D400 Manual V240
D400 Manual V240
D400 Manual V240
Grid Solutions
Multilin D400TM
Substation Gateway
Instruction Manual
Version 2.40 Revision 4
GE Information
GE Grid Solutions
Copyright Notice
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The information contained in this online publication is proprietary and subject to change without notice. The
software described in this online publication is supplied under license and may be used or copied only in accor-
dance with the terms of such license.
Trademark Notices
Table of contents
9. USING THE LOCAL Start the local gateway configuration utility ....................................................... 114
GATEWAY Configure authentication......................................................................................... 117
CONFIGURATION Configure network settings ..................................................................................... 118
UTILITY Configure network interfaces ................................................................................. 119
Network summary......................................................................................................................................121
Configure secure access .......................................................................................... 122
Configure Remote HMI Non Observer Privileges .........................................................................123
Configure Rsyslog service.......................................................................................................................124
Configure firewall settings ...................................................................................... 125
Configure host names .............................................................................................. 127
Configure time and time synchronization ............................................................ 127
10. SERVICING THE Removing the D400 main module .......................................................................... 143
D400 Replacing the battery ............................................................................................... 144
Before you remove the battery…......................................................................................................... 145
Supported battery types ......................................................................................................................... 145
To insert or replace the D400 battery............................................................................................... 145
Checking voltage........................................................................................................................................ 146
Cleaning and handling Lithium batteries........................................................................................ 146
Recycling of batteries............................................................................................................................... 146
Battery life...................................................................................................................................................... 146
Dual Ethernet upgrade kit with card 580-3410 ................................................... 147
Valid combinations.................................................................................................................................... 147
Installing the 580-3410 dual Ethernet card................................................................................... 147
Changing the CompactFlash .................................................................................. 150
Replacing the power supply .................................................................................... 152
A. INSTALLING AND Overall procedure to install and connect DNP3 I/O modules ........................... 157
CONNECTING DNP3 Installing DNP3 I/O modules in a rack................................................................... 158
I/O MODULES Rack spacing ................................................................................................................................................ 158
Required clearances ................................................................................................................................. 158
Rack mounting procedure ..................................................................................................................... 158
Connecting to protective ground ........................................................................... 158
Connecting DNP3 I/O modules (Low Voltage) ...................................................... 160
DNP3 I/O module (LV) interconnect cabling................................................................................... 160
Product Support
Product Support
If you need help with any aspect of your GE Grid Solutions product, you can:
• Access the GE Grid Solutions Web site
• Search the GE Technical Support library
• Contact Technical Support
Also covered are:
• The GE Grid Solutions address
• Instructions on returning a D400 to GE Grid Solutions
Or e-mail to multilin.tech@ge.com
Have the following information ready to give to Technical Support:
• Ship to address (the address that the product is to be returned to)
• Bill to address (the address that the invoice is to be sent to)
• Contact name
• Contact phone number
• Contact fax number
• Contact e-mail address
• Product number / serial number
• Description of problem
Technical Support will provide you with a case number for your reference.
Product returns
A Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number must accompany all equipment being
returned for repair, servicing, or for any other reason. Before you return a product, please
contact GE Grid Solutions to obtain an RMA number and instructions for return shipments.
You are sent the RMA number and RMA documents via fax or e-mail. Once you receive the
RMA documents, attach them to the outside of the shipping package and ship to GE.
Product returns are not accepted unless accompanied by the Return Merchandise
Authorization number.
This manual provides information about installing, setting up, using and maintaining your
D400TM Substation Gateway. This manual does not provide any procedures for configuring
the software of the D400.
Intended audience
This manual is intended for use by field technicians and maintenance personnel who are
responsible for the installation, wiring and maintenance of SCADA equipment. This guide
assumes that the user is experienced in:
• Electrical utility applications
• Electrical wiring and safety procedures
• Related other manufacturer’s products, such as protective relays and
communications equipment
Additional documentation
For further information about the D400, refer to the following documents.
• D400 Online Help
• Module layouts, as available
• The D400 Substation Gateway Software Configuration Guide (GE part number
For the most current version of the D400 Instruction Manual, please download a copy
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
Before you begin installing and using the D400TM, review the information in this chapter,
including the following topics:
• Safety precautions
• Regulatory compliance information
• Product overview
• Product specifications
• Approvals
• Storage recommendations
Read and thoroughly understand this guide before installing and operating the unit. Save
these instructions for later use and reference.
Failure to observe the instructions in this manual may result in serious injury or death.
Safety precautions
Follow all safety precautions and instructions in this manual.
Only qualified personnel should work on the D400. Maintenance personnel should be
familiar with the technology and the hazards associated with electrical equipment.
• Never work alone.
• Before performing visual inspections, tests, or maintenance on this equipment, isolate
or disconnect all hazardous live circuits and sources of electric power. Assume that all
circuits are live until they have been completely de-energized, tested, and tagged. Pay
particular attention to the design of the power system. Consider all sources of power,
including the possibility of back feed.
• Turn off all power supplying the equipment in which the D400 is to be installed before
installing and wiring the D400.
• Operate only from the power source specified on the installed power supply module.
• Beware of potential hazards and wear personal protective equipment.
Warning symbols
Table 1 explains the meaning of warning symbols that may appear on the D400 or in this
Table 1: Warning symbols that appear on the D400 and in this manual
Symbol Description
The relevant circuit is direct current.
EAC compliance
The EAC Technical Regulations (TR) for Machines and Equipment apply to the Customs
Union (CU) of the Russian Federation, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.
Product Description
Country of origin Assembled in Canada; see label on rear of D400
Date of manufacture See label on rear of D400
Declaration of Conformity and/or Certificate of Available upon request
Product overview
The D400 Substation Gateway is a secure, substation hardened and CE Marked
communications gateway that collects metering, status, event and fault report data from
intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). It summarizes the data from devices and makes it
available to a master station or host computer over standard SCADA protocols. TCP/IP
network connections are supported over the built-in 10/100 MB Ethernet interface and
dial-up (external modem required).
The D400 comes with a built-in human machine interface (HMI)/annunciator as part of the
base software. A Local HMI can be accessed through the Keyboard, Video, Mouse
interface. A full featured substation HMI is accessed using a secure stand-alone HMI
Viewer (HTTP/HTTPS) network connection. The D400 is configured “online” through a
stand-alone HMI.
Functional overview
The data flow managed by a D400 is shown in Figure 1. The D400 communicates data with
• Control Center which can comprise an EMS (Enterprise Management System) or a DMS
(Distribution Management System) SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
• IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices) to monitor and control field inputs and outputs.
Figure 1: D400 - Data flow
C o n tro l C e n tre
E M S o r D M S S C A D A S y ste m :
P r o c e s s e s d a ta fo r c e n tr a liz e d m a n a g e m e n t o f s u b s ta tio n
s w itc h e s a n d b r e a k e r s
C lie n t C o n n e c to r s
D a ta flo w th r o u g h p r o to c o ls
s u c h a s D N P , IE C 1 0 4 , M o d b u s
S e r v e r C o n n e c to r s
Pseudo S e rv e r M a p s
p o in ts
A u to m a tio n
A p p lic a tio n s
C lie n t M a p s
C lie n t C o n n e c to r s
D a ta C o n c e n tr a tio n th r o u g h p r o to c o ls
s u c h a s D N P , 6 1 8 5 0 , IE C 1 0 1 / 1 0 3 ,1 0 4 ,
IE D M o d b u s, H y d ra n , a n d S E L
S e rv e rC o n n e c to rs
C lie n t C o n n e c to r s
F ie ld In p u t a n d O u tp u t:
D ig ita l In p u ts
D ig ita l O u tp u ts
A n a lo g In p u ts
A n a lo g O u tp u ts
Hardware overview
The D400 is (see Figure 2) built on a flexible, high-performance, expandable platform
powered by a 1.6 GHz processor. It is distinguished by the noticeable lack of a hard drive
and fan, employing instead the rugged and reliable CompactFlash mass storage and
engineered heat sink and ventilation.
The D400 supports various communication media types through a choice of input/output
(I/0) adapter cards:
• Serial (up to 8 configurable 2-port adapter cards): RS-232, RS-485, Fiber Optic (Glass or
• Ethernet: 10/100BaseT, 100BaseFX, or 10BaseFL
Figure 2: D400 - front view
• Secure Web server (128-bit encryption)
• Secure SCADA communications through Secure Sockets Layer or Transport Layer
Security (SSL/TLS)
• Secure access using SSH (Secure Shell)/SCP (Secure Copy)/HTTPS
• Secure terminal server, gateway, and/or data concentrator using SSL
• User configurable access level
• Support for remote user authentication
• Built-in alarm annunciator
• Support for time synchronization signals, including Network Time Protocol (NTP) and
• Support for DNP protocol for communications to multiple masters
• High-performance real-time database engine
• Internal Mini SQL™ database for archival of SOE and alarm records
• Built-in basic math/logic functions
• Event notification (e-mail)
• Portable memory device plug-in
• Dual CompactFlash cards for main and user storage
• Dual hot swappable power supply units
• Communication adapter cards
Firmware compatibility
Table 3 lists the released D400 firmware versions and indicates the CPUs that support
those firmware versions.
Table 3: D400 firmware and CPU compatibility
D400 Firmware Version CPU
650 MHz 1.0 GHz 1.6 GHz
3.20 with Service Pack 1
3.20 with Service Pack 2
3.20 with Service Pack 3
5.10 with Service Pack 1
Table 4 lists the released D400 firmware versions and indicates the JRE supported.
Table 4: D400 firmware and JRE version compatibility
D400 firmware version JRE supported JRE version tested with ...
2.75 JRE 6 JRE 6 update 22
3.00 JRE 6 JRE 6 update 22
3.20 JRE 6 JRE 6 update 27
3.20 with Service Pack 1 JRE 7 JRE 7 update 11
3.20 with Service Pack 2 JRE 7 JRE 7 update 11
3.20 with Service Pack 3 JRE7/JRE8 JRE 7 update 71 / JRE 8 update 31
4.10 JRE 7 JRE 7 update 17
5.01 JRE 7 JRE 7 update 71
5.01 + Java Patch JRE 8 JRE 8 update 31
5.10 JRE7/JRE8 JRE 7 update 71 / JRE 8 update 40
5.10 with Service Pack 1 JRE7/JRE8 JRE 7 update 71 / JRE 8 update 40
5.11 JRE8 JRE 8 update 60
5.20 JRE8 JRE 8 update 92
5.30 JRE8 JRE 8 update 112, 121, 131
Ordering guide
The latest D400 Substation Gateway ordering guide, which includes accessories, is
available on the GE Grid Solutions website:
You can select the required options from the available Product Option items. The Order
Code automatically updates as each option is selected.
The Product Options are:
• D400 CPU Options
• Main and Redundant (optional) Power Supply Options
• Up to 8 Serial Communication Slots
• IRIG-B Input Card Option (Slot 9)
• IRIG-B Distribution Card Options (Slot 10)
• Primary and Secondary (optional) Network Slots
• USB KVM, Audio
• D400 Local HMI (One Line Viewer)
• D400 IEC61850
• D400 LogicLinx Executor License
• D400 Setup Software
• D400 Image Firmware
Upgrade kit
The D400 Upgrade Kits can be configured to include all the components necessary to
upgrade existing D400 units. An Upgrade Kit comprises the:
• Hardware (as selected),
• Upgrade Manager, and
• Migration Tool
The D400 Upgrade Kits are available for order though GE Grid Solutions Online store at:
Migration tool The Migration Tool allows you to migrate existing firmware and configuration files for the
D400 Main Module from a 1.0 GHz CPU to a 1.6 GHz CPU. The Migration Tool is a orderable
option from the D400 upgrade kits though GE Grid Solutions Online store.
Product specifications
The D400 adheres to the following product specifications:
• System on page 23
• Communications on page 23
• Electrical on page 24
• Physical on page 24
• Environmental on page 25
• Software on page 26
Additional Standards and Protection are listed in Appendix A, Standards & Protection.
Processor 1.6 GHz Embedded CPU
1.0 GHz Embedded CPU (obsolete)
650 MHz Embedded CPU (obsolete)
Memory 1.0 GB of DDR2-533 (PC2-4200) RAM (1.6 GHz Embedded CPU)
1.0 GB of PC133 DDR RAM (1.0 GHz Embedded CPU)
16 MB NVRAM standard for persistent event storage
Storage No hard drive
1 GB of Main and 1 GB of User CompactFlash card ship standard
Both expandable to 16 GB, depending on available capacity of industrial
CompactFlash cards
Time deviation When the D400 is powered up, and the GPS signal is lost, the D400 system
clock tick is provided by the FPGA where time stored is driven by a 2.0 ppm
oscillator. The maximum clock drift is 0.90 ms every 300 seconds.
This specification includes the effects of a -20 °C to +65 °C temperature
swing, and one year of oscillator aging.
When the D400 is not powered up, the drift of the battery backed up RTC is
provided by a 100 ppm crystal; the maximum clock drift is 45 ms every
300 seconds.
