Environmental Impact Analysis: A Case Study of Acc Cement Plant Abstract
Environmental Impact Analysis: A Case Study of Acc Cement Plant Abstract
Environmental Impact Analysis: A Case Study of Acc Cement Plant Abstract
The use of cement has long been the basis of the development of the
society and for the welfare of the people for generations. Concrete,
which is made from the cement, has been the ultimate material for
construction. Cement manufacturing process is technology intensive.
Raw material extraction causes serious environmental problems by
damaging the landscape and most of these raw materials become scarce.
The cement industry recognizes its responsibility to manage the
environmental impact associated with the manufacturing of its product
from first to last stage. Cement industry is considered as one of the most
pollution hazardous industry. Crusher plays an important role in cement
making process but it is also a major source of pollution. Hence, the
author decides to conduct a case study on crusher unit for impact
analysis. Environmental impact assessment process Environmental
Impact Assessment’ is a systematic process to identify, evaluate and
predict the potential impacts of a proposed development project. EIA is
a ‘decision making’ tool for the proposed developmental activities which
scales the project based on its environmental consequences. The tool is
used before making any major decisions and commitments. The
environment here, in a broader perspective, includes biophysical, social,
cultural and health impacts. By considering the environmental effects of
the project and their mitigation early in the project planning cycle as part
of environmental assessment has many benefits, such as protection of
environment, optimum utilization of resources and saving of time and
cost of the project. Properly conducted EIA also lessons conflicts by
promoting community participation, informing decision makers and
helping lay the base for environmentally sound projects. EIA provides a
procedure for the full consideration of all possible adverse
environmental impacts of policies, programs activities and projects
before any decision is taken to proceed. This is an opportunity to present
recommendations to the decision maker on the suitability of the policy,
programme activity or project, on environmental grounds. There is an
opportunity to incorporate conditions of consent for mitigating adverse
environmental effects. Conditions of approval may ensure monitoring by
the proponent, post-project analysis and independent auditing. Thus,
Environmental Impact Assessment helps in harmonizing the
developmental activities with the environmental concerns.
The EIA process includes the following :
1 Paliwal Ritu, EIA practice in India and its evaluation using SWOT
analysis, Environ. Imp. Assess. Rev., 26 (1), 492– 510, (2006).