Red Roses Statement 270921
Red Roses Statement 270921
Red Roses Statement 270921
TEL: 010 020 9591
Red Roses Africa (Pty) Ltd (formerly Mainstreet 699 (Pty) Ltd) (registration num-
ber: 2008/021420/07) (“RRA”) was, on 1 April 2020, a successful bidder for the
supply of masks and sanitisers to SAPS as was reported in the media.
RRA also believes that the SAPS, National Treasury, Competition Commission
(“CompCom”) and the Auditor General also reviewed the award.
RRA confirms that the evaluation and award of the SAPS tender and all other
PPE tenders awarded were fully compliant with the emergency procurement
process approved by the National Treasury per Instruction Note 8 dated 19 March
2020 (“Instruction note #8”), following the announcement of the National State
Of Disaster on 15 March 2020.
RRA further confirms that its pricing was within the National Treasury Transversal
prices as per Instruction Note #8.
RRA also confirms that it did not, at any time participate in, nor was it guilty of,
price gauging at any time. On 05 May 2020, SAPS referred RRA’s and other sup-
ply contract pricing to the Competitions Commission for investigation; CompCom
received RRA’s full co-operation between May 2020 to July 2020 when Comp-
Com’s in-depth and exhaustive investigation was conducted.
RRA finally confirms that CompCom has not made any adverse findings against
RRA following the CompCom investigation.
RRA also notes that the Auditor General and the National Treasury would have
also reviewed the tender/quotation evaluation, contract awarded to RRA (includ-
ing RRA’s pricing) as part of their oversight, and at no stage have any allegations
of wrongdoing been made against RRA by these organs of State.
RRA asserts, clearly and unequivocally, that its tender award and pricing was law-
ful and legitimate. RRA would welcome and fully co-operate again with any fur-
ther investigation by any government institution so empowered.