Brown 1998
Brown 1998
Brown 1998
Jeroen Singels, Gwenny Ruël, Henny van de Water, (2001),"ISO 9000 series - Certification and performance", International
Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 18 Iss 1 pp. 62-75
Clare Chow-Chua, Mark Goh, Tan Boon Wan, (2003),"Does ISO 9000 certification improve business
performance?", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 20 Iss 8 pp. 936-953 http://
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Alan Brown
Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia and 273
Ton van der Wiele Received April 1997
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and Revised August 1997
Kate Loughton
Downloaded by New Mexico State University At 06:50 30 January 2016 (PT)
While quality assurance in the commercial world extends back many years in
the UK with the BS 5750 standards, the 1990s has witnessed an enormous
growth of interest in the ISO 9000 series (international version of BS 5750)
throughout the world. This has been particularly strong in Australia where the
number of Australian organisations with ISO 9000 series certification has
passed the 4,000 figures according to recent data in the Quality Certification
News. This is however, still a small percentage compared to the 100,000
organisations worldwide having their quality management system certified
according to the ISO 9000 series standards (Symonds, 1995).
Various reasons for the ISO 9000 drive are identified in the literature (Brown
and Van der Wiele, 1995; Street and Fernie, 1993; Wenmoth and Dobbin, 1994).
They include: customer demands and expectations, competitive pressures, a
regulatory environment and internal forces. This worldwide push has probably
impacted more on smaller organisations than larger ones. Many smaller
enterprises face strong pressure to gain certification due to either customer
requirements or to maintain their competitive position in the industry when
other companies are also moving in this direction. Customers are increasingly
demanding that their suppliers be certified. In fact, many large organisations
have required their suppliers to have ISO 9000 series certification for a number
of years. In some Australian states, government departments may require
companies to be certified in order to be eligible to tender for contracts.
The implementation and certification of a quality management system
according to one of the standards of the ISO 9000 series (certification is possible
against one of the three standards ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003, depending
The research has been supported by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
(NWO) with a research grant, and support was also provided by the SME Research Center at
Edith Cowan University. International Journal of Quality
& Reliability Management,
The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their valuable comments on the earlier Vol. 15 No. 3, 1998, pp. 273-285,
version. © MCB University Press, 0265-671X
IJQRM on the scope of the organisation, for further explanation reference ISO
15,3 9000.1:1994) has come under strong criticism from some sections due to its cost
and in many cases limited benefits, particularly for smaller enterprises.
Research by O’Brien (1995) and Kean et al. (1995) report related costs in
Australia ranging from ECU41,000 for small firms to ECU86,000 for medium
sized enterprises. Pyra and Preston (1996) report costs of ECU59,000 for a small
274 enterprise and ECU70,000 for a medium one. Average times to implement the
quality management system is reported at between 12 to 16 months by Raynor
and Porter (1991), and by Pyra and Preston (1996).
As a response to some of these criticisms, the Australian Quality Council
(AQC) has introduced a low cost partial ISO 9000 training course specifically for
SMEs. While it does not lead to full ISO 9000 series certification, it uses group
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Previous research
Raynor and Porter (1991) report on an interview survey of 20 small to medium
sized firms in the UK in the engineering or machinery manufacturing industry.
Findings indicate that customer pressure (or marketing factors) is the major
driving force behind ISO 9000 series certification. Some firms found that
internal benefits such as better internal control (based on improved
transparency of processes) and waste avoidance resulted from certification.
They conclude that most organisations in their sample found benefits from
certification while only a few had a minimal commitment at the start, reflecting
the view and the attitude of the chief executive.
O’Brien (1995) found some differences between large and medium and small
sized enterprises in an Australian survey on ISO 9000. Four barriers were
identified as less significant for small organisations, namely: lack of
management commitment, lack of communication between departments,
insufficient time spent on training and a targeted time frame which was too
short. These suggest that smaller organisations, in particular, may have some
advantages which may be partly attributable to using external consultants to
introduce ISO 9000 and the fact that there are fewer levels of management. Chan
and Jeganathan (1996) found in an Australian study that high costs were the
greatest inhibitor to ISO 9000 series certification by small business.
McTeer and Dale (1994) surveyed eight enterprises with less than 50
employees in the UK. Their findings also suggest that customer pressure is the
main reason for embarking on ISO 9000 and few of the companies developed
plans for moving to TQM once certified. Time and lack of knowledge were the SMEs’
main problems faced by the smaller companies who placed considerable experiences with
reliance on consultants to assist them. The cost of developing a quality system ISO 9000
and gaining certification was seen as justified. Interestingly, some of these
smaller companies relied on past experience with suppliers rather than ISO
9000 when doing their own purchasing.
