ASDA-A2 Servo: Parameter Code Parameter Value Unit Descriptions Default
ASDA-A2 Servo: Parameter Code Parameter Value Unit Descriptions Default
ASDA-A2 Servo: Parameter Code Parameter Value Unit Descriptions Default
Parameter value Default Unit Descriptions
P0 - 0 VER 1.054 1.054 Firmware Version
P0 - 1 ALE 0x0000 0x0000 Drive Fault Code
P0 - 2 STS 1 1 Drive Status
P0 - 3 MON 0x0000 0x0000 Analog Monitor Output
P0 - 4 0x00000000 0x00000000 Reserved
P0 - 5 0x00000000 0x00000000 Reserved
P0 - 6 0x00000000 0x00000000 Reserved
P0 - 7 0x00000000 0x00000000 Reserved
P0 - 8 TSON 11 0 Hour Servo Startup Time
P0 - 9 CM1 -207202 0 Status Monitor 1
P 0 -10 CM2 -207202 0 Status Monitor 2
P 0 -11 CM3 -207202 0 Status Monitor 3
P 0 -12 CM4 -207202 0 Status Monitor 4
P 0 -13 CM5 -207202 0 Status Monitor 5
P 0 -14 0 0 Reserved
P 0 -15 0 0 Reserved
P 0 -16 0 0 Reserved
P 0 -17 CM1A 0 0 Display Status Monitor 1
P 0 -18 CM2A 0 0 Display Status Monitor 2
P 0 -19 CM3A 0 0 Display Status Monitor 3
P 0 -20 CM4A 0 0 Display Status Monitor 4
P 0 -21 CM5A 0 0 Display Status Monitor 5
P 0 -22 0 0 Reserved
P 0 -23 0 0 Reserved
P 0 -24 0 0 Reserved
P 0 -25 MAP1 0x0000041E 0x00000000 Paramenter Mapping 1
P 0 -26 MAP2 0x0000041E 0x00000000 Paramenter Mapping 2
P 0 -27 MAP3 0x0000041E 0x00000000 Paramenter Mapping 3
P 0 -28 MAP4 0x0000041E 0x00000000 Paramenter Mapping 4
P 0 -29 MAP5 0x0000041E 0x00000000 Paramenter Mapping 5
P 0 -30 MAP6 0x0000041E 0x00000000 Paramenter Mapping 6
P 0 -31 MAP7 0x0000041E 0x00000000 Paramenter Mapping 7
P 0 -32 MAP8 0x0000041E 0x00000000 Paramenter Mapping 8
P 0 -33 0 0 Reserved
P 0 -34 0 0 Reserved
P 0 -35 MAP1A 0x00000000 0x00000000 Block Data Read / Write Register 1 (for P0-25)
P 0 -36 MAP2A 0x00000000 0x00000000 Block Data Read / Write Register 2 (for P0-26)
P 0 -37 MAP3A 0x00000000 0x00000000 Block Data Read / Write Register 3 (for P0-27)
P 0 -38 MAP4A 0x00000000 0x00000000 Block Data Read / Write Register 4 (for P0-28)
P 0 -39 MAP5A 0x00000000 0x00000000 Block Data Read / Write Register 5 (for P0-29)
P 0 -40 MAP6A 0x00000000 0x00000000 Block Data Read / Write Register 6 (for P0-30)
P 0 -41 MAP7A 0x00000000 0x00000000 Block Data Read / Write Register 7 (for P0-31)
P 0 -42 MAP8A 0x00000000 0x00000000 Block Data Read / Write Register 8 (for P0-32)
P 0 -43 0 0 Reserved
P 0 -44 -207202 0 Reserved
P 0 -45 0 0 Reserved
P 0 -46 SVSTS 0x00A7 0x0000 Servo Output Status Display
Parameter value Default Unit Descriptions
P 0 -47 0x00000000 0x00000000
P 0 -48 0x00000000 0x00000000
P 0 -49 0x0000 0x0000
P 0 -50 0x0000 0x0000
P 0 -51 0 0
P 0 -52 0 0
P 0 -53 0x0000 0x0000
P 0 -54 0 0
P 0 -55 0 0
P 0 -56 0 0
P 0 -57 0 0
P 0 -58 0 0
P 0 -59 0 0
P 0 -60 0 0
P 0 -61 0 0
P 0 -62 0 0
P 0 -63 0 0
P1 - 0 PTT 0x0000 0x0002 External Pulse Input Type
P1 - 1 CTL 0x0106 0x0000 Control Mode and Output Direction
P1 - 2 PSTL 0x0010 0x0000 Speed and Torque Limit Setting
P1 - 3 AOUT 0x0000 0x0000 Pulse Output Polarity Setting
P1 - 4 MON1 100 100 % Analog Monitor Output Proportion 1 (MON1)
P1 - 5 MON2 100 100 % Analog Monitor Output Proportion 2 (MON2)
P1 - 6 SFLT 0 0 ms Accel / Decel Smooth Constant of Analog Speed Command (Low-pa
P1 - 7 TFLT 0 0 ms Smooth Constant of Analog Torque Command (Low-pass Filter)
P1 - 8 PFLT 0 0 10msec Smooth Constant of Position Command (Low-pass Filter)
