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How to select

the right paint

Guidelines for coating protection
in accordance with ISO 12944
How to select the right paint system


The purpose of this guide is to help you select the

best Hempel coating system to protect your structure
against corrosion.

All steel structures, facilities and installations,

exposed to atmosphere, staying under water or in soil,
suffer because of corrosion and require protection.
Throughout this guide you will find important information
regarding paint technology, criteria for right paint
selection and surface preparation requirements.

This guide has been prepared in accordance with the

latest edition of the International Standard ISO 12944
“Paints and varnishes – corrosion protection of steel
structures by protective paint systems”.

Outlined at the end of this document are generic

coating systems recommended by ourselves for
different corrosive environments.

This document is to be considered as a guide only.

How to select the right paint system

1. How to select the right paint system 6-9

A. Environmental corrosivity 6
B. A type of protected surface 9
C. The durability required for a paint system 9
D. Planning the paint application process 9

2. Surface preparation 10-12

2.1 Surface preparation grades 10
A. Grades of a surface according to the ISO 8501-1 standard 10
B. Surface preparation grades after high pressure
water cleaning 12

2.2 Types of surfaces 14

1. Steel surfaces 14
2. A bare steel structure with no previous protective coatings 14
3. A steel surface covered with shopprimers 15
4. A steel surface coated with a paint system which needs
to be maintained 16
B. Hot dipped galvanised steel, aluminium and stainless
steel surfaces 16
1. Hot dipped galvanised steel 16
2. Aluminium and stainless steel 16

3. Maximum service temperatures 17

4. Useful definitions 18
A. Waviness of paint film 19
B. Size and shape of the surface 19
C. Surface roughness of the substrate 19
D. Physical losses 19

5. Guide specification according to ISO 12944 20-41

C1/C2 Corrosivity category 20-23
C3 Corrosivity category 24-25
C4 Corrosivity category 26-29
C5-I Corrosivity category 30-33
C5-M Corrosivity category 34-37
Immersed structures 38-41

How to select the right paint system

coatings supplier

Hempel was founded in 1915 and is today

one of the world’s leading manufacturers and
suppliers of coating solutions. Our advanced
protective and decorative coatings can be found
on millions of surfaces around the globe.

From the world’s longest bridges and tallest

skyscrapers to airports, sports stadia and civil
structures our coatings protect your assets
against corrosion in many different and
challenging environments.

Our history is rooted in protective coatings for

the extreme conditions experienced in the Marine,
Decorative and Protective industries, so you can
be assured that we offer trusted technology,
expert technical service and reliability.

With our vast expertise and knowledge,

you know we are the trusted protective coatings
partner for many customers around the world.

How to select the right paint system

Global service
We want to give you the right products on site,
on time, every time. With the support of our 28
manufacturing plants and over 150 stock points
worldwide, we offer a flexible service to all our
customers. A service that we believe is second
to none.

Proven performance
Our range of high performance protective coatings
offer advanced protection and optimised application
for a durable finish that looks good for longer, in even
the most challenging climates. With our proven track
record, we are a trusted protective coatings partner
for customers around the world.

Professional support
Our customers know that specifying the right products
is crucial, to ensure corrosion and fire protection,
good appearance and minimum maintenance. Our
multinational, globally based teams are uniquely
positioned to ensure the smooth running of your
project. From planning to completion, specification to
application, we have key people to support you both
off and on site.

Innovative solutions
With 15 global research and development facilities,
we work locally with you to provide the right solution
for your project. Our research and development
teams are committed to continuous development
of innovative and effective speciality coatings to give
you durable protection whilst ensuring environmental
responsibilities are met.

How to select the right paint system

1. How to
select the
right paint

Selecting the correct paint system for protection against In the case of buried structures their porosity must
corrosion requires a variety of factors to be taken into be considered and the ground conditions which
account to ensure that the best technical solution is achieved. they are subject to. The dampness and pH of the
terrain and biological exposure to bacteria and
For each project the most important factors to consider before micro-organisms are of critical importance. In the
selecting a protective coating are: case of water, the type and chemical composition
• environmental corrosivity of the water present is also significant.
• surface preparation grades after high pressure water cleaning
The corrosive aggressiveness of the environment
A. Environmental corrosivity will have an effect on:
When selecting a paint system it is vitally important to work • the type of paint used for protection
out the conditions in which the structure, facility or installation • the total thickness of a paint system
is to operate. To establish the effect of environmental • the surface preparation required
corrosivity, the following factors must be taken into account: • minimum and maximum recoating intervals
• humidity and temperature (service temperature and
temperature gradients)
• the presence of UV radiation
• chemical exposure (e.g. specific exposure in industrial plants)
• mechanical damage (impact, abrasion etc.)
How to select the right paint system

ISO 12944 distinguishes 5 basic atmospheric

Note that the more corrosive the environment,
corrosivity categories:
the more thorough the surface preparation required.
The recoating intervals must also be strictly observed. C1 Very low
C2 Low
Part 2 of ISO 12944 standard gives the corrosion
classifications for atmospheric conditions, soil and water. C2 Low
This standard is a very general evaluation based on the C4 High
corrosion time for carbon steel and zinc. It does not reflect
specific chemical, mechanical or temperature exposure. C5-I Very high (Industrial)
However the standard specification may still be accepted
as a good indicator for paint system projects as a whole. C5-M Very high (Marine)

How to select the right paint system

Corrosivity Environment examples

category Exterior Interior
C1 - Heated buildings with a clean atmosphere 20-23
Very low such as offices, shops, schools, hotels.

C2 Atmosphere contaminated to a Buildings which are not heated, 20-23

Low small extent, mainly rural regions. where condensation may occur e.g.
storehouses, sports halls.
C3 Industrial and urban atmosphere Production space of high humidity and 24-25
Medium with an average sulphur oxide certain air contamination e.g. foodstuff
(IV) contamination level. plants, laundries, breweries, dairies.
Inshore areas of low salinity.

C4 Industrial areas and inshore Chemical plants, swimming 26-29

High areas of medium salinity. pools, ship repair yards.

C5-I Industrial areas of high humidity Buildings and areas of almost constant 30-33
Very high and aggressive atmosphere. condensation and high contamination.
C5-M Inshore areas and offshore Buildings and areas of almost constant 34-37
Very high areas of high salinity. condensation and high contamination.

