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Reproductive Histology-Lab Fin

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Reproductive Histology-Lab final

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1. ______ are the first cells of 6. During

speramtogenesis. They are spermiogenesis,
large, round or ellipsoid. there is NO
replication, only
____n, XY remodeling.

Spermatids ---->


46 (2n), XY, 2d DNA

Always in contact with Spermatids---> spermatozoa

basal lamina!
7. During the Luteal phase
2. ______ promotes growth and Testosterone- "male brain" _____ phase of
maintenance of male growth and maintenance the cycle, LH Progesterone provides negative feedback
accessory sex glands and of secondary male stimulates to hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to
genital excurrent ducts, and characteristics, male secretion of inhibit FSH and LH.
________ is important for behavior, anabolic and progesterone.
the formation of the external metabolic processes. What does this
genitalia. do?
DHT- external genitalia
8. Each testis is 250 lobules
3. __________ is sensitive to Seminiferous epithelium divided into
elevated temperature and will (besides spermatagonia) ______ lobules
be adversely affected. The by incomplete
ideal internal temperature in 2 degrees C below connective-tissue
the scrotum is ________ septa that project
from the capsule
4. Both males and females Androstenedione and
produce androgen and testosterone are estrogen 9. Erectile tissue is
estrogen, ____ and ____ are precursors. made up of ____
prescursors for estrogen. dorsal masses,
______ ventral
5. Describe the CNS stimulation Parasympathetic-->
masses, and what
required to cause penile relaxation of travecular
erection. smooth muscle and
dilation of helicine arteries

Expansion of corpora
cavernosa which
compresses venules
against tunica albuginea
which then compresses
larger veins that drain from 2 dorsal masses- corpora cavernosa
corpora cavernosa. 1 ventral mass- corpous spongiosum

Sympathetic--> contraction Tunica albuginea, a dense fibroelastic

of smooth muscle and layer that binds the three together.
heicine arteries, decrease
the blood flow--> reduce
blood pressure in erectile
tissue--> veins open and
drain blood
10. FSH and LH both have Hypothalmus to prevent GnRH 15. In females, FSH activates
negative feedback that secretion which cells? What do they
acts on what organ? secrete?
What hormone is
11. GnRH is secreted by Secreted by hypothalmus
what endocrine
organ? Where does it Acts on pituitary to release FSH
act? and LH
12. How does Viagra Selective inhibitor of cGMP-specific
work? phosphodiesterase which is
responsible for degradation of
cGMP in the corpus cavernosum-
doesn't work when there is an FSH- activates granulosa
impaired parasympathetic nerve cells.
Secretes inhibin and
Invented by Tulane professor. converts testosterone to
13. How many layers of
smooth muscle in the 16. In females, increased estrogen Hypothalmus and
vas deferens? Which secretion provides negative or anterior pituitary
are circular, which positive feedback on which
longitudinal? organs? What does it depend Depends on stage of
on? ovarian cycle.
17. In females, LH stimulates LH acts on theca cells to
which cells? What do they secrete testosterone.
18. In males androgens are Sertoli cells- aromatase
produced by interstital cells (CYP19)
and then move into ____
where they are converted to
3 layers of smooth muscle- but estradiol by _____
lumen is not smooth.
19. In males, FSH and Sertoli cells- estrogen and
testosterone activate which inhibin
Inner and outer- longitudinal and
cells? What do they secrete?
middle layer- circular and thick 20. In males, increased Hypothalmus to decrease
testosterone negatively frequency and amplitude
14. In females, androgens Granulosa cells- aromatase
feedbacks to which organs? of GnRH
are produced in the
theca interna and
Anterior pituitary to
move into ______
inhibit release of LH.
where they are
converted to estradiol 21. In males, LH stimulates which LH stimulates Leydig
by ___ cells? cells to secrete
22. In spermatogenesis, the most Immature- basal lamina
immature cells rest on ______
and the most mature cells are Mature (spermatids)-
found ______. attached to the apical
portion of the Sertoli cells
at the lumen of the tubule.
23. In the efferent 28. LH stimulates _______, FSH LH- stimulates Leydig to
ductules, there is and testoserone stimulate secrete testosterone
a layer of ________
_____________ FSH and Testosterone
interspersed activate Sertoli cells to
with elastic induce spermatogenesis
fibers which aid and secrete estrogen, ABP,
the ciliary action MIF, and growth factors.
to transport
29. LH stimulates which side- CYP11A1
chain cleavage enzyme?
30. Meiosis and spermiogenesis Luminal compartment
take place in which
Circular smooth muscle
31. Prostate cancer is the most 1:6
24. In the straight common non-skin cancer in
tubules (tubuli American men. The risk is 1:36 die
recti), the initial ________.
segments are peripheral zone- can be
lined only by 1 in _____ will die of prostate detected with PSA.
_________, but cancer, which usually
near their develops in the ___ zone, and
termination, they does not impinge on urethra
are lined by to produce symptoms.
32. PSA is a serine protease that <4ng/mL
is used as a tumor marker,
what is the normal amount? high sicrulating levels can
Initial segments are Sertoli cells
indicate prostate cancer or
prostatis, BPH.
Near termination- Simple cuboidal
epithelium 33. Secretion from the _____ Bulbourethral glands
gland is clear mucus like pre-
25. In what part of Inside the convoluted seminiferous
seminal fluid that lubricates
the testis does tubules
the urethra for sperm to pass
take place? 250 lobules (1-4 tubules/lobule)
400-600 of these in each testis
It also neutralizes acidic
26. Inhibin secreted Pituitary- to inhibit FSH secretion urine and flushes out urine or
by Sertoli cells foreign mater.
acts on what
34. Sertoli cells are activated by FSH (and also
organ? What
_____ which is released from testosterone) from
does it inhibit?
the ______ pituitary.
27. Interstitial
connective-tissue adenohypophysis
stroma between
35. Sperm (spermatogenesis) and Testes
the convoluted
androgens (steroidogenesis)
tubules contains
are produced where? 95% in the testes
_____ cells that
What percentage of 5% produced in adrenal
are involved in
testosterone is made here? glands

