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Canada Revenue


2020 Tax Year

Certification Guide

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disponible en français.

Version 2 (2020-10-30)

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Agency du Canada

Change Log


2020 V2.0 2020-10-30  New T4 Information Codes.

 Additional information added under the “After
Certification” section.
 Removal of paragraph on multiple products with
same tax calculation engine under “Same Tax
Calculation Engine” and “Phase 1 – Automated
File Compare Process” sections.
 Addition of the closing date for the 2020 tax year
under “Important Dates”.
 The changes from the previous version are
highlighted in green.

The purpose of this guide is to provide information to those in the tax software industry
that choose to build software products for the filing of Income Tax and Benefit Returns
using NETFILE. It is meant to be a reference document to assist in meeting Canada
Revenue Agency (CRA) standards.

All software developers who want to have their software certified for NETFILE must
participate in the certification process.

What’s New
The following items will be implemented for the 2020 tax year:

 2020 NETFILE will accept prior year returns for the 2017, 2018 and 2019 tax years.
 The maximum number of accepted Selected Financial Data (SFD) records accepted
per transmission has increased from 6 to 12.
 Message numbers will be added in the NETFILE, ReFILE and the T1135 web
 Automated email messages to advise developers when an incorrect Test Case
Identifier (TCI) or Software Code is detected during file compare..
 Additional testing requirement for the amendment of the T1135.
 New information codes on the 2020 T4 Slip.
 Modified chapter names:
o Chapter 1 – Electronic Records Preparation (formerly known as Chapter 1 –
Preparing Electronic Records)

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o Chapter 4 – T1 Return Specifications for Software Developers (formerly

known as Chapter 4 – Specifications for Software Developers)
o Chapter 5 – XML Specifications for Software Developers (formerly known
Chapter 5 – XML Specifications for EFILE and NETFILE Software
o Chapter 9 – NETFILE Error Prevention Specifications (formerly known as
Error Prevention Specifications or NETFILE Software Guide for 2019 Income
Tax and Benefit Returns)

Starting February 2022 for tax year 2021 and later, a new electronic service will allow
individuals to file Form T1134 electronically using NETFILE software. Since this service
will not be certified for February 2021, you can take advantage of the certification
environment to implement the functionality according to the requirements available in
chapter 6 and the schema ControlledAndNotControlledForeignAffiliateReturn2021.xsd.

Minimum Requirements for Participation in NETFILE Certification

It is very important to the CRA and to all participants in the NETFILE certification
process that the CRA resources are used as efficiently as possible. This will help the
CRA to certify as many software packages as possible, while providing the best
possible service to developers.

Software developers will be required to demonstrate to the CRA the capacity to produce
tax preparation software for the purpose of allowing taxpayers to file through the
NETFILE system. Those failing to do so will be excluded from the certification process.

For testing purposes, all NETFILE products that are submitted to the Acceptance
Testing Division (ATD) and the Electronic Filing Services Section (EFSS) must have the
ability to create “.ws” files and must point towards the testing site.

Certification Process
The certification process involves the testing of a number of different components of the
NETFILE software. It includes the testing of tax calculations, system output, web service
response messaging, and functionality of additional services such as ReFILE and
Express NOA.

Certification testing has been designed to determine if a software has the ability to
produce an initial and amended electronic record that meets the following requirements:

 Formats the electronic records according to the specifications contained in the

following chapters of the Electronic Filers Manual for 2020 Income Tax and Benefit
o Chapter 1, Electronic Records Preparation;
o Chapter 4, T1 Returns Specifications for Software Developers;
o Chapter 5, XML Specifications for Software Developers;

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 Calculates the tax-related fields correctly;

 Processes all NETFILE return field codes, including the supporting field codes; and
 Includes the SOAP schema outlined in the NETFILE Web Service Specifications.

The CRA will not instruct software developers on how to read specifications or how to
program software. However, if there is information that is unclear, software developers
may contact EFSS for clarification.

Important Dates

A Pre-certification window will be available as of November 9, 2020 to November 15,

2020, so software developers can start basic self-testing, which involves; connectivity,
“XML” format, message response handling. Please do not submit the test case
identifiers with the submissions during this timeframe.

On November 16, 2020, the NETFILE Certification environment is officially open, which
means software developers can begin self-testing of the certification test cases for the
2021 NETFILE Certification process for the 2020 tax year.

January 29, 2021: All “.ws” files must be submitted for Phase 1 – automated file
compare process. Failure to do so will result in the products removal from the 2020
certification process.

March 31, 2021: ATD will stop all certification testing, regardless of the products testing

CRA will accept NETFILE 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017 Individual T1 income tax and
benefit returns as of February 22, 2021 and the system will close on January 21, 2022.

Software Submission

All developers must submit a 100% working version of their software, in the format
required below. ATD will require one link to install the software. ATD is not responsible
for trouble shooting software installation.

Installation should not require any technical adjustments or instructions to enable

features (such as viewing hidden folders, modifying certain text, and/or accessing bin
folders). ATD should not be required to change network or firewall settings.

 For desktop versions of the software, developers must provide a link that includes a
standard Windows installer (“.exe” File). ATD must be able to download the product
on any computer.
 For MAC versions of the software, developers must provide a link that includes a
standard MAC installer (“.dmg” File).

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 For online versions of the software, developers must send one link to the product
without the need to install add-ons for the product to be functional.
 For mobile versions of the software, developers must provide ATD with instructions
on how to download and access the application.

To avoid testing delays, please provide the following when submitting the software:

 Enough activation or license keys to ensure software can be installed on a number

of computers;
 Instructions on how to generate the “.ws” file once the return has been validated;
 Instructions on how to use and navigate to the ReFILE/Express NOA/AFR services;
 A list of the major changes that have occurred to the software since last year.

Since ATD will have to create multiple files on the software to complete testing, file
locks should be removed completely. Please remove the 20-return limits as it delays the
testing of the software.

Note: The CRA does not as a rule comment on user-friendliness, the logic used in
product development, or the use of grammar. Any comments that the CRA gives about
the software in these areas are to be used at the developers discretion. The CRA
strongly recommends that all software developers check the spelling and the grammar
in their software products in order to provide taxpayers with a high quality product.