P1 - 9 SP1 1000 1000 0.1r/min 1st Speed Command/ Limit
P 1 -10 SP2 2000 2000 0.1r/min 2nd Speed Command/ Limit
P 1 -11 SP3 3000 3000 0.1r/min 3rd Speed Command/ Limit
P 1 -12 TQ1 100 100 % 1st Torque Command/ Limit
P 1 -13 TQ2 100 100 % 2nd Torque Command/ Limit
P 1 -14 TQ3 100 100 % 3rd Torque Command/ Limit
P 1 -15 0x0000 0x0000 Reserved
P 1 -16 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -17 0.000 0.000 Reserved
P 1 -18 0.000 0.000 Reserved
P 1 -19 0x0000 0x0000 Reserved
P 1 -20 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -21 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -22 0x0000 0x0000 Reserved
P 1 -23 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -24 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -25 VSF1 1000 1000 0.1 Hz Vibration Supression Frequency 1
P 1 -26 VSG1 0 0 Vibration Supression Gain 1
P 1 -27 VSF2 1000 1000 0.1 Hz Vibration Supression Frequency 2
P 1 -28 VSG2 0 0 Vibration Supression Gain 2
P 1 -29 AVSM 0 0 Auto Vibration Suppression Mode Selection
P 1 -30 VCL 500 500 pulse Low-frequency Vibration Detection Level
P 1 -31 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -32 LSTP 0x0000 0x0000 Motor Stop Mode Selection
Parameter value Default Unit Descriptions
P 1 -33 0x0000 0x0000 Reserved
P 1 -34 TACC 100 200 ms Acceleration Time
P 1 -35 TDEC 100 200 ms Deceleration Time
P 1 -36 TSL 50 0 ms Accel /Decel S-curve
P 1 -37 GDR 2.0 1.0 1 times Ratio of Load Inertia to Servo Motor Inertia
P 1 -38 ZSPD 20.0 10.0 r/min Zero Speed Range Setting
P 1 -39 SSPD 3000 3000 r/min Target Rotation Speed
P 1 -40 VCM 3000 By Model r/min Max. Analog Speed Command / Limit
P 1 -41 TCM 200 100 % Max. Analog Torque Command / Limit
P 1 -42 MBT1 0 0 ms On Delay Time of Electromagnetic Brake
P 1 -43 MBT2 0 0 ms OFF Delay Time of Electromagnetic Brake
P 1 -44 GR1 1280000 128 pulse Electronic Gear Ratio (1st Numerator) (N1)
P 1 -45 GR2 7786 10 pulse Electronic Gear Ratio (Denominator) (M)
P 1 -46 GR3 125 2500 pulse Encoder Output Pulse Number
P 1 -47 SPOK 10 10 r/min
P 1 -48 MCOK 0x0000 0x0000
P 1 -49 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -50 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -51 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -52 RES1 40 By Model ohm Regenerative Resistor Value
P 1 -53 RES2 40 By Model watt Regenerative Resistor Capacity
P 1 -54 PER 12800 12800 pulse Positioning Completed Width
P 1 -55 MSPD 3000 By Model r/min Maximum Speed Limit
P 1 -56 OVW 120 120 % Output Overload Warning
P 1 -57 CRSHA 0 0 % Motor Overshoot Warning Percentage
P 1 -58 CRSHT 1 1 ms Motor Overshoot Warning Time
P 1 -59 MFLT 0.0 0.0 ms Analog Speed Linear Filter
P 1 -60 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -61 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -62 FRCL 0 0 % Friction Compensation Percentage
P 1 -63 FRCT 1 1 ms Friction Compensation Smooth Constant
P 1 -64 0x0000 0x0000 Reserved
P 1 -65 1 1 Reserved
P 1 -66 PCM 0.0 0.0 1r Max. Rotation Number of Analog Position Command
P 1 -67 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -68 PFLT2 4 4 ms Position Command Moving Filter
P 1 -69 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -70 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -71 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -72 FRES 5000 5000 pulse/rev Full-closed Loop Resolution (for CN5 terminal)
