Net-Zero Challenge: The Supply Chain Opportunity: Insight Report January 2021
Net-Zero Challenge: The Supply Chain Opportunity: Insight Report January 2021
Net-Zero Challenge: The Supply Chain Opportunity: Insight Report January 2021
Net-Zero Challenge:
The supply chain opportunity
Cover: Illustration by Janne Livonen
Images: Getty Images (pages 2–5, 8–37) and Unsplash (page 7)
Preface: Why we need a ‘next level’ of climate action 4
Executive summary 6
3 Encouraging economics 16
4 Overcoming barriers 22
6 Time to move 36
Methodology 40
Contributors 41
Acknowledgements 42
Endnotes 43
Preface: Why we
need a ‘next level’
of climate action
Five years after the adoption of the Paris In 2020, we saw a temporary drop in emissions
Agreement, COVID-19 has reshaped the world as a result of COVID-19, at around 5–10%
and brought us to a crossroads. The health, compared to 2019 – the largest since the Second
social and economic consequences of this global World War. But to get on a long-term path to
pandemic on top of the increasingly urgent limit warming to 1.5°C, we need a structural
climate crisis have taken us to an inflection point. transformation that achieves global emission
How we choose to respond to these crises will reductions of this scale every year, not through
determine the pathway to our net-zero future. To crisis, but through a well-managed transition
succeed, the twin challenges of COVID-19 and that protects livelihoods and builds a resilient,
Nigel Topping
climate change must be addressed together, healthy, prosperous zero-carbon economy.
United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate
with zero-carbon solutions ready to accelerate
Change (UNFCCC) High- our recovery to a healthier, more resilient future.
Level Champion
The COVID-induced economic crisis gives the world net-zero emissions no later than 2060.2 If the US
a generation-defining window to bend the emissions were to deliver on President Biden’s campaign
curve and “build back better”, creating decent zero- promises, almost 75% of global GDP could have
carbon jobs, driving innovation and growth, and net-zero targets by early 2021.3 Commitments by
strengthening resilience to systemic shocks. Failure non-state actors are up as well. The number of
to do so will result in stranded assets, dislocation net-zero pledges by subnational and corporate
Gonzalo Munoz and widening inequalities. Now is the time for actors has roughly doubled in less than a year,4 with
United Nations Framework governments to capitalize on the unique opportunity more than 2,500 cities, states, regions, companies
Convention on Climate for stimulus packages to tackle COVID-19 and investors now committed to credible targets to
Change (UNFCCC) High- recovery and climate change simultaneously. reach net-zero by 2050 at the latest.5 The trend of
Level Champion investors supporting decarbonization has also held
The run-up to COP26, the 2021 United Nations up, as the volume of green and sustainable bond
Climate Change Conference, gives reason for issuance grew by another ~10% in 2020.6
renewed optimism. The UK and EU are both
committed to achieving net-zero by 2050,1 South Commitment to climate action is growing fast in all
Korea and Japan have recently committed to sectors of society. Now is the time to accelerate
setting net-zero by 2050 targets, and China – the action and implementation.
world’s largest emitter – has committed to achieving
Last year’s report on the Net-Zero Challenge7 chains to speed and support rapid decarbonization
highlighted how much more individual actors throughout the economy, and it can put pressure on
– governments, corporations, investors and suppliers in regions where governments do not (yet)
individuals – could do to bring down emissions, and do so. As 90% of the world’s businesses are small
many have heeded that call. This edition now puts a and medium enterprises (SMEs), working with supply
spotlight on a critical factor in achieving the targets chains and connecting them with the appropriate
they have set – decarbonizing supply chains. tools – such as the recently launched SME Climate
Hub8 – is a vital part of the implementation of
Supply-chain decarbonization will be a “game ambitious corporate climate action.
changer” for the impact of corporate climate action.
Addressing Scope 3 emissions is fundamental We call on all to act and join the Race to Zero, and
for companies to realize credible climate change hope that this report helps to provide guidance on
commitments. It enables companies in customer- how to move quickly on delivering on those goals.
facing sectors to use their influence in supply
Climate change is the single greatest threat there has ever been to
our planet and livelihoods. The World Economic Forum is dedicated
to advancing action to decarbonize our economy and ensure a
stable transition to a net-zero world.
At our Annual Meeting in January 2020, I invited all members to set
a target to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or
sooner. This is our Net-Zero Challenge, spearheaded by our flagship
climate action community, the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders.
This report, co-authored with Boston Consulting Group, is the
second in our series for the Net-Zero Challenge. It showcases the
opportunity that all companies have for huge climate impact through
action to decarbonize global supply chains.
Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum
Addressing supply-chain emissions enables efficiency and renewable power – with only marginal
many customer-facing companies to impact impact on product costs. Even with zero supply-
a volume of emissions several times higher chain emissions, end-consumer costs would go up
than they could if they were to focus on by 1–4% at the most in the medium term.
decarbonizing their own direct operations and
power consumption alone – and achieving a But: decarbonizing supply chains is hard. Even
net-zero supply chain is possible with very leading companies struggle to get the data they
limited additional costs. This report shows how. need and to set clear targets and standards to
which their suppliers must adhere. Engaging an
Among the major findings: often-fragmented supplier landscape is challenging
– especially when emissions are “buried” deep in
Many companies can multiply their climate the supply chain, or when addressing them might
impact by decarbonizing supply chains. For require collective action at the industry level.
companies in most customer-facing sectors, end-
to-end emissions are much higher than the direct Our step-by-step guide shows nine major
emissions in their own operations (so-called Scope initiatives every company can undertake.
