1. The specific heat of water is more than of iron. What do you mean by it?
2. Why do different materials have different specific heats?
3. Why water is a very useful cooling agent?
4. Why latent heat of vaporization of a material is greater than that of latent heat of fusion?
5. A gas can have any value of specific heat depending upon how heating is carried on. Explain.
6. What is the foundation of thermodynamics?
7. Is it possible that there is a change in the temperature of a body without giving/taking heat to/from it?
8. The internal energy of a compressed gas is less than that of the rarified gas at the same temperature.
9. What happens to the air temperature in a valley when cold air blowing across the mountain tops
descends in the valley?
10. A box with rigid insulating walls is divided with two parts by a portion. An ideal gas occupies half the
box and the other half is completely evacuated. The portion is suddenly removed. Will there be any
temperature change in the gas?
11. Absolute zero is not the temperature of zero energy. Explain.
12. Why do electrons in insulators not contribute to conductivity?
13. Stainless steal cooking pan are fitted with extra copper bottom. Why?
14. The tile floor feels colder than wooden floor, even through both floor materials are at the same tem-
perature. Why?
15. The bulb of one thermometer is spherical while that of the other is cylindrical. Both have equal amounts
of mercury. Who will respond quickly to the temperature?
16. Why do two layers of cloth of equal thickness provide warmer covering than a single layer of cloth of
double thickness?
17. A blanket which keeps us warm in winter is able to protect ice from melting. Explain.
18. Animals in the forest find shelter from cold in holes in the snow. Why?
19. Why do frozen pipes brust ?
20. All objects radiate electromagnetic energy. Why do not they lose all their thermal energy by radiation
and cool down to 0 K?
21. On a winter night you feel warmer when clouds cover the sky than when the sky is clear. Why?
22. Why does a good absorber of radiant energy appear black?
23. Why is pupil of the eye black?
1. A steel scale is to be prepared such that the millimeter intervals are to be accurate within 6 105 mm.
The maximum permissble temperature variation during the ruling of the millimeter marks
( 12 106 C 1 ) is
(A) 4.0ºC (B) 4.5ºC (C) 5.0ºC (D) 5.5ºC.
2. A meter washer has a hole of diameter d1 and an external diameter d 2 , where d 2 3d1 . On heating,
d 2 increases by 0.3%. Then d1 will
(A) decrease by 0.1% (B) decrease by 0.3%
(C) increase by 0.1% (D) increase by 0.3%.
3. If I is the moment of inertia of a solid body, the change in I corresponding to a small change in
temperature T is
(A) I T (B) I T (C) 2I T (D) 3I T .
4. At 4ºC, 0.98 of the volume of a body is immersed in water. The temperature at which the entire body
gets immersed in water ( w 3.3 104 K 1 ) is (neglect the expansion of the body)
(A) 40.8ºC (B) 64.6ºC (C) 60.6ºC (D) 58.8ºC.
5. If is the coefficient of linear expansion, the change in the period t of a physical pendulum with
temperature change of T is
1 1 3 1
(A) t T (B) t T (C) t T (D) t T .
2 4 4 3
6. Heat capacity is equal to the product of :
(A) mass and gas constant (B) mass and specific heat
(C) latent heat and volume of water (D) mass and Avogadro number
7. One kilogram of ice at 0°C is mixed with one kilogram of water at 80°C. The final temperature of the
mixture is (Take specific heat of water = 4200 kJ/kg-°C, Latent heat of ice = 336 kJ/kg)
(A) 0°C (B) 40°C (C) 50°C (D) 60°C
8. One gram of ice at 0ºC is added to 5 grams of water at 10ºC. If the latent heat of ice be 80 cal/
gm.,then the final temperature of the mixture is :
(A) 5ºC (B) 0ºC (C) –5ºC (D) None of the above
9. 250 gm of water and an equal volume of alcohol of mass 200 gm are placed successively in the same
calorimeter and cools from 60ºC to 55ºC in 130 sec and 67 sec respectively. If the water equivalent of
the calorimeter is 10 gm., then the specific heat of alcohol in cal/gm × ºC is :
(A) 1.30 (B) 0.67 (C) 0.62 (D) 0.985
10. The weight of a person is 60 kg. If he gets 10 calories of heat through food and the efficiency of his
body is 28%, then upto how much height he can climb ? Take g = 10 m s-2
(A) 100 cm (B) 196 cm (C) 400 cm (D) 1000 cm.
11. An ideal gas expands according to the law pV 2 = const. The molar heat capacity C is :
12. The water equivalent of 10g of aluminium, if its specific heat is 0.2 cal/gºC will be -
(A) 8g (B) 2g (C) 1 g (D) 4g
13. Two identical containers joined by a small pipe initially contain the same gas at pressure p0 and absolute
temperature T0 . One container is now maintained at the same temperature while the other is heated to
2T0 . The common pressure of the gases will be :
2 4 5
(A) p0 (B) p0 (C) p0 (D) 2 p0 .
3 3 3
14. An ideal gas changes from state a to state b as shown in figure. What is the work done by the gas in the
process ?
(P, V) (P, 3V)
V in litre
10 30
P in kPa
(A) (B) (C) (D) D
18. A cyclic process ABCD is shown in the p V diagram. Which of the following curves represent the
same process ?
p C
(A) T C
(B) V D
(C) p C (D) V D
p T T T
19. A cyclic process is shown in the p-T diagram. Which of the curves show the same process on a V-T
diagram ?
(A) (B) (C) (D) .
20. A cyclic process is shown in the p-T diagram. Which of the curves show the same process on a P-V
diagram ?
p p p p
(A) (B) (C) (D) .
21. In the PV diagram of figure, an ideal gas does 5 J of work when taken along
the process ab and 4J when taken along process bc. What is the change in
internal energy of gas when it is taken along the straight path from a to c?
Out of two curves in the graph one is an isothermal process and other is an
adiabatic process.
24. Three rods of the same dimensions have thermal conductivities 3k , 2k and k . They are arranged as
shown, with their ends at 100ºC, 50ºC and 0ºC. The temperature of their junction is
200 100
(A) 75ºC (B) ºC (C) 40ºC (D) ºC.
3 3
25. Radiation from a black body at the thermodynamic temperature T1 is measured by a small detector at
distance d1 from it. When the temperature is increased to T2 and the distance to d 2 , the power
received by the detector is unchanged. What is the ratio d 2 / d1 ?
2 2 4
T2 T2 T1 T2
(A) (B) (C) (D) .
T1 T1 T2 T1
26. A black body radiates power P and maximum energy is radiated by it around a wavelength 0 . The
temperature of the black body is now changed such that it radiated maximum energy around the
3 0
wavelength . The power radiated by it now is
256 16 64 4
(A) P (B) P (C) P (D) P.
81 9 27 3
27. Five rods having thermal conductivities k1 , k2 , k3 , k 4 and k5 are arranged as shown. The points A and
B are maintained at different temperature such that no thermal current flows through the central rod.
k1 k3
A k5 B
k2 k4
k1 k3
(A) k1k4 k2 k3 (B) k1 k3 , k2 k4 (C) k1k3 k2 k 4 (D)
k4 k2 .
28. A point source of heat of power P is placed at the center of a spherical shell of mean radius R. The
material of the shell has thermal conductivity k. If the temperature difference between the outer and the
inner surface of the shell is not to exceed T, then the thickness of the shell should not be less than
2R 2 kT 4R 2 kT R 2 kT R 2 kT
(A) (B) (C) (D) .
P P P 4P
29. Three rods A, B and C have the same dimensions. Their thermal conductivities are k A , k B and kC
respectively. A and B are placed end to end, with their free ends kept at a certain temperature difference.
C is placed separately, with its ends kept at the same temperature difference. The two arrangements
conduct heat at the same rate. kC must be equal to
k AkB 1 k k
(A) k A kB (B) (C) (k A kB ) (D) 2. A B .
k A kB 2 k A kB
30. A solid at temperature T1 is kept in an evacuated chamber at temperature T2 T1 . The rate of increase
of temperatrue of the body is proportional to
(A) T2 T1 (B) T22 T12 (C) T24 T14 (D) T23 T13
1. A steel ruler exactly 20 cm long is graduated to give correct measurements at 20ºC.
(a) Will it give readings that are too long or too short at lower temperatures ?
(b) What will be the actual length of the ruler be when it is used in the desert at a temperature of 40ºC?
steel = 1.2×10–5 (ºC)–1.
2. An isosceles triangle is formed with a rod of length l1 and coefficient of linear expansion 1 for the base
and two thin rods each of length l2 and coefficient of linear expansion 2 for the two pieces, if the
distance between the apex and the midpoint of the base remain unchanged as the temperature is varied
show that 2 2 .
l2 1
3. A solid body floats in a liquid at a temperature t = 50ºC being completely submerged in it. What percentage
of the volume of the body is submerged in the liquid after it is cooled to t0 = 0ºC, if the coefficient of cubic
expansion for the solid is S = 0.3×10–5 ºC–1 and of the liquid 1= 8×10–5 ºC–1.
4. A metre scale is made of steel and measures correct length at 16ºC. What will be the percentage error
if the scale is used
(a) on a summer day when temperature is 46ºC and
(b) on a winter day when the temperature is 6ºC ? Coefficient of linear expansion of steel
= 11×10 –6 ºC –1.
5. Two straight thin bars, one of brass and the other of steel are joined together at 0ºC side by side by short
steel cross-pieces one cm long, the centre lines of the brass being one cm apart. When heated to 100ºC,
the composite bar becomes bent into the arc of a circle. Calculate the radius of this circle.
6. Ethyl alcohol has boiling point of 78ºC, a freezing point of –114ºC, a heat of vaporization of 879 kJ/kg,
heat of fusion of 109 kJ/kg, and a specific heat of 2.43 kJ/kg.K. How much energy must be removed
from 0.510 kg of ethyl alcohol that is initially a gas at 78ºC so that it becomes a solid at –114ºC?
7. Steam at 100ºC is allowed to pass into a vessel containing 10 grams of ice and 100 grams of water at 0ºC,
until all the ice is melted and the temperature is raised to 5ºC. Neglecting water equivalent of the vessel
and the loss due to radiation etc., calculate how much steam is condensed. (The latent heat of steam is
536 and latent heat of ice is 80 calories).
8. Ice at 0ºC is added to 200 g of water initially at 70ºC in a vacuum flask. When 50g of ice has been added
and has all melted the temperature of the flask and contents is 40ºC. When a further 80g of ice has been
added and has all melted the temperature of the whole becomes 10ºC. Find the specific latent heat of
fusion of ice.
9. Three liquids P, Q and R are given. 4kg of P at 60ºC and 1 kg of R at 50ºC when mixed produce a
resultant temperature 55ºC. A mixture of 1 kg of P at 60ºC and 1kg of Q at 50ºC shows a temperature of
55ºC. What will be the resulting temperature when 1 kg of Q at 60ºC is mixed with 1 kg of R at 50ºC ?
10. In a container of negligible mass 30 g of steam at 100ºC is added to 200g of water that has a temperature
of 40ºC. If no heat is lost to the surroundings, what is the final temperature of the system? Also find
masses of water and steam in equilibrium. Take Lv = 539 cal/g and cwater = 1cal/g ºC.
11. One mole of a certain ideal gas is contained under the weightless piston of a vertical cylinder at a
temperature T. The space over the piston opens into the atmosphere of pressure p0 . What work has to
be done in lifting the piston slowly so that the volume of the gas under the piston increases isothermally n
12. Two perfect diatomic gases at absolute temperature T1 and T2 are mixed. There is no loss of energy..
Find the temperature of the mixture if masses of the molecules are m1 and m2 and the number of
molecules in the gases are n1 and n2 . P
a f
13. When a system is taken from state i to state f along the path iaf, it is
found that Q = 50 cal and W = 20 cal. Along the path ibf, Q = 36 cal
(figure) i b
(a) What is W along the path ibf ?
(b) If W = - 13 cal for the curved return path f i, what is Q for this path ?
(c) Take U i = 10 cal. What is U f ?
(d) If U b = 22 cal, what is Q for the process ib and for the process bf ?
