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DOP 203 - Rev 2

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Well Section Procedures

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DOP 203

Well Section Procedures


1.0 2.0 3.0


PURPOSE.................................................................................................... 2 SCOPE......................................................................................................... 2 RESPONSIBILITIES..................................................................................... 2

Senior Toolpusher.................................................................................................. 2

4.0 5.0
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12

DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS........................................................ 2 PROCEDURE............................................................................................... 2

Preparation Before Spud....................................................................................... 2 36" Hole Section.................................................................................................... 5 Installing 30" Hydraulic Connector, Marine Riser And Diverter............................ 12 26" Hole Section.................................................................................................. 13 Running 20" (or 185/8 ")......................................................................................... 19 BOP References.................................................................................................. 24 17" Hole Section............................................................................................... 24 12" Hole Section............................................................................................... 33 8" Hole Section................................................................................................. 41 6" Hole Section.................................................................................................... 49 Well Clean Up Prior To Testing/Completion........................................................ 52 Pulling BOP Stack................................................................................................ 54

6.0 7.0

REFERENCES........................................................................................... 54 ENCLOSURES............................................................................................ 54

Rev No 1 2

Date 15.03.96 12.03.99

Prepared by: AMO LVA / IMI

Verified by: WVE ICO

Approved by: QA and Safety Managers AMO AJE / BNO

Reason for Revision As Per Request No. 017 and 018 As per Procedural Review Scheme

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Well Section Procedures 1.0 PURPOSE

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The purpose of this procedure is to describe and give guidance on drilling the various sections of a standard well.


This procedure applies to all Stena Drilling's Units.


Senior Toolpusher
The Senior Toolpusher is responsible for the implementation of this procedure.



Ref. Procedure DOP 209.


Preparation Before Spud
The following hole section procedures do not include the weather limitations for each operation undertaken, but these can be found in the Rig Specific Work Methods and the Safety Case Manual for each rig.


General Weather and deck-loading conditions will determine the scope of work that can be carried out during rig move and positioning operations. The following are items to attend to, if possible: 1. 2. 3. Clean all mud pits, shakers, flow-lines, sand traps and seal dump valves, as required, and prepare for mixing spud mud. Slip and cut riser tensioner wires, if required. Slip and cut guidelines as required, fit guideline connectors or splice eyes (Ref. Operators Well Programme and Rig Specific Work Methods).

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Move the guide base(s) to the moonpool area. The guide base to be used will be specified in Operators Well Programme. Install slope indicator to suit location of rig sub sea TV camera system, paint guide posts with hoops and check bolts and nuts on guide base(s) are tight and locked. Check dimensions between the guide posts to ensure that the guide is not bent (3.65 m) diagonal distance between post tops. Carry out between wells inspection for sub sea and BOP equipment. Check all equipment required for 36" hole section (where available on rig). Pressure test standpipe and mud pump manifold valves as per Company testing procedures and rig specific testing programmes contained in the Rig Specific Work Methods. Check mud pump fluid ends as required, dress pumps with pistons and liners required by Well Programme. Reset and test high pressure relief valves for the liner safe working pressures as specified in Manufacturers Manual. Check cementing equipment: Standpipe, valves, chicksans and cementing hoses. Flush and pressure test as required.

5. 6. 7.



10. Have Electrician check out sub sea TV system and if system is to be used to monitor spud-in with no TGB, then check that clump weights are available to run two guidelines. 11. The Electrician should ensure that Beacon has been recharged as long as possible, minimum 24 hrs. 12. Check guide frame/bit guide. 5.1.2 Use Of TGB When A TGB Is Used A TGB is not normally run on the majority of the wells drilled. The use of a TGB may be considered in the following cases: 1. 2. 3. High currents at the location (in excess of 2.5 knots). Well to be precisely positioned alongside another well. Water depths greater than 650 ft.

The use of a TGB will be specified in the Well Programme.

Well Section Procedures Considerations And Preparation Of TGB

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There are several points to consider when preparing the TGB for running: 1. The sea bed must be firm enough to support the base whilst drilling the 36" hole. It must also be flat enough to avoid excessive tilting of the base. It may be necessary to inspect the seabed, carry out penetration tests and any remedial procedures. These will be specified in the Well Programme. The base will require the addition of weighting material. This may be either in bulk form from a loading line or in sacks. If in sack form, punch holes in the sacks after loading them into the base. This will make it easier to clean out if the base is retrieved at the end of the well. Place the TGB on the trolley. Install and secure the transponder in the holder. Install a thin wire sling to the transponder for recovery by the ROV. Install and check slope indicator reading before running the TGB (on floating installations confirm with Control Room Operator that rig is level whilst doing this). Make up and install the guide wires and SSTV guide lines. Use brass shear pins for SSTV guide lines - 45 kN (10,000 lbs) strength. Check that all equipment and materials according to check list are onboard.


3. 4.

5. 6.

Running TGB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Make up TGB running tool and paint Engage/Disengage positions. Attach the TGB-running tool to the Guide Base. Pick-up the TGB and withdraw the trolley. Orientate and run the TGB to the seabed with DDM locked, keeping the base square to the rig, checking that the guide wires reel off steadily. Land the TGB and check the slope indicator with the ROV/SSTV. Check positioning of beacons on the acoustic position control system. If inclination is acceptable, release the TGB running tool. (Check the slope indicator after the TGB is landed before and after releasing running tool which is commonly a J-Tool engaging in slots in the TGB.) Measure setting string "out of the hole" when setting the Temporary Guide Base. Record the RT-seabed depth, and tide when TGB is set (check rig draft). Permanently mark four Guide Lines as a tide reference at the time the TGB is set on the seabed. After the TGB is set and the setting tool retrieved, record the following:


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Well Section Procedures

1) 2) 3) RT-sea level distance. Water depth. RT-seabed distance.

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36" Hole Section

Introduction Specific requirements will be issued in the Operators Well Programme. The following procedures are to assist in developing Rrig Specific Wwork Mmethods that might be required.


36 Hole Preparations 1. 2. 3. Check equipment checklist in Ref. Section Prepare BHA required as per Well Programme (Ref. Section 5.1). In conjunction with Client measure 30" conductor pipe to determine correct footage of 36" hole to be drilled. Inspect all joints, shoe joint, for debris and visually check connectors for damage (ensure O-rings are fitted). The standard practice is to drill so that the PGB is located 5 - 6 ft above the seabed. Inspect and service 30" running tool/installation tools. Make up 30" running tool to stand of HWDP/5" S-135 and rack this in the derrick. Make up cementing/circulating head to joint of HWDP/5" S-135 and lay out for later use. Check all handling equipment for 30" casing (Ref. Section 5.2.6 .2). If casing is to be run using pad eyes then check slings and shackles of an adequate load rating are available and that there is sufficient oxygen and acetylene equipment ready for the job. If casing is to be run using elevators, then cut any pad eyes fitted off and check that elevators will fit. Using white paint, paint the float shoe, 30" conductor housing with single stripes 2 foot apart for 10 ft below the housing. Install posts and slope indicator on PGB, move same to moonpool area ready for moving to well centre. Using white paint, paint the bit and bottom 8 - 10 ft of the BHA for better visibility sub sea.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. Ensure that sufficient volume of spud mud is prepared to meet the requirements of the Well Programme. 11. Check with Cement Hand that his materials and equipment are prepared. 12. Point 1 - 8 below may be done before spudding the hole: 1) Move the PGB to the trolley and move the trolley to centre of moonpool.

Well Section Procedures

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 5.2.3 Run 30" casing through the PGB.

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With housing at rotary Run 5" drillpipe stringer inside the 30" casing. Make up a running tool to the housing and land the housing in PGB. Install lock down rings on the PGB and ensure that all bolts are tight. Check the alignment between the 30" housing and the bullseye(s) are installed on the PGB. Install beacon holders. Secure in cellar deck clear of well centre. Keep casing filled up to water line when hung off in moonpool.

General Procedures Hold Shallow Gas Drill. Advise the standby vessel that 36" hole is being drilled and to stand off safe distance. If TGB has been run, permanently mark the guidelines at moonpool level to monitor same whilst drilling 36" hole. Have a watchman in the moonpool area at all times whilst drilling in case guidelines become tangled and for the possibility of shallow gas. NOTE: It may be desirable to spud the well in at first light due to the possibility of encountering shallow gas. 1. 2. 3. The 36" hole will be drilled with 36" fixed-arm hole opener and a 26" pilot bit. Always spud with 5" HWDP on top of BHA. Run 36" drilling assembly and tag seabed. Observe tagging with ROV or sub sea camera.

NOTE: Depth from rotary table to mudline and tide correction at the time the seabed was tagged. 4. Ensure that there is enough pipe left on the stand before drilling to prevent any chances of the bit being pulled out of the seabed at the first connection. Approximately 30 ft should be adequate. The ROV should always be kept on the seabed to monitor the spudding and as a reference to where the hole is. To spud well the maximum WOB should be 22 kN (5,000 lbs), 600 gpm pump rate and bring in the top drive speed to between 20 - 30 rpm when the bit (and hole opener) has cleared the sea floor (Ref. Section 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 in DOP 202).

5. 6.