Research by Taylor (1993) in Northern Ireland found organisations 275
somewhat reluctant to measure and quantify the benefits of certification, which
he attributed to the fact that many felt to be driven to certification by external
forces. Another survey in the UK by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance (1994)
reported a highly favorable reaction to ISO 9000 certification with benefits
Downloaded by New Mexico State University At 06:50 30 January 2016 (PT)
1 2 3 4 5
Increase To be Improve As a base for
market Improve considered customer quality
share efficiency for tenders service improvement
Rank in total sample % % % % %
Information technology 81 75 88 56 60
Sales and service 98 90 88 98 93
Manufacturing 88 83 83 83 75
Table IV. Transport/construction 100 100 100 100 100
Top five reasons Engineering/mining 100 100 100 100 100
for seeking Overall 92 87 87 87 83
certification by Note:
industry % indicates percentage of respondents in each subgroup having reason in top five
The majority of respondents see ISO 9000 series certification as preceding TQM
and as a relevant first step in implementing a TQM program. The majority felt
that TQM and ISO could not be implemented simultaneously and very few
thought that TQM should be implemented before ISO 9000 series certification.
Views of those experiencing success with ISO and those who are not
The total sample of 146 SMEs has been separated into two groups, based on the
scoring on a prescribed list of 24 improvement items. The first column of Table
VII covers the list of those items. Respondents were asked to score on a five
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point scale from 1 (not improved at all) to 5 (strongly improved) for each of the
improvement items. For each respondent the sum of the 24 scores has been
calculated and the distribution of those scores have been used to split the total
sample into the optimists and the pessimists, respectively below the mean and
above the mean value of the distribution of sum scores. The optimists perceive
more improvements from achieving certification, the pessimists only a few or
Discriminant analysis was then carried out on the main reasons for seeking
ISO 9000 series certification, aimed at identifying those variables which might
distinguish between the enterprises which reported more or less success
following certification.
A significant (at a significance level ≤ 0.05) difference between optimists and
pessimists was found for all those items which are related to the internal
reasons for seeking certification. A stronger drive from internal reasons to seek
certification leads in the end to a more positive perception about the
improvements realised. This relation might emerge, at least to a certain extent,
because of wishful thinking of the respondents who would like to see
improvements emerging from their own initiatives.
The results suggest that the external reasons (forced by customer, forced by
headquarter, to stay in business, and to be considered for tenders) were the only
ones which are not indicative of success. These results were backed by t-tests
carried out, for the optimists and pessimists as defined earlier, on the reasons
for seeking certification. The results of the discriminant analysis and the t-tests
are summarised in Table VII.
Help improve
customer service 3.48 4.29 0.843 17.560 0.000 0.000*
market share 3.76 4.26 0.945 5.461 0.022 0.024*
Improve company
efficiency/wastage 3.67 4.38 0.879 12.930 0.001 0.002*
Provide an advantage
in international
markets 2.19 3.07 0.919 8.290 0.005 0.003*
Bring together
various quality
systems 2.11 3.00 0.867 14.440 0.000 0.000*
Gain marketing
benefits 3.26 3.88 0.937 6.341 0.014 0.012*
Help develop a
culture change 2.67 3.64 0.896 10.910 0.001 0.001*
Given new direction
after major
restructuring 1.48 2.43 0.876 13.290 0.000 0.000*
Get external audit
of processes and
systems 1.65 2.66 0.809 22.260 0.000 0.000*
As a base for
quality improvement 3.07 3.95 0.845 17.200 0.000 0.000*
Be a good role-model Table VII.
for our own suppliers 2.26 3.02 0.928 7.310 0.008 0.003* Optimists versus
Notes: *“Pessimists score below the mean of the total sum of scores on perceived pessimists: discriminant
improvements from achieving certification, “optimists” score above the mean analysis and t-test
Box’s M = 227.22, significance = 0.003 on reasons to seek ISO
certification both in terms of money for consultants and audits and extra
employees or overtime required in relation to the certification. Many survey
respondents made written comments to this effect.
Respondents also expressed a relatively high level of disappointment with
the volume of paperwork required and the relatively high costs involved. Much
of the paperwork is required in actually preparing material for audits, although
there are also reasonably high on-going recording requirements. Problems are
IJQRM Mean score on five
15,3 point scale, higher score
indicates stronger
Disappointment Rank disappointment std dev.
frequencies and the severity index is given based on similar weighting factors
for the top three mentioned solutions.