14. The initial pressure and volume of a given mass of gas C are P0 and V0 . The gas can exchange
heat with the surrounding.
(a) It is slowly compressed to a volume and then suddenly compressed to V0 / 4 . Find the
final pressure.
(b) If the gas is suddenly compressed from the volume V0 to V0 / 2 and then slowly compressed
to V0 / 4 , what will be the final pressure ?
15. A vessel of volume V = 30 contains ideal gas at the temperature 0°C. After a portion of the gas has
been let out, the pressure in the vessel is decreased by p = 0.78 atm (the temperature remaining
constant). Find the mass of the released gas. The gas density under the normal conditions = 1.3 g/.
16. Two identical vessels are connected by a tube with a valve letting the gas pass from one vessel into the
other if the pressure difference p 1.10atm. Initially there was a vacuum in one vessel while the
other contained ideal gas at a temperature t1 = 27°C and pressure p1 = 1 atm. Then both vessels were
heated to a temperature t2 = 107°C. Up to what value will the pressure in the first vessel (which had
vacuum initially) increase?
17. A vessel of volume V = 7.5 contains a mixture of ideal gases at a temperature T = 300 K. v1 = 0.10
mole of oxygen, v2 = 0.20 mole of nitrogen, and v3 = 0.30 mole of carbon dioxide. Assuming the gases to
be ideal, find
(a) the pressure of the mixture;
(b) the mean molar mass M of the given mixture which enters its equation of state
pV = (m/M)RT, where m is the mass of the mixture.
18. A vertical cylinder closed from both ends is equipped with an easily moving piston dividing the volume
into two parts, each containing one mole of air. In equilibrium at T 0 = 300 K the volume of the upper part
is = 4 times greater than that of the lower part. At what temperature will the ratio of these volumes be
equal to ’ = 3?
19. A smooth vertical tube having two different sections is open from both ends and
equipped with two pistons of different areas as shown in figure. Each piston slides
within a respective tube section. One mole of an ideal gas is enclosed between the
pistons tied with a non-stretchable thread. The cross-sectional area of the upper
piston is S = 10 cm2 greater than that of the lower one. The combined mass of the
two pistons is equal to m = 5 kg. The outside air pressure is p 0 = 1 atm. By how many
kelvins must the gas between the pistons be heated to shift the pistons through = 5
20. The operating temperature of a tungsten filament in an incandescent lamp is 2000 K and its emissivity is
0.30. Find the surface area of the filament of a 25 watt lamp.
Stefan constant 5.67 108 W m 2 K 4 .
21. A tungsten heater wire of 1 meter is rated at 3 kW m-1 and is 5.0 104 m in diameter. It is embedded
along the axis of a ceramic cylinder of diameter 0.12 m. When operating at the rated power, the wire is
at 1500ºC; the outside of the cylinder is at 20ºC. Find the thermal conductivity of the ceramic.
22. A blackened solid copper sphere of radius 2 cm is placed in an evacuated enclosure whose walls are kept
at 100ºC. At what rate must energy be supplied to the sphere to keep its temperature constant at 127ºC
? Stefan constant 5.67 108 J m 2 K 4
23. The ends of a meter stick are maintained at 100ºC and 0ºC. One end of a rod is maintained at 25ºC.
Where should its other end be touched on the meter stick so that there is no heat current in the rod in
steady state ?
24. A copper sphere is suspended in an evacuated chamber maintained at 300 K. The sphere is maintained
at a constant temperature of 500 K by heating it electrically. A total of 210 W of electric power is needed
to do it. When the surface of the copper sphere is completely blankened, 700 W is needed to maintain the
same temperature of the sphere. Calculate the emissivity of copper.
25. Two rods shown in figure have identical geometrical dimensions. They are in contact with two heat bath
at temperature 100ºC and 0ºC. The temperature of the junction is 70ºC. Find the temperature of the
junction if the rods are interchanged.
100ºC 0ºC
1. A circular hole in an aluminium plate is 2.54 cm in diameter at 0 °C . What is the diameter when
the temperature of the plate is raised to 100°C ? [Given Al = 2.3 × 10–5 /°C]
(A) 2.4558 (B) 2.5458 (C) 1.4558 (D) 1.5458
2. A steel scale measures the length of a copper as 80.0 cm when both are at 20 °C , the calibration
temperature for the scale . What would the scale read for the length of the rod when both are at
40°C? [ for steel = 11 × 10–6 per°C and for Cu = 17 × 10–6 per°C]
(A) 80.0096 cm (B) 80.9600 cm (C) 81.0096 cm (D) 81.9600 cm
3. A metal sphere of radius r and specific heat S is rotated about its axis passing through its centre at
a speed of n rotations per second. It is suddenly stopped and 50% of its energy is used in increasing
its temperature, then the rise in the temperature of the sphere is :
2 2 n 2 r 2 1 2 n 2 7 2 2
(A) (B) (C) r n S (D) none of these
5 S 10 r 2S 8
4. An equilateral triangle ABC is formed by joining three rods of equal length and D is the mid point of
AB . The coefficient of linear expansion for AB is 1 and for AC and BC is 2. Find the relation
between 1 and 2, if distance DC remain constant for small changes in temperature :
(A) 1 = 2
(B) 1 = 22
(C) 2 = 41
(D) 1 =
5. The loss is weight of a solid when immersed in a liquid at 0 °C is W0 and at t °C , it is W . If the cubical
coefficient of expansion of solid and liquid be s and respectively, then W is equal to :
(A) W0 [1 ( s ) t ] (B) W0 [1 ( s ) t ]
(C) W0 ( s ) t (D) W0 t /( s )
6. A brass rod is 64.4 cm long and an aluminium rod is 55.4 cm long when both rods are at an initial
temperature of 0ºC. The rods are placed in line with a gap of 0.2 cm between them. The distance
between the far ends of the rods is maintained at 120.0 cm throughout. The temperature is raised until
the two rods are barely in contact. The coefficients of linear expansion of bras and aluminium are
2.0 × 10-5 k-1 and 2.4 × 10-5 k-1, respectively. In figure, the ratio of the increase in the length of the
aluminium rod to that of the brass rod, is closest to :
T T 0oC
(C) (D)
2 5 B C
22. A thermodynamic system undergoes cyclic process ABCDA as shown in the figure. The work done
by the system is
(A) povo p
(B) 2povo 3po C
< B
po vo 2po
(C) >
2 po
A < D
(D) zero >v
23. PV curve for the process whose VT curve is vo 2vo
T a
adiabatic b
a a a
b c c c
(C) R R0 1 T T (D) R R0 1 T T T
2 3 2 3
29. A copper calorimeter of mass 60g contains 400g of water at 38ºC. When 158g of ice is added, the
temperature falls to 5ºC. The latent heat of fusion of ice will be, if the specific heat of calorimeter is
0.1 cal/gºC will be -
(A) 79.2 cal/g (B) 79.4 cal/g (C) 79.8 cal/g (D) 80.8 cal/g
30. The temperature at the interface for steady flow of heat through the slab, if heat conductivity of
first slab of length ‘’ is K0 and is uniform every where but the conductivity of second slab of length
‘2’ varies with the distance ‘x’ measured from the interface according to the law
K = K0 1 is : (The temperature at the boundries of the composite slab are 2T 0 and T0 )
2 T0 x T0
2 n 2 1 2 n 3 1
(A) T = T (B) T = T
n 2 1 0 n 3 1 0 K0 K=K0 1+ x
2n3 1 4 n 3 1
(C) T = T (D) T = T
n3 1 0 n 3 1 0
1. Ice at 0ºC is added to 200 g of water initially at 70ºC in a vacuum flask. When 50 g of ice has been added
and has all melted the temperature of the flask and contents is 40ºC. When a further 80 g of ice has been
added and has all melted the temperature of the whole becomes 10ºC. Find the specific latent heat of
fusion of ice.
2. A horizontal cylindrical vessel of length 2l is separated by a thin heat-insulating piston into two equal parts
each of which contains n moles of an ideal monatomic gas at a temperature T. The piston is connected to
the end faces of the vessel by undeformed springs of rigidity k each (figure). When an amount of heat Q
is supplied to the gas in the right part, the piston is displaced to the left by a distance x l / 2 .
Determine the amount of heat Q ' given away at the temperature T to a thermostat with which the gas
in the left part is in thermal contact all the time.
3. A thermally insulated vessel is divided into two parts by a heat-insulating
piston which can move in the vessel without friction. The left part of the
vessel contains one mole of an ideal monatomic gas, and the right part
is empty. The piston is connected to the right wall of the vessel through
a spring whose length in free state is equal to the length of the vessel
(figure). Determine the heat capacity C of the system, neglecting the
heat capacities of the vessel, piston and spring.
4. A vertical cylinder of cross-sectional area S contains one mole of an ideal monatomic gas under a piston
of mass M. At a certain instant, a heater which transmits to a gas an amount of heat q per unit time is
switched on under the piston. Determine the established velocity v of the piston under the condition that
the gas pressure under the piston is constant and equal to p0 , and the gas under piston is thermally
5. Determine the work A done by an ideal gas during a closed cycle 3
P2 4
1 4 3 2 1 shown in figure. If p1 10 Pa, p0 3 10 Pa,
5 5
P0 O
p2 4 105 Pa, V2 V1 100, and segments 4-3 and 2-1 of the
cycle are parallel to the V-axis. P1 1 2
V1 V2
6. The density () versus pressure (P) graph of an ideal gas (monoatomic)
undergoing a cyclic process is shown in figure. The gas taken has 20 2
molecular weight M and one mole of gas is taken.
0 1 3
(a) Find work done in each process
(b) Find heat rejected by gas in one complete cycle. O P0 2 P0
(c) Find the efficiency of the cycle. (Pressure)
7. A heat conducting piston can move freely inside a closed, thermally
insulated cylinder with an ideal gas ( 5 / 3) . At equilibrium the piston P P
divides the cylinder into two equal parts, the temperature of gas being V0 V0
equal to 300 K. The piston is slowly displaced by an external agent. 300 K 300 K
Find the temperature of gas when the volume of the greater section is
seven times the volume of the smaller section.
8. An ideal gas of molar mass M is contained in a tall vertical cylindrical vessel whose base area is S and
height h. The temperature of the gas is T, its pressure on the bottom base is p 0. Assuming the temperature
and the free-fall acceleration g to be independent of the height, find the mass of gas in the vessel.
9. Gaseous hydrogen contained initially under standard conditions in a sealed vessel of volume V = 5.0
was cooled by T = 55K. Find how much the internal energy of the gas will change and what amount of
heat will be lost by the gas.
10. Calculate the value of = CP/CV for a gaseous mixture consisting of v1 = 2 moles of oxygen and v2
= 3 moles of carbon dioxide. The gases are assumed to be ideal.
11. Find the specific heat capacities CV and CP for a gaseous mixture consisting of 7 g of nitrogen and 20 g
of argon. The gases are assumed to be ideal.
12. Find the molar heat capacity of an ideal gas in a polytropic process pV n = constant if the adiabatic
exponent of the gas is equal to . At what values of the polytropic constant n will the heat capacity of the
gas be negative?
13. An ideal gas whose adiabatic exponent equals is expanded according to the law p = V, where is a
constant. The initial volume of the gas is equal to V0. As a result of expansion the volume increases
times. Find :
(a) the increment of the internal energy of the gas;
(b) the work performed by the gas;
(c) the molar heat capacity of the gas in the process
14. One mole of an ideal gas whose adiabatic exponent equals undergoes a process p = p0 + /V, where p0
and are positive constants. Find
(a) heat capacity of the gas as a function of its volume;
(b) the internal energy increment of the gas, the work performed by it, and the amount of heat transferred
to the gas, if its volume increased from V1 to V2.
15. For the case of an ideal gas find the equation of the process (in the variables T, V) in which the molar
heat capacity varies as :
(a) C = CV + T; (b) C = CV + V; (c) C = CV + aP, and , and a are constant
16. The diameter of a gas bubble formed at the bottom of a pond is d = 4 m. When the bubble rises to the
surface its diameter increases n = 1.1 times. Find how deep is the pond at that spot. The atmospheric
pressure is standard, the gas expansion is assumed to be isothermal.
