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Flanagan Et Al 2019

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European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 141 (2019) 130–138

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European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics

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Review article

Potential for pharmaceutical excipients to impact absorption: A mechanistic T

review for BCS Class 1 and 3 drugs
Talia Flanagan

Pharmaceutical Technology and Development, AstraZeneca R&D, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK


Keywords: The potential for certain excipients to impact drug absorption is the subject of numerous publications. Reflecting
Biowaivers this, current Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) guidelines place restrictions on the level of change in
Absorption excipients to be eligible for a BCS biowaiver. The degree of change permitted between test and reference for-
Excipients mulations varies between BCS Class 1 and 3, and also across different regulatory authorities. This article reviews
the literature evidence for excipients to impact drug absorption, with a particular focus on identifying effects
which may be important for BCS Class 1 and 3 compounds and formulations. Literature examples were cate-
gorised according to the mechanism by which the excipient was believed to impact drug absorption, and the
relevance of these mechanisms for compounds within BCS Class 1 and 3 was assessed. The likelihood of using the
excipient in solid oral immediate release formulations (i.e. formulation types which would be eligible for BCS
biowaivers) was also considered. Using this mechanistic and risk-based approach, potential critical excipients for
BCS Class 1 and 3 compounds were identified. Based on the literature data, there are only a limited number of
mechanisms by which excipients could affect the absorption of a BCS Class 3 drug. For BCS1, absorption is very
unlikely to be affected by excipient changes. For many of these excipients, there is no in vivo evidence of such an
effect having occurred. The risk can be mitigated to a large extent by applying some compound-specific un-
derstanding of the absorption site, rate and mechanism of the particular API under consideration.

1. Introduction make them more susceptible to excipient effects [1]. For BCS3 bio-
waivers, excipients must be qualitatively the same, and quantitatively
The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) is applied by very similar. For both BCS classes, additional restrictions are placed on
several Regulatory Authorities worldwide, including US FDA [1], EMA excipients which may impact bioavailability (sometimes called ‘critical
[2] and Health Canada [3], and is currently the subject of an ICH draft excipients’).
guideline [4]. The BCS classifies drug substances according to solubility There is a large body of published literature regarding excipient
across the physiological pH range and permeability, to identify com- effects on bioavailability, including several review articles (e.g. Sjogren
pounds which are low risk from a drug absorption perspective. For BCS et al. [5], Zhang et al. [6]). These span a wide range of API properties,
Class 1 (high solubility, high permeability) and BCS Class 3 (high so- formulation types, and excipient quantities. However, in the framework
lubility, low permeability) compounds, a biowaiver can be granted in of the BCS, biowaivers are restricted to APIs with high solubility across
lieu of performing a clinical bioequivalence study, provided that ad- the physiological pH range, formulated in standard immediate release
ditional criteria on formulation dissolution and compositional changes dosage forms (i.e. tablets or capsules), which is a relatively low-risk
are fulfilled. This includes restrictions on the level of permitted ex- area of the biopharmaceutics space. Some of the excipient effects re-
cipient change between the test and reference formulations. ported in the literature will therefore not be relevant for BCS-based
The various global BCS guidelines all have slightly different re- biowaivers; for example, the mechanism by which absorption is af-
strictions regarding permitted excipient changes, these are summarised fected may not be applicable to BCS Class 1 or 3 compounds, or the
in Fig. 1. In general, larger excipient changes are permitted for Class 1 excipient may not be relevant for a standard immediate release for-
drug products, including use of different excipients between the test mulation.
and reference formulations. For BCS3 drug products, the guidance is In this manuscript, the literature evidence for excipients to impact
more restrictive, reflecting a concern that their low permeability may drug absorption is reviewed in the context of the BCS biowaiver

Address: Pharmaceutical Development, UCB Pharma SA, Braine-l’Alleud, Belgium.
E-mail address: talia.flanagan@ucb.com.

Received 24 September 2018; Received in revised form 14 March 2019; Accepted 21 May 2019
Available online 22 May 2019
0939-6411/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Flanagan European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 141 (2019) 130–138

Fig. 1. High level snapshot of permitted excipient differences for BCS biowaivers.

Fig. 2. Simplified schematic showing mechanisms by which excipients may impact drug absorption.

