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NO More

A Program to help prevent tobacco use

Among 12-18 year old students

Presented to the
Shelby County Schools

Aisha Alshoja

In partial fulfillment of
HPRO 3800

Professor Mandy Aycock

Aisha Alshoja 2
Table of Contents
Site 4
Decision Makers 4
Stakeholders 4
Gatekeepers 4
RATIONALE Program Proposal) 6
Health Problem (define, describe, severity, risks, etc.) 7
Prevalence (National, State, Local) 7
Costs 8
Contributing Behavior (s) 8
Priority Population (Enabling, Predisposing, Reinforcing factors) 9-10
Other Programs (Description and Outcomes) 10-11
Proposed Solution and Strategies 11-12
Theory / Model (description, constructs, how they will be used) 11-12
Program Overview (Describe your program what, when, who, where, how,etc.) 12-13
References (APA format) 14-15
STRATEGIC PLAN Program Overview 16
Program Mission, Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Evaluation
Appendix 1: Self Evaluations
Aisha Alshoja 3

No More program, will be held at Kingsbury High School at a classroom where the High School

and Middle School students can attend in the city of Memphis TN. This site was chosen because the

High School and Middle School shares classrooms where both schools can attend.

Decision Makers

No More, program will be presented to Shelby County School Board who will serve as the

primary decision maker because they can know if this program will be successful so it can go to

other schools in the county. In addition to Shelby County School Board, the following will also be

notable decision makers, Ernest Smith the principal of Kingsbury High School and Dr. Tarcia Parrish

principal of Kingsbury Middle School. They are the individuals which are the decision makers in my

program implementation that can direct and decide if the program can be held.


There are a few groups of individuals who will have an interest or stake in my No More

program. These individuals include parents, school employees and community pediatricians. These

Individuals have a stake in my program because they are being impacted by the problem this

program is trying to decrease. They are what will help the program be successful with participating

and encoring the target population.


Some individuals or groups of people that may delay or prevent access to my No More

program, these individuals include smokers in the community, local smoke shops, and social media.

These people will make my program delay because the people who smoke in the community and in

families are first normalizing smoking. Also, the local smoke shops would not like this program

because they can lose business. Lastly, with social media being a problem with exposure to tobacco

use and most ads showing smokers as healthy and cool which can influents more of the youth to

Aisha Alshoja 4

Health Problem

In America Tobacco use is one of leading health problems that we face. There are more than

five thousand chemicals in tobacco smoke, sixty of which are known to cause cancer. Tobacco use

can lead to chronic bronchitis, and emphysema, and lung cancer. It’s also linked to cataracts, Type 2

Diabetes, pneumonia, cancers, and leukemia. With adolescences who smoke have a rise in

illnesses, decreased physical fitness and likely effects on the lung growth and function (U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services 1994) According to the CDC smoking has caused about

90% of all lung cancer deaths. It has been proven that more women have died from lung cancer

each year than from breast cancer. Also, about 80% of people who smoke have had death from

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC, 2020).

Also, the risks factors of smoking tobacco which is the developing of lung cancer by 25.7 times in

women and in men by 25 times. For both men and women the increase of stroke by 2 to 4 times, and

for coronary heart disease by 2 to 4 times (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),

2020). It’s very important to have proper education to reduce the consequences of tobacco use

because it’s one of the leading causes of preventable health problems in America.


Tobacco use is an ongoing problem in the world. In America both men and women use tobacco,

but more men use tobacco than women. The prevalence rate of tobacco use in the United States is

about 37.8 million adults still being a smoker. Men have always been and still are more likely to

smoke more than woman, with about 17 percent of men in America have stated that they are still a

current smoker, in contrast to women who are about 13 percent (Elfein, ‘2020). With adults who have

never smoked daily, 87% of them had tried their first cigarette before the age of 18, and 95% by they

were 21 (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,2014).

For children, every day about 2,500 children that are under the age of 18 have try their first

cigarette, and more than 400 of them will become new, daily smokers (Substance Abuse and Mental
Aisha Alshoja 5
Health Services Administration 2016). In the state of Tennessee tobacco use in 2018, was about

20.7% of adults who have smoked. But the national rate was 16.1% (Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention (CDC) 2017). For high schools the national rate was 6.0% of high school students in

the past 30 days who smoked cigarettes at least once a day, in Tennessee it was 7.1% (Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2019).


In the United States total economic cost of smoking can cost over 300 billion a year. Which

includes about 170 billion in direct medical care for adults and over $156 billion in lost productivity

because of premature death and exposure to secondhand smoke (Xu X, et al.,2015). Tobacco use

has a big part with the economic cost in the in Tennessee with annual health care costs being 2.67

billion dollars. In addition the Medicaid costs caused by smoking in Tennessee is 823.6 million and

3.59 billion being from smoking-caused productivity losses in Tennessee (TN Department of Health


Contributing Behaviors

There are many contributing factors that can cause a person to smoke tobacco. They are four factors

which is first the self-image of peers or individuals and their perceptions. Second is the social factors around

the individuals and the societal norms that contributes with tobacco use. Third, is the environmental factors

in America including the advertising and economics. Lastly the cultural factors which has a big influence in

traditional use of tobacco, acculturation and the documented use of tobacco industries in countless

communities. (United States Department of Health and Human Services, et al,1998). All of these factors can

lead a person to smoke tobacco and make a person become addictive to tobacco in the long run. To further

explain these contributing behaviors people of the youth see seeing people smoke in movies, video games,

websites and communities where they live are more likely to smoke. The factors being environmental factors

and the societal norms of smoking (Grunbaum, et al,2004).