P 1 -73 FERR 30000 30000 pulse Full-closed Loop Excessive Position Error Range (for CN5 terminal)
P 1 -74 FCON 0x0000 0x0000 Full-closed Loop Control Function Selection (for CN5 terminal)
P 1 -75 FELP 100 100 ms Full-closed Loop Low-pass Filter Time Constant (for CN5 terminal)
P 1 -76 AMSPD 5500 5500 r/min Max. Rotation Speed of Encoder Output
P 1 -77 0x0000 0x0000
P 1 -78 0x0000 0x0000
P 1 -79 0 0
P 1 -80 0 0
P 1 -81 3000 By Model
P 1 -82 0 0
Parameter value Default Unit Descriptions
P 1 -83 0 0
P 1 -84 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -85 0 0 Reserved
P 1 -86 0 0
P 1 -87 1 1
P 1 -88 2000 2000
P 1 -89 0 0
P 1 -90 0 0
P 1 -91 0 0
P 1 -92 0 0
P 1 -93 0 0
P 1 -94 0 0
P 1 -95 0 0
P 1 -96 0 0
P 1 -97 0 0
P 1 -98 0 0
P2 - 0 KPP 35 35 rad/s Proportional Position Loop Gain
P2 - 1 PPR 100 100 % Position Loop Gain Switching Rate
P2 - 2 PFG 100 50 % Position Feed Forward Gain
P2 - 3 PFF 5 5 ms Smooth Constant of Position Feed Forward Gain
P2 - 4 KVP 500 500 rad/s Proportional Speed Loop Gain
P2 - 5 SPR 30 100 % Speed Loop Gain Switching Rate
P2 - 6 KVI 40 100 rad/s Speed Integral Compensation
P2 - 7 KVF 0 0 % Speed Feed Forward Gain
P2 - 8 PCTL 36 0 Special Factory Setting
P2 - 9 DRT 2 2 2ms Bounce Filter
P 2 -10 DI1 0x0101 0x0101 Digital Input Terminal 1 (DI1)
P 2 -11 DI2 0x0106 0x0104 Digital Input Terminal 2 (DI2)
P 2 -12 DI3 0x0118 0x0116 Digital Input Terminal 3 (DI3)
P 2 -13 DI4 0x0005 0x0117 Digital Input Terminal 4 (DI4)
P 2 -14 DI5 0x0000 0x0102 Digital Input Terminal 5 (DI5)
P 2 -15 DI6 0x0000 0x0022 Digital Input Terminal 6 (DI6)
P 2 -16 DI7 0x0000 0x0023 Digital Input Terminal 7 (DI7)
P 2 -17 DI8 0x0000 0x0021 Digital Input Terminal 8 (DI8)
P 2 -18 DO1 0x0107 0x0101 Digital Output Terminal 1 (DO1)
P 2 -19 DO2 0x0000 0x0103 Digital Output Terminal 2 (DO2)
P 2 -20 DO3 0x0000 0x0109 Digital Output Terminal 3 (DO3)
P 2 -21 DO4 0x0000 0x0105 Digital Output Terminal 4 (DO4)
P 2 -22 DO5 0x0007 0x0007 Digital Output Terminal 5 (DO5)
P 2 -23 NCF1 1000 1000 Hz Notch Filter 1 (Resonance Suppression)
P 2 -24 DPH1 0 0 dB Notch Filter Attenuation Rate 1 (Resonance Suppression)
P 2 -25 NLP 0.2 By Model ms Low-pass Filter Time Constant (Resonance Suppression)
P 2 -26 DST 40 0 External Anti-Interference Gain
P 2 -27 GCC 0x0000 0x0000 Gain Switching Control Selection
P 2 -28 GUT 10 10 10 ms Gain Switching Time Constant
P 2 -29 GPE 1280000 1280000 Gain Switching Condition
P 2 -30 INH 0 0 Auxiliary Functions
P 2 -31 AUT1 40 40 Hz Speed Responsiveness Setting of Auto and Semi-Auto Mode
P 2 -32 AUT2 0x0000 0x0000 Tuning Mode Selection
P 2 -33 AUT3 0x0001 0x0000 Semi-Auto Mode Inertia Adjustment Selection
Parameter value Default Unit Descriptions
P 2 -34 SDEV 5000 5000 r/min Overspeed Warning Condition
P 2 -35 PDEV 3840000 3840000 pulse Excessive Error Warning Condition
P 2 -36 EDI9 0x0100 0x0100 External Digital Input Terminal 9 (EDI9)(for ASDA-A2-U Type)
P 2 -37 EDI10 0x0100 0x0100 External Digital Input Terminal 10 (EDI10)(for ASDA-A2-U Type)
P 2 -38 EDI11 0x0100 0x0100 External Digital Input Terminal 11 (EDI11)(for ASDA-A2-U Type)
P 2 -39 EDI12 0x0100 0x0100 External Digital Input Terminal 12 (EDI12)(for ASDA-A2-U Type)
P 2 -40 EDI13 0x0100 0x0100 External Digital Input Terminal 13 (EDI13)(for ASDA-A2-U Type)
