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Worm Infestation in Ayurveda and Modern Science: Approach and Management

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International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences 2018; 3(2): 314-317

ISSN: 2456-4419
Impact Factor: (RJIF): 5.18
Yoga 2018; 3(2): 314-317
© 2018 Yoga
Worm infestation in Ayurveda and modern science:
Received: 19-05-2018
Approach and management
Accepted: 20-06-2018

Srivastava Niraj Srivastava Niraj, Pandey Nitin and Saxena Varsha

Associate Professor, Department
of Kaumarbhritya / Balroga, Abstract
Government Ayurvedic College, The worm infection or helminthisis is one of the most common problems in pediatrics practice especially
Varanasi (Sampurnanand
in developing countries due to the poor hygiene. The common parasitic infection in children is Ascaris
Sanskrit University),
Lumbricoides (Round worm), Enterobiasis vermicularis (Pin worm), Ancyclostoma duodenale (Hook
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
worm), Echinocuccus granulosis (Hydatid diseases) and Cystercosis. Most common worm infection in
Pandey Nitin children is Ascaris Lumbricoides. Helminthiasis has been found to result in poor birth outcome, poor
Associate Professor, Department cognitive development, poor school and work performance, poor socioeconomic development, and
of Kaya Chikitsa, Himalayeeya poverty. Chronic illness, malnutrition, and anemia are further examples of secondary effects of
Ayurvedic P.G College, helminthiasis.
Uttarakhand Ayurved The Ayurveda described worm infection as Krimi Roga. In Ayurveda term Krimi can be correlated with
University, Doiwala, Dehradun, helminthiasis in modern sciences. Excessive intake of madhura, amla, eating during indigestion, avoid
Uttarakhand, India exercise and resorting to day sleep is main etiology in Ayurveda. Main symptom of Krimiroga is Jwara
(fever) Vivarnata (discoloration of skin) Sula (Pain) Hridaroga (Heart trouble) Sadanam (lassitude)
Saxena Varsha Bhaktadveso (Anorexia) Atisara (Diarrhea) Vamana (Vomiting).
Assistant Professor, Department Ayurveda puts three basic approaches for the treatment of Helminthis disease such as Apakarsana
of Shalya Tantra, Uttarakhand
(Removal of visible worm from the body), Prakriti Vighata (to create unfavorable environment by means
Ayurved University, Harrawala,
Dehradun (Main Campus)
of diet and medicine) and Nidana Parivarjana (Avoid etiological factor). According to Kashyap samhita
Uttarakhand, India Krimi chikitsa, Vidanga Ghrita kills krimis. This review article explores approach and treatment of worm
infestation (Krimi roga) in children.

Keywords: Worm infestation, Helminthes, Krimi Roga, Vidanga ghrita, Katu taila

Helminthes or worm infestations refer to worms that live as parasites in the human body and
are a fundamental cause of disease associated with health and nutrition problems beyond
gastrointestinal tract disturbances [1]. Worm infestation constitutes an important limitation on
growth and development of children. Infections with helminthes e.g. Ascaris lumbricoides,
hookworm, Hymenolepis nana and Trichuristrichiura are closely linked with conditions of
poverty, unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene [2]. At highest risk of morbidity are pre-school
and school-aged children [3]. Negative effects of helminthes infections include diminished
physical fitness and growth retardation, and delayed intellectual development and cognition.
Indeed, helminthes have been linked with an increased risk for nutritional anemia, protein-
energy malnutrition [4]. There are numerous species of these parasites, which are broadly
classified into tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. They often live in the gastrointestinal tract
of their hosts, but they may also burrow into other organs, where they induce physiological
damage. Soil-transmitted helminthes are responsible for parasitic infections in as much as a
quarter of the human population worldwide. One well-known example of soil-transmitted
helminthiases is ascariasis.

Correspondence Signs and symptoms of worm infestation: Young children have a high infection rate and
Saxena Varsha suffer with a heavy worm burden of A. lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and/or schistosomes [5].
Assistant Professor, Department
of Shalya Tantra, Uttarakhand
1. The signs and symptoms of worm infestations depend on a number of factors including:
Ayurved University, Harrawala, the site of the infestation within the body; the type of worm involved; the number of
Dehradun (Main Campus) worms and their volume; the type of damage the infesting worms cause; and, the
Uttarakhand, India immunological response of the body [6].
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International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences

