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FXT602H&L 1352H&L AT1 or 2-5 Service Manual (1010)

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Service Manual

Xtra Cabinets
FXT602H & L
FXT1352H & L
AT1-5 & AT2-5

ISO 14001 ISO 9001

Issued October 2010


Manual Information & Health & Safety Notes 1

Environmental Management Policy 2
Disposal Requirements 2
Cabinet Description 3
Controller & Operation 3 to 4
Alarm & Warnings 5
Parameter setting & Adjustment 6
Parameters 6 to 7
Technical Data & Probe Details 8
Wiring Diagrams 9 to 13
Troubleshooting & Notes 14 to 16

Service Manual Information

The products and all information in this manual are subject to change without prior notice.
We assume by the information given that the person(s) working on these refrigeration units are fully trained and
skilled in all aspects of their workings. Also that they will use the appropriate safety equipment and take or meet
precautions where required.
The service manual does not cover information on every variation of this unit; neither does it cover the installation
or every possible operating or maintenance instruction for the units.

Health & Safety Warnings and Information

Make sure the power supply is turned off before making any electrical repairs.

To minimise shock and fire hazards, please do not plug or unplug the unit with wet

During maintenance and cleaning, please unplug the unit where required.

Care must be taken when handling or working on the unit as sharp edges may cause
personal injury, we recommend the wearing of suitable PPE.

Ensure the correct moving and lifting procedures are used when relocating a unit.

Do NOT use abrasive cleaning products, only those that are recommended. Never
scour any parts of the refrigerator. Scouring pads or chemicals may cause damage by
scratching or dulling polished surface finishes.
Failure to keep the condenser clean may cause premature failure of the
motor/compressor which will NOT be covered under warranty policy.
Do NOT touch the cold surfaces in the freezer compartment. Particularly when hands
are damp or wet, skin may adhere to these extremely cold surfaces and cause frostbite.
Please ensure the appropriate use of safety aids or Personnel Protective Equipment
(PPE) are used for you own safety.

Environmental Management Policy for Service Manuals and Duets.
Product Support and Installation Contractors
Foster Refrigerator recognises that its activities, products and services can have an adverse impact upon the
The organisation is committed to implementing systems and controls to manage, reduce and eliminate its adverse
environmental impacts wherever possible, and has formulated an Environmental Policy outlining our core aims. A
copy of the Environmental Policy is available to all contractors and suppliers upon request.

The organisation is committed to working with suppliers and contractors where their activities have the potential to
impact upon the environment. To achieve the aims stated in the Environmental Policy we require that all suppliers
and contractors operate in compliance with the law and are committed to best practice in environmental
Product Support and Installation contractors are required to:
1. Ensure that wherever possible waste is removed from the client‟s site, where arrangements are in place all
waste should be returned to Foster Refrigerator‟s premises. In certain circumstances waste may be disposed
of on the client‟s site; if permission is given, if the client has arrangements in place for the type of waste.
2. If arranging for the disposal of your waste, handle, store and dispose of it in such a way as to prevent its
escape into the environment, harm to human health, and to ensure the compliance with the environmental law.
Guidance is available from the Environment Agency on how to comply with the waste management „duty of
3. The following waste must be stored of separately from other wastes, as they are hazardous to the environment:
refrigerants, polyurethane foam, and oils.
4. When arranging for disposal of waste, ensure a waste transfer note or consignment note is completed as
appropriate. Ensure that all waste is correctly described on the waste note and include the appropriate six-digit
code from the European Waste Catalogue. Your waste contractor or Foster can provide further information if
5. Ensure that all waste is removed by a registered waste carrier, a carrier in possession of a waste management
licence, or a carrier holding an appropriate exemption. Ensure the person receiving the waste at its ultimate
destination is in receipt of a waste management licence or valid exemption.
6. Handle and store refrigerants in such a way as to prevent their emission to atmosphere, and ensure they are
disposed of safely and in accordance with environmental law.
7. Make arrangements to ensure all staff who handle refrigerants do so at a level of competence consistent with
the City Guilds 2078 Handling Refrigerants qualification or equivalent qualification.
8. Ensure all liquid substances are securely stored to prevent leaks and spill, and are not disposed of to storm
drains, foul drain, or surface water to soil.

