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Uht Plant

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A summary of the past and present of the Schreiber Dynamix Dairies Limited

he Schreiber Dynamix Dairies Limited was set up to produce best quality product which can
hold their own in the highly competitive national and international market and bring the benefits
to the milk producers. The plant houses state of the art of the technology, equipments and
manufacturing process. This plant was first to install a bactofuge.
The Dynamix Dairy is one of the largest automated and sophisticated dairies in India. It has been
awarded certifications by HACCP, ISO 22000, AGMARK, FPO, IEL, EIA and Food Safety
certificate from AIB and MMPO.
The plant is situated in Baramati having a pollution free environment and a rich source of cow’s
milk with a possibility of multifold increase in its quantity. The layout of the factory has been
planned in such a way that it has a green belt around it and thereby creating a dust and pollution
free environment.

Schreiber foods is a $3+ billion global enterprise and the world’s largest consumer-brand dairy
company. Schreiber provide products to the biggest names in fast food land are the world’s
largest supplier of private-label dairy products to grocery chains and wholesalers.
Founded in 1945,we have grown from a single production facility in Green Bay, Wis., to more
than a $3 billion global; enterprise and the world’s largest privately held Cheese Company.
In 1945, L.D.Screiber, in partnership with Merlin G.Bush and Daniel D.Nusbaum, organized the
L.D.Schreiber cheese company in Green Bay, Wis.Over the past ten years, Schreiber has grown
at a rate of close to one new manufacturing facility per year. By developing new products,
building new plants and acquiring businesses, Schreiber has increased their customer base and
market share and become an international leader that provides high quality products and superior
service at competitive costs.
Today, as in 1945, we remain steadfast in our commitment to quality, honesty, and integrity.
Schreiber continually strive to make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today.
Schreiber foods have production facilities throughout the United States and in Brazil, Germany
and Mexico. They have distribution centers in United States as well as joint venture partners in
France, India and Saudi Arabia. Schreiber’s corporate offices are in Green Bay, Wis. Sales
offices are located around the world.
Natural cheese, Process cheese, Cream cheese, Specialty cheese, Substitute/Imitation cheese,
Butter blends, other dairy Packaging/Design.

- -
Present Status:
Serial Particulars Details
1 Name Schreiber Dynamix Dairies Limited
2 Address E-94, M.I.D.C. Bhigwan Road, Baramati, Pune,
Maharashtra.(INDIA)PIN: 413 133
3 Year of Establishment 1995
4 Installed Plant 13.5 LLPD
5 Area 60 hectares
6 Products Rennet Casein, MPC-80
Lactose I.P. grade, Edible grade
SMP/WMP/Dairy whitener/WPC/Whey powder
Cheese (Natural, Mozzarella, Processed)
Butter & Ghee
UHT: Toned milk, Slim milk (skim), Cream, Cold coffee,
Fruit juices, Ice tea
7 Rated capacities S ecti on R at ed C apaci t y
Reception 3x30 KL/ hour
Casein 9 M T/ day
Lactose 8 M T/ day
UF pl an t 28 KL/ hour
C hees e 12 M T/ day
S p ray Dryer 1 35 M T/ day
S p ray Dryer 2 23 M T/ day
Evaporat or (3 nos .) 2 x 15 KL/ hour(m i l k)
1 x 28 KL/ hour (whey)
UHT 144 M T/ day

Milk Procurement and Payment Pattern at Schreiber Dynamix Dairy Limited

Sources of Raw Milk and Other Details:

T he Dynamix Dairy obtains its supply of raw milk from a number of district co-
operatives. The details of the sources of raw milk for Dynamix Dairy have
been tabulated below:

Number of district co-

Serial No Name of District
1 Pune 4
2 Solapur 10
3 Ahmednagar 10
4 Kolhapur 3
5 Beed 4
6 Satara 6
7 Sangli 6
Total 43

Dynamix has undertaken a brilliant step to obtain best quality milk by installing Bulk Cooling
stations at different places in the Baramati area. Total identified 108 spots for bulk cooling
stations are in operation now-a-days. The list of bulk cooling stations are given here under–

Sr. No. Name of Bulk cooling station Nos.

1. Baramati Taluka 39
2. Phaltan 11
3. Indapur 02
4. Pathardi 09
5. Sangamner 07
6. Rahuri 12
7. Daund 16
8. Shirur Taluka 12
Total 108

Equipments in bulk cooling stations:

Equipment I. Activity
Milko tester Producer wise fat testing of milk
Electronic weighing machine Accurate weighing of milk
Milk strainer with muslin cloth Filtration of milk through strainer and
muslin cloth
Milk cans Collection into clean cans
Pour into bulk coolers
Bulk cooler Cooling of milk to 3°C
Milk pump Transfer to S.S. insulated road milk
D.G. Sets Standby arrangement

Advantages of Bulk Cooling Stations:

Sr. No. Parameter Bulk cooler milk Conventional milk

1 Collection time 1/2 to 1 hr 2.5 to 5 hrs
2 Area of collection 3km radius 30km radius
3 Chilling temperature 30C 6 to 70C
4 MBR time of milk More than 1.5hr Less than1hr
5 Acidity (%LA) 0.12-0.14 0.13-0.15
6 SPC (Monthly avg.) 4-9 million/ml 7-10 million/ml

Scheme of milk procurement :

Milk received at Dynamix can hence be broadly classified into two groups: milk from bulk
cooling stations and milk from other sources.

1. Milk from bulk cooling stations:

There are specific tankers fixed on specific routes, which collects milk from those bulk coolers
where it’s duty is being assigned.

2. Milk from other sources:

Milk from other sources is also received in milk tankers from other co-operatives and Govt.

Payment Pattern:

The pricing policy is decided as per regulations of Maharashtra Government. Milk is paid on the
basis of its fat and SNF percentage. For this, milk should contain 3.5% fat and 8.5% SNF and
must have acidity less than 0.135% failing which milk is rejected. Payment is made to the
individual co-operatives after 10 days.

Activities taken place in the RMRD and Lab activities for its’ Acceptance.

M ilk reception at SDDL is fully mechanized and milk is received only

through milk tankers. It has 3 milk reception stations 1, 2&3. At each
emptying station the ilk tankers are connected to the milk reception
pipeline by means of Neoprene coated hosepipe after getting the permission form
the dock lab. Reception is done @ 30,000 l/h and all this lines are connected to
all 4 raw milk silos in Pre-process section via incoming valve cluster.

Activities in milk reception:

Milk Reception Milk Testing Food Safety

 Weighing of  Sampling of milk  Contaminant
tankers Monitoring
 Analysis
 Unloading of  Pest control
tankers c
 Cleaning of Physical

The Long-life product preparing section at a glance
chreiber Dynamix Dairies Limited has a totally automated UHT plant which was commissioned in
1998 with technical collaboration of Tetra Pak India Ltd. & Alfa Laval. Present capacity of the
plant is 144 MT per day. Various types of fruit juices, energy drinks, uht milks & milk products
are manufactured for the different firms according to their requirements.

