” You have a whole new life of
victory to look forward to, starting now. From this day
on, Jesus will be at your side to revive you, protect you,
and answer any trouble that comes your way. Glory!
If you prayed this prayer, it is important that you tell
someone. I would love to hear from you too! Please
contact the ministry and let us know of your decision
to follow Jesus. We’d like to send you our free booklet,
Understanding Salvation, to help you begin your new
life in Christ. Just go to jdm.org (click on “Do You
Know Jesus?”) or use the response/order form included
in this magazine. I love you and I’m praying for you!!


Understanding Salvation (Mini-Book) MBS01

There is a path that leads to inner peace, real joy, and true wisdom about life. You begin walking on this new
path the moment you reach out to God...the moment that you realize your need for His love and salvation.

In Understanding Salvation, you will discover why God sent His Son, why salvation is necessary, and
what you can do to begin living a new and better life in Christ Jesus.

8 • Voice of the Covenant

When I was a kid
in church, all I ever
wanted was a God I
could talk to...
— Jesse D uplantis


One of the most popular books by Jesse Duplantis, Wanting a God You Can Talk To, is an
intimate look at what it takes to have a personal, communicative relationship with God.
In this beautiful paperback book, you’ll be encouraged to reach out and talk to God without
fear as Jesse Duplantis shares how God can be more than a far-off deity...He can be your
closest Friend and the Ultimate Father.
God wants to talk to you. Learn how to hear His voice and develop the richest and most
rewarding relationship of your life.

BJ006P (Softcover Book)

$16 usd • £12 • $21 aud
Get your copy at jdm.org or use the
order form in the center of this magazine.
March 2021 • jdm.org • 9
EASY WAYS March Partner Offer
For your Partnership of $50 or more this month,

you can request Jesse’s message, God Has a
Hard Time Saying No, on DVD, CD, or
both formats. Use code PO2103.
JDM WEBSITE • Text JDMDVD and the dollar amount to
• jdm.org 28950 USA only (Example for a donation of
• Select: Donate $50: JDMDVD 50).

• paypal.me/JesseDuplantisMin
• PayPal App: giving@jdm.org

(US Residents Only)
• One Time Donation:
JDMMAG + AMOUNT TO 28950 For your Partnership of any amount this month,
• Recurring Donation: you can request Jesse’s message, God Has a
RECURRING TO 28950 Hard Time Saying No, on CD. Use code
INSTRUCTIONS) • Text JDMCD and the dollar amount to 28950
USA only (Example for a donation of $40:
• Jesse Duplantis Ministries Monthly Partner Offers are also available
with Automatic Partnership. Use the enclosed
• Select: Donate envelope/order form or go to jdm.org.


Remember to visit jdm.org, register, and take advantage of our special Partner Benefit!
10 • Voice of the Covenant
God wants to shower you with His love and power beyond what you could ever ask or think. Why?
Because He loves you…and because it glorifies His mighty name! In this eye-opening teaching, Jesse
will take you higher in God as he explores the vastness of the Father’s heart toward you. Get ready to
release God’s abundant flow in your life as you learn how:

• Prayer is the key which, when turned by the handle of faith, unlocks all the
treasures of God
• God encourages us to ask frequently, for it tends to one great purpose:
That the Father may be glorified
• Asking in His name means you understand that the name of God is the
revelation of God in Christ
• And much more!

You serve a God of love, not a God of no. So, what do you want? Ask and believe Him for WHATSO-
EVER and ANYTHING—God wants to say YES!

“And whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be
glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in My name, I will do it.”
John 14:13-14