Same Tax Calculation Engine

Software developers with multiple software products that use the same tax calculation
engine must inform the CRA in writing so that certification testing is performed on the
group of software products as a whole. This targeted testing requires that all
software products be submitted to ATD at the same time. If the products are not
submitted together, ATD will not begin testing of any products until they are all

Should the CRA determine that the software products are not using the same tax
calculation engine, it has the right to terminate the NETFILE Certification Agreement
immediately, de-certify all software products and revoke all privileges associated with
such certification until the CRA determines that the issue has been resolved.

When multiple products with the same tax calculation is tested and a fail is discovered in
the primary product, those fails,once corrected, will be tested in one of the secondary
products of the developers choice. This will be take place in Phase 1.

Software Code Extensions

The following software code extensions are required for NETFILE products:

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 G = NETFILE T1 return submission

 N = Auto-fill my return
 M = Form T1135 electronic submission
 S = T1 Amended return electronic submission (ReFILE)
 U = Express Notice of Assessment (Express NOA)

Pre-Certification Site
Before certification testing begins, each software developer must ensure that their
software has been self-tested and the “XML” schema in the “.ws” files have been

The pre-certification site, also known as CT, will allow for the submission of certification
test returns and will display error messages when applicable. Every effort is made to
make sure this site is a mirror of the CRA production environment. Any error messages
received should be the same as what would be received from the production site.

Pre-certification site schema for developers:


The pre-certification site will be open from November 16, 2020. For assistance
accessing the pre-certification site, contact EFSS via email.

Phase 1 – Automated File Compare Process

The objective of Phase 1 is to verify the software’s ability to create an electronic record
that meets the requirements set out under Certification Process.

The Phase 1 test cases, also referred to as “certs”, consist of approximately 80 word
documents that contain tax information for fictitious taxpayers. Software developers will
enter these “certs” into their software and generate the “.ws” file for each test case.

ATD has created realistic tax scenarios that are designed to cover most of the eligible
fields for NETFILE. The test criteria cannot be changed. The results for each “.ws” file
needs to match the cert in order for the file compare to pass.

Software developers can use only the social insurance numbers from the “certs” on the
pre-certification site. The site will not accept actual social insurance numbers.

Do not use the SINs from the certification test returns to transmit returns to the
production system.

When multiple products with the same tax calculation is tested and a fail is discovered
in the primary product, those fails, once corrected, will be tested in one of the secondary
products of the developers choice.

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Agency du Canada

Spousal Returns and Coupling Logic

For married taxpayers, the spousal net income has been included. If developers want to
build a joint return, all the necessary information has been provided, i.e., name, SIN,
and date of birth.

Fourteen test returns (5 with 47; 13 with 55; 61 with 68; 62 with 69; 63 with 70; 64 with
65; and 66 with 67) have been identified as married taxpayers so that developers can
test their software coupling logic.

The spousal return for any cert not listed above will not have to go through the file
compare process.

New T4 Information Codes

For tax year 2020, in addition to reporting employment income in box 14 or 71, other
information codes 57 to 60 have been added to the T4 slip to identify the amount of
employment income received by an employee during the time period specified by each
code. These other information codes have been added to some returns in the package
to reflect possible scenarios.

On-Record Amounts

Information has been provided to test returns that have on-record amounts, e.g., RRSP
contributions, Home Buyers’ Plan repayments, capital gains, etc.

To allow for multiple users, on-record amounts are not updated with the information
being filed. These amounts should not be updated in the developers system.

Self-Testing the “.ws” Files

Before Phase 1, software developers must submit their “.ws” files using the
pre-certification site to verify their “XML” schema and to identify any “XML” problems.
Once all returns have been self-tested and any issues have been corrected, developers
will then be ready to move onto Phase 1.

Automated File Compare

Software developers will submit their “.ws” files for Phase 1 testing using the Automated
File Compare Tool via the pre-certification site. A test case identifier element will need
to be added to the file to ensure it is compared against the correct file. EFSS will
provide the list of test case identifier’s prior to the start of program.

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The test case identifier element is only to be built in the pre-certification environment
when the “XML” is ready to be submitted to the CRA for testing. For more information,
please refer to the NETFILE Web Service Specifications document.

If the software calculates an amount that is different from the one supplied in the cert,
transmit the calculated amount to see where the issue occurs. Do not override the
calculated amount to force a match because this will cause delays to the certification

In the event that an XML is transmitted with an incorrect TestCaseIdentifier (TCI), an

email will be sent to the developer informing them of the error. The TestCaseIdentifier
(TCI) needs to be corrected and the XML must be transmitted again.

In the event that an XML is transmitted with an incorrect software code, an email will be
sent to the developer informing them of the error. The software code needs to be
corrected and the XML must be transmitting again.

For any issues during the File Compare process, either with the submission process or
the results of the report, please contact ATD via email and include the “.ws” file with the
SOAP schema and the test case identifier element included in a zip file.

Phase 1 Reports

Shortly after the file has been submitted to the certification website, a report will be sent
to the developer via email. When the developers file does not match the ATD file, the
report will highlight the issue in red and say “Failed” in the status column. After the
errors have been corrected in the software, resubmit the file through the pre-certification
site to receive an updated report.

Once all of the errors have been corrected in the file, the subject line of the report will
read “Phase 1 File Compare Passed”, and the file will no longer need to be
re-transmitted with the test case identifier element.

Phase 1 Testing Complete

Phase 1 is complete once all files have passed the automated file compare process.

ATD will inform the developers when testing is complete via email and advise that they
are now able to submit their software for testing.

Developers will be permitted to enter Phase 2 even if Auto-fill my return, Express NOA,
and/or ReFILE are not ready for submission.

For any issues during the automated tile compare process, either with the submission
process or the results of the report, please contact ATD via email and include the “.ws”
file with the SOAP schema and the test case identifier element included in a zip file.

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Phase 2 – Error Prevention Specification (EPS) Testing

The objective of Phase 2 is to verify the software’s ability to create an electronic record
that meets the requirements set out under Certification Process and as outlined in
Chapter 9 - NETFILE Error Prevention Specifications document.

Self-Testing the Software

EFSS will provide software developers with an Excel spreadsheet of approximately

2,500 tests based on Chapter 9 – NETFILE Error Prevention Specifications document.
Developers must conduct these tests on their software and correct any errors found
prior to submitting their product for EPS testing.

It is the developers responsibility to do self-testing on their products before submitting

them for Phase 2 testing. Most, if not all, errors should be identified and corrected
before submitting a product to ATD for testing. This step will help reduce the time it
takes to go through the testing process.