Here two types of products are being manufactured-


Products having 0.5-0.8% acidity in terms of Products having max.0.14% acidity in
citric acid (esp. fruit juices) terms of Lactic acid (mainly milk based

Products are generally packed in 200ml & 1000ml packs as per requirement of the company

Varieties of Products
1. TROPICANA Orange premium Gold, Apple Premium Gold,
Grape premium Gold, Orange Sweet,
Pineapple premium, Mix Fruit Premium Gold,
Tomato Premium, New juicy orange
O.A. Tango, Juicy mix fruit, New juicy apple,
Fruit Fusion, Mango Nectar, Guava Nectar, Lychee Twirl,
Peach Twirl, Passion Fruit,
Apricot twirl, Strawberry twirl,
Hill Berry (Sebuckthrawn),
2. NESTLÉ Toned Milk, Skim milk, Cream, Frappe coffee,
Mango/Strawberry/Apple Fruit n’ Milk, Sweet Lassi

3. BRITANNIA Chocolate/Strawberry flavored Milk, Cold coffee

4. HLL Ice Tea (Lemon/Peach)
5. MOTER DAIRY Toned milk, Double toned milk
6. GREEN VALLEY Full Cream milk, Low fat milk
7. YOGI VITA Vita imli, Vita kokum, Vita lemon ginger, Vita amla ginger,
Vita mango drink
8. FDC LTD FDC Enerzal (mango & apple)- non fruit drinks

Different sections in this plant:

a) Ingredient store
b) Cold store for fruit juice concentrates
c) Thawing room
d) Dry ingredient mixing section
e) Pulp handling
f) Blending section
g) Sterilization/processing section
h) Aseptic filling section
i) Packing room
j) Laboratory
k) Control room
l) Finished Goods store

Ingredient store: All dry and liquid ingredients are store here at ambient condition.
(sugar, pectin, ascorbic acid, malic acid, tarataric acid, citric acid, salt, colors & flavors)
Cold store for fruit juice concentrate/pulp:
All types of fruit juice concentrates imported from Brazil, China, Canada are stored here at –20
to –290C. Except Apple concentrate which is stored at 0-5 0c
Thawing: Fruit juice concentrates are removed one day earlier of production, to reach the
temperature frozen state to ambient condition.
Sugar dissolving section: This section prepares sugar syrup for making juice. Sugar is dumped
in hopper and required quantity of water or milk flows into the tank, its quantity is controlled
thorough the ‘Load Cell’ in the tank. This is heated in PHE to 60oC and passed through
‘Triblender’, which mixes sugar into the solution. This solution is then fed back to the tank.

Flow Chart for Sugar syrup preparation:
Filling tank with demineralized water
(Heating to 65 0c)

Addition of sugar in dissolving tanks

Heating to 80-85 addition of activated carbon

(Holding 30 min) & Diatomaceous Earth

Filtration filter press(0.45 micron )

(Till clear sugar syrup obtained)

Cooling (25-30oC) PHE

Storage in Sugar Syrup Tank

Sr. No. Description Capacity
1. Sugar solution preparation tank 1 & 2 5000 L each
2. Sugar solution circulation pump 10000 LPH
3. Sugar solution dosing pump 8000 LPH
4. PHE-Heating Section (DM water) 10000 LPH
5. PHE-Cooling section 8000 LPH
6. Triblender 10000 LPH
7. Buffer tank + Rotary Valve 1000 LPH

Pulp handling: From thawing room FJC/pulp is taken in this section, where
required quantity is measured in dump tank provided with weight cell and
transferred through positive displacement screw pump to blending section.
Blending Section: This section will prepare juice by blending water with the
concentrated fruit pulp. Here, the final product viz. juice, which is ready for
processing, is stored and the product then goes to the processing section. DM

Sr. No. Description Capacity
1. Pulp unloading pump 8000LPH
2. Pulp dump tank 5000L
3. Blending tank 1,2 & 3 12000L
4. Fresh milk unloading pump 10000LPH
5. Juice unloading pump 15-4000LPH
6. Tank CIP return pump 15000LPH
7. Milk feed line-1 6000LPH
8. Milk feed line-2 6000LPH
9. Flow meter 15000LPH

water received from water treatment plant (WTP) is passed through 10-micron
filter then UV-sterilized and transfer to the blending & sugar syrup preparation
tanks after chilling.
Sterilization/Processing Section: The activities in this section include
sterilization, homogenization, and aseptic storage before filling. High acid
sterilizer (for high acid products like juice, ice tea etc,) Low acid sterilizer (for
slim milk & toned milk). The homogenizers are of aseptic type i.e. products can
be homogenized after sterilization.
Name of equipment Make Capacity Number of Units
High Acid Sterilizer Alfa-Laval 6,600lph 1
Low Acid Sterilizer Tetra-Pak 10,000lph 1
Alsafe Tetra-Pak 20,000l 1
Alsafe Tetra-Pak 30,000l 1
Tetra Alex (Homogeniser) Tetra-Pak 10,000 2

Product flow diagram for High acid sterilizer.

Pulp Peristaltic Pulp dump
Lobe pump
concentrate pump tank

Deareator Balance tank Chilled water

Preheater Sterilizer (92°C/30

(60°C) sec)

Cooling by chilled Cooling by normal Cooling by regeneration

water water (44°C)

CPM (Constant Pr. Tetra ALSAFE(20000 ltr

Packing machine
Modulator) capacity)

TBA filling machine

High acid sterilizer has different holding time depending upon the product flow rate.

Sr. No. Flow rate Holding time

1 6600LPH 8.5sec.
2 3500LPH 22Sec
3 1800LPH 11Sec.

Above mode is non-aseptic i.e. homogenization is done before sterilization. This is called
upstream flow. In aseptic mode, homogenization of product is done after sterilization by
maintaining strict aseptic condition at temperature of about 1100C. This is called downstream
flow. Non aseptic-juices & ice tea.

