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Midwifery Exam Practice

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Midwifery Exam Practice

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1. 1 microgram of 40 7. All of the following are true about B

vitamin D is medical charts except:
equivalent to how A They are legal documents
many B. Skip one line before the
International beginning of each new entry
Units? C. All entries should be dated, timed
and initialed
2. An abnormal cyanosis
D. Draw one straight line through
condition of
any mistake made and write "error"
appearing blue
above it
3. According to Promote a mother's relaxation and
8. Always allows immune cells to Copper
Elizabeth Davis, peace of mind, help promote bonding
multiply and function to resist and
the midwife's most between mother and baby, guarantee a
resolve disease?
basic task is to safe birth with a good outcome and
ensure that the mother's wishes are 9. Anesthesia without feeling
always heeded
10. Antepartum before birth
4. According to 40 mmHg
11. Antioxidant; protects cell Vitamin C
Nursing Health
membranes of phagocytes and
Assessment, what
prevents damage to normal tissue
is considered to
during immune response
be a normal pulse
pressure? 12. Antioxidant; protects phagocytes Vitamin E
and prevents damage to normal
5. According to Skills 20 mmHg
tissue during immune response
for Midwifery,
what is considered 13. Apnea not breathing
to be a normal 14. Appendectomy surgical removal of
pulse pressure? the appendix
6. All of the A 15. Approximately 1/3 of riboflavin is Milk
following are a supplied int he American diet by
normal axillary
16. Are headaches subjective or Subjective
temperature in a
newborn except:
A. 98.2 17. Are sores/blisters in the perineal CD
B. 97.7 area CD or DS?
C. 98.0 18. Are swollen feet and ankles a CD or CD
D. 97.0 DS?
19. Are visual disturbances subjective or Subjective
20. Aseptic Packaging Packaging process
that does not require
refrigeration or
21. Assessments made during labor As soon as they are
should be charted completed
22. Assuming each has the same number A
of calories, which has the greatest
nutrient density?
A. 1 medium fresh orange
B. 3/4 cup orange juice
C. 2 whole wheat crackers
D. 1 slice of white enriched bread
23. At about what rate 2-3 mmHg per secon 35. Compare core Core temperatures refers tot he
should the cuff be temperature and temperature within the brain, the
deflated? peripheral temperature. abdominal and chest organs while
the peripheral temperature is
24. Average energy intake EER
generated by skin and skeletal
recommended for
energy balance and
weight maintenance in 36. Compare systolic and Systolic pressure is when the
adults diastolic pressure arteries contain the maximal
amount of blood pressure while
25. Average intake level that RDA
diastolic pressure is when the
meets or exceeds the
lease amount of blood pressure is
needs of 97-98% of
in the artery
healthy individuals
37. Competency-based D
26. Average intake level that EAR
certification by the
meets the need of half
North American
of all healthy individuals
Registry of Midwives
27. A baby is born without a anencephalic includes all of the
brain. The diagnosis following except:
would be A. Verification of
28. Barrier precautions D character
should be used in all of B. Verification of
the following situations minimum clinical
except: requirements
A. Examining a mother's C. Demonstration of
teeth and mouth required knowledge
B. Cleaning up blood and skills
from a bathroom floor D. A psychological
C. Performing a breast evaluation to ensure an
exam on a lactating applicant is mentally
mother sound
D. Palpating a mother's E. A choice of various
abdomen who's skin is educational pathways
extremely sweaty 38. Component of the Riboflavin
E. Handling the newborn coenzyme FAD
following birth
39. A condition of cystitis
29. Bladder inflammation Uritis decreased urine
30. Bradycardia slow heart 40. A condition of having a thrombopenia
31. By about what week of 7 weeks lack of clotting cells
gestation does the effect (platelets)
on the heart rate begin? 41. condition of having high hyperglycemia
32. By careful and on-going Anticipate potential situations blood sugar
prenatal assessments the during labor and identify normal 42. Credit for the Women's insistence on midwifery
midwife can values, such as blood pressure perseverance of care
and baseline fetal heart rate midwifery as a
33. Carol, your Gravida 1, rest and conserve her energy profession in the US
Para 0 client is in early should be given to
labor. She should be 43. Critical in the synthesis Iodine
encouraged to of thyroid hormones
34. Chromium assists in _____ glucose
44. A deficiency of Edema 56. Difficulty breathing dyspnea
protein can lead
57. Discuss the normal changes in blood There will be a
to a condition
pressure during pregnancy as outlined slight decrease
called _____ in
in Skills for Midwifery Practice during the first
which fluid
semester. Blood
accumulates in
the body's tissue
continues to rise
returning to
45. Define a Apical- When two midwives count the apical prepregnancy
Radial pulse and radial pulse at the same time levels by term
46. Define and The auscultatory gap comes in 5% of 58. Disease of the nerves neuropathy
describe the hypertensive patients during Phase II. It
59. Dr. Sullivan is conducting a clinical trial Double-blind,
auscultatory gap. is a short period of silence during this
to determine if vitamin Z can improve random selection,
test performance of students in an placebo
47. Define blood Blood pressure is the force exerted by introductory college nutrition course. controlled
pressure the blood on the blood vessel walls Dr. Sullivan puts all the students' names
in a hat and draws names to determine
48. Define body Body temperature is the balance
if they will be placed in the control or
temperature. between heat gain and heat loss.