framework, to identify effects which may be important for BCS Class 1 lumen. These include: altered disintegration time of the dosage form,
and 3 compounds and formulations. Literature examples were cate- altered dissolution rate or extent from the dosage form, altered local pH
gorised according to the mechanism by which the excipient was be- in the GI tract, and formation of excipient-drug complexes.
lieved to impact drug absorption, and the relevance of these mechan- Considering these mechanisms in the context of the BCS framework,
isms for compounds within BCS Class 1 and 3 was assessed. The it becomes apparent that the risk of these having an impact on bioe-
likelihood of using the excipient in solid oral immediate release for- quivalence outcomes for BCS 1 and 3 compounds is very low. BCS Class
mulations (i.e. formulation types which would be eligible for BCS bio- 1 and 3 compounds are by definition highly soluble across the phy-
waivers) was also considered. Using this mechanistic and risk-based siological pH range. Furthermore, for a drug product to be considered
approach, excipients which should be considered when making bio- BCS Class 1 or 3, it must have rapid (or very rapid) and complete dis-
waiver decisions for BCS Class 1 and 3 compounds were identified. The solution across the physiological pH range at low agitation [1–3]. The
mechanisms by which excipients may impact drug absorption are illu- risk of an excipient impacting in vivo dissolution for these products is
strated in Fig. 2, and discussed in detail in subsequent sections of this therefore much lower than for BCS Class 2 and 4 products, which
manuscript. Additionally, several literature reports attributed changes contain APIs with low and/or pH-dependant solubility. Additionally,
in absorption to a particular excipient, but did not provide a mechan- the in vitro dissolution tests applied to BCS 1 and 3 products give a high
istic hypothesis for how this effect may have been mediated; these re- degree of confidence that any relevant impact on product dissolution
ports were captured under a general ‘mechanism unclear or unknown’ would be detected. One of the fundamental principles of the BCS is that
category. this suite of in vitro tests are able to detect any in vivo-relevant change in
dissolution (e.g. due to a change in manufacturing process type, API
particle size etc.), as they encompass the range of pH conditions that
2. Release rate/amount of drug in solution
can be found in the human GI tract that the dosage form may need to
dissolve in (note however that the potential wetting and solubilising
There are several mechanisms by which an excipient could poten-
effects of bile salts in the small intestine are not evaluated by the BCS
tially impact the release rate of drug from a dosage form, or the overall
dissolution tests).
amount of drug which is able to dissolve in the stomach or intestinal

T. Flanagan European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 141 (2019) 130–138

Considering the individual mechanisms: The relevance of the different mechanisms in this category for the
absorption of BCS Class 1 and 3 drug products is considered below:
• Altered disintegration time of the dosage form and/or altered dis-
solution rate of the drug from the dosage form should be detected by • Faster gastric emptying should not be relevant for BCS 1 or 3 drug
the BCS dissolution tests, which encompass the entire physiological products, as dissolution is rapid (or very rapid) across the physio-
pH range and use mild agitation conditions; logical pH range. More rapid transit into the small intestine would
• Altered local pH in the GI tract should not impact dissolution of the therefore not be expected to result in significantly slower or in-
API, as BCS 1 and 3 APIs are by definition highly soluble across the complete dissolution. A potential effect on Cmax and tmax cannot be
physiological pH range. Additionally, any significant effect of pH on excluded (i.e. due to gastric emptying time being more consistently
dissolution of the dosage form is precluded by the BCS dissolution at the lower end of the normal range between dosing occasions).
criteria, as described above. • Increased lumenal volume (through exertion of an osmotic effect)
• Formation of drug-excipient complexes which reduce the amount of should not affect the dissolution of BCS Class 1 or 3 compounds, as
drug dissolved should be detected as an alteration in the rate or the high solubility criterion is designed to ensure that these com-
extent of dissolution in at least one of the three dissolution media, pounds can dissolve completely in normal GI volumes; a further
depending on which pH the complex forms at. increase in lumenal volume would not therefore be anticipated to
further increase the amount of API in solution.
For this category of excipient effect therefore, none of the me- • Increased luminal volume could also reduce the concentration gra-
chanisms should be relevant for BCS Class 1 and 3 drug products, dient for absorption. This may be of importance for BCS 3 com-
provided that the BCS formulation dissolution criteria are met. pounds with concentration-dependant permeability (i.e. BCS3 drugs
Solubilising excipients that are employed to deliberately increase with significant active uptake or efflux). However, BCS 1 com-
the solubility of a poorly soluble API are not discussed here, as these are pounds should not be affected, as the in vitro permeability assess-
not considered to be relevant formulation approach for highly soluble ment outlined in the BCS guidelines ensures that BCS 1 compounds
BCS Class 1 and 3 compounds (a summary of such effects can be found are highly permeable at lumenal concentrations 10-fold and 100-
in Sjogren et al. [5]). fold below the clinical dose.
• Faster small intestinal transit time could be relevant for:
o BCS 3 drug products, if the compound has a defined window of
3. Gastrointestinal transit times and lumenal volumes absorption in the upper small intestine.
o BCS 3 drug products, if the rate of permeation is so slow that the
Mechanisms by which excipients could affect drug absorption in this reduced residence time in the small intestine decreases the overall
category include altered gastric emptying, increased lumenal volume amount absorbed.
(through exertion of an osmotic effect), and altered small intestinal o BCS 1 and 3 drug products, which are subject to significant in-
transit time. None of these mechanisms would be detected in the so- testinal first pass metabolism by an enzyme with varying ex-
lubility, permeability or dissolution tests currently outlined in the BCS pression levels along the GI tract.
guidelines. Table 1 summarises reported excipient effects in this cate-
gory. Studies which have demonstrated that a particular excipient does However for BCS 3 compounds that are relatively well absorbed and
not impact transit are also included. Reports regarding formulations only narrowly miss the high permeability boundary, a reduction in
designed to specifically increase gastric residence time are not con- small intestinal transit time may not be significant.
sidered here, as these would not be eligible for a BCS biowaiver.

