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Anatomy & Physiology - Male Reproductive System

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Anatomy & Physiology - Male Reproductive System

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1. 2 cylindrical masses of erectile tissue on corpora 22. FSH stands for this follicle-
anterior surface of the penis cavernosa stimulating
2. 2 functions of the gonads 1) secrete sex
hormones, 2) 23. gonads produce these gametes
produce sex
24. in males, FSH primarily targets these nurse cells of
3. 200-300 wedge-shaped compartments lobules seminiferous
in the testes tubules
4. accessory sex organs all genitalia 25. isolated portion of the peritoneum that tunica
except the lost its connection with the peritoneal vaginalis
gonads cavity after the testes descended and
inguinal canal closed
5. an adult male forms about this number 400 million
of sperm per day 26. layer of smooth muscle that is responsible dartos muscle
for wrinkling the scrotal skin
6. aka vas deferens aka ductus
deferens 27. LH stands for this luteinizing
7. bands of skeletal muscle that extend cremaster
inferiorly from the internal oblique muscles 28. location of testes inside of
muscles of the trunk and are responsible scrotum
for elevating the testes divided into
left and right
8. comma-shaped organ that arches over epididymis
the posterior and lateral side of the
testis 29. luteinizing hormone is secreted by the pituitary
9. condition where one or both testes have cryptorchidism
not descended by the time of birth 30. male gametes sperm
10. connects the rete testis to the efferent ductules 31. male gonads testes
32. messenger molecules that travel through hormones
11. the corpora cavernosa diverge at their crura of the the bloodstream to signal various
bases forming this penis physiological responses in specific target
12. cryptorchidism occurs in approximately 3%
this percent of normal births 33. network of the testis rete testis
13. dense layer of connective tissue deep tunica albuginea 34. normal sperm count 20-100 million
of the tunica vaginalis per mL of
14. divides the scrotum into left and right septum of the
halves scrotum 35. nurse cells in the seminiferous tubules FSH and
require these hormones to promote testosterone
15. each lobule contains 1-4 coiled
tubules 36. paired structures extending from spermatic
abdominopelvic cavity to the testes, which cords
16. each testicle is partially enclosed by this tunica vaginalis
encloses the vas deferens, blood vessels,
serous sac
nerves, and lymphatic vessels that supply
17. each testis lies in a separate chamber scrotal cavity the testes
called a __________
37. primary sex organs gonads
18. enlarged area of the ductus deferens ampulla of the
38. protrusions of visceral tissues or organs inguinal
just before it reaches the prostate ductus deferens
into the inguinal canal hernias
19. female gametes ovum
39. raised thickening in the scrotal surface raphe
20. female gonads ovaries partioning the scrotum
21. formation of sperm spermatogenesis
40. reason testes are located in scrotum sperm cannot be 61. waxy secretion from glands in the neck of smegma
outside of the abdominopelvic cavity produced at 37.0 the penis and the inner surface of the
C, so scrotum is 3 prepuce
C cooler
62. when the duct of the epididymis is uncoiled 20 feet
41. sac of skin and superficial fascia thar scrotum it is over ______ long
hangs inferiorly external to the
63. where spermatogenesis occurs within the
abdominopelvic cavity at the root of
the penis
42. secrete smegma preputial glands
64. where sperm matures epididymis
43. secretion of testosterone is controlled luteinizing
65. where the head of the sperm is completed duct of the
by hormone
and all of the body and tail are formed epididymis
44. seminiferous tubules of each lobule straight tubules
66. "white coat", fibrous capsule of the testicle tunica
converge posteriorly to form these
45. the septa of the tunica albuginea lobules
subdivides the testis into these
46. serous membrane that lines the inside parietal layer of
of the scrotum the tunica
47. serous membrane that lines the visceral layer of
outside of the testicles the tunica
48. sex cells gametes
49. sex organs genitalia
50. sex organs are divided into _________ primary and
and __________ organs accessory sex
51. spermatogenesis takes approximately 75 days
this long from spermatogonium to full
52. sperm is created in the seminiferous straight tubules
tubules and travels through the ________ and rete testis
and then the _______ to arrive in the
53. the sperms journey through the 20 days
epididymis takes around this long
54. sperm stem cells spermatogonia
55. spherical clusters of interstitial cells Leydig cells
that secrete androgens
56. surgical removal of the prepuce circumcision
57. surgical removal of the testes orchiectomy
58. surrounds the penile urethra corpus
59. tubular organ through which the distal penis
portion of the urethra passes
60. typical ejaculation volume 2-5 mL

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