March 2021 • jdm.org • 11

MAR 7 • 6pm APR 15 • 7pm MAY 23 • 9am & 11am
Word of Life Christian Center Calvary Temple Church Harvest Church
544 Queen St • 808.528.4044 3000 Loop 534 • 830.895.3000 1275 E I65 Service Rd S • 251.471.2914
wolhawaii.com ctc.church harvestmobile.com
& Kuna Sepulveda Pastors Del & Cindy Way Pastors Kevin & Adrienne Cooley
MAR 8 • 7pm APR 18 • 11am JUN 20 • 10am
Word of Life Church Faith Church Father’s Day
319 N 64th St • 480.835.5600 210 W 50th St • 860.354.7700 JDM International Headquarters
wordoflifemesa.org faithchurch.cc Covenant Church
Pastors John & Dallas Amato Pastors Frank & Lisa Santora 1973 Ormond Blvd • 985.764.2000
Christian Worship Center APR 20 • 7pm JUL 4 • 10:30am
Love City Church
6101 Masonic Dr • 318.448.4500 CANCELLED
510 Mapleridge Rd • 989.249.1802
Heritage Family Fellowship
102 S. Bradford Ave • 714.817.1900
Pastors Aaron & Errin Hankins Pastors Tariq & ShaRease Price heritageff.org
NEWARK, TX Pastors Art & JoAnn Aragon
MAR 21 • 10:30am APR 25 • 9am & 11am BAKERSFIELD, CA
Eagle Mountain International Church JUL 4 • 6pm
Word of His Power Conference 2021 14355 Morris Dido - Newark Rd
Words of Life Fellowship Church Kern Christian Center
817.252.2900 • emic.org 4701 Gosford Rd • 661.664.1000
20051 NE 16th Pl • 305.653.8155 Pastors George & Terri Pearsons
wordsoflife.com kernchristiancenter.org
Pastor Geri Moore STAUNTON, VA Pastors Billy & Shelby Rash
Victory Worship Center and World JUL 5-9
APR 4 • 10am Easter Sunday Outreach
JDM International Headquarters 2021 West Coast Believers’ Convention
200 Hammond Ln • 540.886.6249 Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Covenant Church victory-worship.com
1973 Ormond Blvd • 985.764.2000 venue: Ontario Convention Center
Pastors Ray & Liz Eppard 2000 E Convention Center Way
FOLEY, AL 800.600.7395 • kcm.org
BLAKELY, PA MAY 5 • 7pm Kenneth & Gloria Copeland
APR 7 • 7pm Abiding Love Fellowship Church
Peckville Assembly of God DESTREHAN, LA
17644 County Rd 26 (Michigan Ave) JUL 15 • 7pm & JUL 16 • 10am & 7pm
3364 Scranton Carbondale Hwy abidinglovefoley.org • 251.943.1615
570.489.4961 • peckvilleag.org Visionary Conference
Pastors CJ & GiGi McBride JDM International Headquarters
Pastors Terry & Becky Drost
LEVELLAND, TX Covenant Church
HUNTINGTON, WV MAY 16 • 10:30am 1973 Ormond Blvd • 985.764.2000
APR 13 • 7pm South Plains Church jdm.org
Christ Temple Church 1421 E Cactus Dr • 806.894.9674 NEW MILFORD, CT
2400 Johnstown Rd • 304.525.2400 southplainschurch.com JUL 26 • 7pm
ctcwv.com Pastors Eddie & Pat Trice Faith Church
Pastors Chuck & Jamie Lawrence 600 Danbury Rd • 860.354.7700
Pastors Frank & Lisa Santora
Before traveling to any meeting, please go to jdm.org for updates (click on Meetings).
12 • Voice of the Covenant
Free Admission • Everyone Welcome

Register Today at jdm.org

Enjoy some of these testimonies from our Facebook followers
who watched the conference online!

I watched from home and truly could see God at work. I’m so thankful to
Pastors Jesse & Cathy Duplantis for their work and obeying God. 

I couldn’t go, but watched it online and was so blessed. Thank you so much for
having it online for those who were not able to go.

It was just wonderful! Now I look over the notes again and again, letting all
this wonder digest. Thank you Lord, thank you Pastors Jesse & Cathy! What a
beautiful presence of God touching people and healing and blessing them. See
you next year in person, by God’s grace and blessing.

