Jurnal Relaksasi Mater
Jurnal Relaksasi Mater
Jurnal Relaksasi Mater
Program Studi Kebidanan, Universitas Malahayati, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
*Korespondensi penulis: sunarsih@malahayati.ac.id
The problem that most often arises in women who give birth is labour pain. If not
resolved, it will cause anxiety, fear and stress on the mother, which will increase the
intensity of the pain felt. Pain during labour accompanied by fear will slow down the
labour process. Labour pain cause hyperventilation, respiratory alkalosis,
vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the uterus and acidosis in the fetus, and also
increase oxygen consumption. Increasing noradrenaline will reduce blood to the placenta
and decrease uterine contractions, thus interfering with the safety of the mother and
fetus and the success of vaginal labour. The research objective was to determine the
effect of relaxation therapy (deep breathing) in reducing labour pain. It used quantitative
research with a quasi-experimental approach. Purposive sampling was used as a
strategy. The target in the study of all women at the time of birth opening 4 – 7 cm, the
sample was 30 people. The research has been carried out in the Independent Practice of
Midwife D Bandar Lampung City on 16 February – 30 June 2019. Data collection using
observation sheets, analyzing data in bivariate with t-test. The result of the study
showed that the average labour pain before relaxation therapy (deep breath) was 6,7
with a standard deviation of 0.8. The average labour pain after being given relaxation
therapy (deep breath) was 4.3 with a standard deviation of 0.9, and p-value <0.001.
There is an effect of relaxation therapy (deep breathing) in reducing labour pain. To
midwives to be able to provide Non- pharmacological therapy in reducing labour pain
with relaxation therapy (deep breathing).
Masalah yang paling sering muncul pada ibu bersalin adalah nyeri persalinan. Apabila
tidak di atasi akan menimbulkan kecemasan, ketakutan serta stress pada ibu yang akan
meningkatkan lagi intensitas nyeri yang dirasakan. Nyeri selama proses persalinan yang
disertai dengan ketakutan akan memperlambat proses persalinan. Nyeri persalinan akan
menimbulkan hiperventilasi, meningkatkan konsumsi oksigen, menimbulkan alkalosis
respiratorik, vasokontriksi pembuluh darah dalam uterus dan asidosis pada fetus.
Meningkatkan noradrenalin akan menurunkan darah ke plasenta dan menurunkan
kontraksi uterus sehingga mengganggu keselamatan ibu dan fetus dan keberhasilan
partus pervaginam. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi relaksasi
(napas dalam) dalam mengurangi nyeri persalinan. Jenis penelitia kuantitatif dengan
pendekatan quasi eksperimen. Teknik sampling dengan cara purposive sampling.
Sasaran dalam penelitian seluruh ibu bersalin kala 1 pembukaan 4 – 7 cm, sampel
Jurnal Dunia Kesmas, Vol. 9 No. 3, Juli 2020, hal. 365-370
ISSN 2301-6604 (Print), ISSN 2549-3485 (Online)
Terapi Relaksasi (Napas Dalam)... (Juistira Safitri, Sunarsih, Dewi Yuliasari)
Jurnal Dunia Kesmas, Vol. 9 No. 3, Juli 2020, hal. 355-364
ISSN 2301-6604 (Print), ISSN 2549-3485 (Online)
Terapi Relaksasi (Napas Dalam)... (Juistira Safitri, Sunarsih, Dewi Yuliasari)
Tabel 1. Distribusi Rata-Rata Tingkat Nyeri pada Ibu Inpartu
Intensitas Nyeri Mean Min Max Std.Deviation n
Sebelum terapi relaksasi 6.7 6 8 0.8 30
Sesudah terapi relaksasi 4.3 3 6 0.9 30
Jurnal Dunia Kesmas, Vol. 9 No. 3, Juli 2020, hal. 355-364
ISSN 2301-6604 (Print), ISSN 2549-3485 (Online)