Operating system Linux
Embedded Mini SQL Archive of SOE reports, alarm records, operator notes, HMI quality changes,
database PRFs, and point tags
LED indicators Main module
System status: Power, Ready, IRIG-B and Network port status
Serial port status: Transmit and Receive status per port
Power Supplies
Power on (Green)
Network connections Single or optional redundant Ethernet interface
Fiber Optic and/or Twisted Pair
10/100BaseT (Isolated RJ-45 connector)
100BaseFX (Fiber Optic: 1300 nm, 50/125 µm, 62.5/125 µm multi-mode
duplex fiber cable-ST connectors)
10BaseFL (Fiber Optic: 820 to 850 nm, 50/125 µm, 62.5/125 µm, 100/140
µm, and 200 µm HCS (hard clad silica) multimode duplex fiber cable-ST
Data rate: 10 MBps and 100 Mbps
Rated power supplies AC-DC 100 to 240 VAC (±10%) 127 VA maximum
Minimum/Maximum AC voltage: 90 VAC / 265 VAC
100 to 300 VDC (±10%) 135 W maximum
Minimum/Maximum DC voltage: 88 VDC / 330 VDC
DC-DC 20 to 55 VDC (±10%) 135 W maximum
Minimum/Maximum DC voltage: 18 VDC / 60 VDC
Peak inrush current at AC-DC 26.5 Apeak (< 145 VAC or 205 VDC)
25 °C on cold start 40 Apeak (< 264 VAC or 370 VDC)
DC-DC 35 Apeak (< 60 VDC)
Rated frequency (AC-DC) 47 to 63 Hz (50/60 Hz)
Contact closures Solid-state photo-MOS device
Output ratings at maximum ambient temperature:
– Continuous current: 0.1 A continuous at 300 VAC or 300 VDC
– Peak current: 0.28 A peak for 10 ms
– Maximum on resistance: 35 ohm
– Dielectric isolation: 2 kVRMS
Overall height 2U (3.47”) [88.12 mm]
Width 19” rack mount [482.59 mm]
Depth 12.24” [310.95 mm] for chassis and rear connectors
13.04” [331.34 mm] with front clearance for protruding parts
Recommended cable 3.75” [95.25 mm] for units with fiber optic connections
clearance 2.0” [50.8 mm] for units without fiber optic connections
Recommended work area 36” [0.91 m] depth by 30” [0.76 m] width on front and back of device.
Unit gross weight 15.4 lb [7.0 kg]
Packing carton Size: 23.6” x 16.1” x 14.6” [600 mm x 410 mm x 372 mm]
Gross Weight: 20.0 lb [9.1 kg]
Material/Finish Galvannealed steel with black powder coat
" ra c
[4 82
.5 9m m]
.0 5m
" [2
Operating temperature 20 °C to +65 °C
Maximum ambient temperature is +50 °C for unit to fully comply with IEC
61010-1 Section 10.1 regarding surface temperature limits for protection
against burns.
Plastic optical fiber lower limit is 0 °C
The top cover of the D400 can get hot during peak operation. Ensure
that there is at least 1U (1.75 inch [44.45 mm]) of free space above the
D400 unit for proper ventilation.
When the unit is operating above 50 °C ambient temperature, safe
handling precautions are recommended to prevent burns.
Firmware Supports various IED and host protocols as well as HMI-based user
interface and secure access
Human machine Built-in graphical user interface (HMI based)
Configuration Built-in graphical user interface (HMI based)
Table 5: Compliance approvals
Compliance Applicable council directive ... According to ...
CE Low voltage directive IEC 61010-1
EMC directive EN 61326-1
EAC Machines and Equipment TR CU 0102011
Storage recommendations
Storage conditions
Always store the D400 in an environment compatible with operating conditions.
Recommended environmental conditions for storage are:
• Temperature: 40 °C to +90 °C
• Relative humidity: 5% to 95%, non-condensing
Exposure to excessive temperature or other extreme environmental conditions might
cause damage and/or unreliable operation.
To avoid deterioration and early failure of electrolytic capacitors, power up units that are
stored in a de-energized state once every 12 months, for one hour continuously.
Battery life
To maintain the life of the battery, the battery should be removed if the D400 is to be
powered down or stored for more than two weeks.
See “Replacing the battery” on page 144.
The battery sustains the NVRAM. If the battery is removed, the NVRAM storage is lost.
Installation steps
The installation procedure varies depending on the components ordered and shipped with
your D400. Follow the procedures in this manual that apply to the specific hardware
configuration of your D400.
Follow these main 1. Mount the D400 in the rack or panel. See “Physical installation” on page 30.
steps to install and set 2. Install the supplied battery on the D400 main board. See Chapter 10, Replacing the
up the D400 battery “section.
3. Set up the communication cards. See Chapter 3, Setting Up Communication Cards.
4. Make device and network connections. See Chapter 4, Connecting to Devices and
5. Make power connections and verify operation. See Chapter 5, Powering Up the D400.
6. Set up the D400 network interface. See Chapter 6, Setting Up the D400.
7. Configure the D400; see Chapter 8, Using the D400.
Required tools
Before beginning the installation procedures, have the following tools and equipment
• Appropriate device cables for serial connections
• CAT5 network cables for RJ-45 Ethernet connections
• Flathead screwdriver with 0.6 mm by 3.5 mm blade (for terminal block wiring)
• Flathead screwdriver with 0.3 mm by 2.5 mm blade (for removing and installing the
adapter cards and changing switch positions)
• #1 Phillips screwdriver (for power terminal block wiring and adapter card removal)
• #2 Phillips screwdriver (for rack mounting the unit)
• Needle-nose pliers
• Wire cutters
• Wire strippers
• Wire-crimping tool (Panduit® CT-1525 or equivalent)
• Six fork connectors, Panduit part number PV14-6F for 16-14 AWG [1.3-2.1 mm²] wire
or PV18-6F for 22-18 AWG [0.3-0.8 mm²] wire (or equivalent) for terminal block
• One ring connector, Panduit part number PV10-14R for 12 AWG [3.3 mm²] wire for
protective earth terminal
• Approved network settings for the device
• Windows-based PC
Rear panel
The rear panel provides access to the communication ports, field wiring connections and
power connections.
Figure 6: D400 rear panel
Slot 11
Slot 12
Slot 13
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
Slot 6
Slot 7
Slot 8
Slot 9
The D400 contains 13 I/O adapter card slots for the communication cards. The
communication cards are powered from the backplane of the D400. The types of
communication cards included in your D400 depend on what was ordered for your
substation application.
Physical installation
The D400 can be installed in a standard 19-inch rack or substation panel. The D400 is
supplied with a ½ AA 3.6 V 0.9 Ah Lithium battery that you must insert on the D400 main
board when the D400 is installed.
The top cover of the D400 can get hot during peak operation. Ensure
that there is at least 1U (1.75 inch [44.45 mm]) of free space above the
D400 unit for proper ventilation.
As per NERC/CIP guidelines, equipment shall be protected from unauthorized access using
strong physical security measures such as placing the equipment in a locked cabinet
inside an access controlled site. Strong physical security is required because the User
Compact Flash card, which is accessible from the front panel, contains your configuration
data and other sensitive information.
Rack mounting
The D400 mounts directly into an industry standard 19-inch [482.6 mm] equipment
mounting rack with EIA universal mounting rail hole spacing.
Panel mount
If you are using a panel cutout, use the following cutout dimensions:
Figure 7: D400 front panel dimensions
[44.46 mm]
3.50 in.
1.75 in.
Cutout for panel mounting
Battery installation
To insert the Lithium Remove the D400 main module from the chassis and insert the battery in the battery
battery holder BT1. See “Replacing the battery” on page 144 for more information.
Battery removal
J12 - battery backup The D400 card contains a 3.6V lithium battery to maintain NVRAM contents (processor and
enable/disable date/time) in the event of a power failure. Move jumper J12 to position 2-3 when storing
board for extended periods. Return jumper J12 to position 1-2 for normal operation.
Table 6 describes the J12 jumper positions and associated functions.
Table 6: Jumper J12 positions
Jumper Position Function
J12 pin 1 to 2 Connects the battery to the NVRAM and date/time.
Note: This is recommended jumper setting.
pin 2 to 3 Disconnects the battery from the NVRAM and date/time
Disconnect the battery if the board is to be stored for extended periods. This conserves
the battery energy.
Chapter 3: Setting Up
Communication Cards
This chapter describes the D400 communication cards and how to change the card
settings for the different configuration options. The communication cards are factory
installed in the D400 with default settings.
Communication cards
All communication cards plug into I/O adapter card slots at the rear of the D400 chassis.
The communication cards are powered from the backplane of the D400.
Figure 8: D400 I/O adapter card slots
Slot 11
Slot 12
Slot 13
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
Slot 6
Slot 7
Slot 8
Slot 9
To change the 1. At the rear panel of the D400, using a flathead or Phillips screwdriver loosen (but don't
settings on a completely remove) the two screws from the top and bottom of the communication
communication card card.
2. Using the flathead screwdriver, gently pry the top of the card from the slot and remove
it from the chassis.
3. Refer to the instructions in the following sections to make any required changes to the
switch settings on the card.
Use a small flathead screwdriver (same as used to remove the communication card
screws) to change switch positions.
4. Slide the card into the same slot you removed it from, and tighten the two screws.
For proper transient protection, the recommended tool torque settings for communication
card screws are 2.6 in-lb [0.294 Nm].
RS-232 adapter
The RS-232 Adapter (GE Item No. 520-0207LF) is a standard RS-232 serial I/O adapter card
that plugs into any serial communication slot (slots 1 through 8) on the D400. It contains
two independently isolated RS-232 serial ports (Port 1 J3 and Port 2 J2) each with a DB-9
connector with common shields.
See “RS-232 connections” on page 56 for typical cable connections and connector pin
Configuration options
The RS-232 card supports the following configuration options on each port:
• DCE (Data Communications Equipment), if SW1/SW2 pin 1 is set to A
• DTE (Data Terminal Equipment), if SW1/SW2 pin 1 is set to A
• +5V (320mA) output on pin 1 of rear DB9 connector if SW1/SW2 position 1 is OFF and
position 2 is set to ON.
Refer to module layout drawing 520-0207-ML for details.
In addition, the RS-232 card is configurable to optionally provide an IRIG-B signal (on pin 4)
and individually isolated Ground (on pin 6).
The signal type and pin options for each port are selectable via two sets of switches on the
RS-232 card:
• Port 2 (J2) is configured by switches SW1 and SW3
• Port 1 (J3) is configured by switches SW2 and SW4
Follow instructions for setting the switches to select the appropriate functions for each
The signal format outputted to the RS-232 cards is dependent upon the format applied to
the IRIG-B input adapter:
Factory default
The factory default setting is DTE on each port.
Figure 9: RS-232 adapter top side
SW3 J2
SW2 SW4 J3
If configured with SW1/SW2, each +5 V is output on Pin 1 of rear DB9 connector and is
independently isolated and fused with a PTC (positive temperature coefficient) resettable
NOTE fuse at 320 mA at 65 °C.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
RS-485 adapter
The RS-485 Adapter (GE Item No. 520-0208LF) plugs into any serial communication slot
(slots 1 through 8) on the D400. It contains two independently isolated RS-485 channels on
a single terminal block TB1: Channel 1 on terminals TB1-1 through TB1-5 and Channel 2 on
terminals TB1-6 through TB1-10. TB1 is a 10 position pluggable 5.08 mm pitch connector,
Molex P/N 39530-0010 (GE Item No. 640-0955).
See “RS-485 connections” on page 56 for typical cable connections.
Configuration options
The RS-485 card supports two configuration options on each channel:
• 2-wire
• 4-wire
Pull-up/pull-down and line termination selection is available for RS-422 signals.
The signal mode for each channel is selectable via two sets of switches on the RS-485 card:
• Channel 1 (TB1-1 to TB1-5) is configured by switches SW2 (top side) and SW4 (bottom
• Channel 2 (TB1-6 to TB1-10) is configured by switches SW1 (top side) and SW3 (bottom
Follow instructions for setting the switches to select the appropriate functions for each
Factory default
The factory default setting is 2-wire on each channel and without RS-422 pull-up/pull-
down or line termination resistors selected.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Figure 19: RS-422 120 Ohm Line Termination with 680 Ohm Pull-Up and Pull-Down
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Configuration options
The Fiber Optic Serial card supports the following configuration options for each channel:
• Standard state
• Inverted state
The state for each channel is selectable via a single two-position pin switch SW1 on the
Fiber Optic Serial card.
Follow instructions for setting the switch to select the appropriate state for each channel.
The fiber optic channel settings on the D400 must match the set up of the other end of the
fiber optic communications channel.
Factory default
The factory default setting is Standard state on each channel.
In Standard state fiber is lit when a “1” is transmitted. In Inverted state fiber is lit when a “0”
is transmitted.
Configuration options
The input signal formats and output options are selectable via two switches on the IRIG-B
Input card:
• IRIG-B state option is configured by switch SW1
• Input signal format is configured by switch SW2
Follow instructions for setting the switches to select the appropriate IRIG-B signal formats
and functions.
Factory default
The factory default setting is the Standard state on each channel.
Leave switch SW1 in the Standard position as it is required for the D400 to properly decode
and set the system time.
Output Voltage
Output as per advanced HCMOS duty cycle may vary up to ±10% from nominal when the
AM modulation option is used. The connector used is a 10 position, 5.08 mm pitch
pluggable connector, Molex part number 39530-0010 (GE Item No. 640-0955).
See “IRIG-B connections” on page 61 for wiring instructions.
Configuration options
There are no selectable options on the IRIG-B Distribution card.
The signal format outputted to the IRIG-B distribution adapter is dependent upon the
format applied to the IRIG-B input adapter:
Configuration options
There are no selectable options on the 4-Port TP Ethernet card.
Figure 24: 4-Port Twisted-Pair Ethernet Switch Card
Configuration options
There are no selectable options on the Hot Standby Fiber Optic Ethernet Switch card.
Figure 25: Hot Standby Fiber Optic Ethernet Switch Card
External switches must have Spanning Tree Protocol port settings configured to edge for
proper operation of 100Base-FX connected ports.
Configuration options
There are no selectable options on the 100Base-FX Hot Standby Fiber Optic Ethernet
Adapter card.
Figure 26: 100Base-FX Hot Standby Fiber Optic Ethernet Adapter Card
The COM2 Port Adapter (GE Item No. 520-0219LF) provides a single DB-9 connector (P2)
wired for an RS-232 DCE signal. The COM2 Port card can support serial connections for the
following dial-up interfaces:
• External modem
• Point-to-point protocol (PPP) services
• Wide area network
The COM2 Port Adapter plugs into any NET slot (slots 11 and 12) of the D400.
The COM2 Port requires an external modem to provide dial-up functionality.