March 2021 • jdm.org • 13


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Vol. 40 No. 03 MARCH 2021 Voice of the Covenant is published monthly by Jesse Duplantis Ministries, a non-profit corporation.
PO Box 1089, Destrehan, LA 70047
Publisher Editorial Staff Graphic Design & Production
Jesse Duplantis Phone: 985.764.2000 • Fax: 985.764.0044 • Email: partnercare@jdm.org
Dondra DeSalvo Jorge Gomez Jr.
Editor Mary Holten Marjorie Cooper Voice of the Covenant has no subscription or newsstand price in the United States and is supported through
Cathy Duplantis contributions from readers worldwide. All donations to this ministry from the USA are tax-deductible. JDM is a
Christine Bartley Victor Gonzalez
Assistant Editor
Jodi D. Roberts Martin Ayton Michael Davis member in good standing with the Council on Church Financial Integrity.
Taryn Rodriguez Marissa Williams
Marketing Manager Visit our website at jdm.org
Chrissy Cifuentes © 2021 Jesse Duplantis Ministries, all rights reserved.
May not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher.
14 • Voice of the Covenant
Anniston Boise St. Paul Greenville
WSFG/38: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM KBTI/41: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM WDMI/62: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WGGS/16 – IND: Mon 11:30AM
Birmingham Idaho Falls WSQY/51: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WBUN/28: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM KPIF/15: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM MISSOURI Spartanburg
Huntsville/Decatur Pocatello/Jackson Kansas City WSQY/51: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WHVD/67: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM KPIF/15: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM KCDN/35: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
WZDX/54 – FOX: Sun 9:30AM Springfield TENNESSEE
Mobile ILLINOIS KWBM/31: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Chattanooga
WCTD/22: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WDPM/18: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Chicago St. Louis
Montgomery/Selma WDCI/57: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WPXS/13: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WDDA/6: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WETU/39: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Moline/Rock Island Jackson
Tuscaloosa KLJB/18 – FOX: Sun 6:00AM MONTANA WJTD/42: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
WSSF/15: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Billings WBXX/20 – CW: Sun 8:30AM
INDIANA KINV/14: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM WDTT/24: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
ARIZONA Indianapolis Memphis
Phoenix WDTI/69: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM NEBRASKA WDNM/59: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
KDPH/48: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM Richmond Omaha Nashville
Tucson WLWD/20: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KOHA/48: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WNPX/20: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
KPCE/29: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM South Bend/Elkhart WRTN/6: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WEID/18: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM NEVADA
El Dorado IOWA KLVD/23: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Amarillo
KMCT/39: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Bettendorf/Davenport KXAD/51: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Fort Smith KLJB/18 – FOX: Sun 6:00AM NEW HAMPSHIRE KVAD/16: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KWOG/57: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Des Moines/Ames Manchester Austin
Hot Springs KCWI/23 – CW: Sun 8:30AM WYDN/48: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KADT/16: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KVTH/26 – IND: Mon 7:00PM, Fri 6:00PM Sioux City Beaumont/Port Arthur
Jonesboro KSXC/5: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM NEW MEXICO KBTV/4 – FOX: Sun 7:00AM
KVTJ/48 – IND: Mon 7:00PM, Fri 6:00PM Albuquerque Brownsville/McAllen
Little Rock KANSAS KAZQ/32.5: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM KRZG-CD/35.8: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KKAP/36: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Hutchinson Santa Fe Corpus Christi
KVTN/25 – IND: Mon 7:00PM, Fri 6:00PM KWKD/28: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM KAZQ/32.5: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM K29IP/29.6: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Pine Bluff Wichita Dallas/Ft. Worth
KKAP/36: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM KWKD/28: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM NEW YORK KDTN/2: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KPTD/49: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
CALIFORNIA KENTUCKY WDTB/39: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM El Paso/Las Cruces
Bakersfield Louisville New York KSCE/38: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KCBT/34: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM WDYL/28: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WPXU/12: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KRZG-CD/35.8: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Fresno/Visalia Syracuse Houston
KFVD/15: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM LOUISIANA WNYI/52: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KDHU/50: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Los Angeles Baton Rouge WDSS/38: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KLTJ/22: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KOCE/50.3: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM W48DW/48: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Lubbock
Modesto Crowley NORTH CAROLINA KFIQ/4: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KACA/34: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM KAGN/31 – IND: Tue 5:30AM, Tue 7:00PM, Charlotte San Antonio
KRJR/44: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Fri 9:00AM, Sat 4:00PM, Sun 11:00PM WDMC/25: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KMYS/35 – CW: Sun 9:30AM
Monterey/Salinas Lafayette WHWD/21: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KQVE/46: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KMBY/19: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM KADN/15 – FOX: Sun 9:00AM Durham/Fayetteville/Raleigh
Oakland KAJN/40 – IND: Tue 5:30AM, Tue 7:00PM, WDRN/45: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM UTAH
KDAS/48: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Fri 9:00AM, Sat 4:00PM, Sun 11:00PM WWIW/66: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Salt Lake City
Palm Springs NADN/13 – MY Network: Wed: 6:30AM KSUD/45: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM
KAKZ/4: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Lake Charles OHIO
Sacramento/Stockton KFAM/14 – IND: Tue 5:30AM, Tue 7:00PM, Cincinnati VIRGINIA
KACA/34: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Fri 9:00AM, Sat 4:00PM, Sun 11:00PM WDYC/36: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Newport News
KRJR/44: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Monroe Cleveland/Akron WVAD/25: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
San Francisco/San Jose KMCT/39: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WCDN/53: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Norfolk
KDAS/48: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM New Orleans Columbus WVAD/25: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
KNLD/28: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WCLL/19: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Petersburg
COLORADO WGNO/26 – ABC: Sun 9:00AM Dayton WRID/48: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
Denver WNOL/38 – CW: Wed 6:00AM WLWD/20: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
KRMT/41: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM Shreveport/Texarkana Toledo WVAD/25: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
KTAL/06 – NBC: Sun 7:30AM WDTJ/68: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Richmond
WRID/48: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
FLORIDA Virginia Beach
Jacksonville/Brunswick MAINE OKLAHOMA WVAD/25: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WUJF/33: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Auburn Oklahoma City
Miami/Ft. Lauderdale WLLB/15: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KOCM/46: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WASHINGTON
W16CC/16: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Portland KOKH/25 – FOX: Sun 8:00AM Seattle
Orlando/Daytona Beach/Melbourne WLLB/15: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Tulsa KWDK/56: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM
WACX/55 – IND: Sun 8:30PM KTZT/29: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Spokane
WDTO/50: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM MARYLAND KQUP/24: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM
Panama City Baltimore OREGON Tacoma
WBIF/51: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WWDD/40: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Portland KWDK/56: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM
WWEO/24: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Hagerstown KPXG/42: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM
Pensacola WDWA/23: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WASHINGTON D.C.
WDPM/18: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM PENNSYLVANIA WDWA/23: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
Tampa/St. Petersburg MASSACHUSETTS Philadelphia
WCLF/22 – CTN: Wed 7:00PM Boston WELL/45: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WEST VIRGINIA
WSVT/18: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WYDN/48: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Pittsburgh Charleston
West Palm Beach/Ft. Pierce WPDN/65: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WTSF/44: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WSLF/35: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM MICHIGAN Scranton Huntington
Battle Creek W43CO/43: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WTSF/44: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
GEORGIA WUHQ/29: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Wilkes Barre
Atlanta Detroit W43CO/43: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WDTA/35: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WADL/38 – IND: Sun 8:30AM Appleton
Macon WUDT/23: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM SOUTH CAROLINA WGBD/49: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Green Bay
WDMA/31: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Grand Rapids Anderson WGBD/49: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
WUHQ/29: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WSQY/51: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Madison
HAWAII Kalamazoo Asheville WDMW/65: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Honolulu WUHQ/29: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WSQY/51: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WMWD/38: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KWBN/44: Sun 2:00AM, Mon 5:00PM Columbia Milwaukee
Maui MINNESOTA WKDC/50: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WVTV/18 – CW: Sun 7:00AM
KWBN/44: Sun 2:00AM, Mon 5:00PM Minneapolis
WDMI/62: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM

March 2021 • jdm.org • 15

Guard Yourself—
There’s a hidden power fueling the global
spread of Covid-19 that you as a believer
don’t have to bow to—FEAR! As one of
the most highly sought-after messages
by Jesse, this teaching will give you the
understanding you need to guard yourself
from not only the Coronavirus, but from
any crisis. Find out how:

• Loyalty to God resists the

encroachment of fear and human
• You don’t know God if you’re not
confident that He’s able to protect in
every emergency
• God doesn’t just send help, He brings
it with Him!
• If you don’t bow to the outside
pressure, you won’t burn up in the
While many of life’s circumstances can be
overwhelming, you don’t have to panic and
respond like the world does. Learn how
to assume your position of authority and
stand strong in Christ. It’s time to spread
NEW faith, not fear, and crush every scheme of
the enemy. You already have the victory!

JDVD344 (DVD) New

$18 usd • £14 • $24 aud

Order your copy of Jesse’s NEW DVD at jdm.org

or use the order form in the center of this magazine.
16 • Voice of the Covenant
What do you really want? What do you really desire?
What has God put on your heart…and is it really His will for
YOU? Dr. Jesse Duplantis takes a status-quo-breaking look at
Jesus Christ’s teaching about “asking anything” in prayer in his
latest book, “Your Everything Is His Anything.”

BJ320 (Softcover Book)

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Rid yourself of the mindset that limits
success and begin living the top-tier life that
In this revolutionary book, you will
discover the power behind true faith
God has for you. In this fast-paced and There is a supernatural solution to
in Jesus Christ. Jesse teaches how
easy-to-read book, Jesse Duplantis shares every natural problem. You were
his wisdom for attaining godly prosperity as putting God first and making faith in
created to be healthy, joyful, and full
he delivers powerful truths that will inspire Him a part of your everyday life can
of peace that passes all understanding.
you to succeed. open the door to your success.
So, what is standing in the way of your
success? It’s the power of natural law.
BJ260 (Softcover Book) BJ237 (Softcover Book) BJ093P (Softcover Book)
$16 usd • £12 • $21 aud $16 usd • £12 • $21 aud $16 usd • £12 • $21 aud

Get your copies at jdm.org or use the order form in the center of this magazine.
March 2021 • jdm.org • 17
North Carolina: I have truly been blessed watching you
minister together! I’ve been walking with the Lord for
28 years. But God has truly touched my heart and has
shown me changes that I’ve needed to make in my life,
like believing Him that it will happen. I would say that
since I’ve been listening and applying your messages to my
life, God has been doing amazing things! In fact, as I was
listening to one of your messages about a month ago, I said,
“Lord, I want to start being a monthly JDM Partner!” I
was believing God for a new position at work that would
be almost three dollars an hour pay raise and forty hours
a week. I did not get that position, but there was another
store which had the same lead position available, and I
thought, “Lord, if I went there, it would be all new stuff,
all new people that I would be able to train the right way
of doing things!” So, I applied for the job online. I was
so sure that this was the position that God was giving
me that I went out and purchased a few things that I
knew I would need for the position before I even had my

interview. I was BELIEVING GOD! The next day, I had
an excellent, forty-minute interview that also included the
store manager and another manager. Two days later, they
called and said that they not only wanted me there, but
they wanted me to get there sooner than later! I will be
there within the next couple of weeks. God is so amazing!

