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Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 1297–1303

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Materials Today: Proceedings

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Effect of heat treatment on hardness and toughness of EN8 steel

Kriti Srivastava a, Abhinav Anand Sinha b,⇑, Rishikant Sahani c
Mechanical Engineering Department, Dr. RL Avadh University, Ayodhya, UP, India
Mechanical Engineering Department, IIITDM, Jabalpur, MP, India
Mechanical Engineering Department, Buddha Institute of Technology, Gorakhpur, UP, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The heat treatment and quenching process provides tremendous advantages for the steels by modifying
Received 1 October 2020 the mechanical properties and affecting phase change in the structure of steel. So we perform this heat
Received in revised form 22 December 2020 treatment process in various quenching medium to test the EN8 steels. Few specimen of EN8 steel were
Accepted 25 December 2020
studied and analyzed after heating them in the Muffle Furnace between 750 °C and 950 °C followed by
Available online 11 February 2021
quenching in different medium. Oil, Water, and Air are used as different quenching medium. Using the
Rockwell hardness equipment the mechanical properties such as hardness are measured, and the hard-
ness of the quenched material is significantly greater than the parent material. The samples are then sub-
EN8 Steel
Heat treatment
jected to Charpy impact testing and Rockwell hardness testing after heat treatment. The sample was
Microstructure crated for Charpy test as per ASTM-E23, and for Rockwell hardness test as per ASTM-E18.In this work
Quenching medium EN8 a grade of medium carbon steel is used. The composition of this EN8 steel is shown in the table
below. The specimen was taken in the form of square bars 14  14 mm cross section which was then
machined on lath machine by facing to the cross section of 10x10 mm and then cut. The final dimension
of the specimen was 10x10x55 mm as per ASTM-E23. A U - notch of 2 mm depth was cut at the centre for
impact testing.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Second International
Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing 2020.

1. Introduction we bring for the work of different authors who have work done
ever all heat treatment parameters i.e quenching, medium temper-
As we know EN8 steel is an significant grade of steel for produc- ature, etc and the results obtained will be discussed briefly Figs. 1-
tion of axles and shaft, bolts, gear etc. Heat treatment is an essen- 4.
tial step towards achieving mechanical properties that are The application of any material in any given area of industry or
desirable for different applications. The procedure of heat treat- science is determined only by its mechanical properties. The liter-
ment is carried out firstly by heating the metal and then cooling ature survey below gives us a brief idea of the metals and alloys
in water, oil and brine water. The heat treatment aim is to adjust used in different sizes and shapes, and also the methods used by
the size of the grain, alter the material structure and relieve the authors in their study Tables 1-3.
tension set in the material. Various processes of heat treatment Palash Biswas et. al. [1] has investigated on the mechanical
include annealing, normalizing, hardening, austempering, martem- properties of EN8. The specimen was round bars having
pering, tempering and hardening of surfaces. Previous research has the dimensions of 11 mm length and 25 mm diameter. Samples
shown that water quenching contributes to higher hardness than were annealed at 480 °C by holding them for 45 min and then nor-
air. Tempering at higher temperatures would also result in smaller malized at 850 °C by holding for 2 h and tempered at 300 °C.
grain sizes resulting in smaller grains which will in turn increase Quenching was carried out in oil bath till room temperature.
hardness. The machinability decreases in both cases.It is important Mohamed H. Frihat[2] has performed his investigation on low
to adjust the tempering parameters accordingly to achieve perfect alloy steel with 0.31, 0.23, 0.24 and 0.29% Carbon respectively.
balance between machinability and hardness. In the present work For different experiments each specimen has been divided into
four groups. Pack carburizing was done at 900 °C-1050 °C. Water
⇑ Corresponding author. was taken as quenching medium. The mechanical properties was
E-mail address: s.abhinav17@gmail.com (A.A. Sinha). tested carried out by performing the tensile test on UTM, impact

2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing 2020.
K. Srivastava, Abhinav Anand Sinha and R. Sahani Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 1297–1303

Fig. 1. Hardness value for different quenching medium.

Fig. 2. Hardness at different temperature of carburizing.

Fig. 3. Sample.

K. Srivastava, Abhinav Anand Sinha and R. Sahani Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 1297–1303

Fig. 4. Relation between energy absorbed(Joules) and temperatures.