The aseptic storage tank is called ‘Tetra ALSAFE,’ its capacity is 20000L. The sterilized
product is stored here aseptically before going to filling machine. The interesting thing is that
there is no unloading pump here. The tank is pressurized to 100Kpa and product is transferred by
air pressure(1.3bar). Before product filling in the tank is sterilized at 1250C/30 min. by live


Product Flow path in LA Sterilizer :

Plant sterilization Blending Regeneration Feed
(137°C/30 min) tank section pump

Heating Balance
Homogenizer Deaerator
(75°C) tank

Heating section (135- Holding (4 Pre-cooling

140°C) sec.) section

Aseptic Final cooling

Aseptic filling machine
tank (regeneration (25°C)

The homogeniser attached with LA sterilizer is called ‘TETRA ALEX 30A’. This is
aseptic type homogeniser. I.e. product can be homogenized after sterilizer in aseptic condition.
The special feature for this homogeniser is that, the seal water used for pistons is sterilized DM

Sr. No. Parameters Value

1 Max. Capacity 10000 LPH
2 Working Capacity 6000 LPH
3 Sterilization temp. 135 °C
4 Holding time 30 sec.

Aseptic Filling Section:

Aseptic filling is done by different Tetra brick aseptic (TBA) machines installed by Tetra pak,
Sweden. The packaging material used is 7 ply laminate. Rolls of packaging material are fed,
packages formed and product filling and sealing is done in these machines.
Sr. No. TBA m/c Nos. Packets per hour Flow
1. TBA-8 2 6000 6000 LPH
2. TBA-19 2 7500 1500 LPH

3. TFA/3-100 2 7500 7500 LPH FINO PACK M/C

4. TWA 1 -

Operation sequence of machine:

Lamin Creasing Strip Peroxide
Dating unit
ate unit attachment bath

LS, tube Aseptic Calender

Air knife
formation chamber roller

Package Sealing &

Product filling Conveying
formation cutting

where U- straw is attached by hot melt glue (250-300 0 C). Then these packets are
loaded into CBB trays and finally forwarded towards shrink wrapper.
The packaging machines in this section:
Tetra tray shrink wrapper-No of m/cs:2; Capacity -1200 trays/hr;
Film used- LDPE; Temperature of tunnel-150-170 0 C
Tetra tubex 9001 applying machine :- 2;
Tetra card board packer 65machine:-2
Tetra multi shrink wrapper:-2;
Tetra cap applying 21 machine :- 1
Stiching machine :- 3

Sr.N Description Standard
1 Compressed air pressure 6-7 bar
2 D.M. water pressure 3-4.5 bar
3 Cooling water pressure 3-4.5 bar
4 Cooling water temperature 12-150c
5 Steam pressure 1.5-2.0 bar
6 Steam temperature 1250c
7 Sterile air pressure 0.25-0.35 bar
8 Sterile air temperature 125 0c
9 Design correction knob 1-10 div
10 Design correction pressure 2-3 bar
11 Flap sealing pressure 1.5-3.5 bar
12 Squeeze roller pressure 1.7-2.4 bar
13 Spray container air pr. 3-4 bar
14 Photocell unit air pressure 0.1-0.4 bar
15 L.S pr. 2.5-2.7 kpa
16 L.S temp. (tube sealing) 250-260 0c
17 L.S temp. (production) 320 0c
18 S.A temperature TBA-19 500
TBA-8 290
19 Jaw pr. 86-96 bar
20 Cutting pr. 80-90 bar
21 Pre sterilization temperature 270 0c
22 Hydrogen peroxide bath temp. (ccp) >70 0c
23 Super heater temp. production 360 0c
24 Hydrogen peroxide pr. 2 bar
25 L.S short stop pr. 2.0 kpa
26 S.A short stop pr. 2.0 kpa

Flow chart for Fruit Juices
Receiv in g fro zen FJC &
Ch illed juice co ncen trate DM water fro m W T P
fo r g rap e

Sto rage o f FJC at Filtratio n th ro u g h 5 & 10

-15 to -20°C micro n filters

Th awin g UV s terilis atio n

Emp ty in g FJC fro m b arrel Ch illing & res terilis atio n o f

an d tran s fer to d ump tan k DM W th ro u g h UV

FJC to b len d ing tan k DM W to b len d in g tan k

Blend in g ju ice
co n cen trate with water

Sterilizatio n o f HA S
(110°C/30min .)

Tran s fer b lend ed ju ice

to HA S
2mm s ize filter fo r clear ju ices
6mm fo r p u lp y ju ices
Other ingredients (salt,
Sterilizatio n o f ju ice at citric, malic acid, flavor)
min 92C/8.5 s ec

Sterilizatio n o f A ls afe

Sterilized ju ice to A ls afe

Fillin g m/c

Sealin g

In s p ectio n

Packin g in CBB/s traw

app licato r

Sh rin k wrap of tray s Sto rag e

Flow chart for Plain UHT Milk

Receiving raw milk (<100C)


Storage in silo

Bactofugation and

Transfer to 60KL tank<100C

Addition of
Mixing of past. Milk with
balance milk in 60KL tank

Sterilization of LAS

Transfer milk from tank to

LAS through 1mm filter

Sterilization of milk °
C/4s (SM, TM)

Sterilization of Alsafe and

transfer lines at 1250C/30min.

Transfer sterlised milk to


Transfer to filling m/c

Filling of laminated packs

Sealing of filled packs

Inspection of filled packs

Packing in CBB/straw
application/multi shrink

Shrink wrap of tray


Fruit juice concentrate
Concentrates/pulp Brix Acidity%
Orange juice conc. Kinnows-660 2.0-2.2
Brazil-57.980 2.76-3.58
Apple juice conc. 700 1.6-2.4
Grape conc. 65.80 0.77-1.52
Tomato conc. 27.30 1.52-2.6
Mixed fruit conc. 53.00 2.06
Mango pulp Totapuri-280 1.2
Alpanso-170 0.65
Fruit fusion 52.90 1.49
Imli (tamarind) pulp 260 6-8
Lemon 470 3.8-4.0
Amala 630 1.5
• FJC are mainly stored at -180c in cold store room.

Fruit juices (100%Natural)

Tropicana Premium gold

Product Brix0 Acidiy%

Orange 11.80-12.00 0.58-0.75
Apple 11.70-12.10 0.27-0.41
Grape 15.70-16.00 0.25-0.37
Orange Grape 13.40-13.70 0.37-0.52

Fruit juices (85% premium)

Product Brix0 Acidiy%
Mixed fruit 13.10-14.40 0.39-0.67
Juicy mix fruit 13.90-14.30 0.32-0.5
Orange 14.90-15.20 0.57-0.7
Pineapple 13.10-13.30 0.52-0.75
Orange Apple tango 12.70-13.00 0.43-0.57

Fruit juices (20% Nectar)

Product Brix0 Acidiy%
Mango 15.00-15.30 0.28-0.3
Guava 14.80-15.20 0.25-0.28
Lychee Twirl 14.60-15.00 0.21-0.31
*pH of all the juices is maintained at 4.2

UHT Laboratory
In UHT there is a lab where online as well as finished products testing are being performed.
Sediment testing for sugar solution used in the process is also being done. Other essential tests
performed are:-fat, SNF, acidity, pH, brix (determining the total conc. of soluble solid matters
contained in solution)
1) Sediment test: The sugar solution obtained from filter press is checked for its clarity.25 ml of
sugar solution is passed through 0.45 micron filter paper if sediments are observed then syrup is
2) Standardization of brix: (table refractometer)
After blending sample is checked for desired brix using table refractometer, if brix is too
high or too low then it is standardizaed by formula

Volume of Tank * brix actual = volume of tank on final blend * final brix

Required water for standardization= volume of tank on final blend - Volume of Tank

3) Acidity of the pulp & juices:

Sample: for pulp 5 ml pulp & 5 ml dm water
For juice 10 ml juice sample.
Samples are taken in plastic beaker and 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein is added (for apple
concentrate starch indicator is used). Titrate with 0.1 N NaOH. Till end point appears (pink). In
case of imli pulp and apple concentrate till pH is 8.2.