The categories for water and soil according to the

Im1 Fresh water
ISO 12944 standard are shown as:
Im2 Sea or brackish water
Im3 Soil

Corrosivity Examples of environments

Environment Page
category and structures
Im1 Fresh water River installations, hydroelectric power plants.
Im2 Sea or brackish water Seaports with the following structures:
sluice gate, locks (water steps), water 38-41
stilts, piers, offshore structures.
Im3 Soil Underground tanks, steel stilts, pipelines.

How to select the right paint system

B. A type of protected surface

Designing a coating system normally involves dealing
with constructional materials such as steel, hot dipped
galvanised steel, spray-metallised steel, aluminium or
stainless steel. The surface preparation, the paint products
used (particularly the primer) and the total system
thickness will depend mainly on the constructional material
to be protected.

C. The durability required for a paint system

The lifetime of a paint system is assumed to be the period
of time which passes until maintenance is required for the
first time after application. ISO 12944 specifies a range
of three time frames to categorise durability:

Property Standard
Low - L 2 to 5 years
Medium - M 5 to 15 years
High - H More than 15 years

D. Planning the paint application process

The building schedule and the various stages of
construction of any particular project determine how and
when the paint system needs to be applied. Consideration
needs to be given to materials at their prefabrication stage,
when components are being prefabricated both off and on
site and when building stages are complete.

It is necessary to plan the job so that surface preparation

and the drying/curing time of paint products in relation
to temperature and humidity are considered. Also if one
stage of construction takes place in a protected workshop
environment and the next stage then takes place on site,
recoating intervals must also be taken into account.

Our skilled personnel are always available to assist

our customers in selecting the most adequate coating
system for the customer’s needs and requirements.
For further information, please contact your local
Hempel representative.

How to select the right paint system

2. Surface
for metal
2.1 Surface preparation grades
There are many ways to classify steel surface preparation grades
but this document focuses on those outlined below.

A. Grades of a surface according to the ISO 8501-1 standard

Standard surface preparation grades for primary surface preparation by abrasive blasting methods
Sa 3 Blast-cleaning to visually clean steel
When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and shall be free
from mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter1. It shall have a uniform metallic colour.
Sa 2 ½ Very thorough blast-cleaning
When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from mill scale,
rust, paint coatings and foreign matter1. Any remaining traces of contamination shall show only as slight stains in
the form of spots or stripes.

Sa 2 Thorough blast-cleaning
When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from most
of the mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter1. Any residual contamination shall be firmly adhering2.

Sa 1 Light blast-cleaning
When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from poorly
adhering mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter1.

Standard preparation grades for primary surface preparation by hand cleaning

St 3 Very thorough hand and power tool cleaning
As for St 2, but the surface shall be treated much more thoroughly to give a metallic sheen arising from the
metallic substrate.

St 2 Thorough hand and power tool cleaning

When viewed without magnification, the surfaces shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from poorly
adhering mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter3.

1. The term ‘foreign matter’ may include water-soluble salts and welding residues. These contaminants cannot always be completely
removed from the surface by dry blast cleaning, hand and power tool cleaning or flame cleaning; wet blast cleaning may be necessary.
2. Mill scale, rust or a paint coating is considered to be poorly adhering if it can be removed by lifting with a blunt putty knife.
3. Preparation grade St 1 is not included as it corresponds to a surface unsuitable for painting.

How to select the right paint system

How to select the right paint system

B. Surface preparation grades after high pressure

water cleaning
Surface preparation grades by high pressure water
cleaning should not only include the cleanliness grade
but also the flash rust grade, since flash rusting may
occur on cleaned steel during the drying period.
There are several ways to classify the degree to
which a steel surface is prepared after high pressure
water cleaning.

This guide has used the ISO

8501-4 surface preparation grade
standard using high pressure
water jetting: “Initial surface
conditions, preparation grades and
flash rust grades in connection
with high pressure water jetting”.

How to select the right paint system

The standard applies to surface preparation by high pressure water cleaning

for a paint coating. It distinguishes three levels of cleanliness with reference
to visible contaminants (Wa 1 – Wa 2½) such as rust, mill scale, old paint
coatings and other foreign matter.

Description of the surface after cleaning

Wa 1 Light high-pressure water jetting
When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from
visible oil and grease, loose or defective paint, loose rust and
other foreign matter. Any residual contamination shall be randomly
dispersed and firmly adherent.

Wa 2 Thorough high-pressure water jetting

When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from
visible oil, grease and dirt and most of the rust, previous paint
coatings and other foreign matter. Any residual contamination
shall be randomly dispersed and can consist of firmly adherent
coatings, firmly adherent foreign matter and stains of previously
existent rust.

Wa Very thorough high-pressure water jetting

2½ When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from
all visible rust, oil, grease, dirt, previous paint coatings and, except
for slight traces, all other foreign matter. Discolouration of the
surface can be present where the original coating was not intact.
The grey or brown/black discolouration observed on pitted and
corroded steel cannot be removed by further water jetting.

Description of the surface appearance relating to three grades of

flash rust
L Light flash rust
A surface which, when viewed without magnification, exhibits small
quantities of a yellow/brown rust layer through which the steel
substrate can be seen. The rust, (seen as a discolouration) can
be evenly distributed or present in patches, but it will be tightly
adherent and not easily removed by gentle wiping with a cloth.

M Medium flash rust

A surface which, when viewed without magnification, exhibits a
layer of yellow/brown rust that obscures the original steel surface.
The rust can be evenly distributed or present in patches, but it will
be reasonably well adherent and it will lightly mark a cloth that is
gently wiped over the surface.

H Heavy flash rust

A surface which, when viewed without magnification, exhibits a
layer of red yellow/brown rust that obscures the original steel
surface and is loosely adherent. The rust layer can be evenly
distributed or present in patches and it will readily mark a cloth
that is gently wiped over the surface.

How to select the right paint system

2.2 Types of surfaces ISO 8501-1 standard identifies four initial conditions for steel: A, B, C, D

1. Steel surfaces A Steel surface largely covered with

To guarantee that a coating system delivers adherent mill scale but little, if any, rust.
long lasting protection, it is essential to
ensure that the right surface preparation
is carried out before any paint is applied.
For this reason the initial surface condition
of the steel needs to be evaluated.
Generally speaking, the condition of a steel
surface prior to painting falls into one of the B Steel surface which has begun to rust
three following categories: and from which the mill scale has
1) a bare steel structure with no previous begun to flake.
protective paint coatings
2) a steel surface coated with a shopprimer
3) a steel surface coated with a paint system
which needs to be maintained

2. A bare steel structure with no previous

protective coatings C Steel surface on which the mill scale
Steel surfaces which have never been has rusted away or can be removed by
protected by paint coatings may be covered scraping, but with slight pitting visible
to a varying extent by rust, mill scale or under normal vision.
other contaminants (dust, grease, ionic
contamination/soluble salts, residues etc.).