Aisha Alshoja 6

Priority Population

Tobacco use is a problem that can affect all ages with smoking and secondhand smoking.

The priority population of tobacco use after assessing is the youth ages between 12 to 18. Smoking

under the age of 18 can cause significant health problems in the future. Anytime a person starts

smoking at a younger age it can be very likely that a person can develop an extreme addiction to

nicotine than to a people who started later in life. In the lifetime of an young person who smoking at

least 100 cigarettes they have reported that they have a harder time quitting (American Legacy

Foundation, 2000). This program will focus on adolescents between the age of 12 to18.

Predisposing Factors-

A common reason why tobacco use goes unthreatened is because the normalization of tobacco

in America. Due to tobacco use being normalized there is a lack of knowledge about the health risks

that tobacco use causes to the human body and the addictiveness that it has on a person. Since the

normalization of tobacco use is still a problem with the older generation, it will only affect the younger

generation which will only keep the problem. So, when educating the younger people like the

adolescence which may or may not have smoked tobacco can have a better outcome with tobacco

prevention than the older people. Tobacco use is in the media platforms in videogame and movies

haven shown exposures to tobacco use that can normalized tobacco use to the youth ( Rath et al,

2019). Another, predisposing factor of tobacco use is the knowledge of the harmful health affects the

tobacco use can cause but still smokes tobacco.

Enabling Factors

The enabling factors of tobacco use is the availability and the accessibility of tobacco at schools

and at homes. It has been found that where the youth shop at there is up to twice as much shelf

space dedicated to the most popular tobacco brands among the younger people (Henriksen et. al ,
Aisha Alshoja 7
2004). The environment in America which has a lot to do with the availability and the accessibility of

tobacco use among the youth.

Reinforcing Factors

Reinforcing factors of tobacco is a public figure which gives educational risks about tobacco use

which can go for school educational tobacco prevention programs. Research has shown that school

tobacco prevention programs has reduced the amount of younger people who would later become

smokers (Willey, ‘2013). Being more knowledgeable about tobacco use at a younger age can be a

great way to decrease tobacco use in the future. Also with the families support, health practitioners and


Other Programs

These two programs are tobacco prevention programs to decrease tobacco among school

students. They are both similar to my program by finding ways to prevent tobacco use among middle

school and high school students. The first program Catch My Breath was informed by Social

Cognitive Theory in Texas. The second program was in an Alabama school district and was a

school-based educational program called Impact on knowledge of e-cigarettes, perceptions and

intent to try, the program was affiliated with School of Public Health and University of Alabama at



This program is an e-cigarette tobacco prevention program for middle school students. The

behavioral and environmental targets in the program where students being in a classroom having

lessons about e-cigarette prevention as well as the parents educating the message at home. Also,

having posters and announcements with anti-vaping messages at school and with training the

teachers to best deliver the information. The way the program was designed was by a quasi-

experimental pretest–posttest that included 12-middle schools which found a positive result from the
Aisha Alshoja 8
program. It was found the Catch My Breath program had decrease e-cigarette use among 6th to 7th

grade students (Kelder et al.2020).

[ Impact on knowledge of e-cigarettes, perception and intent to try]

This is a school based educational program about e-cigarette in Alabama called Impact on

Knowledge of E-cigarettes. The participants were middle and high school students and about 3,073

students participated in the program in all 11 schools. The program consists of a per- and post-test

study between high school and middle school student in Alabama in 2019. This program included a

30-minute tobacco prevention educational talks about health effects, nicotine, e-cigarette types, and

advertising. At the end of each presentation students are to ask the public health professional or

physician questions for 10 minutes. This educational program was successful in improving their

knowledge about e-cigarettes, and addictiveness and harmfulness of tobacco. To also, reduced the

intent to try e-cigarettes among the students in this program (Gailha et’ al.,’2020).

Proposed Solution

The purpose of this program is to attempt to establish a tobacco prevention program for students

ages between 12 – 18. Tobacco use is still the leading cause of preventable death not only in

America but worldwide (U.S. Food & Drug Administration FDA, 2019). When starting young it can

only increase the likelihood of health problems and can make it harder to stop smoking when getter

older. My program will offer the best education by it being in a learning environment and having the

best health educational specialist and with the help of teachers. Each of the sessions will be a safe

place where students can talk about anything, they want in the classroom and can ask any questions

to the health educational specialist. It has been proven that School-based educational program has

been shown to be successful (Domitrovich et, al.,2010)

Guiding Theory

The theory I will be using in my program is the Health Belief Model which will be the

foundation of my program. I believe that Health Belief Model would be best for my program because

it helps makes a change in the participants behavior by making them commit to the idea shown to
Aisha Alshoja 9
them. I chose it because it’s one of the easiest ways to implement, apply, and test in a program.