Table 1
Composition of EN8 steel.
induction hardening were used to treat surface. Three specimens
S.No Process Variables Values with unit were heated at different soaking time at 500 °C, 550 0C and 600
1. Furnace temperature (Celsius) 910 0C C and different quenching medium accompanied by tempering.
2. Quenching time (minute) 15 min The goal was to change the mechanical & tribological properties
3. Tempering temperature(Celsius) 300 0C through processes of heat treatment. First, the annealing was per-
4. Tempering time(minute) 15 min
formed on the cylindrical specimen at 800 0C for stress removal
and after that test of vicker hardness, sliding abrasive wear test
and XRD analysis was performed.
Professor SR Thakare et. al[5] used steel EN8 in its analysis. It
Table 2
preheated the specimen at 880 0C-910 0C. After that different
Composition of EN8 steel.
method of heat treatment was applied such as hardening, quench-
Standard Grade C% Mn% P% S% Si% ing in various mediums and finally tempering at 200–300 0C. To
BS-970 EN/080 M40 0.36–0.44 0.6–1.0 0.05 0.005 0.1–0.4 measure the hardness he used the Rockwell hardness tester, and
he used the Taguchi process to optimize all parameters.
Sakthivel Munisamy et.al.[6] investigated the properties of EN8
in various media. Specimens were heated in two separate furnaces,
Table 3 namely gas carburizing furnace and seal quenching furnace,
Brief of equipment and experiment. respectively, where quenching is performed outside and inside fur-
Work piece EN8 steel nace. Heating was achieved at 930 0C and quenched in various
Dimension 10x10x55 mm,U notch 2 mm deep
mediums, such as closed oil, open oil, water and air.
Furnace Muffle furnace Ali Emamian[7] researched the mechanical and tribological
Hardness tester Rockwell hardness tester C scale properties of pulverised metallurgical parts based on iron. He pre-
Impact tester Charpy impact tester pared the test samples, 64 round discs with a diameter of 7 mm
Quenching media Air, water, oil
and a thickness of 10 mm, constructed from low carbon alloy and
manufactured by method of powder metallurgy. First of all the
samples is carburized at almost850 0C-950 0C. Wear testing was
performed on disc tribometer by means of a pin. He applied Charpy
testing &Vickers hardness testing on the specimens. A microscope
test with notch, at room temperature, on standard impact speci-
was utilized to examine the microstructure of the specimens after
men. Finally on metallographic samples the macro and micro-
every step. Cullen M. Moleejane et. al. [3] performed his research
hardness checks were applied.
work on EN-8 grade of steel. The specimen was separated into four
K Miernik et al.[8] studied low carbon structural steel mechan-
groups. Group A was austenised at 950 °C followed by furnace
ical properties when incomplete quenching was performed. Nor-
cooling, B was austenised at 914 °C followed by furnace cooling,
malizing was performed at 870 °C and quenching from different
C was austenised at 914 °C with furnace cooling with different
phase range temperature was done followed by elevated tempera-
holding time. D was austenised at 914 °C and quenched in oil. To
ture tempering after every process. Jaykant Gupta [9] had per-
examine the micro structural characteristics scanning electron
formed investigation on properties of mild steel. Various range of
microscope (SEM) &optical electronic microscope(OEM)were used.
carburizing temperature i.e. 850 °C,900 °C and 950 °C were taken
Micro structure analysis was done after each heat treatment pro-
and heated in muffle furnace with 2 h of holding time and
cess. After tensile testing the elongation and yield strength was
quenched in water. Tempering was done at 250 °C after each pro-
studied for each specimen.Hardness value was observed using a
cess with 30 min of holding time. Mechanical properties like hard-
Brinell hardness tester after each heat treatment. Nitriding and
ness, tensile test and wear resistance were tested after the heat
induction hardening were used to treat surface. S.DVetrivel et. Al
treatment of specimen.
[4] employed medium carbon steel in his work Nitriding and
K. Srivastava, Abhinav Anand Sinha and R. Sahani Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 1297–1303