The initial condition of such surfaces

is defined by ISO 8501-1 standard: D Steel surface on which the mill scale
“Preparation of steel substrates has rusted away and on which general
before application of paints and pitting is visible under normal vision.
related products. Visual assessment
of surface cleanliness”.

The corresponding photographs show levels of corrosion, preparation grades of unprotected steel substrates and steel
substrates after completely removing previous coatings.

A Grades - A 2½ B Grades - Sa 2½ C Grades - Sa 2½ D Grades - Sa 2½

A Grades - Sa 3 B Grades - Sa 3 C Grades - Sa 3 D Grades - Sa 3

How to select the right paint system

3. A steel surface covered with shopprimers

The main purpose of applying shopprimers is to protect steel plates and structural components used in the
prefabrication stage, or in storage before a main paint system is applied. A shopprimer film thickness normally equals
20 - 25μm (these figures are quoted for a smooth test panel). Steel plates and structural components coated with
shopprimers can be welded.

We offer the following shopprimers: Surfaces coated with a shopprimer must be prepared
correctly prior to the application of a finishing paint system;
Hempel’s Shopprimer 15280 this is termed, ‘second surface preparation’. A shopprimer
(protection period - 3 to 5 months) is a solvent-borne may need to be partially or completely removed. The second
epoxy shopprimer pigmented with zinc polyphosphate. surface preparation will be determined, by the finishing paint
It is designed for automatic spray application or system and two key factors need to be taken into account:
manual application. • the compatibility of an applied shopprimer
and a finishing paint system
Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890
• the surface profile achieved during preparation
(protection period - 4 to 6 months) is a solvent-borne
prior to a shopprimer application, i.e. whether
zinc silicate shopprimer designed for automatic
the profile is suitable for a finishing paint system
spray application.
A surface coated with a shopprimer should always
Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15820
be thoroughly washed with water and detergent,
(protection period - 3 to 5 months) is a solvent-borne
(e.g. Hempel’s Light Clean 99350) at 15-20 MPa,
zinc silicate shopprimer, designed for automatic
and then rinsed carefully prior to a paint system
spray application.
application. Corrosion and damage due to welding spots
Hemucryl Shopprimer 18250 must be cleaned to the preparation grade as specified
(protection period - 3 to 5 months) is a waterborne in the ISO 8501-1 standard.
acrylic shopprimer. It is designed for automatic spray
application or manual application.

How to select the right paint system

4. A steel surface coated with a paint system which needs

to be maintained For the different amounts of surface preparation
The condition of an existing paint system must be assessed required refer to ISO 8501-2 standard:
using the degradation grade according to the standard and “Preparation of steel substrates before application
this must be done each time maintenance work is carried of paints and related products. Visual assessment
out. It will need to be determined whether the system should of surface cleanliness. Preparation grades of previously
be completely removed or whether parts of the coating coated steel substrates after localised removal
can remain. of previous coatings”.

B. Hot dipped galvanised steel, aluminium and stainless steel surfaces

In addition to standard steel, other non-iron materials can be used in construction such as hot dipped galvanised
steel, aluminium or high-alloy steels. All of them require a separate approach in terms of surface preparation and the
selection of a paint system.

1. Hot dipped galvanised steel If necessary, washing should be combined with scrubbing
When galvanised steel is exposed to the atmosphere, zinc using a special hard nylon bristle brush, abrasive paper
corrosion products form on its surface. These products vary or the surface cleaned by an abrasive, (glass balls, sand,
in their composition and adhesion and influence therefore the etc.). For coating systems in lower corrosion classes, special
adhesive properties of applied paint systems. It is generally adhesion primers are recommended. For coating systems in
considered that the best surface for painting is one of pure, higher corrosion classes, surface preparation should include
(within hours of the galvanisation process) or seasoned mechanical preparation of the surface, preferably by abrasive
zinc. For stages in between it is recommended that the zinc sweep blasting with a mineral abrasive.
corrosion products are removed by washing the surface with
Hempel’s alkaline cleaner. This can be carried out using a 2. Aluminium and stainless steel
mixture of 20 litres of pure water to half a litre of Hempel’s In the case of aluminium and stainless steel, the surface
Light Clean 99350 detergent. should be cleaned with fresh water and a detergent,
then rinsed off thoroughly by pressure washing with fresh
The mixture must be applied to the surface and then water. To obtain better adhesion for the paint system, it is
rinsed off after half an hour, preferably at high pressure. recommended that abrasive blasting is carried out with
a mineral abrasive or special brushes are used.

For further information and thorough explanations on processes and procedures of surface preparation,
contact your local Hempel representative.

How to select the right paint system

3. Maximum
Paint products have different resistances to temperatures
depending on the binder and pigments used. The temperature
resistance of individual paint types is shown below.

Temperature °C

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 200 400 600


Suitable for continuous dry service

Suitable for short temporary service only

Suitability will depend on pigmentation. Above 400°C only aluminium pigment is suitable

How to select the right paint system

4. Useful

There are several useful definitions and terms used Theoretical spreading rate
in coating protection technology. The theoretical spreading rate of the paint in a given
dry film thickness on a completely smooth surface
Here we provide you with a few necessary terms that is calculated as follows:
you should be acquainted with when dealing with paints.
Volume solids % x 10 = m2/litre
Volume solids Dry film thickness (micron)
The volume solids (VS) figure expresses as a percentage
the ratio of: Practical consumption
The practical consumption is estimated by multiplying
Dry film thickness the theoretical consumption with a relevant consumption
Wet film thickness factor (CF). The consumption factor or the practical
consumption cannot be stated in the Product Data Sheet
The stated figure has been determined as the ratio because it depends on a number of external conditions.
between dry and wet film thickness of the coating
applied in the indicated thickness under laboratory
conditions, where no paint loss has been encountered.

How to select the right paint system

A. Waviness of paint film C. Surface roughness of the substrate

When paint is manually applied, the film will show some When a substrate has a particularly rough surface
waviness on the surface. It will also have an average this creates a “dead volume” which uses more paint
thickness higher than the specified dry film thickness than if the surface was smooth and this will affect any
in order to fulfil the 80:20 rule for example. This means theoretical calculations. In the case of shopprimers with
the paint consumption will be higher than the theoretically a thin film, this has the effect of seemingly larger surface
calculated amount if you want to reach the minimum causing higher consumption as the paint film covers
specified film thickness. irregular surface hollows.