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Gradually increase the WOB to optimum, 60 - 75 rpm for bit/hole opener and the pump output limited to 600 gpm for the first 30 - 40 ft to avoid washing the hole. Continue to increase the pump rate to 1200 gpm approximately as the hole gets deeper. Drill 36" hole from seabed to casing point, taking returns to the seabed. Use sea water and sweep hole with 20 - 25 bbl hi-vis pills (minimum 100 120 s/l marsh funnel) before connections. If hole cleaning is a problem, increase frequency and/or volume of the sweeps.


NOTE: Release the torque in the string slowly using the DDM prior to making connections. Fast torque release could result in the string backing off. NOTE: These parameters are designed to maintain hole angle at less than 1 throughout the Section. 9. Take directional surveys as required by Well Programme (Ref. Section 5.3.3 in DOP 202).

If a TGB is run, drill approximately 2 m rathole. If TGB is not run, extreme care must be exercised in order to drill the hole to the exact depth. Check the tide tables and with Control Room for the rig draft. The depth should be such that when the casing is landed the top of the housing will extend 1.5 m (5 ft) above sea bed. At casing point, spot viscous mud in the hole. Make a wiper trip to 30 - 40 ft below the sea bed and rest hole for approximately 1hr. If drag is experienced on the trip out of the hole, make a second wiper trip and again displace the hole with high viscous mud. Repeat this process until drag, bridges and excessive fill are eliminated. Before POOH to run casing, the complete hole volume should be filled with Hi-Vis mud. Strap pipe when POOH and stand back BHA and do not break off the bit. If a TGB is run, great care must be exercised when POOH through the TGB. Have the compensator in an open position. Monitor the TGB with the subsea camera and/or ROV.

Well Section Procedures

5.2.4 Running 30" Casing 1. 2. 3. 4.

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Move PGB to well centre and attach/install guidelines. Check and note slope indicator reading (confirm with CRO that rig is level when doing this). Rig up as required to run 30" casing. Handle casing into the rig floor as per picking up drill collars (Ref. Section 5.1.1 in DOP 202). Run 30" casing as per Well Programme up to and including conductor housing joint. Run drillpipe stinger into casing using keyhole plate and 2 sets drillpipe elevators OR false rotary. Space out stinger to be approximately 40 ft from 30" shoe once running tool is made up. Fit centraliser if required. Make up 30" running tool to stinger and 30" Housing. Lower through rotary table and latch same to PGB. Pick up and check proper engagement. Open purge valve(s) on running tool. Set guideline tensions as required to support minimum tension (estimated wire weight only). Run 30" housing to sea level, make up DDM/Topdrive to string and fill casing with sea water down running string and purge air from casing. Close purge valve(s). Continue running casing on 5" HWDP/S-135 drillpipe (take care not to turn string whilst making up connections). Fill pipe as it is run. Use ROV or subsea TV to assist stab-in to 36" hole. If it is necessary to move the installation or work the pipe to stab-in, mark the pipe to observe any twisting/turning effects. Prior to landing casing on bottom, make up joint with cementing head. Land casing on bottom and adjust DSC to support landing string weight plus 10%. Check measurements on casing and stick up above seabed (top of PGB approximately 1.5 m above seabed). Check guidelines for twisting/snagging. If possible, have ROV (if available) check orientation of PGB to ensure that it has not turned. Check PGB inclination. If this is greater than 1 it will be necessary to contact the Rig Manager.



7. 8.


NOTE: From the time when the 36" hole is completed until the 30" casing is landed, no off load or back loading operations should take place and the draft should not be changed.

Well Section Procedures

5.2.5 Cementing 30" Casing 1. 2.

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Cement casing as per Ref. Well Programme and Section 5.5.3 in DOP 202. Lower the SSTV and check the Housing. Leave SSTV on bottom to observe returns while cementing and check for possible leaks on the housing running tool. The ROV may be used to monitor during the operation and in addition should collect cement samples. Make up cementing line to landing joint. Break circulation slowly with rig pump using sea water. Observe 30" x 36" annulus with ROV or subsea camera to ensure that returns to seabed are achieved. Limit pump rate so that 30" x 36" annular velocity is equivalent to annular velocity used while drilling lower section of 36" hole. It is recommended to pump a volume of sea water equivalent to 1.5 times the combined capacity of the running string, cementing stinger and casing capacity between end of stinger and 30" shoe. Close valve on cement head and pressure test lines as required by Well Programme (normally to around 3000 psi). If PGB inclination is less than 1 then proceed with cementing operations. Lift the casing 0.5 m off bottom to mix and displace the cement. Use the DSC to hold the casing weight during cementing. After the cement has been displaced, the casing is lowered, leaving the wellhead 1.5 m above sea floor. If unable to lower the casing, the wellhead height above sea floor will be max 2 m. Use the DSC to hold the weight of the casing until the cement has set up. Mix and pump cement as per Well Programme, monitor returns at the mudline throughout the job. Monitor the casing for settling while cementing. Displace cement with sea water using cement unit. Watch out for the casing floating while cement is being displaced. Take cement samples with ROV if required.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

10. Once cement in place, bleed off surface pressure on cement line and check float is holding. If holding, set guidelines to working tension and release running tool. If float is not holding, then pump volume bled back and hold shut-in pressure until cement takes initial set. Once cement takes initial set, release surface pressure and release running tool. Pull back and position end of cementing stinger 3 m - 5 m inside top of wellhead and flush wellhead area with sea water at maximum rate. POOH and lay out 30" running tool. NOTE: Observe for good returns while cementing and displacing. following should be done: If not the

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11. Stab into the annulus between the 30" casing and the 36" hole with 3" tubing and tag top of cement. If cement top is not tagged within 1 m of the seabed, grout the 30" casing to the seabed using tail in cement slurry and observe return on SSTV or ROV. 5.2.6 Equipment Requirements - 36" Hole Drilling Tools ITEM * * 26" bit with nozzles 36" hole opener Bit sub with float profile 9" steel drill collars * 36" string stabiliser(s) Crossover(s) 8" steel drill collars Crossover(s) 5" HWDP * * 65/8" HWDP Crossover(s) 5" drillpipe Baker float valve Totco ring 26" bit breaker 9" DC lifting subs 8" DC lifting subs 9" DC elevators * 65/8" DP elevators 5" DP elevators 9" DC slips 75/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 4" IF Pin 65/8" FH Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 4" IF Pin CONNECTIONS DOWN CONNECTIONS UP 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 65/8" FH Box 65/8" FH Box 4" IF Box

Well Section Procedures

8" DC slips 65/8" DP slips 5" DP slips Drill collar and drillpipe dope Drill collar and safety clamp(s)

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Single shot survey equipment in sandline / slickline, sinker bars, overshots etc. * * * * ITEM * * * * * * * * Permanent guide base assembly complete with guideposts Wellhead housing joint(s) Intermediate joints 30" casing shoe joint(s) Wellhead housing running tool Remote guideline connectors to match PGB post tops Spares and tools for 30" connectors Guidebase slope indicators 30" handling equipment: 50 ton SWL pennants (matched set) complete with either 50 ton SWL shackles or 2 sets 30" elevators 350 ton long elevator links Oxy/acetylene cutting equipment Keyhole plate and 2 sets 5" drillpipe elevators for running stinger Beacons for guidebase 9" TELEDRIFT tool 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box

Surface equipment for TELEDRIFT Gyro survey equipment (for directional or cluster well) Usually supplied by Operator Casing Equipment

Well Section Procedures

Fill up line for drillpipe running string Cementing head complete with 4" IF pin connection Cement hose/chiksans Lo-torque valve(s) Rags, light oil etc. for 30" connectors * * Cement and additives - mixwater required? Usually Supplied by Operator

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Installing 30" Hydraulic Connector, Marine Riser And Diverter

If required by the Drilling Programme.


Operational Limitations Weather conditions and forecast should be suitable so that running and installing the Hydraulic Connector and Marine Riser can be completed prior to arrival of any expected severe weather.


Preparations 1. 2. 3. Check that all equipment and materials according to the operators checklist are onboard. Visually inspect all seals, dogs and couplings on the riser and hydraulic connector. Change the O-ring on the connector. Inspect the bore of the flex joint and slip joint inner barrel shoe for wear prior to running. Procedure 1. 2. 3. Pick up the hydraulic connector and place it on the trolley. Run riser through the rotary table and install onto the hydraulic connector. Make up riser joints to the manufacturers recommended torque. Install the guide lines and connect the hydraulic hose lines from the mini hose reel to hydraulic connector open-close and to the dump valve. Function test same. Run the SSTV or ROV to the wellhead to observe landing of the assembly. Pick up the slip joint and make up to last joint of riser. Land the slip joint on rotary spider, release and extend inner barrel ready to land on wellhead. Open drill string compensator. Install booster hose. Lower the hydraulic connector assembly using compensator and land assembly on wellhead and lock hydraulic connector.


4. 5.


Well Section Procedures

7. 8. 9. Make a pick-up test to 220 kN or 50,000 lbs.

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Install the diverter module with the diverter handling tool landing and locking same into the diverter housing. Circulate through all of the diverter lines and function all diverter valves.

10. Close the diverter bag and test the system.


26" Hole Section

Introduction Specific requirements will be issued in the Operators Well Programme. The following procedures are to assist in developing installation specific procedures that might be required.