Disposal Requirements
If not disposed of properly all refrigerators have components that can be harmful to the environment. All old
refrigerators must be disposed of by appropriately registered and licensed waste contractors, and in accordance
with national laws and regulations.

Xtra Cabinet Description – Post Aug ‘09
The cabinets are manufactured as a one piece foamed shell with easy clean stainless steel exterior. Each conform
to ISO Climate Class 5 and have their condensing unit located on the top of the cabinet.
The temperature is controlled by a LAE microprocessor control with digital temperature display.
The high temperature units use R134a refrigerant, whereas the low/freezer units use R404a. All the refrigeration
systems are integral with an air-cooled condensing unit. The refrigerant is distributed into the evaporator which is
controlled by capillary.
Water is removed from the unit via vaporisation. The evaporator discharge line passes through the vaporiser tray
which is located at the rear.
All units‟ doors are fitted with pivot hinges, recessed door handles, magnetic door gaskets and 80mm castors. They
have swivel castors on the rear and swivel/lockable at the front.

AT1-5 and AT2-5 Controllers

Controller - LAE AT1-5 BS6E-FSI – 00-556223

T1 -Air Probe - SN4K15P1 – 00-556187

Controller – LAE AT2-5 BS4E-AG – 00-556187

T1 -Air Probe – SN4K15P1 – 00-556187
T2 -Evaporator Probe – SN4K15P2 – 00-556188

Indicators and Buttons – AT1-5

Symbol Reason Button Use

Alarm Manual Defrost/Decrease Button

Thermostat Output Increase/ Manual Activation Button

Auxiliary Output Exit/ Stand-By Button

Information/Set Point Button

Indicators and Buttons – AT2-5

Symbol Reason Button Use

Alarm Manual Defrost/Decrease Button

Thermostat Output Increase/ Manual Activation Button

Auxiliary Output Exit/ Stand-By Button

Activation of 2 parameter set Information/Set Point Button

Fan Output

Display both Controllers
During normal operation the display shows either the temperature measured or one of the following indicators:

Symbol Reason Symbol Reason

DEF Defrost in progress HI Room high temperature alarm
REC Recovery after defrost LO Room low temperature alarm
OFF Controller in Stand-by E1 Probe T1 failure
CL Condenser clean warning E2 Prove T2 failure
DO Door open alarm

Information Menu both Controllers

The information available in the menu is shown below:

Symbol Reason Symbol Reason

T1 Instant probe 1 temperature TLO Minimum probe 1 temperature recorded
T2 Instant probe 2 temperature CND Compressor working weeks
THI Maximum probe 1 temperature recorded LOC Keypad state lock

Operation Guidelines
Initial Start Up.

Start Up & self Test:

The indication is only displayed during the first three seconds following the mains electrical power being applied to
the unit. During this period the controller performs a self-check.
Once the self-check has been completed will be displayed.

Press and hold for three seconds. The unit will start and the air temperature will be displayed.

Check temperature set point.

To make adjustments to the set point it is necessary to access the parameter and alter SPL and SPH accordingly.

Check set point by pressing the button

To increase set point press + until required temperature is displayed.

To decrease set point press + until required temperature is displayed.

Factory Temperature Set Point

Refrigerator +1°C to +4°C. Meat 0°C to 2°C. Freezer -18°C to -21°C.
Exit from set up occurs after 10 seconds if no button is pressed.
Manual Defrost.
To initiate a manual defrost press and hold , will be displayed, release .
On completion of the defrost will be displayed until the cabinet temperature is achieved and then it will
revert to displaying the normal cabinet temperature.