B. Size and shape of the surface D. Physical losses

Complex and small-sized surfaces will lead to Factors such as residues in cans, pumps and hoses,
higher consumption through overspray, than the discarded paint due to exceeded pot life, losses due to
square, flat area which was used to work out atmospheric conditions, insufficient skills of a painter
the theoretical calculation. etc. will all contribute to a higher consumption.

How to select the right paint system

5. Guide specification
according to ISO 12944
C1/2 Corrosivity category Sample systems corresponding to C1/C2 Corrosivity categories*
System DFT
Lifetime System Recommended use
no. (μm)
Top Coat Topcoat
2nd Coat 2-5 1 1× Hempel's 40 As a single/double coat anticorrosive primer/finish for steel structures, general
Years Speed-dry Alkyd steel work has a multitude of applications for heavy and light steel industry,
43140/1 where quick drying properties are required. It is for general use, in exterior
and interior steel surfaces. Suitable for protection of steel in mild to medium
atmospheric corrosive environments.

1× Hempaquick 40 As a topcoat on steel in mild to moderately corrosive environment. In case of

Enamel 53840 line application of small items to be packed together, Hempalin Enamel 52140
is recommended.

Total DFT 80

2-5 2 1× Hempel's 40 As a single/double coat anticorrosive primer/finish for steel structures, general
Years Speed-dry Alkyd steel work has a multitude of applications for heavy and light steel industry,
Top Coat Topcoat
2nd Coat 43140/1 where quick drying properties are required. It is for general use, in exterior
and interior steel surfaces. Suitable for protection of steel in mild to medium
atmospheric corrosive environments.

1× Hempel's 40 As a single/double coat anticorrosive primer/finish for steel structures, general

Speed-dry Alkyd steel work has a multitude of applications for heavy and light steel industry,
43140/1 where quick drying properties are required. It is for general use, in exterior
and interior steel surfaces. Suitable for protection of steel in mild to medium
atmospheric corrosive environments.

Top Coat Topcoat

2nd Coat Total DFT 80

2-5 3 1× Hemulin Primer 40 As a fast drying primer on interior and exterior steelwork, machinery parts etc.
Years 18310 in mildly to moderately corrosive environment.

Surface 1× Hemulin Enamel 40 As a fast drying topcoat on steel in mildly to moderately corrosive environment.

Total DFT 80

2-5 4 1× Hempathane 80 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
Years HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
Surface "direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 80

How to select the right paint system

Volume Dry to touch Corrosivity

Paint type Finish VOC Exterior Interior
solids 20° C category
SB Alkyd Flat 49 ± 1 442 g/L 15 minutes C1 - Heated buildings with a clean
Very low atmosphere such as offices,
shops, schools, hotels.

C2 Atmosphere contaminated to Buildings which are not

SB Alkyd Glossy 41 ± 1 519 g/L 45 minutes Low a small extent, mainly rural heated, where condensation
regions. may occur. e.g. storehouses,
sports halls.

SB Alkyd Flat 49 ± 1 442 g/L 15 minutes

SB Alkyd Flat 49 ± 1 442 g/L 15 minutes

WB Alkyd Flat 41 ± 1 1 g/L 1 hour approx

WB Alkyd Glossy 40 ± 1 4 g/L 30 minutes

approx * For the places where blasting as secondary surface preparation is not
possible after production, the use of shopprimed steel is an option. Zinc
silicate based shopprimers e.g. Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890 or 15820 are
preferred – especially for later overcoating with zinc containing paints – Epoxy
SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours based shopprimers e.g. Hempel Shopprimer 15280 can also be used in case of
later overcoating with non-zinc containing paint. Ask Hempel for more specific
guidelines regarding optimum choice of shopprimer and need for secondary
surface preparation.

SB = Solvent-borne WB = Waterborne DFT = Dry Film Thickness

How to select the right paint system

C1/2 Corrosivity category Sample systems corresponding to C1/C2 Corrosivity categories*

System DFT
Lifetime System Recommended use
Topcoat no. (μm)
5 - 15 1 1× Hempadur 120 As a fast curing topcoat in mild to severely corrosive environment. As one coat
Years Fast Dry 45410 direct to metal in mild corrosive environment. As a topcoat where the usual
cosmetic performance of epoxy coatings is acceptable.

Surface Total DFT 120

5 - 15 2 1× Hempathane 120 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
Years HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 120


> 15 1 1× Hempel's 60 As a single/double coat anticorrosive primer/finish for steel structures, general
Years Speed-dry Alkyd steel work add a multitude of applications for heavy and light steel industry,
43140/1 where quick drying properties are required. It is for general use, in exterior
and interior steel surfaces. Suitable for protection of steel in mild to medium
atmospheric corrosive environments.
2nd Coat 1× Hempel's 60 As a single/double coat anticorrosive primer/finish for steel structures, general
Primer Speed-dry Alkyd steel work add a multitude of applications for heavy and light steel industry,
43140/1 where quick drying properties are required. It is for general use, in exterior
and interior steel surfaces. Suitable for protection of steel in mild to medium
atmospheric corrosive environments.
1× Hempaquick 40 As a topcoat on steel in mild to moderately corrosive environment. In case of
Enamel 53840 line application of small items to be packed together, Hempalin Enamel 52140
is recommended.
Total DFT 160

> 15 2 1× Hempel's 80 As a single/double coat anticorrosive primer/finish for steel structures, general
Years Speed-dry Alkyd steel work add a multitude of applications for heavy and light steel industry,
43140/1 where quick drying properties are required. It is for general use, in exterior
Top Coat Topcoat and interior steel surfaces. Suitable for protection of steel in mild to medium
2nd Coat
atmospheric corrosive environments.

1× Hempel's 80 As a single/double coat anticorrosive primer/finish for steel structures, general

Speed-dry Alkyd steel work add a multitude of applications for heavy and light steel industry,
43140/1 where quick drying properties are required. It is for general use, in exterior
and interior steel surfaces. Suitable for protection of steel in mild to medium
atmospheric corrosive environments.
Total DFT 160

> 15 3 1× Hempadur 160 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or

Topcoat Years Mastic 45880 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

Total DFT 160

> 15 4 1x Hempadur 100 Is suitable for the protection of new build and maintained steel structures
Top Coat Topcoat Years Fast Dry 17410 where fast dry to handle and short overcoating times are required, such as
2nd Coat
in industrial halls, stadiums, exhibition halls, airports, bridges, power plants,
refineries, chemical and petrochemical.