As self-testing is performed with the EPS Excel spreadsheet, developers should create
a new column and add tips on how to find or build fields in the software and submit the
spreadsheet to ATD. The number of ‘tests completed per day’ will increase because
less time will be spent figuring out how to build tests within the software, which, in turn,
will lead to faster certification times.

Additional Products from the Same Software Developer

Unless developers have identified that their software products use the same tax
calculation engine, only one software product may begin Phase 2 testing during
Version 1. To speed up the certification process, developers must submit the product
that is in the fastest lane first.

For developers with more than one software product, ATD will instruct developers to
submit Version 1 of the other products once Version 1 of the first product has been
tested and has achieved a 90% success rate.

If the same errors reported in Version 1 are discovered in subsequent products, ATD
will stop testing until the subsequent products have been corrected.

Dual Testing Lanes (Accelerated Lane and Standard Lane)

Accelerated Lane
Qualifying software will have fewer tests during Phase 2 of the NETFILE certification

To qualify for the accelerated lane, software must meet all of the following criteria:

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 Software product has been certified with the CRA for the last three consecutive
 Previous year’s Phase 2, Version 1 testing error rate was below 3%;
 Previous year’s production error rate for the tax filing season was below 2.5%.

Accelerated lane testing will consist of new, revised, and rate change tests. Products
qualifying in the accelerated lane are required to maintain an error rate of 3% or lower
during EPS testing.

If the software drops below the thresholds found in the above criteria, it will be placed
back into the standard lane. Should issues arise during testing, the CRA reserves the
right to require standard testing levels on any software, at any time.

Standard Lane
Qualifying software in the standard lane will undergo more testing than software in the
accelerated lane, based on the category they are in.

Category A:
To qualify for Category A, software must meet all of the following criteria:
 Software that does not qualify for the accelerated lane;
 Previous year’s Phase 2, Version 1 testing error rate was below 4%; and
 Previous year’s production error rate for the tax filing season was below 5%.

Category A testing will consist of new, revised, and rate change tests plus 25% of the
remaining EPS tests. Products that qualify for Category A are required to maintain an
error rate of 4% or lower during EPS testing.

If the software drops below the thresholds found in the above criteria, it will be placed
into Category B. Should issues arise during testing, the CRA reserves the right to lower
the standard testing levels on any software, at any time.

Category B:
To qualify for Category B, software must meet all of the following criteria:
 Software that does not qualify for the accelerated lane or Category A;
 Previous year’s Phase 2, Version 1 testing error rate was between 4% - 6.5%; and
 Previous year’s production error rate for the tax filing season was between 5% - 7%.

Category B testing will consist of new, revised, and rate change tests plus 30 to 60% of
the remaining EPS tests. Products qualifying in Category B are required to maintain an
error rate between 4% and 6.5% during EPS testing.

If the software drops below the thresholds found in the above criteria, it will be placed
into Category C. Should issues arise during testing, the CRA reserves the right to lower
the standard testing levels on any software, at any time.

Category C:

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Included in Category C:
 All software that does not qualify for the accelerated lane, Category A or Category B;
 All new software products.

Category C testing will consist of 100% of the EPS test bed.

Note: For same tax calculation engine software groups, all products will be tested in the
lane that the primary product qualifies for. It should be noted that any discrepancy in
performance/outcomes will require each platform version of the software to be tested
separately, in the category each separate platform version qualifies.

EPS Preliminary Testing

To determine if a new software product is ready for EPS testing, ATD will complete a
pre-determined 10% selection of the EPS test bed chosen from each of the different
specifications in the EPS test bed.

The software must have a 90% pass rate on the selected tests. If there is a 90% pass
rate, ATD will continue onto Version 1. If there is less than 90% pass rate, the
certification process for that software version will stop. A new version may not be
accepted for 14 calendar days from the date the developer is notified by ATD. This will
give enough time to do more self-testing using the test bed and make any necessary
corrections to the software.

After the wait period has elapsed, the software can be resubmitted, but it must achieve
a 90% success rate to continue the certification process. If the software has a 90%
success rate after the wait period, the completed testing will be considered Version 1
and ATD will move onto Version 2.

If the 90% success rate is not achieved in the second attempt to pass the EPS
preliminary review, the certification process will stop.

Versions of EPS Testing

Software versions must have a 90% success rate to move onto the next version of

If the software does not achieve a 90% success rate, a new version may not be
accepted for 14 calendar days from the date of the final report. This will give enough
time to do more self-testing and make any necessary corrections. After the wait period
has elapsed, the next version can be submitted.

For subsequent versions, the CRA will test all the fails from the previous version and a
percentage of the passed tests.

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In Version 5, the CRA will only test the fails from Version 4. For all software products, a
maximum of five versions will be tested during Phase 2. The software product must
have no errors in Version 5 or the certification process will stop.

Developers must not submit a new version of the software until requested by ATD when
the current version of EPS testing has been completed. With the exception of web
applications, developers can correct their product as testing progresses, as long as the
initial software remains available to download throughout testing. For online
products, do not make changes to the site being tested until the entire version of EPS
testing has been completed. This is strictly prohibited. Developers can, however,
change their development site based on the error reports from ATD.

Developers must provide ATD with a change log for each subsequent version of their
software before the next version can begin.

Phase 2 Reports

After ATD has finished installing the software and EPS testing has begun, developers
will receive an error report within 48 hours.

Developers will receive error reports from ATD every Tuesday and Thursday by 5:00
p.m. Eastern Time. These reports will contain all of the errors that have occurred since
the previous report date. Once each version is complete, ATD will send a final report
containing all of the errors that have occurred in that version. If a software product has
been submitted for testing on or prior to report day, developers can expect to receive a
delayed first report.

If there is an issue with an error or additional information is needed, please contact ATD
via email. In the event that ATD and the developer cannot come to an agreement, ATD
will contact EFSS for clarification and a final decision.

Phase 2 Testing Complete

Phase 2 testing is complete once the software successfully finishes one version of EPS
testing without any errors.

ATD will inform the developers when testing is complete via email and advise that they
are now able to begin Phase 3 testing.

Phase 3 – Final Verification

The objective of Phase 3 is to complete a final verification of the software’s ability to
create an electronic record that meets the requirements set out under Certification

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In the Phase 2 completion email, ATD will request that the developer submit the “.X20”
files that were used to generate the test cases in Phase 1. For web products,
developers must give ATD access to the files by providing the user name and password
for each return. Please ensure the SOAP schema is generated when ATD creates
the “.ws” files.