Training employees and managers and seeking the use of consultants are the
primary methods for dealing with problems faced by SMEs during the
development of the quality management system. The most common problems of
employee commitment, and documentation and paperwork were most frequently
dealt with by staff training, and external help and consultants respectively.
Training also takes on an increased importance particularly related to better
or adequate and on-going training and to ensure records are kept in order. SMEs
also reported increased attention being given to training needs analysis and
better training of new employees through improved induction processes. Part of
the attention given to training needs is associated with the need to identify any
deficiencies with employees and deal with them. It is also reported that training
has become more focused in a number of SMEs. Some organisations had
employed a training coordinator in relation to the certification process.
Some criticism was directed at consultants and assessors by many SMEs.
These included: the lack of assessor’s knowledge about particular industries,
some assessors being overly pedantic about paperwork, “nit picking” auditors,
different interpretations of standards between auditors and the degree of
variance between accreditation authority standards. Comments were also made
about inflexible standards and assessors and the inability of assessors to relate
outside their discipline. A further comment was that because certification
bodies are commercially oriented, there is scepticism about their ethics related
to the number of faults found in audits.
Other criticisms were levelled at the standards themselves. The most
significant was that standards were being seen as more appropriate for
manufacturing and less for construction, mineral processing, retail, wholesale
transport and distribution. Others include: ISO 9000 series standards not being
IJQRM written in layman’s terms, difficulties in understanding exactly what the
15,3 standard requires and inconsistencies with the interpretation of standards by
consultants and assessors.
For many SMEs the entire concept of the ISO 9000 series certification is a
completely new concept, so learning to understand the jargon and objectives
also presented a challenge. Many expressed disappointment with the lack of
284 suitable courses or literature available on the subject, so had to often rely on
consultants. Others attended courses, visited and talked to other SMEs and in
some cases appointed an internal person as a full-time consultant.
The major findings of the research can be summarised in the following way:
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which has the commitment of employees. SMEs which adopt this approach are
also more likely to progress to broader quality concepts such as TQM.
Brown, A. and Van der Wiele, T. (1995), “Industry experience with ISO 9000”, Asia Pacific Journal
of Quality Management, Vol. 4 No. 2, pp. 8-17.
Chan, A.M.S. and Jeganathan, S. (1996), “The critical factors inhibiting Victorian small businesses
from participating fully in ISO 9000 Certification”, in Proceedings of the First International
Research Conference on Quality Management, Melbourne, February, pp. 136-144.
Hoyle, D. (1994), Quality Systems Handbook, Butterworth/Heinemann, Oxford.
ISO 9000.1:1994, Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards; Part 1: Guidelines for
Selection and Use, International Organisation for Standardisation, Geneva.
Kean, B., Schofield, S. and Oxley, A. (1995), Linking Industry Globally – Report of the Committee
of Inquiry into Austral ia’s Standards and Conformance Infrastructure, Australian
Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
Lloyds Register Quality Assurance Ltd (1994), BS 5750/ ISO 9000 – Setting Standards for Better
Business, Lloyds Register Quality Assurance Services Ltd, Croyden.
McTeer, M.M. and Dale, B.G. (1994), “Are the ISO 9000 series of quality management system
standards of value to small companies?”, European Journal of Purchasing and Supply
Management, Vol. 1 No. 4, pp. 227-35.
O’Brien, T. (1995), “Special report”, Quality Certification News, 24 February.
Pyra, B.C. and Preston, A.P. (1996), “Quality assurance: is it worth it?”, Proceedings of the First
International Research Conference on Quality Management, Melbourne, February, pp. 145-56.
Raynor, P. and Porter, L.J. (1991), “BS 5750/ISO 9000 – the experience of small and medium-sized
firms”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 8 No. 6, pp. 16-28.
SPSS Inc. (1990), SPSS Reference Guide, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL.
Street, P.A. and Fernie, J.M. (1993), “Costs, drawbacks and benefits – the customer’s view of BS
5750”, Training for Quality, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 21-3.
Symonds, S. (1995), The Mobile Survey of ISO 9000 Series Certificates Awarded Worldwide
(Fourth Cycle), 31 August, Mobile Europe, London.
Taylor, A. (1993), “Outcomes of consultancy interventions for ISO initiatives”, Proceedings EOQ
‘93 Conference, Helsinki, June, pp. 38-47
Vanguard Consulting Ltd (1994), “BS 5750/ISO 9000/ EN 29000: 1987, a positive contribution to
better business”, The TQM Magazine, Vol. 11 No. 2, p. 60.
Wenmoth, B.A. and Dobbin, D. (1994), “Experience with implementing ISO 9000”, Asia Pacific
Journal of Quality Management, Vol. 3 No. 3, pp. 9-27.
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