1× Hempathane 60
HS 55610
Total DFT 160

How to select the right paint system

Volume Dry to touch Corrosivity

Paint type Finish VOC Exterior Interior
solids 20° C category
SB Epoxy Semi flat 65 ± 1 331 g/L 1 hours approx C1 - Heated buildings with a clean
Very low atmosphere such as offices,
shops, schools, hotels.

C2 Atmosphere contaminated Buildings which are not

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours Low to a small extent, mainly rural heated, where condensation
regions. may occur. e.g. storehouses,
sports halls.

SB Alkyd Flat 49 ± 1 442 g/L 15 minutes

SB Alkyd Flat 49 ± 1 442 g/L 15 minutes

SB Alkyd Glossy 41 ± 1 519 g/L 45 minutes

SB Alkyd Flat 49 ± 1 442 g/L 15 minutes

SB Alkyd Flat 49 ± 1 442 g/L 15 minutes

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours

* For the places where blasting as secondary surface preparation is not

possible after production, the use of shopprimed steel is an option. Zinc
silicate based shopprimers e.g. Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890 or 15820 are
preferred – especially for later overcoating with zinc containing paints – Epoxy
SB Epoxy Flat 75 ± 1 235 g/L 1 hour approx based shopprimers e.g. Hempel Shopprimer 15280 can also be used in case of
later overcoating with non-zinc containing paint. Ask Hempel for more specific
guidelines regarding optimum choice of shopprimer and need for secondary
surface preparation.

SB Polyurethane
SB = Solvent-borne WB = Waterborne DFT = Dry Film Thickness

How to select the right paint system

C3 Corrosivity category Sample systems corresponding to C3 Corrosivity category*

System DFT
Lifetime System Recommended use
no. (μm)
2-5 1 1× Hempalin Primer 80 General purpose for primer for Hempalin systems for protection of steel in mild
Years 12050 to medium atmospheric corrosive environments.
Top Coat Topcoat
2nd Coat
1× Hempalin 40 As a general purpose finishing coat in alkyd systems on exterior and interior
Enamel 52140 steel and woodwork in mildly to moderately corrosive environment. As a
finishing coat in engine rooms including tank tops, main engines and auxiliary

Total DFT 120

2-5 2 1× Hempathane 120 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
Years HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Surface Total DFT 120

5 - 15 1 1x Hempadur 100 Is suitable for the protection of new build and maintained steel structures
Years Fast Dry 17410 where fast dry to handle and short overcoating times are required, such as
in industrial halls, stadiums, exhibition halls, airports, bridges, power plants,
Top Coat Topcoat
2nd Coat refineries, chemical and petrochemical.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
Surface "direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 160

5 - 15 2 1× Hemudur 18500 100 As a general purpose primer on steel constructions.

Top Coat Topcoat
2nd Coat Years
1× Hemuthane 60 As a durable topcoat in waterborne epoxy systems.
Enamel 58510

Total DFT 160


> 15 1 1× Hempadur 140 As a self primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or
Years Mastic 45880 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film build
are required. For immersed areas where Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
Top Coat Topcoat recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
2nd Coat
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or
spray-metallised surfaces to minimize popping.

Surface 1x Hempathane 60 As a VOC-compliant, high build finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 200

Top Coat Topcoat > 15 2 1x Hempadur 120 As a primer in mild to medium atmospheric environments.
2nd Coat
Years Fast Dry 17410 As an intermediated or finishing coat in epoxy systems in medium
to severely corrosive atmospheric environments.
1x Hempathane 80 As a VOC-compliant, high build finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
Surface "direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.
Total DFT 200

Top Coat Topcoat > 15 3 1× Hempadur 60 As a versatile primer for long-term protection of steel in severely
2nd Coat
Years Avantguard 750 corrosive environments.

1× Hempathane 100 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.
Total DFT 160

How to select the right paint system

Volume Dry to touch Corrosivity

Paint type Finish VOC Exterior Interior
solids 20° C category
SB Alkyd Flat 49 ± 1 407 g/L 45 minutes C3 Industrial and urban Production space of high
Medium atmosphere with an humidity and certain air
average sulphur oxide (IV) contamination e.g. foodstuff
contamination level. Instore plants, laundries, breweries,
SB Alkyd Glossy 46 ± 1 429 g/L 3 hours
areas of low salinity. dairies.

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

SB Epoxy Flat 75 ± 1 235 g/L 1 hour approx

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

* For the places where blasting as secondary surface preparation is not

possible after production, the use of shopprimed steel is an option. Zinc
silicate based shopprimers e.g. Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890 or 15820 are
preferred – especially for later overcoating with zinc containing paints – Epoxy
WB Epoxy Semi flat 50 ± 1 22 g/L 2 hours approx based shopprimers e.g. Hempel Shopprimer 15280 can also be used in case of
later overcoating with non-zinc containing paint. Ask Hempel for more specific
guidelines regarding optimum choice of shopprimer and need for secondary
WB Polyurethane Glossy 48 ± 1 50 g/L 20 minutes surface preparation.

SB = Solvent-borne WB = Waterborne DFT = Dry Film Thickness

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

Solvent Based Semi gloss 74 ± 1 238 g/L 45 minutes


SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

SB Zinc Epoxy Flat 65 ± 1 315 g/L 10 minutes

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

How to select the right paint system

C4 Corrosivity category Sample systems corresponding to C4 Corrosivity category*

System DFT
Lifetime System Recommended use
no. (μm)
2-5 1 1x Hempadur 120 As a primer in mild to medium atmospheric environments.
Years Fast Dry 17410 As an intermediated or finishing coat in epoxy systems in medium
to severely corrosive atmospheric environments.
Top Coat Topcoat
2nd Coat

1× Hempathane 80 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 200

5 - 15 1 1x Hempadur 90 As a primer in mild to medium atmospheric environments.

Years Fast Dry 17410 As an intermediated or finishing coat in epoxy systems in medium
to severely corrosive atmospheric environments.

Top Coat Topcoat

2nd Coat 1x Hempadur 90 As a primer in mild to medium atmospheric environments.
Primer Fast Dry 17410 As an intermediated or finishing coat in epoxy systems in medium
to severely corrosive atmospheric environments.