P 2 -41 EDI14 0x0100 0x0100 External Digital Input Terminal 14 (EDI14)(for ASDA-A2-U Type)
P 2 -42 0 0 Reserved
P 2 -43 NCF2 1000 1000 Hz Notch Filter 2 (Resonance Suppression)
P 2 -44 DPH2 0 0 dB Notch Filter Attenuation Rate 2 (Resonance Suppression)
P 2 -45 NCF3 1000 1000 Hz Notch Filter 3 (Resonance Suppression)
P 2 -46 DPH3 0 0 dB Notch Filter Attenuation Rate 3 (Resonance Suppression)
P 2 -47 ANCF 1 1 Auto Resonance Suppression Mode Selection
P 2 -48 ANCL 100 100 Auto Resonance Suppression Sensitivity Setting
P 2 -49 SJIT 0x000B 0x000B Speed Detection Filter and Jitter Suppression
P 2 -50 DCLR 0x0000 0x0000 Pulse Deviation Clear Mode
P 2 -51 0 0 Servo ON
P 2 -52 1000000000 1000000000
P 2 -53 KPI 0 0 rad/s Position Integral Compensation
P 2 -54 0 0 rad/s Reserved
P 2 -55 0 0 rad/s Reserved
P 2 -56 0 0 rad Reserved
P 2 -57 0 0 Hz Reserved
P 2 -58 0 0 0.1ms Reserved
P 2 -59 0 0 Reserved
P 2 -60 GR4 128 128 pulse Electronic Gear Ratio (2nd Numerator) (N2)
P 2 -61 GR5 128 128 pulse Electronic Gear Ratio (3rd Numerator) (N3)
P 2 -62 GR6 128 128 pulse Electronic Gear Ratio (3th Numerator) (N4)
P 2 -63 0 0 Reserved
P 2 -64 0x0000 0x0000 Reserved
P 2 -65 GBIT 0x0008 0x0008 Special Function 1
P 2 -66 GBIT2 0x0000 0x0000 Special Function 2
P 2 -67 JSL 1.5 1.5 1 times Inertia Estimation Detection Level
P 2 -68 0x0000 0x0000
P 2 -69 0x0000 0x0000 ¾ø¶ÔÐͱàÂëÆ÷É趨(¾ø¶ÔÐÍ)
P 2 -70 0x0000 0x0000
P 2 -71 0x0000 0x0000
P 2 -72 0 0 Reserved
P 2 -73 0x00000000 0x00000000
P 2 -74 0.000 0.000
P 2 -75 0 0
P 2 -76 0x0000 0x0000
P 2 -77 0x0000 0x0000
P 2 -78 270 270
P 2 -79 360 360
P 2 -80 0 0
P 2 -81 0 0
P 2 -82 0 0
P 2 -83 0 0
Parameter value Default Unit Descriptions
P 2 -84 0 0
P 2 -85 0 0
P 2 -86 0 0
P 2 -87 0 0
P 2 -88 0 0
P 2 -89 0 0
P 2 -90 0 0
P 2 -91 0 0
P 2 -92 0 0
P 2 -93 0 0
P 2 -94 0x0090 0x0090
P 2 -95 0 0
P 2 -96 300000 300000
P3 - 0 ADR 0x007F 0x007F Communication Address Setting
P3 - 1 BRT 0x0203 0x0203 bps Transmission Speed
P3 - 2 PTL 0x0006 0x0006 Communication Protocol
P3 - 3 FLT 0x0000 0x0000 Transmission Fault Treatment
P3 - 4 CWD 0 0 sec Communication Time Out Detection
P3 - 5 CMM 0x0000 0x0000 Communication Selection
P3 - 6 SDI 0x0000 0x0000 Digital Input Communication Function
P3 - 7 CDT 0 0 ms Communication Response Delay Time
P3 - 8 MNS 0x0000 0x0000 Monitor Mode
P3 - 9 SYC 0x5055 0x5055 CANopen Slave and Master Synchronization Signal Setting
P 3 -10 0x0000 0x0000
P 3 -11 0x0000 0x0000
P 3 -12 0x0000 0x0000
P 3 -13 0x0000 0x0000
P4 - 0 ASH1 0x31200003 0x00000000 Fault Record (N)
P4 - 1 ASH2 0x31200003 0x00000000 Fault Record (N-1)
P4 - 2 ASH3 0x54410013 0x00000000 Fault Record (N-2)
P4 - 3 ASH4 0x00000000 0x00000000 Fault Record (N-3)
P4 - 4 ASH5 0x00000000 0x00000000 Fault Record (N-4)
P4 - 5 JOG 20 20 r/min JOG Operation
P4 - 6 FOT 0x0000 0x0000 Force Output Control
P4 - 7 ITST 0x00F9 0x0000 Input Status or Force Input Control
P4 - 8 PKEY 0x0000 0x0000 Digital Keypad Input of Servo Drive
P4 - 9 MOT 0x001E 0x0000 Output Status Display
P 4 -10 CEN 0 0 Adjustment Function
P 4 -11 SOF1 16114 16352 Analog Speed Input Drift Adjustment 1
P 4 -12 SOF2 16172 16352 Analog Speed Input Drift Adjustment 2
P 4 -13 TOF1 16182 16352 Analog Torque Drift Adjustment 1
P 4 -14 TOF2 16182 16352 Analog Torque Drift Adjustment 2
P 4 -15 COF1 15942 16352 Current Detector Drift Adjustment (V1 phase)