MOMENTS with Cathy

He always has perfect timing. Thank you so much for being
a faithful vessel for God to speak through. I have come to
love you two. May God continue to pour His favor and
blessings upon you even more than He has already!
Every testimony we share gives the world
an opportunity to see that our God is glorious! Illinois: I sent a request asking for prayer concerning a
building my husband and I purchased. We conducted a
Deuteronomy 32:3-4 NLT says,“I will proclaim
business deal with someone we trusted; only to find out
the name of the Lord; how glorious is our God! He the person was not honest. The property had numerous
is the Rock; His deeds are perfect. Everything He violations and an $11,000 lien (which grew with interest).
does is just and fair. He is a faithful God Who does I asked JDM to pray because there seemed to be no way
out. While listening to the teachings of my church-home
no wrong; how just and upright He is!” Now that
pastor and Brother Jesse, I became stronger and stronger
is a powerful message that must be proclaimed in standing on the Word of God. I would like to say that
around the world today! my husband and I are free and clear of that situation.
Through the many outreaches of JDM, Praise the Lord! We no longer own the property and all
legal obligations are over. We learned a big lesson in that
the name of the Lord is being proclaimed
situation. Not only that, but God restored what the enemy
throughout the world. Jesse and I are so thankful had stolen. At the time, we were also living in a two-
to God for our faithful Partners who generously bedroom condo. God has blessed us with a four-bedroom
give their precious seed to help us reach people home. It’s a beautiful sight to see! I am so grateful to be
under the covering and teachings of my pastor and have
and change lives like those featured in our
the pleasure of listening to Brother Jesse minister about
ministry magazine this month. I believe you will believing God for better in life. Thank you, Brother Jesse,
be blessed by each of these testimonies, and I for challenging believers to not be afraid to think big
pray that they will encourage you to believe God and to believe God for it. As you say, “HAVE FAITH
IN GOD.” This has tremendously changed my way of
for your glorious moment, today!
thinking! Thank you, JDM, for your prayers!