the experimental group. The
49. Define "Core delineate the fundamental knowledge, experimental group receives a capsule
Competencies" skills and behaviors expected of of vitamin Z and the control group a
members of the profession "Sugar pill" that tastes and looks
50. Define Pulse Contraction of the heart causes blood identical to the vitamin Z capsule.
flow forward, which creates a pressure Neither Dr. Sullivan nor the participants
known as a pulse know who is receiving which treatment.
This experiment is best described as:
51. Define The act of breathing, which supplies
respiration oxygen to the body and vital organs and 60. Dystocia Condition of a
eliminates carbon dioxide difficult/abnormal
52. The definition of 1. Has completed a midwifery program
a midwife as recognized in the country in which it is 61. Dysuria condition of
adopted by the located 2.That the midwifery education is painful urination
International based on the ICM Essential 62. Each day Nina power-walks for 45 fatty acids and
Confederation of Competencies for Basic Midwifery minutes. What fuel sources provide glucose
Midwives (ICM) Practice and Global Standards for energy during this activity
includes Midwifery Education 3. Has met
63. English midwives of the seventeenth The Church of
requirements to be legally licensed to
century were licensed by England
practice midwifery
64. excessive vomiting peremesis
53. Delivering babies Medicine became more competitive, and
was historically birth was viewed as a lucrative business 65. Explain how to convert Fahrenheit to Take the degree
viewed as and attending a woman during birth Celsius. in Fahrenheit and
"women's work". ensured an ongoing patient population subtract thirty-
What factors led consisting of the whole family two. Multiply the
men to become difference by 5/9.
interested in The answer is the
attending women degree in Celsius.
in birth?
66. Explain why accurate measurements of Changes in
54. Describe how the The FDA based its calculations on a blood pressure are particularly blood pressure
FDA determines a 2000-calorie diet important during pregnancy can have serious
serving size. consequences for
both the woman
55. Destruction of hemolysis
and baby
67. A fast heart rate tachycardia 75. Genetic modification Changing an
organism's natural traits
68. A female patient has a special X- mammogram
by altering the DNA
ray procedure of the breasts
performed the X-ray image is
called a 76. Glossitis defines inflammation of tongue
69. The first nurse-midwifery service A, B, C
in the US (Select all that apply) 77. Glycemic index the extent to which a
A. was staffed by British trained given food raises
midwives brought to the US by blood glucose and
Mary Breckinridge insulin
B. provided care to families in
78. A Gravida 2, Para 0 client is at 41 The birth is imminent.
remote, mostly primitive areas of
4/7 weeks gestation. She calls to Advise rest
the Kentucky mountains
report that she hasn't felt the
C. had, over the first 25 years of
baby move for several hours. You
service, a maternal mortality rate
see her and find the FHT
of 12 per 10,000, compared to the
consistently 140, even with
national rate of 34 per 10,000 for
vigorous palpation. Fundal height
the same period
measures 37 cm, a drop of 1cm
D. established the first school for
from her exam 5 days ago.
midwives in the US
79. A gravid woman is having genetic amniocentesis
70. The food-borne illness caused by Water that has been
testing done. The physician will
Campylobacter jejuni is associated contaminated with
puncture the uterus to withdraw
with consuming: fecal material
amniotic fluid to be used for
71. A food product containing 95% Organic testing. This procedure is called
organically produced ingredients
80. Having too much water from the polyhydramnios
would be labeled
72. Foods most commonly associated eggs and chicken
81. A hemangioma means A tumor of blood
with Salmonella intoxication are?