P 4 -16 COF2 16074 16352 Current Detector Drift Adjustment (V2 phase)
P 4 -17 COF3 16718 16352 Current Detector Drift Adjustment (W2 phase)
P 4 -18 COF4 16212 16352 Current Detector Drift Adjustment (W2 phase)
P 4 -19 TIGB 2 2 IGBT NTC Calibration
P 4 -20 DOF1 0 0 mV Analog Monitor Output Drift Adjustment (CH1)
P 4 -21 DOF2 0 0 mV Analog Monitor Output Drift Adjustment (CH2)
P 4 -22 SAO 0 0 mV Analog Speed Input Offset
Parameter value Default Unit Descriptions
P 4 -23 TAO 0 0 mV Analog Torque Input Offset
P 4 -24 LVL 160 160 V Low-voltage Alarm Detection Level
P5 - 0 MVER 11300697 0 Reserved
P5 - 1 0x0001 0x0000 Reserved
P5 - 2 0x0000 0x0000 Reserved
P5 - 3 PDEC 0xEEEFEEF 0xEEEFEEF Event Deceleration Time
P5 - 4 HMOV 0x0000 0x0000 Homing Mode
P5 - 5 HSPD1 100.0 100.0 r/min 1st Speed Setting of High Speed Homing
P5 - 6 HSPD2 20.0 20.0 r/min 2nd Speed Setting of High Speed Homing
P5 - 7 PRCM 0 0 Trigger Position Command (Pr mode only)
P5 - 8 SWLP 2147483647 2147483647 PUU Forward Software Limit
P5 - 9 SWLN -214748364 -214748364 PUU Reverse Software Limit
P 5 -10 AYSZ 800 0 Data Array - Data Amount (N x 32 bits)
P 5 -11 AYID 2 0 Data Array- First Address
P 5 -12 AYD0 0 0 Data Array - Data Block 0
P 5 -13 AYD1 0 0 Data Array - Data Block 1
P 5 -14 0 0 Reserved
P 5 -15 PMEM 0x0000 0x0000 Data Not Retained Setting (for P6-02 ~ P6-05)
P 5 -16 AXEN -207134 0 PUU Motor Encoder Feedback Counter (from CN2 terminal)
P 5 -17 AXAU 0 0 pulse Second Feedback Counter (from CN5 terminal)
P 5 -18 AXPC 0 0 Pulse Command Feedback Counter (from CN1 terminal)
P 5 -19 TBS 1.000000 1000000 0.000001
P 5 -20 AC0 200 200 ms Accel / Decel Time 0
P 5 -21 AC1 300 300 ms Accel / Decel Time 1
P 5 -22 AC2 500 500 ms Accel / Decel Time 1
P 5 -23 AC3 600 600 ms Accel / Decel Time 3
P 5 -24 AC4 800 800 ms Accel / Decel Time 4
P 5 -25 AC5 900 900 ms Accel / Decel Time 5
P 5 -26 AC6 1000 1000 ms Accel / Decel Time 6
P 5 -27 AC7 1200 1200 ms Accel / Decel Time 7
P 5 -28 AC8 1500 1500 ms Accel / Decel Time 8
P 5 -29 AC9 2000 2000 ms Accel / Decel Time 9
P 5 -30 AC10 2500 2500 ms Accel / Decel Time 10
P 5 -31 AC11 3000 3000 ms Accel / Decel Time 11
P 5 -32 AC12 5000 5000 ms Accel / Decel Time 12
P 5 -33 AC13 8000 8000 ms Accel / Decel Time 13
P 5 -34 AC14 50 50 ms Accel / Decel Time 14
P 5 -35 AC15 30 30 ms Accel / Decel Time 15
P 5 -36 CAST 0 0 CAPTURE Data Array First Address
P 5 -37 CAAX -4598 0 CAPTURE Counter
P 5 -38 CANO 1 1 CAPTURE Amount
P 5 -39 CACT 0x2010 0x2010 CAPTURE Enable Control
P 5 -40 DLY0 0 0 ms Delay Time 0
P 5 -41 DLY1 100 100 ms Delay Time 1
P 5 -42 DLY2 200 200 ms Delay Time 2
P 5 -43 DLY3 400 400 ms Delay Time 3
P 5 -44 DLY4 500 500 ms Delay Time 4
P 5 -45 DLY5 800 800 ms Delay Time 5
P 5 -46 DLY6 1000 1000 ms Delay Time 6
P 5 -47 DLY7 1500 1500 ms Delay Time 7
Parameter value Default Unit Descriptions
P 5 -48 DLY8 2000 2000 ms Delay Time 8
P 5 -49 DLY9 2500 2500 ms Delay Time 9
P 5 -50 DLY10 3000 3000 ms Delay Time 10
P 5 -51 DLY11 3500 3500 ms Delay Time 11
P 5 -52 DLY12 4000 4000 ms Delay Time 12
P 5 -53 DLY13 4500 4500 ms Delay Time 13
P 5 -54 DLY14 5000 5000 ms Delay Time 14
P 5 -55 DLY15 5500 5500 ms Delay Time 15
P 5 -56 CMST 50 50 COMPARE Data Array First Address
P 5 -57 CMAX -4583 0 COMPARE Counter
P 5 -58 CMNO 1 1 COMPARE Amount
P 5 -59 CMCT 0x00640010 0x00640010 COMPARE Enable Control