Operational Limitations 1. 2. Drilling of the 26" hole can start and continue unless only when weather conditions exceed the limits that are considered safe. A maximum of 4 angular deflection full amplitude is allowed while drilling through the flex joint. This corresponds to an offset of 6.9% of the water depth. In extreme cases, drillpipe may be tripped with a flex joint angle up to 6.


Consideration should be given to drilling an 8" or 12" pilot hole. 5.4.3 1. 2. 3. 4. Preparations Check equipment as per checklists. Drilling Tools (Ref. Section and Casing, Casing List Equipment, Ref. Section Prepare BHA required as per Well Programme, also Ref. Section 5.1 in DOP 202. (The BHA should be fitted with a non ported float valve.) Prepare Casing required as per Well Programme, also Ref. Section 5.5 in DOP 202. Measure, tally and number the casing as it is brought onboard the rig and in conjunction with client measure 20" casing to determine footage of 26" hole to be drilled, allowing for rathole required below 20" casing shoe (usually around 5 m). Inspect and service 20" running tool/installation tools. Make up drillpipe joint/pup joint to the bottom of this. Length of drillpipe required to extend +/- 1.5 m below the bottom of the wellhead housing, once running tool is made up, or space out to suit sub sea launch plug.


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Make this assembly up to the wellhead housing. Check tool release and then set to running position. Mark tool and housing to observe any inadvertent back-off. Lay out the housing and running tool assembly. Take care to support the weight of the housing to prevent any bending of the running tool taking place.

or The housing joint with running tool and sub sea cement plug could be stood back in derrick prior to the 26" wiper trip before the casing job if required. 7. 8. 9. Make up cement head with dart/circulating head to stand of 5" HWDP and rack back for later use. Drift landing strings. Check the weight of the casing versus the capacity of the hoisting equipment. Always have a 250T 20" casing elevator available.

10. Paint 20" casing shoe and 18" wellhead housing with white paint to improve visibility subsea. Highlight connector overlap indicator. 11. Make up guidance ropes for 20" casing if required. It is recommended to design and fit a sleeve to allow for any inadvertent rotation of the casing during running (especially in deep water). This will prevent ropes being snapped before the casing is stabbed into the well. 12. Mix initial volume of mud as required by Well Programme. 13. Ensure that sufficient mud materials are available to drill the 26" hole. 14. Check with Cement Hand that his materials and equipment are prepared.

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5.4.4 Open Water Drilling

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This is the preferred method for drilling the 26" hole section as it greatly enhances installation safety. In the event of a shallow gas risk, consideration should be given to drilling a pilot hole (Ref. Section 5.7 in DOP 204). General Procedures Continue with shallow gas precautions as for 36" hole. Advise the standby vessel that 26" hole is being drilled and to stand off a safe distance. Run 26" drilling assembly to 30" wellhead. Observe stabbing of bit into wellhead with subsea TV or ROV (if fitted). Use guide ropes/bit guide as required to facilitate stab-in. RIH to 15 - 20 ft above predicted top of cement in the 30" casing. (Check surface cement samples for firmness. If cement is still soft then it may be necessary to wait on cement.) Break circulation, tag cement and check for firmness. Report depth of top of cement. Drill out cement and float shoe. Guideline parameters are: 10000 lbs. W.OB, 40 - 50 rpm rotary speed , torque limit set to minimum required, and 1100 1200 gpm flow rate using sea water with viscous sweeps as required to clean the hole (15 - 20 bbl sweeps prior to connections should be sufficient). If hole cleaning becomes a problem, then increase volume and/or frequency of sweeps. Drill to 20" casing point plus rat hole required. Once any stabilisers in the string are past the shoe and in new hole then rotary speed may be increased. Take directional surveys as required by Well Programme (Ref. Section 5.3.3 in DOP 202). At casing point, displace hole with Hi-Vis mud, then make wiper trip to 30" casing shoe. If excessive hole bridging or fill is seen then repeat wiper trips until hole condition is good. Displace well to viscous mud and POOH to run 20" casing. If necessary to keep hole open, displace with weighted viscous mud. Wash 30" housing on trip out with sea water. Strap pipe on final POOH. NOTE: Flow check and observe the well for flow at each connection and when drilling sections to TD and at any other time you deem necessary by use of ROV or SSTV camera. Shallow Gas - Riserless Ref. Section 5.7 in DOP 204. 1. Well Control Manual WCO 200.

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2. Rig Emergency Preparedness Manual REM 300.

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When drilling riserless, the main consideration is to move the rig clear of the well in the event of shallow gas. Points to consider in preparing rig specific contingency plans are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Position windsocks/flags so that they can be sighted from all angles of the installation. Position standby boat upwind and maintain regular contact with updates on activities in progress. Set up power distribution to switch power to anchor winches quickly. Set up plan for personnel to go to winches (24 hour cover of these posts will be required). Ensure that adequate training is given and tested by drills. Have subsea TV on guidelines ready to run at all times. If ROV fitted then have this on standby ready to observe the well. Observe the wellhead during tripping operations. Consider pumping out of the hole to maintain an adequate hydrostatic overbalance. Pump at all times when moving string upwards. Personnel to pay out guidelines will be required. training is given and tested by drills. Ensure that adequate

6. 7.

Prepare and rig up equipment and procedures to release and drop drill string to enable rig to be winched clear. These will be required for the following cases: 1) 2) Bit on bottom and drilling. Tripping.

Ensure that drill floor personnel are given adequate training and tested by drills. 8. Maintain good communications between on duty Barge Master, Toolpusher, Driller, Designated Winch Operators, Crane Operator and Deck Crew at all times.


Drilling with Riser Installed Introduction It may be decided to drill out below 30" casing with riser installed. Common reasons for this are: 1. To minimise build up of drilled cuttings on subsea templates. Cuttings are dispersed further from surface by wave action.

2. To enable mud-logging and any open hole electric logs to be run.

Well Section Procedures

3. If hole stability will require mud to be used. 5.4.6 Procedure 1. 2.

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Recommended BHA according to the drilling program. A drillpipe float shall be used (preferably non-ported). Weight on bit - pilot hole. A maximum of 45 kN (10,000 lbs) should be used when drilling out the cement in the 30" casing. This weight should be used until the upper stabiliser is below the casing shoe. The weight on bit should then gradually be increased to optimum weight. Rotary/DDM speed - pilot hole. To be as outlined in the drilling program. A maximum speed of 200 rpm shall be used to avoid drilling in the critical rotary speed ranges. Pump speed - pilot hole. A minimum circulation rate should be used when drilling 17" pilot hole. Use the booster line to clean the riser if fitted. Mud properties. Marsh Funnel viscosity should be in the 60/100 s/l range. All available solids removal equipment should be in operation. The mud weight in should not be allowed to exceed 9 ppg. At casing depth the Marsh Funnel viscosity should be raised to a uniform 100 s/l and the yield point to minimum prior to pulling out of the hole for the wiper trip. Further details in the drilling program. Wiper trips. After the viscous mud has been spotted, a wiper trip to the 30" casing shoe will be made. If any drag or bridges are encountered, the hole should be circulated again with the viscous mud and a second wiper trip made. Controlling mud weight to 9 ppg or less is very important. Continue wiper trips and viscosity changes until the wiper trip can be made without problems. Deviation control. Run directional surveys (magnetic single shots) at the end of each bit run and at casing depth. Run a multi-shot at casing depth. Flow checking - 17" hole. Having drilled the pilot hole to casing depth, and after a satisfactory wiper trip has been completed, observe the well for flow. If the hole is stable, displace the riser with sea water through booster line with bit at bottom and observe the well for 15 mins. Open riser dump valve, lowering the water level in the riser to sea level. Observe the well with the SSTV for 30 mins. to ensure the well is stable. Close dump valve. Circulate bottoms up while monitoring for gas.


4. 5.


7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

POOH with pilot bit to run logs (if required). If a gas reservoir is seen on the logs, plug back and set casing. RIH with under-reaming assembly. cement inside-the 30" properly. Be sure to under-ream the

Weight on bit - 26" hole. A maximum of 45 kN (10,000 lbs) should be used when under-reaming with the 26" under-reamer assembly.

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Rotary/DDM speed - 26" hole. Under-reaming operations should commence with a rotor speed of 50 rpm and should be increased to a maximum of 100 rpm. Pump speed - 26" hole. A circulation rate of 270 m 3/hr (29 bbl/min) will be required when under-reaming with the 26" assembly. Check maximum recommended pressure drop for the under-reamer in use. Flow checking - 26" hole. After the 17" pilot hole is opened to 26" displace the high viscosity mud in the hold with a density equivalent to what was used when drilling/under-reaming. With the bit on bottom displace the mud in the riser with sea water using the booster line and observe the well for 15 mins. Open dump valve and observe the well for 15 mins with SSTV. Should there be any question about the stability of the well, increase the mud weight. Pull out of the hole slowly leaving the dump valve open and observe the well. Watch carefully when pulling UR through hydraulic connector to ensure that UR arms are closed. Have DSC in the open position. Pull the diverter and marine riser. Observe wellhead with SSTV when disconnecting riser. Make wiper trip with the 26" bit. Displace the hole with high visc. mud prior to POOH. Volume used to be 100% in excess of hole volume. Measure pipe length when POOH.