73. Four characteristics of a healthful 1. A weight that is
82. Highest intake level of a nutrient UL
weight appropriate for your
thought to be safe
age and physical
development 83. How can chronic alcohol Men and women who
2. A weight that you consumption contribute to poor are alcoholics
can achieve and sustain bone health? experience an
without severely increased loss of
curtailing your food calcium in the urine,
intake or constantly impaired vitamin D
dieting activation, and
3. A weight based on decreased population
your genetic of certain hormones
background and family that enhance bone
history of body shape formation.
and weight 84. How is pulse pressure measured? You measure the pulse
4. A weight that is pressure by getting the
compatible with difference between the
normal blood pressure, systolic blood pressure
lipid levels, and and diastolic blood
glucose tolerance. pressure.
74. Freeze drying Preservation technique 85. Hypothermia low temperature
that rapidly evaporates
86. Hypothyroidism A condition of a
water at low
deficient thyroid
87. Hysterectomy surgical removal 103. Is blood pressure objective
of the uterus subjective or objective?
88. Identify 6 nutrients essential for bone Calcium, vitamin 104. Is cessation of fetal DS
health. D, vitamin K, movement CD or DS?
105. Is constipation CD or CD
magnesium and
106. Is fetal activity Subjective
89. Identify the 4 major mineral salts Sodium,
subjective or objective?
known as electrolytes. potassium,
chloride and 107. Is groin pain while CD
phosphorous walking CD or DS?

90. Important as part of the TPP compound Thiamin 108. Is heartburn a CD or CD

involved in energy metabolism DS?

91. Impulsive, low self-esteem, seeks bulimia nervosa 109. Is Nausea a CD or DS? CD
attention, extroverted, and erratic 110. Is protein in the urine objective
describe personality traits of subjective or objective?
92. An inflamed vein caused by a clot thrombophlebitis 111. Is server pelvic or DS
93. Inflammation of the veins is termed phlebitis abdominal pain CD or
94. IN general, which are the two most Vitamin A and D
toxic fat soluble vitamins? are the most 112. Is vaginal bleeding CD DS
toxic or DS?

95. Intrapartum between birth 113. Is weight gain Objective

subjective or objective?
96. IN what event would carbohydrate Weight lifting
loading be the most beneficial 114. Jackie eats a banana, tuna fish
tuna fish sandwich, dry
97. In which of the following situations A
granola, and a slice of
would a temperature measurement
cheese. Which of these
using a thermometer inserted into the
foods has the highest
sublingual pocket be inappropriate
amount of available
A. A newborn baby being held by his
B. A woman you are examining at her 115. A laboring woman's She feels relaxed and at ease
initial prenatal exam body will function the
C. A coherent woman in labor who has best when
not eaten or drank anything within the 116. A lab report comes hematuria
past 30 minutes back to documenting
98. Irradiation Sterilization numerous erythrocytes
process in which in the urine specimen.
radiation energy The term for this is
is applied to 117. Lay midwifery was first Midwifery has always been legal
foods legalized in Texas in: in Texas
99. Is abdominal pain subjective or subjective 118. List at least three 1. Changes in respirations can be
objective? indications, or reasons the earliest and most sensitive
100. Is a gush of fluid from the vagina a CD CD why you might count indicator of deterioration of well-
or DS respirations? being. 2. It is of significance in the
event of ill health 3. To make sure
101. _____ is a type of mental retardation Cretinism
that breathing patterns are
caused by insufficient iodine during
fetal development.
119. Lymphoma lymphatic tumor
102. Is a "wince" while palpating subjective Objective
or objective?