Table 1
Reported effects of excipients on gastrointestinal transit times and lumenal volumes, categorised by mechanism.
Mechanism Reported effect Potential relevance for BCS Class 1 and 3 drug products

Faster gastric emptying Sodium bicarbonate reduced gastric emptying time of ibuprofen in man Should not be relevant for BCS 1 or 3 drug products, as dissolution is
[5,7] rapid across physiological pH range (ie. rapid transit into small intestine
should not result in incomplete dissolution). However, a potential effect
on Cmax/tmax cannot be excluded
Delayed gastric emptying Oleic acid (40 g) slowed gastric emptying in human [8] Amount studied is far in excess of what would be used in a solid oral
dosage form
Increased luminal volume Sugar alcohols reduce intestinal transit time through osmotic effects; Should not be relevant for BCS 1 or 3 compounds from a dissolution
(osmotic effect) these are discussed in the ‘altered small intestinal transit time’ section perspective, as the high solubility criterion ensures that these
compounds can dissolve completely in normal GI volumes, so a further
increase in volume should not impact the extent of dissolution.
Increased luminal volume could also reduce the concentration gradient
for absorption – may be of importance for BCS 3 compounds with
concentration dependant permeability, however should not impact BCS
1 as these are highly permeable at lumenal concentrations 10-fold and
100-fold below the clinical dose
Altered small intestinal Mannitol, sodium acid pyrophosphate, PEG 400, sorbitol, xylitol, Relevant for BCS3 as could potentially miss absorption window. For
transit time lactulose, reduce small intestinal transit time in human (refer to Table 2 BCS1, high permeability should mean absorption is complete wherever
for detailed discussion of levels) [5,7–16] in small intestine this takes place – nb. caveat around high permeability
due to active transport, or lower regional permeability for ‘borderline’
BCS1 compounds. For BCS 1/3 compounds undergoing significant
intestinal first pass metabolism by an enzyme with varying expression
levels along the GI tract, bioavailability could potentially be affected if
the main site of absorption in the intestine is altered
Oleic acid (300–1200 mg) increased small intestinal transit time in Potentially increased absorption for BCS 3 compounds. Mechanistically
human [5,17] expect no impact for BCS1
No effect on transit time Sucrose (4.08 g) had no effect on intestinal transit in human [10]

Note: Reports of formulations designed to specifically increase gastric residence time are not considered here, as these would not be eligible for a BCS biowaiver.