Please do not tamper with the taxpayer files because this delays the certification

If the software has English and French versions, developers must submit both versions
of the software or provide instructions on how to switch between languages within the

Using the software, ATD will generate the “.ws” files using the “.X20” files provided.
These “.ws” files will go through the file compare process and the “XML” schema will be
validated. If there are any errors during the file compare process, ATD will send a report
to the developer via email. The developer will need to correct and resubmit the “.X20”
files or resubmit a corrected version of the software.

If any of the “.ws” files fail and more EPS testing is required, only one more version will
be allowed. If that version also contains errors, the certification process will end.

In addition to the file compare, ATD will save a “PDF” file and ensure it can be moved
from one computer to another via USB stick.

When all “.ws” files are error-free and the “PDF” is successfully transferred, Phase 3
testing will be considered complete and developers will be notified via email by ATD.

Additional Services Testing

Testing for ReFILE, Express NOA, Auto-fill my return (AFR), Form T2203 - Multiple
Jurisdictions (MJ), Form T1135, and 2D Barcode and Condensed Returns is completed
by ATD.

Developers can submit their products to ATD for ReFILE, Express NOA, AFR and MJ
via email once Phase 1 testing is complete. Files for Form T1135 and 2D Barcode and
Condensed Return testing can be submitted at any time.

ReFILE (Mandatory Service)

The objective of ReFILE testing is to verify the software’s ability to create an electronic
record that meets the requirements set out under Certification Process and also
produces electronic records that pass the error detection validities in the ReFILE

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The ReFILE service gives taxpayers the option of filing an amended Income Tax and
Benefit Return electronically. This service lets taxpayers use NETFILE to send
amended returns for a current (2020) or prior year (2017-2019) return. For new software
developers who are submitting prior year software, only the 2018 tax year and onward
is mandatory for ReFILE.

The amended return will only be accepted through ReFILE if the original return was
submitted through NETFILE. The ReFILE service can be used with a different CRA
certified software than the one used for the original return.

Software developers will be provided with four “certs” that include both original and
amended totals to submit through the Automated File Compare Tool via the pre-
certification site. Word documents are also available for three prior years if required.
Using the software, ATD will confirm the Terms and Conditions, verify the software
code, and perform testing related to ReFILE restrictions, validations, confirmation of
amendments and the summary of changes.

ATD will email the developer an error report after each version of testing is complete.

To test prior year returns, developers will send one prior year cert (both the initial and
the amended versions) through the pre-certification site for each applicable tax year
(2017 - 2019) being tested to ensure the accuracy of the calculation and the formatting
of the “.ws” files.

ReFILE testing will be considered complete when all four “certs” are accepted by the
NETFILE system and all of the testing criteria has been met.

Do not override the calculated amount to force a match to the test package.
This will delay the certification process.

CRA recommendations for the software:

 Save the return with a new file name showing the version number (e.g. John Doe
 Prompt the user to confirm that the information is correct and complete
 Validate the amended return before it is sent to the CRA
 Provide and store a summary of all changes. This should include the initial value,
changed value, and net amount for all affected fields.

 To handle an amended return, the software must mirror the first filing tax logic.
 The software must prompt the user to confirm they are asking for an adjustment to
amounts previously sent electronically to the CRA.
 The software must store and display the reassessment reference number, and
display all applicable messages back to the taxpayer based on the CRA messaging
for returns sent using ReFILE.

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 The software shall display any restrictions that apply to the taxpayer as to why their
return will not be accepted for ReFILE.
 The software should not count a ReFILE amended return as part of the 20-return

ReFILE transmission requests will not update the CRA records with changes made to
the following fields:
 Address
 Name
 Social insurance number
 Date of birth
 Marital status
 Residency
 Elections Canada
 Alternate address
 Email address
 Information about spouse or common-law partner
 Direct deposit

Changes to these fields must be made by the taxpayer through the CRA My Account

ReFILE has the same exclusions as NETFILE, as well as the following:

 Initial return has not been assessed
 Tax return already has nine reassessments
 Bankruptcy return
 Return before the year of bankruptcy
 Carry-back amounts such as capital or non-capital losses
 A return of an international or non-resident taxpayer (including deemed residents of
Canada, newcomers to Canada, and individuals who left Canada during the year)
 A return for a taxpayer who has or is changing their elected split-pension amount
 A return for a taxpayer who has income from a business with a permanent
establishment outside their province or territory of residence (Form T2203, Provincial
and Territorial Taxes – Multiple Jurisdictions, must be completed)
 A return to apply for the Canada child benefit
 A return to claim for the disability amount
 An initial return that was arbitrarily filed

Express NOA (Mandatory Service)

The objective of Express NOA testing is to verify the software’s ability to meet the
requirements set out in the Auto-fill my return and Express NOA Services Software
Developer’s Integration Guide.

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The Express NOA service delivers the notice of assessment directly into the certified tax
software. Shortly after the return has been filed, a confirmation message will be sent to
notify the user that their return has been received.

Using the software, ATD will verify the following: wording of the Terms and Conditions,
software code, that a new browser opens with the correct Express NOA link, formatting
and display matches the CRA standards, and reject messages.

ATD will email the developer an error report after each version of testing is complete.

Express NOA testing will be considered complete when all of the testing criteria has
been met.

Auto-fill my return (Mandatory Service)

The objective of Auto-fill my return (AFR) testing is to verify the software’s ability to
meet the requirements set out in Auto-fill my return and Express NOA Services
Software Developer’s Integration Guide.

Auto-fill my return is a CRA electronic service that when used in conjunction with a tax
preparation software product, responds with the tax data from the CRA.

Developers must complete self-testing before testing can begin. Developers will inform
ATD via email once self-testing is complete so they can contact the AFR group to
ensure it was successful. If more self-testing is needed, ATD will notify the developer of
the results via email. ATD will request the software with AFR functionalities once the
AFR group confirms self-testing is complete. Please refer to the Auto-fill my return and
Express NOA Services Software Developer’s Integration Guide for more information.

Using the software, ATD will confirm the wording of the Terms and Conditions, verify the
software code, ensure that a new browser opens with the correct AFR link, and perform
testing on the functionality of the service.

ATD will email the developer an error report after each version of testing is complete.

Auto-fill my return testing will be considered complete when all of the testing criteria has
been met.