Acidity = B.R *multiplying factor / wt. Of sample

product Measured in Multiplying factor B. Reading

Apple % malic acid 0.67
Imli % tartaric acid 0.75
Citrus fruit/juice % citric acid 0.64
UHT milk % lactic acid 0.9

4) Determination of calcium content in juice

1. Mix sample thoroughly and take 50 ml in centrifuge tube
2. Add 1 ml of 1 N HCl and mix properly.
3. Centrifuge at 1600 rpm 10-15 sec.
4. Pipette out 5 ml in conical flask & add 50 ml DM water.
5. Add NaOH (45%w/v) till pH reaches 10-11.
6. Add pinch of Erichrome Black T indicator. Titrate with EDTA til color changes from
red to blue.

Mg of Ca/100ml = 40 * B.R/volume of sample

5) Calculation of vitamin C content (ascorbic acid):
1. Take 100 ml of blended sample in conical flask add pinch of potassium iodide.
2. Titrate with iodine solution (0.05 N) using starch indicator(2%).
3. End point blue color

Mg of ascorbic acid/100 ml = iodine factor * B.R

Iodine factor: Take 0.1-0.12 gm ascorbic acid. Dissolve in 100 ml distilled water. Add pinch of
KI & titrate with 0.05 N I2 soln. End point –blue color

I2 factor = wt. of ascorbic acid (gm)/ vol. of I2 solution used(ml)* 103

6) Testing of package (Tetra Pak):

During the filling and packaging of the product package is tested for its pack integrity test
(i.e. conductivity test, LS, TS & Dye test.)
a) Conductivity test: product is emptied from the packs and packet is cut into two halves &
inner part is washed out. Then one halve is filled with salt solution up to half level. It is
kept in salt solution tub then check ammeter needle deflection by dipping one electrode in
salt solution and other in packet.
b) LS test (longitudinal seal): Cut opposite sides of LS. With the help of syringe pierce dye
solution (Erich Rome dye) through LS then observe for spreading of dye away from axis.
c) TS test(transversal sealing): Cut arms of packet cut 1mm at right angles to TS on each
side of package. Bend with the help of plier & check lump & ridges in sealing area. If
the lump or ridges are found or if all foil is completely separatedin sealing area. Then TS
is positive.
d) Dye test: Spread dye on packs, dry it then peel off three layers from outer part If dye
observed in 4th layer then test is positive.

Microbiological test: At the time of dispatch of the product microbiological testing is done.
In online processing of the product swab test is taken to check hygiene of processing equipment.
Total plate count of the finished product should be less than 1 or absent in 0.1 gm. OSA(orange
serum agar) is used for TPC.

CIP for UHT:

The UHT section has got an integrated CIP system. There are two CIP circuits A & B for
processing section. Along with them, there is a separate dedicated CIP circuit for TBA machines
and Tetra Alsafe, this is known as ALCIP-20. Centralized CIP-A circuit, Centralized CIP-B
circuit; ALCIP-20.
Circuit-A is for sugar section, juice section and Circuit-B is for the blending section.

Flushing with Caustic Caustic Caustic

water dosing circulation draining

Acid draining Acid Acid dosing Rinsing


Final rinsing with normal


Aseptic Intermediate Cleaning (AIC):

The full CIP cycle takes 70-90 min. It is normally done after production but a short CIP can be
done during a long production period without losing the aseptic condition of the plant. When the
temp. difference of product before holding tube and hot water after steam injection goes above
7oC then AIC to be done, to remove sediment build up in the production line.
Time required for AIC: 30-45min
Caustic Caustic Balance tank
dosing circulation emptying


The plant does not have to be presterilized after AIC. This method saves down time and permits
longer production run.

CIP programmed for UHT pipelines:

Routine CIP per day:

Sr. No. Steps Parameter Duration / temp.
1. Rinse Normal water 15min
2. Rinse Hot water 15min
3. Lye 1.5-2.0% 75-80oC/min

Weekly CIP:
Sr. No. Steps Parameter Duration / temp.
1. Pre rinse Water 15min
2. Rinse Hot water 15min
3. Lye 1.5-2.0% strength 75-80oC/30min
4. Rinse Water
5. Acid 1-1.5%strength Until the pH comes to

Sterilization with hot water:

Sr. No. Steps Parameter Duration / temp.
1. HA Steriliser 110oC/20min
2. LA Steriliser 120oC/30min

*CIP Acid - nitric acid1%; phosphoric acid 1%; nitric acid+ phosphoric acid
*external cleaning /manual cleaning wiping:- alkali foam; acid foam; disinfection foam; alkali
solution; delining foam/ citric acid solution; manual cleaning: alcohol solution; manual
disinfection; alcohal solution; iso propenol (70%)

A Brief Overview of Casein Section

S DDL manufactures the casein : Edible Rennet Casein. In the manufacturing

process of rennet casein skim milk is taken in filling tank & rennet is added.

This plant is fully automated & divided into two subsections.

1. Wet section (Coagulation, Decantation, washing and pasteurization of curd,

drying up to 50% moisture).
2. Dry section (Drying of curd, milling, sifting and storing of casein powder.)