Configuration options
There are no selectable options on the COM2 Port card.
Figure 27: COM2 Port Adapter
See “Network connections” on page 63 and “Modem connections” on page 65 for typical
cable connections.
Configuration options
There are no selectable options on the Redundant TP Ethernet + COM2 Port card.
Figure 28: Redundant TP Ethernet + COM2 Port Adapter Card
Configuration options
There are no selectable options on the USB KVM card.
Figure 29: USB KVM Adapter
This chapter provides guidelines for making physical connections between the D400 and
substation and network devices.
Connection types
The D400 can accommodate a wide range of devices and network connections through a
variety of communication card options.
For more information about the types of communication cards and configuration options,
see Chapter 3, Setting Up Communication Cards.
The D400 can support up to 16 serial connections (up to 8 serial adapter cards with 2 ports
The D400 can support up to 16 serial connections (up to 8 serial adapter cards with 2 ports
each) to a variety of GE and other vendor devices, including:
• Protective relays
• Meters
• Programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
• Remote terminal units (RTUs)
• Monitoring equipment
• Digital fault recorders (DFRs)
• Sequence of event (SOE) recorders
• Load tap changers (LTCs)
The following types of serial connections are supported in single or multi-dropped set ups:
• RS-232
• RS-485 (2-wire or 4-wire)
• Fiber Optic Serial (glass or plastic)
• Glass Optical Fiber Optic
The D400 can support up to eight network connections to host and network clients,
• SCADA master station
• Substation LAN
• Enterprise network (Corporate wide area network). The following networking
connections are supported:
– Ethernet (Twisted pair or Fiber optic)
– COM2 (for dial-up)
Time synchronization
The D400 accepts a time synchronization input (IRIG-B format) from GPS receivers that can
be subsequently distributed to connected devices.
Local maintenance
A local PC can be directly connected to the D400 through the front serial communications
port to perform system maintenance using the D400 System Utilities.
Cabling overview
The D400 provides a series of I/O adapter cards for connecting cables and wiring from
substation devices and network interfaces. All physical connections are made to easily
accessible connectors on the rear panel of the D400.
Figure 30: D400 Field and Network Connections
Slot 10
Slot 11
Slot 12
Slot 13
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
Slot 6
Slot 7
Slot 8
Slot 9
System Fail Alarms
The types of communication cards included in your D400 depend on what was ordered for
your substation application.
For a list and detailed description of the types of communication cards available, see
Chapter 3, Setting Up Communication Cards.
High-voltage installations
To provide higher EMC immunity and maintain CE Mark radiated emission compliance,
the serial cables used for permanent RS-232 and RS-485 connections must comply with
the following requirements:
• Cables must be shielded
• D-type connector covers must provide EMC shielding (e.g. metalized plastic or die cast
metal covers).
RS-232 connections
The D400 accepts connections to RS-232 type devices through the RS-232 Adapter. The
RS-232 Adapter (GE Item No. 520-0207LF) is an RS-232 serial I/O adapter card that plugs
into any serial communication slot (slots 1 through 8) on the D400. It contains two
independently isolated RS-232 serial ports (Port 1 and Port 2) each with a DB-9 connector.
The required RS-232 cable is a serial null modem, DB-9F to DB-9M cable. The cables must
be shielded and DB-9S connector covers must provide EMC shielding (e.g. metalized plastic
or die-cast metal covers).
See “RS-232 adapter” on page 35 for configuration options.
DCD output not supported in DCE mode.
RS-485 connections
The D400 accepts connections to RS-485 2-wire and 4-wire type devices through the RS-
485 Adapter. The RS-485 Adapter (GE Item No. 520-0208LF) plugs into any serial
communication slot (slots 1 through 8) on the D400. It contains two independently isolated
RS-485 channels on a single terminal block: Channel 1 on terminals TB1-1 through TB1-5
and Channel 2 on terminals TB1-6 through TB1-10. Terminal blocks accept a range of 24-
14 AWG [0.2-2.1 mm²] Recommended wire strip length is 0.2" [5.0 mm]. Screws shall be
torqued with tool setting of 4.2 in-lb [0.46 Nm]. A 3.0 to 3.5 mm flat screwdriver tip is
The transceiver in 2-wire mode and the receiver in 4-wire mode present 1 unit load (UL),
nominally 12 KOhm, to the external network with switches SW3/SW4 all off.
See “RS-485 adapter” on page 38 for configuration options.
Cabling requirements
The recommended total maximum length for RS-485 cables is 4000 ft [1300 m] when
operating at 115 kbps. Refer to the manual of the connecting device for its recommended
maximum cable length.
The cables must be shielded and the shield of each RS-485 cable section should be
grounded at one end only. This prevents circulating currents and can reduce surge-
induced current on long communication lines.
The RS-485 Adapter supports a maximum of 32 transceivers of standard unit load per
channel (64 unit loads per RS-485 Adapter card).
2-Wire connections
+ -
The terminal block positions are numbered from 1 to 10 starting from the bottom of the
4-Wire connections
See “RS-485 adapter” on page 38 for configuration options.
The terminal block positions are numbered from 1 to 10 starting from the bottom of the
It is possible to saturate the receiver input if the cable used is too short. Inline attenuation
may be required.
See “Fiber optic serial adapter” on page 41 for configuration options.
To connect fiber optic Plug fiber optic cables into the corresponding TX and RX connectors.
links to the Fiber Optic
IRIG-B connections
The D400 uses a pair of IRIG-B adapter cards, the IRIG-B Input Adapter and the IRIG-B
Distribution Adapter, to accept an IRIG-B signal from a GPS receiver then distribute the
signal to connected IEDs.
See “IRIG-B input adapter” on page 43 and “IRIG-B distribution adapter” on page 45 for
more information.
LED transmitters are classified as IEC 60825-1 Accessible Emission Limit (AEL) Class
1M. Class 1M devices are considered eye safe to the unaided eye. Do not view directly
with optical instruments.
The terminal block positions are numbered from 1 to 10 starting from the bottom of the
Connector Function
TX1 Primary Fiber Optic Transmit Port
RX1 Primary Fiber Optic Receive Port
TX2 Hot Standby Secondary Fiber Optic Transmit Port
RX2 Hot Standby Secondary Fiber Optic Receive Port
See “10Base-FL hot standby fiber optic Ethernet switch” on page 47 or “100Base-FX hot
standby fiber optic Ethernet adapter” on page 48 for more information.
Network connections
The D400 supports a network interface through Ethernet connections to the 4-Port
Twisted-Pair Ethernet Switch or Redundant Twisted-Pair Ethernet + COM2 Port Adapter.
Within the operating system of the D400, the card in slot 11 is assigned to Ethernet
interface eth0 and the card in slot 12 is assigned to Ethernet interface eth1.
All RJ-45 connectors have the same signal definition. However, the rear Ethernet ports are
auto MDI/MDIX and can support a straight-through or crossover cable.
See “4-Port twisted-pair Ethernet switch” on page 46 and “Redundant twisted-pair
Ethernet + COM2 port adapter” on page 50 for more information.
To connect the D400 Plug network cables into the D400 Ethernet ports.
to network devices Figure 38: D400 Ethernet ports
If the D400 is deployed in the presence of strong RF energy in the 110 MHz to 125 MHz
band, such as airport Instrument Landing System (ILS) localizers or aviation radio
NOTE transmitters, it is recommended that shielded twisted-pair Ethernet cables be used.
To connect a local PC Connect the supplied straight-through Ethernet cable (GE Item No. 977-0209LF) to your
to the D400 computer’s network communications port and to the D400's front Ethernet port. Older
computers without auto MDIX Ethernet capability may require an Ethernet cross-over
Figure 39: Front network port
If your portable PC contains an older Ethernet chip and you are having difficulty
connecting, try forcing the connection speed to 10 Mbps, full duplex, on your PC.
The network interface must be configured before the network ports can be used. See “Task
4: Set up the network interface” on page 92 for more information.
D400 Switch/Hub
Name Pin Pin Name
TX_D1+ 1 3 RX_D2+
TX_D1 2 6 RX_D2
RX_D2+ 3 1 TX_D1+
RX_D2 4 2 TX_D1
BI_D3+ 5 7 BI_D4+
BI_D3 6 8 BI_D4
BI_D4+ 7 4 BI_D3+
BI_D4 8 5 BI_D3
D400 PC
Name Pin Pin Name
TX_D1+ 1 1 RX_D2+
TX_D1 2 2 RX_D2
RX_D2+ 3 3 TX_D1+
RX_D2 4 4 TX_D1
BI_D3+ 5 5 BI_D4+
BI_D3 6 6 BI_D4
BI_D4+ 7 7 BI_D3+
BI_D4 8 8 BI_D3
Modem connections
A COM2 port is provided on the COM2 Port Adapter or the Redundant TP Ethernet + COM2
Port Adapter. The COM2 port can support serial connections for the following dial-up
• External modem
• Point-to-point protocol (PPP) services
• Wide area network
The COM2 port provides a single DB-9 connector wired for an RS-574 DTE signal. The COM2
Port Adapter plugs into any NET slot (slots 11 and 12) of the D400. The Redundant TP
Ethernet + COM2 Port Adapter plugs into the NET1 slot (slot 11).
The COM2 Port requires an external modem to provide dial-up functionality.
To connect a modem Connect a straight-through modem cable (not supplied with the D400) to the modem and
to the COM2 Port the D400 COM2 port. Connect using the settings provided below.
Adapter Modem Settings:
• Baud rate: 38400 bps
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: Disabled
• Stop bit: 1
Figure 40: Modem to COM2 port 2 adapter
1 14
6 1 4
20 Modem
9 5
13 25
To connect a local
substation computer
to the KVM Adapter
Ensure the D400 is powered down before connecting devices to the USB KVM card.
1. Connect the SVGA monitor to the video port.
2. Connect the keyboard and mouse to the USB ports.
3. Connect speakers (if available) to the audio jack.
You can also connect a USB touchscreen, keyboard, and mouse to the front USB ports.
The local HMI connection through the USB KVM card supports two simultaneous terminal
• tty1 is for the HMI session
• tty2 is for the D400 command line interface
The local HMI connection defaults to the HMI session (tty1) when you log in.
To switch the terminal session at the D400#>> command prompt:
• To the command line interface (tty2) at the D400#>> command prompt, press Ctrl-
• Back to the HMI session, press Ctrl-Alt-F1.
For information on accessing the D400 command line interface, see the Setting Up a
Terminal Session topic in the D400 online help.
To connect your Connect the supplied serial null modem cable (GE Item No. 977-0529) to your computer’s
computer to the D400 serial communications port and to the D400's front serial communications port.
PC Pin # 9-Pin Female D400 Pin # 9-Pin Female (w/o Converter) Signal Acronym
2 3 TXD
3 2 RXD
5 5 GND
NOTE A pair of LEDs marked CCU A and CCU B indicate which of the D400 units is currently active.
If the hardware or software of the active unit fails, it is automatically switched offline and
serial connections to the field are transferred to the standby unit. A toggle switch on the
RS232 switch panel can be used to switch the D400 devices between active and standby
Failover sequence
If the active D400 unit fails, the following actions occur:
1. The standby D400 unit detects the failure through the lack of a heartbeat signal on the
ping cable or through a status change on the watchdog cable.
2. The standby D400 unit attempts to pull the RS232 switch panel to assume the active
3. The RS232 switch panel transfers all serial field connections to the standby D400,
which then becomes the active D400.
Required components
To implement a redundant D400 system, you need the following components:
The serial ports on your D400 are galvanically isolated from each other, however, when the
RS232 switch panel is used, the serial common of all ports are tied together.
Pins 4 on switch panel connectors J2 through J9 are tied together and to the panel’s power
supply. Any loading from field devices on these pins, loads the RS232 panel power supply
NOTE and should be taken into consideration when sizing power supplies.
The D400 RS232 adapter card that contains the redundancy control port must use the DTE
(default) switch positions. Refer to “Switch SW1/SW2 configuration” on page 36 and “Switch
NOTE SW3/SW4 configuration” on page 37. This card must also be 520-0207 revision 08A or
higher or any revision of 520-0207LF (the revision number is shown on a white label affixed
to the top or bottom of the RS232 adapter card). If your card is 07C or below, it is at least 10
years old and a newer card would need to be acquired.
To set up a redundant It is recommended that you install and configure one standalone D400 unit to ensure that
system: your configuration is valid and that device communications are operating properly. Once
this is done, proceed with the installation of the redundant system.
1. Mount the D400 units in a rack and connect power and ground. Refer to “Power
connections” on page 82.
2. Mount the RS232 switch panel.
3. Plug the connector of watchdog cable A (GE part number 977-0540) to a serial
connector on the first D400 (CCU A).
4. Plug the connector of watchdog cable B (GE part number 977-0541) to a serial
connector on the second D400 (CCU B). This cable must be connected to the same
serial port number on both units.
5. Connect the bare leads of both watchdog cables to TB1 on the RS232 switch panel
and the DB9 serial connector to either P1 or P9 as shown below.
6. Remove jumper Z1 from the RS232 switch panel.
7. Connect one end of the ping cable to the first D400 and the other end to the second
D400. This ping cable must be connected to the same serial port number on both
8. Use standard RS232 cables (GE part number 977-0145) to connect the D400 serial
communication ports to the serial ports on the RS232 switch panel. P2 through P8 are
connected to the first D400, P10 through P16 are connected to the second D400.
Connections from the switch panel to both D400 units should be made in the same
order. For example, if P2 is connected to port 3 on the first D400, P10 should also be
connected to port 3 on the second D400.
9. Connect field devices to J2 through J8 on the RS232 switch panel.
10. Configure the software. See section: “D400 system redundancy” on page 70.
To set up a redundant In cases where more than 7 serial connection ports are required, a second RS232 panel
system with two can be added to the redundancy setup.
RS232 switch panels: 1. Mount the D400 units in a rack and connect power and ground. See section “Power
connections” on page 82.