120. MAde from the amino acid tryptophan Niacin 132. Needed by the liver to Sulfur
detoxify alcohol
121. Maintenance of mucosal surfaces and Vitamin A
differentiation of immune cells 133. A newborn with dyspnea
meconium aspiration
122. MANA helped from which organization? NARM
pneumonia often finds
123. The medical technician who draws blood phlebotomist it difficult or painful to
from a vein for laboratory tests is called breath. The term for
a this is
124. Meningitis refers to inflammation of 134. Nitrates Antibacterial and color enhancer
the membranes used in meats
around the
135. A normal range for an 96.4-100.4
adult oral temperature
125. The midwife visits a postpartum multipara D is:
client on day 3. She complains of
136. A normal range for a 98.7 F - 100.5 F
abdominal pain when nursing. All of the
temporal temperature
following are appropriate remedies
reading is:
A. Frequent urination 137. Oligomenorrhea refers scanty, less than normal menstrual
B. Motrin to flow
C. Cramp bark tincture
138. One cup of water is 240 ml
D. Aspirin
equal to
126. The Midwives Alliance of North America A, B, C, D, E
139. Orchiditis is the term testis
(MANA) was established (select all that
for inflammation of
A. in 1982
B. as an organization supporting all 140. Pasteurization Sterilization process that applies
midwives high temperatures for a short
C. as a school for direct-entry (non- period of time
nurse) midwives 141. Pelvimetry measurement of the pelvis
D. and identified core competencies and
142. Perianal around the rectum
standards for midwives
E. and began certifying direct-entry 143. Pesticides A family of chemicals used to
midwives destroy agents that harm plants
127. Moderate alcohol consumption is One drink per 144. Phosphorus absorption Vitamin D
defined as day for women is enhanced by
and up to two 145. Postpartum after birth
drinks per day
for men 146. Precursors for Essential fatty acids
signaling molecules
128. Multipara a woman that
has had more 147. Pregnant women nocturia
than one frequently complain of
offspring the need to urinate
frequently during the
129. National accreditation of midwifery Midwifery night. The term for this
education programs leading to the Education and is
Certified Professional Midwife credential Accreditation
is through the? Council 148. Primigravida a women who is pregnant for the
first time
130. Necessary for adequate growth factor Protein/energy
which allows immune cells to multiply 149. Probably the best way Provide the mother with a written
of dealing with a document that clearly spells out
131. Necessary for gene expression and Zinc complex issue such as her options, any risks, benefits,
enzyme activation for B and T cell GBS screening or and alternatives, and for the
proliferation VBAC is to mother to indicate her choice(s)
and sign
150. Proper function neutrophils, of T cells, Iron 167. True diabetes is related to all of the following A
and B cells complications except
A. Postpartum hemorrhage
151. Recommended range of caloric intakes AMDR
B. Neonatal respiratory distress
for the energy-yielding nutrients
C. Pre-eclampsia
152. Selenium is part of the ________ Peroxidase D. Oligohydramnios
antioxidant enzyme system E. Neonatal hypoglycemia
153. Solanine is a toxin found in: green potatoes 168. True or False: a diet rich in potassium has been True
154. Sublingual pertaining to shown to help maintain a healthy blood pressure
under the tongue 169. True or False: Alcohol does not require digestion True
155. Supplement used to treat premenstrual B12 before it can be absorbed
syndrome 170. True or False: A normal axillary temperature is True
156. Suprapubic above the pubis approximately .5-1 degree F lower than an oral
157. Surgical removal of an inflamed cholecystectomy
gallbladder containing stones is termed 171. True or False: A temporal artery temperature is True
normally about a degree higher than an oral
158. Surgical suturing of a uterine tube is salpingorrhaphy
172. True or False: A USDA Food Guide serving size is False
159. Tachypnea Fast breathing
comparable to a serving size found on a food label
160. Tactics used to discredit midwives in the A, C, D, E
173. True or False: Cocoa has lower amounts of False
early 20th century included which of
flavonoids per serving than teas and red wines
the following? Select all that apply.
A. Characterizing midwives as slovenly 174. True or False? Direct-entry midwifery is illegal in True
and unclean some states
B. Promoting legislation to standardize 175. True or False: For physical activity to improve False
and broaden midwifery practice general health and fitness each session should be
C. Blaming the high infant and maternal at least 10 minutes without interuption
mortality rates on midwives
176. True or False: Moderate alcohol consumption raises False
D. portraying midwives as "loose"
LDL cholesterol
women, promiscuous and immoral
E. Claims that trying to improve the 177. True or False: One of the main advantages of using False
practices of midwives was impossible a temporal artery thermometer is the many reliable
studies demonstrating the accuracy of this method.
161. Taking vitamin E supplements along anticoagulants
with _____ can cause uncontrollable 178. True or False: Organic farmers cannot use False
bleeding. pesticides
162. T and B cell proliferation; coenzyme for Selenium 179. True or False: Phosphorus deficiencies are rare. True
glutathione peroxidase
180. True or False: The bioavailability of dietary sources False
163. Tapeworms, fluked, and roundworms are helminthes of folate is much greater than supplemental
examples of sources of folate.