Shallow Gas - Riser Installed (Ref. Section 5.7 of DOP 204, Well Control Manual WCO 200 and Rig Emergency Preparedness Manual REM 300.) Considering the following additional points will assist in preparing rig specific contingency plans: 1. Evaluate condition of diverter equipment and overboard lines - how long will they stand up to the battering they will take during a shallow gas blowout? Are there many bends and areas where excessive erosion will occur? It may be prudent to develop procedures to drop the drill string, unlatch the riser and pull the rig off the well. Maintain all spare mud pits full of sea water. In the event of shallow gas, it is important to pump mud/sea water as fast as possible. Ensure that Derrickmen are trained to line up rig pumps to sea water as quickly as possible on hearing the general alarm. Sufficient pump rate required to maintain gas wet. Maximum rate will increase erosion rate of diverter. Open riser dump valves if fitted to maintain gas wet.




Running 20" (Or 18 5/8") Casing

NOTE: Safety

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If it is possible for the Compensator hoses to foul the stabbing board, the on tour Toolpusher shall lock out the Drill String Compensator and DDM carriage control button to prevent retraction of the Travelling Block. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The 20" casing will not be run until such time as the drilling fluid and wel lbsore conditions are considered to be stable. Pick up 20" casing as per picking up drill collars (Ref. Section 5.1.31 in DOP 202). Run 20" casing as per running casing (Ref. Section 5.5.2 in DOP 202). Always have 250t 20"elevators and circulating swedge on drill floor when running casing. With threaded type float equipment, connections on bottom two casing joints will be thread locked to prevent back off or connection failures while drilling out cement and float equipment. Check float equipment for correct operation. Run 20" casing as per Well Programme. Install guide ropes. Fill casing with sea water/mud whilst running using DDM or dedicated fill up line. Observe stab-in of 20" into 30" housing with subsea TV or ROV (if fitted) and check guide ropes parted properly. Run 20" casing up to and including last joint before wellhead housing.

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. If required run drillpipe stinger into casing using keyhole plate and 2 sets drillpipe elevators. Space out stinger to be approximately 90 ft from 20" float equipment once wellhead housing and running tool are installed or if using subsea launch system check plugs are installed. 11. Pick up 18" wellhead housing and running tool. (Take care to support the weight of the housing to prevent any bending of the running tool.). Make up to 20" casing (connect stinger if in use). 12. Run 20" casing on 5" HWDP/S-135 drillpipe. Prior to landing off in 20" housing, pick up and make up joint with cementing/circulating head. (May have already been stood back in derrick.) 13. Observe landing with subsea TV or ROV and take an overpull to ensure 18" wellhead is latched in the 30" housing. 5.5.1 Cement 20" Casing 1. 2. Cement casing as per Clients cement programme and Ref. Section 5.5.3 in DOP 202. Make up cementing line to landing joint and pressure test lines as per Well Programme (normally to around 3000 psi).

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Break circulation slowly with mud pump using sea water. Monitor for returns at the wellhead using subsea TV or ROV. Pump a minimum volume at least equal to the capacity of the running string, cementing stinger and the casing capacity between the end of the stinger and the 20" shoe. Limit the pump rate such that the 20" x 26" annular velocity is the same as that used to drill the 26" hole. Mix and pump cement as pre Well Programme. Monitor returns at the wellhead with subsea TV or ROV throughout the job. Displace cement with sea water using cement unit. Once cement in place, bleed off surface pressure on cement line and check float is holding. If float is holding then release running tool. Observe same with subsea TV or ROV. If float is not holding then hold shut-in pressure until cement takes initial set, bleed off and then release running tool. POOH and position end of stinger 3 - 5 m inside top of the wellhead and flush wellhead area with sea water at maximum rate. POOH and lay out running tool. Strap landing string on POOH and measure distance from rotary table to top of 18" housing. Apply any tide correction applicable and report this depth on the IADC report. Inspect 18" wellhead and guide base area with subsea TV or ROV prior to starting preparations to run the BOPS.





Well Section Procedures

5.5.2 Equipment Checklist for 26" hole Drilling Tools ITEM * 26" bit with nozzles Bit sub with float profile 9" Steel Drill Collars * 26" String Stabiliser(s) Crossover(s) 8" Steel Drill Collars Crossover(s) 5" HWDP Full opening safety valves (TIW / Kellyguard) * Crossover(s) * 65/8" HWDP * Surface equipment for TELEDRIFT * Gyro survey equipment (for directional or cluster well) Fishing tools for 26" hole * 17" bit with nozzles * 26" Under-reamer * 17" bit breaker * 65/8" Drill Pipe * Crossover (s) 5" Drill Pipe Baker float valve Totco ring 65/8" FH Pin 65/8" FH Pin 4" IF Pin 75/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" FH Pin 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin CONNECTIONS DOWN

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CONNECTIONS UP 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 4 " IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box

65/8" FH Box 65/8" FH Box

75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin

65/8" FH Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box

Well Section Procedures

26" bit breaker 9" DC lifting subs 8" DC lifting subs 9" DC elevators * 65/8" DP elevators 5" DP elevators 9" DC slips 8" DC slips 65/8 DP slips 5" DP slips Drill collar and drillpipe dope Drill collar and safety clamp(s) 75/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin

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Single shot survey equipment inc. sandline / slickline, sinker bars, overshots etc. 9" TELEDRIFT tool * ITEM * * 18" wellhead housing(s) complete with 20" casing joint 18" wellhead housing running tool complete with spares 20" casing crossover joint(s) - required if wellhead joint(s) has latch type connector(s) * * * * * 20" casing joints 20" casing shoe joint(s) Spares and tools for 20" connectors - latch type Guide ropes and shackles 20" casing power tongs Hydraulic power unit Usually Supplied By Operator Casing Equipment 75/8" Reg Box 75/8 " Reg Box

Well Section Procedures

20" casing manual tongs 20" casing single joint pick-up elevators 20" casing 150 ton side door elevators 350 ton long elevator links 20" casing slips 20" casing rotary bushings 20" casing safety clamp Wire slings for handling casing onto rig floor Tailing-in rope for V-door

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Fill up line for DDM/Topdrive or dedicated casing fill up line Circulating swedge for 20" casing Circulating / cementing head complete with 4" IF pin connection Cement hose / chiksans Lo-torque valve(s) Lubricant for 20" casing connectors * * * BOP test tool 18" nominal seat protector(s) 18" nominal seat protector(s) running / pulling tool Emergency drillpipe hang-off tool assembly 18" wellhead gasket * Usually Supplied By Operator

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5.6 BOP References

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Due to the specific nature of the operations, preparation and running of the BOP stack is covered in the Rig Specific Information / Procedures Work Methods Manual RSI 300 .


17 " Hole Section

Introduction Specific requirements will be issued in the Operators Well Programme. The following procedures are to assist in developing installation specific procedures that might be required.


Preparations 18" BOP stack and marine riser (Ref. Rig Specific Instruction Manual (RSI 300) andWork Methods and Well Programme). BOP on seabed (Ref. Subsea Well Control Procedures, Rig Specific Work Methods Instruction Manual (RSI 300) andand Well Programme). choke and kill manifold valves, and standpipe manifold valves etc. (Ref. Subsea Well Control Procedures, Rig Specific Work Methods Instruction Manual (RSI 300) andand Well Programme). that drill floor equipment for kick-control is available. Inside BOP, spare Kelly valve, BOP kick joint and inside BOP dart to be ready for use (Ref. Rig Specific Instruction Manual (RSI 300) andWork Methods and Well Programme). 18" nominal bore protector in wellhead. up emergency drill string hang-off tool assembly and stand same back in derrick. BHA required as per Well Programme, also Ref. Section 5.1 in DOP 202). equipment as in lists (Ref. Under Section 5.7.6). out 26" drilling assembly, prepare and make up 17" (or 16") BHA required as per Well Programme (Ref. Section 5.1 in DOP 202). 13 3/8" casing as per Well Programme and Section 5.5 in DOP 202. lock ring from cement hanger on exploration wells. the weight of the casing versus the capacity of the hoisting equipment.

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5.7.3 General Procedures

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25 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 17" (or 16") BHA to approximately 20 ft above predicted top of cement inside 20" casing. Break circulation with sea water, tag cement and check for firmness. Report depth to top of cement. out cement and 20" float equipment. Guideline parameters are: 10000 lbs max WOB, 40 - 50 rpm, torque limit set to minimum required, and 1100 - 1200 gpm flow-rate using sea water. drilling out cement and cleaning to bottom of rat hole, drill 3 m (10 ft) of new formation. Circulate and condition mud and perform leak-off test. Take care to avoid cement contamination of same. to 13 3/8" casing point plus rat hole required. Once stabilisers are into new hole then rotary speed may be increased. Adjust WOB and rpm to achieve best rate of penetration. NOTE: DDM speed. To be specified in the drilling program. A maximum speed of 200 rpm shall be used to avoid drilling in the critical rotary speed ranges. The proper use of the rotary brake, maintaining constant bit weight and rotary speed are important factors in the prevention of twist offs and back offs when drilling with heavy BHA. Proper make up of drillpipe and drill collar connections are another essential consideration in the prevention of drill string failures. tests of the BOP should be conducted after installation, after setting casing, and before drilling into any known or suspected high pressure zones. Otherwise, these tests should be conducted at regular intervals but not more than once every week. On installation each component should be individually tested to a low pressure (around 200 psi) and to the greater of 70% of rated working pressure or the maximum pressure expected in the upper part of the casing. An exception is the annular preventer which may be tested to 50% of its rated working pressure to minimise pack off element wear or damage. directional surveys as required by Well Programme (Ref. Section 5.3.3 in DOP 202). mud properties and control will be dictated by the Well Programme - General Ref. Section DOP 205 Drilling Fluids.6. section TD circ until shakers are clean, then POOH to run logs. Should any drag, bridges or fill be encountered make a wiper trip to bottom. Once hole conditions are good, POOH to run open hole electric logs. Recommended treatment to the mud must be based upon whether the problem is of rheological, chemical or pressure character. up and run open hole logs as per Well Programme. Rig down loggers (Ref. Section 5.4 in DOP 202). If the logs are not going to bottom due to the same problems in (8), further treatment shall be done during the wiper trip to follow.