Also, because it shows the participants the behavioral change which can help them, and it has the

self-efficacy aspect which can help them better with understanding health behaviors themselves.

Self- efficacy is important in my program because it can make them more confident with their belief

in their capability to understand the programs goal. This theory I will focus on will help me with

attempting to change the target population behavioral with their attitude belief and knowledge about

tobacco use.

Selected Constructs

In my program I will be focusing on perceived susceptibility and perceived severity. Perceived

susceptibility is very important because we need to educate the risks and addictiveness of tobacco

use that can have on a person. Due to adolescence being exposed to tobacco use and it being

normalized they can be influenced to smoke tobacco. For perceived severity it will focus on the

potential consequences that tobacco use can have. The health risks and the addictiveness that

relates to tobacco use. The session for perceived susceptibility will focused on health factors and

why tobacco use is bad for the human body. There will be Health education specialist that will be

there to answer question and to teach the participants. Then the students will be able to identify the

health factors that tobacco use cause. For perceived severity there will be a survey that will be given

about this so the health education specialist can see and will talk to each student who need the most

help to educate them.

Program Overview

NO More is a 4- week program that consists of 8 sessions. This is a beneficial program

because its dedicated to help Middle and High School students between the age 12 to 18 to educate

them on tobacco use health risks, and to help to decrease and or end tobacco use overall. The

program meet ups will be held Monday and Wednesday and will be over zoom twice a week or in a

classroom at school. Also, Masks will be required, and it will be one hour long on Monday and an
Aisha Alshoja 10
hour long on Wednesday. This will be an afterschool program and snacks will be provided for free.

The program will also have the health education specialist and with the help of teachers.

During this program I would change the participants behavior about tobacco use and their

attitude. With giving them knowledge about the harm tobacco use can cause especially when

starting at a younger age. Being that when smoking tobacco at an early age it can be expected that

they can develop a severe addiction to nicotine in the future. This program will be

successful because this program took time and detail research to come up with the best methods to

help decrease tobacco use among the participants.

Aisha Alshoja 11


CDC, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2017.

CDC, Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System, 2019.

Health effects of cigarette smoking. (2020, December 10).


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. National Survey on Drug Use and
Health, 2014. Analysis by the American Lung Association Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Using
SPSS Software.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 2015 National Survey on Drug Use
and Health: Detailed Tables. 2016.

Elflein, J. (2020, November 11). Topic: Smoking. https://www.statista.com/topics/1600/smoking/

Author, F.M. (Publication year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume (Issue), pp.-pp. doi:XX.XXXXX or
Retrieved from journal URL

Xu X, Bishop EE, Kennedy SM, Simpson SA, Pechacek TF. Annual healthcare spending attributable
to cigarette smoking: an update. Am J Prev Med. 2015;48(3):326–33. Epub 2014/12/17.
doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2014.10.012 ; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPmc4603661. [PMC free
article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

Tobacco Use Among United States Racial/ethnic Minority Groups. (1998). (United

States: Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control and Prevention,

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and


About ttp. (n.d.). https://www.tn.gov/health/health-program-areas/tennessee-tobacco-


Kelder, S. H., Mantey, D. S., Van Dusen, D., Vaughn, T., Bianco, M., & Springer, A. E. (2021).
Dissemination of CATCH My Breath, a middle school E-Cigarette prevention program. Addictive
Behaviors, 113. https://doi-org.ezproxy.memphis.edu/10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.10669

Gaiha, S. M., Duemler, A., Silverwood, L., Razo, A., Halpern-Felsher, B., & Walley, S. C. (2021).
School-based e-cigarette education in Alabama: Impact on knowledge of e-cigarettes, perceptions
and intent to try. Addictive Behaviors, 112. https://doi-
Aisha Alshoja 12
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People: A
Report of the Surgeon General, 1994

American Legacy Foundation. 2000. National Youth Tobacco Survey. 2001.

Henriksen, L., Feighery, E. C., Schleicher, N. C., Haladjian, H. H., & Fortmann, S. P. (2004).
Reaching youth at the point of sale: cigarette marketing is more prevalent in stores where
adolescents shop frequently. Tobacco control, 13(3), 315–318.

Wiley. (2013, April 29). Smoking prevention in schools: Does it work?. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 11, 2021
from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/04/130429210909.htm

Rath JM, Bennett M, Vallone D, Hair EC. Content analysis of tobacco in episodic
programming popular among youth and young adults. Tob Control 2019. Epub July 3, 2019

World Health Organization. WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2011external

icon. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2011 [accessed 2018 Feb 22].

Grunbaum JA, Kann L, Kinchen S, et al. Youth risk behavior surveillance--United States, 2003. Morbidity and
Mortality Weekly report. Surveillance Summaries (Washington, D.C. : 2002). 2004 May;53(2):1-96.

