An Overview of Disaster Management in India: A. J. Shah
An Overview of Disaster Management in India: A. J. Shah
An Overview of Disaster Management in India: A. J. Shah
India is one of the hazard prone countries in South Asia. Floods, droughts,
landslides, snowstorms, hurricanes and cyclones occur regularly. Among these
earthquakes, floods and drought risk are extremely high. These hazards threaten
millions of lives and cause large scale financial, infrastructure, agriculture and
productivity losses that seriously hinder India’s overall development. In India, as
in the United States, the primary responsibility for responding to disaster lies at
the state and the central level. The GOI have a national emergency plan for
disaster management, some of the state also has a disaster management plan. It
can be, and is called upon to assist when necessary, but there is a lack of
awareness in the public. Many Indian States have limited resources and lack their
own disaster management plans. Considering these problems, this paper attempts
to throw light on a more integrated and responsive disaster management system
in India. This paper will provide important information in three mutually
reinforcing areas viz. disaster preparedness, response and rehabilitation
management. The various case studies for disaster management will be
Keywords: disaster, mitigation, hazards, risk, safety management, India,
Gujarat, Surat, Gir, students.
1 Introduction
1.1 What is disaster?
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economic, political and cultural state of the affected area. Generally, disasters
have the following effects in the concerned areas
i) It completely disrupts the normal day-to-day life.
ii) It negatively influences the emergency systems.
iii) Normal needs and processes like food, shelter, health, etc. are affected
and deteriorate depending on the intensity and severity of the disaster.
It may also be termed as “a serious disruption of the functioning of society,
causing widespread human, material or environmental losses which exceed the
ability of the affected society to cope using its own resources.”
Thus, a disaster may have the following main features:
Unpredictability, Unfamiliarity, Speed, Urgency, Uncertainty, and Threat.
Thus, in simple terms we can define disaster as a hazard causing heavy loss to
life, property and livelihood, e.g. a cyclone killing 10,000 people, or a crop loss
of one crop can be termed as disaster.
Generally, disasters are of two types – natural and manmade. Based on the
devastation, these are further classified into major/minor natural disaster and
major/minor manmade disasters. Some of the disasters are listed in Table 1
Table 1: Types of disaster.
1.3 Risk
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1.4 Vulnerability
1.5 Hazards
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2.1.4 Preparedness
Mitigation and preparedness measures go hand-in-hand for vulnerability
reduction and rapid professional response to disasters.
The Central Government is now in the process of training and equipping 96
specialist search and rescue teams, each team consisting of 45 personnel
including doctors, paramedics, structural engineers, etc.
A 200 bedded mobile hospital, fully trained and equipped is being set up by
the Ministry of Health and attached to a leading Government hospital in Delhi.
The Geographical Information System (GIS) data base is an effective tool for
emergency responders to access information in terms of crucial parameters for
the disaster affected areas.
The Gujarat State Disaster Management Policy [2] considers the understanding
of hazards and disasters, their behavior, and the risks they pose to the community
as fundamental to achieving successful disaster management. Thus, the strategy
for implementing the GSDMP emphasises an integrated approach to disaster
management, covering the following phases of managing disasters as essential
components of any disaster management program: Pre, Impact and Post disaster
In order to carry out the prescribed activities contained within this policy, the
GoG has defined a framework of operation for a set of agencies that play a key
role in disaster management. The GSDMP envisages a DM framework where the
following entities play significant roles:
Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority.
State Relief Commissioner.
Government departments.
District Administration, headed by the District Collector.
Local Authorities, including Municipal Corporations, District, Talukas,
Gram Panchayats etc.
Voluntary agencies, including NGOs.
Public sector, private sector; community.
The implementation framework is based on the premise that disaster
management is not a separate sector or discipline but an approach to solving
problems that facilitates disaster management, harnessing the skills and
resources across stakeholders. Therefore, a key element of the policy framework
is to leverage the resources and capability of existing entities and build new
capabilities, wherever necessary. While for most activities, the implementation
agencies remain the local authorities and Government functionaries, at the state
level, GSDMA provides the overall direction and guidance that keeps the focus
of various entities on disaster management.
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2.3 Mumbai (Metro Polyton City), India Disaster Risk Management profile
India high earthquake risk and vulnerability is evident from the fact that about 59
per cent of India’s land area could face moderate to severe earthquakes. During
the period 2000 to 2010, more than 25000 lives were lost due to major
earthquakes in India, which also caused enormous damage to property and public
infrastructure. All these earthquakes established that major casualties were
caused primarily due to the collapse of buildings.