2. Mount the two RS232 switch panels.
3. Plug the connector of watchdog cable A (GE part number 977-0540) to a serial
connector on the first D400 (CCU A).
4. Plug the connector of watchdog cable B (GE part number 977-0541) to a serial
connector on the second D400 (CCU B). This cable must be connected to the same
serial port number on both units.
5. Connect the bare leads of both watchdog cables to TB1 on the master RS232 switch
panel as shown below.
6. Connect TB4 pins 1 (SET) and 2 (RESET) on the master RS232 switch panel to TB2 pins 1
and 2 on the slave RS232 switch panel using the cable specified (GE part number 970-
0161) or similar.
7. Remove jumpers Z1 and Z2 from the slave RS232 switch panel.
8. Connect one end of the ping cable to the first D400 and the other end to the second
D400. This ping cable must be connected to the same serial port number on both
9. Use standard RS232 cables (GE part number 977-0145) to connect the D400 serial
communication ports to the serial ports on the RS232 switch panels. P2 through P8
are connected to the first D400, P10 through P16 are connected to the second D400.
Connections from the switch panel to both D400 units should be made in the same
order. For example, if P2 is connected to port 3 on the first D400, P10 should also be
connected to port 3 on the second D400.
10. Connect field devices to J2 through J8 on the first RS232 switch panel and to J1
through J8 on the second panel.
11. Configure the software. See section: “D400 system redundancy” on page 70.
To manually operate 1. Pull the active/standby switch straight out to release it from the locked position
the RS232 switch 2. Switch it up to make unit A active or down to make unit B active
panel: The CCU A/CCU B LED indicator indicates which unit has been activated.
When connecting to more than 7 field devices, you must double the number of RS232
switch panels used. When using this configuration, follow the instructions in “To set up a
NOTE redundant system with two RS232 switch panels:” on page 71.
The D400 watchdog (control) port, heartbeat (ping) port, and serial port assignments are
software configurable. Refer to section: “D400 system redundancy” on page 70.
6\V)DLO7% 6HW$2XW
96RXUFH% =
3LQJ3RUW WR9$&RUWR9'& 7%
WR9'&: 96RXUFH%
7R'% 6HW%,Q
6\V)DLO7% 6HW%2XW
*UHHQ 3 3 3
6HW% =
<HOORZ 3 3 3
7R'% 7R'% 7R'%
WR9$&RUWR9'& 96RXUFH$ - - -
Figure 44: Redundancy Wiring - Dual RS232 Switch Panel (1 of 2)
3 3 3
6HW% =
<HOORZ 7% 3 3 3
7R'% 7R'%
96RXUFH$ - - -
Figure 45: Redundancy Wiring - Dual RS232 Switch Panel (2 of 2)
WR9$&RUWR9'& 7%
WR9'&: 96RXUFH$
3 3 3
6HW% =
6HW% 7%
3 3 3
7R'$ 7R'$ 7R'$
7R'% 7R'% 7R'%
Figure 46: Redundancy Wiring - Redundant RS232 Switch Panel (1 of 2)
WR9$&RUWR9'& 96RXUFH$ - - -
7R'$ 6HW$,Q
6\V)DLO7% 6HW$2XW
96RXUFH% 7%
3 3 3
6HW% =
3 3 3
6WDWXV% 7%
Figure 47: Redundancy Wiring - Redundant RS232 Switch Panel (2 of 2)
96RXUFH$ - - -
7R'% 96RXUFH$
6\V)DLO7% 6HW%2XW
*UHHQ 3 3 3
6HW% =
<HOORZ 3 3 3
6WDWXV% 7%
7R'% 7R'%
functioning and attempted to become active by pulling the switch on the RS232
switch panel towards itself. This operation failed, which usually indicates that the
other D400 was actually Active. To prevent both D400 units being active at the
same time, this D400 then failed itself to indicate that something had gone wrong
and needs to be investigated and resolved.
This chapter describes the power supplies and how to make power connections.
Power configurations
The D400 supports the following power configurations:
• Single External AC Power Source
• Single External DC Power Source
• Two External AC Power Sources with optional redundant D400 AC-DC Power Supplies
• Two External DC Power Sources with optional redundant D400 DC-DC Power
Power connections
The D400 accepts power connections through two terminal blocks on the rear panel:
• Terminal block TB1 is reserved for connecting power from one or two external sources
to the D400.
• Terminal block TB2 provides contact closure outputs for power supply fail and system
fail alarms.
Protective Earth
Power Supply
Power Supply
The label on the power supply unit lists all possible power sources. Use only the source that
conforms to the specifications of the installed power supply type.
Wiring requirements
The supply wiring for the D400 must be a minimum of 18 AWG [0.82 mm²], 3-conductor
cable with an external insulation jacket, and a minimum certified voltage rating of 600 V.
Consult local and national electrical wiring codes.
The protective conductor must be minimum 16 AWG [1.3 mm²] wire with (green-&-yellow)
insulation. Recommended conductor size is 12 AWG [3.3 mm²].
The wires must be terminated with an insulated #6 Forked Terminal.
The clear plastic protective barrier provided with the terminal strip connector must be in
place once wiring of the mains is completed.
To connect the power 1. Remove the terminal block TB1 protective plastic cover.
source to the D400 2. Connect power source as follows:
For proper connection, the recommended tool torque settings for power terminal
screws are 10.8 in-lb [1.22 Nm]. A Phillips (#1) screwdriver tip is recommended.
See the wiring diagrams in Table 25.
Table 25: Power Source Configurations
Power Source Connection Wiring Diagram
Single External AC Connected to SUPPLY1
Power Source and SUPPLY2 input Supply 1 Supply 2
AC Power Source
DC Power Source
AC Power Source #1
AC Power Source #2
DC Power Source #1
DC Power Source #2
3. Connect protective earth wire to the Protective Earth terminal on the rear panel.
The terminal is an M5 threaded stud with M5 nut and washers. The recommended
order for stacking the washers on the chassis is: flat washer, ground wire ring terminal,
toothed washer, M5 nut.
For proper transient protection, the recommended tool torque settings for the M5 nut
is 18.1 in-lb [2.04 Nm].
It is recommended to terminate 12 AWG green & yellow wire with a Panduit PV10-14R
or equivalent ring terminal.
4. Verify that Power LEDs on the front panel of the power supplies and the D400 main
module are lit.
5. Replace the terminal block protective plastic cover.
The back panel contact closure indicator or audible alarm can be wired to operate as
• Lit when a power failure has occurred
• Lit when power is present
The Power Fail contact closure provides three contacts (terminals 1, 2 and 3) on terminal
block TB2.
Contact closure rated for 0.1 A @ 300 V maximum.
To connect the Power 1. Remove the terminal block protective plastic cover.
Fail contact closure 2. Wire a lamp or audible alarm to terminals 1, 2 or 3 on terminal block TB2 as follows
(see figure):
To enable the indicator when power is… Wire the lamp between…
Absent Terminals 1 and 2
Present Terminals 2 and 3
For proper connection, the recommended tool torque settings for power terminal
screws are 10.8 in-lb [1.22 Nm]. A Phillips (#1) screwdriver tip is recommended.
3. Replace the terminal block protective plastic cover.
Figure 50: Power Fail Alarm Connection
Power System
Fail Fail
Light ON Light ON
after failure when operational
The System Fail contact closure provides three contacts (terminals 4, 5 and 6) on terminal
block TB2.
Contact closure rated for 0.1 A @ 300 V maximum.
To enable the indicator when system is… Wire the lamp between…
Failed Terminals 4 and 5
Functioning properly Terminals 5 and 6
For proper connection, the recommended tool torque settings for power terminal
screws are 10.8 in-lb [1.22 Nm].
3. Replace the terminal block protective plastic cover.
Figure 51: System Fail Alarm Connection
Light ON Light ON
after failure when operational
When you receive your D400, it is configured with default communication settings. To
enable the D400 to communicate over your substation LAN you must change the settings
as required by your network.
Refer to the D400 online help and D400 Software Configuration Guide SWM0066 for
complete information on configuring the D400.
Terminal session The terminal session is enabled through a terminal emulation application; for example, one
of the following:
• Tera Term
• HyperTerminal (provided with Windows® XP)
• HyperACCESS (provided with Windows® 7 Commercial Edition and later)
A terminal emulator application is required to set up a terminal session with the D400. This
procedure is described using Tera Term, but any terminal emulation program can be used.
In a multiple network interface configuration you are prompted to enter which device
to configure (NET1 or NET2).
4. Enter 1. Net1, or enter 2. Net2.
Result: The Network Interface: Net1 or Net2 menu appears.
5. Enter 2. Static IP Address.
Result: You are prompted to enter the D400 IP address.
6. Enter the appropriate Static IP Addresses:
6.1. Enter 1. Configure Maintenance IP Address.
Note: This entry is mandatory.
Result: You are prompted to enter the D400 IP Address.
6.2. Enter 2. Configure Active IP Address (for redundancy).
Note: This entry is mandatory for Redundant systems only if Hot/Warm
Redundancy is configured.
Configuring an Alias IP enables the D400 to be accessed through two different
IP Addresses; that is, primarily through the Maintenance IP Address and
secondarily through the Alias IP Address (optional).
Result: You are prompted to enter the D400 IP Address.
6.3. Enter 3. Configure Alias IP Address (alternate subnet),
Result: You are prompted to enter the D400 IP Address.
7. Enter the IP address of the D400, or just press Enter to accept a previously-set IP
Result: The default IP address appears:
8. Enter the Subnet Mask of the D400, or press Enter to accept a previously-set subnet
Result: The default Subnet Mask appears:
Result: The Broadcast IP Address appears.
9. Do one of the following:
– Accept the settings by typing y and pressing Enter.
– Not accept the settings by typing n and pressing Enter. Repeat steps 4. to 9. to
make the necessary changes.
10. Configure the Default Gateway settings. From the Available Network Interfaces menu,
select Configure Default Gateway by typing 5 and pressing Enter.
Result: The Default Gateway menu appears.
10.1. Enter 1. Configure Maintenance Default Gateway.
Result: You are prompted to select the Network Interface.
10.2. Enter 2. Configure Active Default Gateway (For Redundancy).
Result: You are prompted to select the Network Interface.
11. Enter 1. Net1, or enter 2. Net2.
12. Enter in the Gateway IP address of the D400.
13. Go back to the Gateway Configuration Utility Menu, and enter 19. Reboot Device.
Result: The Device Reboot Menu appears.
14. Enter Y to confirm that the D400 is to be restarted.
The D400 restarts and is updated with the new network settings.
You can now configure the D400 using the D400 HMI over the network connection.
See Chapter 8, Using the D400. You must create administrator-level user accounts
before you can access the D400 remotely through TELNET or SSH.
You may also have to modify your local network connection on your PC if you want to
plug directly into the D400’s front network port. The PC connecting to the front
NOTE Ethernet port of the D400 must be configured to be on the same network as Net1 (slot
11) and the host ID must be unique to the network.
Prerequisites You need the following items to set up secure HMI access for the D400:
• Approved IP address, host name and fully qualified domain name for the D400
• Security certificate and private key
Requesting a Security certificates are issued by independent certification authorities (CAs). Your HMI
certificate Viewer must host the certificate for the CA you choose to use. Refer to your browser's
configuration to find out which certification authorities are supported. Optionally, you can
install a CA's certificate if it doesn't exist in your browser.
To obtain a certificate, you need to create and send a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to
the CA. At the same time you create the CSR, you also create a private key. The CSR and
the provided certificate and private key are supplied in individual text files, typically named
server.csr, server.crt and server.key respectively.
Obtaining a security Contact a certification authority to request a certificate and to create your private key.
certificate and private When making your CSR request, provide the host name of the D400 (the full name that
key users are to enter in the HMI Viewer to connect to the D400) for the certificate's “Common
Name”, and specify a non-encrypted private key file.
When you receive your certificate and private key, you should create a back up copy and
store it in a secure place other than the D400.
Prerequisites Before installing the certificate and key, check that the files are named as follows and
rename if necessary:
• Certificate is server.crt
• Private key is server.key
Once you have installed and set up your security certificate, your secure HMI access with
the D400 is enabled. From this point on, whenever you access the D400 HMI using a HMI
Viewer, the D400 automatically sends you its HTTPS site certificate, and your HMI Viewer
displays a lock icon on the status bar. This indicates that you have a secure connection
with the D400.
If you receive any other security warnings or do not see the secure connection icon in your
HMI Viewer, your computer and network connection may not be safe from outside
NOTE intruders. Check with your IT administrator on how to proceed.
In order to set up two D400s for redundant operation, the following is required:
• Two D400s running Firmware R5.01 (or later) Production Build
• An SSH client: PuTTY.exe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PuTTY)
• KVM set connected to the D400s
This chapter describes the user interfaces available with the D400. The:
• Front panel LEDs allow you to view the operational status of the D400.
• D400 HMI allows you to view and configure the operational status of the D400.
• System Utilities allow you to manage the D400 system setup.
Link integrity for the Ethernet Switch in NET1 and NET2 slots. See note below.
Transmission activity for the Ethernet Switch in NET1 and NET2 slots. See
note below.
The NET2 ACT/LINK LEDs on the front panel may not be properly driven on the D400 Main
Module with FPGA revision V1.4 and earlier when using the Redundant TP Ethernet + COM2
NOTE Port card (GE Item No. 520-0218LF). To check the FPGA revision, enter dmesg -s 16392 |
grep -i FPGA at the D400#>> command prompt and search for FPGA in the output.
If a pair of LEDs is not lit, it does not indicate a problem, only that the connected device is
not active at that moment.
If a serial communication card slot is empty, (that is, no card is installed) the serial Receive
(RXD) LED may be lit.
The D400 includes a built-in HMI (human machine interface). The HMI is your window into
the D400. Through the HMI you can monitor the status of your substation network, view
data, execute control commands, configure devices and SCADA masters, and change the
system set-up.