17. Three rods of material x and three rods of material y are connected as C
shown in figure. All the rods are of identical length and cross-sectional x x
area. If the end A is maintained at 60ºC and the junction E at 10ºC, calculate 60ºC y 10ºC
x E
temperature of junctions B, C and D. The thermal conductivity of x is A B
0.92 cal/cm-sºC and that of y is 0.46 cal/cm-sºC. y y
18. A hot body placed in a surrounding of temperature 0 obeys Newton’s law of cooling k ( 0 ) .
Its temperature at t = 0 is 1 . The specific heat capacity of the body is s and its mass is m. Find
(a) The maximum heat that the body can lose and
(b) The time starting from t = 0 in which it will lose 90% of this maximum heat.
I 2R I I 2R
(A) (B) I (C) 2T (D)
I R 0 0 I R
3. Equal masses of three substances A, B and C have temperatures 10°C, 25°C and 40°C respectively.
When A and B are mixed, the temperature of mixture is 15°C and when B and C are mixed the
temperature of the mixture is 30°C. Then :
(A) SB = 2SA (B) SA = 4SC (C) SA = 2SB (D) SB = 3SC
4. When two samples at different temperatures are mixed, the temperature of the mixture can be :
(A) lesser than lower or greater than higher temperature
(B) equal to lower or higher temperature
(C) greater than lower but lesser than higher temperature
(D) average of lower and higher temperatures.
5. The following are the p-V diagrams for cyclic processes for a gas. In which of these processes is heat
absorbed by the gas ?
dU dQ
(A) CV (B) CP
dT dT P
dU dV
(C) C P (D) data insufficient
dT dT
8. An ideal gas is heated from temperature T1 to T2 under various conditions. The correct statement(s) is/
(A) U = nCV (T2 – T1) for isobaric, isochoric and adiabatic process
(B) work is done at expense of internal energy in an adiabatic process and both have equal values
(C) U = 0 for an isothermal process
(D) C = 0 for an adiabatic process
9. The indicator diagram for two process 1 and 2 carried on an ideal gas is shown in figure. If m1 and m2
be the slopes for process 1 and process 2 respectively, then
Process 1
Process 2
(A) m1 m 2 (B) m1 m 2 (C) m1 m 2 (D) m 2C V m1C P
10. Three moles of an ideal gas CP R at pressure PA and temperature TA is isothermally expanded
to twice its initial volume. It is then compressed at constant pressure to its original volume. Finally the
gas is compressed at constant volume to its original pressure PA. The correct P – V and P – T diagrams
indicating the process are
(A) B (B) B
2 C 2 A
2 A 2 B
(C) (D)
2 2
11. A solid sphere and a hollow sphere of the same material and of equal radii are heated to the same
(A) Both will emit equal amount of radiation per unit time in the beginning.
(B) Both will absorb equal amount of radiation from the surrounding in the beginning.
(C) The initial rate of cooling (dT/dt) will be the same for the two spheres.
(D) The two spheres will have equal temperatures at any instant.
12. Monoatomic , diatomic and triatomic gases whose initial volume and pressure are same, each is
compressed till their pressure becomes twice the initial pressure. Then :
(A) if the compression is isothermal , then their final volumes will be same
(B) if the compression is adiabatic, then their final volumes will be different
(C) if the compression is adiabatic,then triatomic gas will have maximum final volume
(D) if the compression is adiabatic , then monoatomic gas will have maximum final volume
13. There is a rectangular metal plate in which two cavities in the shape of rectangle and circle are made,
as shown with dimensions. P and Q are centres of these cavities. On heating the plate, which of the
following quantities increase ?
24. During an experiment, an ideal gas is found to obey a condition = constant [ = density of the gas].
The gas is initially at temperature T, pressure P and density .
The gas expands such that density changes to
(A) The pressure of the gas changes to 2P
(B) The temperature of the gas changes to 2T
(C) The graph of the above process on the P-T diagram is parabola
(D) The graph of the above process on the P-T diagram is hyperbola
25. At ordinary temperatures, the molecules of an ideal gas have only translational and rotational kinetic
energies.At high temperatures they may also have vibrational energy. As a result of this at higher
(CV = molar heat capacity at constant volume)
3 3
(A) CV = R for a monoatomic gas (B) CV > R for a monoatomic gas
2 2
5 5
(C) CV < for a diatomic gas (D) CV > for a diatomic gas
2 2
26. Statement -1 :
In adiabatic compression the internal energy and temperature of the system get decreased.
Statement -2 :
The adiabatic compression is a slow process.
27. Statement -1 :
The isothermal curves intersect each other at a certain point.
Statement -2 :
The isothermal change are done slowly, so the isothermal curves have very little slope.
28. Statement -1 :
V-T graph in a process is rectangular hyperbola. Then P-T graph in the same process will be a parabola.
Statement -2 :
If V-T graph is rectangular hyperbola, with increase in T, volume will decrease and hence pressure will
29. Statement -1 :
Heat supplied to a gas in a process is 100 J and work done by the gas in the same process is 120 J, then
pressure of the gas in the process should increase.
Statement -2 :
Work done by the gas is greater than the heat supplied to the gas. Hence internal energy of the gas
should decrease.
30. Statement -1 :
Conduction is the process by which heat is transferred from one end to another end of metal rod.
Statement -2 :
In conduction, the atoms vibrates to transfer heat from one end to another end of metal rod.
31. Statement -1 :
The bulb of one thermometer is spherical while that of the other is cylindrical. Both have equal amount
of mercury. The response of the cylindrical bulb thermometer will be quicker.
Statement -2 :
Heat conduction in a body is directly proportional to cross-sectional area.
32. Statement -1 :
A common model of a solid assumes the atoms to be points executing SHM about mean lattice
positions. This model cannot explain thermal expansion of solids.
Statement -2 :
The average distance over a time period of oscillation between the particles remains constant.
33. Statement -1 :
If temperature of a gas increases work done by it is positive.
Statement -2 :
As temperature of a gas increases its internal energy increases.
34. Statement -1 :
Work done by a gas in isothermal expansion is more than the work done by the gas in the same
expansion adiabatically.
Statement -2 :
Temperature remains constant in isothermal expansion but not in adiabatic expansion.
35. Statement -1 :
The internal energy of a given sample of an ideal gas depends only its temperature according to kinetic
theory of gases.
Statement -2 :
The ideal gas molecules do not exert intermolecular forces.
36. Statement -1 :
Two sphere of same material have radius r1 and r2 respectively and temperature 4000 K and 2000 K
respectively. The energy radiated per second by first sphere must be more than second sphere.
Statement -2 :
Energy radiated by a body is given by Stefan's law as eAT 4 .
37. Statement -1 :
A gas is expanded from a volume V to 2V, first through adiabatic process Adiabatic
then through isothermal process. Work done in isothermal process is more
if final stage (i.e. pressure and volume) in both case is same. Isothermal
Statement -2 : V 2V
Work done by gas is equal to area under p-V curve.
38. Statement -1 :
In isothermal process whole of the heat energy supplied to the body is converted into internal energy.
Statement -2 : According to the first law of thermodynamics Q = U + PV
39. Statement -1 :
A body that is a good radiator is also a good absorber of radiation at a given wavelength because
Statement -2 :
According to Kirchoff's Law the absorptivity of a body is equal to it's emissivity at a given wavelength.
40. Statement -1 :
In thermal conduction, energy is transferred due to chaotic motion of conduction electron and atomic
vibrations from region of high temperature to low temperature.
Statement -2 :
There is overall transference of particles of conducting body.
41. Statement -1 :
The specific heat of a monatomic gas has value between o and 4R .
Statement -2 :
5 3
cP R and c V R for a monoatomic gas.
2 2
42. Statement -1 :
The specific heat of a gas in an adiabatic process is zero and in an isothermal process is infinite.
Statement -2 :
Specific heat of a gas into directly proportional to change of heat in system and inversely proportional
to change in temperature.
43. Statement -1 :
Two stars S1 and S2 radiate maximum energy at 360 nm and 480 nm respectively. Ratio of their
absolute temperatures is 4 : 3.
Statement -2 :
According to Wien's law T = b (constant)
44. Statement -1 :
Greater is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a material, smaller is the thermal resistance of a rod
of that material.
Statement -2 :
Thermal resistance is the ratio of temperature difference between the ends of the conductor and rate of
flow of heat.
(B) It is a process in which Q U
(C) It is a process in which dQ = dU (always)
(D) It is a process in which dQ = – dU (always)
58. If this process is possible
(A) its molar heat capacity is negative
(B) its molar heat capacity is positive
(C) its molar heat capacity is zero
(D) molar heat capacity cann’t be defined until volume or pressure is constant.
59. If initial temperature of system is T0 and it is compressed to times its initial volume then work done by
system is
1 1/ 3
(A) 6RT0 1 1 / 3
(B) 6 RT
0 1
1 1/ 3
(C) 3RT0 1 1 / 3
(D) 3RT0 1
Write Up-7
Figure shows three isothermals at temperatures.
T1 4000K T2 2000K and T3 1000K . When one mole of an ideal monatomic gas is taken
through the path ABCDA
given v A 1m3andv B 2m3
(A) constant (B) constant (C) VT = constant (D) V T constant
68. The PV diagram for the process is
Figure shows the variation of internal energy U with density of one mole of an ideal monoatomic gas
for a thermodynamic cycle ABCA. The curve AB on graph is a rectangular hyperbola.
69. The work done by the gas in process A to B is
(A) U0 (B) 2U0 (C) 3U0 (D) 4U0
70. The work done by the gas in process B to C is
8U 0 16 U 0 8U 0 16 U 0
(A) ln 2 (B) ln 2 (C) ln 2 (D) ln 2
3 3 3 3
71. The molar heat capacity of gas for process CA is
3 5 R
(A) R (B) R (C) 3R (D)
2 2 2
Write Up-11
The rate of flow of heat depends on the nature of material, cross-sectional area and temperature
gradient . If a material of conductivity k has set up a temperature gradient in x direction , then rate of
dQ dT
heat flow at cross-section having area A is =kA
dt dx
Between any two points of conductor, if temperature difference is T and rate of heat flow is H, then
the resistance or opposition offered by the material to flow is defined as R =
Now consider two very thin concentric metallic shells A and B of radii R 1 and R2 (R2 > R1) and
temperature T1 and T2 (T1> T2) respectively. The hollow space between them is filled with sand of
thermal conductivity k.
72. Thermal resistance offered by the sand is
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) 4 k (D) 2 k
2 k R 1 R2 4 k R 1 R2 R 1 R2 R 1 R2
73. The rate of heat flow through the sand is
R1 R2 R1 R2
(A) 4 k T1 - T2 R - R (B) 2 k T1 - T2
2 1 R1 - R 2
T1 - T2
1 1
T1 - T2
1 1
(C) (D)
4 k R1 R2 2 k R1 R2
74. The temperature T of a point at distance r from the centre in steady state condition where R1 < r < R2
R r - R1 R r - R1
(A) T1 - T2 2 (B) T1 - T1 - T2 2
r R - R r R - R
2 1 2 1
R1 r - R1 R r - R2
(C) T1 - T2 (D) T1 - T1 - T2 1
r R2 - R 1 r R - R
2 1
Write Up-12
C 5
A gaseous mixture is enclosed in a vessel of volume V. One of the gases (A) has P , while
7 CV 3
the other gas (B) has . The gases are ideal and do not react with each other. The mixture follows
the equation pV 2 = constant, in a reversible adiabatic process.
75. The molar ratio of the two gases in the mixture is (nA : nB)
(A) 3:2 (B) 21 : 25 (C) 2:3 (D) 1:1
76. The gaseous mixture is expanded adiabatically and reversibly to 4 times its initial volume. The ratio of
the final temperature of the mixture (on the absolute scale) to its initial temperature is
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 2 2 2 4 2
77. If the proportion of gas B in the mixture increases, then the of the mixture
(A) increases (B) decreases
(C) remains unchanged (D) changes unpredictably
100 e
0 c
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q(cal)
Column I Column II
(A) Q1 (cal) (p) 80
(B) Q2 (cal) (q) 539
(C) Q3 (cal) (r) 100
(D) Q4 (cal) (s) 10.6
79. Column I Column II
(A) Isothermal process (p) The pressure remains constant.