These emphasise the need for strict compliance of town planning bye-laws
and earthquake resistance building codes in India. These guidelines have been
prepared taking into account an analysis of critical gapes responsible for specific
These guidelines emphasise the need for carrying out the structural safety
audit of existing lifelines structures and other critical structures in earthquake
prone areas, and carrying out selective seismic strengthening and retrofitting.
The earthquake guidelines rest on the following six pillars of seismic safety
for improving the effectiveness of earthquakes management in India.
The following are the 6 pillars:
Earthquake resistant construction of new structures.
Selective seismic strengthening and retrofitting of existing priority
structures and lifeline structures.
Regulation and enforcement.
Awareness and preparedness.
Capacity development of education, training, R & D, capacity building
and documentation.
Emergency response.
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The city of Surat situated in the State of Gujarat in India having population of
more than 4.7 million.
Plague in Surat:
The plague became an issue of global concern. Close to 200 deaths were
linked to the outbreak in Surat. The disease created widespread panic and led to a
mass exodus from the city. Apart from the human tragedy, it was a severe blow
to not only Surat’s economy which suffered a loss of several million rupees
every day, but also to the nation’s economy. The outbreak had an impact on
industrial production, tourism, export, and many other areas. International flights
to India were temporarily suspended, and export of food grains from Surat was
banned. The precipitating factor for the outbreak of plague in Surat was constant
rain which lashed the city for more than two months, and led to flooding and
large-scale water-logging in low-lying areas. The primary reason for this was the
faulty drainage system. Hundreds of cattle and other animals died due to the
flood and water-logging. The floods, in fact, only brought to a crisis point the
dangers inherent in inadequate waste management systems.
Conclusion: This plague taught a lesson to the Municipal Authority, other
related authorities and the general public in the city. Following the plague all the
drainage systems and storm water system were improved. Systems were built for
the solid waste management and cleanliness. The public became aware about the
issues of cleanliness.
The flood management system was introduced; a hydrological contour map
was prepared for the city. Rescue and relief services are put in order.
The careless siting of industry and relatively poor regulatory controls leads to ill-
health in the urban centers. The Bhopal gas tragedy on December 2nd, 1984,
where Union Carbide’s plant leaked 43 tons of methyl isocyanate and other
substances, used in the manufacture of pesticides, is one of the worst industrial
accidents in the recent past. Of the 520,000 people who were exposed to the gas,
8,000 died during the first week and another 8,000 later. The impact on the
survivors is visible even today.
Conclusion: The government of India and respective state government
through their pollution control board have laid down strict regulation and
monitoring system for industries to avoid any such accident. Every industry is
forced to have the safety measures and disaster management plan.
Conservation values:
Largest compact track of dry deciduous forest in the semi-arid western
parts of the country.
Rich biodiversity area supporting large number of species including
several endangered species.
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A lot of the nation’s older teenagers are part of ‘emergency rescue teams’ –
mostly the training goes side by side along with ‘compulsory military training’
programs. I would like to negate student community from search and rescue
since that is a highly specialized job and should be left to professionals.
The basic role of the student, in my opinion, is AWARENESS of what to do
during and after disasters. This would lessen panicking, paranoid and
uncontrollable people running around. Also, knowing what to do when disaster
strikes will also lessen the death toll. Knowing what to do after a disaster, and at
least basic first aid, will enable students to help the authorities in saving lives.
If students are well trained then if there is a disaster they are able to protect
themselves and they can also help others. The student branch is the most well
informed branch of the community. They can spread awareness about disaster
management. In addition, they can form association to help in times of disaster.
Children can help in managing disasters in many ways, and students can help in
rehabilitation and resettlement of victims.
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4 Conclusion
Disasters are inevitable. The fact lies in stating “we must all be prepared to try to
survive the current and the forthcoming disasters.” We cannot rule the nature but
we can at least be watchful and vigilant. The structured and preplanned
preparedness and the healthy response to the disaster will help save the lives.
Our success lies in, as is preached by the great people that existed and exist on
earth “unity and unanimity devoid of discords.”
[1] National Disaster Management Authorities, Government of India.
[2] Gujarat Disaster Management Authority, Ghandinagar.
[3] Disaster Risk Management Profile, Mumbai, India.
[4] Sasikumar K., Dhirendra Bhargava, Disaster Management Plan for GIR:
IGNFA, Dehradun.
[5] Sidhu K.S., Tsunami Rehabilitation Program, Planning Commission, March
18, 2005, Manila.
WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Vol 119, © 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)