Leydig (interstitial) cells

36. Tall columnar cells have 40. The ______ gland
_____ and short cells surrounds the
have _______ urethra just below
the bladder and
can be felt during a
rectal exam. It is
the largest
accessory male

Tall- cilia (function:

41. The ______ is a
Short- microvilli (function: pair of sponge-like
absorb) regions of erectile
tissue containing
37. Testis H&E stain
most of the blood
during erection.
Lots of vascular
spaces lined with
surrounded by
smooth muscle and
supplied by a
central artery.

Corpora cavernosa
42. The ______ is the Vas deferens (60cm)
longest part of the
male duct system,
38. The _____ separates both Basement membrane
and is a direct
functional and antomical
continuation of the
compartments in the male
tail of the
and female.
39. The ______ are small 23
43. The ______ zone Periurethral zone
X or 23 Y 1d (DNA) that
contains mucosal
do not go through further
and submucosal
division but differentiate
glands. In later
into spermatozoa.
BPH, this zone may
growth but mainly
from stromal

Causes increased
Spermatids urethral
compression and
urine retention.
44. The _______ is 47. The _______ zone of the Peripheral zone
a crescent- prostate occupies posterior
shaped organ and lateral parts of the
that consists of gland and makes up 70% of
the efferent the glandular tissue.
ductuls, vessels,
smooth muscle This is the most susceptible
and connective to inflammation and where
tissue. 64% of cancers originate.
Functions? Palpable on rectal exam.
48. The _______ zone Central zone
surrounds ejaculatory
ducts and constitutes 25% of
Epididymis- highly coiled tube 4-6 meters glandular tissue.
Resistant to carcinoma and
Function: transport sperm, reabsorb fluid, inflmmation, accounts for
place of sperm maturation, storage for only 2.5% of cancers, but
matured sperm. they are really aggressive.

45. The _______ is 49. The _______ zone Transitional zone

a mass of spongy surrounds the proximal
tissue prostatic urethra and
surrounding the comprises 5% of the
penile urethra. glandular tissue. Contains
The function in mucosal glands.
an erection is to
prevent Responsible for 34% of
compression of prostate cancers and BPH-
the urethra to which can contribute to
maintain difficult urination.
channel for 50. The ________ are larger
ejaculation. than spermatogonia,
Remains pliable spherical/ovoid and some
Corpous spongeiosum
during erection. chromosome may be visible.
46. The _______ is They go through meisis.
an extension of
the abdominal
covering the
anterolateral Tunica vaginalis
Primary Spermatocytes- look
surface of the
for visible chromosome!