Products, C. (n.d.). Tobacco health information. Retrieved April 16, 2021, from https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-
products/public-health-education/health-information 9/12/2019

Domitrovich, C., Bradshaw, C., Greenberg, M., Embry, D., Poduska, J., & Ialongo, N. (2010, January).
Integrated models of school-based prevention: Logic and theory. Retrieved April 16, 2021, from

No More
Aisha Alshoja 13
Program Description

No More is a tobacco prevention program for Middle and high school students ages between 12

to 18 years old. It will be a 4-week long program it will be after school in the school building. The

meetings will be twice week (Monday Wednesday) for 4- weeks making it a total of 8 sessions in all.

All of the sessions will be between 1 hour.

Program Mission

The mission of No More is to inform the younger generations of the harm about tobacco and to
prevent the overall use of tobacco.

Program Goal(s)

The goal of No More is to decease the use of smoking tobacco among adolescents by 2022.

Program Objectives

Objective 1 (Behavioral)

By the end of the program at least 80% of the participants will be able to refuse tobacco when offered.

 To be able to achieve this goal during each of the sessions it would be mainly about learning
how tobacco use is harmful to the human body.

 On each of the sessions each participant will be given a journal to write what they learn and
will answer if they feel like they would still smoke tobacco or not and explain it.

Objective 2 (Cognitive)

By the end of the program at least 80% of the participants will be able to list 4 ways tobacco use can be
harmful and 2 personal reasons why quitting tobacco is beneficial.

 The participants will be learning in the sessions about how tobacco use can affect a person
health life.

 At the begging of the program the first day the participants will be given a 10-question multiple
choice pretest that consist of 10 question about the health risks and the second part will be
personal and for the participants to answer how quitting tobacco is good for them. At the end
they will be given a post test that will be similar and will ask the same things but would be
more in detail about what they learned in the sessions. So, we can see the improvements in
Aisha Alshoja 14
Objective 3 (Affective)

By the end of the program at least 80% Participants will share that they are confident enough to never smoke

 Each Wednesday will be a talk day where each of the participants can talk about tobacco use
in their life and in their environment.

 On each of the 5 Wednesdays the participants will come, and they will express verbally or will
write about how they can prevent tobacco use in their life. They will also explain how they are
confident enough to not use tobacco.

Partners 9/15/2021 School Principal Ernest
Aisha Alshoja 15
resources Smith
Personnel 9/15/2021 Implement Aisha Alshoja
Resources we have? 9/15/2012 School Principal Ernest
building Smith
Resources we need? 9/15/2012 Volunteers Aisha Alshoja

Participant Recruitment
Marketing Plan
Program or Campaign Description

No More program is a 4-week program that consists of 8 sessions. This program will be held twice a week

and will be on a (Monday) and (Wednesday). This will be an afterschool program so it will start 2: 40 to 3:40

on Monday, same for Wednesday. This program is a tobacco prevention program to help decrease tobacco

use among students ages 12-18 years old at Kingsbury high school October 4- October 29, 2021.

Priority Population
 No More, program is for 12–18-year-old students because educating about tobacco use at a younger age will
help reduce the problem.
Competing Programs
Not on Tobacco (N-O-T) is the American Lung Association's voluntary quit smoking program for kids ages
from 14 – 19. Over the 10-week program

Tennessee Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Program (TUPCP)

Marketing Goals
At least 60% of the school neighboring community will know about the tobacco prevention program and at
least 25 of the student’s parents will participant to help with the program.
Aisha Alshoja 16

Marketing Strategies and Distribution / Dissemination Plan

Print: I will need to print materials of brochure and flyers.

1000 take home flyers will be given to the high school students to take home by
September 15th, 2021.

1000 take home flyers will be given to the middle school students to take home by
September 15, 2021.

500 brochures will be given to parents at parent teacher conference on September 20 th at

Kingsbury high school.

500 brochures will be given to parents at parent teacher conference on September 21 th at

Kingsbury middle school.

publicity: Press Release Public, Service Announcement, Social media Marketing Messages

At school a public service announcement will be said on the intercom at the end of school
on September 15th 17th 20th 23rd 27th 28th 29th 2021

Social media messages will be posted on snapchat on September 20 th, 2021

Press release out for the schools issued on September 15, 2021.

Arrange a zoom meeting with the Shelby county school district by August 1st

Arrange a zoom meeting with Kingsbury high school principal Ernest Smith by August 1st.

Arrange a zoom meeting with Kingsbury middle school principal Dr. Tarcia Parrish by
August 1st.

Aisha Alshoja 17

Marketing Materials

Public Service Announcement

Sep 15, 2021
  Kingsbury High School &
Kingsbury Middle School
            This will be said on the intercom at the end on school.

Hello Everyone,

Do you know that tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in America and around the world. If

this pattern of smoking tobacco use keeps up like this around the world, about 8 million people will die each

year from disease related causes from smoking by the year 2030 (World Health Organization, 2011). Scary

Right! Tobacco use is a very harmful thing you can do to your body, when you start smoking tobacco regularly

your body will face consequences.

No More is an after-school program where you and your friends can go to. It will be held at Kingsbury High

school and will be a 4-week program on October 4st, 2021 that consist of 8 sessions. This program will teach

you everything you can know about tobacco use and snacks will be provided.