18 • Voice of the Covenant

Alabama: I was diagnosed with colon cancer that spread Florida: God is so faithful. I want to take time to
to the liver. Listening to the messages that God has given give God glory for His goodness. My boss went on
you strengthened my belief that God had already healed maternity leave, and being her assistant, I stepped
me and made me whole. I just needed to continue to into her position temporarily. God blessed me with an
believe, trust, and speak the Word of God. I received the extra $250 per week during this time. Two weeks into
results of the CT scan, which revealed that there was not the position, the coronavirus epidemic hit our nation
any cancer present in my body. Praise God, my Lord and and the world. But my GOD! He is helping us more
Savior, Jesus Christ! May God continue to bless Jesse than we know. He helped and graced me to lead our
Duplantis Ministries. facility during that time. Looking back, I know He
was preparing me for greater things. During the time
South Carolina: I planted a seed of faith to get a tax when the economy looked bad, God supplied my every
refund when I expected to have to pay up to $300,000. need and I lacked no good thing! I had extra coming in
Instead, God provided a $120,000 refund! Praise the all the time. When I went to the Southwest Believers’
Lord! Thank you, Jesse, for your teaching on “Why Isn’t Convention, everything was provided for and extra.
My Giving Working? The Four Types of Giving.” God made ways when there seemed to be no way.
This year, I have given more than I ever have and God
Singapore: I am so excited to receive your Partner Letter
has given me more and more. When I added up the
and CD from your Australia office. Thank you very much!
extra, it’s well over $15,600. This doesn’t include favor
I have subscribed and have been watching your preaching
with vendors giving discounts and bills being reduced
made available on YouTube. I would like to take this
and eliminated. Last month, my boss left and I was
opportunity to thank you. Both of you are blessing me by
what you have shared, and my faith is rising day by day. promoted into her position. God gave me favor with the
staff, corporate, and others. It was light and easy. With
North Carolina: I’ve been listening to Jesse since I this promotion came an increase of $11,500 per year,
was a toddler, and I like to say that Jesse was my other and this doesn’t include the guaranteed, first quarter
parent and helped raise me. I’m recently married, about bonus and the potential to make extra every quarter. I
to reach our first anniversary, and my husband is now am in awe of God’s goodness and all that He is doing!
learning about sowing seed and harvest. We sowed our I want to thank God for my pastors, Brother and Sister
first seed together to JDM, believing for a tenant for our Moore, and Jesse Duplantis Ministries for imparting to
rental property that has been vacant for 7 months. After me the Word of God, for being true to God’s calling,
7 months of trying to obtain a renter, the next day after and teaching us the truth that sets us free.
we named our seed and sent it to JDM, we got a renter.
We were thrilled! This all started after my husband and India: I am from a Hindu family and the first to be
I watched Jesse’s message, “Hey, That’s My Harvest” saved. Last week I heard my grandmother was ill, and
together and decided to put our faith in action. Look at I started to feel fear for her because she was not saved.
God! Thank you for being fertile ground! Then as I was scrolling through Facebook, I saw your
post that started with “Don’t give up on your lost loved
Washington: Listening to you helped me greatly
ones.” I knew that was a word for me. Then a few days
through a long bout of gout. I knew I was healed,
later, I got an opportunity to visit my grandmother. God
and you helped me focus on that until the symptoms
allowed me to share the Gospel with her. She was not
disappeared. All praise to Jesus! I am 71 and rejoicing in
too strong in her mind, but she did hear the Gospel
Psalm 103. The Word is renewing youth and the hope of
glory in me. and confessed Jesus as her God. I am now believing
for her to be healed and then to preach the Gospel
Tennessee: I want to thank you for answering the call of herself. Thank you for the post. Agree with me that
God on your life. You have made a difference in my life. my grandmother is saved and she is healed and will
God has used you in so many ways to keep me focused preach the Word. Thank you! I am glad to be a Partner.
and spiritually connected to God, not only in bad times Another testimony is that I got an increase financially.
but how to maintain during the good times. Thanks again I can tell the anointing of increase is on this ministry.
for being a willing vessel and teaching me how to live the Although I partnered because you said you pray for us
same way. every day, I realized I could use that.

March 2021 • jdm.org • 19

TotalJDM is Now Part ofthe JDMAPP!
Anyone can receive FREE, instant access to Jesse and Cathy’s anointed messages of
FAITH. Download the JDM App and be filled with the presence of God as you watch these
powerful teachings! Stream hundreds of sermons on your Smart TV, browser, and any
mobile device.
In addition to our video archives, you can also find access to our monthly Voice of the
Covenant magazine, weekly TV show, and much more.
Download the Jesse Duplantis Ministries app today on all devices! Find it on Google
Play, the Apple Store, Roku TV, and all browsers!

Nowyou can watchthe 2020Visionary&

Glorious Conferences withintheJDMApp!

Be filled with the presence of God as you stream these

conferences, and make plans to join us for our 2021 Visionary
and Glorious Conferences at the JDM International Headquarters
located in Destrehan, LA. Visit JDM.org for more information on
how to register!
If you enjoy these anointed messages on the JDM App and would
like to become a Partner with Jesse Duplantis Ministries, visit our
website at jdm.org.

If you have been blessed by these powerful teachings, please pray about becoming a Partner with
Jesse Duplantis Ministries. With your precious Partnership, we are reaching people and changing
lives, one soul at a time, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! #totaljdm #pushthelight

paypal.me/JesseDuplantisMin • PayPal App: giving@jdm.org

20 • Voice of the Covenant
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March 2021 • jdm.org • 21