2. Effect of heat treatment on mechanical Properties: Mohamed H. Frihat [2]was that mechanical strength of low
alloy steel increases with temperature of heat treatment. After
2.1. Effect onhardness rapid cooling, brittleness increased and elongation decreased, the
results of the stress–strain curve showed.As for as toughness goes
Palash Biswas et al[1]worked on finding the optimum hardness K. Miernik et. al. [8]noticed in his work that heat-treated material
value for EN8 steel so that it also balances machinability. He exhibits decreased toughness, but high-temperature tempering
showed that annealing gives less hardness than normalising, and toughened the material. Equally high yield quenched with a high
that quenching also gives the highest durability. He also concluded tempering range of 800–820 0C often increases tensile and yield
that the combination of hardness with machinability in the nor- power. Jaykant Gupta[9] according to his study toughness
malising and tempering balances. (See) decreases with increase in carburizing tempering but other proper-
Cullen M. Moleejane et. al[3] austenized EN8 at 914 0C and ties increase like tensile strength, wear hardness etc.
quenched in oil to obtain fine grain formation. He also concluded
that the smaller the size of the grain the greater is the value of 2.4. Micro structure analysis
the hardness.
S.D. Vetrivel et. al. [4] evaluated medium carbon steel specimen The micro structure can strongly affect the properties of any
microhardness using Vicker micro hardness testing machine. For material as visible from the research work of Mohamed
surface hardening he conducted nitriding and induction hardening. H. Frihat [2].As the heat treatment temperature increases micro
He concluded that better hardness is achieved by also reducing structure of low alloy steel tend towards recrystallized grains of
defects due to induction hardening and is also advisable for auto- ferrite. Callen M. Moleejane et. al. [3] has founded that different
motive applications. Prof. S.R. Thakare et. al. [5] conducted case grains size in material have a variety of influence. Weaker gain will
hardening of EN8 by gas carburization and hardening by induction. be bottle neck, if materials consist of different phases of diverse
There were a variety of factors responsible for surface integrity grain size. If Annealing temperature and soaking time is increased,
such as preheating, carbon content, etc. Gas carburizing was then the grains formed are course in nature. He also concluded that
affected by furnace temperature and quenching time while power with decreasing grain size yield strength increases and with
played a major role in hardening induction. Taguchi technique has decreasing grain size the chance of elongation at failure is reduced
been used to find optimum parameters for processes. considerably.
After his research, he establish optimum gas carburizing pro-
cess condition to attain a better and increased surface hardness 2.5. The aims of the present research are as follows:
which is prearranged in the following table as shown below:
Sakthivel Munisamy et. al.[6] used various quenching medium  To evaluate the changes in the hardness and toughness of EN8
only to find that in water quenched material the hardness was steel according to the changing heat treatment parameter and
more and rising over raw material. The Rockwell hardness values to find relationships at different parameters between these.
of his work are shown in the figure below.  To evaluate the tempering parameters accordingly to achieve
K. Miernik et. al. [8] In his research on low carbon steel found perfect balance between machinability and hardness with
that tempering at higher temperatures results in lower hardness. experiments
Heating at high temperature 900 0C and sudden cooling gave an
increased durability/hardness value. Jaykant Gupta[9] took carbur- 3. Taguchi method
izing of mild steel at different temperatures and tempered at 200
C. He found better hardness properties are obtained by carburiz- The Taguchi techniques were commonly used in engineering
ing at 950 0C.He found a relationship between hardness and many design (Ross 1996 & Phadke 1989). The Taguchi method includes
other quantities, in the following figure we can see one of his find- procedures for device design, parameter design and tolerance
ings as how the hardness value differs in relation to the carburizing design to achieve a stable process and result for the best quality
temperature. of the product (Taguchi 1987 & 1993). Taguchi designs provide a
powerful and effective process design method that operates con-
sistently and optimally across a variety of conditions. It requires
2.2. Effect on wear resistance the use of a strategically designed experiment, which exposes the
process to different levels of design parameters, to determine
The work of S.D. Vetrivel et. al. [4] gives us an insight into the the best design[10].After going through the past research work
tribological characteristics of medium carbon steel. To test wear of various authors we conclude that the mechanical properties of
resistance, he used pin-on - disc apparatus. He used nitriding and EN8 are improved with heat treatment and hardness is enhanced
induction hardening to boost wear efficiency, and saw that induc- with carburizing. After subsequent heat treatment, microstructure
tion hardening was better in providing wear resistance than other analysis is performed to reveal the type of grain structure. Brittle-
heat treatment methods. Sakthivel Munisamy et. al. [6]In his study ness also increases as hardness increases, and toughness decreases
claimed that, in order to obtain better wear resistance on EN8 steel, considerably. After seeing the different application of EN8 its cause
the quenching medium should be water and improved wear resis- of maximum failure occurs in loading wear and effect. To evaluate
tance over the raw material. Ali Emamian [7] concluded wear resis- the changes in the hardness and toughness of EN8 steel according
tance of PM parts is enhanced with carburization to the changing heat treatment parameter and to find relationships
at different parameters between these.