Set Unit to Standby.

Press display shows OFF

This indication is displayed while the unit is not operating but with mains power applied to the unit. This mode may
be used for internal cleaning regimes and short periods when the unit is not required.
For extended periods of inactivity the mains supply should be isolated.

Alarm and Warnings
High temperature alarm
HI Will be displayed.
The alarm will sound but can be silenced by pressing any of the buttons, however it will return after the pre-set
designated period. The unit returning to normal operating temperature will automatically cancel the alarm.
Possible Causes: Evaporator fan not working. Restricted airflow through air duct. Evaporator iced up. Compressor
not working.
Low temperature alarm.
Will be displayed.
The alarm will sound but can be silenced by pressing any of the buttons and the unit will continue to operate,
however it will return after the pre-set designated period. The unit returning to normal operating temperature will
automatically cancel the alarm.
Possible Causes: Controller faulty (not switching compressor off). Compressor secondary relay will not de-
energise (low temperature models).

Door Open Alarm. („DS‟ set to „YES‟. Only applies to cabinets/Coldroom’s fitted with door switches.)
Will be displayed.
The alarm will sound but can be silenced by pressing.
The display will continue to display the alarm message until cancelled by shutting the door.
If the alarm cannot be cancelled by doing this call your Foster Authorised Service Company.
Possible Causes: Faulty door switch. Door left open for more than 5minutes.

Air Temperature Probe Failure.

Will be displayed.
The alarm will sound but can be silenced by pressing any button.
There is no further action that can be taken by the user in this instance. During this period the unit will continue to
operate but have a reduced performance.
Action: Replace Probe.
Evaporator Temperature Probe Failure. (Automatic Defrost Cabinets Only)
Will be displayed.
The alarm will sound but can be silenced by pressing any button.
There is no further action that can be taken by the user in this instance. During this period the unit will continue to
operate satisfactorily, but this failure will have an effect on the defrost and therefore efficiency if allowed to
Action: Replace Probe.

Information Menu

Pressing and releasing activates the information menu. From this menu you can display the temperature
relating to T1 (air probe), T2 (evaporator probe, if fitted) and T3 (condenser probe, if fitted).
The maximum temperature (THI) and the minimum temperature (TLO) the cabinet has achieved since it was last
The total operating time of the condenser (CND), since it was last cleaned, and the keyboard status (LOC).

The information to be displayed can be selected sequentially by pressing repeatedly or scrolling

through the menu using the or buttons.

Once selected press to display the value

Exit from the info menu by pressing or is automatic after 6 seconds if no buttons are pressed.
To reset the temperature settings recorded in THI and TLO and the hours counted in CND, access the info menu

press to display the value plus simultaneously for resetting to be completed.

To check the LOC status scroll through to LOC, press to display status – YES to lock keys. – NO to leave
keys accessible.
NOTE: with the keys locked it is not possible to turn the unit off or ON or to check the set point

Parameter Setting and Adjustment
It is strongly advised that before adjusting any Service Parameters a thorough understanding of the following
instructions should be obtained.

The parameters are accessed by pressing the following keys in succession + and keeping them
pressed for 5 seconds.
After this period the first parameter ‘SCL’ will be displayed.

Press button to pass from one parameter to the next and button to go back.

Press to display the value followed by or to change it.

Exit from set up is by pressing or is automatic if no buttons are pressed for 30 seconds.