Aisha Alshoja 18

Press Release

At Kingsbury high school in Memphis Tn October 4, 2021, we are happy to show you a tobacco

prevention program called No More. This program will be held after school at Kingsbury high school and will

start October 4, 2021 and will finish by October 29, 2021. This program participants are middle and high

school, students ages between 12-18. This program is available for any student at these two schools and it is

free at cost. Come have a fun time with your friends with learning activities about how tobacco use is

harmful. Students who are interested in this program come with a learning attitude because we are here for a

ride. Don’t forget this program starts on October 4, 2021 so start signing in.
Aisha Alshoja 19

2000 flyers will be given 1000 for the high school and 1000 for the middle school. Teacher will be handing out
flyers at the end of school to students who are interested in the program. These will be passed out by
September 15, 2021.

Brochure outside
Aisha Alshoja 20
There will be placed at parent teacher conference at school 500 brochures for Kingsbury high school and 500
brochures for Kingsbury middle school at the library. These brochures will be put out for the parents on
September 15, 2021 at the parent teacher conference meeting.

Brochure Inside
Aisha Alshoja 21

Social Media Message(s) and Outlet

Aisha Alshoja 22

Budget Overview
Description / Justification
       In order to implement this program as outlined we are requesting Shelby County school district provide $
3,015 in support. Participants will not be charged for participation in the program.
Program Director: Aisha Alshoja             

Location: Kingsbury Highschool  
 1270 N Graham St, Memphis, TN 38122
Aisha Alshoja the program director will be responsible for all aspects of this program. Aisha will be the

decision maker in the program and have authority over the programs administrative, financial and

implementation over the program for beginning to end. Program volunteer county members. Parents, and

health educators will also have a responsibly for the developing of program.

Space: I will need 4 classrooms at Kingsbury high school.

Equipment Snacks: Will be provided, smart board, and phones will be needed.

Supplies: The supplies that we need for this program is general office supplies, journal, paper, pencil, which
will all be free.
Aisha Alshoja 23

Aisha Alshoja 24
Let’s Start Understand Tobacco Why so bad Your Health

1. Ice brakers 1. PowerPoint 1. Power point 1. Power point about

about other about all the what tobacco use can do a
2. Per test person’s health
tobacco use reasons why
3. Overview about tobacco items tobacco use is 2. Watch an educational
use PowerPoint 2. Do survey bad. video about how tobacco
3. Q&A 2. Watch an use is harmful to the
3.Q&A human body.
4. Closing educational
4.Closing remarks/recap remarks/recap video about the 3.Q&A
5. Write in journal addictiveness of
5.Write in journal about about todays smoking. 4. Closing remarks/recap
todays class class 3. Q&A Write in journal about
todays class
4. Closing
5. Write in journal
about today class

NO smoke NO Your choice We can do it Don’t Forget

1 Continuation of the harmful 1.Short quiz 1.Recap PowerPoint 1.post test
effects of tobacco. Word
about tobacco prevention.
puzzle 2.Jeopardy 2.Survey about the
2.Kahoot recap game tobacco prevention
2. Bring participants from the 3.Q&A program
community so regrate using
tobacco. 4.Closing remarks/ 5.Closing remarks 3 Participants get
recap feedback on journals.
6.Write in journal about
3. word puzzle
5.Write in journal today’s class. 4 Participants get a small
4.Q&A classroom party with
6.Take journal to Q&A.
5. Closing remarks/recap review
Write in journal 5 saying goodbye closing

Session Plans
Session 1
Aisha Alshoja 25
Session Title: Let’s start

Behavioral Objective
By the end of session 1, 100% of the participants will have completed the pre-
Cognitive Objective
By the end of session 1, 100% of the participants will be able to identify 3 reasons
why smoking is not cool.

Affective Objective
By the end of the session 1 Participants will list 3 reasons why may a person
smoke tobacco.

MAJOR SESSION FOCUS First the students will play a “Ice breaker” game to get to know everyone.
(Major Points of this session) Pre-test to know what the students already know.
What this session will focus on is introducing what is tobacco use.

(How will participants be grouped? There will be no group.
Where will posters be placed, etc.) There will be a lesson PowerPoint shown.

INTRODUCTION and building

Interest What do you know about tobacco use before this program?
(List everything needed for this Pen/paper
(Describe exactly what you are Warm-up: Students participants will do “icebreakers” to get to know the teachers
going to do in detail) and their peers.

Introduction: The student participants will take per-test so, we can understand
what they already know.

Demonstration: Student Participants who volunteer will explain what they already
know about tobacco use

Application: There will be a Q&A where students can ask questions to the
educational specialist

Cool Down: There will be a recap about the lesson and students will write in their
journal what they know that they didn’t know before.


(What will happen when?) 0-5 Ice breakers
5-10 Per-test
40-50 Q&A
Aisha Alshoja 26
50-55 closing remarks and recap
55-60 writing in journal

(How will you close the session) I will make sure to ask and understand what the students learn today and ask
them how did they, like the session.
SESSION EVALUATION Behavioral: The number of student’s participants who can tell me what they
(How will you evaluate the success learned today.
of this session?) Cognitive: The number of student’s participants who can tell me at least 3
reasons why tobacco use is bad
Affective: The number of student’s participants who can tell me at least 3 reasons
that make a person smoke tobacco.