P 5 -60 POV0 20.0 20.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 0
P 5 -61 POV1 50.0 50.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 1
P 5 -62 POV2 100.0 100.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 2
P 5 -63 POV3 200.0 200.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 3
P 5 -64 POV4 300.0 300.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 4
P 5 -65 POV5 500.0 500.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 5
P 5 -66 POV6 600.0 600.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 6
P 5 -67 POV7 800.0 800.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 7
P 5 -68 POV8 1000.0 1000.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 8
P 5 -69 POV9 1300.0 1300.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 9
P 5 -70 POV10 1500.0 1500.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 10
P 5 -71 POV11 1800.0 1800.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 11
P 5 -72 POV12 2000.0 2000.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 12
P 5 -73 POV13 2300.0 2300.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 13
P 5 -74 POV14 2500.0 2500.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 14
P 5 -75 POV15 3000.0 3000.0 1r/min Moving Speed Setting of Position 15
P 5 -76 CPRS 0 0 Capture 1st Position Reset Data
P 5 -77 CSAX -4597 0 Position cnt of Capture Synchronization Axes
P 5 -78 CSDS 100 100 pulse nominal Pulse number between 2 Captured points
P 5 -79 CSDS 0 0 pulse Error Pulses of Capture Synchronization Axes
P 5 -80 CSDS 10 10 % Max. Adjustment Rate of Capture Synchronization Axes
P 5 -81 ECHD 100 100 E-CAM : Data Array First Address
P 5 -82 ECMN 5 5 E-CAM : Vertex Points: N(5~720)
P 5 -83 ECMM 1 1 E-CAM : Cycle Number: M
P 5 -84 ECMP 3600 3600 E-CAM : Pulse Number of Master-axis: P
P 5 -85 ECME 0 0 E-CAM : Engaging Area Number
P 5 -86 ECAX -4598 0 E-CAM : Position of Master-axis
P 5 -87 PLED 0 0 E-CAM : Engaging Bypass Command Setting
P 5 -88 ECON 0x00000000 0x00000000 E-CAM : CAM Enable Control
P 5 -89 ECRD 0 0 E-CAM : Read Disengaging Data
P 5 -90 CMAP 270 270 deg. E-CAM : Profile Index 1
P 5 -91 CMAN 360 360 deg. E-CAM : Profile Index 2
P 5 -92 PLED 0 0 E-CAM : Leading Length for Cyclical Command
P 5 -93 CSDS 0x00000000 0x00000000 Motion Control Macro Command : Parameter #4
P 5 -94 CSDS 0 0 Motion Control Macro Command : Parameter #3
P 5 -95 CSDS 0 0 Motion Control Macro Command : Parameter #2
P 5 -96 CSDS 0 0 Motion Control Macro Command : Parameter #1
P 5 -97 CSDS 0x0000 0x0000 pulse Motion Control Macro Command : Command Code & Result
Parameter value Default Unit Descriptions
P 5 -98 EVON 0x0000 0x0000 External Event ON Setting
P 5 -99 EVOF 0x0000 0x0000 External Event Off Setting
P6 - 0 ODEF 0x00000000 0x00000000 Homing Definition
P6 - 1 ODAT 0 0 Homing Definition Value
P6 - 2 PDEF1 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#1 Definition
P6 - 3 PDAT1 0 0 PATH#1 Data
P6 - 4 PDEF2 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#2 Definition
P6 - 5 PDAT2 0 0 PATH#2 Data
P6 - 6 PDEF3 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#3 Definition
P6 - 7 PDAT3 0 0 PATH#3 Data
P6 - 8 PDEF4 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#4 Definition
P6 - 9 PDAT4 0 0 PATH#4 Data
P 6 -10 PDEF5 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#5 Definition