Important process parameters of Rennet Casein manufacture:

Sr. Parameter Value

1 Receiving pasteurized skim milk < 0.1% fat
2 Pre-heating 28-32°C
3 Preparation of rennet solution 140-170g/15-20 lit. Water
4 Adding rennet solution to 140-170g/12000 lit. Of milk
coagulation tanks
5 Heating 45-56°C
6 Cooling of curd by cold water 38-45°C
7 Washing of curd 40-45°C, 20-30min,pH 4.6
8 Sieving 100 mesh
9 Pasteurization of curd 72°C/30 min, 35% tank level
10 First stage cooling with DM water 50-65°C
11 Second stage cooling with cooling 40-50°C
tower water
12 Decantation 50-55 % Moisture
13 Drying in ring dryer Inlet 140-230°C,
Outlet 55-90°C
14 Cooling in fluid bed cooler 35-45°C
15 Milling 90/50/30 mesh
16 Storage in silo <70%
17 Vacuum in drying chamber 750-850 mmWC

Flow Sheet of Rennet Casein Manufacture:
P a s te u r i z ed S k i m M il k

P r e- H e at 2 8 - 3 2 ° C

1 S tor a ge 1 .1
R e n n et s o l u ti on

C oa gu la ti on

C u tti n g of cu r d

H e at to 4 5 -5 5 ° C

H ol d i n g
C oo li n g to 3 8 -4 5 ° C

H ol d i n g
W h ey fo r fu r th er
3 D e can ter -1 3 .1
p r oce s s in g
4 W as h i n g tan k

W as h w ater S ieve 5

H ot D M P as te u r i z ation ta n k (m i n . 7 2 °
6 .1 6
W ate r C for 2 0 m i n ) (C C P )

C ool i n g (4 0 - 4 5 ° C ) 7

8 D e can ter -2 W as h w ate r

9 H op p er

10 R i n g d r y er
11 F lu i d b e d cool in g

12 S i fter C o ar s e p ar ti cl e
14 S to r age i n p ow d er s il o M il li n g

15 P ack in g

16 M etal d e tector (C C P )

17 P al leti z in g

18 FGS

C. I. P. :

Product CIP type Interval Duration

Rennet casein acid cleaning on 4th day of production 185 minutes

Running CIP Program:

Steps Duration
Pre rinse 10 minutes
Lye 40 min.
Lye stop decanter 30 minutes
Intermediate rinse 10minutes
Acid stop decanter 30 minutes
Acid start
decanter 25 minutes
Final rinse 35 minutes
Drain 5 minutes

CIP solution parameter:

CIP Solution Strength (%) Temperature ° C

Lye 1.5—2.0 75-80
Acid 1.5—2.0 60-65

Line CIP in casein section:

Steps Temperature ° C Duration

Water 20 --
Caustic 50 25 minutes
Caustic 80 25 minutes
Stop decanter -- 25 minutes
Water 70 15 minutes
Acid 60 20 minutes
Start decanter -- 20 minutes
Water 20 45 minutes
Empty pipes -- 1 minute


A brief outline of the Whey Process Section at SDDL

Pre-processing of whey is very important as the performance and smooth running of UF
plant depends upon it. The whey obtained from casein and cheese section is processed here to
make it suitable for feeding UF plant.

Process flow diagram for Cheese Whey:

Cheese whey from cheese section

Storage in tank


PHE (48-50°C)

Lye dosing (pH = 6.8-7.2)

Storage in tank (Level = 3000 L)


Separation of calcium phosphate


Storage in tank

Acid dosing (pH = 6.2-6.5)

Sent to UF

A brief outline of the Lactose Section at the SDDL
Lactose Section at a Glance

S DDL manufactures Edible & I.P. grade lactose from the cheese and casein whey.Highly
advanced UF plant has been installed here which separates whey into permeate and WPC
liquid.Lactose I.P. grade is used as pharmaceutical aid, & edible as a diluents, also as good
flavour generator & enhancer, good pigment absorber & in infant foods.

Important Process parameters

Sr. Parameter Value

1 Receiving clarified whey 45-52°C, pH 6.0-6.8 (sweet
whey), pH 4.0-4.6 acid whey
2 Material Polyethersulfone
Pore size 0.1 
Pressure 100-400 psi
Temperature 50°C for processing, 75°C for
Operating pH 1-12 at 50°C
Feed flow 30,000 lph
Total number of vessels 6 modules
Baseline pressure <45 psi
3 Retentate 7.5-9.5% TS,
4 Permeate 3.0-5.0% TS pH 4.3- 4.8(acid
whey), 6.0-6.6 (rennet whey).
5 Permeate storage 40-55°C
6 Evaporation 50-65% final TS,65-70°C
7 Primary crystallization by circulation Crystal size before cooling
of chilled water through jacket <10 micron and after
crystallization 150-400 
50-60%TS, 35-50% lactose
8 Cooling rate @ 3°C/hour up to 30°C,
@1.5-1.7°C /hour up to 17°C
9 Refining Decanter feed rate 2500 kg/hour
Refiner out TS 50-55%
Wash water pH 4.0-4.5,<25% TS, SI
2ml(max),crystal <100 
Mother liquor PH 4.0,35% TS max.,SI
2ml(max),crystal <100 

10 Remelt Temperature 90 o C
(CCP) PH 4.0-5.0
TS 45-55%

Sr. Parameter Value
Diatomaceous earth 0.01-0.2% of refined crystals
added at 80°C
Activated carbon 0.1% level added at 30°C
11 Pre-coat 70-80°C, diatomaceous earth

12 Filtration 5.5 bar

13 Secondary crystallization Crystal size before cooling
<10  and after
crystallization 150-400 
45-55%TS, 40-50% lactose
14 Drying Centrifuge feed rate 1000-2000lph
Primary dryer Inlet 100-130°C outlet 80-
95°C, 10-50 mmWC vacuum
Secondary fluid bed dryer Inlet 80-110°C, outlet 75-
95°C, 10-50 mmWC vacuum
15 Milling 200 mesh
16 Sifting 30 mesh, 30-40°C

Flowchart for manufacture of Lactose

Processing of sweet (rennet and cheese) whey:

Sweet whey


Heating min. 76 C

Clarified whey storage

Preheating 46-52 C

UF Retentative (WPC)

Permeate Chiller (PHE) <7° C

Permeate storage tank WPCstorage tank

Primary crystallizer and refining:


Evaporation (55-58% T.S.,

70-75°C temp.)

Primary crystallization

Gradual cooling to <= 17 C

Decanter Mother Liquor

Wash water to
Refiner stage-I
permeate tanks

Refiner stage-II
Balance tank
Refiner stage-III

DMW tubular Secondary crystallizer

Refiner stage-IV
cooler (<=17°C) for edible grade

Remelting tank for I.P.

Bal. tank

Dryer Wash

Remelting and filtration Drying of Lactose:
(Only in case of I.P. grade):
Remelt tank Secondarycrystallizer

Addition of activated
carbon &diatomaceous Primarydrying

Remelting at 80-90°C Fluidbeddrying

(Diatomaceous. earth
coated + water in Milling
balance tank))

Filter press Sifting

crystallization Palletizing

Cooling to <=17°C FGS

U.F. (Ultra Filtration) System:
1. Flush the system with water.
2. Circulate caustic and chlorine at 48-52°c Ph range-11-11.5(Add 2.75 to
3 litres of 8U-825/P3 ultracil41 slowly to the water tank.
3. Circulate for 20 minutes in whole system.
4. Rinse system with water.
5. Add acid 3 to 3.5 litres of SU-475/P3 Ultracil slowly to the water tank
ACID wash cycle@48-52°c Ph range-1.9 to 2.2 and circulate for 20
minutes in whole system.
6. Rinse with water.
7. Circulate caustic and chlorine at 48-52°c Ph range-11-11.5(Add 2.75
to 3 litres of 8U-825/P3 ultracil41 slowly to the water tank.
8. Storage in 5 and 6 and add 10 ml. of chlorine.
9. After 5 minutes measure the chlorine level. Chlorine level must be 150
10. Circulate for 20 minutes in that part.
11. Now store it into 3 and 4 circulate for 5 minutes.
12. Rinse with water.