Surface 1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 240

5 - 15 2 1x Hemudur 18500 90 As a general purpose primer on steel constructions.

Topcoat Years
2nd Coat
Primer 1x Hemudur 18500 90 As a general purpose primer on steel constructions.

1× Hemuthane 60 As a durable topcoat in waterborne epoxy systems.

Enamel 58510
Total DFT 240

5 - 15 3 1× Hempadur 60 As a versatile primer for long-term protection of steel in severely

Years Avantguard 750 corrosive environments.
1x Hempadur 80 As a primer in mild to medium atmospheric environments.
2nd Coat Fast Dry 17410 As an intermediated or finishing coat in epoxy systems in medium
Primer to severely corrosive atmospheric environments.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
Surface HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 200

How to select the right paint system

Volume Dry to touch Corrosivity

Paint type Finish VOC Exterior Interior
solids 20° C category
SB Epoxy Semi gloss 74 ± 1 238 g/L 45 minutes C4 Industrial areas and instore Chemical plants, swimming
High areas of medium salinity. pools, ship repair yards.

WB Acrylic Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 74 ± 1 238 g/L 45 minutes

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 74 ± 1 238 g/L 45 minutes

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

WB Epoxy Semi flat 50 ± 1 22 g/L 2 hours approx

WB Epoxy Semi flat 50 ± 1 22 g/L 2 hours approx

WB Polyurethane Glossy 48 ± 1 50 g/L 20 minutes

SB Zinc Epoxy Flat 65 ± 1 315 g/L 10 minutes

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 74 ± 1 238 g/L 45 minutes

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

* For the places where blasting as secondary surface preparation is not

possible after production, the use of shopprimed steel is an option. Zinc
silicate based shopprimers e.g. Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890 or 15820 are
preferred – especially for later overcoating with zinc containing paints – Epoxy
based shopprimers e.g. Hempel Shopprimer 15280 can also be used in case of
later overcoating with non-zinc containing paint. Ask Hempel for more specific
guidelines regarding optimum choice of shopprimer and need for secondary
surface preparation.

SB = Solvent-borne WB = Waterborne DFT = Dry Film Thickness

How to select the right paint system

C4 Corrosivity category Sample systems corresponding to C4 Corrosivity category*

System DFT
Lifetime System Recommended use
no. (μm)
> 15 1 1× Hempadur 110 As a self primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or
Years Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film build
are required. For immersed areas where Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray-
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

Topcoat 1× Hempadur 110 As a self primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or
2nd Coat
Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film build
are required. For immersed areas where Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray-
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.
Total DFT 280

> 15 2 1× Hempadur 60 As a versatile primer for long-term protection of steel in severely

Years Avantguard 750 corrosive environments.

1× Hempadur 120 As a self primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or

Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film build
2nd Coat are required. For immersed areas where Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray-
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 240

> 15 3 1× Hempel's 60 As a general purpose, heavy duty, rust preventing primer.

Years Galvosil 15703 As a single, complete coating for long-term protection of steel exposed
to moderately to severely corrosive environment and to abrasion.
As a tank lining in accordance with the Cargo Protection Guide.
In compliance with SSPC-Paint 20, type 1, level 1 and ISO 12944-5.

1× Hempadur 120 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or

2nd Coat Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
Primer build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
Surface metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 240

How to select the right paint system

Volume Dry to touch Corrosivity

Paint type Finish VOC Exterior Interior
solids 20° C category
SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours C4 Industrial areas and instore Chemical plants, swimming
High areas of medium salinity. pools, ship repair yards.

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

SB Zinc Epoxy Flat 65 ± 1 315 g/L 10 minutes

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours

* For the places where blasting as secondary surface preparation is not

possible after production, the use of shopprimed steel is an option. Zinc
silicate based shopprimers e.g. Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890 or 15820 are
preferred – especially for later overcoating with zinc containing paints – Epoxy
based shopprimers e.g. Hempel Shopprimer 15280 can also be used in case of
later overcoating with non-zinc containing paint. Ask Hempel for more specific
SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours guidelines regarding optimum choice of shopprimer and need for secondary
surface preparation.

SB = Solvent-borne WB = Waterborne DFT = Dry Film Thickness

SB Zinc Silicate Flat 64 ± 1 432 g/L 30 minutes

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

How to select the right paint system

C5-I Corrosivity category Sample systems corresponding to C5 Industrial Corrosivity category*

System DFT
Lifetime System Recommended use
no. (μm)
5 - 15 1 1× Hempadur 150 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or
Years Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
2nd Coat metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

1× Hempadur 150 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or

Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
Surface recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

Total DFT 300

5 - 15 2 1× Hempadur 60 As a versatile primer for long-term protection of steel in severely

Years Avantguard 750 corrosive environments.
2nd Coat
1× Hempadur 120 As an intermediate high build fairing surfacer in an epoxy system where the
Mastic 45880/1 cosmetic finish is important.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.
Total DFT 240

How to select the right paint system

Volume Dry to touch Corrosivity

Paint type Finish VOC Exterior Interior
solids 20° C category
SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours C5-I Industrial areas of high Buildings and areas of almost
Very high humidity and aggressive constant condensation and
(Industrial) atmosphere. high contamination.

* For places where blasting as secondary surface preparation is not possible

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours after production, the use of shopprimed steel is an option. Zinc silicate based
shopprimers e.g. Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890 or 15820 are preferred,
especially for later overcoating with paints containing zinc. Epoxy based
shopprimers e.g. Hempel Shopprimer 15280 can also be used in the case of
later overcoating with paint not containing zinc. Ask Hempel for more specific
guidelines regarding the optimum choice of shopprimer and the need for
secondary surface preparation.

SB = Solvent-borne WB = Waterborne DFT = Dry Film Thickness

SB Zinc Epoxy Flat 65 ± 1 315 g/L 10 minutes

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 63 ± 1 359 g/L 1 hour

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

How to select the right paint system

C5-I Corrosivity category Sample systems corresponding to C5 Industrial Corrosivity category*

System DFT
Lifetime System Recommended use
no. (μm)
> 15 1 1× Hempadur 130 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or
Years Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.
2nd Coat
Primer 1× Hempadur 130 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or
Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
Surface properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.
Total DFT 320

> 15 2 1× Hempadur 60 As a versatile primer for long-term protection of steel in severely

Years Avantguard 750 corrosive environments.

