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Theory of Computation

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology

Teachers Orientation Program

Paush 1-2, 2066

Course Title: Theory of Computation

Course no: CSC-251 Full Marks: 80+20
Credit hours : 3 Pass Marks: 32+8

Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Tutorials(3 Hrs)

Course Synopsis: Deterministic and non-deterministic finite state machines, regular

expressions, languages and their properties. Context free grammars, push
down automata, Turing machines and computability, undecidable and
intractable problems, and Computational complexity.

Goal: To gain understanding of the abstract models of computation and formal language
approach to computation.

Course contents:

Unit 1: 14 Hrs.

1.1 Review of Mathe matical Preliminaries : 1 Hrs.

Quick review of Sets, Logic, Functions, Relations, Languages, Proofs.

1.2 Finite Automata 7 Hrs

Introduction of Finite State Machine

Deterministic Finite Automata(DFA): Formal Definition, Notation of

DFA, Extending the transition function of DFA, Language accepted by

Non-deterministic Finite Automata(NFA): Formal Definition, Notation,

Extended transition function of NFA, Language of NFA, Equivalence of
Deterministic and Non-deterministic Finite Automata-The Subset
construction method, Theorems related to equivalence of DFA and NFA

Finite Automata with Epsilon-Transition: Formal Definition, Notation,

Extended Transition function of epsilon transition, Removing epsilon
transition from epsilon NFA. Construction of DFA from epsilon NFA.

Finite State Machine with output – Moore machine and Mealy machine-
general concepts.

1.3 Regular Expressions and Languages 6 Hrs

Introduction to regular operators, regular languages, Precedence of

regular operators
Regular expressions, Formal definition of regular expressions,
Equivalence of Regular Expressions and Finite Automata. Theorem for
conversion from regular expression to epsilon FA.
Application of regular expressions
Algebraic Laws for Regular Expressions.
Properties of Regular Languages
o Pumping Lemma and its Application
o Closure properties of regular languages with proofs.
o Decision properties of regular languages.- general concepts of decision
properties, Minimization of Finite State Machine.

Unit 2:
11 Hrs.

2.1 Context-Free Grammar 6 Hrs

Introduction to CFG, using grammar rules to describe a language, formal

definition of CFG.
Derivation using grammar – Bottom up and Top down approach, Left-
most and Right- most derivation.
The language of a Grammar, sentential form, derivation-tree, construction
of parse-tree for a string from a grammar.
Ambiguous grammar, inherent ambiguity, regular grammar.
Equivalence of regular grammar and finite automata.
Simplification of CFG.
Normal Forms: Chomsky and Greibach Normal forms.
Closure properties of Context Free Languages
Pumping Lemma for Context Free Language – proving a language to be
non-context free.

2.2 Push Down Automata (PDA) 5 Hrs

Introduction, deterministic and non-deterministic PDA. Formal Definitions.

Moves of PDA, Graphical representation of PDA, Instantaneous Description.
Computation tree for PDA processing the input strings.
Language of PDA- Acceptance by final state and by empty stack
Conversion of PDA accepting by final state to accepting by empty stack and vice –
Equivalence of PDA and CFG – conversion from CFG to PDA and vice –versa

Unit 3: 10 Hrs.

Turing Machines

Introduction to Turing Machines, Formal Definitions, Transition Diagram and

transition table, Language of TM.
Roles of TM – language recognizer, concept of TM as computing a function and
enumerator of strings of languages.
Computation by Turing Machines- Programming techniques viz. storage in a state,
TM with multiple tracks, subroutines.
Variants of Turing Machines – Multi-tape Turing Machine, Non-deterministic
Turing Machines, Equivalence of one tape and multi- tape TM(related theorems),
Concepts of Turing Enumerable Languages.
Church's Thesis and Algorithm
Universal Turing Machines
Concept of Halting Problems
Turing Machines and Computers- Simulating a TM by computer, simulating a real
computer by a Turing Machine.

Unit 4: 10 Hrs.

4.1 Undecidability 6 Hrs

Concept of Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages.

Encoding of Turing Machine, the diagonalization language, complements of RE
Proof of Universal Language theorem.
Concepts of Unrestricted Grammars and Chomsky Hierarchy.
Unsolvable Problems by Turing Machines.
Undecidable Problems, Post's Correspondence Problems.