God’s Will Is
Hidden For You,
NOT From You

22 • Voice of the Covenant

Traveling in a different city have to roam around in the dark not knowing God’s
will for your life. You have a direct link to the throne
is a great learning experience. of God and can receive clear direction. The will of
God is not hidden from you, it is hidden for you. You
Road construction, detours, can reach your destiny!
one-way streets, no left turn,
and no U-turn signs make Refuse to Look at
it impossible to reach your Circumstances
This principle was made clear to me 31 years ago
destination without stopping while searching for our very first office building that
JDM purchased. The year was 1990, and Jesse had
for directions. asked me to find a building to relocate our ministry
It is wonderful when someone is able to direct headquarters to. We’d outgrown the small offices that
you to the precise place that you need to be. Suddenly, we were renting (less than 2,000 square feet) and
what seemed impossible only moments before is knew that it was time to purchase our own building.
no longer a problem. Confidence and expectation We had sown many seeds into building funds of
fill your heart when you know you are on the right churches around the nation and we were looking for
highway moving toward your destination. our harvest. So I began scouting out the land and was
Your Christian walk is a lot like that highway. determined to come back with a good report.
There is no reason for you to go around in circles and Every few days Jesse would ask me if I had found
never reach your destination. Jesus said, “But I tell you any buildings for him to look at. I didn’t want to tell
the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I him that the more I searched, the more impossible
do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I the situation looked. Either the price was ridiculously
go, I will send Him to you” ( John 16:7 NASB 1995). high or it was in the middle of a junk heap. Although
No matter what you are facing, regardless of the there seemed to be nothing available, I knew that
impossibility of it, you can know the will of God for the Lord wanted us to stop renting and purchase a
your life and see it come to pass. When you don’t larger building to handle the growth that He would
know which way to turn, or if you lose your way, just be sending to the ministry. I refused to look at the
stop and ask God for directions. When you daily circumstances and continued to trust the Holy Spirit.
spend time in His presence, He is able to reveal His One day, while praying for the building that
path for your life. The Holy Spirit wants to direct didn’t seem to exist in the natural, the Holy Spirit
each step that you take and be your personal guide. said, “Cathy, I have not hidden a building from you,
In John 16:13-14 AMPC, Jesus gave us this I have hidden it for you!” From that day, I had such a
powerful promise: “But when He, the Spirit of Truth wonderful peace about the whole project. Although
(the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into I could not see it in the physical, I thanked the Lord
all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not for our building that He had hidden for us.
speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He I’ll never forget the look on Jesse’s face when
will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will I drove him to the building that God had hidden
give the message that has been given to Him], and He for us. It was a fabulous antebellum style two-story
will announce and declare to you the things that are to building with 11,000 square feet of office space.
come [that will happen in the future]. When I told Jesse, “Wouldn’t it be great if we could
“He will honor and glorify Me, because He will take buy this property for $250,000.00?” Jesse thought
of (receive, draw upon) what is Mine and will reveal that the bottom floor alone was worth more than that
(declare, disclose, transmit) it to you.” amount. But he said, “If that is what God is telling
The Holy Spirit working and moving in your life you, go for it!”
gives you the advantage in every situation. You don’t I found out that the building and property
March 2021 • jdm.org • 23
were originally valued at $1,000,000.00, and began square feet of space on nine acres of property in the
negotiations to buy our first ministry headquarters. Greater New Orleans area. The project was completed
Every step of the way, we relied upon the Holy Spirit in October of 2000, and although that debt-free
to guide every word we said and prayed for favor construction was the biggest faith project we had ever
with the owners of the building and the real estate tackled, it turned out to be the easiest.
people. Miraculously, they accepted our offer of only Many people told us it was impossible to begin
$250,000.00, the exact figure God told us to pay. a construction project (which was expected to cost
When you have the Holy Spirit working on your $7,000,000.00) without borrowing money, but our
behalf, you always have the advantage. After all, it was God specializes in doing the impossible! We faced
not hidden from us, it was hidden for us. Glory! many challenges during that four-year building
God gave us many miracles in every phase of project, but the Holy Spirit was faithful to give us
that project, but I want to tell you about one in the advantage every step of the way. Now it is valued
particular. After the act of sale, we found out that at almost three times the original construction cost.
the owners had overlooked a previous purchase offer It is an excellent testimony of the power of God to
of $475,000.00 from a group of doctors that were bring His will to pass “in earth, as it is in Heaven”
renting space in the building. When we introduced (Matthew 6:10).
ourselves as the new owners and told the doctors they Realize today that whenever things look
had to move out, they were shocked. impossible, God is in a position to move in the realm
Of course, they wanted to know how much more of the miraculous. All He needs is someone that will
we had offered the bank than they did. When we believe His Word and refuse to back down. It doesn’t
told them we bought it for $250,000.00, it blew them matter if you are at the edge of the Red Sea, the walls
away. They couldn’t believe that the previous owners of Jericho, or in a hospital bed. Your miracle is not
did not contact them before selling the property hidden from you, it is hidden for you.
to JDM. But I knew that God had hidden it for us 1 Corinthians 2:10-13 says, “But God hath revealed
from them and any others that would try to buy it. A them unto us by His Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all
miracle was in motion and God had worked out every things, yea, the deep things of God.
little detail. It is great when you have the advantage For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the
and know someone in HIGH PLACES! spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God
knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but
It doesn’t matter if you
What are at the edge of the
the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things
that are freely given to us of God.