2nd Coat 1× Hempadur 200 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
Mastic 45880/1 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 320

> 15 3 1× Hempel's 60 As a general purpose, heavy duty, rust preventing timber. As a single,
Years Galvosil 15700 complete coating for long term protection of steel exposed to moderately
to severely corrosive environment and to abrasion. As a tank lining in
accordance with the Cargo Protection Guide in compliance with SSPC-Paint
20 type 1, level 1 and ISO 12944-5.

1× Hempadur 200 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or

2nd Coat Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 320

How to select the right paint system

Volume Dry to touch Corrosivity

Paint type Finish VOC Exterior Interior
solids 20° C category
SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours C5-I Industrial areas of high Buildings and areas of almost
Very high humidity and aggressive constant condensation and
(Industrial) atmosphere. high contamination.

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

SB Zinc Epoxy Flat 65 ± 1 315 g/L 10 minutes

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

SB Zinc Silicate Flat 67 ± 1 535 g/L 30 minutes


SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours

* For the places where blasting as secondary surface preparation is not

possible after production, the use of shopprimed steel is an option. Zinc
SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours silicate based shopprimers e.g. Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890 or 15820 are
preferred – especially for later overcoating with zinc containing paints – Epoxy
based shopprimers e.g. Hempel Shopprimer 15280 can also be used in case of
later overcoating with non-zinc containing paint. Ask Hempel for more specific
guidelines regarding optimum choice of shopprimer and need for secondary
surface preparation.

SB = Solvent-borne WB = Waterborne DFT = Dry Film Thickness

How to select the right paint system

C5-M Corrosivity category Sample systems corresponding to C5 Marine Corrosivity category*

System DFT
Lifetime System Recommended use
no. (μm)
5 - 15 1 1× Hempadur 150 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or
Years Mastic 45880 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
Topcoat May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
2nd Coat
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

1× Hempadur 150 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or

Mastic 45880 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

Total DFT 300

5 - 15 2 1× Hempadur 60 As a versatile primer for long-term protection of steel in severely

Years Avantguard 750 corrosive environments.

1× Hempadur 120 Is suitable for the protection of new build and maintained steel structures
2nd Coat Mastic 45880 where fast dry to handle and short overcoating times are required, such as
Primer in industrial halls, stadiums, exhibition halls, airports, bridges, power plants,
refineries, chemical and petrochemical.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
Surface HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 240

How to select the right paint system

Volume Dry to touch Corrosivity

Paint type Finish VOC Exterior Interior
solids 20° C category
SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours C5-M Marine areas and offshore Buildings and areas of almost
Very high areas of high salinity. constant condensation and
(Marine) high contamination.

* For places where blasting as secondary surface preparation is not possible

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours after production, the use of shopprimed steel is an option. Zinc silicate based
shopprimers e.g. Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890 or 15820 are preferred,
especially for later overcoating with paints containing zinc. Epoxy based
shopprimers e.g. Hempel Shopprimer 15280 can also be used in the case of
later overcoating with paint not containing zinc. Ask Hempel for more specific
guidelines regarding the optimum choice of shopprimer and the need for
secondary surface preparation.

SB = Solvent-borne WB = Waterborne DFT = Dry Film Thickness

SB Zinc Epoxy Flat 65 ± 1 315 g/L 10 minutes

SB Epoxy Flat 75 ± 1 235 g/L 1 hour approx

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

How to select the right paint system

C5-M Corrosivity category Sample systems corresponding to C5 Marine Corrosivity category*

System DFT
Lifetime System Recommended use
no. (μm)
> 15 1 1× Hempadur 130 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or
Years Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.
2nd Coat
1× Hempadur 130 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or
Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 320

> 15 2 1× Hempadur 60 As a versatile primer for long-term protection of steel in severely corrosive
Years Avantguard 750 environments.

1× Hempadur 100 Is suitable for the protection of new build and maintained steel structures
Mastic 45880/1 where fast dry to handle and short overcoating times are required, such as
in industrial halls, stadiums, exhibition halls, airports, bridges, power plants,
3rd Coat
Topcoat refineries, chemical and petrochemical.
2nd Coat
1× Hempadur 100 Is suitable for the protection of new build and maintained steel structures
Mastic 45880/1 where fast dry to handle and short overcoating times are required, such as
in industrial halls, stadiums, exhibition halls, airports, bridges, power plants,
refineries, chemical and petrochemical.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 320

> 15 3 1× Hempel's 60 As a general purpose, heavy duty, rust preventing timber. As a single,
Years Galvosil 15700 complete coating for long term protection of steel exposed to moderately
to severely corrosive environment and to abrasion. As a tank lining in
accordance with the Cargo Protection Guide in compliance with SSPC-Paint
20 type 1, level 1 and ISO 12944-5.

1× Hempadur 100 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or

Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
3rd Coat
Topcoat properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
2nd Coat
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

1× Hempadur 100 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or

Surface Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film
build are required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only
recommended for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating
properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray
metallised surfaces to minimise popping.

1× Hempathane 60 As a VOC compliant, high building finishing coat for protection of structural
HS 55610 steel in severely corrosive environment. May be specified as a one coat
"direct to metal" system in environments classified as C2 and C3.

Total DFT 320

How to select the right paint system

Volume Dry to touch Corrosivity

Paint type Finish VOC Exterior Interior
solids 20° C category
SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours C5-M Marine areas and offshore Buildings and areas of almost
Very high areas of high salinity. constant condensation and
(Marine) high contamination.

SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

SB Zinc Epoxy Flat 65 ± 1 315 g/L 10 minutes

SB Epoxy Flat 75 ± 1 235 g/L 1 hour approx

SB Epoxy Flat 75 ± 1 235 g/L 1 hour approx

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

SB Zinc Silicate Flat 64 ± 1 535 g/L 30 minutes


SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours

* For places where blasting as secondary surface preparation is not possible
after production, the use of shopprimed steel is an option. Zinc silicate based
shopprimers e.g. Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890 or 15820 are preferred,
especially for later overcoating with paints containing zinc. Epoxy based
shopprimers e.g. Hempel Shopprimer 15280 can also be used in the case of
later overcoating with paint not containing zinc. Ask Hempel for more specific
guidelines regarding the optimum choice of shopprimer and the need for
SB Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours secondary surface preparation.

SB = Solvent-borne WB = Waterborne DFT = Dry Film Thickness

SB Polyurethane Glossy 67 ± 1 336 g/L 3 hours

How to select the right paint system

Immersed structures For steel structures immersed in water (excluding potable water) or buried in soil
System DFT
Lifetime System Recommended use
no. (μm)
5 - 15 1 1x Hempadur 190 As a universal epoxy and self primed high performance coating system for
Years Quattro 17634 atmospheric or in water service, including water ballast tanks and cargo oil
tanks to be coated according to IMO-PSPC requirements. It is intended
Primer for all year application down to -10°C/15°F.