Dryer CIP

Steps Duration
Pre Rinse 600s
Lye 1500s
Intermediate rinse 600s
Acid rinse 900s
Final Rinse 600s
Hot water sterilization 600s
Cooling 600s
Dynamix dairy plant is a multileveled plant and it is so strategically
planned that to every section their individual packaging section is situated at the
down stair.

Rennet Casein, MPC LDPE liner in 25 kg Kraft paper bags lined
Lactose with HDPE fabric with 1ply paper liner

A Brief Record of Dahi Section

DDL manufactures Dahi which is a fermented product
obtained from pasteurized milk by addition of mixed starter
SDDL manufactures dahi in average 10 MT per day only for
NESTLE as per their specification.

The Dahi section has one processing section and one

packing section. Instead of these there are also a incubation
chamber,a quick chill room and a cold store. The plant isn’t
computerized, it is mainly handled manually.

Flowchart for Dahi manufacture

Receiving milk of minimum fat

3.5% and minimum snf 8.5%

Standardization as per the

requirement of the type of Dahi

Homogenization at 160/50 bar

Pasteurization at 96°C and

passed for 6 mins in holding

Stored in pasteurization tank at


Transfer of milk to inoculation

tank as per batch requirement

Heating upto 43°C and

inoculate with required
quantity of starter culture

Filling started in cups through

filling machine.

Incubation at 43°C for 4-5
hours till pH reaches to 4.7
- 4.8

Transferred to quick chill room

at 4°C for ½ an hr

For flavored Dahi stored in cold

store for 3-4 hrs.


Addition of flavoring materials

and mixing finely.
Transferred to quick chill room
at 4°C for ½ an hr Filling through machine.

Dispatch from the factory after

minimum 18 hrs of cooling.

Types of products:

Types of Dahi Flavor Net Weight

Set Dahi Slightly acidic 85,200,400
Fruit N Dahi Mango & 100
Milkmaid Yoghurt Mango & 100

- -
Slim Dahi Slightly acidic 200,400
Jeera Raita Cumin flavored 185,380

Specifications for different products:

Types of Dahi Fat% SNF%
1. Set Dahi 3.3 10.8
2. Fruit N Dahi 2.9 20.5
3. Milkmaid 2.0 14.5
4. Jeera Raita 2.0 14.5
5. Slim Dahi 2.0 14.5

Cleaning and CIP Details:

CIP time Schedule:  total time taken; -2 hr 30 minutes

No. Particular Duration
1 Pre Rinse 10 minutes
Lye circulation (FDV
2 Forward) 20 minutes
Lye circulation (FDV
3 Bypass) 30 minutes
4 Intermediate rinse 20 minutes
Acid circulation (FDV
5 Forward) 20 minutes
Acid circulation (FDV
6 Bypass) 30 minutes
7 Final rinse 20 minutes

Residual or final pH: 7.4

*Manual cleaning is done of the milk cans, parts of filling
machines and short pipelines (temporarily used during filling
or standardization) and these are sterilized by steam for 2 hrs.

Problems arise during operation:
Sr. No. Types of problems Oriented with
1. Foil slippage Filling machine
2. Cup missing Filling machine
3. Heater temp. down Filling machine
4. Improper sealing Filling machine
5. Cup leakages Filling machine
6. Coliform & Mould growth Improper handling
7. Separation of whey Excessive low pH

An insight into the steam-generating unit of Schreiber Dynamix Dairies Limited

A steam generator or boiler is a closed pressure vessel used to generate steam its
function is to transfer the heat produced by the combustion of fuel to water and
ultimately to generate steam. It consists of the boiler shell, combustion chamber,
grate, furnace, heating surface, mountings and accessories.

The selection of the type and size of a boiler depends upon the capacity,
working pressure, steam pressure, availability of fuel and water, load factor and
available space, initial cost, operating cost and maintenance cost.


Sr. Parameter Value

No. : 2
Make : Thermax Ltd.
Type : Twin drum, 3 pass, smoke tube, horizontal, oil
fired boiler.
Fuel : Furnace Oil
Voltage : 415, Ph 3, Hz 50
Working pressure : 17.5kg/cm 2
Capacity : 10 ton/hr
No. : 1
Make : Thermax
Type : 3 pass, reverse flue, smoke tube, horizontal, oil
fired boiler.
Fuel : FO
Working : 17.5bar
Capacity : 6 ton/hr
No. 2
Make Thermax Ltd
Type 3-pass smoke tube boiler with superheater
Fuel Furnace oil (pilot flame with LPG)
Voltage 415,3Ph, 50 Hz
Working 17.5kg/cm 2
Capacity 13,200kg/hr

The steam produced by boiler comes to a common header, from
where two tappings are taken. Each tapping is fitted with a PRV (Pressure
Reducing Valve). They reduce the pressure to 2.5-4kg/cm 2 (low Pressure steam),
8-kg/cm 2 (Medium pressure steam) and 16.5kg/cm 2 (High pressure steam).
All the boilers are equipped with an economiser to preheat the
incoming water by utilizing the remaining heat of outgoing flue gas.

Thermopaks: For mineral dryer

1 TF Heater for TPA-20 Oil.

Make : Thermax
Output : 2000000 Kcal/hr
Max. Temperature : 280 o C

2 TF Heater for TPA-15 Oil: for casein and lactose dryer

Output : 1500000 Kcal/hr
Max. Temperature : 300 o C

Operation of Boiler

Start up of steam boiler:

1. Check the water level in the feed water service tank and maintain the
required level of the feed water.
2. Check the level of furnance oil(f.o.)in the feul service tank.if the level of
f.o. is lower than the marked level, fill up the tank by starting f.o. transfer
pump at furnace oil storage yard.
3. Switch on main switch individual isolator switches for all equipments and
control supplies, in boiler control panel.
4. Select and switch on fuel preheating and one of the fuel pump. fill up fuel
lines by circulating fuel.
5. Keep the boiler vent valve open and main steam valve closed.
6. Keep the boiler and super heater open and main steam valve closed.
7. Select the switch ON, one of the feed water pump. The water level is
controlled by level controller (DP transmitter together with the pid
controller),depending upon the water level.
8. Switch on the oil preheating electric heater.
9. Check LPG gas cylinder pressure for piolet flameand open the valve of the
10. Switch ON the blower motor.
11. Before starting the burner. Ensure that modulation switch is in OFF
12. After ensuring min 65% water level in boiler and 110 degree
cel.fuel temperature, switch on the burner.
13. When pressure is about 3 kg/cm2, change fuel heating mode to
steam heating mode.If the steam pressure in the boiler is already more
than 3 kg/ cm2 continue with steam heating mode.