AT1-5 Default & Individual Parameter Settings

LAE AT1-5 (00-556223) FXT602H &

Reg Par. Description Min. Max Default Dim. FXT1352H
233 SCL Readout scale 1°C; 2°C; °F 2 flag 2°C
200 SPL Minimum set point [ I ] -50 SPH -5 °C 1
202 SPH Maximum set point [ I ] SPL 120 5 °C 4
204 SP Set point [ I ] SPL SPH 0 °C 1
0 C-H Refrigerating / Heating selection REF HEA REF flag REF
212 HYS Thermostat hysteresis [ I ] 1 100 3 °K 3
214 CRT Minimum compressor rest time 0 30 3 min. 2
0 CT1 Compressor run with T1 failure 0 30 3 min. 6
0 CT2 Compressor stop with T1 failure 0 30 6 min. 4
Compressor stop delay from
0 CSD 0 30 1 min. 1
door opening
217 DFR Defrost frequency / 24h 0 24 3 1/24h 4
206 DLI Defrost end temperature -30 30 6 °C 15
219 DTO Maximum defrost duration 1 120 20 min. 15
220 DTY Defrost type OFF; ELE; GAS ELE flag OFF
222 DDY Defrost display control 0 60 10 min. 5
0 ATM Alarm threshold control NON; ABS; REL ABS flag REL
0 ALA('R) Low temp. alarm threshold -50 (-120) +120 (0) -50 °C / °K -25
0 AHA('R) High temp. alarm threshold -50 (0) +120 (+120) 120 °C / °K -10
0 ALR Low temp. alarm differential -12 0 0 °K -5
0 AHR High temp. alarm differential 0 12 0 °K 8
225 ATD Alarm temperature delay 0 120 30 min. 90
0 ADO Door alarm delay 0 30 5 min. 5
227 ACC Condenser cleaning period 0 52 0 wks 0
228 SB Button 0/1 enabling YES NO YES flag YES
245.2 DS Door switch enabling YES NO NO flag YES
0 OAU AUX output control NON; 0-1; DEF; LGT; FAN; AL1 LGT flag FAN
0 INP SN4 / ST1 SN4; ST1 0 SN4 flag SN4
236 OS1 T1 (air) probe offset -125 125 0 °K 0
245.0 T2 T2 (evap.) probe enabling YES NO NO flag NO
237 OS2 T2 (evap.) probe offset -125 125 0 °K 0
236 OS1 T1 (air) probe offset -125 125 0 °K 0
245.0 T2 T2 (evap.) probe enabling YES NO NO flag NO
237 OS2 T2 (evap.) probe offset -125 125 0 °K 0