(B) Adiabatic process (q) Change in internal energy is zero.
(C) Isobaric process (r) Work done is positive when the volume of
gas in increasing and is negative when the
volume of gas is decreasing.
80. With reference to the P-V graph shown below, match Column-I with Column-II.
Temperature at A,B & F is T1 and at C, D & E is T2. Also T1 > T2
Column I Column II
(A) CD (p) Isothermal
(B) BC (q) Adiabatic compression
(C) FA (r) Isochoric
(D) EF (s) Adiabatic expansion
81. Respective graphs for adiabatic process taking first term on Y-axis
Column I Column II
82. A ball has surface temperature T initially at time t = 0, that is less than surrounding constant temperature
T0. On the vertical axis of the graph shown has either thermal energy radiated/absorbed per unit
time or total energy radiated/absorbed till time t by the ball. Correctly match the curves marked
in the graph :
Column I Column II
(A) Thermal energy emitted per unit time (p) 1
(B) Thermal energy absorbed per unit time (q) 2
(C) Total energy emitted till time t (r) 3
(D) Total energy absorbed till time t (s) 4
83. Match the following for the given process:
20 M
10 K L
10 20 V(M )
Column - I Column - II
(A) Process J K (p) W > 0
(B) Process K L (q) w < 0
(C) Process L M (r) Q > 0
(D) Process M J (s) Q < 0
84. There is an ideal gas sample. The ratio of CP and CV for gas sample is . In its initial state its pressure
is P1 and volume is V1. Now it is expanded isothermally from volume V1 to V2 . Then it is compressed
adiabatically from volume V2 to V1 again
Regarding the above situation, match the following
Column I Column II
(A) Heat given to system (i.e. ideal gas sample) during (p) Positive
isothermal expansion.
P1 V1 V2
adiabatic process.
(D) Change in internal energy of gas sample from most initial (s) Negative.
state to the final state.
85. Column I Column II
(Processes for ideal gases) (Symbols have usual meaning)
(A) Isothermal (p) U = 0
(B) Isobaric (q) Q=0
(C) Isochoric (r) W=0
(D) Adiabatic free expansions (s) U = nCVT
86. Match the quantities given in column I with column II
Column I Column II
(A) Adiabatic bulk modulus (p) –P/V
(B) Slope of P–V graph in isothermal process (q) 2/( – 1)
(C) Degree of freedom (r) P
D The ratio of molar heat capacity at constant (s)
pressure to universal gas constant R
87. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas is taken round the cyclic process ABCA as shown in figure.
Then :
Column I Column II
P0 V0
(A) the work done by the gas in complete cyclic process is (p)
3P0 V0
(B) magnitude of heat exchanged by the gas in the path CA (q)
(C) magnitude of heat exchanged by the gas in the path BC (r) P0 V0
(D) the maximum temperature attained by the gas during the (s) P0 V0
cycle (considering universal gas constant R = 25/3 unit)
i c
(A) i c n (B) i c 2n (C) n (D) c i 2n
5. A strip of copper and another of germanium are cooled from room temperature to 80K. The resistance
is - [AIEEE-2003]
(A) each of these decreases
(B) copper strip increases and that of germanium decreases
(C) copper strip decreases and that of germanium increases
(D) each of these increases
6. The thermo emf of a thermo-couple is 25V/ºC at room temperature. A galvanometer of 40ohm
resistance, capable of detecting current as low as 10–5 A, is connected with the thermo couple. The
smallest temperature difference that can be detected by this system is [AIEEE-2003]
(A) 16ºC (B) 12ºC (C) 8ºC (D) 20ºC
7. Heat cannot by itself flow from a body at lower temperature to a body at higher temperature is a
statement or consequence of [AIEEE-2003]
(A) second law of thermodynamics
(B) conservation of momentum
(C) conservation of mass
(D) first law of thermodynamics
8. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of its
absolute temperature. The ratio CP / CV for the gas is [AIEEE-2003]
4 5 3
(A) (B) 2 (C) (D)
3 3 2
9. Which of th following parameters does not characterize the thermodynamics state of matter?
(A) temperature (B) pressure (C) work (D) volume[AIEEE-2003]
10. A carnot engine takes 3 × 106 cal of heat from a reservoir at 627ºC, and gives it to a sink at 27ºC. The
work done by the engine is [AIEEE-2003]
(A) 4.2 × 106 J (B) 8.4 × 106 J (C) 16.8 × 106 J (D) zero
11. According to Newton’s law of cooling, the rate of cooling of a body is proportional to ()n, where
is the difference of the temperature of the body and the surroundings, and n is equal to
(A) two (B) three (C) four (D) one[AIEEE-2003]
12. The length of a given cylindrical wire is increased by 100%. Due to the consequent decrease in
diameter the change in the resistance of the wire will be [AIEEE-2003]
(A) 200% (B) 100% (C) 50% (D) 300%
13. One mole of ideal monatomic gas (= 5/3) is mixed with one mole of diatomic gas (= 7/5). What is
for the mixture? Denotes the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure, to that at constant volume.
(A) 35/23 (B) 23/15 (C) 3/2 (D) 4/3[AIEEE-2004]
14. If the temperature of the sun were to increase from T to 2T and its radius from R to 2R, then the ratio
of the radiant energy received on earth to what it was previously will be [AIEEE-2004]
(A) 32 (B) 16 (C) 4 (D) 64
15. Which of the following statements is correct for any thermodynamics system - [AIEEE-2004]
(A) the change in entropy can never be zero
(B) internal energy and entropy and state functions
(C) the internal energy changes in all processes
(D) the work done in an adiabatic process is always zero.
16. Two thermally insulated vessels 1 and 2 are filled with air at temperature (T1,T2), volume (V1, V2) and
pressure (P1, P2) respectively. If the value joining the two vessels is opened, the temperature inside the
vessel at equilibrium will be [AIEEE-2004]
(A) T1T2 (P1V1 + P2V2)/(P1V1 + P2V2T2) (B) (T1 + T2)/2
(C) T1 + T2 (D) T1T2 (P1V1 + P2V2)/(P1V1T1 + P2V2T2)
17. A radiation of energy E falls normally on a perfectly reflecting surface. The momentum transferred to
the surface is [AIEEE-2004]
(A) Ec (B) 2E/c (C) E/c (D) E/c2
18. The thermo emf of a thermocouple varies with the temperature of the hot junction as E = a + b2 in
volts where the ratio a/b is 700ºC. If the cold junction is kept at 0ºC, then the neutral temperature is
(A) 1400ºC (B) 350ºC (C) 700ºC [AIEEE-2004]
(D) no neutral temperature is possible for this termocouple.
19. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the first law of thermodynamics? [AIEEE-2005]
(A) It is a restatement of the principle of conservation of energy
(B) It is not applicable to any cyclic process
(C) It introduces the concept of the entropy
(D) It introduces the concept of the internal energy
20. The figure shows a system of two concentric spheres of radii r1 and r2 are kept at temperatures T1 and
T2, respectively . The radial rate of flow of heat in a substance between the two concentric spheres is
proportional to [AIEEE-2005]
r2 T2
r2 (r2 r1 ) (r1r2 )
(A) ln (B) (r r ) (C) (r2 r1 ) (D) (r r )
r1 1 2 2 1
21. A system goes from A to B via two processes I and II as shown in figure. If U1 and U2 are the
changes in internal energies at the processes I and II respectively, then [AIEEE-2005]
(A) relation between U1 and U2 can not be determined p II
(B) U1 = U2 A B
22. The temperature-entropy diagram of a reversible engine cycle is given in the figure. Its efficiency is
S0 2S0 S
1 1 2 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 2 3 3
23. A gaseous mixture consists of 16g of helium and 16g of oxygen. The ratio of the mixture is
T4 T4 T4 T4
(A) 4r0 R (B) r0 R (C) r0 R (D) R
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
r2 r2 4r 2 r2
25. The work of 146kJ is performed in order to compress one kilo mole of gas adiabatically and in this
process the temperature of the gas increases by 7ºC. The gas is (R = 8.3 J mol –1 K–1)
(A) diatomic (B) triatomic [AIEEE-2006]
(C) a mixture of monatomic and diatomic (D) monatomic
26. A carnot engine, having an efficiency of n = 1/10 as heat engine, is used as a refrigerator. If the work
done on the system is 10J, the amount of energy absorbed from the reservoir at lower temperature is
(A) 100J (B) 99J (C) 90 J (D) 1J [AIEEE-2007]
27. One end of a thermally insulated rod is kept at a temperature T 1 and the other at l2. The rod is
composed of two sections of length l1 and l2 and thermal conductivities K1 and K2 respectively. The
temperature at the interface of the two section is [AIEEE-2007]
T1 l1 l2 T2
K1 K2
28. If CP and CV denote the specific heats of nitrogen per unit mass at constant pressure and constant
volume respectively, then [AIEEE-2007]
(A) CP – CV = 28R (B) CP – CV = R/28 (C) CP – CV = R/14 (D) CP – CV = R
29. An insulated container of gas has two chambers separated by an insulating partition. One of the
chambers has volume V1 and contains ideal gas at pressure P1 and temperature T1. The other chamber
has volume V2 and contains ideal gas at pressure P2 and temperature T2. If the partition is removed
without doing any work on the gas, the final equilibrium temperature of the gas in the container will
be [AIEEE-2008]
30. 1 kg of a diatomic gas is at a pressure of 8 × 104 N/m2. The density of the gas is 4kg / m3. What is the
energy of the gas due to its thermal motion? [AIEEE-2009]
(A) 7 × 104 J (B) 3 × 104 J (C) 5 × 104 J (D) 6 × 104 J
31. A long metallic bar is carrying heat from one of its ends of the other end under steady-state. The
variation of temperature along the length x of the bar from its hot end is best described by which of
the following figures? [AIEEE– 2009]
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Directions : Question number 32, 33 and 34 are based on the following paragaph.
The moles of helum gas are taken over the cycle ABCDA, as shown in the P-T diagrm ?