Pass through the junctional

complex between adjoining
sertoli cells into the luminal

Meiosis I to produce two

haploid secondary
51. The ________ are Secondary spermatocytes- 56. The _________
rarely seen in immediately enter and complete is essential for
histological meitoic division and are rarely synhronous
preparations. Smaller seen. development of
than primary each clone from
spermatocytes. 23 X or Result of Meiosis II--> four an original pair
23 Y haploid spermatids. of
52. The ________ is an
However, it is
inward extension of
left behind with
thickened tunica
the residual
albuginea in the
body when
posterior portion of the
spermatozoa are
Cytoplasmic bridge
57. The
connect the rete
testis to the
portion of the
Mediastinum testis
53. The ________ is the What are their
network of function? What
interconnecting kind of cells?
channels in the highly
vascular connective
tissue of the
mediastinum testis.
Efferent ductules- transport sperm toward
epididymis and re-absorb fluid secreted
into the seminiferous tubules.

Pseudostratified epithelium
58. The
Rete testis
is a paired,
54. The ________ posses Basal cells elongated, highly
little cytoplasm and coiled tubular
serve as stem cells gland located on
55. The _________ form Tight junctions the posterior
the blood testis barrier, wall of the
creating a physiologic Fluid in the semineferous tubules urinary bladder.
division within the and ducts differ from that of blood
seminiferous plasma and lymph.
epithelium with respect
to ionic, amino acid, Separates antigenic haploid germ
carbohydrate and cells from the immune system. Seminal vesicles

What else do they do?

59. The 63. The glands have
____________ what three
is the dense layers?
tissue capsule
covering the

Inner mucosal layer

Tunica albuginea Intermediate submucosal layer
Periopheral layer containing main
60. The anterior prostatic glands (ducts that open into
____ of the prostatic sinuses)
nucleus is
covered by the 64. The rete testis is
Anterior 2/3 of the nucleus lined by
Where is it ________ with
Derived from accumulation of material in a single apical
derived from?
the Golgi cilium and a few
short apical
Used as an "enzyme drill" microvilli.
61. The average 3ml per ejaculate
ejaculate is 10% sperm, 90% seminal fluid
____ml made
up of what 100 million sperm/ml
percentage of
sperm and 20% sperm abnormal, 25% immotile.
semianl fluid? Simple cuboidal or low columnar
How many
sperm/ml? 65. The secretions Seminal vesicles
from _______
62. The efferent is a viscous
ductules are white/yellow
lined by what? that makes up
What is the 60% of the
lumen like? seminal fluid. It
is expelled in the
second fraction
of ejaculate to
wash out sperm
from the
ejaculatory duct
and dilute the
thick mass of
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium- sperm.
tall (cilia) and short (microvilli)
Fluid is alkaline
Lumen is irregular to neutralize
vaginal fluid
66. The secretions from Prostate gland 72. This layer of the Fibromuscular stroma
_______ is the first prostate
ejaculatory fraction that occupies the
contains most of the anterior surface
spermatozoa. It is a thin, and is composed
milky, slightly alkaline fluid of dense
that constitutes 25% of the irregular
seminal fluid. connective
tissue with large
67. There are 1-4 ______ in each
amounts of
lobule, which connect with
smooth muscle.
the rete testis through short
straight tubules called 73. What are Prostate sand- appear in sections as
_______ prostatic lamellated bodies and can become
concretions or partially calcified.
amylacea? Increase with age >50.
74. What are the 3 Type A dark (Ad)- void with intensely
types of basophilic cytoplasm. Stem cells that
spermatogonia? make more type Ad or Ap
differentiates Type A pale-(Ap) ovoid nuclei with lightly
Convoluted seminiferous them? What do staining, fine granular chromotin,
tubules they form? committed to making sperm.

