Generated on: 2019-11-16
This document has been generated from the SAP Help Portal and is an incomplete version of the official SAP product
documentation. The information included in custom documentation may not re ect the arrangement of topics in the SAP Help
Portal, and may be missing important aspects and/or correlations to other topics. For this reason, it is not for productive use.… 1/17
Bank Data Validation
Withholding Tax Reporting: Overview
Bank Collection
Goods/Invoice Received Account Statement
Investment Indicator
Depreciation to the Day
Travel Expenses
Setting Fixed Value Date in Accordance with Bank Conditions
Purchase Account Management
Cross-Application Functions… 3/17
It is a legal requirement in France that some invoices are available and transmitted electronically to the French tax authority. You
use the eDocument solution to create instance of the eDocuments in the database once documents are created in source
applications such as in Financial Accounting (FI) or in Sales and Distribution (SD). For more information, see eDocument Basic
To create eDocuments for France, ensure that you have made the customizing as described in Customizing for eDocument France.
You have made the required Customizing for eDocument.
You have implemented your own solution to convert the eDocument data into the required XML format and to handle the
communication and the sending of the XML les to the external systems.
The processing of the eDocument when using the eDocument Basic Enablement is depicted in the following gure:… 4/17
1. You create the source document using an SAP application, such as in FI or in SD. Once you save the source document, the
system creates an instance of the eDocument in the database.
2. You submit the eDocument by running the eDocument Cockpit (EDOC_COCKPIT transaction).
For more information, see the application help documentation directly in the report.
3. The system retrieves the eDocument from the database and calls the interface connector to deploy the eDocument
Interface Connector ( EDOC_INTERFACE_CONNECTOR) Business Add-In (BAdI). This BAdI contains the implementation
that connects to your customer-de ned solution.
4. Your customer-de ned solution retrieves the eDocument from the BAdI interface, converts it into the required XML format,
and establishes the communication with the tax authorities’ or business partners’ systems to send the XML les.
You activate the BTE for the EDOC SAP application using transaction FIBF.
Updates in the Customizing (SPRO transaction) are only delivered with Support Packages (SPs). Depending on which SP your
system is on, you may not see the eDocument structure in Customizing or not all Customizing activities may be displayed for… 5/17
you. Once you implement the latest SP for your release, the Customizing will be updated with the latest changes. As a
workaround, you can call the views using SM30 and check the documentation for those views in the SAP Note 2170013 .
You make the following settings in Customizing for eDocuments under Cross-Application Components General Application
Functions eDocument General Settings :
1. For a company code, you activate the types of source documents for which you want eDocuments to be created in Activate
Source Type Documents for Company Code (EDOCOMPANYACTIV).
2. You select the interface type that calls the eDocument solution variant that you want to use for the generation of
eDocuments in the De ne Interface Type for eDocument (EDOINTTYPEV).
3. You assign eDocument types to the relevant source document types in the following Customizing activities:
4. For an eDocument Type, you de ne which process statuses are assigned to which eDocument status. You do this in Assign
eDocument Status to Process Status (EDOMETASTATUSV).
The Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) relevant for all eDocument solution variants are contained in the ES_EDOCUMENT enhancement
You implement the following BAdIs in Customizing for eDocuments under Cross-Application Components General Application
Functions eDocument General Settings Business Add-Ins :
Enhancements for eDocument BAdI (EDOC_ADAPTOR): You use this BAdI to de ne customer-speci c rules for the
generation of eDocuments.
De ne Interface Connector for eDocument BAdI (EDOC_INTERFACE_CONNECTOR) You use this BAdI to de ne the
communication process you want to use for transferring eDocuments over to external or tax authorities’ systems. The
implementation of this BAdI varies depending on which eDocument solution variant you are using.
France-Speci c Settings
In addition to the general settings mentioned above, you make settings which are speci c for France in Customizing for
eDocuments under Cross-Application Components General Application Functions eDocument Country-Speci c
Settings France :
You specify if a customer participates in the electronic invoicing program in De ne Additional Attributes for Customer
By implementing the DISPLAY_EDOCUMENT method of the EDOC_INTERFACE_CONNECTOR BAdI de ned in the
ES_EDOCUMENT enhancement spot, you can enable actions in the report that allow you to perform the following processing
Processing step you want to trigger Action you perform in the eDocument Cockpit
Authorization Objects
In this topic you nd the authorization objects required to perform actions in eDocument.