AT2-5 Default & Individual Parameter Settings

LAE AT2-5 (00-556224) FXT602L&

Reg Par. Description Min. Max Default Dim. FXT1352L
233 SCL Readout scale 1°C; 2°C; °F 2 flag 2°C
200 SPL Minimum set point [ I ] -50 SPH -5 °C -21
202 SPH Maximum set point [ I ] SPL 120 5 °C -21
204 SP Set point [ I ] SPL SPH 0 °C -21
0 C-H Refrigerating / Heating selection REF HEA REF flag REF
212 HYS Thermostat hysteresis [ I ] 1 100 3 °K 3
214 CRT Minimum compressor rest time 0 30 3 min. 3
0 CT1 Compressor run with T1 failure 0 30 3 min. 7
0 CT2 Compressor stop with T1 failure 0 30 6 min. 4
Compressor stop delay from
0 CSD 0 30 1 min. 1
door opening
217 DFR Defrost frequency / 24h 0 24 3 1/24h 4
206 DLI Defrost end temperature -30 30 6 °C 20
219 DTO Maximum defrost duration 1 120 20 min. 20
220 DTY Defrost type OFF; ELE; GAS ELE flag ELE
221 DRN Drain down time 0 30 3 min. 2
222 DDY Defrost display control 0 60 10 min. 10
0 FID Fans active during defrost NO YES NO flag NO
207 FDD Fan re-start delay temperature -30 30 -2 °C 0
245.3 FTC Evaporator fan timed control NO YES YES flag NO
0 FT1 Fan stop delay 0 180 30 sec. 30
0 FT2 Timed fan stop 0 30 3 min. 3
0 FT3 Timed fan run 0 30 1 min. 1
0 ATM Alarm threshold control NON; ABS; REL ABS flag REL
0 ALA('R) Low temp. alarm threshold -50 (-120) +120 (0) -50 °C / °K -25
0 AHA('R) High temp. alarm threshold -50 (0) +120 (+120) 120 °C / °K -10
0 ALR Low temp. alarm differential -12 0 0 °K -5
0 AHR High temp. alarm differential 0 12 0 °K 8
225 ATD Alarm temperature delay 0 120 30 min. 90
0 ADO Door alarm delay 0 30 5 min. 5
227 ACC Condenser cleaning period 0 52 0 wks 0
230 IISM 2nd parameter set switching mode NON ; MAN NON flag NON
201 IISL Minimum 2nd temp. set -50 IISH 0 °C 0
203 IISH Maximum 2nd temp. set IISL 120 0 °C 0
205 IISP Effective 2nd temperature set point IISL IISH 0 °C 0
213 IIHY Hysteresis 2nd temperature set 1 100 0 °K 0
245.4 IIFT Evap. fan timed control in mode 2 YES NO 0 flag 0
218 IIDF Defrost Frequency / 24h in mode 2 0 24 0 1/24h 0
228 SB Button 0/1 enabling YES NO YES flag YES
245.2 DS Door switch enabling YES NO NO flag YES
0 LSM Light control mode NON; MAN; DOR NON flag NON
0 OAU AUX output control NON; 0-1; DEF; LGT; ALO; AL1 NON flag DEF
0 INP SN4 / ST1 SN4; ST1 SN4 flag SN4
236 OS1 T1 (air) probe offset -125 125 0 °K 0
245.0 T2 T2 (evap.) probe enabling YES NO NO flag YES
237 OS2 T2 (evap.) probe offset -125 125 0 °K 0
232 TLD Delay for min/max. temp storage 1 30 5 min. 5
234 SIM Display slowdown 0 100 3 exp. 3
235 ADR Unit peripheral address 1 255 1 exp. 1

Technical Data – all models

Model FXT602H FXT602L FXT1352H FXT1352L

Refrigerant R134a R404a R134a R404a
Refrigerant Charge 240 grms 320 grms 420 grms 460 grms
Compressor FR75GX SC15CL SC15GX SC21CLX
Capillary 0.042 x 2.7 0.042 x 3.5 0.042 x 2.8 0.054 x 2.6
Voltage 230 230 230 230
Power Watts 510 610 730 970
Consumption Run Amps 2.6 3.2 3.7 5.1
Fuse Rating 13 13 13 13

Probe Details - LAE NTC10K Temperature Resistance Table

TEMP. R-low R-mid R-high TEMP. R-low R-mid R-high
(°C) (KW) (KW) (KW) (°C) (KW) (KW) (KW)
-40 188.021 195.652 203.573 45 4.834 4.917 5.001
-35 142.788 148.171 153.741 50 4.084 4.161 4.239
-30 109.522 113.347 117.294 55 3.464 3.535 3.607
-25 84.823 87.559 90.374 60 2.949 3.014 3.081
-20 66.27 68.237 70.255 65 2.526 2.586 2.647
-15 52.229 53.65 55.104 70 2.173 2.228 2.283
-10 41.477 42.506 43.557 75 1.875 1.925 1.976
-5 33.147 33.892 34.651 80 1.623 1.669 1.715
0 26.678 27.219 27.767 85 1.411 1.452 1.495
5 21.63 22.021 22.417 90 1.23 1.268 1.307
10 17.643 17.926 18.21 95 1.075 1.11 1.145
15 14.472 14.674 14.877 100 0.942 0.974 1.006
20 11.938 12.081 12.224 105 0.829 0.858 0.888
25 9.9 10 10.1 110 0.732 0.758 0.785
30 8.217 8.315 8.413 115 0.647 0.671 0.696
35 6.854 6.948 7.043 120 0.574 0.596 0.619
40 5.745 5.834 5.923 125 0.511 0.531 0.552

Probe Identification
The air probe fitted to this controller is the 10k NTC type (LAE SN4K15P1 Part number 00-556187).
The evaporator probe fitted to this controller is the 10k NTC type (LAE SN4K15P2 Part number 00-556188).