T. Flanagan European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 141 (2019) 130–138

For BCS 1 compounds, high permeability should mean that ab- increased.
sorption is complete wherever in small intestine this takes place, so this • Inhibition of efflux – For BCS3 compounds, if efflux is limiting ef-
mechanism is unlikely to be relevant. Tannergren et al. [18] demon- fective permeability there could potentially be an increase in bioa-
strated that for BCS Class 1 compounds, absorption from the colon vailability with an excipient that acts on efflux transporters, how-
usually remains high (Frel > 70%) in the absence of bacterial de- ever for low passive permeability compounds this should not have
gradation – however for borderline BCS 1 compounds, or for BCS Class an impact. For BCS1 compounds, absorption is complete and
1 compounds with slow but complete absorption, an impact of regional therefore not limited by efflux, so no effect would be anticipated in
permeability cannot be completely ruled out. A caveat also exists for vivo.
BCS 1 compounds which have high permeability due to a site-specific • Inhibition or enhancement of active uptake – For BCS1 compounds
active uptake transporter – for these compounds, faster small intestinal which show high absorption due to an active absorption process,
transit time could potentially result in reduced absorption. Excipients inhibition of this could lead to reduced bioavailability. For BCS3
which can reduce small intestinal transit time would therefore be po- compounds, either enhancement or inhibition of an active uptake
tentially critical excipients for BCS Class 1 and 3 compounds, depending process for which the drug was a substrate could impact bioavail-
on the rate and mechanism of permeation of the API across the gut wall. ability. However, no reported excipient effects on active uptake
transport were found.
• Slower small intestinal transit time could lead to increased extent of
absorption for some BCS 3 compounds, due to increased residence According to Table 3, several excipients therefore have the potential
time at the absorption site. Excipients which can increase small in- to impact on bioavailability for BCS 1 and 3 compounds through al-
testinal transit time would therefore be potentially critical ex- tering effective permeability. Four excipients have reported perme-
cipients for BCS Class 3 compounds. For BCS Class 1 compounds, ability effects in human, due to efflux inhibition (PEG 400, Cremophor
absorption is by definition complete, so no impact would be ex- EL, Cremophor RH40, TPGS); however, these are unlikely to be used in
pected. an immediate release solid oral dosage form for a BCS 1/3 compound at
significant levels. Many of the reported studies in this category are in
Excipients which can alter small intestinal transit time therefore vitro/ex vivo, so the relevance of the excipient effects shown to intact
have the potential to be critical excipients for some BCS3 compounds; human can be difficult to ascertain. Dahlgren et al. highlighted that
theoretically this could also be relevant for a subset of BCS1 compounds excipient effects shown in models where normal intestinal transit is not
as discussed. Several human clinical studies have characterised the ef- present may overestimate the potential of an excipient to affect per-
fects of these excipients in detail, often including different doses of the meability, and should be confirmed in intact preclinical models, as
excipient; further detail on these studies is provided in Table 2. Note several physiological functions (dilution, gastric emptying, degrada-
that lactulose has been included in the table only for completeness, as tion, intestinal transit) may reduce the effect of an excipient on the
this would not be used in an immediate release solid oral formulation mucosal barrier [24].
(and so would not be the subject of a BCS biowaiver). The excipients which have shown an effect are mostly in the sur-
For BCS biowaivers, it therefore seems reasonable to consider al- factant and lipid categories, and so their use in an immediate release
cohol sugars (e.g. mannitol, sorbitol) as potentially critical excipients. formulation for a highly soluble drug substance would be unusual. In
The impact of these excipients on small intestinal transit time can po- general, the inclusion of surfactants and/or lipids in the formulation for
tentially reduce the absorption of some BCS3 compounds, due to re- a highly soluble drug would raise questions (except e.g. very small
duced residence time at the site of absorption; theoretically this could amounts of polysorbates etc in tablet coatings). The permeation en-
also be relevant for a subset of BCS1 compounds. Furthermore, for hancers chitosan and sodium caprate also showed effects on the ab-
compounds which are subject to significant intestinal first pass meta- sorption of some model compounds in preclinical species; however
bolism by an enzyme with varying expression levels along the GI tract, permeation enhancers are not standard pharmaceutical excipients for
overall bioavailability could potentially be affected if the main site of simple immediate release formulations. Permeability studies using
absorption in the intestine is altered. Additionally, the increased vo- standard excipients (other than SLS) which would be commonly used in
lume of fluid in the intestinal lumen caused by the osmotic effect of immediate release tablets/capsules for highly soluble drug substances
these excipients could be of importance for BCS 3 compounds with (i.e. formulations that would be eligible for BCS biowaivers) showed no
concentration-dependant permeability. impact on permeability [19,20]. For BCS biowaivers, it therefore seems
pertinent to consider surfactants (e.g. SLS) as potentially critical ex-
4. Effective permeability cipients on the basis of their potential to impact permeability, espe-
cially for compounds where permeability is limited by efflux trans-
Mechanisms by which excipients could alter either the rate or porters.
overall extent of drug permeation across the intestinal wall include
damage to the intestinal surface/tight junction modulation, inhibition 5. Gut wall metabolism
of efflux, and inhibition or enhancement of active uptake. None of these
mechanisms would be detected in the permeability assessments cur- Inhibition of gut wall metabolism could potentially result in in-
rently outlined in the BCS guidelines, as there is no requirement to creased bioavailability by reducing the extent of first pass metabolism
assess permeability in the presence of formulation components. Table 3 in the gut wall. This could be of potential relevance for BCS Class 3
summarises reported excipient effects in this category. Studies which compounds where bioavailability is low due to gut wall metabolism,
have demonstrated that a particular excipient does not impact perme- and potentially also for some BCS1 compounds having high perme-
ability are also included. ability but lower bioavailability (e.g. where data from an ADME study
The relevance of the different mechanisms in this category for the rather than absolute bioavailability have been used for the permeability
absorption of BCS Class 1 and 3 drug products is considered below: classification). Extensive tables summarising the reported effects of
excipients on metabolism have been presented by Sjogren et al. [5] and
• Damage to the intestinal surface/tight junction modulation: could Zhang et al. [6]. Excipients reported to inhibit CYP activity in vitro/ex
potentially increase the bioavailability of BCS3 compounds if these vivo include PEG, Tween, Cremophor, Triton X, Pluronics, sodium lauryl
effects manifest in vivo. For BCS1 compounds, absorption is by de- sulphate, Solutol, lecithin, beta cyclodextrin and ascorbic acid [5,6].
finition complete, so no increase in bioavailability would be an- Additionally, HPMC, DCP, pregelatinised starch and crosspovidone
ticipated; however the rate of absorption could potentially be were reported to reduce CYP3A mRNA expression in vitro [6]. All of

T. Flanagan European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 141 (2019) 130–138

Table 2
Excipients which can alter intestinal transit times and lumenal volumes – detailed consideration of excipient levels where effects have been reported.
Excipient Details of reported effects and levels Summary