P 6 -11 PDAT5 0 0 PATH#5 Data
P 6 -12 PDEF6 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#6 Definition
P 6 -13 PDAT6 0 0 PATH#6 Data
P 6 -14 PDEF7 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#7 Definition
P 6 -15 PDAT7 0 0 PATH#7 Data
P 6 -16 PDEF8 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#8 Definition
P 6 -17 PDAT8 0 0 PATH#8 Data
P 6 -18 PDEF9 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#9 Definition
P 6 -19 PDAT9 0 0 PATH#9 Data
P 6 -20 PDEF1 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#10 Definition
P 6 -21 PDAT1 0 0 PATH#10 Data
P 6 -22 PDEF1 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#11 Definition
P 6 -23 PDAT1 0 0 PATH#11 Data
P 6 -24 PDEF1 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#12 Definition
P 6 -25 PDAT1 0 0 PATH#12 Data
P 6 -26 PDEF1 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#13 Definition
P 6 -27 PDAT1 0 0 PATH#13 Data
P 6 -28 PDEF1 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#14 Definition
P 6 -29 PDAT1 0 0 PATH#14 Data
P 6 -30 PDEF1 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#15 Definition
P 6 -31 PDAT1 0 0 PATH#15 Data
P 6 -32 PDEF1 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#16 Definition
P 6 -33 PDAT1 0 0 PATH#16 Data
P 6 -34 PDEF1 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#17 Definition
P 6 -35 PDAT1 0 0 PATH#17 Data
P 6 -36 PDEF1 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#18 Definition
P 6 -37 PDAT1 0 0 PATH#18 Data
P 6 -38 PDEF1 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#19 Definition
P 6 -39 PDAT1 0 0 PATH#19 Data
P 6 -40 PDEF2 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#20 Definition
P 6 -41 PDAT2 0 0 PATH#20 Data
P 6 -42 PDEF2 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#21 Definition
P 6 -43 PDAT2 0 0 PATH#21 Data
P 6 -44 PDEF2 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#22 Definition
P 6 -45 PDAT2 0 0 PATH#22 Data
P 6 -46 PDEF2 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#23 Definition
P 6 -47 PDAT2 0 0 PATH#23 Data
Parameter value Default Unit Descriptions
P 6 -48 PDEF2 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#24 Definition
P 6 -49 PDAT2 0 0 PATH#24 Data
P 6 -50 PDEF2 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#25 Definition
P 6 -51 PDAT2 0 0 PATH#25 Data
P 6 -52 PDEF2 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#26 Definition
P 6 -53 PDAT2 0 0 PATH#26 Data
P 6 -54 PDEF2 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#27 Definition
P 6 -55 PDAT2 0 0 PATH#27 Data
P 6 -56 PDEF2 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#28 Definition
P 6 -57 PDAT2 0 0 PATH#28 Data
P 6 -58 PDEF2 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#29 Definition
P 6 -59 PDAT2 0 0 PATH#29 Data
P 6 -60 PDEF3 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#30 Definition
P 6 -61 PDAT3 0 0 PATH#30 Data
P 6 -62 PDEF3 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#31 Definition
P 6 -63 PDAT3 0 0 PATH#31 Data
P 6 -64 PDEF3 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#32 Definition
P 6 -65 PDAT3 0 0 PATH#32 Data
P 6 -66 PDEF3 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#33 Definition
P 6 -67 PDAT3 0 0 PATH#33 Data
P 6 -68 PDEF3 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#34 Definition