Session 1

Answer key



Session 2
Session Title: Understand Tobacco products

Behavioral Objective
BY the end of the lesson 100% the student’s participants will have known at least 2
reasons why tobacco is popular.
Cognitive Objective
By the end of the lesson 100% the student’s participants will identify 3 ways a person
Aisha Alshoja 27
can smoke tobacco with

Affective Objective
By the end of lesson 2, Participants will show the teacher 2 reasons why nicotine is

MAJOR SESSION FOCUS This week will be about other devises about tobacco use and the populate I of it
(Major Points of this session) There will be a survey given
Journal and Q&A recap

ORGANIZATION No group organization.

(How will participants be The whole class will participant together to understand tobacco use more better.
grouped? Where will posters
be placed, etc.)

INTRODUCTION and building Why Smoking is not the right thing to do and other tobacco use
(List everything needed for this Journal
session) Pen/pencil

ACTIVITY Warm-up: PowerPoint opening

(Describe exactly what you are
going to do in detail) Introduction: Discuss the PowerPoint

Demonstration: Student Participants will do a survey and will reflect on themselves.

Application: There will be a Q&A where students can ask questions to the
educational specialist.

Cool Down: There will be a recap about the lesson and students will write in their
journal what they know that they didn’t know before.


(What will happen when?) 0-5 PowerPoint opening
5-10 discussion about power point
10-40 survey
40-50 Q&A
50-55 closing remarks
55-60 write in journal
(How will you close the session) What did you know that you didn’t know before this session.

SESSION EVALUATION Behavioral: The number of student participants will explain what they understand
(How will you evaluate the from the survey
success of this session?) Cognitive The number of student participants will show 2 key points from the
PowerPoint and write in in the journal.
Affective: The number of student participants will know the different between
Aisha Alshoja 28
cigarettes and vaping.

Session 2
Power point
Aisha Alshoja 29

Tobacco Use survey

You are requested to fill in your age, sex, and race: however, all information will be kept secret.

Demographic Section

1.How old are you (years)______.

2. Sex
Other _____.
3. How would you classify your race?
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or another Pacific Islander
Other _______.
4. How would you classify your ethnicity?
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino

Directions: Please answer the following questions by circling your answer and by writing your answers.

Perceived susceptibility (Risk)

(1) The chances of me smoking tobacco are high.

Not at all likely 1 2 3 4 5 Very likely

(2) It is likely that I would smoke tobacco in the future.

Not at all likely 1 2 3 4 5 Very likely

Perceived susceptibility (Fear)

(3) I am afraid that I will not be able to stop smoking tobacco.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree

(4) I feel social pressured to smoke tobacco.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree

Perceived severity
Aisha Alshoja 30

(5) I would likely experience problems with smoking tobacco long term.

Not at all likely 1 2 3 4 5 Extremely likely

(6) If I kept smoking tobacco long term, I would be likely to develop lung disease.

Not at all likely 1 2 3 4 5 Extremely likely

Reduce Barriers

(7) Identify three risks of using tobacco


(8) Identify three personal benefits to quitting tobacco


(9) Understand the difference in the different nicotine replacement options and how they are used


(10) I understand the nicotine replacement option that they think will work for you.



(11) I have stopped using tobacco

Yes No

Session 3

Session Title: Why so bad

Aisha Alshoja 31

Behavioral Objective By the end of the lesson 100% of the participants will understand why tobacco
is addictive.

Cognitive Objective By the end of the lesson 100% of the participants will be able to identify 2
reasons why tobacco is addictive and bad

Affective Objective The participant will list at least one chemical in tobacco.

MAJOR SESSION FOCUS 1. Go over PowerPoint with participants.

(Major Points of this session) 2. Watch an educational videos about addictiveness of smoking.
3. Question and answer about the addictiveness of smoking.
4 Write in journal about what you learned in the lesson.

ORGANIZATION The whole class will participant together to understand the addictiveness of
(How will participants be tobacco.
grouped? Where will posters
be placed, etc.)

INTRODUCTION and Why is the addictiveness of tobacco use scary.

building Interest
(List everything needed for Chairs
this session) Journal

ACTIVITY Warm up- PowerPoint opening

(Describe exactly what you
are going to do in detail) Introduction- Discuss the PowerPoint

Demonstration- There will be educational videos about addictiveness of

smoking that will be shown in the classroom

Application- There will be a Q&A where students can ask questions to the
educational specialist.

Cooldown- Cool Down: There will be a recap about the lesson and students
will write in their journal what they know that they didn’t know before.


(What will happen when?) 00-5 PowerPoint opening
5-10 discussion about power point
10-40 Educational video about the addictiveness of smoking
Aisha Alshoja 32
40-50 Q&A
50-55 closing remarks
55-60 write in journal
(How will you close the What do you know how that you did not know before this lesson.