The system checks the users’ authorizations before they can perform certain actions. The following authorization objects are
needed in the AAAB authorization class for performing actions it the programs listed below:
EDO_MSGTY eDocument: Authorization for EDO_MSGTY Upload Tool for Incoming Messages
Inbound Message Type (EDOC_INBOUND_UPLOAD)
Business Transactions
You use the eDocument Cockpit to display eDocuments as well as to perform most activities on eDocuments.
To nd the Cockpit, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Cross-Application Functions eDocument eDocument Cockpit or
call the EDOC_COCKPIT transaction. For information about the actions you can do in the Cockpit for this process, choose the
Help pushbutton on the top of the process-speci c screen.
Disclaimer: The below video is not part of the SAP product documentation. Please read the legal disclaimer for video links
before viewing this video.… 7/17
To perform actions in eDocuments for this scenario, you use the France eInvoice (Basic) process in the eDocument Cockpit
(EDOC_COCKPIT) report. For information about the actions supported for this process, choose the Help pushbutton on the
top of the process-speci c screen.
1. You post an invoice, credit, or debit memo in an SAP application, such as Financial Accounting (FI) or Sales and
Distribution (SD).
Once you post the invoice, the system creates an instance of the eDocument in the database.
The system forwards the data your customer-speci c solution which will crete the XML and forward it to the tax
The tables below summarize the existing statuses and the possible actions for the eDocuments with these statuses.… 8/17
SNRQ Sending Requested This status informs you that the eDocument
has not reached the interface. You can do the
To nd the eDocument: Processing in Background, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Cross-Application
Functions eDocument eDocument: Processing in Background or call the EDOC_BACKGROUND transaction. For information
about the actions you can do in the report, choose the Help pushbutton on the selection screen.
You can archive and delete eDocuments using the EDOCUMENT archiving object.
Data archiving is used to remove mass data from the database that is no longer required in the system but must be kept in a
format that can be analyzed. For all archiving objects of documents, the data archiving concept is based on the Archive
Development Kit (ADK).
For more information, see the SAP NetWeaver Library on SAP Help Portal at Choose the relevant SAP
NetWeaver Platform and under Application Help, select SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View. Navigate to Life Cycle
Management Data Archiving .
For information about the EDOCUMENT archiving object, enter the archiving object in transaction SARA, and check the system
documentation available under the Help pushbutton.
Deferred Taxes… 10/17
In some countries, taxes are not recognized when an invoice is issued, but when a payment is made: Deferred taxes. For more
information about the process of recording and handling deferred taxes in the system, see Deferred Taxes in Business
Transactions .
To use the deferred tax functions, make the settings described in Customizing , and create the G/L accounts for deferred taxes as
described in Creating Deferred Tax Accounts .
When you post accounting documents with deferred taxes, follow the instructions in Document Posting . To recognize the deferred
taxes, use the Deferred Tax Transfer program.
You can also check and analyze the data stored in the deferred tax transfer program database and make corrections there, if
required, by using the Analysis of Deferred Tax Accounts program or the Deferred Tax Toolbox program, respectively.
The Financial Accounting (FI) component covers the most important laws and business practices speci c to France. The following
documentation describes these aspects of the component.
Country-Speci c Features
Country Version France comes with reports for VAT pro-rata adjustments.
The RTE (Relevé des transactions économiques avec des non-résidents) declaration reports foreign trade activities with
foreign companies.… 11/17
The ECO (État des créances et des dettes commerciales vis-à-vis des non-résidents) declaration reports the end balance of
customer and vendor accounts.
The Foreign Trade Declaration program allows you to generate an XML le for upload to the National Bank of France’s official
website. For more information about the exact reporting requirements, see the National Bank’s website.
To start the program, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting Financial Accounting General
Ledger Reporting Foreign Trade Regulations Foreign Trade Declaration (Generic) . Alternatively, use the ITSR00 transaction.
Make the necessary settings in the following Customizing activities:
For the RTE declaration, enter the official 6-digit codes that
you need for the Code Nomenclature ( NCL tag in the XML
le) as subcategories.