The secret key and password for testing and for production are issued by CRA. If the
secret keys and passwords have not been received, contact CS-SH@cra-arc.gc.ca. For
all other questions relating to testing and certification of the Express NOA and/or Auto-
fill my Return functionality, contact Auto-Fill-return-G@cra-arc.gc.ca.

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Form T2203 – Multiple Jurisdictions (Optional)

The objective of Multiple Jurisdictions (MJ) testing is to verify the software’s ability to
create an electronic record that meets the requirements set out under Certification
Process and to meet the Form T2203 requirements outlined in Chapter 9 – NETFILE
Error Prevention Specifications.

Software developers will be provided with 13 “certs” that require the Form T2203 form.
Multiple Jurisdictions EPS tests will also be included in the test bed provided for Phase

For MJ testing, each software will go through a reduced version of Phases 1, 2, and 3
focusing on testing the 13 MJ “certs” and Form T2203 EPS specifications.

Multiple Jurisdictions testing will be considered complete when MJ Phases 1, 2 and 3

have been passed with no errors.

T1135 – Foreign Income Verification Statement (Optional)

The objective of Form T1135 testing is to verify the software’s ability to create and
amend an electronic record that meets the requirements set out in Chapter 6, T1135
XML Specifications.

Software developers will be provided with three Form T1135 “certs”, based on the
Phase 1 “certs” 35, 57 and 90. In addition, an amended file must also be submitted for
Cert 90. Developers will submit the three“.ws” files through the Automated File Compare
Tool via the pre-certification site.

ATD Form T1135 file compare testing will be completed when all three files are passed.
Please see Form T1135 in Testing Completed By EFSS below for additional testing

2D Barcode and Condensed Return (Mandatory*)

The objective of 2D Barcode and Condensed Return testing is to verify the software’s
ability to create a 2D barcode and condensed return that meets the requirements set
out in the following:
 2D Bar Code and T1 Condensed Return Standards; and
 Chapter 8, 2D Barcode Record and Definition.

Two-dimensional (2D) barcode technology automates and simplifies the processing of

paper-filed individual Income Tax and Benefit Returns that are prepared using
commercial tax preparation software. This technology increases the speed and
accuracy rate of processing.

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Software developers will submit the “PDF” files for the 11 “certs” to ATD via email.
Using the “PDFs”, ATD will verify the barcode dimensions, scan the barcode and verify
the correct data is present in the string, and review the formatting of the condensed

ATD will email the developer an error report after each version of testing is complete.

2D Barcode and Condensed Return testing will be complete when all of the testing
criteria has been met for all 11 “certs”.

Note: Software developers do not need to participate in 2D Barcode and Condensed

Return testing until after their first year of certification.

EFSS Testing
Watermarks, Web service response messaging, prompts and 20-return limit testing is
completed by EFSS. Developers can submit their software to EFSS as soon as it is
ready for testing once Phase 1 is complete.

Changes to the software may be required if watermarks, messaging or prompts do not

meet the specifications.

Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) (Mandatory)

Software will be checked to ensure prompts are built into the product for Canada
Workers Benefit (CWB) according to the provincial threshold amounts to remind
taxpayers who may be eligible for the CWB to complete Schedule 6 to apply for the

The following questions should be built into the software to determine eligibility for the

Question Response Action/Prompt

Are you an officer or a servant of another
country, such as a diplomat, or a family
member or employee of such a person and Yes/No
don’t have to pay tax at any time in the
taxation year?
Were you enrolled as a full time student at a
designated educational institution (as per the
meaning assigned by federal ITA subsection
118.6(1)) for a total of more than 13 weeks
and you did not have an eligible dependent in
the taxation year?

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A ‘YES’ response to
any question:

“This return is not

eligible for the CWB.”
Were you confined to a prison or similar
institution for a period of at least 90 days Yes/No
during the taxation year? If all responses are

“Please complete
Schedule 6 to calculate
the CWB.”

The prompts should be displayed under the conditions and according to the income
levels from the Schedule 6 applicable to the province of the taxpayer.

Condition Income level Prompt

TP is single, separated, widowed “This return may be eligible for
Taxpayer is a or divorced and has no eligible the CWB. Please complete
resident of children and has working income. Schedule 6.”
Canada OR
throughout the TP is common law or married (no “This return may be eligible for
year (i.e., no children) and they have working the CWB. Please complete
date of entry), income. Schedule 6.”
OR TP is single, separated, widowed “This return may be eligible for
or divorced and has an eligible the CWB. Please complete
Taxpayer died child and working income. Schedule 6.”
in 2020, but had OR
a date of death TP has an eligible spouse and “This return may be eligible for
later than June eligible child and they have the CWB. Please complete
30, 2020 working income. Schedule 6.”

Web Service Response Messaging (Mandatory)

Software will be checked to ensure that the proper “XML” NETFILE response message
is presented in both languages to the taxpayers through the software.

When the software produces accepted and rejected web response messages and
presents it to the taxpayer, it must include the following:

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Accepted Rejected
 Status (accepted) of the T1 returns  Status (rejected) of the T1 returns
 Web message and number  Web error message and number
 Indicator number and message  Error clue message and number
(if applicable)  Full taxpayer name
 Full taxpayer name  Date and time of the transmission
 Confirmation number
 Date and time of the transmission

It is required that the software has the ability to store the history of the response
messages along with the confirmation for reference purposes (if applicable).

The content of the response messages must be identical to the text returned by the

New for this year, the message numbers will be displayed to the taxpayer. This will be
added for the NETFILE, ReFILE and the T1135 web service messages.

Watermarks: T1 Return (Mandatory) and Form T1135 (If Applicable)

Software products must be able to generate watermarks for the T1 return (mandatory)
and the Form T1135 (if applicable) to prevent duplicates from being mailed to the CRA
following a successful electronic transmission under the conditions listed below:

Watermark on printed T1 returns/Form

If a T1 return or form T1135 form has been English: "DUPLICATE – DO NOT SEND
successfully transmitted to the CRA, any BY MAIL"
subsequent "print" of the SAME T1
return/form T1135 must have the watermark French : « DUPLICATA – NE PAS
printed across the paper return. ENVOYER PAR LA POSTE »
If a T1 return or form T1135 has been
successfully transmitted to the CRA, then
ADJUSTED in the software, and then printed English: "AMENDED on XXXX (date)"
(not transmitted electronically), any print of
the amended T1 return or form T1135, must French : « MODIFIÉ le XXXX (date) »
have the watermark printed across the paper
If a T1 return or form T1135 has been
successfully transmitted to the CRA, then
ADJUSTED in the software, retransmitted
electronically, and then printed, any print of
the amended T1 return, or form T1135, must
have the watermark printed across the paper

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E-Submission and Verification of Form T1135 and Prompts/Diagnostics

Messaging (If Applicable)

Software will be checked to ensure that the Form T1135 is acceptable to the Domestic
Compliance Programs Branch (DCPB) standards and to ensure that the information
displayed, in both languages, is correct and accurate. Software developers will need to
submit the “.X20” files for “certs” 35, 57 and 90. In addition, an amended file must also
be submitted for Cert 90.