1 and 2 emissions). By engaging suppliers to create Through interviews with several dozen global
a net-zero supply chain, companies can boost their companies that lead the way in reducing supply-
climate impact, enable emission reduction in hard- chain emissions, we have identified nine key
to-abate sectors, and accelerate climate action in actions: (1) build a comprehensive emissions
countries where it would otherwise not be high on baseline, gradually filled with actual supplier data;
the agenda. (2) set ambitious and holistic reduction targets,
reducing emissions by (3) revisiting product design
Eight supply chains account for more than choices and (4) reconsidering (geographic) sourcing
50% of global emissions. Food, construction, strategy; (5) set ambitious procurement standards
fashion, fast-moving consumer goods, electronics, and (6) work jointly with suppliers to co-fund
automotive, professional services and freight abatement levers; (7) work together with peers to
account for more than half of all global greenhouse align sector targets that maximize impact and level
gas emissions. A significant share is indirectly the playing field; (8) use scale by driving up demand
controlled by only a few companies. to lower the cost of green solutions; and – finally
– (9) develop internal governance mechanisms
Net-zero supply chains would hardly increase that introduce emissions as a steering mechanism
end-consumer costs. Around 40% of all emissions and align the incentives of decision-makers with
in these supply chains could be abated with emission targets.
readily available and affordable levers (<€10 [$12]
per tonne of CO2 equivalent),9 such as circularity, It is time to move.
Following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting emissions in the production of steel used in the car
and Reporting Standard, emissions are typically split into that an automotive original equipment manufacturer
three scopes:10 (OEM) produces. Scope 3 downstream emissions cover
transport of products, usage of sold products and product
– Scope 1 covers the emissions from operations under a disposal. For the same automotive OEM, this refers to
facility’s control, including onsite fuel combustion. the emissions from its cars being driven by customers.
– Scope 2 covers the emissions from usage of electricity, This report focuses on the supply-chain emissions that
steam, heat and/or cooling purchased from third parties. happen upstream from a company, often in the course of
– Scope 3 covers upstream and downstream value- creating products or services that the company buys as
chain emissions. For the purpose of this report, we well as on the Scope 1 and 2 emissions of the respective
refer to Scope 3 upstream emissions as supply-chain end consumer-facing companies – in the example
emissions, covering procured products, transport of above, this would cover the automotive OEM itself. The
suppliers and business travel. For example, this covers report does not address downstream emissions.
Scope 2
Decarbonizing supply chains could be a game The disparity is not limited to Nestlé. In many
changer for global climate action with a potentially consumer-facing industries with long upstream
huge impact. Especially in customer-facing sectors value chains, Scope 1 (own operations) and Scope
where a company’s direct emission footprint is 2 (consumed power etc.) emissions, even when
relatively low, companies can address significantly combined, fall far short of the emissions generated
larger emission volumes through their supply in the supply chain (see Figure 2).
chains. For a consumer brand company such as
Emission split in Scopes 1, 2 and 3 upstream for selected industries (CO2e, 2019)
Supply chain
(Scope 3 upstream)
power etc.
(Scope 2)
(Scope 1)
Cement Steel Mining Agriculture Textiles Chemicals Electronics Construct. Automotive Food Fashion FMCG
Note: Top companies selected based on number of reported Scope 3 upstream categories and industry fit;
FMCG = fast-moving consumer goods
Source: CDP, BCG
Because many supply chains are geographically An analysis of the major global trade flows shows
dispersed, Scope 3 actions can have a favourable that Western economies import significant volumes
climate impact in countries where regulatory of emissions, especially from Asia (see Figure 3).
pressure is low. This is because of the degree to This means that supply-chain measures put in
which business remains an international activity. place by relatively few end-consumer companies in
Between 2015 and 2019 alone, global trade Europe and the US can affect the emissions profile
increased by 16%,12 despite the neo-protectionist of growing Asian economies. Developments such
tendencies of some global actors. And, as trade in as COVID-induced nearshoring efforts, the US/
raw materials and finished products has become China trade war and the possible introduction of
increasingly global, so has the reach of companies. an EU carbon border tax could obviously change
Many engage with a complex international supplier this regional spread in the future, but are unlikely to
base, giving them the opportunity to trigger change the dynamic.13
emission reductions in countries with otherwise
high carbon intensity and limited policy support.
23 53 Russia
42 24
37 China 110 Japan
USA 32
and Korea
226 50
74 25
56 28
44 19
South and
Note: Excluding mining Central America
activities and services
Source: OECD Trade in
Embodied CO2 Database
Finally, supply-chain measures can accelerate fund their relatively expensive decarbonization
action in so-called hard-to-abate sectors. These efforts. By contrast, consumer-facing companies
sectors – including cement, steel, chemicals and are more profitable and can pass along
heavy transport – generate low profits relative to decarbonization costs in increments felt much less
the emissions they create and hence struggle to by end customers (see Figure 4).