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5.7.4 logging the well, it is recommended to make a wiper trip prior to running casing. Measure pipe length when POOH after final wipertrip, if not already done on trip out before logging. Wash wellhead with bit while POOH - to retrieve wear bushing (only if wellhead tools do not have dedicated jetting system). to the wiper trip before running casing, pick up the 13 3/8" casing hanger and make up the running tool with subsea plug launching assembly attached. Stand back running string in derrick which should be drifted for 133/8 casing jobs. If to be run on 13 3/8 csg. lay hanger assembly out again. up cementing and dart launching head to a stand of 5" HWDP and rack in derrick. trips, while out of the hole, the shear rams will remain in an open position. The trip tank shall be monitored while the drill string is out of the hole. pressure zones may be penetrated while drilling this section of the hole. Drilling breaks will be flow checked after a maximum of 3 m (10 ft) formation has been drilled. with drilling assembly for clean-up trip if required. Circulate and condition hole ready to run 13 3/8" casing. Wash wellhead area on POOH to run casing (only if tools have no jetting facility). Retrieve 18" nominal bore protector. Running 133/8" Casing NOTE: Safety If it is possible for the Compensator hoses to foul the stabbing board, the on tour Toolpusher shall lock out the Drill String Compensator and DDM carriage control button to prevent retraction of the Travelling Block. up and run 13 3/8" casing as per Well Programme and Ref. Section 5.5.2 in DOP 202. float equipment for proper operation. casing with mud as it is run using the fill line/DDM. Ensure casing completely full every five joints. well on trip tank while running casing. surge pressure program to check maximum allowable running speed. circulating swedge/water bushing and crossover to 4" IF should be on the rig floor ready for use.

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27 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 133/8" casing hanger assembly to casing string. Check running tool etc. as required by Well Programme and Service Engineer. not exceed 90% of DSC capacity when landing casing. For heavier casing, if weather permits, land without using DSC, and fill entire casing string with mud during running. Avoid floating casing strings as much as possible due to well control problems. 133/8" casing on landing string (5" HWDP/S-135 or 13 3/8" casing), pick up landing joint with cementing head and land out casing in wellhead. Confirm depth. 5.7.5 Cement 133/8" casing as per Clients Cement Programme and Ref. Section 5.5.3 in DOP 202. up cementing line to cement head and pressure test lines as per Well Programme (normally around 3000 psi). circulation slowly with rig pumps using drilling mud. Circulate at least the volume of casing and landing string. Limit pump rate such that 17" x 133/8" annular velocity is the same as that used to drill the 17" hole. Observe for mud losses while circulating. spacer ahead as required by Well Programme. and pump cement as per Well Programme. plug launching dart, displace same to top subsea plug with cement/spacer. Shear out plug. to mud pumps and displace plug to float collar with drilling mud. NOTE: Max allowable over displacement is half the volume between float collar and shoe. plug has bumped, pressure up casing to test pressure required by Well Programme. Hold pressure for time required by Well Programme. off casing pressure and check float is holding. If float is holding then release casing hanger running tool. If float is not holding maintain final displacement pressure on casing until cement takes initial set. If any possibility of cement at the wellhead, flush through choke and kill lines and circulate riser contents whilst waiting on cement. casing hanger seal assembly as per Well Programme and Service Engineer. test seal assembly/BOP as per service engineers instructions/ Well Programme.

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28 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 and lay out running tools. Apply any tide correction applicable and report the depth of the hanger in IADC Report. 5.7.6 Equipment Checklist - 17" Hole Drilling Tools

Vertical Well ITEM * * * 17" bits with nozzles 17" near bit stabiliser(s) Bit sub with float profile 9" steel drill collars 17" string stabilisers X/O 8" steel drill collars 8" drilling jars (up/down) Crossover(s) Crossover(s) 5" HWDP * * * * Crossover(s) 65/8" HWDP 65/8" drillpipe Crossover(s) Hydril drop-in sub c/w dart and retrieving tool 5" drillpipe Full opening safety valve(s) (TIW/Kellyguard) Baker float valve 65/8" Reg Pin 4" IF Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" FH Pin 65/8" FH Pin 65/8" FH Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 65/8" FH Box 65/8" FH Box 65/8" FH Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box CONNECTIONS DOWN 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin CONNECTIONS UP 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box

Well Section Procedures

Totco ring 17" bit breaker 17" gauge ring 9" DC lifting subs 8" DC lifting subs 9" DC elevators 8" DC elevators 65/8" DP elevators 5" DP elevators 9" DC slips 8" DC slips 65/8" DP slips 5" Slips Drill collar and drillpipe dope Drill collar safety clamp(s) Single shot survey equipment inc. sandline / slickline, sinker bars, overshots etc. 9" TELEDRIFT tool Surface equipment for TELEDRIFT Fishing tools for 17" hole Gyro survey equipment * Usually Supplied By Operator For 16" hole, tool requirements are the same. required. Deviated Well 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin

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75/8" Reg Box

Substitute 16" for 17" as

The following is a list of additional drilling tools which could be required for drilling a deviated well. ITEM CONNECTIONS CONNECTIONS

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DOWN * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9" non mag. drill collars 9" non mag. pony collars Near bit stabilisers Non mag. string stabilisers Stabiliser sleeves (17", 17" and 17") Stabilisers sleeve breaker 11" mud motor(s) 11" steerable motor assy Bent subs/UBHO subs 9" MWD Surface equipment for MWD SRO Gyro/steering tools and wireline unit Usually Supplied By Operator 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Pin 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Pin

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UP 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box

75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box 75/8" Reg Box

Casing Equipment ITEM * * * * * * * * * * * 133/8" casing hanger(s) complete with 13 3/8" casing pup joint 133/8" float shoe joint(s) 133/8" float collar joint(s) 133/8" casing joints 133/8" x 18" casing hanger pack-off assembly(s) 133/8" casing hanger and pack-off running tool with drillpipe adaptor BOP test tool(s) 133/8" wear bushing(s) 133/8" wear bushing running/pulling tool 133/8" centralisers and nails 133/8" stop collars and nails

Well Section Procedures

* * * 133/8" casing drift(s) 133/8" casing power tongs Hydraulic power unit 133/8" manual casing tongs 133/8" casing single joint pick-up elevators Wire bridle and swivel for pick-up elevators 133/8" casing x 150 ton side door elevators 133/8" casing slips 133/8" casing bushing inserts 350 / 500 ton slip type spider dressed for 13 3/8" casing 350 / 500 ton slip type elevator dressed for 13 3/8" casing 350 / 500 ton long elevator links Work stands for use with 350/500 ton equipment * * * 133/8" clampon or Klepo quick release thread protectors Casing dope and brush(es)

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Tins of threadlocking compound complete with applicators Buckets of diesel, barite, wire brush and rags for cleaning and drying connections prior to threadlocking 133/8" casing safety clamp Wire slings for handling casing into V-door Tailing-in rope for V-door Fill-up line for DDM/Topdrive or dedicated casing fill up line

* * * *

Timber for stacking casing 133/8" casing thread x Fig 1502 circulating swedge 133/8" casing thread x 4" IF box crossover (waterbushing) Subsea plug launching equipment complete with darts, subsea plugs, and 4" IF connection

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Cement hose/chiksans Lo-torque valve(s) * * Emergency drillpipe hang-off assembly Usually Supplied By Operator

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If casing is run full bore to surface, the following items will substitute for items listed previously: Plug Cementing Head c/w Conventional Plugs. Hanger Running Tool c/w Pup Joint of 13 3/8" Casing. Landing String. If a Two Stage cement job is required, the following items will substitute for items listed previously: cementing collar(s). by-pass baffle. shut-off baffle. stage by-pass plug. stage shut-off plug. collar opening bomb. collar closing plug.

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12 " Hole Section

Introduction Specific requirements will be issued in the Operators Well Programme. The following procedures are to assist in developing rig specific procedures that might be required.


Preparation BOPs (Ref. Rig Specific Work Methods and Well Programme). 133/8" wear bushing in wellhead. emergency drill string hang-off tool assembly space out is correct, adjust if necessary. choke and kill manifold valves, standpipe manifold valves, inside BOP Valves etc. (Ref. Rig Specific Work Methods and Well Programme). that drillfloor equipment for kick-control is available, inside BOP, spare Kelly valve, kick joint and inside BOP dart to be ready for use. test 13 3/8" casing as required by Well Programme (if not done when bumping plug). equipment as per checklists (Ref. Section and 95/8" casing (Ref. Well Programme and Section 5.5.1 in DOP 202). out 17" drilling assembly, prepare and make up 12" BHA required (Ref. Well Programme and Section 5.1 in DOP 202). up 95/8" casing hanger and pup joint assembly to pack-off assembly, running tool etc. as required by Well Programme. This may be done before RIH with clean-out assembly prior to running 9 5/8" casing. with Cement Hand that his materials and equipment are prepared. lock ring from casing hanger on exploration wells. the weight of the casing versus the capacity of the hoisting equipment.