Tubuli recti Type B- sphereical nuclei with condensed

clumps of chromatin- differentiate into
68. These hormones are FSH- targets estrogen
primary spermatocytes.
glycoproteins with alpha and (inside basement
B subunits, released in membrane) and 75. What are the
response to GnRH. protein/peptide hormone four phases of
production Spermiogenesis?
Sertoli/granulosa cells

LH- targets androgen

production (outside
Leydig/theca cells 1) Golgi phase
2) Cap phase
69. These type of cells do not Sertoli cells- phagocytose
3) Acrosome phase
replicate after puberty, but the unneeded cytoplasm of
4) Maturation phase
help support spermatogenic the developing sperm and
cells. those that fail to 76. What are the
differentiate four zones of the
70. This gland is the size of a pea Bulbourethral gland
and is located in the "Cowper's"
urogenital diaphragm.
71. This hormone is a GnRH- transported to
decapeptide that is released anterior pituitary to bind
from the hypothalamus in a BnRH receptors on the
pulsatile fashion. basophil that simulates
synthesis and release of
Males- 8-10 pulses/day FSH and LH.
Females- depends on cycle
1) periurethral zone
2) transitional zone
3) central zone
4) peripheral zone
77. What are the Usually benign 81. What cells
symptoms of a Leydig synthesize and
tumor? When does it Occurs in childhood and between secrete
occur? 20-60 years old testosterone in
response to LH.
Symptoms: Testicular enlargement, They occur in
early puberty (in boys) or small clusters in
feminization and gynecomastia in the interstital
males. between
78. What are the three 1) Seminal vesicle
glands of the male 2) Prostate
reproductive system, 3) Bulbourethral glands (Cowper's)
their function?
Leydig cells- cytoplasmic is acidophilic
Function is secretions to nurture
with lots of sER and lipid droplets.
sperm and facilitate transport
Nucleus is large and round.
79. What are the three
82. What defines the Mucosa similar to vas deferens but no
phases of
ejaculatory duct muscularis layer.

How many mitotic 83. What do Sertoli

divisions? Meiotic? cells look like?

1) Spermatocytogenesis (mitosis)-
mitosis of spermatogonia to replace
themselves and differentiate into
primary spermatocytes.
Pink with a dark nucleolus, cell boundary
2) Spermatocyte phase (meiosis)- not well defined, tall columnar or
primary spermatocytes go through 2 pyramidal in shape.
meiotic divisions--> 4 haploid cells 84. What do Sertoli Estrogen- needed for spermatogenesis
cells secrete Inhibin- provides negative feedback on
3) Spermiogenesis- spermatids (endocrine and FSH release
transform to spermatazoa exocrine)? MIF- inhibits female reproductive organ
1 mitosis, 2 meiosis. Growth factors- maintain the number of
80. What are the two 1) Reproduction spermatagonia.
functions of the male 2) Production of male hormones Androgen-binding protein
reproductive system. (reproduction and male secondary
sex characteristics) Exocrine- fluid and ABP
85. What do Sertoli Inhibin
cells secrete to
inhibit release of
86. What does Converts testosterone and adrenal
5alpha- androgens to DHT which stimulates the
reductase do in growth of normal prostatic epthielium
the prostate? and proliferation and growth of BPH and
prostate cancer.
87. What does Made in Sertoli cells, it binds to 96. What is the
androgen-binding testoterone making it more arrangement of blood
protein do? Where is hydrophilic, helping it build up in the vessels in the testis to
it made? lumen (200x that of blood level). achieve regulated
88. What factors affect 1) Temperatures/Hormones
spermatogenesis? 2) dietary deficiencies, fever and
infections, steroid hormones or
sythentic estrogens, toxic agents
(mutagenic agents)
89. What happens to the Muscle becomes thinner,
layers of muscle in longitudinal layers disappear near
the ampulla of the entrance to ejaculatory duct.
vas deferens?
Testicular artery- highly convoluted
90. What happens to the Thickening, which reduces sperm
and surrounded by the
tunic propria with production and the size of the
pampiniform venous plexus. This
age? seminiferous tubules.
way, cooler venous blood cools the
arterial blood.
Thickening earlier in life associated
with infertility.
There is thick smooth muscle
91. What is When one or both testis fail to around veins to pump against
cryptorchidism? descend- risk for infertility and gravity.
testicular cancer
97. What is the ductus
92. What is CYP11A1- epididymis lined
what stimulates with? What is the
this? lumen like?

Pseudostratified columnar
CYP11A1 is the enzyme in the rate epithelium- tall (sterocilia) which
limiting step of converting are long and NONMOTILE- for
cholesterol to Progesterone. absorption.