The HMI includes the following components:
• Runtime HMI to view and control the operation of the power network. An optional One
Line Viewer is available for viewing one-line diagrams. Power bar buttons give access
to D400 display screens and utilities.
• Configuration tool to manage configuration settings directly on the D400. Includes
One Line Designer for creating/editing one-line diagrams. Accessed from the
Configuration Power bar button.
• Command line interface to configure platform level components. Accessed from the
Utilities Power bar button.
The D400, depending on how it is configured, is protected by a secure HTTPS or standard
HTTP access that requires a user name and password. Your HMI user access level
determines which D400 HMI features you have access to and what your privileges are in
the run-time and configuration tools.
For more information on the D400 HMI, refer to the online Help once you have logged in.
The D400, when equipped with a 1.0 GHz or 1.6 GHz CPU, also includes a Local HMI that
offers all the features of the D400 HMI through a local connection. A feature-reduced
version of the Local HMI is available for D400 units containing a 650 MHz CPU.
D400 HMI
You can use a network connection and your computer's HMI Viewer to access the D400
The D400 HMI Login screen may not appear correctly if you are using Internet Explorer 8
with the Security level set to High. To see the entire Login screen, set the Security level to
TIP Medium: go to Tools > Internet Options > Security > Local Intranet > Custom Level >
Reset to.
The D400 supports a network connection over the LAN or through a connection to the
D400’s front network port. For network connection setup information, see “Network
connections” on page 63”.
The D400 HMI is based on the HMI based programming language Java. The HMI Viewer
must be equipped with a plug-in that supports Java. The D400 is designed to operate with
version 6.0 (or later) of the Internet Explorer®. You must have JRE Version 6.0 or 7.0 installed
and enabled on your PC to operate the D400 HMI. When you log into the D400, the D400
automatically detects if your HMI Viewer has the JRE installed. If not, the JVM Detection
window gives choices for installing the JRE.
To access the D400 1. Open your HMI Viewer and enter the URL (in the form of http://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd) of the
HMI over a network D400. The Log In screen displays. The default IP address is
connection 2. Type your HMI Supervisor user name and password. The default user name is
supervisor and the default password is super123$.
3. Click Log In.
Result: If your login is successful, the D400 Home page appears.
Local HMI
The access to the Local HMI is through a keyboard, monitor, and mouse connected to the
USB KVM card on the rear panel of the D400. For KVM setup information, see “Local HMI
connection” on page 67.
The D400’s Local HMI is presented within an X Windows environment running on the Linux
operating system. It provides limited functionality from the standard HMI. You cannot
configure the D400 through the Local HMI.
To access the Local 1. If not already on, turn on the video display monitor.
HMI from a local If you just powered up the D400, wait for the start up messages to complete and the
substation computer D400 login: prompt to appear.
2. At the D400 login: prompt, enter your D400 administrator user name (default is
root) and your administrator password (default is geroot). Leave the IP address at
3. Click Connect. X Windows starts and the Local HMI main screen displays.
X Windows functions The Local HMI is an application with a title bar. Once the user has logged in the application
window may be minimized, moved, or closed through the controls on the right hand side of
the title bar. An application toolbar displays across the bottom of the screen. Click the
D400 button on the toolbar and select an option from the shortcut menu.
The following functions are available:
• Operator Interface – opens an additional HMI session
• X Terminal – displays the D400#>> command prompt in a pop-up window from which
you can run the D400 system utilities
• Quit – closes the HMI session and X Windows and returns you to the D400#>>
command prompt. To restart windows, enter startx.
• Restart – restarts the windows manager without ending the HMI session.
Log out The local HMI does not have a session timeout. So you must log out of the HMI and the
D400 command line interface to fully exit and secure the system.
If the keyboard stops responding during use, simply unplug and re-connect the keyboard
System utilities
The D400 includes on-board utilities for managing the D400 system setup, such as
network settings, passwords, system time, and advanced configuration and diagnostic
tools. The System Utilities are accessed at the command line interface using a terminal
You can access the command line interface in a few ways:
• Local terminal session through the front maintenance port
• Local substation computer connected to the KVM adapter
• Telnet/SSH terminal session through a network connection
For more information see section: “System utilities” on page 109.
To access the D400 1. From the Windows Start menu, select Run.
utilities through a 2. In the Run dialog box, enter telnet <your D400's IP Address> and click OK.
Telnet session in
File transfer
The D400 contains two CompactFlash cards on the main board to store software and data:
• System CompactFlash card stores system firmware
• User CompactFlash card is accessible from the front panel and stores system data
such as event logs
To copy files from the CompactFlash cards you can use an ftp session through the D400’s
command line interface or a portable memory device connected to the D400’s front USB
To copy files using ftp: 1. Connect and log in to the D400 using a terminal session.
2. At the D400#>> command prompt, type ftp.
3. Enter one of the following commands to go to the file directories:
– cd /mnt/hmiSystem directory where firmware is located
– cd /home/ConfigureConfiguration directory where configuration files are
To connect a USB 1. Insert the USB drive in the top front USB port.
portable memory 2. Connect and log in to the D400 using terminal session.
device: 3. At the D400#>> command prompt, enter mkdir /mnt/frontusb1.
4. Enter mount –t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/frontusb1 –o shortname=win95.
FPGA Version 1.10 or above is required to provide system status points for the power
supplies and 100BASE-FX card. In previous FPGA versions, these points appear as offline
NOTE regardless of their actual status. If your FPGA version is 1.09 or less, please contact Product
Like a computer, you should shut down the D400 before removing power or to perform a
complete system reboot. Shutting down the D400 ensures that all applications are
properly terminated, settings are saved, and the CPU is safely turned off. It also helps for a
smoother restart.
The shut down command is run at the D400's command line interface and can be
performed locally or remotely using a terminal session. You have the option to completely
halt operation of the D400 or to stop and then restart it.
To shut down the 1. Log in to the D400 system. See “System utilities” on page 109.
D400 before powering 2. At the D400#>> command prompt, type shutdown -h now and press Enter.
down The D400 shuts down. If you are performing the shut down locally, you can verify that
the CPU Ready LED on the D400 front panel turns off and the System Fail power
supply alarm is set (if wired). You can now safely disconnect the power.
It may take a couple of minutes for the D400 to fully shut down and for the CPU Ready
LED to go off.
To reboot the D400 1. Log in to the D400 system. See “System utilities” on page 109.
2. At the D400#>> command prompt, type shutdown -r now and press Enter.
The D400 software shuts down and then restarts automatically. Once the restart is
complete, you can log back into the D400.
The Gateway Configuration Utility (d400cfg) is used to configure system level settings on
the D400. Using the Gateway Configuration Utility, you can perform the following actions:
• Control user authentication mode
• Configure network and network interface settings
• Configure secure access
• Configure host names
• Configure time synchronization
• View the size of system logs, mSQL database tables, and the NVRAM or reset them to
delete the information stored within
• Reset NVRAM and File Persistence
• Configure local HMI settings
• Configure the Sync Manager to copy files to a remote directory
• Delete retrieved records, temp files, and cache files created by the ARRM utility.
• Configure system redundancy settings
• Modify power supply fail alarm settings
• Delete ARRM records
• Restore to the factory default configuration
• Reboot the D400
Most of the configuration changes made through d400cfg are only saved after a reboot
(d400cfg option 18) or after committing changes using the Local or Remote HMI. After
making a configuration change, you are advised to follow the instructions provided in the
d400cfg. Also, while performing d400cfg session, all unsaved configuration changes may
be lost if the d400cfg session is forcibly terminated or if the D400 device is improperly shut
There is a difference between the local Gateway Configuration Utility and the D400
Configuration Tool in the D400 HMI:
• The local Gateway Configuration Utility directly modifies Linux system configuration
• The D400 Configuration Tool in the D400 HMI generates XML configuration files.
Power Supply 1. Current Configuration
1. Configure PowerSupply Failure 2. Enable/Disable Redundancy
Alarm Mode 3. Heart Beat Configuration
4. Configure IP Address of PEER Gateway
ARRM Configuration 5. UserName of PEER Gateway
1. Delete Records 6. Configure Time Sync with Standby
7. Configure Configure Enable/
Suppress Local & Remote Forced Disable DTAs in Standby
8. Configure Gateway A/B Designation
1. Suppression Mode Time Stats
9. Setup Public Key Authentication
2. Enable/Disable Mode for all with Peer Gateway
10. Configure Switch Panel Type
3. Enable/Disable Mode for only
Specified Masters 11. Enable/Disable Non-Sync mode
Configure authentication
From the Authentication menu, you can select the authentication mode and change
the system access settings. The Authentication settings are described in Table 29.
The Local Authentication Mode and Remote Authentication Mode settings have been
moved to the D400 HMI in FW release 5.20.
You must login to the D400 HMI with Administrator privileges to configure local and remote
authentication. See the Software Configuration Guide > User Accounts and Authentication
section for details.
Table 29: Authentication setting descriptions
Setting Description
Root Administrator Use this function to change the password associated with the system root
Settings user account.
HMI Supervisor HMI supervisors are allowed full privileges to access to all configuration,
Settings runtime, operation and system administration screens in the D400 HMI. One
default supervisor account with the username supervisor is always
available on the D400. You can set the password of this account using the
gateway configuration utility. This setting is not available if you are using
remote authentication mode.
Pass-Through Use this function to enable or disable pass-through authentication. When
Authentication authentication is enabled, a valid username and password is required to
access client applications through pass-through ports. Enabled by default.
Administrator Group Use this function to create administrator-level users (if you are using local
Users authentication mode) and to change details associated with existing
administrator user accounts.
Setting Description
Current Settings Use this function to view the current state of the D400 network settings.
Enable IP Forwarding Use this function to allow a device on the D400's first network interface
(eth0) to communicate with devices coming in on a second network
interface (eth1) or a dial up connection. This configuration is only possible if
the D400 has two Ethernet interfaces and/or uses PPP dial-in.
Note: You cannot enable this feature when the D400 firewall is enabled.
Enable ICMP Echo Use this function to enable the ICMP echo (ping) feature which helps secure
and test the D400. By default the ICMP is disabled, so that the D400 cannot
be pinged on any interface.
ICMP can be enabled by the administrator.
Configure Machine Use this function to assign a (host) name to the D400 unit. Within the
Host Name network that the D400 is connected to, the name must be unique to this
D400. The name can only contain alphanumeric characters (- [hyphen] is
supported); e.g., D400_B or D400_WestLondon.
Setting Description
Net1 Current Configuration
Use this function to view the current state of the available D400 network
Static IP Address
Use this function to configure the D400 to use manually defined network
parameters. Configurable addresses include:
• Maintenance: Also referred to as the static address, this is the primary IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway for use by this D400.
Note: In a non-redundant system, the maintenance address is used as
the network address of the device.
• Active: Used for D400 system redundancy. Whichever redundant D400
is active at the time assumes this IP address; the standby unit reverts to
its own maintenance IP address. The active address settings should be
the same on both redundant units.
• Alias: An alternate address that can be configured to allow a secondary
communications link with the D400. This is typically used for redundant
LAN D25s. When used within a redundant D400 system setup, the alias
address settings should be the same on both redundant units. The alias
addresses must be on a different subnet mask than the maintenance
and active addresses.
If your D400 contains a second Ethernet card, you can configure secondary
maintenance, active, and alias IP addresses.
Dynamic Address
Configure the D400 to use network parameters that are provided by a DHCP
server. This requires a DHCP server to be on the same network as the D400.
Note: Dynamic addressing is not compatible with D400 system redundancy
or redundant LAN D25s as the active and alias addresses are not provided
by DHCP.
Network Zone
By default, all network interfaces except Net 1 are set to the External
firewall mode, which restricts the type of traffic permitted. You can change
the selected network interface to the Internal mode with this option. For
more information on the D400 firewall, refer to section “Configure firewall
settings” on page 125.
Setting Description
(continued) It is common to use a VLAN when connecting D400 and D.20 RIO Distributed
I/O Controller devices over a network. By assigning your D.20 RIO to a VLAN,
you can ensure a higher priority for data transmitted from it and you can
reduce the amount of extraneous information the D.20 RIO receives from
other devices on the network.
Figure 55: Sample D.20 RIO VLAN configuration
Switch A
In Figure 55 a VLAN has been created on the NET1 interface on the D400.
NET1 is connected to a third party switch, which is also connected to
another third party switch. These connections are called the trunks, since
they carry the VLAN data as well as all other data transmitted on the
The switch B is also configured to support a VLAN on a certain network port,
which is connected to the D.20 RIO. Since this port is dedicated to the VLAN,
only information flagged for the VLAN is transmitted to the D.20 RIO. As well,
information sent on this VLAN from the D.20 RIO device can be classified
with a higher priority, which ensures a higher likelihood of transmission
during times of network congestion.
You can configure the following options on each VLAN you create:
• IP address, subnet mast, and default gateway: You can assign static
values or obtain dynamic values via DHCP. Once you have configured
these values, you can use them to access your VLAN.
• Network zone: Assign the VLAN to either the internal or external network
zone. For more information on network zones, refer to section
“Configure firewall settings” on page 125.
Note: You can always assign a VLAN to the external network zone.
However, you can only assign it to the internal zone when the
associated physical interface is also configured to the internal zone.
• EGRESS priority mapping: Set the QoS priority level for data transmitted
on this VLAN. Priority levels range from 0 to 7 with 7 being the highest
priority. If a QoS-enabled device receives packets transmitted on this
VLAN, it should apply a priority based on the level you specify.
• Ethernet reorder flag header: This option is reserved for use by GE Grid
Solutions staff for Technical Support tasks.
Remove Configuration
Use this command to remove the current Network Interface settings.
All configured Maintenance IP Addresses, Active IP Addresses, Alias IP
Addresses, Network Zones and VLANs are removed.
This command also allows you to backup the current configuration.
Enable Parallel Use this command to enable or disable the PRP on the D400 network ports.
Redundancy Protocol Enabling PRP:
• Removes the existing Network Interface settings.