Mannitol Reduces small intestinal transit time (t50) in healthy volunteers in Evidence of effect on SI transit in human at doses of 0.755 g and above.
gamma scintigraphy studies. 0.755 g reduced transit time by 11%, The effect seen at 0.755 g is small ∼11%, so this dose is likely near the
1.509 g by 23% and 2.264 g by 23%/34% (different studies) [8,9,10]. effect threshold. Evidence of significant effect on drug absorption in
Cimetidine Cmax and AUC0-24 significantly lower for tablet and human at 2.264 g dose
solution formulations containing 2.264 g mannitol than sucrose control;
AUC reduced by 31% for tablet and 29% for solution; Cmax reduced by
49% for tablet and 54% for solution [11]
Sorbitol Ranitidine Cmax and AUC0-infinity were decreased by approximately Significant effect on AUC and Cmax (as determined by BE pass/fail)
50% and 45%, respectively, by a 5 g dose of sorbitol in human shown at doses of 2.25 g and above
volunteers. Effect shown to be dose dependant; bioequivalence was
shown at a 1.25 g dose of sorbitol (although Cmax was reduced by
∼7%), and formulations were not bioequivalent at 2.25 g or 5 g sorbitol
doses. Sorbitol (5 g) also reduced metoprolol Cmax by 23% but had no
significant effect on AUC0-infinity in a human BE study. [17]
Garcia-Arieta [7] described two unpublished bioequivalence studies Potentially shows that some subjects have greater sensitivity to effects
where sorbitol (7 mg and 50 mg sorbitol doses) apparently led to of sorbitol at lower doses than those studied by Chen et al.
bioequivalence failure of risperidone solution formulations, due to the Unfortunately, the data for the solution BE studies is unpublished, so it
lower bound of the Cmax confidence interval falling outside the is not possible to assess this in depth and exclude other potential causes
acceptable range (90% CIs 77.0–99.2 and 76.20–102.82, respectively). (e.g. missed Cmax due to delayed gastric emptying)
Interestingly, both doses of sorbitol showed a similar effect on the Cmax
confidence interval, in contrast to the dose dependency usually reported
for alcohol sugars, and reported specifically for sorbitol by Chen et al.
[17]. In a separate (published) study, a sorbitol oral solution (60 mg
sorbitol) was bioinequivalent to risperidone tablet, with AUC and Cmax
confidence intervals falling outside lower the bound (90% CIs 75.0–92.6
for Cmax and 76.2–92.9 for AUC) [20]. Garcia-Arieta reports that the
bioequivalence failure in each of these studies was due to a few subjects
who appeared to be outliers in terms of the test:reference ratio, and
pulled down the lower bound of the mean confidence intervals; if these
subjects were excluded, the comparisons passed the bioequivalence
criteria. This is attributed to greater sensitivity to the effects of sorbitol
on intestinal transit for these subjects
Sodium acid pyrophosphate Doses of ∼1.1 g sodium acid pyrophosphate (1.1 g) reduced small Evidence of significant effect in human at ∼1.1 g dose
intestinal transit time by 39% (1.1 g) [9], and 56% (1.132 g) [15].
Ranitidine AUC significantly reduced (54%, 1.132 g dose) [13]. Both
studies used human volunteers
PEG 400 PEG 400 reduced small intestinal transit time in healthy volunteers in a Evidence of significant effect on SI transit time at doses of 2.5 g and
dose-dependant manner; 9% at a 1 g dose (not statistically significant), above in human
20% at a 2.5 g dose, and 23% at a 5 g dose (gamma scintigraphy).
Bioavailability assessed using urine data, also showed dose-dependant
effects of PEG 400. Mean cumulative amount of ranitidine excreted was
reduced by 38% in the presence of both 2.5 and 5 g PEG (not statistically
significant), however significantly increased in the presence of 1 g PEG
400 (from 34 mg to 48 mg). The authors attribute this to altered
permeability at the lowest PEG dose [12]. Refer to permeabilty effects
summary for details of further studies on lower doses of PEG 400. Small
reductions in ranitidine bioavailability in females at lower PEG doses
were attributed to possible transit effects by the authors; however the
effects observed were not statistically significant, and no measurements
of SI transit time were taken in this study [14]
Oleic acid Dobson et al. [19] examined effect of oleic acid on small intestinal transit Evidence of increased SI transit times at doses of 300 mg and above,
time in human volunteers, at doses of 300 mg, 600 mg and 1200 mg. significant effects at 1200 mg. Amount is far in excess of what would be
Effects were variable between volunteers but generally observed an used in a solid oral dosage form
increase in transit time with increasing oleic acid dose. The only
statistically significant effect was on transit of the 111In- labelled tablet
at a 1200 mg dose of oleic acid (> 316 min vs. 217 min for control)
Xylitol 30 g Xylitol decreased the rate of gastric emptying (t1/2 77.5 min vs. Amount studied is far in excess of what would be used in a solid oral
39.8 min) but accelerated intestinal transit in human volunteers (as dosage form
measured by arrival time of radioactivity in colon; some radioactivity
had reached the colon of all 5 subjects after 1 h) [14]
Lactulose Different amounts of lactulose (10 g, 25 g, 40 g) administered to human Dose dependant effect on SI transit time at doses of 10 g and above
volunteers as part of a meal showed reduced small intestinal transit time
according to a hydrogen breath test; H2 onset time reduced linearly with
concentration, with the time for the 40 g dose being approximately half
that of the control. 40 g lactulose significantly reduced ileal emptying t1/
2 in ileostomy patients [16]