2. Certain worms may cause particular symptoms as follows- They are mainly 2 types
taeniasis can lead to seizures due to neurocysticercosis.
3. Signs of the body's immune response may include 1. Roundworm infection (Nematodes)
eosinophilia, edema, and arthritis. o Soil-transmitted Helminthiasis –This includes Ascariasis
4. Migration of Ascaris larvae through the bronchi of the (Ascaris lumbricoides), Trichuriasis and hookworm
lungs can cause asthma in children. (Ancylostoma duodenale) infection
5. Helminthiasis may cause chronic illness through o Filariasis (Wuchereria bancrofti ) infection
malnutrition including vitamin deficiencies, stunted o Enterobiasis
growth, anemia, and protein-energy malnutrition. o Strongylodosis (Trichostrongylus spp.) infection
6. Mal nutrition can cause Anorexia in children. o Trichuriasis etc.
7. These parasitic infections manifest themselves as
reduced growth rates through impaired nutrient 2. Tapeworm infection (Cestodes)
utilization. Consequently the children are not able to o Echinococcosis (Echinococcus infection)
achieve their full potential in physical performance and o Taeniasis/cysticercosis (Taenia solium) infection.
education [7, 8].
8. Heavy hookworm burden is the major etiology for iron Clinical features, Diagnosis and treatment of specific
deficiency anemia in children [9-11] worm
Ascaris lumbricoides
Classification of Helminthes: Helminthiases are classified as

Clinical features Diagnosis Treatment

1. Pain, distension, vomiting
2. Passage of worms in stool/vomitus o Eggs in stool sample
o Albendazole 400 mg Once (Taken with food)
3. Obstruction of intestine o Worms in stool / vomitus
o Other options is Mebendazole, Ivermectin and Nitazoxanide
4. Pulmonary:-Loeffler syndrome o Imaging
5. Growth failure

Enterobius Vermicularis (Pin Worm)

Clinical features Diagnosis Treatment

1. Peri-anal itching o Albendazole 400 mg Once, repeat in 2weeks
o Stool microsopy: not useful Eggs can be demonstrated
2. More at night o Other option is Mebendazole.
in perianal swabs collected early morning.
3. Reduced appetite o Treat entire family

Ancylostoma duodenale (Hook worm)

Clinical features Diagnosis Treatment

1. Itching
2. Abdominal pain
1. Stool microscopy 1. Albendazole 400 mg Once
3. Anorexia
2. Peripheral smear 2. Oral Iron therapy
4. Iron deficiency anemia
5. Hypoproteinemia

Wuchereria bancrofti (Filariasis)

Clinical features Diagnosis Treatment

1. Most remain asymptomatic 1. Identified in thick blood 1. Diethyl-Carbamazine (DEC)
2. Episodes of Fever, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis film 6mg/kg /day q8hr for 12 days
3. Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia 2. Nocturnal periodicity 2. Other options is Ivermectin +
4. Chronic stage: Lymphatic obstruction 3. Adult worm in LN biopsy Albendazole


Clinical features:- Diagnosis Treatment

1. Mild epigastric discomfort,
2. Nausea
1. Microscopic identification of eggs in feces 1. Albendazole 400 mg OD for 3 days
3. Flatulence
4. Diarrhea

Worm infestation in Ayurveda smell and belching occur in case of upwards movement of the
The Ayurveda described worm infection as Krimi Roga. The worms. According to Charak samhita [12] Pureeshaja Krimi
Krimi may be various types on the basis of their origin; are five in number and according to Sushruta Samhita [13],
Kaphaj Krimi, Raktaj krimi & Pureeshaj Krimi. In Ayurveda seven in number.
term Pureeshaja Krimi can be correlated to the helminthiasis.
Sign and Symptoms of Worm infestation in Ayurveda:-
Pureeshaja Krimi: They dwell in Pakwasaya and usually 1. Pureeshaja Krimi infection: Sign and symptoms of
emerge out through anus precipitating anal etching. They Pureeshaja Krimi infection are described in Astang hridya
result in general debility, diarrhea and brittle hair. Foetid nidana [14].
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S. No Sanskrit English
1. Vidbheda Loose stools
2. Sula Pain
3. Vistabha Distension of abdomen
4. Malavarodha Constipation
5. Kashya Emaciation
6. Romharsha Tingling sensation
7. Agnisadana Loss of appetite
8. Gudkandu Anal etching.

Possible Co-relation of Pureeshaja Krimi with Modern Parasites

Ayurvedic Ayurvedic Morphology or, Modern Morphology or, Probable co-
Nomenclatures Pathogenicity Pathogenicity relation
1. Kakeruka - - - -
2. Makeruka Rough ridges all over the body - - -
3. Leliha Shape of snake White, small spindle shaped Caecum, Appendix Thread worm
- E. histolytica
4. Sasulaka Pain in abdomen Produces pain in abdomen Large intestine
- Whip worm
Irritate the intestine by - E. histolytica
5. Sasurada Irritation in large intestine Large intestine
eroding the lumen - E. Coli

2. Mud eating and worm infestation 3. Explanation of Harita regarding worm infestation:
Consumption of mud or such other inappropriate, non- According to Harita [15] Krimis are basically 2 types as
nutritional substance increases the risk of worm infestation. external and internal. External are 7 types and internal are 6
This lead to Pandu (Anemia) which may be due to different types. Internal krimis are having its shelter in Kapha Kostha,
worms. Maladhara etc. It moves within gastro-intestinal tract just like
snake. He describes shape of Krimi also.