• Uses the PRP LANID and PRP Supervision Frame Interval.
• Moves the network interface to internal zone of the firewall.
Setting Description
Point -to-Point (PPP) The D400 supports a PPP dial-in connection from a host computer using a
Telnet or Secure Shell terminal session. To establish a PPP connection, the
D400 must have a COM2 adapter card installed and configured for DTE
You must configure an IPv4 address for the D400 device as well as the
remote device. You can also use the configuration menu to enable or
disable the PPP service or to change the network zone of the interface.
After you have configured the PPP interface on the D400, set up the host
computer for a basic dial-up connection and use the D400 administrator
user name and password.
Default Gateway Use this command to set the Default Gateway IP Address (optional). The IP
Address of the Gateway can be configured for both of the Network
If redundancy is configured, you are advised to configure the Active
Gateway IP Address.
Custom Routing Use this command to display, enable and disable custom routes in the D400.
For addition of custom routes in the D400, you may need to provide the
• Destination IP Address,
• Destination subnet mask
• Next Gateway IP Address (optional)
• Network interface of D400 that needs to be used.
Networking Summary Use this command to display a summary of all the configured network
interfaces in the D400.
Network summary
You can view a summary of all configured network interfaces in the D400 along with the
type of interface.
For example, the Network Summary option provides a list of available network subnets in
the D400:
1. Net1 Maintenance Internal
2. Net1 Active Internal
3. Net1 Alias Internal
4. vlan1@Net1 Active Internal
5. Net2 Maintenance Internal
6. Net2 Active Internal
7. Net2 Alias Internal
The slash and the number following the slash represents the subnet mask, expressed in
CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation.
The number after the slash represents the number of consecutive 1's in the subnet mask.
Setting Description
Current Configuration Use this function to view the current state of the D400 secure access
Configure SSH Service Use this function to enable or disable access to the D400 through
the SSH protocol for Pass Through and Terminal Server Connections
Configure SFTP Service Use this function to enable or disable access to the D400 through
the Secure FTP protocol
Note: When transferring files to and from the D400, you may
receive file permission errors. Disable “permission change error
reporting” in your file transfer utility to prevent these messages from
Configure Web Mode Select the mode used to access the D400 web interface. That is,
- Through an HTTP connection, or
- Redirected to an HTTPS connection.
Configure Emergency Access By default, the root user cannot access the D400 remotely. Instead,
Ports this account can only be used to access the D400 locally through
one of the configured emergency access ports.
Configure TELNET Service Use this function to enable or disable access to the D400 through
the TELNET protocol
Configure FTP Service Use this function to enable or disable access to the D400 through
the FTP protocol
Note: When transferring files to and from the D400, you may
receive file permission errors. Disable “permission change error
reporting” in your file transfer utility to prevent these messages from
Setting Description
Configure Remote HMI Non Use this command to enable or disable privileges for the Non
Observer Privileges Observer users from the Remote HMI.
It is necessary to reboot the D400 after configuring this parameter.
If redundancy is configured, this parameter must also be configured
in the Standby D400.
Configure Rsyslog Service Use this command to enable or disable Remote Syslog service in the
Rsyslog service supports the following features:
• Receiving of Syslog Messages through UDP.
• Receiving of Syslog Messages through TCP.
• Add or Delete Subnets/Hosts for receiving Syslog Messages.
The D400 Rsyslog service changes the firewall settings to allow
messages/logs on the configured port numbers for UDP/TCP
based connections. These rules update the Firewall rulesets
once configured and rebooted.
While choosing a different port number configured for either
TCP/UDP based connections, ensure that no other application is
using/running with the same port number in the D400.
In the firewall configuration, it is the user's responsibility to
connect Internal zone interfaces to networks that are protected
from unauthorized use.
Before proceeding with this step, ensure that no other D400 applications/services are
using the same port number. You can do this by manually checking the Connections
NOTE tab of the D400 remote/local HMI.
6. Return to the Configure Rsyslog Service menu.
7. Choose option 3. Configure Rx via TCP.
Result: The Receiving Messages via TCP - Settings menu appears.
The configuration options are similar to UDP.
8. Return to the Configure Rsyslog Service menu.
9. Choose option 4. Configure Hosts/Subnets filters.
Result: The Configure Hosts/Subnets filters menu appears.
This setting allows the D400 Rsyslog service to bind to the subnet/Host address. By
default, no binding filter rules are applied. That is, the D400 syslog application logs
messages being pushed IEDs connected through all available D400's network
10. Choose option 2. Add Hosts/Subnets to add Subnets and IP address of the Hosts/
11. Select the applicable interface from the list of available interfaces in the D400.
If the particular subnet is missing in the list choose one of the Custom Filters options.
Adding a subnet configures the D400 Rsyslog to log messages only being sent from
the IED-IP addresses which are in range of the configured subnet.
12. Choose option 3. Delete Hosts/Subnets to delete any of the added addresses.
13. Choose option 1. Current Settings to view the current settings configured.
The External mode offers a stricter set of rules and is the default mode for all
interfaces except Net 1. The External mode would typically be used when the interface
is connected to a WAN.
By default, the firewall allows outbound traffic on internal interfaces and blocks all
outbound traffic except outbound SSH on external interfaces. If you want the firewall to
allow outbound traffic for a particular protocol on an external interface you must create a
“custom” rule. See section: “Add/Edit/Remove Custom Rules” on page 127.
By default, the firewall blocks inbound traffic on both internal and external interfaces. The
D400 automatically generates rules allowing inbound traffic on internal interfaces for all
configured services. If you want the firewall to allow inbound traffic on an external
interface, you may modify the associated “generated” rule to allow the traffic on ALL
interfaces rather than only the “Internal” interface. See section: “Add/Edit/Remove Custom
Rules” on page 127.
Table 33: Service traffic through the firewall
The default firewall rules should be sufficient for most users. However, you may create a
set of custom rules if you desire more granular permissions for the protocols you are
Setting Description
Current Configuration Use this function to view the status of the firewall and the rules
currently being enforced.
Enable/Disable Firewall Use this function to turn the firewall feature on or off. By default, the
firewall is enabled when the D400 is received from the factory. If you
disable the firewall, incoming traffic is not filtered.
Edit Generated Rules When the firewall is active, rules are generated for the services in
use on your D400 based on the parameters specified in the table
above. Use this option to modify these generated rules.
Add/Edit/Remove Custom Use this option to create a custom firewall rule that is applied in
Rules addition to the system generated rules.
Setting Description
Add a New Host Use this function to add a host name and IP address to the hosts file.
Delete a Host Use this function to view a list of configured hosts. Select an item
number to delete the associated host entry.
Modify a Host Use this function to view a list of configured hosts. Select an item
number to modify the associated host name and IP address. Press
Enter to use the previously entered value.
Delete All Hosts Use this function to remove all entries from the hosts file.
View All Hosts Use this function to view a list of configured hosts.
Setting Description
Show Time and Current Use this function to display the time, time zone, and synchronization
Settings settings currently configured.
Set System Clock Use this function to configure the current calendar date and time of
Note: The D400 system time is automatically set to the firmware
build time whenever the D400 reboots and the system time is less
than the firmware build time.
Set Time Zone Use this function to enter the time zone of the D400.
Note: The D400 uses the IEEE POSIX® standard for time zone
naming. POSIX uses the time zone offset to get GMT from the local
time (that is, GMT - local time) instead of the more common format
(local time - GMT). For example, Eastern Standard Time in North
America, which is 5 hours behind GMT, is listed as “GMT+5”, and not
Time Sync Input Configures the D400 to use either IRIG-B or NTP to calibrate the
system clock.
• IRIG-B: Enter the IRIG-B format, options are TTL (pulse width
code), Sine wave (amplitude modulated), and Manchester.
Ensure SW2 of the IRIG-B Input Adapter is configured for the
proper input type: Fiber Optic or TTL for TTL and Manchester,
BNC for Sine wave.
• NTP: Enter the IP address of the NTP server. The D400 verifies if
the source is accessible by pinging the address.
When configuring a D.20 RIO, refer to the D.20 RIO Hardware User's
Manual (994-0141) section: Time Synchronization Strategies.
Time Sync Output Use this function to configure the D400 to operate as an NTP time
Setting Description
Check Size of Archived Logs Active system logs are automatically archived when they reach a
size of 256 KB. Up to 10 archives are kept within the D400, with
newer logs overwriting older stored logs. Check Size of Archived Logs
lets you view the amount of disk space occupied by these archived
log files. The value is shown in KB.
Check Size of Current Use this function to view the amount of disk space occupied by the
Application Logs current application logs. The value is shown in KB.
Delete Archived Logs Use this function to permanently delete archived logs from the D400.
Delete Current Logs Use this function to permanently delete current application logs
from the D400.
Setting Description
Delete Digital Event Data Use this command to clear or delete the Digital Event Data from the
mSQL database of the D400.
• This action stops all running applications and permanently
deletes entries from the digital events database.
• If NVRAM based persistence is configured for SOE and Alarm
records, also reset NVRAM using d400cfg.
Delete Quality Records Use this command to clear or delete the Quality Data from the mSQL
database of the D400.
The quality status and quality attributes (also referred to as the
quality flags) are stored in the D400 mSQL database along with the
point or object, and are updated as the status or value of the point
or object changes.
Delete PRF Event Records Use this command to clear or delete the Protective Relay Faults (PRF)
stored in the mSQL database of the D400.
All PRF fields including the Event ID, Trip Description, Fault code etc.
are deleted permanently from the mSQL database of the D400.
Delete Operator Records Use this command to delete the operator notes that have been
entered by users and stored in the mSQL database of the D400.
Each Operator Note record entered in the mSQL database of the
D400 contains a custom Note/Text message entered by an operator.
This record also contains the last modified record date and time
Delete Accumulator Records Use this command to clear or delete the Accumulator records from
the mSQL database of the D400.
You can reset the data being held in NVRAM through the Reset NVRAM menu.
Setting Description
Current Settings Use this command to view the existing Local HMI Settings.
Desktop Mode Use this function to enable or disable “kiosk” mode. Kiosk mode
displays the local HMI in a full screen rather than within a Window.
Monitor Use this function to enter the horizontal and vertical refresh rates, in
Never exceed the maximum refresh rates of your monitor as
damage may occur. Refer to the manual that came with your
monitor for more information.
DPMS Use this function to enable or disable DPMS (Display Power
Management Signaling). These settings determine how much time
must pass without user interaction before your monitor is put into a
reduced power mode. A setting of “00” prevents the D400 from
triggering the power mode.
The following modes are available:
• Stand-by: Monitor blanks but power supply remains on; screen
restores in approximately one second when reactivated by
keyboard or mouse input by user.
• Suspend: Monitor power supply shuts off; screen restores in
approximately 2-3 seconds.
• Turned off: Monitor is fully powered down except for an auxiliary
circuit to detect a wake-up signal; screen restores in
approximately 8-10 seconds
Note: Refer to the manual that came with your monitor for more
information on how it receives and responds to DPMS signals.
Screen Resolution Use this function to select one of three output resolutions:
• 1280 x 1024
• 1024 x 786
• 800 x 600
Never exceed the maximum resolution of your monitor as damage
may occur. Refer to the manual that came with your monitor for
more information.
Monitor Type Select the type of monitor:
• Standard
• EL0 1379L
• Fanuc IMpact
• eGalax Touch
Setting Description
Volume Control Set the volume of the D400. Range: 0 to 100.
To mute the D400, set the volume to 0.
Standby Local HMI Use this command to enable or disable Standby Local HMI redirects
(Redundancy) to the Active D400 feature.
Note: This parameter must be configured in both D400s for proper
Java Cache Management Use this command to clear the Java cache in D400.
These parameters can be configured using D400 Configuration GUI > Systemwide >
Runtime GUI > Global configuration tab. Refer to D400 Software Configuration Guide for
• The Standby HMI redirects to Active D400 parameter must be enabled or disabled
both in Active and Standby D400s for proper operation.
• When auto-login is not enabled, the Local HMI screens of redundant D400s display the
configured User Home page in the User Management tab. Refer to the D400 Software
Configuration Guide for details.
• Standby Local HMI redirecting to Active D400 depends on the configured peer D400 IP
addresses and Keys transferred to the peer D400, but is independent of the heartbeat
communications options.
• The Local HMI on the Standby D400 behaves same as Local HMI on the Active D400
for all access purposes. As a result, the “Configure Remote HMI Non Observer
Privileges” feature does not take effect on the StandbyD400.
• The Utilities Login feature to login to the Standby D400 only though the Local HMI is
redirected to the Active D400.
• The Export Database feature in D400 Utilities downloads the database into the USB
mounted on the Standby D400.
• The Export Database CSV Files feature in D400 Utilities stores the files on the Standby
Enable standby local To enable Standby Local HMI redirects to Active D400:
HMI redirects to active 1. Log into the D400 Utilities page.
D400 procedure Result: The D400#>> command prompt appears.
2. Type d400cfg and press Enter.
Result: The Gateway Configuration Utility Menu appears.
3. Select option 12. Local HMI.
Result: The Local HMI sub-menu appears.
4. Select option 8. Standby Local HMI (Redundancy).
Result: The following prompt appears:
* Currently Redundancy configuration is Disabled.
* Active Gateway Access from Standby Local HMI configuration
is applicable only when Redundancy is Enabled.
* Number of simultaneous users must be a minimum of 2 for
the configured user role in both Gateways, which can be
configured from HMI (Configuration > Systemwide >
AccessManager) menu.
Disable standby local To disable Standby Local HMI redirects to Active D400:
HMI redirects to active 1. Log into the D400 Utilities page.
D400 procedure Result: The D400#>> command prompt appears.
2. Type d400cfg and press Enter.
Result: The Gateway Configuration Utility Menu appears.
3. Select option 12. Local HMI.
Result: The Local HMI sub-menu appears.