Shall Red Sea, the walls of Which things also we speak, not in the words which
man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost
Jericho, or in a hospital
I Do
teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.”
bed. Your miracle is not God’s Word is full of wonderful treasures for
For Thee? hidden from you, it is those that will dare to seek them out. If you need
2 kings 4:2
hidden for you. a physical healing, financial miracle, restoration of
your marriage, deliverance, or any good thing, God
has a promise for you in His Word. His blessings
are not hidden from you, they are hidden for you in
Refuse to Back Down His Word.
Well, it wasn’t long before that 11,000 square foot Make a commitment to study those things that
building could no longer handle all of the increase have been freely given to you by God and expect His
that God had ahead for JDM. Again, He had hidden will to come to pass. Even if we are weak and don’t
the perfect property on which to build our current know what to do, we can rely upon the Holy Spirit to
International Headquarters, with over 137,000 help us effectively pray according to God’s will.

24 • Voice of the Covenant

Romans 8:26-27 says, “Likewise the Spirit also Isaiah 35:8 (AMPC) says, “And a highway shall
helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we be there, and a way; and it shall be called the Holy Way.
should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit Itself maketh The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for the
intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. redeemed....”
And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the We don’t have to walk the same road as the world
mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the and live in the potholes of life. Jesus redeemed us
saints according to the will of God.” on the cross of Calvary and set a glorious highway
before us. It is not cluttered with detours and it is
never closed for construction. Jesus paved it with His
The Right Way precious blood and has reserved it for all that will
While in the presence of the Lord one day, He come unto Him.
showed me a vision that made me understand the You don’t have to be in the dark about God’s
importance of taking the right step. Instantly I will for your life. Under the inspiration of the Holy
saw two things: a revolving door and an escalator. Spirit, Paul wrote, “For ye were sometimes darkness,
I knew that it was up to me to choose one or the but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of
other. If I took a step through the revolving door, light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and
I would continually go around in circles and never righteousness and truth;) Proving what is acceptable
get anywhere. But one easy step onto the escalator unto the Lord…Wherefore be ye not unwise, but
would carry me into the presence of God and renew understanding what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians
my strength. 5:8-10, 17). And then in Colossians 1:9, Paul let the
God showed me that when I neglect time with church know that he was praying for them exactly
Him, I get stuck in that revolving door and stay that way: “For this cause we also, since the day we
frustrated. But when I spend time praising Him, heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that
suddenly I am climbing high above the distractions and ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all
demands of this life and walking with the Most High. wisdom and spiritual understanding.”
Things look a whole lot different when you stand God’s will is not hidden from you, it is hidden
in God’s presence. In a moment He can unravel the for you! You are created to walk in health. You are
most complicated situations and fill you with an destined to prosper. You are anointed to win and
unexplainable peace. He can make a way where there impossible to curse. Step into God’s presence today
is no way! and get ready for the ride of your life.


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challenge you to break off the limits in your mind and to ask God
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$18 usd • £14 • $24 aud
Order your copy of
Cathy’s DVD at jdm.org
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Celebrate the
at Covenant Church
1973 Ormond Boulevard
Destrehan, Louisiana 70047

Easter Sunday • 10am
JDM.ORG /JesseDuplantisMinistries /jesseduplantismin
GUEST SPEAKERS at covenant church


Sunday • 10AM Sunday • 10AM Sunday • 10AM Sunday • 10AM


intercessory Prayer 9am-9:45am – Family Room Mondays:
Worship Service 10am CT – Sanctuary United Youth 6pm-8pm ANNEX
Spanish Translation IntercessoryPrayer 7pm-8pm Family Room
Traducción en español disponible. Por favor contacte a uno
de los ujieres para mas información. 1973 Ormond Boulevard
Kidztown (3 months-5th grade) East Wing Destrehan, Louisiana 70047


/JDMCovenantChurch @jdm_covenantchurch @JDM_CC

26 • Voice of the Covenant
Free Admission • Everyone Welcome • Register at jdm.org

Enjoy these Glorious testimonies from our Facebook followers

who watched the conference online!

I’m so happy that this is online. I always wanted to attend a

Glorious Conference, but I couldn’t because of my job. Now, I’m
seeing two mighty vessels of God live!

I am hosting a Watch Party for our ministry! We have ladies from

WA State, ID, KS, and Guyana, South America to name a few
places. This is amazing! thank you for doing this. God bless you!

This is my first time to watch the Glorious Convention. I watch JDM

on Sunday’s online. I am looking forward to worshiping God with
you Ladies today, and I plan to be able to attend next year!

Enjoyed this conference very much all the way from South Africa.

I am in the right message at the right time! Watching from

Chennai, India.

March 2021 • jdm.org • 27

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Destrehan, LA 70047 PAID

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Voice of the Covenant MARCH 2021

More Peace, Joy, Favor, and

Blessings—Life Is Better When
You NEVER Learn to DOUBT
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“I Never Learned to Doubt”
New Book!
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at jdm.org Today!

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$16 usd • £12 • $21 aud

To receive the latest updates about Jesse’s new book,
email us at partnercare@jdm.org.

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