General Procedures

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34 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 12" BHA to approximately 20 ft above predicted top of cement. Break circulation and tag top of cement. Report depth to top of cement. out cement, plug(s), float collar, shoe track and float shoe. Restrict rpm, and keep torque limit set to minimum required whilst drilling inside the casing. The WOB should be restricted to a maximum of 10000 lbs until outside the shoe then increased to the optimum weight. out rathole below 13 3/8" casing shoe. Take SCP (Ref. Well Control Manual WCO 200). Drill 1.5 - 3 m of new formation circulate hole clean and condition mud, pull back inside casing shoe. out formation pressure test (leak-off or integrity test) as required by Well Programme (Ref. WCO 200 Section 4.10). 12" hole as required by Well Programme. Once all stabilisers are in new hole then rpm may be increased. Adjust WOB and rotary speed to achieve best rate of penetration. directional surveys as required by Well Programme (Ref. Section 5.3.3 in DOP 202). wear bushing and test BOPs at intervals specified in Well Programme and the Company Well Control Equipment Procedures. tests of the BOP should be conducted after installation, after setting casing, and before drilling into any known or suspected high pressure zones. Otherwise, these tests should be conducted at regular intervals but not more than once every week. On installation each component should be individually tested to a low pressure (around 200 psi) and to the greater of 70% of rated working pressure or the maximum pressure expected in the upper part of the casing. An exception is the annular preventer which may be tested to 50% of its rated working pressure to minimise pack off element wear or damage. 95/8" casing point, circ. until shakers are clean, then POOH to run logs. Should any drag, bridges or fill be encountered make a wiper trip to bottom. Once hole conditions are good, POOH to run open hole electric logs. Recommended treatment to the mud must be based upon whether the problem is of rheological, chemical or pressure character. up and run open hole logs as per Well Programme. Rig down loggers (Ref. Section 5.4 in DOP 202, Ref. Section 4). If the logs are not going to bottom due to the same problems in (9), further treatment shall be done during the wiper trip to follow. logging the well, it is recommended to make a wiper trip prior to running casing. Measure pipe length when POOH after final wiper trip, if not already done on trip out before logging. If required wash wellhead with bit, while POOH to retrieve wear bushing.

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35 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 to wiper trip make up 9 5/8" casing hanger assembly, and plug launcher to a stand of HWDP as per Well Programme. or to be run on 95/8"casing lay hanger assembly out again. trips, while out of the hole, the shear rams will remain in an open position. The trip tank shall be monitored while the drill string is out of the hole. pressure zones may be penetrated while drilling this section of the hole. Drilling breaks will be flow checked after a maximum of 3 m (10 ft) formation has been drilled. with drilling assembly for clean-up trip if required. Circulate and condition hole ready to run 9 5/8" casing. Wash wellhead area on POOH to run casing (only if wear bushing retrieval tool has no jetting facility). 133/8" wear bushing. 5.8.4 Running 95/8" Casing NOTE: Safety If it is possible for the Compensator hoses to foul the stabbing board, the on tour Toolpusher shall lock out the Drill String Compensator and DDM carriage control button to prevent retraction of the Travelling Block. up and run 95/8" Casing (Ref. Well Programme and Section 5.5.2 in DOP 202). float equipment for proper operation. surge pressure program to check maximum allowable running speed. circulating swedge and crossover to 4" IF should be on the rig floor ready for use. casing with mud as it is run using the fill line/DDM. Ensure casing completely full every five joints. up 95/8" casing hanger to casing string. Check running tool etc. as required by Well Programme and Service Engineer. not exceed 90% of DSC capacity when landing casing. For heavier casing, if weather permits, land without using DSC, and fill entire casing string with mud during running. Avoid floating casing strings as much as possible due to well control problems.

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36 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 95/8" casing on landing string (5" HWDP/S-135 or 9 5/8" casing), pick up landing joint/stand with cementing head and land out casing in wellhead - confirm depth. 5.8.5 Cement 95/8" Casing casing as per Clients cement programme and Ref. Section 5.5.3 in DOP 202. up cementing line to cement head and pressure test lines as per Well Programme (normally 3000 psi). circulation slowly with rig pumps using drilling mud. Circulate at least the volume of casing and landing string. circulation slowly with rig pumps using drilling mud. Circulate at least the volume of casing and landing string. Limit pump rate such that 12" x 95/8" annular velocity is the same as that used to drill the 12" hole. Observe for mud losses while circulating. spacer ahead as per Well Programme. and pump cement as per Well Programme. plug and displace cement to float collar with drilling mud. to mud pumps and displace plug to float collar with drilling mud. NOTE: Max allowable over displacement is half the volume between float collar and shoe. plug has bumped, pressure up casing to test pressure as required by Well Programme. Hold pressure for time required by Well Programme. off casing pressure and check float is holding. If float is holding then release casing hanger running tool. If float is not holding, maintain final displacement pressure on casing until cement takes initial set. If there is any possibility of cement at the wellhead, flush through choke and kill lines and circulate riser contents whilst waiting on cement. casing hanger seal assembly as per Well Programme and Service Engineer. test seal assembly / BOP according to Service Engineer instructions / Well Programme. and lay out running tools.

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5.8.6 Equipment Requirements - 12" Hole Drilling Tools

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Vertical Well ITEM * * 12" bits with nozzles 12" near bit stabiliser(s) Bit sub with float profile 8" steel drill collars * * 12" string stabiliser(s) 8" drilling jars (up / down) Crossover(s) 5" HWDP * * * * * Crossover(s) 65/8" HWDP 65/8" drillpipe Crossover(s) Hydril drop-in sub with dart and retrieving tool 5" drillpipe Full opening safety valve(s) (TIW / Kellyguard) Baker float valve Totco ring 12" bit breaker(s) 12" gauge ring 8" DC lifting subs 8" DC elevators 65/8" Reg Pin CONNECTIONS DOWN 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 4" IF Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" FH Pin 65/8" FH Pin 65/8" FH Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin CONNECTIONS UP 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 65/8" FH Box 65/8" FH Box 65/8" FH Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box

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* 65/8" DP elevators 5" DP elevators 8" DC slips * 65/8" DP Slips 5" DP Slips Drill collar and drillpipe dope Drill collar safety clamp(s)

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Single shot survey equipment inc. sandline/slickline, sinker bars, overshots etc. * Magnetic single shot survey Equipment Fishing tools for 12" hole Gyro survey equipment Coring tools (if required) * Usually Supplied By Operator Deviated Well The following is a list of additional Drilling Tools which might be required for drilling a deviated well. ITEM * * * * * * * * 8" non mag. drill collars 8" non mag pony collars Near bit stabiliser(s) Non mag string stabiliser(s) Stabiliser sleeves (11", 12", 121/8" and 12") Stabiliser sleeve breaker Mud motor(s) Steerable motor assembly 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box CONNECTIONS DOWN 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Pin CONNECTIONS UP 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box

Well Section Procedures

* * * * Bent subs / UBHO subs 8" MDW Surface MWD equipment for 65/8" Reg Pin 65/8" Reg Pin

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65/8" Reg Box 65/8" Reg Box

Usually Supplied By Operator

Casing Equipment ITEM * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 95/8" casing hanger(s) with 95/8" casing pup joint 95/8" float shoe joint(s) 95/8" float collar joint(s) 95/8" casing joint(s) 95/8" x 18" casing hanger pack-off assembly(s) 95/8" casing hanger and pack-off running tool BOP test tool(s) 95/8" wear bushing(s) 95/8" wear bushing running / pulling tool 95/8" centralisers and nails 95/8" stop collars and nails 95/8" casing drift(s) 95/8" casing power tongs Hydraulic power unit 95/8" manual casing tongs 95/8 " casing single joint pick-up elevators Wire bridle and swivel for pick-up elevators 95/8" casing x 150 ton side door elevators 95/8" casing slips 95/8" casing bushing inserts

Well Section Procedures

350 / 500 ton slip type spider dressed for 95/8" casing 350 / 500 ton slip type elevator dressed for 9 5/8" casing 350 / 500 ton long elevator links Work stands for use with 350 / 500 ton equipment * * * 95/8" clampon or Klepo quick release thread protectors Casing dope and brush(es) Tins of threadlocking compound with applicators

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Buckets of diesel, barite, wire brush and rags for cleaning and drying connections prior to threadlocking 95/8" casing safety clamp Wire slings for handling casing into V-door Tailing-in rope for V-door Fill-up line for DDM/Top drive or dedicated casing fill up line * * * Timber for stacking casing 95/8" casing thread x Fig 1502 circulating swedge 95/8" casing thread x 4" IF box crossover (waterbushing) Landing string as required by Well Programme * Plug launching equipment with plugs, darts etc. as required by Well Programme Cement hose / chicksans Lo-torque valve(s) * Emergency drillpipe hang-off assembly Check casing stabbing board and drillers CCTV (if fitted) * Usually Supplied By Operator


8" Hole Section

Introduction Specific requirements will be issued in the Operators Well Programme. The following procedures are to assist in developing installation specific procedures that might be required.