14. Keep air vent valve of super heater closed.
15. When steam pressure built up to 16-kg/cm2 open main steam valve.
16. After releasing the steam in to the plant, switch on to the
modulation switch.
17. Additional operating procedures for SM-140B boiler.

Monitoring of the boiler during operation:

1. Feed water analysis shall be done once in a day to check hardness and Ph
value feed water hardness should be below 10 ppm and Ph value should be
between 8-10. if the hardness goes above 10 ppm inform W.T.P. operator
for necessary action.
2. Check for any excessive sound coming from motors or any moving part.
3. All valves, joints, head hole and manhole cover should be leak tight.
4. Ensure that the water level is correct and study in gauge glass level gauge.
5. Ensure that the exhaust from chimney is almost colourless.
6. Ensure that the steady steam pressure is maintained.
7. Blow down the boiler if T>D.S. level goes beyond 4500 ppm.
Stopping of steam boiler:
1. Switch off the burner modulation switch.
2. Switch off the burner switch.
3. Close the boiler steam stop valve.
4. Keep the air vent slightly open.
5. Switch off the blower switch.
6. Switch off switches for all other equipments, and close all other relevant
7. Put off electric supply from M.C.C.
8. Clean the boiler and its surroundings of the dripped oil water.

Consumption of steam per day:

The total requirements of steam for main plant is 400 MT/day and for UHT plant
15 MT/day.

A brief outline of the artificial cooling system of SDDL

A t the Dynamix Dairy there is a well-equipped refrigeration section that handles

the entire refrigeration load in the following two ways.

By direct system: - In butter and cheese cold stores.

By indirect system: - In ice bank tanks.

Basic vapor compression refrigeration cycle

Receiver Evaporator

Condenser Compressor

The types of compressors are as follows:

2 compressors are of 120 tonnes capacity, size 11'' x 10'' used for IBT.
3 compressors are of 80 tonnes capacity, size 9'' x 9'' used for IBT.
2 compressors are of capacity 15 tones each and used for cheese and butter cold

The refrigerant used in all compressors is ammonia. All the compressors are of reciprocating
type, single acting and are made by FRICK INDIA. The cooling head of all the refrigeration
compressors in total is 18.5cu.m / hr. This refrigeration plant has been designed to handle a load
of 500 tones per day.

The refrigeration section has:

Four ice bank tanks, each of capacity 50000ltrs. , temperature of 1 - 3°C.

Three receivers of horizontal type.
The condenser is of 'Water Cooled Atmospheric' type.

Common parameters for refrigeration plant

Sr. No. Parameters Values

1 Discharge pressure 180 - 190 psi.
2 Suction pressure 20 - 30 psi.
3 Oil pressure 50 - 55 psi.
4 Receiver pressure 170 - 180 psi.

Requirement of refrigeration per day:
The total requirements of refrigeration effect for main plant is 11000TR/day and for UHT plant
is 2500 TR/day.There is a separate refrigeration plant dedicated exclusively to the UHT plant.


Sr Parameters Description
1 Type Screw compressor
2 Capacity 102 tones / hr.
3 Motor Crompton Greaves
4 Current 215 amperes

Operating Parameters

Sr. No. Parameter 9”*9” Compressor 11”*10”

1. Suction pressure 2 Psi 20 Psi
2. Suction temperature -30°C -15°C
3. Discharge pressure 170 Psi 170 Psi
4. Discharge temperature 30°C 25°C
5. Oil pressure 40 Psi 46 Psi
6. Oil temperature -4°C -1°C

Refrigerated air dryer start up procedure:

Start reciprocating compressor.

Switch on reciprocating air dryer.
Open outlet valve of air dryer,
Open inlet valve of air dryer. (Air temp. must not greater then 50degree)

Dried and compressed air is the one of the most important things for the Dynamix dairy as all the valves
are pneumatically operated using the automation system.
Flow of air:
Suction Cooler cum
Filter Compressor Discharge
valve dryer

Air receiver
To the plant
Air Compressor tank
Two for main plant: Make-Kirloskar Engg. Ltd.
Two for UHT plant: Make-Chicago pneumatic
For main plant: Type-Reciprocating, Capacity-680 cfpm,Air. Press 7.0-8.0kg/cm2.

Refrigeration type cooler

Max. Pressure: 16bar
Max. Temperature of air: 60 o c
Refrigerant used: R-22
Max. Charge of refrigerant: 2700kg
For UHT: Type-Rotary screw type, Capacity- 320 cfpm, Air pr. 7.0-8.0kg/cm
Start up procedure
Cooling water inlet outlet valve
Start cooling water pump
Close service valve
Check oil level, foundation, nut bolt
Check coupling
Press start
Check direction and noise
Change switch from unload to load condition onc3e motor change star to delta
Having reached unloading pressure then open service valve to load the
Check every hour:
Parameter Rotary Screw Reciprocating
Oil pressure 3 to 6 kg / cm2 2.5 to 4.5 kg / cm2
Discharge pressure 5 to 8 kg/cm2 5 kg to 8 kg / cm2
Discharge temp 60 to 90°C 5 to 12
Oil level ½ to ¾ ½ to 3/4
Ultra filter
Capacity: 300CFM at 7 bar Daily requirement of plant: 300 CFM at 6 bars
Start up procedure
Open air inlet and out let valve of UF
Start compressor
Switch on UF. Cycle compressed air line: light blue.
Consumption of compressed air per day:The total requirement of compressed air
for main plant is 448615 CF/day and for UHT plant is 211113 CF/day.

At times there is a risk of power failure .To handle this and to take care of the extra load a Diesel
Generation room has been set up for power supplementation.
Diesel Generator Set
At `The Dynamix Dairy' there are four D.G. sets manufactured by 'Magnamax'.
Three sets are of 800 kva and Max. O/P 835A having fuel
consumption of 120 - 150 lph. One set is of 1500 kva and Max. O/P 2000A
having fuel consumption of 200 - 300 lph. There are 02 existing
MSEB mainsupply

Hightensionsupply (3of 11kv each)

Step downTransformer

Oil circuitbreaker

HTair circuitbreaker

Step downTransformer

Bus bar


Panel motor control centre (PMCC)

All the sections.

transformers of 2500 KVA each.&1 is of 150 kva .
Consumption of electrical power per month:
The total requirement of electrical power for main plant is 75000
units/month i.e.3-4% of total power consumption and at unit rate Rs.5
total annual electricity bill for lighting is Rs.45, 00,000.

