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WAWW Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Capiz
Panitan, Capiz

Date: October 16, 2017

Time: 2:00-3:00
Grade/Section: Grade 10 – ARROYO


Student-teacher Cooperating Teacher


I. Objectives
After a thorough discussion of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. present the message of the song through a bio-poem, shape collage, and tweet using sensory skills;
B. assess the effectiveness of the ideas presented in the material viewed, taking into account its purpose;
C. express appreciation of the gifts of nature based on the song listened and viewed.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
Recognizing the Gift of Nature
B. Materials: Pictures, Charts, LCD, Computer and Chalkboard
C. Reference: English 10 Learner’s Material: Celebrating Multiculturalism Through World Literature, pp. 273-

III. Methodology

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Review

Class, have you realized what would our Apparently, it would be very difficult to live without the
life be without the wonders of nature? What wonders of nature. People will become hungry and thirsty if
if there are no bountiful gifts from nature? there are no bountiful gifts from nature. In fact, nature is the
Can we survive in this world? main and best source of life and well-being. Therefore, we
won’t be able to survive without God’s wondrous creation
which is the nature.

Very good! Naturally, we feel grateful about

it. Remember, life on earth is the greatest
gift of nature and it can be found on this
earth in several hues and shapes. The beauty
of nature mesmerizes us as human beings
for if it was not for the nature we would not
have got the gift of our existence.

B. Motivation

To live in God’s wondrous creation is not

only a blessing but an opportunity to be
thankful for. Oftentimes, we tend to ignore We feel that…
the magic it brings us but let us not forget
that what it offers generate a great change.
A change that surely makes a difference on
our very own existence. Today, you will be We believe that…
given the opportunity to explore, appreciate
and value the abundance of nature. We will
have a gallery walk with nature inside the
classroom for you to be able to find out
nature’s gifts to us and share your
viewpoints based on the following pictures.
We think…
Then, complete each statement in one
sentence to state your point of view. Bear in
mind that your point of view is the way the
author allows you to “see” or “hear” what’s
going on. After five minutes compare your
answers with your classmates and share to In our opinion…
the class about what you feel, think, believe,
and your opinion about the gifts of nature.

Gallery Walk With Nature

C. Presentation

Indeed, what we have done awhile ago has

something to do with our lesson for today.

This time, we will listen to a song entitled,

“What A Wonderful World” by Louis

Louis Armstrong, nicknamed “Satchmo,” “Pops” and, later,

“Ambassador Satch,” was born on August 4, 1901, in New
Orleans, Louisiana. An all-star virtuoso, he came to
prominence in the 1920s, influencing countless musicians with
both his daring trumpet style and unique vocals.

Moreover, Louis Armstrong was a trumpeter,

bandleader, singer, soloist, film star and
comedian. Considered one of most influential
artists in jazz history, he is known for songs like
“Star Dust,” “La Vie En Rose” and “What A
Wonderful World.”

Well, with these valuable ideas in mind, we will

explore the song What A Wonderful World by
Louis Armstrong that would definitely give us a
lot of lessons and inspiration as well. We will
also have an opportunity to know nature; to
cherish it and feel grateful to it.

D. Unlocking of Difficulties

At this moment, before listening to the

song, let us complete its lyrics by filling-out the
lines with the correct word using the pictures as

What A Wonderful World What A Wonderful World

by Louis Armstrong by Louis Armstrong

I see ____ of green, red ____ too. I see trees of green, red roses too.
I see them bloom, for me and you. I see them bloom, for me and you.
And I think to myself, what a wonderful ____. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue, and clouds of white. I see skies of blue, and clouds of white.
The bright blessed ____, the dark sacred ____. The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night.
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

The colors of the ____, so pretty in the sky. The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky.
Are also on the faces, of ____ going by, Are also on the faces, of people going by,
I see friends shaking ____, saying: “How do you I see friends shaking hands, saying: “How do you do?”
do?” They’re really saying: “I love you”.
They’re really saying: “I ____ you”.
I hear babies cry, I watch them grow.
I hear ____ cry, I watch them grow. They’ll learn much more, than I’ll ever know.
They’ll learn much more, than I’ll ever know. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
Yes I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
Yes I think to myself, what a wonderful world. Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.

E. Presentation of the Guide Questions

Excellent! Now, let’s examine these

following questions for us to be guided in
our discussion as we go along.

1. From what perspective is the singer

describing specific events?
2. Is the speaker recounting past events or
events that are occurring in the present?
3. Do you believe that these events have
been recurring up to the present? Why?
4. What is the message of the song?
5. Can you relate it in your life in any way?
In what way?
6. Why do you think the composer wrote the

Alright! This time let’s listen to the song

then check the words you filled-out.

(The students are listening to the song.)

F. Interactive Reading Activity

What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong

G. Discussion

Okay, very well! This time, we will

answer the following questions:

Possible Answers:

1. From what perspective is the singer 1. The singer is describing specific events based on his own
describing specific events? perspectives of what he observes in his surroundings.
It seems like the man is sitting on a bench in the park just
observing people around him. He’s thinking about how
wonderful life is.

2. Is the speaker recounting past events or 2. The man speaking (singing) is telling us how he sees the
events that are occurring in the present? world around him, and how something stays the same over a
long time.

3. Do you believe that these events have 3. Yes, I believe there are events that have been recurring up to
been recurring up to the present? Why? the present. It is because I can still see trees growing, flowers
blooming, rainbows after the rains, people smiling, and nature
providing us our needs which I have seen and experienced

4. What is the message of the song? 4. The song is about consciously noticing the goodness in the
world and appreciating it.