4.2 Computational Complexity and Intractable Problems 4 Hrs

Measuring Complexity, Class P and Class NP

Problems solvable in Polynomial time- Kruskal’s algorithm for minimum weight
spanning tree.
Non- deterministic Polynomial time- Problem TSP
NP-Completeness and Problem Reduction
NP-Complete Problems
Introduction to Satisfiability Problem
Normal Forms for Boolean Expressions

Text Book:

John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory,

Languages, and Computation, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2001. ISBN: 81-7808-347-7


1. Efim Kinber, Carl Smith, Theory of Computing: A Gentle introduction,

Prentice- Hall, 2001. ISBN: 0-13-027961-7.

2. John Martin, Introduction to Languages and the theory of computation, 3rd

Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003, ISBN:0-07-049939-X

3. Harry R. Lewis and Christos H. Papadimitriou, Elements of the Theory of

Computation, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1998.

Homework Assignments:

Homework assignments will be given through out the semester covering the lecture materials in
each unit. The homework assignment will cover the 30% of the internal evaluation.

Pre-requisite: Discrete Mathematics, Fundamentals of Computer Programming and Data

structure & algorithms.

Evaluation and Grading:

The evaluation and grading includes the 20% weitage for homework assignments and 2 mid term
exam and 80 % weitage for final semester exam. The grading of the 20% internal evalua tion will
be as:

Homework assignment: 30% (6 marks)

First Mid-term exam: 30% (6 marks)
Second Mid-term exam: 40% (8 marks)

Homework assignment will be given in at least each weekend.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
Model Question 2009
Course Title: Theory of Co mputation
Course No: CSC -251 F.M : 80
Cred it Hours: 3 P.M : 32
Attempt all questions

Group A [8 × 4 =32]

1. Differentiate the DFA and NFA with suitable examp les.

2. Draw DFA fo r the following languages over {0,1}

a) All strings with even no of o ’s and even no lf 1’ s
b) All strings of length at most 4.

3. Prove that NDFA = DFA

4. Convert the follo wing grammar into Chomsky Normal fro m.

S AAC, A aAb | , C aC | a

5. How a CFG can be converted into PDA? Convert the follo wing CFG into PDA.
S  aAB, A  aS | bS | a, B  Sa | Sb | b

6. Describe about the Universal Turing Machine.

7. Construct a Turing Machine accepting a language of palindro me over {a,b}* with each string of eve n length.

8. Exp lain about recursive and recursively enumerab le languages

Group B:[ 6 × 8 = 48 ]

9. Define a NFA with epsilon transition. Exp lain how a -NFA is converted into DFA? Convert the follo wing
-NFA into equivalent DFA.
a b
F b


b a

10. State and prove the pumping lemma for regular language. Show that the language L {a m b m | m 1} is not
a regular language.
11. Define Context Free Grammar. Given the following grammar,

S  aB | bA
A  a | aS | bAA
B  b | bS | aBB |

For the string aabbbaabaaab, find the left-most, right-most derivation and construct a parse tree.

12. Define the PDA and its language with suitable example. Explain how a PDA accepting by empty stack can be
converted in to PDA accepting by Final stack?

13. Exp lain mu lti-tape Turing Machine. Show that every language accepted by a mult i-tape Turing Machine is
recursively enumerable.

14. Exp lain the Chomsky h ierarchy of the languages.


Marks Distribution:

1. Unit 1: 24 – 28 Marks ( 2 to 3 questions in Group A and 2 questions in Group B)

2. Unit 2: 20 – 24 Marks ( 1 to 2 questions in Group A and 2 questions in Group B)
3. Unit 3 : 16 Marks ( 2 questions in Group A and 1 question in Group B)
4. Unit 4: 12 – 16 Marks ( 1 to 2 questions in Group A and 1 question in Group B)

Note: Each questions may be asked by breaking down into more then one questions.

Subject Expert:
1. Hemanta GC Patan Multiple Campus / ASCOL

Partici pants
1. Dhiraj Kedar Pandey Siddanath Science Campus, Mahaendra nagar

2. Kamal Raj Sharma St. Xav ier Co llege, Kath mandu

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