2.3. Effect on other properties 3.1. Methodology

The work of Palash Biswas et. at. [1]claimed that better machin- The general process of experiments that is to be followed is
ability of EN8 will be achieved at Annealing followed by a 300 0C shown in the flow chart.
tempering. In order to achieve a balance between machinability In this work EN8 a grade of medium carbon steel is used. The
and hardness, specimens should be softened first and then composition of this EN8 steel is shown in the table below. The
tempered specimen was taken in the form of square bars 14  14 mm cross
K. Srivastava, Abhinav Anand Sinha and R. Sahani Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 1297–1303

section which was then machined on lath machine by facing to the perature and energy values were measured. The hardness before
cross section of 10x10 mm and then cut. The final dimension of the and after heat treatment processes for EN8 steel specimens were
specimen was 10x10x55 mm as per ASTM-E23. A U - notch of measured.After that specimens were polished and introduced a
2 mm depth was cut at the centre for impact testing. 45V-notch, 2 mm deep with a 0. 25 mm root radius using a trian-
gular file. The Charpy impact tests were carried out on the speci-
3.2. Experimental Details: mens of mild steel and EN8 steel in different state of heat
treatment conditions. The specimen was supported as a beam in
A total of 30 samples with the dimensions mentioned above a horizontal position and loaded behind the notch by the impact
have been made. Then these samples split into two groups namely of a heavy swinging pendulum (the impact velocity is approximate
A and B. Both groups contained 50 samples each. Group A consists 5 m/s).
of samples not tempered after heat treatment where each was
tempered after subsequent heat treatment, as the samples in group Table 4 shows that outcomes of Charpy test results(Energy
B. The samples are heated to five temperatures in the muffle fur- absorbed (Joules)) for different temperature& quenching
nace which is 750 0C, 800 0C, 850 0C, 900 0C and 950 0C with one medium
hour of holding time for each sample. Each of the three samples For Charpy test maximum applied energy was 300 J.
is quenched in various media, which is air water and oil. The tem-
pering is performed by heating to 300 0C and then held for an hour 4.2. Effect of heat treatment on hardness:
and allowed to be air cooled.
The samples after the heat treatment process are shown in the The samples are then subjected to Rockwell hardness testing
Fig below: after heat treatment. Rockwell hardness test as per ASTM-E18.
The samples are then subjected to Charpy impact testing and We are taken indentation hardness in Rockwell hardness machine.
Rockwell hardness testing after heat treatment. The sample was After heat treatment we have determined the hardness of the trea-
crated for Charpy test as per ASTM-E23, and for Rockwell hardness ted materials as well as parent material in Rockwell hardness. The
test as per ASTM-E18. ‘‘c scale” is taken to find hardness. The 120°diamond cone is used
an indenter. The load of 150Kg is applied for the penetration. The
3.3. Heat treatment methods: Rockwell hardness number for the different quenched materials.
The study was performed for pre defined type of heat treatment.
EN 8 steel samples were subjected to the following heat treat- In order to interpret easily, the result of these tests are presented
ment methods, as described: in table & graphical form. Table 5 shows the Rockwell hardness
values of different quenched quenched samples followed by tem-
Step1. Quenching: 6 samples each to all temperature range 750 pering Table 6.
℃, 800 ℃, 850 ℃, 900 ℃, and 950 ℃ heated like in the muffle fur-
nace and held for 1 h for homogeneous transformation. After 4.3. Compare the hardness and toughness results:
holding for 30 min, furnace is shut off and the furnace door is
opened to allow the samples to cool inside, till the red heat is (See Table 6)
gone. The samples are then cooled rapidly by submerging them
in an air, water and oil bath, quenched to room temperature. 5. Discussion and Conclusion:
Step2. Tempering: One heat-treated sample from each tempera-
ture set (750 ℃, 800 ℃, 850 ℃, 900 ℃, and 950 ℃) after The Hardness of the quenched materials was increased over the
quenched were then tempered to analysis the mechanical prop- raw material. The study of Rockwell hardness and Charpy impact
erties of the samples. In tempering, the samples were reheated energy values of EN8 steel in various heat treated conditions such
to 300 ℃ in the muffle furnace and then soaked for 1 h. Then, as annealing, quenching and tempering has been done. The austen-
the furnace was switched off and samples were taken out to itizing temperature was chosen from 750C to 950C and held at
air cool to room temperature. this temperature for 1 h. Tempering are carried out at 300C, at
room temperature From table 5 we could see a comparison of
4. Result and discussion