5. Can you relate it in your life in any way? 5. I can relate it in my life as a student who sees beauty at all
In what way? things and as a traveler who loves to explore wonderful places.

6. Why do you think the composer wrote the 6. I think the composer wrote the song for us to recognize the
song? gifts of nature and to appreciate how really wonderful our world

Do you know now the meaning or message Yes/No, sir!

of the song?

H. Enrichment Activity

Very good! Nature is indeed spectacular.

It spells out what beauty really is and it is
the answer to all our human needs.
According to Albert Einstein, “Look deep
into nature, and then you will understand
everything better.” If we only know how to
appreciate what it gives us, assess its present
state, and do something to protect it, then we
can be assured of healthy living and
experience the power of nature at its best!

Grateful! That is what we are supposed to

feel for the bountiful blessing nature has
offered to us. The following activities will
help you preserve, promote love, and respect
for nature. I want you to group yourselves
into three. You will do the task assigned in
your group.


Topic: What A Wonderful World

by Louis Armstrong

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Bio-poem LET’S CUT Tweet

Nature ‘EM UP: A
Shape Collage

Group 1 – Write a bio-poem about nature. Follow

the format below. Use cartolina in writing your
poem. Draw illustrations to emphasize the message
of the poem.

Group 2 – Make a shape collage

representing two bountiful gifts of nature.
You could cut out pictures from magazines
or newspapers and paste them on a cartolina.
Be sure to form an icon/symbol that could
best represent your response to the song
“What A Wonderful World” on how you
perceive nature’s gift and how you can
preserve or protect it. Present it to the class
and give a short explanation.

Group 3 – As for your response to the

prevailing social conditions happening now,
particularly with state of nature, tweet
something expressing your sentiments using
the hashtag #ILoveMotherEarth. Write it on
a cartolina, decorate and post it in your
classroom after you present it on class.

You will be graded using the following


Content/Meaning – 40%
Presentation – 20%
Relevance – 20 %
Creativity – 20%

Excellent! All groups did a great job. So,

let’s give a “Pen Apple Pen” clap to all
groups. Do you know this clap?

(The teacher will show a demonstration.)

Okay, Group 1, how did you feel about the

activity? We felt grateful that we have shown care for our nature
in our activity.
(The same questions will be asked to the
succeeding groups.)

What help would these activities provide?

The activities helped us preserve, promote love, and
respect for nature.

I. Value Focus

Very good! Now, what values have We have learned to value, appreciate and recognize that
you learned or gained while doing your nature is a gift from God. Nature provides us with
activity? everything we need for everyday living. And as caretakers
of the Earth, we are bound to protect and nurture it, for the
next generations to come.

Very well, indeed! It is a challenge to all

of us to treasure what we have.
However, we should be grateful for the
bountiful blessing nature has offered to
humanity. Also, we must show that we
care for our nature. Simple acts like
planting trees, proper waste disposal,
and recycling waste are always a good

J. Generalization

Considering the theme of the song, The Battle in Marawi has caused destruction to a number
what present issues of our country could of infrastructures and to the people it affect.
you relate? Unfortunately, it has also left a wide damage in our
natural resources and became insufficient to supply
human’s basic needs like food and water; yet the
government and other foreign countries and agencies have
taken measures to help restore Marawi. As a student, I can
help by using social media as a tool in encouraging other
people to join programs like Zero Waste Management
Program and Clean and Green Program in our school or

In the past few months, our country is facing issues about

global warming, climate change and illegal mining. All of
these are effects of humans’ bad practices which, little by
little, destroy our nature. In time, our natural resources
will become inadequate and people will soon suffer from
this. As citizens, we must be responsible of our actions
and pay attention to what we are doing. Instead of
destroying the gifts of nature, let us help boost them by
segregating our waste and cleaning our environment.

Very well said! Indeed, we must all help

restore our nation and our world. We
must save our Mother Earth before it’s
too late because it is nature that keeps us
humans alive.
IV. Evaluation

Alright! I think you have understood our lesson for this day and have learned as well in the song
What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. So I guess you are now ready for a quiz.

Directions: Complete the octagon by filling out all its sides with nature’s gifts to humanity. Inside
the octagon, explain briefly how you can help preserve or protect these gifts.

You will be graded using the following criteria:

Content – 40 points

Relevance – 10 points

50 points

V. Assignment

I can see it in your eyes that you want to learn more about our discussion. Therefore, I want you to
answer this activity as your assignment.

Directions: Complete the following graphic organizer of what you will do to make a change, heal the
world and make this world a better place, write them inside the leaves. Inside the box, describe your
vision of how the Earth will be like after 10 years, if all these things will be done.


You will be graded using the following criteria:

Content – 10 points

Relevance – 10 points

Organization of Ideas – 10 points

30 points
Directions: Revisit the song “What A Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong and choose the letter
that answers the question in each number.

1. What do trees of green symbolize?

a. Hope and life
b. Freshness and freedom
c. Cleanliness and purity
d. Wealth that abounds

2. The blooming of red roses signifies…

a. Sharing of glory
b. Bountiful blessings
c. Love for people
d. Wealth that abounds

3. The bright blessed day and the dark sacred night are symbolisms of…
a. Challenges and trials
b. Triumphs and dreams
c. Sorrows and problems
d. Success and failures

4. The colors of the rainbow which are on the faces of people convey…
a. Happiness and contentment
b. Lasting relationship among espouses
c. Friendship and camaraderie
d. Generosity and serenity

5. The speaker in the song has…

a. no dreams to carry on
b. positive outlook in life
c. pessimistic idea about nature
d. lousy disposition towards life

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