Software will also be checked to ensure that the prompts and diagnostics messaging
include the validations requested in Chapter 6.

Certification Testing of the 20-return Limit (Mandatory)

To protect the integrity of the NETFILE program, each software must contain a
functional limitation or software key that limits the number of returns that can be filed
either electronically or in hard copy to 20, including free offerings. The limit of 20 returns
does not include ReFILE and is per computer, regardless of the number of licenses,
returns, or same-software-product identifiers bought. For web applications, the limit is
per account.

The software will be tested before certification and monitored after certification, to make
sure it complies with the 20-return limit:
 within the software;
 when adding licences/keys;
 when buying more returns; and/or
 when buying products with the same software code.

After the software product has completed Phase 2 – EPS Testing, developers must
send a copy of the software or the URL of online and mobile software containing the 20-
return limit functionality for the 20-return limit testing by email to EFSS. Developers
must also send 21 “.X20” files that are clearly marked from 1 to 21, and show the
respective product software code.

If the original product allows for fewer than 20 returns and more returns are sold by
licence, key, or otherwise, please provide information on how the additional returns will
be made available to the public. Please make sure enough keys and/or licences are
provided to allow EFSS to perform the 20-return limit test.

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Verification of Form T1273 (If Applicable)

Software will be checked to ensure that Form T1273 is acceptable to Agriculture and
Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) standards and that it provides correct and accurate
information. Form T1273 will be verified within the software using the information from
Cert 15 (modified to include more than 10 occurrences) found under the “Crop inventory
valuation and productive capacity” and “Livestock inventory valuation” sections, in both
official languages.

Changes to the software may be required if the Form T1273 does not meet AAFC
specifications. Keep in mind that the “.ws” file should not be built when there are more
than 10 occurrences.

Note: When the paper return is received at the CRA, Form T1273 is detached and
forwarded to AAFC. If there is information on the back of the form, it gets sent to AAFC
and the tax return may be processed with missing information. To avoid this, do not
print another form on the back of Form T1273.

Change My Address and Direct Deposit

Since February 2018, taxpayers using NETFILE software have been able to submit
address and direct deposit updates through the My Account or Represent a Client
(RAC) links before filing. This does not remove the current NETFILE restriction.
Changes to personal information such as name, address and direct deposit cannot be
submitted at filing. These changes must be completed prior to filing.

This will require the software to provide a few questions and based on the answers,
provide a link to either My Account or RAC.

Taxpayers without My Account or RAC also have the capacity to enroll for direct deposit
by completing the Canada direct deposit enrolment form available at:


The direct deposit enrolment form can be reproduced in your software as long as no
modifications are made to the form, which will be verified as part of the EFSS
certification checklist.

For more information regarding Change My Address and Direct Deposit, please refer to
section 4.3 and 4.4 of the Auto-fill my return and Express NOA Services Software
Developer’s Integration Guide.

Multiple Tax Year Indicator (Mandatory)

Software products must indicate that the taxpayer is filing multiple tax year returns in the
same process year.

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The returns must be filed in chronological order. All prior year returns, including the
current year return, must contain the element “MultipleTaxYearReturnIndicator” set to 1
to avoid any processing delays for the taxpayer.

After Certification

EFSS will notify developers by email when their product has been certified and can be
used by taxpayers to file their 2020 Income Tax and Benefit Returns. Developers will
then be allowed to present their product to the public as NETFILE-certified software.

Where consent was given on the application form, the name of the software package
will appear on a list of NETFILE certified tax software on the CRA web site. Before the
product(s) can be listed on the NETFILE certified tax software web pages, the
information provided in the certification email must be confirmed.

EFSS will be conducting periodic reviews of certified software products to ensure

continuous compliance with the Agency’s guidelines.

The NETFILE Certification environment will be temporarily unavailable from the third
week of October of each year until the second week of November to allow the CRA to
implement all the necessary changes prior to our official sign on.

REMINDER: Developers must provide a copy of their software product(s), including any
functionalities and access codes to EFSS once certified.

By download: E-mail the product link and access code(s) to cs-sh@cra-arc.gc.ca

By mail to: Electronic Filing Services Section, 750 Heron Road, East Tower, Room
E656 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L5.

Software developers must adhere to this requirement as indicated in Section 19.0,

Provision of Software Product to the CRA in the NETFILE Certification Agreement.

Software Version and Release Date

The CRA wants to make sure that taxpayers are using the certified version of the
software. After EFSS notifies the developer that the software has been certified, email
the software release date and change log to EFSS.

The software release date transmitted with a taxpayer’s return will be compared against
the certification date on record. If the release date is earlier than the certified release
date on record, a web-response message will be sent to the taxpayer indicating that an
update to the software is needed. The taxpayer will have to update their version of the
software before resubmitting their return.

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When there is a patch made to the software, developers must send an email to EFSS
listing the changes made along with the latest software release date. A copy of the
updated product will also be needed to make sure the most recent version is being used
in testing and support.

The CRA system must be updated with any subsequent release dates, for each
software code extension/functionality. When advising EFSS of a new product release,
please include:
 Software code extension
 Release date
 Details of the changes made

Software Code Release Details of changes made to product/functionality
Extension Date
000G March 14 Fixed non-capital loss carry forward bug
Improved form T1135 flow
000S March 14 Fixed non-capital loss carry forward bug
000N No change

Pre-Certification Website After Certification

After developers have successfully completed certification, the pre-certification

environment can be used to submit test returns with varying amounts to fine-tune the
software. Developers are encouraged to use the pre-certification environment to test
later releases of the software product(s). ATD does not help test patches.

Software Products Listings Rules

All NETFILE certified software products will be listed on the NETFILE website’s certified
tax software page. The product name listed on the NETFILE website will be the
registered name of the product that was certified (i.e., the name stated on the NETFILE
T1 Certification Agreement).