these effects were identified in in vitro or ex vivo assays. CYP3A-mediated midazolam 1′ hydroxylation. In vivo effects were
Ren et al. [30] investigated the inhibitory effects of four nonionic studied in rats after single or multiple oral doses of the excipients
surfactants on CYP3A in vitro and in vivo, using midazolam as a probe (150 mg/kg). Tween 20 inhibited midazolam metabolism after single
compound. The surfactants studied were Tween 20, polyoxyl 35 castor and multiple dosing, as evidenced by an increase in midazolam AUC
oil, polyoxyl 40 stearate and poloxamer 188. In rat liver and intestinal and a corresponding reduction in 1′ hydroxy midazolam AUC. The ef-
microsomes, all four surfactants showed dose-dependant inhibition of fects of the other surfactants were somewhat complex to interpret. After

T. Flanagan European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 141 (2019) 130–138

Table 3
Reported effects of excipients on permeability categorised by mechanism.
Mechanism Reported effect Relevance for BCS Class 1 and 3 drug products

Damage to intestinal surface/ SLS increased permeability of mannitol and other drugs in Caco-2, attributed to For BCS1 compounds, absorption is complete – unlikely
tight junction modulation opening of tight junctions [20]. SLS at concentrations of 0.1 mg/mL and above to have any effect on extent in vivo, but may affect rate.
increased permeability of 4x BCS3 compounds but not the BCS1 compound For BCS3, could increase bioavailability if manifested in
antipyrine across Caco-2 monolayers, due to loss of membrane integrity [22]. vivo
Also attributed to have increased alendronate sodium bioavailability in human
(4 mg) in an unpublished study, based on urine data [7]
Paracellular transport modulators: EDTA (in vitro), Sodium decanoate (in vitro,
preclinical, ex vivo and human), palmitoyl carnitine (preclinical), chitosan and
derivatives (in vitro/preclinical), sodium lauryl sulphate (ex vivo),
tetradecylmaltoside (in vitro, preclinical), octylglutoside (in vitro),
chenodeoxycholates (ex vivo), sodium taurocholate (in vitro), thiolated polymers
(in vitro, ex vivo), butylated methacrylate copolymer (in vitro) [5]
Sodium bicarbonate modified interaction of fluvastatin with membrane
phospholipids [7] (lipid-to-excipient molar ratio of 15:2, in vitro, model lipid
SLS and chitosan increased absorption of low-permeability marker compounds in
a rat jejunal perfusion model, correlated to increased transport of the mucosal
barrier integrity marker 51Cr-EDTA. Sodium caprate and N-acetylcysteine had no
effect on permeability [23]. In a rat intestinal bolus model SDS (5.7 mg)
significantly increased Cmax and AUC of four low permeability compounds
(acyclovir, atenolol, enalaprilat, phenol red), accompanied by an increase in Peff;
whereas a lower dose of SDS (1.1 mg) had no significant effect. In a dog intestinal
bolus model, a dose of 228 mg SDS increased AUC and Cmax for atenolol only (1.9-
and 2.4-fold, respectively), although a trend toward increased Peff ratio was
observed for enalaprilat, metoprolol and phenol red [24]. A low dose of chitosan
(1.15 mg) significantly increased acyclovir AUC in the rat intestinal bolus model,
however a higher dose had no effect [24]. Sodium caprate (228 mg) significantly
increased metoprolol exposure (1.3-fold) and reduced phenol red exposure (0.6-
fold) in a dog intestinal bolus model [24]
Enhancement of active Eudragit L100-55 (500 mg/kg) increased bioavailability of cefixime in rats by
absorption process ∼2x, and increased permeation of cefadroxil and cefixime in an in situ ileal closed