Net income per ton of emissions (€/t CO2e Scopes 1-3 upstream, 2019) Raw materials End products
130 40 35 135
FIGURE 5 Eight supply chains are responsible for more than 50% of global emissions
Note: Only selected value chain steps are shown here; value chain steps not shown
at scale; FMCG = fast-moving consumer goods
Source: BCG
Split of emission sources by value chain (%) Land use Heavy industry Transport Other
Other materials Textiles &
garment Shipping
Steel Cotton
Chem/plastics Heavy
Deforestation Cement
Less virgin
Circularity/recycling < €10/t CO2e
material production
Carbon capture
Nature-based solutions New processes heat
Many of the abatement technologies described improvement levers have especially fast payback
above are not only readily available, but already periods, often within three to five years.
highly affordable (see the Methodology section for
more details). Across the analysed supply chains, It should be noted that the costs for renewable
~40% of all emissions could be eliminated with generation refer to the corporate perspective.
measures that either yield savings (for example, Once entire supply chains and systems move
by implementing efficiency measures) or come at to 100% renewable power, there would likely
abatement costs below €10 per tonne of CO2e be additional costs from grid infrastructure
(for example, switching to renewable power) – and renewable backup capacity investments
see Figure 9. Material and process efficiency required to support the system.
40 35 35 40%
45 < €10/t CO2e
55 55 15
40 €10–100/t CO2e
30 30
20 20 20%
15 15 10 > €100/t CO2e
In most sectors, full decarbonization would require and shipping. Costs may come down once these
implementing even costlier measures. Especially technologies achieve scale (as a comparison, the
in hard-to-abate industry and transport sectors, cost of solar photovoltaics has declined by around
moving to net-zero emissions will require the use 80% in the past 10 years).18 But it is prudent to
of technologies that are not yet mature and are assume they will remain comparatively expensive.
therefore very expensive. This includes the use
of green hydrogen for the production of zero- For more details of the abatement levers and
carbon steel and green fertilizer, renewable high- associated costs across each of the major supply
temperature heat in process industries such as chains, see Figure 10 and the Appendix.
chemicals and cement, and green fuels for aviation
400 Abatement costs (€/t CO2e, 2030) Renewable heat for cement production
Reduce overproduction
400 Abatement costs (€/t CO2e, 2030) Switch to synthetic aviation fuel
Companies willing to invest in these costly How can this be? An example helps illustrate the
measures are in reality risking little in terms of maths. Consider the steel used in a medium-sized
impact on end-consumer prices. Raw materials (€30k) family car – besides aluminium, the biggest
represent only a small share of final product current contributor to its upstream emissions.
prices – about 20% of a car and no more than Bringing down emissions in steel production is
10–20% of a pair of trainers. Even with ambitious expensive and moving to zero-carbon steel would
upstream reduction targets, the impact on end increase production costs significantly. But as steel
price is relatively low – no more than 1–4% in the accounts for less than €1k equivalent of the car’s
medium term if zero supply-chain emissions is the final sales price, the mark-up this triggers would
goal (see Figure 11). Decarbonization costs may still account for less than 1% of the total cost.
appear high for some producing industries, but
they are relatively affordable for end consumers.
FIGURE 11 Zero upstream emissions possible at low consumer costs in the medium term
€500 €1 €1 €5k €3
<2% avg. cost <2% avg. cost <4% avg. cost <3% avg. cost <1% avg. cost
increase on a increase on a increase on a increase on a increase on a
€30k car €40 pair of jeans €20 shopping basket €150k home €400 personal device
Source: BCG
Given these low costs, supply-chain decarbonization sustainable products sell well even with premiums
actually offers companies an upside. Especially in of around 40% – far from what would be required
Western countries, survey-based studies indicate to achieve zero-emission supply chains.What’s
that more than 50% of consumers are willing to more, this segment is growing fast. Demand for
pay more for sustainable products.19 Point-of-sale sustainably marketed products grew around seven
studies of different consumer goods products times faster than the demand for their conventionally
indicate that in some customer segments, marketed counterparts over the past five years.20
Knowledge Lack of
gap among clarity on
suppliers Scope 3
Hard to set
targets where
Hard to Scope 3 (SBTi) pathways
monitor estimates are not agreed
fragmented rely on
Lack of
Low trust in data sharing Performance
Concern over
supplier high-
with suppliers and cost
concerns vs. to pay
Low margins low-carbon
and high
Hard to
change design
costs to
abate in-series
Lack of production Procurement
not aligned
action/ Conflicting to climate
Too high investment procurement
Lack of
costs for priorities
individual team under-
value chains standing
Source: Interviews with 40 climate-leading CEOs and their teams and experts in Q3+4 2020, BCG
Few companies disclose their Scope 3 emissions. stage. As a result, data interfaces with suppliers are
Those that do often need to develop estimates still generally manual and unreliable.
based on information such as weight, quantity and
spend for procured materials, as well as emission Finally, there are many ways for peers to look at
factor databases based on country averages. For their Scope 3 emissions. Some companies consider
companies with sometimes tens of thousands “cradle-to-gate”, that is, from the very beginning
of individual products and significant turnover in of the supply chain until just after production, while
their supplier bases, the challenges are daunting. others report “cradle-to-point-of-sale”. Still others
Some even struggle to understand who their tier are “cradle-to-grave” in their analysis, meaning they
n suppliers are in the first place, especially when include emissions in customer use and end-of-life
looking beyond their tier 1 suppliers. emissions from landfill or recycling.21
Even knowing who the suppliers are does not The lack of transparency upstream feeds into a lack
guarantee reliable data. Despite the sophisticated of trustworthy certifications or standards by which
digital procurement and enterprise resource to assess and communicate sustainability efforts to
planning tools used in the market, a fully functional customers. This makes peer comparisons harder
and widely accepted infrastructure for sharing and leaves consumers confused instead of helping
environmental data is still only at the development them make (more) sustainable product choices.