Stimulated by LH Lumen is regular

93. What is fibrinolysin Breaks down clot (fibrin-degrading 98. What is the effect of Negative feedback on Leydig cells
and where is it enzyme) to release motile sperm increased estrogen to inhibit testosterone production.
made? inside the female tract. secretion by Sertoli
Prostate gland- also produces
99. What is the effect of Negative feedback on pituitary
clotting enzymes that act on
increased and/or hypothalmus to inhibit
testosterone? release of pituitary hormones
94. What is one Within a year, 60-70% of men (FSH/LH)
complication from develop anti-sperm antibodies
vasectomy? because the sperm leak from vas
95. What is PAP? Prostatic acid phosphatase- found in
metastatic prostate cancer, used to
monitor progression until PSA test.
100. What is the 106. What is the Surgery, radiation, and hormone therapy.
female treatment for
homologue of prostate GnRH agonist that suppress testosterone,
the Leydig cells? cancer? but can lead to recurrance and death.
107. What kind of
Sertoli cells?
cells line the vas

Stereociliated pseudostratified columnar

Leydig- granulosa
epithelium and basal cells.

Sertoli- theca 108. What kind of

cells make up
101. What is the Pseudostratified columnar epithelium that
most common contains clumbs of tall and short cells,
type of giving the lumen surface a wavy outline.
epithelium in
the male
102. What is the Fructose- energy for sperm
principal Prostaglandin- contraction of female
constituent of reproductive tracts
seminal vesicle Fibrinogen- precursor to fibrin to form
fluid? What else clot Complex stratified epthelium containing:
is present? 1) Sertoli cells (supporting cells)
Mucus, flavins, lipofuscine, enzymes, 2) Spermatogenic cells
vitamin C.
109. What kind of
103. What is the Tail- reservoir for mature sperm epithelium is
purpose of the found in the
tail of the 3 layers of smooth muscle, only contract bulbourethral
epididymis? during ejaculation! gland?
How is it
arranged? What kind of
104. What is the
Controlled by
homologue of
the male
Simple columnar epithelium

Compound tubuloalveolar glands

Follicle Under control of testosterone

105. What is the alpha- blockers to relax smooth muscle
treatment for 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors to lower

Thermotherapy to destroy tissue

Surgery to remove hyperplastic regions.

110. What kind of 113. What Acetylecholine
epithelium is neurotransmitter
found in the is released by the NO- activates guanylate cyclase in
prostate? parasympathetic travecular smooth muscle cells to produce
nerve endings to cGMP which causes smooth msucle to
Where are there release nitric relax--> vasodilation
changes to the oxide?
What does nitric
oxide do?
114. What stimulates
Tubular alveoli with dense connective
the pituitary to
release FSH?

Simple columnar

Can also be patches of simple cuboidal,

squamous or pseudostratified with basal

Changes around the openings of the ducts

into the urethra.
111. What kind of
epithelium is
GnRH from the hypothalmus.
found in the
seminal 115. What's in the
vesicles? tunica propria of
the semineferous
Muscularis? tubule?

What controls
the secretory

Epithelium- pseudostratified columnar,

with tall non-ciliated secretory cells and
short round basal cells.
3-5 layers of myoid cells (flat smooth
Muscularis- inner circular, outer muscle like cells that contract to move
longitudinal sperm)

Secretory function controlled by Collagen fibrils

112. What muscles Cremaster (skeletal muscle) Followed by a basement membrane
position the 116. When the vas Ampulla
testis towards Also- in cold temperatures the Dartos deferens gets to
or away from muscle (smooth muscle) will contract and the level of the
the body? bring the scrotum up to prevent heat loss. bladder, it
enlarges to form
the __________
which joins the
ducts of the
seminal vesicle to
form ejaculatory
117. Where do the sperm mature? Epididymis- in the body

The tail serves as the reservoir

118. Where does testosterone bind? Cognate receptor
Androgen receptor

High local levels needed for proliferation and differentiation

of spermatogenic cells
119. Where does the energy come from to provide movement of the
tail of the spermatazoa?

From the mitochondria

concentrated in the MIDDLE piece

120. Which structure encloses germ cells in males? Females? Males- sertolie cells of seminiferous tubules
Females- granulosa cells of the follice
121. Which structure surrounds endocrine cells by a basement Males- interstitial cells-androgens
membrane in males? Females? Females- thecal cells- androgens

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