loop model at concentrations of 10% and above. This was attributed to enhanced
PePT1 activity [25]. Note this is a level far higher than would be encountered in a
tablet coating
Inhibition of active absorption No reports found For a subset of BCS1 compounds, absorption may be high
process due to an active absorption process (note: PK linearity
and in vitro permeability data should identify this)
Inhibition of efflux Tween 80 and docusate sodium increased permeability of various drugs in Caco-2 For BCS1 compounds, absorption is complete and
cells, attributed to efflux transporter effects (in vitro) [20] therefore not limited by efflux – unlikely to have any
P-Gp inhibition by Cremophor EL (1440 mg human dose) and PEG 400 (0.5–1.5 g effect in vivo
human doses) reported in vitro and in rat and human; also by Pluronics, Tween For BCS3, if efflux is limiting effective permeability there
and TPGS in vitro and in rat/mouse. Other surfactants and cosolvents (β- could potentially be an increase in bioavailability,
cyclodextrin, monoolein, monoplalmitin, monostearin) reported to inhibit however for low passive permeability compounds this
MRP2/BCRP/OATP in vitro. HPMC, pregelatinised starch reduce expression of should not have an impact
MDR1 mRNA in cell model [6]
Surfactants (Tweens, Cremophors, Labrasol, Pluronics, Sodium lauryl sulphate,
TPGS, Softigen, Acconon, n-dodecyl beta maltopyranoside) and PEG, miglyol,
Imwitor, increased transport/uptake in in vitro/ex vivo systems, attributed to
modulation of efflux [5]. Multiple doses of Cremophor RH40 increased
bioavailability of digoxin in human (600 mg 3 times daily) [26]
In vitro inhibition of P-Gp by TPGS and rhamnolipids (in vitro). Phospholipids
reduce P-Gp expression in Caco-2 cell line. A thiolated polymer (PAA250-Cys
conjugate, 20 mg) increased absorption of sulforhodamine 101 in rat by ∼270%,
and increased permeation across rat intestinal mucosa (0.5% w/v), attributed to
MRP2 inhibition. Solutol HS15 increased absorption of colchicine and paclitaxel
in rats (400 mg/kg and 273 mg/kg, respectively) [27]
PEG 400 (0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25 and 1.5 g) increased bioavailability of ranitidine in
healthy male volunteers by 34%, 63%, 49%, 43% and 6% (note – the only
statistically significant effect was at 0.75 g) [14]. Effects attributed to increased
permeability. This was not observed in female volunteers in the same study.
Similarly Schultze et al. [12] showed a 41% increase in ranitidine bioavailability
in male volunteers in the presence of 1 g PEG 400. PEG 300/400 significantly
reduced ranitidine efflux ratio (p < 0.05) and interacted with P-gp. This showed
non-linear concentration dependence for PEG 400 with a maxima at 1% [28]
In vitro (Caco-2), TPGS (0.005%+) and Poloxamer 188 (0.4% only) increased
talinolol permeability, attributed to P-Gp inhibition. In human, TPGS (0.04%)
increased talinolol AUC by 39% and Cmax by 100%, while poloxamer 188 did not
significantly alter talinolol PK [29]
PEG400 (1%, 2%) and PEG 6000 (4%) inhibited P-Gp in Caco 2 cells [28]
No effect on permeability HPMC (0.012–2.0 mg/mL), D-lactose (0.024–2.0 mg/mL), povidone –
(0.0242.0 mg/mL), PEG 400 (0.015–0.3 mg/mL), and SLS (0.01–0.04 mg/mL) did
not have any effect on permeability of five BCS1/3 compounds across Caco-2
monolayers [22]. Lactose (2 mg/mL), propylene glycol (1.5% w/v), anhydrous
cherry flavouring (0.006% v/v) and EDTA (0.06 mg/mL) did not affect the
permeability of 7 low-permeability drugs across Caco-2 monolayers [21]