100 50 100 50

T1 Air Probe LAE Probe Manufacturer SN = NTC Device 1K – 1k 15 = 1.5mts Long P1 Probe 1
T2 Evaporator Probe 06-08 Date of Manufacture (Month/Year) ST = PTC Device 2k – 2K 20 = 2mts Long P2 Probe 2
4k – 10k 35 = 3.5mts long P3 Probe 3

Wiring Diagrams

Technical Data
Power Supply AT2-5…E 230Vac±10%, 50/60Hz, Measurement Accuracy <0.5°C within the
3W measurement range
Relay Output Operating Conditions -10 … +50°C; 15%...80% r.H.
AT1-5.S5 (6)...Compressor 16(8) Amp CE - UL (Approvals and Reference norms)
Auxiliary Loads 7(2) A 240vac EN60730-1; EN60730-2-9;
Maximum total current 16A EN55022 (Class B);
Input NTC 10KΩ@25°C, LAE part No. SN4... EN50082-1
Measurement Range UL 60730-1A
-50…120°C, -55…240°F Front protection
-50 / -9.9…19.9 / 80°C (NTC 10K Only) IP55

Power Supply AT2-5…E 230Vac±10%, 50/60Hz, Operating Conditions -10 … +50°C; 15%...80% r.H.
3W CE - UL (Approvals and Reference norms)
Relay Output EN60730-1; EN60730-2-9;
AT2-5.S... Compressor 16(5) A 240vac EN55022 (Class B);
Evaporator fans 7(2) A 240vac EN50082-1
Auxiliary Loads 7(2) A 240vac UL 60730-1A
Maximum total current 16A Front protection
Input NTC 10KΩ@25°C, LAE part No. SN4... IP55
Measurement Range
-50…120°C, -55…240°F
-50 / -9.9…19.9 / 80°C (NTC 10K Only)

Measurement Accuracy <0.5°C within the

measurement range
FXT602H – Integral Configuration Wiring Diagram - Please note any wiring diagram not in this manual e.g for remote units or units
with lighting please see the Xtra Cabinets FXT602H & L, FXT1352H & L with AT1-5 & AT2-5 Controllers Wiring Diagrams Manual.

FXT602L – Integral Configuration Wiring Diagram

FXT1352H – Integral Configuration Wiring Diagram

FXT1352L – Integral Configuration Wiring Diagram


Problem Possible Cause Solution

Compressor will not start No voltage in socket Use voltmeter to check

Electrical conductor or wires may be Use ohmmeter to check for
cut continuity
Defective electrical component:
thermostat, relay, thermal protector Replace defective component
Measure ohmic resistance of main
Compressor motor has a winding and auxiliary winding using
open or shorted ohmmeter. Compare with correct
Compressor stuck Change compressor
Temperature control contacts are
Repair or replace the contacts
Incorrect wiring Check wiring diagram and correct
Fuse blown or circuit breaker
Replace fuse or reset circuit breaker
Power cord unplugged Plug in power cord.
Controller set too high Set controller to lower temperature.
Cabinet in defrost cycle Wait for defrost cycle to finish

Set to warmer position and check if

Controller is set at a very cold
The temperature is too cold the compressor stops according to
controllers operating range.
Check the insulation of the
Controller does not disconnect the
thermostat. If problem persists,
condensing unit
change the thermostat
Change the control. Check
Control contacts are stuck closed
amperage load
Defective or incorrect temperature Determine correct control and
control replace.