164. The term used to describe the strength Amplitude 181. True or False: The presence of amniotic fluid and True
of the pulse, or volume of blood vernix in a newly born infant rules out the use of
flowing through the blood vessel is: the tympanic membrane location for temperature
165. Total arrest and cessation of breathing apnea
is termed 182. True or False: The safety of raw seafood cannot be True
guaranteed, it must be cooked
166. Trace mineral involved in protein, fat, Manganese
and carbohydrate metabolism 183. True or False: When blood volume decreases, blood False
pressure increases
184. The two essential fatty acids are cis
185. The two essentials in Ensure a clear airway and 199. What effect does pregnancy The pulse will raise
stabilization of the newborn warmth have on the maternal heart rate? peaking at 32 weeks
in the first few minutes after then declines during the
birth are: third trimester
186. The two primary co-enzymes Antioxidants 200. What explains why folate is Folate is needed for
in oxidative metabolism are critical to the health of a newly proper cell division.
derived from: conceived embryo?
187. An updated set of nutritional DRI 201. What factor could have sustained Allowing women
reference values that apply the practice of midwifery? access to medical
to healthy people education
188. Vegetarian diets are vitamins B12 and D 202. What is a function of vitamin E? protecting PUFA in cell
associated with increased membranes from
consumption of oxidation
189. What 4 parameters are Rate, rhythm, depth, and 203. what is a good example of PHytochemicals
assessed when quality synergistic action of interact with each other
observing/auscultating phytochemicals? to provide a greater
respirations? summative effect
190. What 5 factors contribute to Cardiac output, peripheral 204. What is an abnormal variation in 20 mmHg systolic
the blood pressure? vascular resistance, blood pressure from one arm to pressure difference and
circulating blood volume, the other arm? 10 mmHg diastolic
viscosity, and elasticity of pressure difference.
vessel walls Hypotension and
191. What abortion technique can Dilation and curettage,
interfere with placental suction and medically- 205. What is an adults average blood 120/80
implantation due to scarring? induced. pressure
192. What affect does pregnancy increase by .5 C 206. What is a normal, average pulse 65-85 beats
have on body temperature? rate in a healthy non-pregnant
adult woman?
193. What are Korotcuff sounds? The Korotcuff sounds are
the blood-pressure phases. 207. What is a normal pulse range in a 60- 100 bpm
healthy non-pregnant adult
194. What are prebiotics? Types of fiber that
beneficial intestinal
bacteria thrive on 208. What is a normal range for a 98.2 F -100F
tympanic membrane
195. What are six factors that hypothyroidism,
cause hypothermia or fever. dehydration,
hyperthyroidism, infection, 209. What is a pre-existing health Diabetes
starvation and hard condition that would make a
exercise woman at high risk for problems
and require hospital birth?
196. What are the causes of the Changes in cardiac output,
effect on the heart rate stroke volume and total 210. What is associated with the A diet that contains
during pregnancy? blood volume development of ketosis? insufficient
197. What are the following are Autonomy, Beneficence,
the four broad principles that Justice and 211. What is a symptom associated nausea and diarrhea
define the ethics of working Nonmaleficence with consuming a megadose of
with or caring for human vitamin C?
212. What is part of the information Your training
198. What are two risks or Low white cell count and that should always be included in
contraindication to taking a Constipation an "informed consent" or choice
rectal temperature? statement when interviewing
prospective clients?
213. What is rich in sources of vitamin C? Green and red 229. What were 1. Religious attitudes that viewed midwives
peppers some factors as a threat and/or as being witches 2.
in the decline Midwives lack of access to education 3.
214. What is the normal average pulse approximately 130
of midwifery Campaign by physicians to discredit
rate for a newborn? bpm
between the midwives 4. Midwives' lack of organization
215. What is the normal pulse range for a between 110 and 16th and 20th 5. The general low status of women in
newborn? 160 bpm centuries society 6. Replacement of midwives with
216. What is the normal range for 10-20 breaths per physicians
respiratory rate in adults? minute 230. What were the Midwives were valued and respected
217. What is the normal range for 40-60 breaths per prevailing members of the community. Midwives were
respiratory rate in newborns? minute attitudes women to be treated with dignity and
towards supported by the community
218. What is the primary iron storage Hemoglobin
midwives in
protein found in the erythrocytes?
the colonial
219. What is the primary symptom of Flushing period of the
niacin toxicity? US?