T. Flanagan European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 141 (2019) 130–138

a single dose, polyoxyl 35 castor oil likewise increased midazolam AUC human. Cimetidine and aciclovir were used as model compounds. The
and reduced 1′ hydroxy midazolam AUC; however after multiple dosing authors concluded that sodium lauryl sulfate (25 mg), corn starch
this excipient reduced the AUC of both midazolam and 1′ hydroxy (450 mg), SSG (100 mg), coloidal silicon dioxide (20 mg), dibasic cal-
midazolam, which is not consistent with inhibition of CYP3A. Polyoxyl cium phosphate (300 mg) and crosspovidone (50 mg) had no significant
40 stearate reduced AUC of midazolam and 1′ hydroxy midazolam after impact on bioavailability of either drug. The effects of MCC were in-
a single dose, but after multiple dosing midazolam AUC was increased determinate, as these were confounded with HPMC effects in the study
without a corresponding change in 1′ hydroxy midazolam AUC. Finally, design (refer to ‘mechanism unclear’ section above).
poloxamer 188 reduced midazolam and 1′ hydroxy midazolam AUC Kubinga et al. [33] reviewed the potential biopharmaceutic effects
after single dosing, and also reduced AUC of the metabolite after of lactose, including an assessment of the amounts used in approved
multiple dosing. The complexity of these effects suggests that the me- generic products in Europe. The authors concluded that the risk of
chanism cannot fully be explained by simple CYP3A inhibition. How- lactose causing bioinequivalence for BCS 1 products is low, and that any
ever, in the context of assessing risk for BCS 1 and 3 compounds, none differences are likely to be due to dissolution which is detectable with
of these excipients are likely to be used in a simple immediate-release standard in vitro tests. For BCS 3 products, only a relatively narrow
tablet or capsule. Additionally the doses employed in the study were range of amounts used in generic products could be evaluated, so the
very high. It is therefore difficult to identify any critical excipients for authors conservatively conclude that the probability of bioinequiva-
BCS 1 and 3 compounds on the basis of potential to inhibit gut wall lence is medium until further data are available for evaluation.
metabolism in man, based on the data currently available. Yu et al. [34] reported that a review of FDA data for more than 10
BCS Class 3 drugs concluded that most of the excipients commonly used
6. Mechanism unknown or unclear in oral solid dosage forms for these compounds do not significantly
impact absorption. No specific data from the review is provided in the
For some reported instances where excipients appear to have af- article.
fected in vivo performance, a mechanistic hypothesis is not proposed by
the authors, or is not apparent from the studies performed. 8. Conclusions
Vaianathan et al. [31] investigated the impact of high doses of
commonly used pharmaceutical excipients on the pharmacokinetics of There are numerous reports and review articles in the scientific
two BCS 3 drugs, aciclovir and cimetidine. The majority of excipient literature assessing the potential of excipients to affect drug bioavail-
combinations investigated had no impact (see below), however a tablet ability. However, these span a wide range of API properties, formula-
formulation containing 40 mg HPMC exceeded the upper bound of the tion types, and excipient quantities. To the authors knowledge, this is
Cmax confidence interval for cimetidine (90% CIs 109.4–136.2); AUC the first publication which has reviewed the existing literature in the
was bioequivalent, although the lower bound of the confidence inter- context of the BCS biowaiver framework, which restricts the drug
vals was greater than 100% (90% CIs 104.4–120.6). The authors note substance properties, formulation type and dissolution performance to
that this is an unlikely outcome for an insoluble excipient; other ex- an area of low biopharmaceutic risk. Many of the excipients with re-
cipients included in the formulation were MCC and SLS. ported effects on absorption would not normally be used in immediate
Garcia–Arieta [7] discusses the apparent impact of SLS on risper- release solid oral dosage forms for highly soluble drug substances;
idone bioavailability. Two bioequivalence studies are described; one furthermore, the amounts of excipients shown to impact absorption in
where a generic product containing 3.64 mg SLS failed to show bioe- some studies are much higher than would normally be used in such
quivalence to the reference formulation (which also contains SLS) (90% formulations.
CIs 70.01–86.80 for Cmax and 74.74–91.72 for AUC), and another Most excipients used as components in solid oral IR dosage forms do
where a generic product containing 1.5 mg SLS failed to show bioe- not appear to influence the in vivo absorption of drug substances. Based
quivalence (90% CIs 77.9–95.0 for Cmax and 80.7–98.1 for AUC). The on the literature data, there are only a limited number of mechanisms
author also states that in other studies, generic products containing no by which excipients could affect the absorption of a BCS Class 3 drug.
SLS, or very high amounts of SLS (9 g) have demonstrated bioequiva- For BCS1, absorption is very unlikely to be affected by excipient
lence to the reference product, so this is not a consistent effect. As all of changes. Only a limited number of potentially critical excipients have
these studies are unpublished, it is not possible to examine the data to been identified which are relevant to BCS Class 1 and 3 compounds:
assess this from a mechanistic perspective and evaluate other potential
causes for the observations. • Excipients that can influence intestinal transit (i.e. osmotically ac-
Further investigation of these examples would be necessary to un- tive alcohol sugars)
derstand the root cause of these failures to prove bioequivalence, and • Surfactants that can alter permeability (through passive mechanisms
ascertain whether the excipient changes did have an impact. or effects on transport proteins).
Application of in silico PBPK absorption modelling could be useful to
build and test potential mechanistic hypotheses for these observations. Note that even these excipients will not be critical for all BCS 3
However, the fact that the data described by Garcia-Arieta is un- compounds; for example, an excipient which has been shown to inhibit
published means that the specific studies described in the manuscript P-Gp would not be of concern for a drug which is not a P-Gp substrate.
cannot be assessed. Risperidone is described as a BCS1 compounds by The current BCS guidelines contain excipient criteria which are
Garcia Arieta, however other authors have assigned a BCS 2 classifi- universally applied to all compounds within a particular BCS class.
cation [32]. These criteria are therefore set on a conservative basis, and by nature
will reject some formulation changes that will be bioequivalent in vivo.
7. Reports where no impact of excipients was observed The criteria for BCS Class 3 compounds could be viewed as particularly
conservative, given the limited number of mechanisms by which ex-
Reports where a particular excipient was concluded not to have an cipients can affect absorption for BCS3 compounds, and the added re-
impact on absorption are briefly described in this section. Studies where assurance of the very rapidly dissolving criterion for test and reference
an excipient was shown to have no impact on a particular aspect of formulations. The current BCS3 excipient limits effectively restrict ex-
bioavailability, such as permeability or intestinal transit, are discussed cipient changes to SUPAC level 2; this is the same degree of change
in the relevant sections above. allowed for BCS Class 2 and 4 compounds without the need for in vivo
Vaianathan et al. [31] studied the impact of larger than usual bioequivalence data, and has successfully been applied to these higher
amounts of 14 common excipients on absorption of BCS3 drugs in biopharmaceutics risk compounds for over 20 years [35].

T. Flanagan European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 141 (2019) 130–138

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