[AIEEE – 2009]
32. Assuming the gas to be idela the work done on the gas in taking it from A to B os
(A) 200 R (B) 300 R (C) 400 R (D) 500 R
33. The work done on the gas in taking it from D to A is
(A) – 414 R (B) + 414 R (C) – 690 R (D) + 690 R
34. The net work done on the gas in the cycle
(A) zero (B) 276 R (C) 1076 R (D) 1904 R
35. A diatomic ideal gas is used in a carrno engine as the working substance. If during the adiabatic
expansion part of the cycle the voulme of the gas increases from V to 32V, the efficiency of the engine
is [AIEEE-20010]
(A) 0.25 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.75 (D) 0.99
36. 100g of water is heated from 30ºC to 50ºC ignoring the slight expansion of the water, the change in its
internal energy is (specific heat of water is 4184 J/Kg/K) : [AIEEE-2011]
(A) 4.2 kJ (B) 8.4 kJ (C) 84 kJ (D) 3.1 kJ
37. A carnot engine operating between temperature T1 and T2 has efficiency . When T2 is lowered by
62K, its efficiency increases to . Then T1 and T2 are respectively [AIEEE-2011]
(A) 372 K 310 K (B) 372 K and 33K (C) 330 K and 268 K (D) 310 K and 248 K
38. Three perfect gases at absolute temperature T1, T2 and T3 are mixed. The masses of molecules are m1
m2 and the number of molecules are n1, n2 and n3 respectively. Assuming no loss of energy, the final
temperature of the mixture is
( 1) ( 1) Mv 2 ( 1)
(A) Mv 2 K (B) Mv 2 K (C) K (D) Mv 2 K
2( 1)R 2 R 2R 2R
40. A wooden wheel of radius R is made of two semicircular paris (see figure). The two parts are held
together by a ring made of a metal strip of cross sectional area S and length L. L is slightly less
than 2R To fit the ring on the wheel, it is heated so that its temperature rises by T and it just
steps over the wheel. As it cools down to surrounding temperature, it presses the semicircular parts
together. If the coefficient of linear expansion of the inetal is , and its Youngs’ modulus in Y the
force that one part of the wheel applies on the other part is : [AIEEE-2012]
(A) SYT (B) 2SYT (C) 2SYT (D) SYT
41. A carnot engine, whose efficiency is 40% takes in heat from a source maintained at a temperature of
500 K. It is desired to have an engine of efficiency 60%. Then, the intake temperature for the same
exhaust (sink) temperature must be. [AIEEE-2012]
(A) 750 K (B) 600 K
(C) efficiency of Carnot engine cannot be made larger than 50% (D) 1200 K
42. A liquid in a beaker has temperature at time t and 0 is temperature surroundings then according to
Newton’s law of cooling the correct graph between loge (– 0) and t is. [AIEEE-2012]
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
43. Helium gas goes through a cycle ABCDA (consisting of two isobaric and two isobaric lines) as shown
in figure Efficiency of this cycle is nearly (assume the gas to be close to ideal gas).[AIEEE-2012]
(A) 10.5 % (B) 12.5 % (C) 15.4% (D) 9.1 %
OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (only one option is correct)
1. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken round the cycle ABCDA as shown in the P-V diagram (see
figure). The work done during the cycle is : [1983 , 1M]
(A) PV
(B) 2 PV
(C) PV
(D) zero
2. 70 calories of heat required to raise the temperature of 2 moles of an ideal diatomic gas at
constant pressure from 30 ºC to 35 ºC . The amount of heat required (in calories) to raise the
temperature of the same gas through the same range (30 ºC to 35 ºC) at constant volume is :
(A) 30 (B) 50 (C) 70 (D) 90 [1985 , 2M]
3. Steam at 100 ºC is passed into 1.1 kg of water contained in a calorimeter of water equivalent to
0.02 kg at 15 ºC till the temperature of the calorimeter and its contents rises to 80 ºC . The mass
of the steam condensed in kg is : [1986 , 2M]
(A) 0.130 (B) 0.065 (C) 0.260 (D) 0.135
4. If one mole of a monoatomic gas ( = 5/3) is mixed with one mole of a diatomic gas ( = 7/5) , the
value of for the mixture is : [1988 , 2M]
(A) 1.40 (B) 1.50 (C) 1.53 (D) 3.07
5. A cylinder of radius R made of a material of thermal conductivity K1 is surrounded by a
cylindrical shell of inner radius R and outer radius 2R made of a material of thermal conductivity
K2 . The two ends of the combined system are maintained at two different temperatures. There is
no loss of heat across the cylindrical surface and the system is in steady state. The effective
thermal conductivity of the system is : [1988 , 2M]
K1 K 2 K1 3K 2 3K1 K 2
(A) K1 + K2 (B) (C) (D)
K1 K 2 4 4
6. When an ideal diatomic gas is heated at constant pressure the fraction of the heat energy supplied
which increases the internal energy of the gas is : [1990 , 2M]
(A) 2/5 (B) 3/5 (C) 3/7 (D) 5/7
7. Three rods of identical cross-sectional area and made from the same metal from the sides of an
isosceles triangle ABC, right angled at B . The points A and B are maintained at temperatures T
and 2 T respectively . In the steady state , the temperature of the point C is Tc . Assuming that
only heat conduction takes place , Tc/T is : [1995 , 2M]
1 3 1 1
2 2 1 (B)
2 1
3 2 1 (D)
2 1
8. Two metallic spheres S1 and S2 are made of the same material and have got identical surface
finish . The mass of S1 is thrice that of S2 . Both the spheres are heated to the same high temperature
and placed in the same room having lower temperature but are thermally insulated from each
other . The ratio of the initial rate of cooling of S1 to that S2 is : [1995 , 2M]
1/ 3
1 1 3 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 3 1 3
9. The intensity of radiation emitted by the sun has its maximum value at a wavelength of 510 nm
and that emitted by the north star has the maximum value at 350 nm . If these stars behave like
blackbodies then the ratio of the surface temperature of the sun and the north star is :
(A) 1.46 (B) 0.69 (C) 1.21 (D) 0.83 [1997 , 1M]
10. A vessel contains 1 mole of O2 gas (molar mass 32) at a temperature T . The pressure of the gas
is P . An identical vessel containing one mole of the gas (molar mass 4) at a temperature 2T has
a pressure of : [1997 , 1M]
(A) P/8 (B) P (C) 2 P (D) 8 P
11. A spherical black body with a radius of 12 cm radiates 450 W power at 500 K . If the radius
were halved and the temperature doubled, the power radiated in watt would be : [1997 , 1M]
(A) 225 (B) 450 (C) 900 (D) 1800
12. Two identical containers A and B with frictionless pistons contain the same ideal gas at the same
temperature and the same volume V . The mass of the gas in A is m A and that in B is mB . The gas
in each cylinder is now allowed to expand isothermally to the same final volume 2V . The changes
in the pressure in A and B are found to be P and 1.5 P resopectively . Then
(A) 4 mA = 9 mB (B) 2 mA = 3 mB (C) 3 mA = 2 mB (D) 9 mA = 4 mB
[1998 , 2M]
13. Two cylinders A and B fitted with pistons contain equal amounts of an ideal diatomic gas at
300 K. The piston of A is free to move , while that of B is held fixed . The same amount of heat is
given to the gas in each cylinder . If the rise in temperature of the gas in A is 30 K , then the rise
in temperature of the gas in B is : [1998 , 2M]
(A) 30 K (B) 18 K (C) 50 K (D) 42 K
14. A black body is at a temperature of 2880 K . The energy of radiation emitted by this object with
wavelength between 499 nm and 500 nm is U1 , between 999 nm and 1000 nm is U2 and
between 1499 nm and 1500 nm is U3 . The Wein constant , b = 2.88 106 nm-K . Then
(A) U1 = 0 (B) U3 = 0 (C) U1 > U2 (D) U2 > U1 [1998 , 2M]
15. A monoatomic ideal gas , initially at temperature T1 is enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a frictionless
piston . The gas is allowed to expand adiabatically to a temperature T2 by releasing the piston
suddenly . If L1 and L2 are the lengths of the gas column before and after expansion
respectively , then T1/T2 is given by : [2000 , 2M]
2/3 2/3
(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 2
L2 L2 L1 L1
16. The plots of intensity versus wavelength for three black bodies at temperatures T1 , T2 and
T3 respectively are as shown . Their temperatures are such that : [2000 , 2M]
(A) T1 > T2 > T3 (B) T1 > T3 > T2 (C) T2 > T3 > T1 (D) T3 > T2 > T1
17. A block of ice at – 10 ºC is slowly heated and converted to steam at 100 ºC . Which of the
following curves represents the phenomena qualitatively ? [2000 , 2M]
19. An ideal gas is initially at temperature T and volume V . Its volume is increased by V due to an
increase in temperature T, pressure remaining constant . The quantity = varies with
temperature as : [2000 , 2M]
20. Three rods made of the same material and having the same cross-section have been joined as
shown in the figure. Each rod is of the same length . The left and right ends are kept at 0 ºC and
90 ºC respectively . The temperature of junction of the three rods will be : [2001 , 2M]
dV dP
24. Which of the following graphs correctly represent the variation of = – with P for an
ideal gas at constant temperature ? [2002 , 2M]
(A) (B) (C) (D)
25. An ideal black-body at room temperature is thrown into a furnace . It is observed that :
(A) initially it is the darkest body and at later times the brightest [2002 , 2M]
(B) it is the darkest body at all times
(C) it cannot be distinguished at all times
(D) initially it is the darkest body and at later times it cannot be distinguished
26. The graph , shown in the diagram, represents the variation of temperature (T) of the bodies , x
and y having same surface area with time (t) due to the emission of radiation . Find the correct
relation between the emissivity and absorptivity power of the two bodies .
(A) (B)
[2004 , 2M]
31. An ideal gas expands isothermally from a volume V1 and V2 and then compressed to original
volume V1 adiabatically . Initial pressure is P1 and final pressure is P3 . The total work done is
W . Then : [2004 , 2M]
(A) P3 > P1 , W > 0 (B) P3 < P1 , W < 0
(C) P3 > P1 , W < 0 (D) P3 = P1 , W = 0
32. Two identical conducting rods are first connected independently to two vessels, one containing
water at 100 ºC and the other containing ice at 0 ºC . In the second case, the rods are joined end
to end and connected to the same vessels . Let q1 and q2 be the rate of melting of ice in the two
cases respectively . The ratio q1 q 2 is : [2004 , 2M]
(A) 1/2 (B) 2/1 (C) 4/1 (D) 1/4
33. Three discs A , B and C having radii 2 m , 4 m and 6 m respectively are coated with carbon black
on their outer surfaces . The wavelengths corresponding to maximum intensity are 300 nm ,
400 nm and 500 nm respectively . The power radiated by them are QA , QB and QC respectively.
[2004 , 2M]
(A) QA is maximum (B) QB is maximum (C) QC is maximum (D) QA = QB = QC
34. Water of volume 2 litre in a container is heated with a coil of 1 kW at 27 ºC . The lid of the
container is open and energy dissipates at rate of 160 J/s . In how much time temperature will rise
from 27 ºC to 77 ºC ? [2005 , 2M]
(A) 8 min 20 s (B) 6 min 2 s (C) 7 min (D) 14 min
35. In which of the following process, convection does not take place primarily ? [2005 , 2M]
(A) Sea and land breeze (B) boiling of water
(C) Warming of glass of bulb due to filament (D) Heating air around a furnace
36. Variation of radiant energy emitted by sun, filament of tungsten lamp and welding arc as a function of
its wavelength is shown in figure . Which of the following option is the correct match ?
T1 T2
46. The variation of temperature of a material as heat is given to it at constant rate is shown in the
figure . The material is in solid state at the point O . The state of the material at the point P is
________ . [1985, 2M]
47. During an experiment, an ideal gas is found to obey an additional law P 2V = constant . The gas is
initially at a temperature T and volume V . When it expands to a volume 2V, the temperature
becomes ________ . [1987, 2M]
48. 300 g of water at 25 ºC is added to 100 g of ice at 0 ºC . The final temperature of the mixture is
________ ºC . [1989, 2M]
49. The earth receives at its surface radiation from the sun at the rate of 1400 Wm –2 . The distance
of the centre of the sun from the surface of the earth is 1.5 1011 m and the radius of the sun is
7 108 m . Treating the sun as a black body , it follows from the above data that its surface
temperature is ________ K . [1989, 2M]
50. A solid copper (density and specific heat c) of radius r at an initial temperature 200 K is
suspended inside a chamber whose walls are at almost 0 K . The time required for the temperature
of the sphere to drop to 100 K is ________ . [1991, 2M]
51. A point source of heat of power P is placed at the centre of a spherical shell of mean radius R.
The material of the shell has thermal conductivity K . If the temperature difference between the
outer and inner surface of the shell is not to exceed T , the thickness of the shell should not be less
than ________ . [1991 , 1M]
52. A substance of mass M kg requires a power input of P watts to remain in the molten state at its
melting point . When the power source is turned off, the sample completely solidifies in time t
seconds . The latent heat of fusion of the substance is ________ . [1992 , 1M]
53. A container of volume 1 m3 is divided into two equal parts by a partition . One part has an ideal
gas at 300 K and the other part is vacuum . The whole system is thermally isolated from the
surroundings . When the partition is removed , the gas expands to occupy the whole volume . Its
temperature will now be ________ . [1993 , 1M]
54. An ideal gas with pressure P , volume V and temperature T is expanded isothermally to a volume
2V and a final pressure Pi . If the same gas is expanded adiabatically to a volume 2V, the final
pressure is Pa . The ratio of the specific heats of the gas is 1.67 . The ratio is ________.
[1994 , 2M]
55. Two metal cubes A and B of same size are arranged as shown in figure . The extreme ends of the
combination are maintained at the indicated temperatures . The arrangement is thermally
insulated . The coefficients of thermal conductivity of A and B are 300 W/m ºC and 200 W/m ºC
respectively . After steady state is reached the temperature t of the interface will be ________ .