P 6 -69 PDAT3 0 0 PATH#34 Data
P 6 -70 PDEF3 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#35 Definition
P 6 -71 PDAT3 0 0 PATH#35 Data
P 6 -72 PDEF3 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#36 Definition
P 6 -73 PDAT3 0 0 PATH#36 Data
P 6 -74 PDEF3 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#37 Definition
P 6 -75 PDAT3 0 0 PATH#37 Data
P 6 -76 PDEF3 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#38 Definition
P 6 -77 PDAT3 0 0 PATH#38 Data
P 6 -78 PDEF3 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#39 Definition
P 6 -79 PDAT3 0 0 PATH#39 Data
P 6 -80 PDEF4 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#40 Definition
P 6 -81 PDAT4 0 0 PATH#40 Data
P 6 -82 PDEF4 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#41 Definition
P 6 -83 PDAT4 0 0 PATH#41 Data
P 6 -84 PDEF4 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#42 Definition
P 6 -85 PDAT4 0 0 PATH#42 Data
P 6 -86 PDEF4 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#43 Definition
P 6 -87 PDAT4 0 0 PATH#43 Data
P 6 -88 PDEF4 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#44 Definition
P 6 -89 PDAT4 0 0 PATH#44 Data
P 6 -90 PDEF4 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#45 Definition
P 6 -91 PDAT4 0 0 PATH#45 Data
P 6 -92 PDEF4 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#46 Definition
P 6 -93 PDAT4 0 0 PATH#46 Data
P 6 -94 PDEF4 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#47 Definition
P 6 -95 PDAT4 0 0 PATH#47 Data
P 6 -96 PDEF4 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#48 Definition
P 6 -97 PDAT4 0 0 PATH#48 Data
Parameter value Default Unit Descriptions
P 6 -98 PDEF4 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#49 Definition
P 6 -99 PDAT4 0 0 PATH#49 Data
P7 - 0 PDEF5 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#50 Definition
P7 - 1 PDAT5 0 0 PATH#50 Data
P7 - 2 PDEF5 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#51 Definition
P7 - 3 PDAT5 0 0 PATH#51 Data
P7 - 4 PDEF5 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#52 Definition
P7 - 5 PDAT5 0 0 PATH#52 Data
P7 - 6 PDEF5 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#53 Definition
P7 - 7 PDAT5 0 0 PATH#53 Data
P7 - 8 PDEF5 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#54 Definition
P7 - 9 PDAT5 0 0 PATH#54 Data
P 7 -10 PDEF5 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#55 Definition
P 7 -11 PDAT5 0 0 PATH#55 Data
P 7 -12 PDEF5 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#56 Definition
P 7 -13 PDAT5 0 0 PATH#56 Data
P 7 -14 PDEF5 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#57 Definition
P 7 -15 PDAT5 0 0 PATH#57 Data
P 7 -16 PDEF5 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#58 Definition
P 7 -17 PDAT5 0 0 PATH#58 Data
P 7 -18 PDEF5 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#59 Definition
P 7 -19 PDAT5 0 0 PATH#59 Data
P 7 -20 PDEF6 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#60 Definition
P 7 -21 PDAT6 0 0 PATH#60 Data
P 7 -22 PDEF6 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#61 Definition
P 7 -23 PDAT6 0 0 PATH#61 Data
P 7 -24 PDEF6 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#62 Definition
P 7 -25 PDAT6 0 0 PATH#62 Data
P 7 -26 PDEF6 0x00000000 0x00000000 PATH#63 Definition
P 7 -27 PDAT6 0 0 PATH#63 Data