For many companies, supply-chain emissions are difficult. Procurement teams may be unaware
distributed across hundreds or even thousands of of low-carbon alternatives when they make
individual tier n suppliers in many different countries purchasing decisions. It is difficult to manage
around the globe. They are also not static, as parts procurement criteria without a clear hierarchy or
of the supplier base can change year-on-year. internal alignment, and the incentive structures in
This makes addressing supply-chain emissions an procurement teams are not geared to sustainability
extremely difficult task. today. In some cases, bringing down emissions
requires intense, long-term engagements
There are also organizational problems that make with individual suppliers. Not all procurement
monitoring and tracking upstream emissions organizations are set up for this.
It takes five years to see an impact with a change in the way land
is managed. You cannot expect a farmer to take that risk alone,
without knowing that she or he will be compensated for it.
Alexandra Brand, Chief Sustainability Officer, Syngenta
Where the costs of decarbonization are high and would benefit its rivals – and this risk has kept some
enabling infrastructure is needed (e.g. for low- Scope 3 initiatives from launching. Ecosystem
carbon transportation), actors within a single initiatives are trying to overcome this inertia in many
supply-chain relationship may not be able to fund sectors, but few have had a significant impact on
the full transition. If one automotive player supports emissions to date.
a steelmaker to decarbonize its processes, all
other car makers would benefit from access to that Companies also often cite a lack of government
greener steel without funding the required process policy support or sector-level targets from industry
change. It is understandable that a company would bodies as inhibitors. Both of these can make the
not want to bear the full cost of an investment that hurdle for first movers unnecessarily steep.
FIGURE 13 Nine supply-chain initiatives chief executive officers should push for
Build value chain emissions Integrate emissions metrics Engage in sector initiatives
Redesign products
1 baseline and exchange data 3 5 in procurement standards 7 for best practices,
for sustainability
with suppliers and track performance certification, advocacy…
Once they have transparency on their supply- Several financial institutions have done this by
chain emissions, companies should set a public joining the SBTi expert advisory group, the Net-
1.5°C-aligned target and/or net-zero target across Zero Asset Owners Alliance and/or the 2° Investing
all emissions scopes and understand what this Initiative (2DII).24
means for their business. In most cases, targets
are achievable at very little cost. Where no widely Companies should also actively cascade their
accepted target pathways exist (e.g. where the targets through their supply chains. For example,
Science Based Targets Initiative [SBTi] has not yet sports goods retailer Decathlon is aiming to get
confirmed a sector pathway), companies should 90% of its suppliers (by spend) to set science-
aim to develop pathways with others in their sector. based targets by 2024.25
Carlsberg has a target to reduce its “beer-in-hand” from suppliers’ individual primary data for the
footprint by 30% by 2030. (“Beer-in-hand” includes materials they supply to Carlsberg. Where this is
refrigeration emissions in bars and shops, as well not available, Carlsberg looks to develop estimates
as emissions that happen in its supply chain or in based on material and location-specific factors.26
distribution.) Approximately ~85% of emissions are
out of Carlsberg’s direct control, so the company Carlsberg adheres strictly to guidance for
works with suppliers to encourage a commitment developing a standardized and transparent footprint
to science-based targets. As of February 2020, from three levels: (1) The GHG Protocol for Scopes
110 suppliers in Carlsberg’s supply chain had 1, 2 and 3; (2) the Beverage Industry Environmental
already made a commitment. Roundtable sector-specific guidance; and (3) the
European Commission’s Product Environmental
To establish transparency, Carlsberg has teamed Footprint Category Rules on beer-specific
with The Carbon Trust to develop an advanced guidance.27 Carlsberg has co-developed and
supply-chain emission calculation model. The invested in improving the methodologies for
model uses supplier-specific emissions data (which more than half a decade to create consensus,
is available for >50% of emissions). This comes consistency and transparency for the sector.
Design choices can help bring down supply-chain by using greener materials, cutting waste, reducing
emissions. In many industries, companies need to product variance, increasing recyclability, improving
differentiate between products in series production repairability and switching manufacturing processes
and those in development. For in-series products to lower-carbon ones. For example, Tesla has
– where fundamental changes are hard to make – continually improved its product specifications to
leaders try to lower the energy footprint in suppliers’ reduce total cable length with each subsequent
operations and increase the share of recycled model, requiring less input material, reducing weight
input materials. For example, Dell has continued to and extending battery lifespan.29 Similarly, the World
increase the share of recycled end-of-life electronics Economic Forum’s Circular Cars Initiative is set up to
and ocean-bound plastics in its products, while minimize waste and maximize recyclability.30 Some
improving the repairability and recyclability of companies take even more radical approaches. For
products to create a closed-loop system.28 example, the German meat processor Rügenwalder
Mühle has driven a major (and successful) portfolio
For new products, the options are wider. Companies shift towards vegetarian alternatives for processed
can fundamentally design products for sustainability meat products in recent years.31
Examples from industry suggest two areas alternatives. For a dishwasher liquid, the
of sustainable product design that companies company found that its new formulations
are pursuing: lead to better cleaning performance and less
environmental impact across the supply chain.