As mentioned above EN8 steel samples were subjected to heat Table 4

treatment up to 950 °C and three types of quenching process was Charpy impact absorbed energy (Joule).

used: Temperature (0C) Air quench Oil quench Water quench

Tempered Tempered Tempered
 Air quench 750 70 60 32
 Water quench 800 101 81 35
 Oil quench 850 110 100 38
900 108 80 39
950 110 96 38
Variation of mechanical properties of EN8 steel after the heat
treatment and these quenching sequences is shown in various
graphical forms. Various properties is clearly shown in graphical Table 5
form and comparison is made between the various properties at Rockwell hardness number (HRc).
same deciding parameter. All mechanical testing performed at Temperature(0C) Air quench Oil quench Water quench
room temperature. Tempered Tempered Tempered
750 9 13 18
4.1. Effect of heat treatment on toughness: 800 8 11 17
850 7 10 15
The samples are then subjected to Charpy impact testing as per 900 12 17 19
950 10 13 16
ASTM-E23.The Charpy impact tests were conducted at room tem-
K. Srivastava, Abhinav Anand Sinha and R. Sahani Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 1297–1303

Table 6
comparison between Rockwell hard ness value and energy absorbed values.

Heat Treatment Process Temperature in °C

Annealing 750 800 850 900 950
Quenching Medium (Air) Room Temperature
Tempering Temperature in °C 300 300 300 300 300
Rockwell Hardness Values (RC) 9 8 7 12 18
Applied Energy (Joules) 300 300 300 300 300
Energy Absorbed (Joules) 70 101 110 108 110

Fig. 5. Represents the relationship between hardness and temperature.

the hardness of samples, which were quenched separately in all martensitic phase while the impact energies are found increas-
three media and then tempered. ing due to more tough structure after successive stages of tem-
pering treatments.
 During the experiments we got a Rockwell hardness RC values  Fig. 5 represents the variation of impact energy with change in
after annealing was 6 and after water quenching was 59 which heat treatment process of EN8 steel. The lowest energy 32
was not shown in table. Joules is observed for water quenched followed by tempering
 We got a Rockwell hardness RC values is minimum for 850 0C treatment at a temperature of 900C and the highest Charpy
and maximum at temperature of 900 0C. impact energy 110 Joules was measured air quenched followed
 When we perform water quenching the hardness value as seen by tempering due to tempered martensite and transformed
in Fig. 5 is pretty high. Here the maximum hardness was retained austenite in the matrix of ferrite.
obtained after heating at 900 0C in tempered situations. The  This variation of impact energies is attributed due to presence
normal pattern indicates that the water-quenched and un- of course pearlite (annealing), fine pearlite and small amount
tempered samples have very high values of hardness which of martensite (quenching) and tempered martensite.
are evident from graphs.  The lowest Charpy impact energy is measured in quenched con-
 The tempered specimen has little lower hardness when sub- dition in both types medium (water and oil). The variations of
jected to oil and air quenching respectively after heat treat- Charpy impact energies and Rockwell harnesses with the tem-
ment, which continues to decreases until 850 0C, where it pering temperatures have been shown in table 5.
becomes minimum and then sharply increases at the tempera-  It is clear from this table 5 that the hardness decreases with
ture of 950 °C. increase in heat treatment temperature followed by tempering
 The general trend was the hardness value gradually decreasing while impact energy increases with rise temperature.
up to 850 °C and then sharply increases at the temperature of  Suitable values of The Rockwell hardness of quenched followed
950 °C. Lowest value of hardness was obtained at 850 °C when by tempering of EN8 specimens are found RC 12.
air quenched. So if we desire high hardness water quenching  The Charpy impact energy values are found better after temper-
without tempering is the way to go. ing treatments. The presence of pearlite, spheroidized cemen-
 EN8 steel represent the continuous drop in hardness values tite, tempered martensite and transformed retained austenite
after successive stages of tempering and temperature of heat play very important role in the improvement of impact
treatments due to reduced carbon content in martensite phase toughness.
and precipitation of carbide particles. The hardness values are  Suitable values of Charpy impact energy values are found 108
found decreasing after tempering due to dissolution of the Joule.

K. Srivastava, Abhinav Anand Sinha and R. Sahani Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 1297–1303

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