Well Section Procedures

5.9.2 Preparation

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41 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 BOPs (Ref. Rig Specific Work Methods Specific Instruction Manual (RSI 300) and Well Programme). 95/8" wear bushing. emergency drill string hang-off tool assembly space out is correct, adjust if necessary. choke and kill manifold valves, standpipe manifold valves, inside BOP valves etc. (Ref. Rig Specific Instruction Manual (RSI 300), Work Methods and Well Programme). that drillfloor equipment for kick-control is available. Inside BOP, spare Kelly valve, kick joint and inside BOP dart to be ready for use. test 95/8" casing as required by Well Programme. If not done when plug bumped. equipment as per checklist, Ref. under Section and 7" liner/casing (Ref. Well Programme and Section 5.5.1 in DOP 202). out 12" drilling assembly, prepare and make up 8" BHA required (Ref. Well Programme and Section 5.1 in DOP 202). with Cement Hand that his materials and equipment are prepared. lock ring from casing hanger on exploration wells. the weight of the casing versus the capacity of the hoisting equipment.

Well Section Procedures

5.9.3 General Procedures

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42 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 8" BHA to approximately 20 ft above predicted top of cement. Break circulation and tag top of cement. Report depth to top of cement. out cement, plug(s), float collar, shoe track and float shoe. Restrict rotary speed, and keep torque limit to the minimum required whilst drilling inside the casing. out rat hole below 95/8" casing shoe. Take SCP (Ref. Well Control Manual WCO 200) drill 5 -10 ft of new formation. Circulate hole clean and condition mud as required, pull back inside casing shoe. out formation pressure test (leak-off or integrity test) as required by Well Programme (Ref. WCO 200 Section 4). 8" hole as required by Well Programme. Once all stabilisers are in new hole then rotary speed may be increased. Adjust WOB and rotary speed to achieve best rate of penetration. to casing point as required by Well Programme. At casing point, circulate hole clean, condition mud and make wiper trip to 9 5/8" casing shoe as required. POOH to run electric open hole logs. directional surveys as required by Well Programme (Ref. Section 5.3.3 in DOP 202). wear bushing and test BOPs at intervals specified in Well Programme. tests of the BOP should be conducted after installation, after setting casing, and before drilling into any known or suspected high pressure zones. Otherwise, these tests should be conducted at regular intervals but not more than once every week. On installation each component should be individually tested to a low pressure (around 200 psi) and to the greater of 70% of rated working pressure or the maximum pressure expected in the upper part of the casing. An exception is the annular preventer which may be tested to 50% of its rated working pressure to minimise pack off element wear or damage. well as required by Well Programme, Wellsite Geologist. Ensure that pipe is strapped on POOH to pick up core barrel. Report any difference in drilled depth. Ensure that any tide corrections are applied to drilling depth figures (Ref. Section 5.6 in DOP 202). section TD circulate until shakers are clean, then POOH to run logs. Should any drag, bridges or fill be encountered make a wiper trip to bottom. Once hole conditions are good, POOH to run open hole electric logs. Recommended treatment to the mud must be based upon whether the problem is of rheological, chemical or pressure character.

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43 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 up and run open hole logs as per Well Programme (Ref. Section 5.4 in DOP 202). Rig down loggers. If the logs are not going to bottom due to the same problems as in (11), further treatment shall be done during the wiper trip to follow. 7" liner is to be run then rabbit pipe in derrick whilst logging. OD of drift will be determined by maximum OD of dart to be used (Ref. Liner Hanger Service Engineer) (usually 2" OD required). 7" casing is to be run, then make up 7" casing hanger assembly and running equipment as per Well Programme before RIH for final wiper trip before running casing. or up the cement Kelly and check service breaks install dart and ball in the cement head. Pick up 7" liner hanger and make up to the running tool with subsea plug launching assembly attached. Remove lock ring on exploration wells. Stand back in derrick. wiper trip may be required prior to running casing. Measure pipe length when POOH after final wiper trip, if not already done on trip out before logging. Wash wellhead with bit while POOH (if required to retrieve wear bushing). trips, while out of the hole, the shear rams will remain in an open position. The trip tank shall be monitored while the drill string is out of the hole. pressure zones may be penetrated while drilling this section of the hole. Drilling breaks will be flow checked after a maximum of 5 ft of formation has been drilled. 5.9.4 Running And Cementing 7" Liner/Casing (General) NOTE: Safety If it is possible for the Compensator hoses to foul the stabbing board, the on tour Toolpusher shall lock out the Drill String Compensator and DDM carriage control button to prevent retraction of the Travelling Block. and Cement casing/liner as per Clients Cement Programme (Ref. Section 5.5.2 and 5.5.3 in DOP 202). 7" casing is to be run and hung-off in the wellhead. Retrieve the 95/8" wear bushing. float equipment for proper operation. 7" casing. Fill casing with mud as it is run using the fill line/DDM. Ensure casing completely full every five joints.

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44 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 up 7" hanger to casing string. Check running tool etc. as required by Well Programme and Service Engineer. a surge/swab program for running the 7" casing. Establish the maximum running speed. 7" circulation swedge and crossover to 4" IF should be on the rig floor ready for use when running casing to wellhead. 5.9.5 Running And Cementing 7" Casing 7" casing on landing string, pick up landing joint with cementing head and land out casing in wellhead. Check Depth. not exceed 90% of DSC capacity when landing casing. For heavier casing, if weather permits, land without using DSC, and fill entire casing string with mud during running. Avoid floating casing strings as much as possible due to well control problems. up cementing line to cement head and pressure test lines as per Well Programme. circulation slowly with mud pump using drilling mud. Circulate at least the volume of casing and landing string. spacer ahead as per Well Programme. and pump cement as per Well Programme. plug and displace cement to float collar with drilling mud. plug has bumped, pressure up casing to test pressure as required by Well Programme. Hold pressure for time required by Well Programme. off casing pressure and check floats are holding. If holding, release casing hanger running tool. If not holding, maintain final displacement pressure on casing until cement takes initial set. If any possibility of cement at wellhead, flush through choke and kill lines and circulate riser contents whilst waiting on cement. casing hanger seal assembly as per Well Programme and Service Engineer. test seal assembly/BOP as per Service Engineers instructions/ Well Programme. and lay out running tools. Apply any tide correction applicable and report the depth of the 7" hanger on the IADC Report.

Well Section Procedures

5.9.6 Running And Cementing 7" Liner

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45 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 last joint of 7" liner is made up, completely fill the liner with mud. up and make up liner hanger assembly as per Well Programme and liner hanger Service Engineer. Pick up with slips in rotary to check running tool/liner hanger make-up. Pick up off slips and record weight of liner and running tool assembly. 7" Liner on drillpipe running string, filling pipe to the top using fill-up hose. Control running speed as directed by Service Engineer. circulation as required by Well Programme and Service Engineer. Break circulation slowly and observe for mud losses. +/- 30 ft from bottom, space out with pup joints if required and pick up Cement Kelly and dart launching head/swivel (made up and laid out before final wiper trip) and make up to running string. Hook up cementing line and pressure test as required by Well Programme. circulation slowly with rig pump using drilling mud. Circulate at least liner and running string volume OR the annulus volume (liner/8" hole) whichever is the greater. Monitor for mud losses. Record pickup and slack-off weights. Work pipe as required by Well Programme and Service Engineer. pills, spacers etc. as required by Well Programme and set liner hanger as required by Well Programme and Service Engineer. Release running tool as required. Check weights and check tool is free. Record neutral weight, number of turns and number of back turns obtained when torque is released to release running tool., mix and pump cement, release dart and displace to plug, shear release plug and displace cement to landing collar as required by Well Programme and Service Engineer. Bump plug and pressure test casing as required by Well Programme. Bleed off and check float valves are holding. up off top of liner with setting tool, check for back flow up drillpipe once cement stinger is out of pack off as an indication that cement is above top of liner. setting string above calculated top of cement as required by Well Programme. Circulate and clear string of cement (conventionally or reverse) as required by Well Programme. Monitor mud returns for cement. and lay out liner setting tools. operations are detailed in Well Clean Up (Ref. Section 5.8 or 6" Hole, Section 5.10).