The listings will include the product name, certified tax years, platform and company
information. The products will be listed under the Free products and products with “pay
what you want model” or Paid products and products with free offerings.

The developer must have the following information on their landing page.
 If the NETFILE product has exclusions, they need to be clearly stated
 Free offerings and/or product pricing
 Confirmation that the product is certified
 Contact and support information

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Since the CRA provides the NETFILE service, do not include “NETFILE service” as one
of the free offerings provided to taxpayers.

The NETFILE website will only be updated once the developer has confirmed that their
website is operational. EFSS aims to update the website within 2 business days after
the developer’s confirmation has been sent.

Note: The CRA reserves the right to hold back posting the certified software product(s)
and the relevant information on the CRA website (certified tax software) until all
conditions, listed on the agreement, have been met.

Failure to Pass NETFILE Certification Testing

The NETFILE Certification testing program is a service provided by the CRA to software
developers using publicly funded limited resources.

Any software product, regardless of the version, that has failed to pass NETFILE
Certification testing for three (3) consecutive years, may not be submitted to the CRA
for testing for a minimum of two (2) years following the last year that the software
product failed the testing.

Minimum Requirements to Remain in the T1 NETFILE Certification Process

For Web/Desktop versions: The CRA reserves the right to exclude software that has
failed to transmit a minimum of 500 accepted current year returns in production for 2
consecutive years from the certification process.

For Mobile versions: The CRA reserves the right to exclude software that has failed to
transmit a minimum of 100 accepted current year returns in production for 2 consecutive
years from the certification process.

Other Useful Information

Many factors beyond the control of EFSS and ATD can affect the response/turnaround
times, and there may be cases where more time will be needed to complete the
certification testing. The following are examples of factors that affect turnaround times:

 the number of errors discovered in the product;

 the time between submission of products (software, “.ws” files, “PDF” files, etc)
 the time it takes to access an online product;
 the volume of software products in ATD at any given time;
 the time needed to verify requirements or procedures with other areas within the
 the amount of self-testing that was done;
 the time required for ATD to install software packages
 whether software tips and instructions were provided to ATD;
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 the user-friendliness of the product/time needed to learn to manipulate the

 if the testing is for a mobile device (generally more time-consuming);
 the number of suspension periods as a result of the fails;
 the time needed to fix the errors that are discovered;
 how many versions are needed before 100% success is reached;
 whether changes to web products were made during testing;
 whether the “.X20” files were tampered with before submission;
 how accommodating the developer is to ATD’s requests; and
 the ease of communication between the developer and ATD.

Certification Roles and Responsibilities

Software Developers
It is the developers responsibility to provide a product that is ready for the certification
process. This includes, but is not limited to, reading the error prevention and “XML”
specifications, building a product according to these specifications, ensuring quality
assurance by performing the required self-testing of the product, preparing and creating
the “.ws” file or the printed return and adhering to the NETFILE Certification Agreement.

Acceptance Testing Division

ATD is also responsible for testing Phase 1 – Automated File Compare Tool, Phase 2 –
EPS Testing, Phase 3 – Final Verification, ReFILE, Express NOA, Auto-fill my return,
Form T2203 - Multiple Jurisdictions, Form T1135 file compare, and 2D Barcode and
Condensed Returns. ATD is also responsible for the creation of the testing materials
supplied to the developers. This includes the “certs” for Phase 1 and 3, ReFILE, AFR,
the Form T2203 – Multiple Jurisdictions and Form T1135, and the EPS ted bed.

Electronic Filing Services Section

EFSS is responsible for overseeing the certification of NETFILE software. This includes,
but is not limited to, developing and testing the electronic filing specifications, updating
the NETFILE Certification Agreement, the NETFILE T1 Certification Guide, the
NETFILE website (including the certified tax software page), preparing statistics and
responding to any other matter regarding NETFILE.


For the production NETFILE system, the security of data transmitted to the CRA will be
handled by Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.2). Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption
protocol will no longer be supported. When transmitting files to the CRA for pre-
certification, the same TLS encryption is required. No encryption is required when
developers send returns by email, since those returns are created with fictitious
taxpayer information.

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Assistive Technology (AT)

Please keep accessibility in mind when building the software. It is strongly

recommended that all certified software products be accessible for the visually impaired,
partially sighted and totally blind who use assistive technology such as text-to-speech
screen readers and speech-to-text software.

Language Quality

Please keep language quality in mind when building the software. It is strongly
recommended that all certified software products offered in both official languages
provide clear and accurate instructions, information, and help features.

Use of the NETFILE logo

Before Certification
Upon the written request of the software developer, the CRA may at its sole discretion
provide the software developer with a non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable, non-
sub-licensable licence to use the “NETFILE” logo before the software developer gets
certification from the CRA on such terms and conditions as the CRA may specify in its
licence grant. For more details, see the NETFILE Certification Agreement.

After Certification
If a software product meets all the requirements of certification testing, and as long as
the software developer complies with all the requirements as specified for
post-certification as outlined in this certification guide, the software developer will be
granted a non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable licence to use
the NETFILE logo for the software product version having the CRA software product
identifier that has passed certification testing and only as directed by the CRA. The
software developer can also state that the software product has passed the CRA
NETFILE T1 certification testing and is therefore compatible with the CRA’s NETFILE
electronic filing services.

NETFILE Web Service

Web service allows software developers to embed web service calls in the code of their
choice, thereby avoiding the web page interface provided by NETFILE website.

Certification https://apps-ct.cra-

Production https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/pfno/ws/services/FileReturnService?WSDL

Taxpayers using the NETFILE web service will have no requirement to interact with the
NETFILE website to transmit their tax returns. The software products will communicate
directly with the NETFILE application servers and transmit all required information (SIN,

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DOB, NAMES for first time filers, and the “.ws” file) on behalf of the taxpayer directly to
the CRA via the web service.

A list of Web error messages will be provided. These messages are to be built within
the software in order to notify the user(s) of any reject message(s) they might receive if
their return is in error.

Note: Avoid using the word “confirmation” when referring to numbers on your product.
The CRA has received many calls from taxpayers who thought they had filed their
income tax and benefit return using NETFILE since they had received a confirmation
number. Upon further research, the confirmation number was not the NETFILE
confirmation number but rather the software company’s confirmation of receiving
payment for using the web application.