SESSION EVALUATION Behavioral: The number of students participants will explain what they
(How will you evaluate the understand from the video.
success of this session?) Cognitive: The number of student participants will show 2 key points from the
educational video and write it in the journal.
Affective: The number of student participants will know why can smoking be
so addictive

Session 3
Include EVERYTHING needed to implement Session One
For example, Activity Description, Exercise Description (Pictures),
Game Directions, Recipes. Lecture Outlines, etc.
Aisha Alshoja 33



Session 4

Session Title:

Behavioral Objective By the end of the lesson, 100% of participants will now understand the
harmful effects of tobacco use.

Cognitive Objective By the end of the lesson, 100% of participants will identify 3 types of ways
tobacco use can be harmful to the body.

Affective Objective
The participant will list 3 ways disease that tobacco use can cause.

MAJOR SESSION FOCUS 1. Go over PowerPoint with participants.

(Major Points of this session) 2. Watch educational videos about harmful effects of tobacco use.
to the body.
3. Question and answer about the harmful effects of tobacco use.
to the body
4 Write in Journal about what you learned in the lesson
(How will participants be grouped? Where Participants will learn to understand the harmful effects of tobacco
will posters be placed, etc.)

Tobacco use is so bad for the body. RIGHT?
building Interest
(List everything needed for this session) Journal

(Describe exactly what you are going to do Warm up- PowerPoint opening
in detail)

Introduction- Discuss the PowerPoint

Demonstration- There will be educational videos about harmful effects of

tobacco use to the body.
Aisha Alshoja 34

Application- There will be a Q&A where students can ask questions to the
educational specialist.

Cooldown- Cool Down: There will be a recap about the lesson and students
will write in their journal what they know that they didn’t know before.

(What will happen when?) 00-5 PowerPoint opening
5-10 discussion about power point
10-40 Educational video about the harmful effects of tobacco use to the body.
40-50 Q&A
50-55 closing remarks
55-60 write in journal
SESSION CLOSURE Hello everyone! So, what did you learn today how did it make you feel.
(How will you close the session)

SESSION EVALUATION Behavioral: Number of participants who demonstrated how they understand
(How will you evaluate the success of this the harmful effects of tobacco.
Cognitive: The number of participants who could identify the why is their
harmful effects for tobacco consumption
Affective: The number of student participants who can explain the 3 most
interesting thing they learned today.

Session 4
Aisha Alshoja 35
Include EVERYTHING needed to implement Session One
For example, Activity Description, Exercise Description (Pictures),
Game Directions, Recipes. Lecture Outlines, etc.




Session 5

Session Title:

Behavioral Objective By the end of the lesson 95 % of the participants would be able to explain how
tobacco use can harm themselves.

Cognitive Objective By the end of the lesson 95% will identify 3 ways of why the volunteers
Aisha Alshoja 36
regrate smoking tobacco.

Affective Objective 95% of the participants will list the most important way of why they will never
smoke tobacco.


(Major Points of this session) Discuss the side effects of smoking tobacco.
There will be a puzzle given
Journal and Q&A recap

ORGANIZATION The whole class would pay attention to the community volunteers about how
(How will participants be grouped? Where the regrate tobacco.
will posters be placed, etc)

building Interest Why do so many people regrate smoking tobacco?
(List everything needed for this session) Pen/pencil
(Describe exactly what you are going to do Warm up- Tobacco use word puzzle
in detail)

Introduction- Meeting the community volunteers

Demonstration- There will be community volunteers taking about how

tobacco use effected their body.

Application- There will be a Q&A where students can ask questions to the
educational specialist and community volunteers and also talk about their
own experience

Cooldown- Cool Down: There will be a recap about the lesson and students
will write in their journal what they know that they didn’t know before.


(What will happen when?) 00-5 tobacco word puzzle
5-10 Meeting the community volunteers
10-40 Student will also volunteer
40-50 Q&A
50-55 closing remarks
55-60 write in journal
SESSION CLOSURE How did this lesson make you feel and what did you understand form it
(How will you close the session)
Aisha Alshoja 37

SESSION EVALUATION Behavioral: Th number of students participants will explain what they
(How will you evaluate the success of this understand for the community volunteers.
Cognitive The number of student participants will show 2 key points from the
lesson taught today and write in down in their journal.
Affective: The number of student participants will know how tobacco can
affect a person’s life.

Session 5
Include EVERYTHING needed to implement Session One
For example, Activity Description, Exercise Description (Pictures),
Game Directions, Recipes. Lecture Outlines, etc.
Aisha Alshoja 38
Aisha Alshoja 39

Two people from the community and talked about them regrates they has from
smoking tobacco and the effects it had on themselves.

Session 6

Session Title:

Behavioral Objective By the end of the lesson 95 % of the participants would be able to explain how
2 new thing they learned from the jeopardy.

Cognitive Objective By the end of the lesson 95% of the participants will identify 2 ways of how
they can explain to a person of why tobacco use is bad.
Affective Objective 95% of the participants will list why tobacco use is scary.
(Major Points of this session) Discuss the facts about tobacco use
There will be a short quiz passed out.
Journal and Q&A recap

ORGANIZATION The whole class will participant in jeopardy.