1. Working across the supply chain to lower It also has a refill bottle of cleaning spray
the environmental impact of products. The that uses biodegradable ingredients and a
life science company Merck has developed novel safety mechanism to mix concentrated
several greener, bio-based solvents using product with water in the refill – thereby
renewable resources (e.g. waste cellulose) avoiding transport costs and emissions.33
and is also addressing the problem of plastic
waste. By redesigning its sterile filtration 2. Responding to customer demand for
system, Merck avoids using funnels, thereby materials to solve environmental problems.
reducing plastic by up to 48% and packaging BASF has developed nitrogen stabilizers for
size by up to 73%. Its redesign also reduces agriculture. The stabilizers allow plants to more
transported weight, shelf space requirements effectively use fertilizers and thus increase yield
and the amount of waste created (including potential by up to 12% while reducing ammonia
biohazardous waste).32 Similarly, Unilever losses by up to 90%. The changes help
is moving from petrochemical-based farmers reduce their emissions significantly.34
surfactants to renewable and biodegradable
Companies should also consider emissions in The company now owns and directly manages
their value-chain design choices, for example by ~243,000 hectares of forestland in the US and
rethinking their make-or-buy decisions and by Europe.35 Similarly, “nearshoring” can both reduce
limiting the need for long-range logistics. INGKA logistics emissions and improve supply-chain
Group (IKEA) invests in resources important for resilience to potential shocks – ever more relevant
the company’s long-term development – such as in a post-COVID world.
sustainable energy, wood and recycled materials.
Setting procurement standards for suppliers Project Gigaton initiative does not impose
is one of the most powerful direct levers to standards; instead, it allows suppliers to
address upstream emissions. Strong standards set specific, measurable, achievable and
link practices – such as a specific share and appropriate emission reduction goals for
quality of renewable power, required levels of themselves. As of last year, suppliers had
process efficiency or a required share of recycled avoided a cumulative 230 million tonnes
materials – to procurement decisions. Two principal of CO2e.36 This approach helps ensure
approaches exist: standards are achievable but is more
complex to monitor and may be incompatible
– Impose standards: companies can define a with highly ambitious net-zero targets.
preferred set of standards and require their
suppliers to use them in tenders. This is simple Beyond defining procurement standards, supply-
and easy to monitor and ensures that standards chain emission reductions often require more
align with company priorities. On the other intensive supplier collaboration – to educate
hand, some standards may be difficult for suppliers about decarbonization levers, provide
selected suppliers to implement. For example, technical advice, enable longer-term asset
sector-specific science-based target pathways upgrades and cultivate continuous improvement.
are not yet available in some industries, so it
may be difficult for some suppliers to commit to Finally, companies should introduce sustainability
one. Generally, alignment on an industry level metrics into competitive tendering processes
can help to make implementation easier. and reward climate action among suppliers; for
example, through better payment terms. Puma
– Require suppliers to set standards: is working with BNP Paribas to offer a supplier
some companies prefer to let suppliers set financing programme that rewards social and
standards themselves. For example, Walmart’s environmental standards.37
Directly engaging suppliers is especially impactful at affect a significant portion of global emissions.
the pinch points along the supply chain, since a few Another example: The London Metal Exchange is
individual companies are able to have an outsize role. the global trading platform for metals, and would
therefore be in a position to trigger transparency
‘Scale is super-important – if you are
across the entire industry and impose climate
only 10% of a supplier’s business they will
standards across the value chain.
likely not change – you need critical mass
to get movement.’ ‘We are increasing transparency, on a voluntary
Marc Engel, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Unilever basis, of relevant supply-chain information
from mine to end product and providing
In the food value chain, for instance, four major greater access to sustainably produced metal
grain traders today account for more than 75% so the market has the ability to make trading
of global demand. If these four defined joint decisions on the basis of that information.’
standards on agricultural emission-intensity and
deforestation-free agriculture, and took joint action Matthew Chamberlain, Chief Executive Officer,
with their suppliers, they could by themselves London Metal Exchange
In 2016, steel manufacturer SSAB, mining and producers is a crucial enabler for reducing
company LKAB and utility company Vattenfall the risk associated with initial investments.