Contact Information

General Tax Enquiries

For general tax questions, the CRA website is an excellent resource:

Developers are invited to consult the CRA’s many publications, such as guides, forms,
and information circulars. For general questions on existing tax rules, Software
Developers can call the Individual Income Tax and Trust Enquires line at 1-800-959-

For questions concerning changes for the upcoming year or new tax legislation, contact
ATD if there is a certification return or an EPS test case that covers the scenario. If not,
send the question to EFSS.

ATD NETFILE Testing Team

A primary contact in ATD will be assigned to each software product. The primary
contact will handle all communication between the developer and ATD. This will leave
the rest of ATD free to test. Note that time spent answering questions will take the
primary contact away from testing the product and will increase the time it takes to
certify the product.

ATD will start accepting questions when the product has entered Phase 1 of the
certification process. They will only answer questions about specific EPS test cases or
specific certification test returns.

Software developers requiring technical assistance during testing should contact ATD
by email at t1netfileatd@bellnet.ca. The hours of service are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00
p.m., Eastern Time, Monday to Friday. Please write the software code along with the
product’s application type such as Windows, Web, Mac or Mobile in the subject line.

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Electronic Filing Services NETFILE T1 Certification Team

For general help and enquiries on the NETFILE T1 certification process, problems
accessing the pre-certification website, the Early Access Site, the NETFILE website,
NETFILE program issues, or statistics, please email CS-SH@cra-arc.gc.ca.

Electronic Filing Services Section Manager

Ginette Adam (email: ginette.adam@cra-arc.gc.ca)

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Appendix A – Self-Testing Checklist

Before certification testing begins, each software developer must ensure that their
software has been self-tested and the “XML” schema in the “.ws” files have been

These documents will be provided by EFSS at the beginning of November.

Self-testing Complete
Cert returns 1 to 92 They include (if applicable):
Alternative Minimum Tax (T691): 40; 53 (BC, MB, ON, QC, YT)
Employees profit-sharing plan (RC359): 7 (AB, PE, SK); 53 (BC, MB, ON,
Tax on Split Income (T1206): 7 (AB, PE, SK); 24; 26 (NB, NL, NT, ON);
31 (BC, MB, NS, NU); 57
Newcomers: 79, 89, 90

2D Barcode Returns:
Certs 7 SK,10, 15, 17 (English/French), 31 MB, 33, 39, 59, 62, 72, 76 and
MJ 2 if applicable
* Form T1135 – Foreign Income Verification Statement:
Certs 35, 57, 90 (Initial and Amended)
Form T2203 – Multiple Jurisdictions:
Certs MJ 1 to MJ 13
Certs 1 to 4
Express NOA:
Certs 1 to 5
Auto-fill my return:
Certs 1 to 14
Prior Year Initial and ReFILE Return (if applicable):
Transmit one prior year return for tax years 2017, 2018, and 2019
Returns for the above services must be submitted to:
*Form T1135 must be submitted to:

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Appendix B – ATD Certification Checklist

Software developers must submit their products to ATD for ReFILE, Express NOA, AFR
and MJ via email once Phase 1 testing is complete. Files for form T1135 and 2D
Barcode and Condensed Return testing can be submitted at any time. Please see
Software Submission for submission requirements.

ATD Certification Checklist (M) = Mandatory (O) = Optional

Action Complete
Phase 1 - Automated File Compare Tool (M)
Submit “.ws” files of certs 1 to 90 through the pre-certification site with
the Test Case Identifier.

Phase 2 – EPS Testing (M)

Submit Versions 1 to 5 of the software as required.

Phase 3 – Final File Compare (M)

Submit “.X20” files of certs 1 to 90
ReFILE Testing (M)
Submit “.ws” files of REFILE certs 1 to 4 through the Automated File
Compare Tool with the Test Case Identifier.
Submit software for testing.
Express NOA/NORA Testing (M)
Submit software for testing.
Auto-fill my return (M)
Submit software for testing.
Form T1135 Testing (O)
Submit form T1135 “.ws” files for certs 35, 57, 90 (Initial and Amended)
through the Automated File Compare Tool with the Test Case Identifier.
2D Barcode and Condensed Return Testing (M)
Submit “PDFs” for certs 7SK,10, 15, 17 (English/French), 31MB, 33,
39, 59, 62 and MJ 2 if applicable
Form T2203 (Multiple Jurisdictions) (O)
Submit “.ws” files of certs 1 to 13 through the Automated File Compare
Tool with the Test Case Identifier.
Form T2203 (Multiple Jurisdictions) - EPS Testing
Submit Versions 1 to 5 of the software as required.
Form T2203 (Multiple Jurisdictions) - Final File Compare
Submit “.X20” files of certs 1 to 13

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Appendix C – EFSS Certification Checklist

Software developers must submit their products to EFSS in order to verify forms, web
messages, prompts and 20-return limit testing once Phase 1 has been completed.
Please see Software Submission for submission requirements.

Software developers must also submit all “.X20” files and must ensure that the 20-return
limit is enabled for testing. Please inform EFSS when submitting prior year returns to
the pre-certification site for testing, to assist in finding the information in the system.

EFSS Certification Checklist (M) = Mandatory (O) = Optional

Action Completed
Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) (M)
Prompts must be produced in software for Schedule 6.
Direct Deposit Enrolment (M)
Prompts for enrolment information must be produced.

Software must successfully transmit a ReFILE return.
Web Service Response Messaging (M) Accepted:
Web Service Reponses Messaging must be displayed in both
languages (if applicable). Rejected:

Watermarks: T1 Return (M) and Form T1135 (O) T1:

Watermarks must be generated. T1135:

Form T1135, Foreign Income Verification Statement (O)

Form T1135 must meet Domestic Compliance Programs Branch
(DCPB) standards.
Software must display prompts and diagnostics messaging including
the validations requested in Chapter 6.
20-return Limit Testing (M)
Software must meet 20-return limit.
Prior Year Return (O) Initial:
Software must successfully transmit prior year returns if applicable. Amended:

Verification of Form T1273 (O)

T1273 must meet Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Software must provide correct and accurate information.
Form T2203 – Multiple Jurisdictions (O)
Form T2203 must be accurate.
Multiple Tax Year Return Indicator (M)

ABSB/ IRD/ Electronic Filing Services Section Page 31

Canada Revenue Agence du revenu
Agency du Canada

“MultipleYearIndicator” must be built for all prior year returns filed

including the current year return.

ABSB/ IRD/ Electronic Filing Services Section Page 32

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