220. What location for temperature Mouth 231. When an RDA AI
measurement would be most likely has yet to be
to result in the transmission of established,
pathogens? this value
221. What minerals are correctly linked Chromium and type serves as the
with the associated disease risk? 2 diabetes recommended
222. What nutrient increases the Vitamin D intake level
absorption rate of calcium?
232. When does 32 weeks; the heart rate will slightly
223. What organizations offer ACNM and MEAC the effect of decline after the peak
certification for non-nurse midwives? the heart rate
224. What skill is a lost midwifery art? Pelvimetry peek? What
225. What was on way that pregnant By following the
following the
women contributed to the decline of fashionable trend
midwifery in the 18th and 19th to have male
centuries? midwives attend
226. What was the goal of the "midwife A
problem" campaign? Select all that
A. To prevent midwives from
B. To prevent midwives from
C. To determine and set fair fees for
midwifery services
D. To improve obstetric care
E. To raise the status of physicians
227. What was the name of the book Spiritual Midwifery
published in 1975 that had a major
impact on both natural childbirth and
228. What water-soluble vitamin can Vitamin C
regenerate vitamin E after it has
been oxidized?
233. When giving an injection, all of the E 244. Which of the following is not a D
following should be done except contraindication for obtaining an oral
A. Press the plunger to remove any air temperature?
from the syringe A. A person who just smoked a cigarette
B. Draw back on the plunger after B. A person experiencing nausea or vomiting
inserting into tissue to make sure you C. A person who is asleep
are not in a vein before injecting the D. A person who is a nose breather
245. Which of the following is required on a food B
C. Inject the medication slowly
D. Draw the needle out quickly
A. Potassium (mg/serving)
E. Recap the needle
B. Calcium (mg/serving)
F. Dispose of needle and syringe in a
C. Magnesium (mg/serving)
"sharps" box
D. Processed sugar (mg/serving)
234. Which blood protein transports copper? albumin
246. Which of the following is the BEST source of Whole
235. Which dietary tool requires both training Diet records thiamin? grains
of the client as well as explicit take-
247. Which of the following is true about iron? heme iron
home instructions to the client?
is more
236. Which food should be avoided in non-fat milk easily
galactosemia? absorbed
237. Which nutrient requires intrinsic factor cyanocobalamin 248. Which of the following should not be E
for absorption? included in your client's chart?
A. A complete record of all her prenatal
238. Which of the following are necessary C
exams, including refusal or agreement to
factors in obtaining an accurate axillary
recommended procedures
temperature? Select all that apply:
B. Notes concerning any consultation with
A. No mouth breathing during
another healthcare provider
C. The date, time and notes from any phone
B. Maintaining good skin contact
conversations between you and your client
C. Must be left in place an adequate
D. Any email correspondence between you
amount of time
and your client
D. Wait at least 30 minutes following
E. None of the above is a correct answer
249. Which of the following snacks will have the A
239. Which of the following can cause an C and D
highest satiety value, assuming the calories
inaccurate reading when using a
and relative size are similar?
temporal thermometer? Select all that
A. slice of whole-grain bread
B. piece of cheese
A. Moving the thermometer too quickly
C. glass of whole milk
B. Breaking contact with the skin
D. glass of skim milk
C. Presence of sweat
D. Wearing a hat or wig 250. Which of the following statements are true B, C
about midwifery and childbirth, up until the
240. Which of the following decreases the oxalic acid
mid-1900s (select all that apply)
absorption of zinc and iron
A. "traditional" midwives continued to pass on
241. Which of the following foods is a source Eggs their knowledge via apprenticeship
of complete proteins? B. birth moved from taking place primarily in
242. Which of the following foods is the Salmon the home to primarily in the hospital
richest source of omega-3 fatty acids? C. some health departments provided training
of midwives by public health nurses
243. Which of the following is NOT a cause D
D. Fewer physicians and the higher birth rate
of hypothermia?
(1950s "baby boom") led to acceptance of
A. Hypothyroidism
midwives and hospital privileges for CNMs.