started a joint venture to create HYBRIT. HYBRIT
The HYBRIT pilot phase has an estimated cost of
aims to replace coking coal with hydrogen
~€230 million (including a ~€60 million grant from
to enable the production of fully emission-
the Swedish government); the goal is to make
free steel. Decarbonizing steel is one of the
steel available to customers within 10 years. Its
major challenges in global climate action – a joint venture ownership structure helps reduce the
result of the industry’s high carbon and capital financial exposure of each partner and integrates
intensity, low margins and limited low-carbon each of their capabilities into the project. If all goes
technology alternatives. These are not barriers as planned, this pilot will help drive innovation
that any single player can overcome on its and bring down the cost of sustainable steel
own. As such, collaboration between suppliers production, benefitting the entire sector.41
Apple’s Supplier Clean Energy Program aims to in China and aggregating demand for clean
reach 100% clean energy in its supply chain by energy across its supplier base.42 Similarly,
2030 and has resulted in ~8GW of clean energy Maersk and H&M have jointly developed an
commitment. As part of the programme, Apple initiative that enables low-carbon shipping of
is directly investing in renewable generation H&M products through the use of biofuels.43
The number of corporate commitments to climate buying unbundled certificates of origin (CoOs) or
action and their level of ambition have increased renewable energy certificates (RECs or iRECs) that
significantly in recent years – and procuring provide additional income streams to green power
green power is a key element in all of them. As projects already in development. While CoOs and
voluntary procurement of renewables becomes RECs do not necessarily fund new projects, they
more prevalent, it is critical that companies aim for can increase the bankability of existing renewables
their purchases to make a material impact on the and lead to more being built in the future.
energy landscape. Ensuring that the renewable
energy purchased is “additional” – i.e. it would not As companies think about the standards they set
otherwise be available to the system – is the most for suppliers to use renewable power, they should
direct way to contribute to the “greening” of power bear in mind how they can ensure maximum
networks. Companies can ensure “additionality” impact. Some forward-thinking companies are
by building their own renewables on- or near- supporting suppliers to buy into PPAs, and
site, signing direct or virtual power purchase bodies such as the Renewable Energy Buyers
agreements (PPAs, vPPAs) or directly investing in Alliance (REBA) can help navigate this landscape.
new renewable projects with bundled certificates. Establishing an industry standard for the level of
material impact achieved with different renewable
Where these options to add renewable capacity purchasing methods would be a helpful way
to the grid do not exist (e.g. where the regulatory to give companies transparency on the level of
landscape does not allow for the signing of PPAs) “additionality” or impact they are achieving, and
companies can engage in policy advocacy to help to build pressure on governments that put
drive change at the system level. They can also blockers on renewables development.
send a demand signal to the energy market by
Sector initiatives are another way for ambitious for decarbonization across value chains. Common
companies to increase their impact. Similar to some policy recommendations provide a strong message
of the supply-chain actions described above, this that business wants support to decarbonize.
is especially relevant for players in sectors reliant For example, Sony recently urged the Japanese
on capital-intensive decarbonization solutions government to lower barriers to renewable energy in
that would be prohibitively expensive for a single the country and has threatened to move its factories
company. Ambitious companies should thus put abroad if the Japanese government does not act.
pressure on industry bodies and other organizations The electronics company Ricoh, the cosmetics
to establish sector-level targets for climate action. business Kao, and the fund manager Nissay are
In doing so, they can move the entire sector and supporting Sony’s push.46 The Carbon Pricing
their supply chains, and allay concerns regarding Leadership Coalition – aimed at expanding carbon
competitiveness. For example, AP Moller-Maersk pricing policy across the world – consists of various
has been publicly appealing for more climate governments and also many private-sector players
action in the shipping sector and is recognized as in sectors such as mining, energy, construction,
a leader in enabling sector-level targets.44 Maersk aviation and professional services. Advocacy is
has joined forces with several partners to set up especially important in heavy industry sectors where
an independent research and development centre governments are frequently huge buyers, such as
focusing on zero-carbon shipping.45 cement and steel. In these sectors, a mandate for
public procurement of green equivalents can really
Leading companies can also join forces in cross- move the needle.
sector policy groups to change the wider context
Demand-side commitments can also be a tool Leading companies are also joining forces
to encourage investments in decarbonization with supply-chain partners and with a broader
technologies. The World Economic Forum’s Mission ecosystem of regulators and policy-makers to
Possible Platform aims to bring together value- create markets for green solutions and sign
chain players to establish collaborative projects and offtake agreements to make green solutions
build demand for green cement, steel, chemicals more economical. For example, the Clean
and transport solutions. Scaling up corporate Skies for Tomorrow Coalition (part of the
offtake commitments to greener products can spur Mission Possible Platform) engages airlines
sector-level action.47 Taking a different approach, and companies with significant business travel
the members of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative to bundle offtake for sustainable aviation fuels
(OGCI) jointly invest in hub projects for scaling and works with the International Air Transport
carbon capture and storage technologies as they Association (IATA) and governments in leading
have identified this as one of the major levers for countries to set mandates and develop
decarbonization in their sector.48 distribution infrastructure for such fuels.