[1996 , 2M]
56. A ring shaped tube contains two ideal gases with equal masses and relative molar masses
M1 = 32 and M2 = 28 . The gases are separated by one fixed partition and another movable
stopper S which can move freely without friction inside the ring . The angle as shown in the
figure is ________ degree . [1997 , 2M]
57. A gas thermometer is used as a standard thermometer for measurement of temperature . When
the gas container of the thermometer is immersed in water at its triple point 273.16 K , the
pressure in the gas thermometer reads 3.0 104 N/m2 . When the gas container of the same
thermometer is immersed in another system, the gas pressure reads 3.5 104 N/m2 . The
temperature of this system is therefore ________ ºC . [1997 , 1M]
58. Earth receives 1400 W/m2 of solar power . If all the solar energy falling on a lens of area 0.2 m2
is focussed onto a block of ice of mass 280 g , the time taken to melt the ice will be ________
minutes . [ Latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.3 105 J/kg ] [1997 , 2M]
59. The volume V versus temperature T graphs for a certain amount of a perfect gas at two pressure
p1 and p2 are as shown in figure . It follows from the graphs that p1 is greater than p2.
[1982 , 2M]
60. The curves A and B in the figure shows P-V graphs for an isothermal and an adiabatic process for
an ideal gas . The isothermal process is represented by the curve A . [1985 , 3M]
61. At a given temperature, the specific heat of a gas at a constant pressure is always greater than its
specific heat at constant volume. [1987 , 2M]
62. Two spheres of the same material have radii 1 m and 4 m temperature 4000 K and 2000 K
respectively . The energy radiated per second by the first sphere is greater than that by the
second. [1988 , 2M]
The total translational kinetic energy of all the molecules of a given mass of an ideal gas is 1.5 times the
product of its pressure and its volume.
The molecules of a gas collide with each other and the velocities of the molecules change due to the
(A) Statement- 1 is True, Statement-2 is True, Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
Statement -1
(B) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True ; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation
for Statement - 1
(C) Statement - 1 is True, Statement- 2 is False
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is True [2007, 3M]
A fixed thermally conducting cylinder has a radius R and height L0. The cylinder is open at its bottom
and has a small hole at its top. A piston of mass M is held at a distance L from the top surface, as shown
in the figure. The atmospheric pressure is P0. [2007, 12M]
64. The piston is now pulled out slowly and held at a distance 2L from the top. The pressure in the cylinder
between its top and the piston will then be
P0 P0 Mg P0 Mg
(A) P0 (B) (C) (D)
2 2 R 2
2 R 2
65. While the piston is at a distance 2L from the top, the hole at the top is sealed. The piston is then
released, to a position where it can stay in equilibrium. In this condition, the distance of the piston from
the top is
2P0 R 2 P0 R 2 Mg
(A) 2 (2L) (B) (2L)
R P0 Mg R P0
P0 R 2 Mg P0 R 2
R 2 P
( 2 L ) (D) (2L)
R P0 Mg
66. The piston is taken completely out of the cylinder. The hole at the top is sealed. A water tank is brought
below the cylinder and put in a position so that the water surface in the tank is at the same level as the
top of the cylinder as shown in the figure. The density of the water is . In equilibrium, the height H of
the water column in the cylinder satisfies
(A) g (L0 – H)2 + P0 (L0 – H) + L0P0 = 0 (B) g (L0 – H)2 – P0 (L0 – H) – L0P0 = 0
(C) g (L0 – H)2 + P0 (L0 – H) – L0P0 = 0 (D) g (L0 – H)2 – P0 (L0 – H) + L0P0 = 0
67. Column I Column II [2006, 6M]
(a) JK process (P) W > 0
(b) KL process (Q) W < 0
(c) LM process (R) Q > 0
(d) MJ process (S) Q < 0
68. Column I gives some devices and Column II gives some processes on which the functioning of these
devices depend. Match the devices in Column I with the process in Column II. [2007, 6M]
Column I Column II
(a) Bimetallic strip (P) Radiation from a hot body
(b) Steam engine (Q) Energy conversion
(c) Incandescent lamp (R) Melting
(d) Electric fuse (S) Thermal expansion of solids
69. Column I contains a list of processes involving expansion of an ideal gas. Match this with column
II describing the thermodynamic change during this process. Indicate your answer by darkening
the appropriate bubbles of the 4 × 4 matrix given in the ORS. [2008]
Column I Column II
(A) An insulated container has two chambers (p) The temperature of the
separated by a valve. Chamber I contains an ideal gas decreases
gas and the chamber. II has vacuum. The valve is opened.
ideal gas
(B) An ideal monatomic gas expands to twice its original (q) The temperature of the gas
volume such that its pressure P , where V is the volume increases or remains constant
of the gas
(C) An ideal monoatomic gas expands to twice its original (r) The gas loses heat
volume such that its pressure P 4/3 , where V is its volume
(D) An ideal monoatomic gas expands such that its pressure P (s) The gas gains heat
and volume V follows the behavior shown in the graph
V1 2V1 V
70. The figure shows the P-V plot of an ideal gas taken through a cycle ABCDA. The part ABC is semi-
circle and CDA is half of an ellipse. Then, [2009]
1 C
1 2 3
74. One mole of an ideal gas in initial state A undergoes a cyclic process ABCA, as shown in the figure.
Its pressure at A is P-. Choose the correct options from the following) [2010]
P0 P0
V0 C A
(A) internal energies at A and B are the same (B) work done by the gas in process AB is P0V0 ln 4
P0 P0
(C) pressure at C is (D) temperature at C is
4 4
75. A piece of ice (heat capacity = 2100Jkmg–1C–1 and latent heat = 3.36 × 105 Jkg–1) of mass m grams
is at –5ºC at atmospheric pressure. It is given 420J of heat so that the ice starts melting. Finally when
the ice-water mixture is in equilibrium, it is found that 1gm of ice has melted. Assuming there is no other
heat exchange in the pressure, the value of m is [2010]
76. A diatomic ideal gas is compressed adiabatically to of its initial volume. In the initial temperature of
the gas is Ti (in kelvin) and the final temperature is Ti, the value of is [2010]
77. 5.6 liter of helium gas at STP is adiabatically compressed to 0.7 litre. Taking the initial temperature to
be T1, the work done in the process is [2011]
9 3 15 9
(A) RT1 (B) RT1 (C) RT1 (D) RT1
8 2 8 2
78. A composite block is made of slabs A, B, C, D and E of different thermal conductivities (given in terms
of a constant K) and sizes (given in terms of length, L) as shown in the figure. All slabs are of same
width. Heat ‘Q’ flows only from left to right through the blocks. Then in steady state.[2011]
Column-I Column-II
(A) Process A B (p) Internal energy decreases
(B) Process B C (q) Internal energy increases.
(C) Process C D (r) Heat is lost.
(D) Process D A (s) Heat is gained
(t) Work is done on the gas
81. Three very large plates of same area are kept parallel and close to each other. They are considered
as ideal black surfaces and have very high thermal conductivity. The first and third plates are
maintained at temperatures 2T and 3T respectively. The temperature of the middle (i.e. second)
plate under steady state condition is [IIT-2012]
1 1 1
65 4 97 4 97 4 1
(A) T (B) T (C) T (D) 97 4 T
2 4 2
82. A mixture of 2 moles of helium gas (atomic mass = 4 amu) and 1 mole of argon (Atomic mass
v rms (helium)
= 40 amu) is kept at 300K in a container. The ratio of the rms speeds is
vrms (arg on)
(A) 0.32 (B) 0.45 (C) 2.24 (D) 3.16
83. Two moles of ideal helium gas are in a rubber balloon at 30ºC. The balloon is fully expandable
and can be assumed to require no energy in its expansion. The temperature of the gas in the
balloon is slowly changed to 35ºC. The amount of heat required in raising the temperature is
(A) 62 J (B) 104 J (C) 124 J (D) 208 J
1. A lead bullet just melts when stopped by an obstacle . Assuming that 25 per cent of heat is absorbed
by the obstacle , find the velocity of the bullet if its initial temperature is 27 ºC.
[ Melting point of lead = 327 ºC , specific heat of lead = 0.03 cal/g ºC, latent heat of fusion of
lead = 6 cal/g , J = 4.2 J/cal ] [1981 , 3M]
2. A cyclic process ABCA shown in the V-T diagram is performed with a constant mass of an ideal
gas . Show the same process on a P-V diagram .
[ In the figure , CA is parallel to the V-axis and BC is parallel to T-axis ] [1981 , 4M]
3. Calculate the work done when one mole of a perfect gas is compressed adiabatically . The initial
pressure and volume of the gas are 105 N/m2 and 6 litres respectively. The final volume of the
gas is 2 litres, molar specific heat of the gas at constant volume is 3 R/2 . [1982 , 8M]
4. A solid sphere of copper of radius R and a hollow sphere of the same material of inner radius r
and outer radius A are heated to the same temperature and allowed to cool in the same environment
. Which of them starts cooling faster ? [1982 , 2M]
5. One gram mole of oxygen at 27 ºC and one atmospheric pressure is enclosed in a vessel .
(i) Assuming the molecules to be moving with vrms , find the number of collisions per second
which the molecules make with one square metre area of the vessel wall .
(ii) The vessel is next thermally insulated and moved with a constant speed v0 . It is then suddenly
stopped . The process results in a rise of the temperature of the gas by 1ºC. Calculate the
speed v0 . [1982 , 8M]
6. The rectangular box shown in figure has a partition which can slide without friction along the length
of the box . Initially each of the two chambers of the box has one mole of a monoatomic ideal gas
( = 5/3) at a pressure P0 , volume V0 and temperature T0 . The chamber on the left is slowly heated
by an electric heater . The walls of the box and the partition are thermally insulated. Heat loss through
the lead wires of the heater is negligible. The gas in the left chamber expands pushing the partition
until the final pressure in both chambers becomes 243 P0/32 . Determine :
12. An ideal monoatomic gas is confined in a cylinder by a spring loaded position of cross-section
8 10–3 m2 . Initially the gas is at 300 K and occupies a volume of 2.4 10–3 m3 and the spring
is in its relaxed (unstretched, uncompressed) state . The gas is heated by a small electric heater until
the piston moves out slowly by 0.1 m .
Calculate the final temperature of the gas and the heat supplied (in joules) by the heater . The force
constant of the spring is 8000 N/m and the atmospheric pressure 10 105 Nm–2 . The cylinder
and the piston are thermally insulated . The piston is massless and there is no friction between the
piston and the cylinder . Neglect heat loss through the lead wires of the heater . The heat capacity
of the heater coil is negligible . Assume the spring to be massless .[1989 , 8M]
13. An ideal gas having initial pressure P , volume V and temperature T is allowed to expand adiabatically
until its volume becomes 5.66 V while its temperature falls to T/2 .
(i) How many degrees of freedom do gas molecules have ?
(ii) Obtain the work done by the gas during the expansion as a function of the initial pressure
P and volume V. [1990 , 7M]
14. Three moles of an ideal gas C P R at pressure PA and temperature TA is isothermally expanded
to twice its initial volume . It is then compressed at constant pressure to its original volume . Finally
gas is compressed at constant volume to its original pressure P A .
(i) Sketch P-V and P-T diagrams for the complete process
(ii) Calculate the net work done by the gas and net heat supplied to the gas during the complete
process . [1991 , 4 + 4M]
15. Two moles of helium gas undergo a cyclic process as shown in figure . Assuming the gas to be ideal,
calculate the following quantities in this process .
metal disc of mass 0.4 kg and of the same cross-section. The upper face of the cylinder is maintained
at a constant temperature of 400 K and the initial temperature of the disc is 300 K . If the thermal
conductivity of the material of the cylinder is 10 watt/mK and the specific heat capacity of the material
of the disc is 600 J/kg-K , how long will it take for the temperature of the disc to increase to 350
K ? Assume , for purposes of calculation, the thermal conductivity of the disc to be very high and
the system to be thermally insulated except for the upper face of the cylinder. [1992 , 8M]
17. One mole of a monoatomic ideal gas is taken through the cycle shown in the figure .
A B : adiabatic expansion
B C : cooling at constant volume
C D : adiabatic compression
D A : heating at constant volume
The pressure and temperature at A , B , etc are denoted by PA , TA , PB , TB etc respectively. Given
that TA = 1000 K , PB = (2/3) PA and PC = (1/3) PA , calculate the following quantities:
(a) The work done by the gas in the process A B
(b) The heat lost by the gas in the process B C
(c) The temperature TD .