(How will participants be grouped? Where
will posters be placed, etc)

building Interest Why is tobacco use so scary.
(List everything needed for this session) Pen/pencil
(Describe exactly what you are going to do Warm up- short quiz
in detail)

Introduction- review short quiz

Aisha Alshoja 40

Demonstration- There would be a jeopardy game about facts about tobacco.

Application- There will be a Q&A where students can ask questions to the
educational specialist

Cooldown- Cool Down: There will be a recap about the lesson and students
will write in their journal what they know that they didn’t know before.


(What will happen when?) 00-5 short quiz
5-10 review short quiz
10-40 Jeopardy game about tobacco
40-50 Q&A
50-55 closing remarks
55-60 write in journal
SESSION CLOSURE What’s something you learned today from the lesson.
(How will you close the session)

SESSION EVALUATION Behavioral: The number of students participants will explain what they
(How will you evaluate the success of this understand for jeopardy
Cognitive The number of student participants will show 2 key points from the
lesson taught today and write in down in their journal.
Affective: The number of student participants will know at least 5 facts about
tobacco use

Session 6
Include EVERYTHING needed to implement Session One
For example, Activity Description, Exercise Description (Pictures),
Game Directions, Recipes. Lecture Outlines, etc.

Aisha Alshoja 41

Session 7

Session Title: We can do it

Behavioral Objective By the end of the lesson 95 % of the participants would be able to explain 3
new thing they learned from the Kahoot.

Cognitive Objective By the end of the lesson 95% of the participants will identify 1 thing from
each power point that they know.
Affective Objective 95% of the participants will list why tobacco use is not the way to go.
(Major Points of this session) Discuss the power points
There will be a Kahoot for the whole class to play
Journal and Q&A recap

ORGANIZATION The whole class will participant in Kahoot

(How will participants be grouped? Where
will posters be placed, etc)

INTRODUCTION and What is being more knowledgeable about tobacco use so important.
building Interest
Aisha Alshoja 42
(List everything needed for this session) Pen/pencil
(Describe exactly what you are going to do in Warm up- Overview power points

Introduction- keep Overview power points

Demonstration- There would be a Kahoot game about facts about tobacco.

Application- There will be a Q&A where students can ask questions to the
educational specialist

Cooldown- Cool Down: There will be a recap about the lesson and students
will write in their journal what they know that they didn’t know before.


(What will happen when?) 00-5 Overview power points
5-10 Also overview power points
10-40 Kahoot game about tobacco use
40-50 Q&A
50-55 closing remarks
55-60 write in journal
SESSION CLOSURE What’s something new you learned today
(How will you close the session)

SESSION EVALUATION Behavioral: The number of students participants will explain what they
(How will you evaluate the success of this understand for Kahoot
Cognitive The number of student participants will show 2 key points from
the lesson taught today and write in down in their journal.
Affective: The number of student participants will explain and show how
would they would explain to people why tobacco use is bad.

Session 7
Include EVERYTHING needed to implement Session One
For example, Activity Description, Exercise Description (Pictures),
Game Directions, Recipes. Lecture Outlines, etc.

Aisha Alshoja 43



Session 8

Session Title:

Behavioral Objective By the end of the program 100 % of the participants would be able to
demonstrate 3 ways tobacco use can be beneficial without using.

Cognitive Objective By the end of the program 100% of the participants will have applied at least 2
methods that they learned in the program where they can use outside of the
Affective Objective By the end of the program 100% of the participants will list why they will
never use tobacco.
(Major Points of this session) Overview of the program
Take home Journal and Q&A recap
Small class party

ORGANIZATION The whole class will participant in classroom party

(How will participants be grouped? Where Each student will take the post test.
will posters be placed, etc)

INTRODUCTION and What did you get from participating in this program.
building Interest
(List everything needed for this session) Pen/pencil

(Describe exactly what you are going to do Warm up- Overview power points
in detail)
Aisha Alshoja 44
Introduction- Post test

Demonstration- They will be a survey handed out

Application- There will be a Q&A where students can ask questions to the
educational specialist.

Cooldown- Cool Down: There will be a recap and a little classroom party.


(What will happen when?) 00-5 Overview power points
5-10 post test
10-40 survey
40-50 Q&A
50-55 closing remarks
55-60 classroom party
SESSION CLOSURE What’s something new you learned today
(How will you close the session)

SESSION EVALUATION Behavioral: The number of students participants will explain what they
(How will you evaluate the success of this understand this program
Cognitive The number of student participants will show 4 key points from the
program that they can use in life.
Affective: The number of student participants can explain and show how they
will not use tobacco.

Session 8
Include EVERYTHING needed to implement Session One
For example, Activity Description, Exercise Description (Pictures),
Game Directions, Recipes. Lecture Outlines, etc.
This survey is just for use to know how do you feel about this program!

1. What did you like about this tobacco prevention program?

2. What did you did not like about this tobacco prevention program

3. What do you think can better about this tobacco prevention program.
4. Did you think this program has changed for feels about tobacco use

5. If you want you can write anything you want us you know! THANK YOU
Aisha Alshoja 45

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