B. Hypoglycemia
C. Starvation
D. Stress
251. Which of the following statements E 262. Who is the only direct care The mother
concerning cleanliness and universal provider for the fetus
precautions is not correct? during pregnancy
A. You should always wash your hands
263. Why is informed consent Increased awareness may
prior to handling the newborn at a
not obtained prior to alter normal respiratory
postpartum visit
counting respirations? pattern
B. When washing hands you should
remove any rings or jewelry with rough 264. Why is it NOT necessary to By taking all of the essential
edges and clean beneath your nails eat all essential amino amino acids at one meal you
C. Always wear clean clothes to a birth acids at one meal? make the different
D. Gloves should be worn when drawing transporting sites get on ekind
blood and collecting vaginal cultures of amino acid and not the
E. Wearing gloves is an acceptable other. Also, it can be toxic to
alternative to hand washing the body to take a lot of
amino acids at once.
252. Which of the following supplements protein
would you recommend a vegan add to 265. A woman has become salpingitis
his/her diet sterile due to chronic
inflammation of her uterine
253. Which physiological trigger will result int low glucose
tubes from frequent
he sensation of hunger? levels
infection with sexually
254. Which term defines painful joints? Arthritis transmitted diseases. This
tubal inflammation is
255. Which three minerals are cofactors of copper, zinc
the superoxide dismutase enzyme and maganese
complex? 266. A woman who has given primiparous
birth once
256. Which two of the following are potential B and C
risks associated with obtaining a pulse 267. A woman who has never nulliparous
measurement? given birth
A. Macular bleeding when using the
268. The World Health over or equal to 140/90
temporal artery
Organization and Institute
B. Obstruction of blood flow to the brain
for Health and Clinical
if both carotid arteries are palpated
Excellence define
hyptertension as:
C. Vagal (parasympathetic) stimulation
causing bradycardia if carotid sinus is 269. Yogurt is tolerated better Bacteria in yogurt help digest
palpated than milk by many lactase- the lactose
D. Clot formation if the popliteal artery deficient people because:
is used 270. You are assisting a client in Flush your eyes with water
257. Which type of studies are most epidemiological labor. Her membranes and wash your face as soon
commonly used as evidence for the rupture suddenly and as possible
benefits of phytochemicals? splash your face and eyes.
You should
258. While listening to Carla's apical pulse Sinus
you note that her heart rate varies with arrhythmia 271. You are counting the pulse Irregular
respiration, speeding up during of your new client who is
inhalation and slowing during expiration. at 12 weeks gestation. You
This is called note each pulse occurs
with a varies interval
259. white blood cells leukocytes
between beats. You
260. Who authored the book "Spiritual Ina May Gaskin describe the rhythm of her
Midwifery"? pulse as:
261. Who is most likely to be vitamin B12 Vegan
272. You have been having chronic pains in Gastroenterologist 277. Your Gravida 3, Para 1 client at 16 weeks Morning
your upper abdomen and your gestation complains of occasional nausea, sickness with
physician refers you to a specialist in fatigue, mild "crampy" feelings. She denies poor
diseases of the digestive tract called a any bleeding or other vaginal discharge appetite
and has no other complaints. Vitals signs
273. You notice the phrase "Builds strong A structure-
are all normal, she has gained 2 lbs since
bones" on a food package. What type function claim
her last visit, and her fundus is
of labeling claim is this an example
approximately midway between the pubic
bone and her umbilicus. Her urine check
274. Your 17 year old client's mother drops A shows the following: Protein= trace,
by your office. She wants to know if Glucose=negative, Blood = negative,
her daughter's lab test results are Nitrates= positive, Ketones= trace,
back so she will know if she is anemic. Leukocytes= trace, You suspect:
You should:
278. Your mother is having her uterus surgically hysterectomy
A. Explain you can only give the
removed along with her ovaries. Removal
results to her daughter
of ovaries is called
B. Give the results to your client's
mother since your client is a minor
C. Give your client's lab results to her
mother since it is in the best interests
of your client
D. Leave your client's chart lying open
so her mother can read it
275. Your 37 week client's membranes have B
been ruptured for 24 hours with no
sign of labor. Her GBS test was
positive. When determining the best
course of action you must take
several important things into
consideration. Which of the following
is the least important item to
A. Your assessment of the current
health status of the mother
B. How your actions may possibly
affect the other midwives in your
C. Parent's choice in whether or not ot
transfer care to a hospital for
D. Your assessment of the current
health status or condition of the baby
276. Your gravida 2, para 1 client calls you Order an
at 26 weeks to report light bleeding. ultrasound
The first thing you should do is: immediately

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