[ Given : (2/3)2/5 = 0.85 ] [1993 , 4 + 4 +2M]
18. An ideal gas is taken through a cyclic thermodynamic process through four steps . The amounts of
heat involved in these steps are Q1 = 5960 J , Q2 = – 5585 J , Q3 = – 2980 J and Q4 = 3645
J respectively . The corresponding quantities of work involved are W 1 = 2200 J , W2 = – 825
J , W3 = – 1100 and W4 respectively .
(a) Find the value of W4
(b) What is the efficiency of the cycle ? [1994 , 6M]
19. A closed container of volume 0.2 m3 contains a mixture of neon and argon gases at a temperature of 27
ºC and pressure of 1 105 Nm–2 . The total mass of the mixture is 28 g . If the molar masses of neon
and argon are 20 and 40 g mol–1 respectively , find the masses of the individual gases in the container
assuming them to be ideal . [Universal gas constant R = 8.314 J/mol-K] [1994 , 6M]
20. A gaseous mixture enclosed in a vessel of volume V consists of one gram mole of gas A with
= (CP/CV = 5/3) and another gas B with = 7/5 at a certain temperature T . The gram molecular
weights of the gases A and B are 4 and 32 respectively . The gases A and B do not react with
each other and are assumed to be ideal . The gaseous mixture follows the equation, PV19/13 = constant
in adiabatic process . [1995 , 10M]
(a) Find the number of gram moles of the gas B in the gaseous mixture
(b) Compute the speed of sound in the gaseous mixture at 300 K
(c) If T is raised by 1 K from 300 K , find the percentage change in the speed of sound in
the gaseous mixture
(d) The mixture is compressed adiabatically to 1/5 of its initial volume V . Find the change in
its adiabatic compressibility in terms of the given quantities .
21. At 27 ºC two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas occupy a volume V . Calculate :
(a) the final temperature of the gas (b) change in its internal energy
(c) the work done by the gas during this process [1996 , 5M]
22. The temperature of 100 g of water is to be raised from 24 ºC to 90 ºC by adding steam to it. Calculate
the mass of the steam required for this purpose . [1996 , 2M]
23. One mole of a diatomic ideal gas ( = 1.4) is taken through a cyclic process starting from
point A . The process A B is an adiabatic compression . B C is isobaric expansion ,
C D an adiabatic expansion and D A is isochoric . [1997 , 5M]
The volume ratio are VA/VB and VC/VD = 2 and the temperature at A is TA = 300 K . Calculate
the temperature of the gas at the points B and D and find the efficiency of the cycle .
24. The apparatus shown in figure consists of four glass columns connected by horizontal sections. The
height of two central columns B and C are 49 cm each . The two outer columns A and D are open
to the atmosphere . A and C are maintained at a temperature of 95 ºC while the column B and
D are maintained at 5 ºC . The height of the liquid in A and D measured from the base line are
52.8 cm and 51 cm respectively . Determine the coefficient of thermal expansion of the liquid .
[1997 , 5M]
95°C 5°C 95°C
25. A double-pane window used for insulating a room thermally from outside consists of two glass sheets
each of area 1 m2 and thickness 0.01 m separated by a 0.05 m thick stagnant air space . In the
steady state , the room glass inter-face and the glass-outdoor interface are at constant temperatures
of 27 ºC and 0 ºC respectively . Calculate the rate of heat flow through the window pane . Also
find the temperatures of other interfaces . Given thermal conductivities of glass and air as 0.8 and
0.08 W m–1 K–1 respectively . [1997 C, 5M]
26. A sample of 2 kg monoatomic helium (assumed ideal) is taken through the process ABC and another
sample of 2 kg of the same gas is taken through the process ADC (see figure) . Given molecular
mass of helium = 4 .
27. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas is taken round the cyclic process ABCA as shown in figure.
Calculate :
28. A solid body X of heat capacity C is kept in an atmosphere whose temperature is T A = 300 K. At
time t = 0 , the temperature of X is T0 = 400 K . It cools according to Newton’s law of cooling .
At time t1 its temperature is found to be 350 K .
At this time (t1) the body X is connected to a large body Y at atmospheric temperature TA through
a conducting rod of length L , cross-sectional area A and thermal conductivity K . The heat capacity
of Y is so large that any variation in its temperature may be neglected . The cross-sectional area A
of the connecting rod is small compared to the surface area of X . Find the temperature of X at time
t = 3 t1 . [1998 , 8M]
29. Two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas initially at pressure P1 and volume V1 undergo an adiabatic
compression until its volume is V2. Then the gas is given heat Q at constant volume V2.
(a) Sketch the complete process on a P-V diagram
(b) Find the total work done by the gas , the total change in internal energy and the final temperature
of the gas .
[ Give your answer in terms of P1 , V1 , V2 , Q and R ] [1999 , 10M]
30. Two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas is taken through a cycle ABCA as shown in the P-T diagram.
During the process AB , pressure and temperature of the gas vary such that
PT = constant . If T1 = 300 K , calculate :
(a) the work done on the gas in the process AB
(b) the heat absorbed or released by the gas in each of the processes .
[ Give answers in terms of the gas constant R ] [2000 , 10M]
31. An ice cube of mass 0.1 kg at 0 ºC is placed in an isolated container which is at 227 ºC . The specific
heat S of the container varies with temperature T according to the empirical relation
S = A + BT , where A = 100 cal/kg-K and B = 2 10–2 cal/kg-K2 . If the final temperature of the
container is 27 ºC , determine the mass of the container . [2001 , 5M]
[ Latent heat of fusion for water = 8 10 cal/kg , specific heat of water = 103 cal/kg-K ]
32. A monoatomic ideal gas of two moles is taken through a cyclic process starting from A as shown in
the figure . The volume ratios are = 2 and D = 4 . If the temperature TA at A is 27 ºC, calculate
and carries a bob of mass 100 kg at the other end . If the bob gets snapped , calculate the change
in temperature of the wire ignoring losses .
[ For steel wire: Young’s modulus = 2.1 1011 Pa ; Density = 7860 kg/m3;
specific heat = 420 J/kg-K ] [2001 , 5M]
34. A cubical box of side 1 m contains helium gas (atomic weight 4) at a pressure of 100 N/m2 . During
an observation time of 1 s , an atom travelling with the root mean square speed parallel to one of the
edges of the cube , was found to make 500 hits with a particular wall without any collision with other
atoms . Take R = 25/3 J/mol-K and k = 1.38 10–23 J/K ]
(a) Evaluate the temperature of the gas
(b) Evaluate the average kinetic energy per atom
(c) Evaluate the total mass of helium gas in the box . [2002 , 5M]
35. An insulated box containing a monoatomic gas of molar mass M moving with a speed v0 is suddenly
stopped . Find the increment in gas temperature as a result of stopping the box .
[2003, 2M]
36. The top of an insulated cylindrical container is covered by a disc having emmissivity 0.6 and conductivity
0.167 W/km and thickness 1 cm . The temperature is maintained by circulating oil as shown .
(a) Find the radiation loss to the surroundings in J/m2 s if temperature of the upper surface of disc
is 127 ºC and temperature of surroundings is 27 ºC
(b) Also find the temperature of the circulating oil . Neglect the heat loss due to convection.
[ Given : = 108 W/m–2 K–4 ] [2003, 4M]
37. The piston cylinder arrangement shown contains a diatomic gas at temperature 300 K . The
cross-sectional area of the cylinder is 1 m2 . Initially the height of the piston above the base
of the cylinder is 1 m . The temperature is now raised to 400 K at constant pressure . Find
the new height of the piston above the base of the cylinder . If the piston is now brought back
to its original height without any heat loss , find the new equilibrium temperature of the gas .
[ You can leave the answer in fraction ] [2004, 2M]
38. A cube of coefficient of linear expansion s is floating in a bath containing a liquid of coefficient of
volume expansion l . When the temperature is raised by T , the depth upto which the cube is
submerged in the liquid remains the same. Find the relation between s and l showing all the steps
. [2004, 2M]
39. One end of a rod of length L and cross-sectional area A is kept in a furnace of temperature T 1. The
other end of the rod is kept at a temperature T2 . The thermal conductivity of the material of the rod
is K and emissivity of the rod is e . It is given that T2 = Ts + T , where T << Ts , Ts being the
temperature of the surroundings . If T (T1 – Ts) , find the proportionality constant . Consider that
heat is lost only by radiation at the end where the temperature of the rod is T 2 .
[2004, 4M]
40. A metal of mass 1 kg at constant atmospheric pressure and at initial temperature 20 ºC is given a heat
of 20000 J . Find the following : [2005, 6M]
(a) change in temperature (b) work done and
(c) change in internal energy
[ Given : specific heat 400 J/kg/ºC , coefficient of cubical expansion , = 9 10–5 /ºC ,
density = 9000 kg/m3 , atmospheric pressure = 105 N/m2 ]
41. If 0.05 kg steam at 373 K is mixed with 0.45 kg ice at –20°C then find the resultant temperature.
[2006, 6M]
Q.1 The average degrees of freedom per molecules for a gas is 6. The gas performs 25 J of work when it
expands at constant pressure. Find the heat absorbed (in joules) by the gas. (answer in multiple of 100)
Q.2 A vertical hollow cylinder contains an ideal gas. The gas is enclosed by a 5kg movable piston with an
area of cross-section 5 × 10–3 m2 . Now, the gas is slowly heated from 300 K to 350K and the piston
rises by 0.1 m. The piston is now clamped at this position and the gas is cooled back to 300 K. Find the
difference between the heat energy added during heating process & energy lost during the cooling process.
[1 atm pressure = 105 N m-2] (answer in multiple of 11)
Q.3 V-T curve for 2 moles of a gas is straight line as shown in the graph here. Find the pressure (in N/m2)
of gas at A. (answer in multiple of 2.5 × 104). Find the value of N.
Q.4 P-V graph for an ideal gas undergoing polytropic process PVm/2 = constant is shown here.Find the
value of m.
Q.5 An iron bar (Young’s modulus = 1011 N/m2 , = 10–6 /°C) 1 m long and 10–3 m2 in area is heated
from 0°C to 100°C without being allowed to bend or expand. Find the compressive force developed
inside the bar. (answer in multiple of 104)
Q.6 One mole of an ideal gas is compressed from 0.5 lit to 0.25 lit. During the compression, 23.04 × 102 J
of work is done on the gas and heat is removed to keep the temperature of the gas constant at
all times. Find the temperature of the gas. (answer in multiple of 100K) (Take universal gas constant
R = 8.31 J mol–1K–1)
Q.7 70 calorie of heat is required to raise the temperature of 2 mole of an ideal gas at constant pressure
from 40°C to 45°C. Find the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the same gas through
the same range at constant volume. (answer in multiple of 10calorie) (R = 2 cal/mol-K)
Q.8 Figure shows three processes for an ideal gas. The temperature at 'a' is 600
K, pressure 16 atm and volume 1 litre. The volume at 'b' is 4 litre. Out of the
two process ab and ac, one is adiabatic and he other is isothermal. The ratio
of specific heats of the gas is 1.5. find the volume at c. (in litre)
Q.9 A fixed mass of a gas is taken through a process A B C A. Here A B is isobaric. B C
X 2 ln 2
is adiabatic and C A is isothermal. If the efficiency of the process is . Find the value of
X. (take = 1.5)
Q.10 The figure shows the face and interface temperature of a composite slab
containing of four layers of two materials having identical thickness. Under
steady state condition, find the value of temperature in °C)?
Q.11 How many atoms do the molecules of a gas consist of if increases 1.20 times when the vibrational
degrees of freedom are "frozen" ? Assume that molecules are non linear.
