Reproductive Histology-Lab Fin
Reproductive Histology-Lab Fin
Reproductive Histology-Lab Fin
Spermatids ---->
Expansion of corpora
cavernosa which
compresses venules
against tunica albuginea
which then compresses
larger veins that drain from 2 dorsal masses- corpora cavernosa
corpora cavernosa. 1 ventral mass- corpous spongiosum
Corpora cavernosa
42. The ______ is the Vas deferens (60cm)
longest part of the
male duct system,
38. The _____ separates both Basement membrane
and is a direct
functional and antomical
continuation of the
compartments in the male
tail of the
and female.
39. The ______ are small 23
43. The ______ zone Periurethral zone
X or 23 Y 1d (DNA) that
contains mucosal
do not go through further
and submucosal
division but differentiate
glands. In later
into spermatozoa.
BPH, this zone may
growth but mainly
from stromal
Causes increased
Spermatids urethral
compression and
urine retention.
44. The _______ is 47. The _______ zone of the Peripheral zone
a crescent- prostate occupies posterior
shaped organ and lateral parts of the
that consists of gland and makes up 70% of
the efferent the glandular tissue.
ductuls, vessels,
smooth muscle This is the most susceptible
and connective to inflammation and where
tissue. 64% of cancers originate.
Functions? Palpable on rectal exam.
48. The _______ zone Central zone
surrounds ejaculatory
ducts and constitutes 25% of
Epididymis- highly coiled tube 4-6 meters glandular tissue.
Resistant to carcinoma and
Function: transport sperm, reabsorb fluid, inflmmation, accounts for
place of sperm maturation, storage for only 2.5% of cancers, but
matured sperm. they are really aggressive.
Pseudostratified epithelium
58. The
Rete testis
is a paired,
54. The ________ posses Basal cells elongated, highly
little cytoplasm and coiled tubular
serve as stem cells gland located on
55. The _________ form Tight junctions the posterior
the blood testis barrier, wall of the
creating a physiologic Fluid in the semineferous tubules urinary bladder.
division within the and ducts differ from that of blood
seminiferous plasma and lymph.
epithelium with respect
to ionic, amino acid, Separates antigenic haploid germ
carbohydrate and cells from the immune system. Seminal vesicles
1) Spermatocytogenesis (mitosis)-
mitosis of spermatogonia to replace
themselves and differentiate into
primary spermatocytes.
Pink with a dark nucleolus, cell boundary
2) Spermatocyte phase (meiosis)- not well defined, tall columnar or
primary spermatocytes go through 2 pyramidal in shape.
meiotic divisions--> 4 haploid cells 84. What do Sertoli Estrogen- needed for spermatogenesis
cells secrete Inhibin- provides negative feedback on
3) Spermiogenesis- spermatids (endocrine and FSH release
transform to spermatazoa exocrine)? MIF- inhibits female reproductive organ
1 mitosis, 2 meiosis. Growth factors- maintain the number of
80. What are the two 1) Reproduction spermatagonia.
functions of the male 2) Production of male hormones Androgen-binding protein
reproductive system. (reproduction and male secondary
sex characteristics) Exocrine- fluid and ABP
85. What do Sertoli Inhibin
cells secrete to
inhibit release of
86. What does Converts testosterone and adrenal
5alpha- androgens to DHT which stimulates the
reductase do in growth of normal prostatic epthielium
the prostate? and proliferation and growth of BPH and
prostate cancer.
87. What does Made in Sertoli cells, it binds to 96. What is the
androgen-binding testoterone making it more arrangement of blood
protein do? Where is hydrophilic, helping it build up in the vessels in the testis to
it made? lumen (200x that of blood level). achieve regulated
88. What factors affect 1) Temperatures/Hormones
spermatogenesis? 2) dietary deficiencies, fever and
infections, steroid hormones or
sythentic estrogens, toxic agents
(mutagenic agents)
89. What happens to the Muscle becomes thinner,
layers of muscle in longitudinal layers disappear near
the ampulla of the entrance to ejaculatory duct.
vas deferens?
Testicular artery- highly convoluted
90. What happens to the Thickening, which reduces sperm
and surrounded by the
tunic propria with production and the size of the
pampiniform venous plexus. This
age? seminiferous tubules.
way, cooler venous blood cools the
arterial blood.
Thickening earlier in life associated
with infertility.
There is thick smooth muscle
91. What is When one or both testis fail to around veins to pump against
cryptorchidism? descend- risk for infertility and gravity.
testicular cancer
97. What is the ductus
92. What is CYP11A1- epididymis lined
what stimulates with? What is the
this? lumen like?
Pseudostratified columnar
CYP11A1 is the enzyme in the rate epithelium- tall (sterocilia) which
limiting step of converting are long and NONMOTILE- for
cholesterol to Progesterone. absorption.
Simple columnar
What controls
the secretory