BOX 6 The Mission Possible Platform and Clean Skies for Tomorrow
The World Economic Forum’s Mission Possible collective demand for carbon-neutral air travel can
Platform is a coalition of businesses and provide future offtake certainty for SAF, making
expert organizations committed to reducing fuel production investments easier to finance
emissions from heavy industry and mobility and thereby helping to scale SAF technologies
by creating and delivering technology, and reduce future costs. In parallel, the initiative
policy, and financing solutions. The platform advocates for governments and airports to
focuses on seven sector coalitions, including mandate SAF quotas to help the transition.50
Clean Skies for Tomorrow in aviation.49
Clean Skies has also been sharing knowledge
The coalition was established to address the and methodologies with members of industry
“chicken and egg” challenge, where neither consortia and encouraging direct investment in
individual producers nor consumers are willing new facilities for SAF alongside more traditional
(or able) to carry the initial cost burden of scaling fuel manufacturers. For example, the International
sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). The coalition is Airlines Group (IAG) has committed to net-zero
developing measures to stimulate demand and emissions by 2050 alongside a €325 million
drive supply, promoting customer opt-in schemes, commitment to develop sustainable fuel supply
allowing customers to offset travel emissions, chains. This includes direct investment in a flagship
and aggregating demand from large air travel facility, Altalto, in collaboration with Velocys, IAG
customers with high climate ambitions. This and Shell.51
Companies aiming to decarbonize their supply In procurement, companies should set up technical
chains need to change the way they operate. They teams able to engage suppliers and conduct
require more comprehensive data exchange with training on their decarbonization levers and
suppliers and need to set up an organization capable economics. Inditex has made sustainability one of
of engaging them on their carbon emissions, as well its main priorities for internal training; for example, in
as integrating emissions into procurement standards terms of opportunities for introducing circularity into
and decisions – and aligning targets and incentives product design.53
in their organization to emission reduction targets. All
of this requires governance. Finally, companies need to align internal targets,
funding allocations and incentives to their
Companies should try to link up core business decarbonization targets. They should embed
functions on decarbonization. For example, emission targets into their purchasing strategy and
automotive supplier ZF Friedrichshafen appointed ensure overall reduction targets are adequately
a cross-functional sourcing board to link carbon cascaded across units in the organization. Where
emissions to purchasing, logistics, quality and other emission reduction may result in higher spending,
functions.52 When the focus of decarbonization they need to develop mechanisms for releasing
efforts is the upstream footprint, functions such funds – for example, through internal carbon pricing
as product development, procurement, finance, mechanisms. They should align internal incentives
strategy and sustainability may be involved. to decarbonization targets; for example, by making
Companies need to organize themselves in such them a factor in variable compensation. The Carbon
a way that targets and accountabilities are fully Disclosure Project (CDP) found that around half of
aligned. They should strive to reduce the number Europe’s largest firms already link their executive
of interfaces between functions involved in climate- pay to climate change.54 Similarly, companies can
related topics, increasing automation, reducing link their procurement key performance indicators
process complexity and enhancing process (KPIs) and team compensation to supply-chain
standards wherever possible. decarbonization initiatives.
Within the food supply chain, less than 2% of caused by deforestation and should be addressed
Material and emissions can be reduced via circularity in plastics by moving to deforestation-free agriculture, e.g.
process packaging. Approximately 25% of emissions via projects in relevant countries that provide
efficiency can be abated through material and process the financial means to protect large forests from
efficiency levers. These include the reduction being converted into cropland and that provide
Renewable of food waste, nitrogen-optimized feeding and alternatives to logging for the local population.
power increasing the productivity of low emission- The remaining ~35% are inherent to agriculture
intensity fertilizers. Renewable energy for power and cannot be reduced any further – they need to
Renewable heat and heating can provide another ~15% emissions be addressed through reforestation, restoration
savings, mainly at the food-processing and of mangroves and peatland, soil sequestration,
New processes packaging stage. The biggest bucket (~55% of biochar production and other levers. About 5% of
total emissions) needs to be tackled via nature- emissions need to be addressed via fuel switch
Nature-based based solutions. About 20% of emissions are for more carbon-efficient transport means.
Within the construction supply chain, ~5% can processes, e.g. switching steel production to less
be abated by introducing circularity in cement, carbon-intensive processes (such as changing
aluminium or plastics from demolition waste or via from blast furnaces to using direct reduced
increasing the share of scrap in existing electric arc iron in electric arc furnaces), reduces ~10% of
furnaces. Some 20% of emissions can be tackled construction emissions. Another ~10% can be
through material and process efficiency levers such abated with fuel switches in low-carbon transport.
as cement clinker substitution, and more efficient The last ~20% of all construction emissions
transport vehicles. Renewable power and heat, need to be tackled through carbon capture,
e.g. for aluminium production or at the construction utilization and storage technologies (CCUS),
site, account for another ~35%. Introducing new mainly from the cement and steel production.
Less than 2% of all emissions in fashion can be mix of production countries. The remaining heat
reduced by recycling. Some ~15% can be abated consumption would need to be shifted to renewable
by putting pressure on suppliers to increase heating, saving another ~20%. Introducing new
process efficiency – with upgrades to less energy- processes, e.g. moving from wet towards dry
consuming machinery for sewing, spinning, processing technologies, can save another ~10%.
weaving and knitting. Switching production An additional ~10% of all fashion emissions – part
to renewable power sources alone abates an of those from agriculture – need to be addressed
additional ~45%, as emissions within the textile and via nature-based solutions, e.g. growing cotton
garment production process are mainly driven by more sustainably. The last 2% or so can be tackled
the high shares of fossil-derived energy (e.g. lignite, via fuel switches for low-carbon transport.
hard coal, gas and oil) within the domestic energy
In fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), ~15% for plastics require both low- and high-temperature
of emissions can be avoided with circularity by heat, switching to renewable heat (e.g. heat
mechanically and chemically recycling plastics, pumps or biogas) would be needed for ~30%
thereby lowering demand for virgin feedstock. of emissions. The last ~5% each can be tackled
Another ~25% can be saved by improving process with new processes (e.g. moving to bio-based
efficiency across the supply chain. Renewable plastics), fuel switch in transport, and CCUS
power accounts for another ~15% of emissions. for remaining chemical process emissions.