4. Select option 8. Standby Local HMI (Redundancy).
Result: The following prompt appears:
Currently Active Gateway Access from Standby Local HMI is
Are you sure you want to Disable Active D400 Access from
Standby Local HMI [Y/N]?:
5. If you enter Y, then this feature is disabled.
If you enter N, then this feature is not disabled.
Setting Description
Enable Sync Manager Use this command to enable the Sync Manager application. This command
deletes the old pair of Public-Private Keys and generates a new pair of
Public-Private Keys.
The existing/newly generated keys are available at:
This command provides an option to configure the “sync set” through the
rsnyc, ftp, and sftp features.
Rsync is a software utility and network protocol for Unix-like systems (with
a port to Microsoft Windows) that synchronizes files and directories
between one location and another location while minimizing data transfer.
It also includes the option to provide encrypted transfer by using the SSH.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a popular method of transferring files
between two remote systems.
SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a separate protocol packaged with
SSH that works in a similar way over a secure connection.
Generate SSH Files from the D400 are securely copied to the remote device over an SSH
Authentication Keys connection. To facilitate authentication on this link, a private/public key
pair must be generated and transferred to the remote device.
When a key set is generated, the files are stored in /mnt/datalog/
SSHKeys/SyncMgr/. You should copy the public key file (id_rsa.pub) from
this location and store it in the appropriate location on the remote device.
Refer to the user documentation provided with your remote device to
determine where this location is. Do not remove the private key from this
location since the Sync Manager will not be able to establish a secure
You must copy the public key (or host fingerprint) from any remote device
you are connecting to into the /mnt/datalog/SSHKeys/SyncMgr/
known_hosts/ folder on your D400. This file likely has a “.pub” extension;
refer to the user documentation provided with your remote device to
determine where the key can be obtained.
These keys are used with either rsync or sftp server for authentication.
Configure Sync Sets Up to 8 sync sets can be created at any time. Table 42 lists the settings can
be configured for each set:
Field Value
Configure Server rsync
Sync Set ID 1
Destination IP Address
Destination User Name admin
Password xxxxxx
Source Path Name /mnt/datalog/arrm
Destination Path Name /cygdrive/c/Stations_Data
Check and sync Interval 60
Forced sync Interval 60
Field Value
Configure Server rsync
Sync Set ID 2
Destination IP Address
Destination User Name admin
Password xxxxxx
Source Path Name /mnt/datalog/arrm
Destination Path Name /cygdrive/c/Stations_Data/GW/Station_1/
Where %D400_DESIGNATION is the place holder for the D400
Designation; i.e., _A or _B.
For the above example, the destination path is:
For GatewayA:
For GatewayB:
Check and sync Interval 60
Forced sync Interval 60
Field Value
Configure Server rsync
Sync Set ID 3
Destination IP Address
Destination User Name admin
Password xxxxxx
Source Path Name /mnt/datalog/arrm
Destination Path Name /cygdrive/c/Stations_Data/GW/[Station_1,Station_2,Station_3]/
Where %D400_DESIGNATION is the place holder for the D400
Designation; i.e., _A or _B.
For the above example, the destination path is:
For GatewayA:
For GatewayB:
Check and sync Interval 60
Forced sync Interval 60
The Sync Manager only copies files to the remote device. Files are not deleted from the
remote device if they are deleted from the D400 after synchronization. Instead, they are
NOTE recreated during the next sync operation.
A forced sync is performed upon each startup of your D400 device.
The D400 Designation Place holder %D400_DESIGNATION is only to be used with
redundant D400s.
In the configured Syncset, ensure that the total text string length does not exceed 200
characters for the Source Path and Destination Path fields.
If you are configuring your D400 for use within a redundant setup, you can configure
redundancy application settings through the Redundancy menu. The Redundancy
settings are described in Table 46.
Table 46: Redundancy setting descriptions
Setting Description
Current Configuration Use this command to view the current redundancy configuration.
Enable/Disable Redundancy Use this function to enable or disable redundancy functionality
within the D400.
Redundancy Type
The available types of redundancy that can be configured are:
• Warm Standby
• Hot Standby (Default)
Note: This configuration parameter must be set to the same value
on both D400s.
Heart Beat Configuration Configure Heart Beat Timeout
The interval within which the D400 must receive at least one
message or heartbeat from the other D400. The valid range is 100 to
1000 msec; the default is 300 msec.
Note: This configuration parameter must be set to the same value
on both D400s.
Setting Description
Configure IP Address of PEER Use this function to set the unique IP address of the other D400
Gateway device configured within the redundant system. If the PEER D400
has a second Ethernet interface, you can configure it as well.
The maintenance IP addresses of the PEER D400 must be entered
here (see the Ethernet Connections topic in the D400 online help.
Username of PEER Gateway Use this function to enter the username of an administrator user
account on the PEER D400 unit (see Administrator Group Users). This
parameter value should be the same on both D400 units. This setting
is used in conjunction with the authentication mechanism defined in
section: “Configure authentication” on page 117.
Note: Both D400s must be configured with the same
authentication mode (i.e., either Local or Remote). The peer
username should be reconfigured when the authentication mode
changes from local to remote and vice versa.
Configure Time Sync with Use this function to enable or disable time synchronization of the
Standby standby D400 from the active D400. This option should be enabled
only if the standby D400 does not have an IRIG-B or NTP/SNTP based
time synchronization mechanism.
Note: This configuration parameter must be set to the same value
on both D400s.
Configure Enable/disable DTAs Use this function to enable DTA applications to run normally on the
in Standby standby D400.
If set to False, DTA applications suspend processing on the standby
This setting is applicable to LogicLinx, Calculator, and Load Shed
DTAs only.
Note: This configuration parameter must be set to the same value
on both D400s.
Configure Gateway A/B Use this function to configure the A/B designation of the D400.
Designation This parameter is only used if a switch panel is not configured. If a
switch panel is configured, the Gateway A/B Designation is read
from the switch panel and this parameter is not used.
Configure Switch Panel Type Use this function to configure the type of switch panel:
• MASTER: A change-over can be initiated from the switch panel.
The switch panel is also used to route serial connections to the
active unit.
• SLAVE: The switch panel is only used to route serial connections
to the active unit.
Note: This parameter is only applicable to Hot Standby
Redundancy. This parameter is only used, if switch panel is
configured (see section Redundancy Switch Panel).
In Warm Standby redundancy mode, this parameter is ignored since
the switch panel is always MASTER.
Note: This configuration parameter must be set to the same value
on both D400s.
Enable/Disable Non-sync If Non-Sync mode is disabled, then the standby D400 does not enter
Mode into non-sync mode at startup, even if the firmware or
configurations are not the same on both D400s (see the Non-Sync
Mode topic in the D400 online help).
Note: This configuration parameter must be set to the same value
on both D400s.
Power supply
The D400 provides a hard wired power supply failure alarm circuit as well as power supply
failure pseudo points through the system status manager. By default, the power supply
failure alarm is triggered whenever one or both supplies fail (single PSU alarm mode).
However, you can configure the D400 to only trigger an alarm when both supplies have
failed (redundant PSU alarm mode). The Power Supply settings are described in Table 47.
Table 47: Power supply setting descriptions
Setting Description
Configure Power Supply Use this function to display the power fail alarm mode that is
Failure Alarm Mode configured. You then have the option of switching to the alternate
alarm mode (see Table 48) for the Power Supply Unit (PSU).
Note: You must have FPGA version 2.0 or greater installed for this
feature to work. To check the FPGA version, enter dmesg -s 16392 |
grep -i FPGA at the D400#>> command prompt and search for
FPGA in the output.
Setting Description
Delete Records You can use the ARRM menu to delete the contents of these folder
structures, as well as temp and cache files, while leaving the
directory structure intact for future downloads.
You can also retrieve downloaded records from the D400 using any
FTP/SCP/SFTP client as needed or on a scheduled basis
Reboot Device
This option reboots the Gateway (D400).
Rsync utility
The rsync package is open-source software that enables the rsync utility on a Linux-based
The rsync utility/software synchronizes files and directories from one location to another
while minimizing data transfer using delta encoding when appropriate. An important
feature of rsync not found in most similar programs/protocols is that the mirroring takes
place with only one transmission in each direction. Since rsync does not provide any
security while transferring data it is recommended that you use rsync over an SSH session.
This allows a secure remote connection.
Installation steps
Use any one of the following commands to install rsync. If you are using Debian or Ubuntu
Linux, type the following command:
# apt-get install rsync
$ sudo apt-get install rsync
If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) / CentOS 4.x or older version, type the
following command:
# up2date rsync
If you are a RHEL / CentOS 5.x or newer (or Fedora Linux) user, type the following
# yum install rsync
Since rsync does not provide any security while transferring data it is recommended that
you use rsync over ssh session. This allows a secure remote connection.
The D400 does not require any scheduled maintenance. However, you may need to replace
the following parts occasionally:
• System battery
• CompactFlash card
A periodic inspection is also suggested to ensure that:
• Unit has sustained no accidental physical damage
• Airflow is not obstructed
• Connectors and cables are intact and firmly attached
• Battery condition is good
Only trained personnel should perform maintenance on the D400.
Checking voltage
To check battery voltage, use a meter or other measuring device that has a high input
impedance (10 Mohm or higher).
Recycling of batteries
The D400 Lithium battery is recyclable and does not contain mercury, cadmium, or lead in
levels above those regulated by the European Union. Recycle the battery according to local
waste management regulations.
In accordance with European Directive 2006/66/EC, batteries are marked
with the crossed out wheeled bin, which indicates that they cannot be
disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. Users of
batteries must use the collection points available to customers for the
return, recycling, and treatment of batteries. Customer participation is
important to minimize the negative effects of batteries to the environment and sustain
available natural resources. For more information see www.weeerohsinfo.com.
Battery life
If the battery is disconnected, or if the D400 is never powered down, the life of the battery
should exceed five years. The life of the battery is severely shortened if the battery is left
connected while the D400 is powered down for extended periods or stored.
For long-term storage:
• Remove the battery
• Keep the equipment at temperatures and humidity below normal
• Avoid shorting or loading while stored
Valid combinations
This upgrade can be performed using the following components:
Perform this procedure on an ESD-safe surface to prevent damage to the D400 device and
its components.
4. Plug the first provided cable assembly (GE part number 977-0544) into connector
LAN2 and LED2 on PC/104 card and connector P3 on the main board.
5. Plug the second provided cable assembly (GE part number 975-0549) into connector
LAN1 and LED1 on PC/104 card and connector J7 on the main board.
6. Confirm all shunts on: JP1 are in position 2-3; JP2 are not installed; JP3 are in position
1-2; JP4 are not installed. Figure 60 shows the shunt positions on the 580-3410 card.
Figure 60: Dual Ethernet upgrade card 580-3410 - jumper settings
The proper orientation of the LED1/2 connector is for the polarity tab keying feature to
be facing out towards the card edge), and for the LAN1/2 connector polarity tab
NOTE keying feature to be facing in from the card edge.
7. Attach the Ethernet Module card to the expansion slot and secure using the four
provided Philips screws.
Figure 61: Dual Ethernet upgrade kit with card 580-3410 - attach Ethernet module card
650 MHz and 1.0 GHz Use the following Industrial Temp CompactFlash cards for 650 MHz and 1.0 GHz D400
D400 main main processors:
processors? • GE part number: 160-0125 (1 GB Industrial Temp CompactFlash) for the Main or User
(Used on 520-0204/520-0205/520-0205LF/520-0232LF main boards)
• GE part number: 160-0124 (16 GB Industrial Temp CompactFlash) for the User
CompactFlash cards from a D400 1.0 GHz main board are not compatible with a D400
1.6 GHz main board,
D400 1.0 GHz CompactFlash cards can be identified by the absence of “1.6GHz+” text on
the CompactFlash label.
1.6 GHz D400 main Use the following Industrial Temp CompactFlash cards for the 1.6 GHz D400 main
processor processor:
• GE part number: 160-0141 (1 GB Industrial Temp CompactFlash, DMA Access) for the
Main or User CompactFlash (Used on 520-0232LF - RoHS compliant main board)
• GE part number: 160-0142 (16 GB Industrial Temp CompactFlash, DMA Access) for the
User CompactFlash (Used on 520-0232LF - RoHS compliant main board)
CompactFlash cards from a D400 1.6 GHz main module are not compatible with a D400
1.0 GHz main module.
D400 1.6 GHz CompactFlash cards can be identified by the “1.6GHz+” text on the
CompactFlash label.
3. At connector P2, press the Eject button to eject the CompactFlash card.
4. Insert the new CompactFlash card.
– Reattach the Ethernet Module to the expansion slot and replace the four screws.
5. Replace the D400 main module.
6. Power up the D400.
Figure 62: Replace the main CompactFlash card
Ethernet Module
Eject button
Connector P2
Power Supply
Slot 1
Power Supply
Slot 2
Before You Remove Note the following items before you begin power supply replacement.
the Power Supply… • Ensure the other power supply unit (if available) is functioning (the green Power LED is
illuminated) to ensure that the D400 doesn’t power down during replacement.
• Make sure that the unit is wired in accordance with “Power connections” on page 82.
Dangerous voltages may be present after the power supply chassis has been removed
from the D400. Wait 10 seconds for stored energy to dissipate.
To replace D400 1. If only a single power supply unit is installed (in Slot 1), power down the D400. If dual
power supply units power supplies are installed (in Slot 1 and Slot 2), ensure that the secondary unit is
2. Hand-loosen the two thumb screws on the front panel of the power supply unit.
3. Pulling on the handle, slide the power supply unit out of the chassis.
4. Slide the new power supply unit into the chassis.
5. While pressing the power supply module panel against the chassis frame, hand-
tighten the two thumb screws (applying a torque of no more than 5.8 in-lb [0.66 Nm])
on the front panel.
6. Verify that the Power LED is illuminated on the replaced power supply unit.
Service life
The expected service life of a D400 is 20 years when the environment and electrical
conditions are within stated specifications.
The primary flash card contains other useful D400 information. The primary flash card can
also be destroyed to prevent access to the device firmware.