The temperature is not cold Controller is set at a very warm

Adjust to colder setting
enough position

Condenser is dirty Clean condenser

The unit must not be near stoves,

The refrigerator has been placed at
walls that are exposed to the sun, or
an inadequate location
places that lack sufficient air flow.
Compressor is inefficient or there is
If there is air in the system, purge
a high pressure due to the air in the
and recharge
Check temperature control,
refrigerant charge, and defrost
Iced up evaporator coil
mechanism. Remove all ice
manually and start over.
Locate exact point of restriction and
Restriction in system
The shelves must never be covered
The refrigerator has been used with any type of plastic or other
improperly material that will block the circulation
of cold air within the refrigerator.
Too many door openings Advise user to decrease if possible

Excessive heat load placed in Advise user not to put in products
cabinet that are too hot.
Check to see if condensation or ice
The refrigerator has been crystals have formed on the suction
overcharged with the refrigerant gas line. If so, charge with the correct
amount of gas.
Find the location of gas leak in order
to seal and replace the defective
The refrigerant gas is leaking component. Change the drier.
Perform a good vacuum and
recharge unit.
Check electrical connections and
The evaporator and/or condenser make sure that the fan blade isn‟t
fans are not working stuck. Replace the fan motor if it
doesn‟t work.
Re-arrange product to allow for
proper air flow. Make sure there is at
Blocking air flow
least four inches of clearance from
Replace fuse or reset circuit
Fuse blown or circuit breaker tripped

Wires or electrical components are Check for appropriate insulation on

Electrical Shocks in direct contact with metallic parts. the connections of each component.

The refrigerator is not properly Check if the noise goes away after
Noise levelled you level the refrigerator
While the compressor is working,
The condenser is not fastened check to see if metal parts are in
correctly. Copper tubing is in contact contact with one another and/or if
with metal the screws that fasten the
condenser are tightened.
Check if the fans are securely
The evaporator and/or condenser fastened. Also, check if the fan
fans are loose blades are loose, broken or crooked.
If so, change the faulty blade.
If the noise persists after all other
Compressor has an internal noise measures have been taken, it may
be originating from the compressor.
Loose part(s) Locate and tighten loose part(s)

Set the controller to a warmer

Extreme condensation inside the Controller is set at a very cold
position & check to see if
refrigerator position
compressor stops as should.
This type of occurrence is caused by
The outside environment‟s relative
local climatic conditions and not by
humidity is very high (over 75%)
the refrigeration unit.
Check the door and/or the magnetic
The refrigerator door wont shut gasket. Adjust the door hinges if
completely needed; replace the gasket if
The refrigerator had been placed at The unit must not be near sources
an inadequate location that produce too much heat.

No illumination (Glass door

The light switch is “off” position Press the light switch to “on” position
models only)
False contact on the light switch, the
Inspect all connections
fluorescent tube, or the ballast
Light switch, ballast and/or
Replace the damaged component.
fluorescent tube are damaged

Condensing unit runs for Excessive amount of warm product Advise user to leave adequate time
long periods of time placed in cabinet for products to cool down
Advise user to ensure doors are
closed when not in use and to avoid
Prolonged door opening or door ajar
opening doors for long periods of
Ensure gaskets are snapped in
completely. Remove gasket and
Door gasket(s) not sealing properly wash with soap and water. Check
condition of gasket & replace if

Dirty condenser coil Clean condenser coil

Unplug unit and allow coil to defrost.

Make sure thermostat is not set too
Evaporator coil iced over cold. Ensure that door gasket(s) are
sealing properly. Select manual
defrost and ensure system works.


Foster European Operations

Foster Refrigerator France SA
Tel: (33) 01 34 30 22 22. Fax: (33) 01 30 37 68 74.
Email: commercial@fosterfrance.com

Foster Refrigerator Gmbh,
Tel: (49) 781 990 7840. Fax (49) 781 990 7844.
Email: info@foster-gmbh.de

Foster Refrigerator
Oldmedow Road
Kings Lynn
PE30 4JU

Tel: 0843 216 8833

Fax: 0843 216 4707
Website: www.fosterrefrigerator.co.uk
Email: support@foster-uk.com

a Division of „ITW (UK) Ltd‟



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