Well Section Procedures

5.9.7 Equipment Checklist for 8" Hole Drilling Tools

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Vertical Well ITEM * * 8" bits with nozzle 8" near bit stabiliser(s) Bit sub with float profile 6" steel drill collars * * 8" string stabiliser(s) 6" drilling jars (up / down) 5 HWDP Hydril drop-in sub with dart and retrieving tool 5" drillpipe Full opening safety valve(s) (TIW / Kellyguard Baker float valve Totco ring 8" bit breaker(s) 8" gauge rings 6" DC lifting subs 6" DC elevators 5" DC slips 6" DC slips 5" DP slips Drill collar and drillpipe dope Drill collar safety clamp(s) 4" IF Pin CONNECTIONS DOWN 4" Reg Box 4" Reg Box 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin CONNECTIONS UP 4" Reg Pin 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box

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Single shot survey equipment inc. sandline/slickline, sinker bars, overshots etc. * Magnetic single shot survey equipment Fishing tools for 8" hole * * Coring tools Usually Supplied By Operator

Liner / Casing Equipment ITEM * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7" casing hanger with 7" casing pup joint 7" casing hanger with pack-off running tool 7" x 18" casing hanger pack-off assembly 7" liner hanger Liner hanger setting tools 7" float shoe joint(s) 7" float collar joint(s) 7" landing collar joint(s) - for liner setting 7" casing joint(s) BOP test tool 7" wear bushing 7" wear bushing running / pulling tool 7" centralisers and nails 7" stop collars and nails 7" casing drift(s) 7" casing power tongs Hydraulic power unit 7" manual casing tongs 7" casing single joint pick-up elevators

Well Section Procedures

Wire bridle and swivel for pick-up elevators 7" x 150 ton side door elevators 7" casing slips 350 / 500 ton slip type spider dressed for 7" casing 350 / 500 ton slip type elevator dressed for 7" casing 350 / 700 ton long elevator links Work stands for use with 350 / 500 ton equipment * * * 7" clampon or Klepo quick release thread protectors Casing dope and brush(es)

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Tins of threadlocking compound complete with applicators Buckets of diesel, barite, wire brush and rags for cleaning and drying connections prior to threadlocking. 7" casing safety clamp Wire slings for handling casing into V-door Fill-up line for DDM/Top drive or dedicated casing fill up line Fill-up hose for filling drillpipe tailing-in rope for V-door

* * *

7" casing thread x 2" Fig 1502 circulating swedge 7" casing thread x 4" IF box crossover (waterbushing) Landing string as required by Well Programme Plug launching equipment complete with plugs, darts, cement Kelly with drive bushing etc. as required by Well Programme Cement hose/chiksans Lo-torque valve(s) Check casing stabbing board and drillers CCTV (if fitted)

Usually Supplied By Operator


6" Hole Section


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Specific requirements will be issued in the Operators Well Programme. The following procedures are to assist in developing installation specific procedures that might be required. 5.10.2 Preparation BOPs (Ref. Rig Specific Work Methods and Well Programme). appropriate wear bushing (95/8" or 7"). emergency drill string hang-off tool assembly space out is correct, adjust if necessary. choke and kill manifold valves, standpipe manifold valves, inside BOP valves etc. (Ref. Rig Specific Work Methods and Well Programme). that drillfloor equipment for kick-control is available. inside BOP, spare Kelly valve, BOP kick joint and inside BOP dart to be ready for use. survey 95/8" and 7" liner as required by Well Programme. test casing as required by Well Programme. equipment as per checklist in Section 5.7.5.. 4" liner (Ref. Well Programme and Section 5.5.1 in DOP 202). out 8" drilling assembly, prepare and make up 6" BHA required (Ref. Well Programme and Section 5.1 in DOP 202). 5.10.3 General Procedures These will be similar to those proposed for drilling 8" hole. Additional items to consider for drilling with slim and tapered drill strings are: Circulation Rates - it may be necessary to flush riser via booster lines or kill lines to ensure adequate hole cleaning. may be necessary to ensure pipe is full and break circulation during trips in hole. Swab and surge effects may be greater with smaller diameter hole (especially when 7" casing hung-off in wellhead). that 4" drill collars and 3" drillpipe are drifted and if necessary flushed through with water. These tubulars do not receive as much use in comparison to larger sizes. They consequently spend longer in storage with the possibility of build up of rust and scales. It is worthwhile breaking circulation and pumping the internal volume of the 4" DCs and 3" DP before continuing RIH with 5" drillpipe.

Well Section Procedures

5.10.4 Running and Cementing 4" Liner

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These will be similar to procedures for 7" liner and detailed procedures will be given in the Well Programme or by liner Service Company / Engineer. Equipment requirements will be similar to that required for 7" liner except size required. 5.10.5 Equipment Checklist - Drilling Tools Vertical Well ITEM * * * * * * * * 6" bits 6" near bit stabiliser(s) Bit sub with float profile 4" steel drill collars 6" string stabiliser(s) 4" drilling jars (up / down) 3" HWDP Fully opening safety valve(s) (TIW / Kellyguard) * * Hydril drop-in sub complete with retrieving tool Crossover(s) 5" drillpipe Fully opening safety valve(s) (TIW / Kelly Guard) * Baker float valve Totco ring 6" bit breaker(s) 6" gauge rings * 4" DC lifting subs 4" DC elevators 3" IF Pin 3" IF Pin 3" IF Pin 4" IF Pin 4" IF Pin 3" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF Box 4" IF box CONNECTIONS DOWN 3" Reg Box 3" Reg Box 3" IF Pin 3" IF Pin 3" IF Pin 3" IF Pin 3" IF Pin CONNECTIONS UP 3" Reg Pin 3" IF Box 3" IF Box 3" IF Box 3" IF Box 3" IF Box 3" IF Box 3" IF Box

Well Section Procedures

3" DP elevators 5" DP elevators * * 4" DC slips 3" DP slips 5" DP elevators * * 4" DC slips 3" DP slips 5" DP slips Drill collar and drillpipe dope Drill collar safety clamp(s)

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Single shot survey equipment inc. sandline/slickline, sinker bars, overshots etc. * * Magnetic single shot survey equipment Fishing tools for 6" hole

The following are additional tools that might be required for a deviated well. * * * * * 4" non mag drill collars 4" non mag pony collars Non mag stabiliser(s) Mud motor Bent sub / UBHN subs 3" IF Pin 3" IF Pin 3" IF Pin 3" Reg Box 3" IF Pin 3" IF Box 3" IF Box 3" IF Box 3" IF Box 3" IF Box

* *

4" MWD Surface equipment for MWD Usually Supplied By Operator

3" IF Pin

3" IF Box


Well Clean Up Prior To Testing/Completion

Introduction Specific requirements will be issued in the Operators Well Programme. The following procedures are to assist in developing rig specific procedures.

Well Section Procedures

5.11.2 Preparations

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52 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 BOP (Ref. Rig Specific Work Methods and Well Programme). appropriate wear bushing (95/8" or 7"). emergency drill string hang-off tool assembly space out is correct, adjust if necessary. choke and kill manifold valves, standpipe manifold valves, inside BOP Valves etc. (Ref. Rig Specific Work Methods and Well Programme). that drillfloor equipment for kick-control is available. Inside BOP, spare Kelly valve, kick joint and inside BOP dart to be ready for use (Ref. Rig Specific Work Methods and Well Programme). Equipment Checklist as per checklist in Section 5.10.5.. 5.11.3 General Procedures Procedures are given for 2 cases: Well clean up where well will be tested or completed inside 95/8" casing. Well clean up where well will be tested or completed inside 7" liner / 95/8" casing. Clean Out - 95/8" Casing This procedure follows on from Section 5.8.4. If 95/8" wiper plugs bumped during cement job, make up 9 5/8" casing clean out assembly with: 8" bit 95/8" casing scraper, bit sub, 6" drill collars and 5" HWDP - RIH and clean out to plugs on top of float collar. If 95/8" wiper plugs did not bump during cementing, make up slick drilling assembly. 8" bit, bit sub, 6" drill collars and 5" HWDP - RIH and drill out cement to required depth. POOH. Make up clean out assembly and RIH with same to drilled depth. hole, clean and displace if required to completion fluid etc. as required by Well Programme. with clean out assembly and lay out drillpipe and BHA that will not be required again. up and run gyro survey as required by Well Programme.

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53 of 54 2 12.03.99 DOP 203 up and run casing logs as required by Well Programme, for example CBL/VDL/CET. test casing as required by Well Programme. out testing or completion operations as per operators programmes. Clean Out - 95/8" Casing/7" Liner cement has been left above top of the 7" liner, make up 8" drilling Assembly that was used to drill 8" hole section without the 8" stabilisers. and clean out cement to top of liner, circulate hole clean. POOH, laying down excess 5" drillpipe (keep enough to reach top of the liner) and 8" BHA. Liner Wiper Plug did not bump, make up 7" clean out assembly such as: 6" bit, bit sub, 4" drill collars, 3" drillpipe, crossover and 5" drillpipe to surface. Length of 4" DCs and 3" DP will be determined by length of liner to be cleaned out. RIH and Clean Out 7" Liner As Required By Well Programme. Continue as below: liner wiper plug did bump and after above if not, then make up and run 7" x clean out assembly such as:, 7" casing scraper, bit sub, 4" DCs, 3" DP (length as required), liner top polish mill assembly, 9 5/8" casing scraper, crossover as required, 5" DP to surface., dress top of liner as required, circulate clean and displace to completion fluid if required by Well Programme. and lay out any drillpipe, BHA etc. that will not be required again. gyro survey and logs as required by Well Programme. test 95/8" casing and 7" liner as per Well Programme. out testing and completion as per Operators Programmes. 5.11.4 Equipment Checklist

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These are additional tools which will supplement drilling tools already on the installation from the relevant hole sections ITEM * * 95/8" casing scraper Liner top polish mill assembly as supplied by liner manufacturer 7" casing scraper Usually Supplied By Operator 3" Reg Box 3" Reg Box CONNECTIONS DOWN 4" Reg Box CONNECTIONS UP 4" Reg Pin

* *


Pulling BOP Stack

Due to the specific nature of the operations, preparation and pulling of the BOP stack is covered (Ref. Rig Specific Work Methods).


Rig Specific Work Methods



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