Dynamix dairy has a sophisticated water treatment plant to treat the incoming raw water. This
plant treats the water to form two types of water i.e. Soft water, Demineralised water.


Plant UG reservoir (12

lakh litres capacity)


Sand Filter

Activated carbon filter

Softener (Base exchanger) Cation Exchanger

Dealkaliser Degassing T ower

Degassing T ower Anion Exchanger

Mixed Bed
(Anion +Cation Exchanger)

UG Storage T ank DM WAT ER

Pump UG Storage T ank

Overhead T ank (1 Lakh lts) Pump

T o Plant Overhead T ank (50,000 lts)

T o Plant

Reactions associated with the process:


RH + CaCO3 → RCa + H2CO3 (R = Resin)

Regeneration of Resin

RCa + HCl → RH + CaCl2


RNa + CaCO3 → RCa + Na2CO3


NaCl + RCa → RNa + CaCl2

Anion Exchanger

ROH + H2CO3 → RCO3 + H2O


RCO3 + NaOH → ROH + Na2CO3

Cation Exchanger

RNa + CaCO3→ RCa + Na2CO3


NaCl + RCa → RNa + CaCl2

The capacity of the softener is inversely proportional to hardner present in raw water. The
resin has to be regenerated with NaCl periodically. The WTP is designed to handle the
following type of raw water.

Sr.No. Parameter Value

1 Total Hardness 68 ppm
2 Total Alkalinity 44 ppm
3 Chloride 46 ppm
4 Sulphite 4 ppm
5 Silica 8 ppm
6 Total Dissolved Solids 180 ppm

Treated Water Quality:

Sr. Parameters Value
1. After Dealkaliser
a Hardness < 5 ppm
b PH 8.5 - 9.5
2 After Strong Base Anion Exchanger
a Conductivity < 30 microns / cm
b PH 7.5 - 9.5
3 After Mixed Bed Unit
a Conductivity < 1 microns / cm
b PH 6.5 - 7.5
c Silica 0.05 ppm

Required DM Water Quality:

Sr Parameters Value
1 Hardness 4 ppm
2 Chloride 10 ppm
3 Alkalinity 70 ppm
4 Conductivity 21.29 microns / cm

Capacity of WTP:

Sr Parameters Value
1 DM Plant 18 cu mts / hr
2 Soft Water Plant 45 cu mts / hr

Consumption of water per day:

The total requirement of raw water is 22 lakhs lit/day. Among this there are 4
types of water.

Raw water 1100 M3/day for Main Plant 20 M3/day for UHT
DM Water 355 M3/day for Main Plant 107 M3/day for UHT
Soft Water Nil 246 M3/day for UHT
COW Water 230 M3/day for Main Plant Nil



he WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT plays an important role in controlling
the environmental pollution caused by the industrial waste. The effluent of Dairy Plant is
rich in organic degradable matter and has a very high biological oxygen demand value

Flow Diagram

Raw E ffluent from the


Oil & G reas e Trap

B alance P it

S creen Chamber

S ump Tank (pH


B uffer Tank

Diges ter

A eration Tank


S ludge

S ludge Drying B ed W a te r Treated Water Tank

Dried S ludge us ed as Irrigation G ardening

fertilizer E tc.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Specification for treated effluent:

Sr. No. Parameters Value

1 COD Max 150 mg / lit
2 BOD Max 10 mg / lit
3 PH 6.5 – 9.0
4 Total Dissolved Solids Max 2100 mg / lit
5 Total Suspended Solids Max 10 mg / lit

Details of various units:

Balance Pit: To equalize the flow of effluent from the plant.

Screen Chamber: To trap all grease and fats / oils. There are two such tanks with
detention time of two minutes in each tank.
Sump Tank: Here the pH of effluent is tested and accordingly acid or lye is added to attain
a pH of 7.
Buffer Tank: It acts as a primary settling tank and is provided with a sloping bottom for
collection and conveying of sludge with the help of a rotating scrapper.
Digester Tank: In this tank anaerobic condition is created to allow the growth of anaerobic
Aeration Tank: Here air is incorporated into the effluent to activate aerobic bacteria. The
aerator is capable of maintaining a minimum dissolved oxygen level of 2 mg / lit in the
aeration tank with a capacity of transferring 34 kg of O2 per hr. under filled conditions.
Clarifier: This is a round tank provided with a sloping bottom to facilitate collection of
sludge using a rotary scrapper mechanism. Withdrawal of sludge is done with the help of
central sludge well.
Sludge drying bed: To dry the collected sludge under the sun. Total area provided for the
drying is about 400 sq.mt. .
A summary of efforts to reach out to the consumer

T o market the manufactured product the company has focused on

institutional buyers for the bulk supply of variety of milk powder, Lactose,
WPC, Casein etc.
Among these Casein and WPC are mainly exported to Europe and
America. Lactose is also exported, but reputed pharmaceuticals companies also
buy it. Most of prestigious institutions like- GSK, Nestle is regular customer of
milk powder.
This dairy plant has a special marketing tie-up with Britannia
Industries Ltd. UHT treated flavored milk is totally marketed by them besides,
retail packs of butter (100g, 200g and 500g), processed cheese is also marketed
by them. Dairy whitener (19% fat) is marketed under Britannia brand name is
retail packs.
This company sells all other products under ‘Dynamix’ brand name.
The consumer products like, Pure ghee, dairy whitener are distributed under the
brand name ‘Dynamix’ through the chain of appointed stockiest by the company.
The products are well accepted in the market.
UHT treated fruit juice is marketed by Europe based ‘Tropicana’
company under the same brand name. UHT milk, both toned and skim milk is
marketed by Nestle & Mother Dairy, Delhi. Other UHT product like Ice Tea is
marketed by HLL and buttermilk is marketed by Sun Valley. Nestle also markets
Nescafe Frappe.
This company successfully exports their products to Europe,
America, Middle East, and our neighboring countries.
A note on the store keeping system at SDDL
This section deals with

A. Receipt and issue of packaging material, raw materials, etc.

The work done involves –
Material Receipt
Random Sampling
Lab. Report
Issued to Production Section.
B. Dispatch of finished goods.
Finished goods receive through FGTV
PDI (Pre-Dispatch Inspection) by Q.C
Loading by FIFO method
Net Weight of Product
Challan and Gate Pass Prepared.

There are 5 stores in SDDL

Engineering store:
UHT store
Finished goods store
Packaging material store
Workshop store

Items Temperature of Capacity

Storage (Deg.C.) (MT)
Processed Cheese 3 to 10 90
Natural Cheese 3 to 10 425
Butter Cold Storage/mozzarella -22 to -29 60
DW, SMP, WPC, ghee. Ambient Temperature 200
UHT store sugar room 50 TONS
Pulp cold storage -16 125 TONS

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