A for Receivables
B for Payables
Assign Reporting Categories to DMEE Format Trees The program uses a Data Medium Exchange Engine (DMEE) format
tree to generate the XML le for your report. The DMEE trees
delivered for the France-speci c balance-of-payment reporting are
as follows (ITSR tree type):
You nd these activities in the Customizing for Financial Accounting under General Ledger Accounting Periodic
Processing Report Foreign Trade Regulations Generic . If you have not activated the new General Ledger, the path is as follows:
General Ledger Accounting Business Transactions Closing Report Foreign Trade Regulations Generic… 12/17
Alternatively, you can use the links in the system documentation (open the program and click on the i-button).
Selection Screen
Posting Date Enter the required interval. Needed only for the RTE declaration
Key Date Enter the end date of the reporting period. Needed only for the ECO declaration
The system uses this date to determine
which postings are still open on this date
and have to be included in the extraction.
Reporting Category Enter the relevant code that you entered in all
File Creation
File-Name Extension (Item) This eld is optional. If you do not make any all
entries here, then the system saves the le
on the default application server directory
on your application server. You can then
download the le from the application server
using the Payment Medium International -
Load Data Medium Exchange File to Disk
(RFASLDPC) program.… 13/17
XML Fields
More Information
For more information, see SAP Note 1673761 : RFIDITSR00(FR) - New Declaration Format: RTE and ECO.
For more information about the generic functions, see Withholding Tax.
If you are installing an SAP system for the rst time, we recommend that you use the Extended Withholding Tax solution.
To be able to use extended withholding tax, you need to make a number of Customizing settings for Financial Accounting (New):
De ne general ledger account codes for each withholding tax type and withholding tax code combination
To report withholding taxes in France, use the Generic Withholding Tax Reporting (RFIDYYWT) program as described in .
Customizing… 14/17
When you de ne the withholding tax types for use in France, you carry out the settings in Customizing for Financial Accounting
(New), by choosing Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Withholding Tax Extended Withholding
Tax Calculation Withholding Tax Type De ne Withholding Tax Type for Payment Posting .
Country Version France comes with the following withholding tax types:
You use withholding tax types in conjunction with withholding tax codes.
While withholding tax types represent basic calculation rules, speci c features of these rules – in particular the percentage rate –
are represented by the withholding tax code. You can de ne any number of withholding tax codes for a given withholding tax type.
When you de ne the withholding tax codes for use in France, carry out the settings in Customizing for Financial Accounting
(New), by choosing Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Withholding Tax Extended Withholding
Tax Calculation Withholding Tax Code De ne Withholding Tax Codes .
Carry out the generic Customizing settings as described in Settings for Extended Withholding Tax: Overview
Carry out the settings speci c to France as described in the following documentation
1. In Customizing for Financial Accounting (New), choose Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Global Parameters
for Company Code Enter Global Parameters .
3. In the VAT Registration No. eld, maintain the company’s VAT number.… 15/17
The VAT number of a company consists of the country key (FR) followed by the followed by the company’s enterprise
number (unique identi cation number of the company). If the company does not have a VAT number, then you need not
maintain this eld.
4. Choose the Additional Data pushbutton. Enter the SIRET number and CODE APE number for identi cation purposes in the
Parameter value elds.
5. Choose . In the Edit address dialog box, enter the E-mail address of the contact person.
In the Communication group box, choose the Other communication… pushbutton. In the Choose Communication
Method dialog box, double-click X40. The Maintain X400 addresses dialog box appears. In the Person group box, enter
the rst name and last name of the contact person.
1. In Customizing for Financial Accounting (New), choose Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Withholding
Tax Extended Withholding Tax Generic Withholding Tax Reporting De ne Output Groups .
a. In the Read Withholding Tax Items From group box, choose Vendor Payments, Including Down and Partial
b. In the DME Files group box, select Save File in File System in the DME File eld and enter the format tree
Country Version France allows you to create DME les in a format as required by law. The program uses DMEE format tree
FR_WT_DAS2 to generate the le. For more information, see Data Medium Exchange Engine.
On the selection screen of the main program, enter data as required. When you execute the Generic Withholding Tax Reporting
program for a French company code, the system displays an additional selection screen, where you can enter the country-speci c
data required for generating the les.
Output… 16/17
To access the report, from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable
Withholding Tax General Generic Withholding Tax Reporting .
For generic information about RE-FX, see Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX).… 17/17