Equipment disposal
To prevent non-intended use of the unit, remove the modules, dismantle the unit, and
recycle the metal when possible.
Other than the battery, there are no special requirements for disposal of the unit at the end
its service life.
This Appendix describes how to install and connect DNP3 I/O modules, and connect to the
For more details on the DNP3 I/O module, refer to the 994-0085 Installation and
Maintenance Guide.
Required clearances
The exterior dimensions of the DNP3 I/O module are:
Dimension Measurement
Width 19 inches (483 mm)
Height 5.25 inches (133.4 mm)
Depth 2.5 inches (63.5 mm)
Allow about 14 inches (356 mm) of total cabinet depth, to provide clearance for cables and
maintenance access.
3. Slide the DNP3 I/O module over the top mounting screws and drop down into position.
4. Insert the bottom mounting screws.
5. Tighten all four mounting screws.
You are now ready to connect ground to the DNP I/O module. See “Connecting to
protective ground” on page 158.
The location of the protective ground terminal varies between WESTERM I/O module types.
Refer to Module Layout drawing of your module for detailed information. For example, see
Table 51.
12 mm (12 AWG)
green wire
GND Wire
Site Ground
12 AWG
2.05 mm (12 AWG)
green GND
Site Ground
12 mm
AWG (12 AWG)
green wire
Green Wire
Site Ground
After site ground has been connected, you are now ready to connect power, and DNP3 link
cabling to the DNP I/O module. See “Connecting DNP3 I/O modules (Low Voltage)” on
page 160 or “Connecting DNP3 I/O modules (High Voltage)” on page 162.
Cable ToRTU
To RTUMaster
GE Part
RTU Master
Cable: RTU Master
GE Part Number: 977-0503
First DNP I/O
J1 Module
IP- Server 977- 0503
Power Source
Power Source
After DNP3 I/O modules have been interconnected, you are now ready to connect power
to the DNP3 I/O modules. See “DNP3 I/O module (LV) connection to the Power Source” on
page 161.
Male Power Supply
2 Not Connected
4 + DC +V
5 - DC -V
Not Connected
RTU Master
To Field Equipment
To Ext Power
To Field Equipment
To Ext Power
To Ext Power
GE Part Number: 977-0049 To Field Equipment
The location of the External (Ext) Power Supply terminal varies between WESTERM I/O
module types.
Connecting to a D400
When connecting the DNP3 I/O modules to the D400, configure the D400 port for 2-wire
mode. Refer to section: “RS-485 connections” on page 56 which indicates the
corresponding cable connections.
Compliance standards
Compliance standards are listed for the following categories:
• Emission standards; see Table 52
• Immunity standards; see Table 53
• Safety publications; see Table 54
• Environmental standards; see Table 55
• Communication Standards; see Table 56
Table 52: Emission standards
To comply, all RS232 cables must be double shielded (that is, foil shield plus braid).
List of Acronyms
Acronym Definitions
This Appendix lists and defines the acronyms used in this manual.
Acronym Definition
A Amperes, unit of measure
AEL Accessible Emission Limit
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AWG American Wire Gauge, unit of measure
bps Bits per second, unit of measure
CCU Central Control Unit
CE Mark Mandatory conformity mark for products placed on the market in the
European Economic Area (EEA)
CISPR Special international committee on radio interference
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
COM1/COM2 Communications port
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSR Certificate Signing Request
CU Customs Union
dBm Decibel-milliwatt, unit of measure - an electrical power unit in decibel (dB)
DCD Data Carrier Detect
DCE Data Communications Equipment
DFR Digital Fault Recorders
DMS Distribution Management System
DPMS Display Power Management Signaling
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
EAC The new mark of conformity for CU (Customs Union) countries
EIA Electronic Industries Alliance
EMC Electromagnetic Capability
Acronym Definition
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EMS Energy Management System
EPUP Environmental Protection Use Period
ESD Electro Static Discharge
EU European Union
FDIR Fault Detection, Isolation, and Restoration
FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array
GE General Electric
GUI Graphical User Interface (also called Human Machine Interface – HMI)
HCMOS High-speed CMOS
HCS Hard Clad Silica
HMI Human Machine Interface (also called Graphical User Interface – GUI)
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Designated the use of HTTP but with a different default port and an additional
encryption/authentication layer between HTTP and TCP
Hz Hertz, unit of measure for frequency
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission Standards
IED Intelligent Electronic Device
ILS Instrument Landing System
in-lb Inch-pound, unit of measure for energy
IRIG-B Inter Range Instrumentation Group (IRIG) - an American standardized network
time code format
JRE JAVA Runtime Environment
JVM Java Virtual Machine
Kbps Kilo bits per second, unit of measure
KVM Keyboard, Video, Mouse
kVRMS kilo Volts (root mean square), unit of measure
LAN Local Area Network
lb Pound, unit of measure for weight
LED Light Emitting Diode
LTC Load Tap Changer
Mb Mega bits, unit of measure
MB Mega bytes, unit of measure
Mbps Mega bits per second, unit of measure
MBps Mega bytes per second, unit of measure
MCV Maximum concentration values
MDI Medium Dependent Interface
MDIX Medium Dependent Interface, Crossover
MOS Metal oxide semiconductor
ms milliseconds, unit of measure
NIC Network Interface Card
Nm Newton-meter, measure of energy
NTP Network Time Protocol
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
PC Personal Computer
PLC Programmable Logic Controllers
POF Plastic Optical Fiber
Acronym Definition
ppm parts per million
PPP Point-to-point protocol
PRF Protective Relay Faults
PRP Parallel Redundancy Protocol
PSU Power Supply Unit
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
RMA Return Merchandise Authorization
RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances
RTU Remote terminal unit
Rx Receive
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCP Secure Copy Program (SCP
SNTP Standard Network Time Protocol
SOE Sequence of Events
SQL™ Structured Query Language
SSH Secure Shell
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SVGA Super Video Graphics Array
TIA Telecommunication Industries Association
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol - Internet Protocol
TLS Transport Sockets Layer
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
Tx Transmit
UNC Unified coarse thread
UNF Unified fine thread
URL Universal Resource Locater
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
VA Volt Amps, unit of measure
VAC Volts, Alternating Current, unit of measure
VDC Volts, Direct Current, unit of measure
Appendix D: Miscellaneous
For products shipped as of 1 October 2013, GE Grid Solutions warrants most of its GE
manufactured products for 10 years. For warranty details including any limitations and
disclaimers, see the GE Grid Solutions Terms and Conditions at
For products shipped before 1 October 2013, the standard 24-month warranty applies.
Revision history
Version Revision Date Change Description
1.00 0 July 12, 2006 Document created
1 Nov. 17, 2006 Deleted Supported Devices sections.
Moved signal definitions to Chapter 4 and added more connections
Added Chapter “Setting Up the D400.”
2 Feb. 28, 2007 Added RoHS and recycling info, updated RS-485 channel numbering order
3 July 31, 2007 Added chapter 7, updated network interface setup, updated ordering guide.
General editing for commercial release.
4 Sept. 12, 2007 Updates to hardware platform
5 Sept. 29, 2007 Revised power/system alarms sections & Local HMI function
6 Nov. 29, 2007 Updated required JVM version from 5.0 to 6.0
7 June 16, 2008 Added 1.0 GHz CPU information
8 Sept. 10, 2008 Added 100Base-FX Hot Standby Fiber Optic Ethernet Adapter
1.10 0 Nov. 6, 2008 Added system redundancy and system status manager
1 Nov. 10, 2008 Revised system redundancy wiring diagrams and procedure
2 Dec. 3, 2008 Added minor notes to redundancy section
3 Jul. 21, 2009 Added modem settings and redundant power feed in redundant serial panel
Numerics C
2-WIRE CONNECTIONS ......................................................................... 57 CABLING
4-PORT TWISTED-PAIR ETHERNET SWITCH ............................... 46 overview ....................................................................................................55
configuration options ......................................................................... 46 requirements ...........................................................................................57
4-WIRE CONNECTIONS ......................................................................... 58 CARD SETTINGS .........................................................................................34
CARDS, COMMUNICATION ...................................................................33
CE MARK COMPLIANCE ................................................................. 15, 26
A CHANGE ...............................................................................................34, 171
ACCESS HMI ................................................................................................ 96 CHANGE THE COMPACTFLASH ...................................................... 150
ACCOUNTS CHECK BATTERY VOLTAGE ............................................................... 146
create user ............................................................................................... 91 CLEAN AND HANDLE BATTERY ...................................................... 146
ADAPTER COM2 PORT ADAPTER ............................................................................49
IRIG-B distribution ................................................................................ 62 configuration options ..........................................................................49
IRIG-B input .............................................................................................. 61 COMMUNICATION CARDS ............................................................ 33, 45
ALARM 10base-fl hot standby fiber optic ethernet switch ................47
power fail .................................................................................................. 85 10base-fx hot standby fiber optic ethernet adapter ...........48
power supply .......................................................................................... 85 4-port twisted-pair ethernet switch .............................................46
system fail ................................................................................................ 86 change settings .....................................................................................34
APPROVAL com2 port adapter ...............................................................................49
CE mark ..............................................................................................15, 26 fiber optic serial adapter ...................................................................41
EAC .......................................................................................................16, 26 IRIG-B input adapter ............................................................................43
AUTHENTICATION, CONFIGURE .................................................... 117 redundant twisted pair ethernet + com2 port adapter ......50
RS-232 adapter ......................................................................................35
AUTOMATIC RECORD RETRIEVAL MANAGER ......................... 138
RS-485 adapter ......................................................................................38
types ............................................................................................................34
USB KVM & audio adapter ................................................................52
B COMPANY ADDRESS ...............................................................................10
check voltage ...................................................................................... 146 CE .......................................................................................................... 15, 26
cleaning and handling .................................................................... 146 EAC ....................................................................................................... 16, 26
insert ........................................................................................................ 145 COMPLIANCE, STANDARDS AND PROTECTION ..................... 163
installation ............................................................................................... 31 CONFIGURATION
life .......................................................................................................26, 146 fiber optic serial adapter switch sw1 ...........................................41
recycling ................................................................................................. 146 IRIG-B input adapter switch sw1 ...................................................44
replace .......................................................................................... 144, 145 IRIG-B input adapter switch sw2 ...................................................44
types supported ................................................................................. 145 RS-232 adapter switch sw1/sw2 ...................................................36
RS-232 adapter switch sw3/sw4 ...................................................37
HARDWARE OVERVIEW .........................................................................19
IDENTIFICATION NUMBER, PRODUCT ........................................... 22 OPTIONS, POWER SUPPLY ...................................................................81
INPUT RANGES, POWER ........................................................................ 82 ORDERING GUIDE, PRODUCT .............................................................21
INSERT, BATTERY ................................................................................... 145 OVERVIEW
INSTALL cabling ........................................................................................................55
DNP 3 I/O modules ............................................................................ 157 features ......................................................................................................19
DNP 3 I/O modules in rack ............................................................ 158 functional ..................................................................................................18
INSTALL CERTIFICATE AND KEY hardware ..................................................................................................19
secure web access ............................................................................... 95 product ......................................................................................................17
battery ....................................................................................................... 31
first look ..................................................................................................... 29
high voltage ............................................................................................ 55 P
panel mount ............................................................................................ 31 PANEL
physical ..................................................................................................... 30 front .............................................................................................................29
rack mounting ........................................................................................ 30 mount .........................................................................................................31
steps ........................................................................................................... 27 rear ..............................................................................................................29
connections ............................................................................................. 61 create supervisor ..................................................................................94
distribution adapter ......................................................................45, 62 PHYSICAL INSTALLATION .....................................................................30
distribution adapter configuration options .............................. 45 PLASTIC OPTICAL FIBER ........................................................................60
IRIG-B INPUT ADAPTER ..................................................................43, 61 POWER
configuration options ......................................................................... 43 configurations ........................................................................................82
factory default ........................................................................................ 43 connections .............................................................................................82
switch sw1 configuration .................................................................. 44 fail alarm ...................................................................................................85
switch sw2 configuration .................................................................. 44 input ranges ............................................................................................82
POWER SUPPLY ...................................................................................... 138
alarms ........................................................................................................85
options .......................................................................................................81
redundant .................................................................................................82
LEDS replace .................................................................................................... 152
front panel ............................................................................................ 105
POWERING DOWN THE DEVICE .......................................................88
serial port status ................................................................................ 106
safety ..........................................................................................................13
HMI ................................................................................................. 108, 130
warning symbols ...................................................................................14
HMI connections ................................................................................... 67
maintenance ........................................................................................... 54
configure redundancy ........................................................................97
substation computer ................................................................54, 109
remove the battery ...........................................................................145
LOG ............................................................................................................... 171
secure web access ....................................................................... 94, 95
identification number ..........................................................................22
M ordering guide ........................................................................................21
MAIN MODULE, REMOVE ................................................................... 143 overview ....................................................................................................17
contact ..........................................................................................................9
GE Grid Solutions web site ...................................................................9
library ............................................................................................................9
TEST NETWORK CONNECTION .......................................................... 96
TIME .............................................................................................................. 127
show settings ....................................................................................... 128
sync input .............................................................................................. 128
synch output ........................................................................................ 128
synchronization .................................................................................. 127
system clock ........................................................................................ 128
zone .......................................................................................................... 128
TIME SYNCHRONIZATION .................................................................... 54
local maintenance ............................................................................... 54
local substation computer ............................................................... 54
TOOLS, REQUIRED .................................................................................... 28
TRANSFER FILE ....................................................................................... 110
battery .................................................................................................... 145
connections ............................................................................................. 53
UNPACKING THE DEVICE ..................................................................... 28
dual ethernet card 580-3410 ....................................................... 147
USB KVM & AUDIO ADAPTER ............................................................. 52
configuration options ......................................................................... 52
USB PORTABLE MEMORY DEVICE ................................................. 110
system ..................................................................................................... 109