As most underlying chemical production processes
In electronics, ~5% of supply-chain emissions can emissions can be abated through renewable
be addressed through circularity, e.g. recycling power, and ~30% through (mostly low-temperature)
plastic as input material. Larger potential comes renewable heat. Less than 2% can be abated with
from material and process efficiency improvements, new processes (e.g. bio-based plastics) and CCUS
accounting for ~20% of potential savings, especially on residual plastics emissions. About 5% will need
in manufacturing and mining. Some 35% of to be addressed through fuel switch in transport.
Renewable power represents the largest e.g. switching from a blast furnace to an electric
abatement lever, with ~40% mainly from within arc furnace route in steel. Another ~5% can be
the aluminium, glass and battery production addressed through fuel switch to low-carbon
processes. About 20% of automotive emissions transport, e.g. switching combustion trucks to
can be addressed with renewable heat, e.g. by battery-electric and hydrogen-powered versions.
switching to green heat for drying processes The last ~5% need to be abated via CCUS,
within battery cell manufacturing. Roughly 10% mainly in steel production through addressing
of emissions can be tackled with new processes, the remaining blast furnace emissions.
About 10% emission reductions are possible by renewable heat (~35%) for in-office consumption.
reducing travel and switching to virtual meetings The remaining reduction (~15%) needs to come
– a routine that has become customary in recent from net-zero business travel, e.g. by switching
months.55 The bulk of emissions can be tackled from conventional jet fuel to renewable fuels and
by procuring renewable power (~40%) and switching local transport to battery-electric cars.
In freight, the number of straightforward levers is and improved routing. The bulk of emissions
more limited. Over a timeline of the next 10–15 have to be eliminated by switching to electric
years, only around 20% of emissions can be solutions or renewable fuels – fuel-cell and battery
reduced through low-cost efficiency levers, trucks on road, biofuels or green ammonia in
such as improved design of vessels, better shipping, as well as bio- or e-fuels in aviation.
aircraft aerodynamics, more efficient trucks
Christine O’Brien
Boston Consulting Group Managing Director and Partner
Cornelius Pieper
Jens Burchardt Managing Director and Partner
Partner and Associate Director, Climate Impact
Daniel Weise
Michel Frédeau Managing Director and Partner
Managing Director and Senior Partner
22. According to Carlsberg’s 2020 disclosure to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), publicly available via: (link as of 8/12/20).
23. Daimler, Blockchain Pilot Project Provides Transparency on CO2 Emissions:
resources/blockchain-pilot-project-supply-chain.html (link as of 8/12/20).
26. According to Carlsberg’s 2020 disclosure to CDP, op. cit., and Carlsberg, Sustainability Report 2019, February 2020: (link as of 8/12/20).
27. The Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) has developed sector guidance to enhance and support
the estimation of tracking and reporting of GHG emissions in the beverage industry:
publication/greenhouse-gas-emissions-sector-guidance/. The EU’s Product Environment Footprint Category Rules include
beer guidance:
(links as of 8/12/20).
29. Electrek, Tesla Reveals Revolutionary New Wiring Architecture to Help Robots Build Upcoming Cars Like Model Y, July
2019: (link as of 8/12/20).
32. Merck Group, Merck Corporate Responsibility Report 2019, April 2020:
products/sustainable-products/sustainable-product-design.html (link as of 8/12/20).
35. IKEA Group, IKEA Group Acquires 25,000 Acre Forest in Alabama: Latest Investment Furthers the IKEA Group Expansion in
the US, February 2018:
alabama-latest-investment-furthers-the-ikea-group-pubcccece21 (link as of 8/12/20).
37. BNP Paribas, BNP Paribas and PUMA Launch Innovative Financing Program for Suppliers to Reward Social and
Environmental Standards, September 2016:
innovative-financing-program-suppliers-reward-social-environmental-standards (link as of 8/12/20).
40. Energy Efficiency Services Limited, About Us: (link as of 8/12/20).
41. LKAB, SSAB and Vattenfall, HYBRIT – Towards Fossil-Free Steel: (link as of 8/12/20).
43. Maersk, H&M Group Reduces Carbon Footprint with Maersk ECO Delivery, February 2020:
news/articles/2020/02/28/h-m-group-reduces-carbon-footprint-with-maersk-eco-delivery (link as of 8/12/20).
44. Pacific Standard, At COP24, the Shipping Giant Maersk Is Leading the Way to Zero Emissions, December 2018: https:// (link as of 8/12/20).
45. Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon, About Us: (link as of 8/12/20).
46. Financial Times, Sony Warns It Could Move Factories Over Japanese Energy Policy, November 2020: (link as of 8/12/20).
47. World Economic Forum, Mission Possible Platform: (link as of 8/12/20).
48. Oil & Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), Removing Carbon Dioxide:
engagement/removing-carbon-dioxide-ccus/ (link as of 8/12/20).