S. No Sanskrit Shape of Krimi

1. Prithumunda Broad head, square head (like Tape worm)
2. Kanchuk Rounded head (Round worm)
3. Dhanyakurnibha Sprouted pulses with whitish sprout resembling small worm (Pin worm)
4. Sukshma Invisible
5. Anu Minute
6. Suchimukhi Tapered mouth (Hook worm)

Treatment of Intestinal Worms (Krimi Roga) in Ayurveda o If Krimi is visible, it should be removed by manual
Charaka Samhita [16] gives three methods for the treatment of method.
Krimi roga (Worm infestation) o If no visible then shodhana chikitsa are apply.
1. Apakarshana (Removed by Vamanadi Panchakarma o First 6 days go for the Snehana and Swedana followed by
procedures)- Shodhana on the 7th day Vamana.

S. No Type of Krimi Shodhana chikitsa

1. Pureeshaja krimi Asthapana Vasti
2. Kaphaja Krimi Vaman and Sirovirechana
3. Raktaja Krimi Treatment of Kustha
4. Bahyakrimi Lepa, Abhyanga and Pralepa.

2. Prakriti-vighata (Breaking the pathogenesis) – worms just like Vajra ayudha kills the Rakshasas.
o It can be done by giving Katu, Tikta, Kshaya, Kshara and 2. Bahya Krimi: Bathing, should be done followed by
Ushana Dravyas. treatment of Vrana chikitsa. While in case of infants all
o Kapha vardhaka ahara with alkaline pH inside, the gut the above treatments should be done to the wet-nurse.
produce a favorable environment for growth of worm so 3. Katu taila Prayoga: After applying luke worm mustard
avoid it. oil mixed with salt to the anal area, mild sudation should
be given by digits (fingers). This gives quick relief
3. Nidana Parivarjana (Absence from cause)- beneficial in pinworm which causes intense itching of the
o It means to avoid all those causes which are responsible anal region at night.
for producing diseases like Mithya-ahara (eg.
Kaphavardhaka Aahara, Dugdha, Dahi, Guda etc.), 4. Certain medication for worm in Bal roga-
Mithya-vihara (eg. Divashayana).  Palash beeja
 Kampillka churna
Treatment of Worm infestation in Kashyap Samhita  Nag keshara is good for tapeworm
1. Vidanga Ghrita [17]: Saindhava lavana is used in this  Kusmand beeja swarasa.
ghrita. Vidanga ghrita when licked with sugar kills the
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5. List of Kalpa used in Krimi Roga

S. No Type of Preparation Name of Preparation

1. Asava/Arishta Khadiradi arishta, Vidanga arishta, Vidangaasav
2. Bhasma Loha Bhasma, Vanga Bhasma
3. Churna Vidanagadi churna
4. Ghrita Bimbighrita, Vidanagadighrita
5. Rasa Krimimudgarasa

Summary and Conclusion: - Worm infestations are present 12. Agnivesha, Charaka samhita. English translation by
in people of all ages but children are much more prone to it as Sharma RK, Dash B. Viman Sthan (7/14), Chaukhambha
they are at the stage of beginners to learn how to cope with Sanskrit series office, Varanasi, 2010, 1.
these parasitic enemies. Bowel complaints are common in 13. Sushruta, Sushruta samhita. English translation by
child suffering from worm infestation. Antihelminthic from Sharma P.V, Uttar Tantra (54), Chaukhambha
natural sources may play key role in treatment of these Vishvabharati, Varanasi, 2005, III.
parasitic infections. In last few years use of herbal medicine 14. Vagbhata, Astanga Hridayam. English translation by
in treatment was increasing because of side effects associated Srikantha Murty KR, Nidana sthana (14:56),
with modern medication. Researches are being carried out Chaukhambha, Krishnadas Academy Varanasi. 2015, I,
now a day on large scale to discover herbal alternatives for 15. Harita Harita samhita, English translation by Pandey
various allopathic medications. Because modern medication Gyanendra, Pratham sthana 5/2-11, Chaukhambha
use to treat worms are having side effects like hallucinations, Sanskrit series office, Varanasi. 2016, 1,
fever, chills, confusion, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, dark 16. Agnivesha, Charaka samhita. English translation by
urine, blurred vision, seizures and jaundice. In Ayurvedic Sharma RK, Dash B. Viman Sthan (7/15), Chaukhambha
textbook various Acharyas has described several effective Sanskrit series office, Varanasi. 2010, 1.
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main line of treatment in Ayurveda for Krimi roga. Kashyap Chakhambha Sansthan; 2004.
Samhita describes various remedies for treatment of Krimi
roga in children as Vidanga Ghrita, Katu taila Prayoga etc.

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