Q.13 A U-tube filled with a liquid of volumetric coefficient of 10–5/°C lies in a vertical plane. The height of
liquid column in the left vertical limb is 100 cm. The liquid in the left vertical limb is maintained at a
temperature = 0°C while the liquid in the right limb is maintained at a temperature = 100°C. Find the
difference in levels in the two limbs. (answer in multiple of 10–3metre)
Q.14 A pan filled with hot food cools from 50.1 °C to 49.9 °C in 5 sec. How long will it take to cool from
40.1 °C to 39.9°C if room temperature is 30°C? (answer in multiple of 5sec)
Q.15 A lagged stick of cross section area 1 cm2 and length 1 m is initially at a temperature of 0°C. It is
then kept between 2 reservoirs of tempeature 100°C and 0°C. Specific heat capacity is 10 J/kg°C
and linear mass density is 2 kg/m. Find ther total heat absorbed by the rod to reach steady state.
(answer in multiple of 103)
1. 26.00468 m 2. (a) 10 K, 1.1514ºC
(b) clock loses times 3. = 75.6ºC
4. Clock shows correct time at 25ºC. 5. R = 0.769 m. 6. g 1105 (º C) 1
W2 W1 1 W W1
7. (a) 1.50 cm3 (b) Water over flow = 1.455 cm3 8. 0
W0 W1 T2 T1 W0 W2
h 2 h1
9. l 1.84 10 4 (º C) 1 10. l
h1 (T2 T1 )
1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (B)
5. (C) 6. (D) 7. (B) 8. (D)
9. (D) 10. 5815.6 cal.
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (D)
5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (C)
9. (C) 10. (A)
1. 0.495kg
2. 429075 cal., t = 2hr 4 minutes
4. Final temperature = 100ºC, amount of water = 572.2 gram, amount of steam = 77.8 gm
5. Ice = 68.75 gm , water = 81.25 gm
6. Final temperature = 100ºC, Ice = 3.75 gm, Water = 6.25 gm
7. Mass = 31 gram
8. 49 gm of steam condense and the final temperature is 100ºC.
9. T > 0ºC
10. 266.75 gm of water at 0ºC
1. (D) 2. (D) 3. (A ) 4. (C)
5. (D) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (D)
9. (B) 10. (C)
Process Q Q U
2. (a)
AB 3P0 V0 ln(3) P0 V0 ln(3) 0
9P0 V0 9P0 V0
BC - 0 -
4 4
9P0 V0 9P0V0 9P0 V0
CA -
8 8 4
(b) C = 3/4 R
2T0 kA T
3. (a) 5P V a (b) h h 0
0 0 T0
4. T 2
2P0 A kl0
5. (a) C B ,
3 2l
(b) Wtotal = 3RT0 ln (2) – RT0 , (c) Qtotal = 3RT
T0 ln (2)– RT0
2 4
(P0,V 0) 1 1-isobaric
2 2-isothermal
6. (a) 3
V0 2V0
Area under graph 3 is least. Therefore, work done is least in adiabatic process.
1 1-isobaric
3 2 3-adiabatic
(b) P0
0.628 T0 2V0
7. T0 369.3K , P0 = 2.46 × 105 N/m2
P (× 105N/m )
(P0V0) (P1V1)
8. (a) 0.44 (P2V2)
20 40 113.1
1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (D) 4. (B)
5. (C) 6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (A)
9. (B) 10. (D)
1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (D)
5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (D) 8. (C)
9. (B) 10. (B)
1. 1.2 10 3 º C 2. temperature gradient 0.87ºC cm–1
3. (a) = 40ºC (b) 4.8 cal/sec 4. x = 10.34 cm 5. 48.457 ºC
6. 2019.8 watt 7. 6.4 × 107 W/ml, 5803 K
8. (a) 9/16 (b) 4/3 9. (a) 2 : 1 (b) 1.632/1 10. 51.28sec
Exercise - 02
1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B
5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B
9. C 10. B 11. B 12. B
13. B 14. A 15. C 16. C
17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B
21. A 22. C 23. B 24. B
25. B 26. A 27. A 28. B
29. B 30. C
Exercise - 03
1. (a) readings that are too long (b)20.0048 cm 3. 99.6% 4. (a) –0.033% (b) + 0.011%
5. 1252.8 cm 6. 742 kJ 7. 2.13 gm 8. 3.78×105 J/kg
9. 52ºC 10. 100ºC, 7.74 g, 222.26 g 11. (n 1)RT RT ln n
n1T1 n 2T2
12. n1 n 2 13. (a) 6 cal, (b) – 43 cal, (c) 40 cal, (d) 18 cal, 18 cal
14. 2 1 P0 (both cases) 15. 30 g 16. 0.10 atm 17. (a) 2 atm, (b) 36.7 g/mol
18. 0.42 kK 19. 0.9 K 20. 0.918 cm2 21. 1.77 J/smK
22. 1.78 J/s 23. 25 cm from cold end 24. 0.33 25. 30°C
Exercise - 04
1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (B)
5. (A) 6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (B)
9. (C) 10. (D) 11. (C) 12. (A)
14. (B) 15. (B) 16. (C ) 17. (B)
18. (A) 19. (A) 20. (C) 21. (C)
22. (D) 23. (A) 24. (C) 25. (B)
26. (B) 27. (C) 28. (B) 29. (C)
30. (B)
Exercise - 05
5 2 q
4. v 5 p S Mg
1. 3.78 × 105 J/kg 2. Q' Q 3nRT k 3. C = 2R
2 0
P0 M PM P0 M 3 2
5. 750 J 6. (a) W12 ln ( 2) , W23 0 , W31 = 0, (b) 2 ln 2 , (c) (1 ln 2)
0 0 0 5
7. 395 K 8. m (1 e Mgh / RT )p 0S / g 9. U 0.25kJ, Q U
1 1
13. (a) U V02 (2 1) /( 1) , (b) V02 (2 1) , (c) C R ( 1) /( 1)
2 2
ln 10
16. 5 m 17. TB = 30°C, TC = TD = 20°C 18. (a) ms(1 - 0), (b)
Exercise - 06
1. (B) (C) 2. (A) (B) (C) 3. (B) (C) 4. (B) (C) (D)
5. (A) (B) (C) 6. (A) (B) (D) 7. (A) (B) (C) 8. (A) (B) (C) (D)
9. (C) (D) 10. (A) (C) 11. (A) (B) 12. (A) (B) (D)
13. (A) (B) (C) (D) 14. (D) 15. (A) (B) (D) 16. (B) (D)
17. (A) (C) 18. (A) 19. (A) (D) 20. (A) (C)
21. (A) (B) (C) 22. (C) 23. (C) 24. (B) (D)
25. (A) (D) 26. (D) 27. (E) 28. (D)
29. (D) 30. (A) 31. (A) 32. (A)
33. (D) 34. (B) 35. (A) 36. (D)
37. (C) 38. (D) 39. (A) 40. (C)
41. (B) 42. (A) 43. (A) 44. (B)
45. (D) 46. (C) 47. (C) 48. (B)
49. (D) 50. (D) 51. (A) 52. (B)
53. (A) 54. (B) 55. (D) 56. (B)
57. (C) 58. (A) 59. (A) 60. (A)
61. (B) 62. (D) 63. (B) 64. (A)
65. (A) 66. (C) 67. (B) 68. (B)
69. (B) 70. (D) 71. (A) 72. (B)
73. (A) 74. (B) 75. (D) 76. (B) 77. (B)
78. A-s, B-p, C-r,D-q 79. A–q, r, B–r, C–p,r
80. A-p,r, B-s,C-p,r D-q 81. A-r, B-p, C-p, D-r
82. A - p, B -q,C - s,D - r 83. A-s, B-p, C-r, D-q,s
84. A-p, B-r,s, C-p,q, D-p,q 85. A - p,s , B - s , C - r,s , D - p,q,r,s
86. A-r, B-p, C-q, D-s 87. A-r , B-s , C-p , D- q
88. A - r, B - s, C - p,s , D - q,s
Exercise - 08
1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (C)
5. (C) 6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (B)
9. (D) 10. (B) 11. (D) 12. (D)
13. (B) 14. (D) 15. (B) 16. (A)
17. (B) 18. (D) 19. (A) 20. (D)
21. (B) 22. (D) 23. (A) 24. (B)
25. (A) 26. (C) 27. (D) 28. (B)
29. (D) 30. (C) 31. (B) 32. (C)
33. (B) 34. (B) 35. (C) 36. (B)
37. (A) 38. (B) 39. (D) 40. (B)
41. (A) 42. (C) 43. (C)
Exercise - 09
Objective Questions (Only one option)
1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. (D)
7. (B) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (C) 11. (D) 12. (C)
13. (D) 14. (D) 15. (D) 16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (A)
19. (C) 20. (B) 21. (A) 22. (B) 23. (A) 24. (A)
25. (A) 26. (C) 27. (C) 28. (B) 29. (B) 30. (C)
31. (C) 32. (C) 33. (B) 34. (A) 35. (C) 36. (C)
37. (A) 38. (C) 39. (C)
Objective Questions (More than one option)
40. (A, B, C, D) 41. (A, B, D) 42. (A, B) 43. (B, C)
44. (B, D)
Fill in the Blanks
45. 2R 46. Partly solid and partly liquid 47. 2T 48. 0°C
4KTR 2 Pt
49. 5803 50. 1.71 rc 51. 52. 53. temperature remains constant
54. 0.628 55. 60°C 56. 192° 57. 45.68°C 58. 5.5
59. F 60. T 61. T 62. F
63. B 64. A 65. D 66. C
67. A-s, B-pr, C-r, D-qs 68. A-s, B-q, C-pr, D-pr 69. A-q, B-pr, C-ps, D-qs
70. BD 71. BD 72. 9 73. D 74. ABCD 75. 8
76. 4 77. A 78. ACD 79. 3 80. A-prt, B-pr, C-qs, D-rt
81. (C) 82. (D) 83. (D)
Exercise - 10
5. (i) 1.96 × 1027 per sec, (ii) 36 m/s 6. (i) T1 = 12.94 T0, T2 = 2.25 T0, (ii) –1.875 RT0
10. 675K, 3.6 × 106 N/m2 11. (i) , (ii) 113L , 0.445 ×105 N/m2, (iii) 12459 J
14. (i) 2 C
, 2 A (ii) 0.58 RT
TA, 0.58 RT
15. (a) 1152 J, (b) 1152 J, (c) zero 16. 166.32 s 17. (a) 1869.75 J, (b) –5297.6J, (c) 500K
18. (a) 765 J, (b) 10.82% 19. Mass of neon = 4.074 g, mass of argon = 23.926 g
20. (a) 2 mol, (b) 401 m/s, (c) 0.167%, (d) –8.27 × 10 –5 V 21. (a) 189K, (b) –2767 J, (c) 2767 J
5 P0 V0 25 P0 V0
(iii) QABC = 3.25 ×106 J, QADC = 2.75 × 106 J 27. (a) P0V0, (b) P0V0 , 3P0V0, (c) , (d)
2 2 8 R
2 KAt1
28. 300 12 . 5 e CL
K 29. (a)
V2 V1
V 2 / 3 V 2 / 3 2/3
3 3
P1V1 1 , U total P1V1 1 1 Q
1 Q P1V1 V1
(b) Wtotal Tfinal
2 V2 2 V2 3R 2R V2
30. (a) 1200 R, (b) QAB = –2100R, QBC = 1500R, QCA = 831.6 R
31. 0.495 kg 32. (a) 600 K, (b) 1500R, 831.6 R, –900R, –831.6R, (c) 600 R
Mv 02
33. 4.568 × 10–3 °C 34. (a) 160 K, (b) 3.312 × 10–21 J, (c) 0.3g 35. T
36. (a)595 W/m2, (b) 162.6°C 37. m, 448.8K 38. 1 2 s
39. Proportionality constant = 4eLT3 K 40. (a) 50°C, (b) 0.05 J, (c) 19999.95 J 41. 0°C
Exercise - 11
Q.1 1 Q.2 5 Q.3 5 Q.4 3
Q.5 1 Q.6 4 Q.7 5 Q.8 8
Q.9 3 Q.10 5 Q.11 4 Q.12 2
Q.13 1 Q.14 2 Q.15 1