1x Hempadur 190 As a universal epoxy and self primed high performance coating system for
Quattro 17634 atmospheric or in water service, including water ballast tanks and cargo oil
Surface tanks to be coated according to IMO-PSPC requirements. It is intended
for all year application down to -10°C/15°F.
Total DFT 380

5 - 15 2 1x Hempadur 190 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or

Years Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film build are
required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only recommended
for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating properties for
Topcoat polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating). May be used
2nd Coat
directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray metallised surfaces
to minimise popping.

1x Hempadur 190 As a self-primed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or

Mastic 45880/1 finishing coat in heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film build are
required. For immersed areas Hempadur Mastic 45880 is only recommended
for minor repairs. Can be specified where extended recoating properties for
polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating). May be used
directly on cured zinc silicate (Galvosil products) or spray metallised surfaces
to minimise popping.

Total DFT 380

5 - 15 3 1x Hempadur 400 As a self primed, high build coating primarily for areas subject to abrasion and/
Years Multi-strength or to a highly corrosive environment, e.g. splash zones, jetty pilings and working
GF 35870 decks. Can be used as interior lining for crude oil and fuel oil storage tanks.

Total DFT 400


How to select the right paint system

Volume Dry to touch * For places where blasting as secondary surface preparation is not possible
Paint type Finish VOC after production, the use of shopprimed steel is an option. Zinc silicate based
solids 20° C
shopprimers e.g. Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890 or 15820 are preferred,
Epoxy Semi flat 72 ± 1 275 g/L 2 hours especially for later overcoating with paints containing zinc. Epoxy based
shopprimers e.g. Hempel Shopprimer 15280 can also be used in the case of
later overcoating with paint not containing zinc. Ask Hempel for more specific
guidelines regarding the optimum choice of shopprimer and the need for
secondary surface preparation.
Epoxy Semi flat 72 ± 1 275 g/L 2 hours

SB = Solvent-borne WB = Waterborne DFT = Dry Film Thickness

Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours

Epoxy Semi gloss 80 ± 1 216 g/L 3 hours

Epoxy GF Glossy 87 ± 1 188 g/L 4 hours

How to select the right paint system

Immersed structures For steel structures immersed in water (excluding potable water) or buried in soil
System DFT
Lifetime System Recommended use
no. (μm)
> 15 1 1x Hempadur 150 As a universal epoxy and self primed high performance coating system for
Years Quattro 17634 atmospheric or in water service, including water ballast tanks and cargo oil
tanks to be coated according to IMO-PSPC requirements. It is intended for
all year application down to -10°C/15°F.
2nd Coat
1x Hempadur 175 As a universal epoxy and self primed high performance coating system for
Quattro 17634 atmospheric or in water service, including water ballast tanks and cargo oil
tanks to be coated according to IMO-PSPC requirements. It is intended for
all year application down to -10°C/15°F.
1x Hempadur 175 As a universal epoxy and self primed high performance coating system for
Quattro 17634 atmospheric or in water service, including water ballast tanks and cargo oil
tanks to be coated according to IMO-PSPC requirements. It is intended for
all year application down to -10°C/15°F.

Total DFT 500

> 15 2 1x Hempadur 150 As a heavy duty coating for areas exposed to abrasion and aggressive
Years Multi-strength corrosive climate such as ramps, ship hulls and holds of bulk carriers.
45751/3 As a ballast tank coating for special purposes where pure epoxy coating is
requested. As a finishing coat where a cosmetic appearance is less important.
45751 is intended for use in warm climates. 45753 for use in cold climates.

2nd Coat 1x Hempadur 175 As a heavy duty coating for areas exposed to abrasion and aggressive
Primer Multi-strength corrosive climate such as ramps, ship hulls and holds of bulk carriers.
45751/3 As a ballast tank coating for special purposes where pure epoxy coating is
requested. As a finishing coat where a cosmetic appearance is less important.
45751 is intended for use in warm climates. 45753 for use in cold climate.

1x Hempadur 175 As a heavy duty coating for areas exposed to abrasion and aggressive
Multi-strength corrosive climate such as ramps, ship hulls and holds of bulk carriers.
45751/3 As a ballast tank coating for special purposes where pure epoxy coating is
requested. As a finishing coat where a cosmetic appearance is less important.
45751 is intended for use in warm climates. 45753 for use in cold climate.

Total DFT 500

> 15 3 1x Hempadur 300 As a self primed, high build coating primarily for areas subject to abrasion and/
Years Multi-strength or to a highly corrosive environment, e.g. splash zones, jetty pilings and working
GF 35870 decks. Can be used as interior lining for crude oil and fuel oil storage tanks.

1x Hempadur 300 As a self primed, high build coating primarily for areas subject to abrasion and/
Multi-strength or to a highly corrosive environment, e.g. splash zones, jetty pilings and working
GF 35870 decks. Can be used as interior lining for crude oil and fuel oil storage tanks.

Total DFT 600

> 15 4 1x Hempadur 800 As a self primed, high build coating for the protection of the exterior of buried
Years 87540 steel pipes, valves, fittings etc. operating at elevated temperatures in severely
corrosive environments. As a repair system for pipelines.

Total DFT 800


How to select the right paint system

Volume Dry to touch

Paint type Finish VOC
solids 20° C
Epoxy Semi flat 72 ± 1 275 g/L 2 hours

Epoxy Semi flat 72 ± 1 275 g/L 2 hours

Epoxy Semi flat 72 ± 1 275 g/L 2 hours

Epoxy Semi gloss 79 ± 1 45751 45751

250 g/L 7-8 hours

45753 45753
235 g/L 8-10 hours

Epoxy Semi gloss 79 ± 1 45751 45751

250 g/L 7-8 hours

45753 45753
235 g/L 8-10 hours

Epoxy Semi gloss 79 ± 1 45751 45751

250 g/L 7-8 hours

45753 45753
235 g/L 8-10 hours

Epoxy Glossy 87 ± 1 188 g/L 4 hours

* For places where blasting as secondary surface preparation is not possible

after production, the use of shopprimed steel is an option. Zinc silicate based
Epoxy Glossy 87 ± 1 188 g/L 4 hours shopprimers e.g. Hempel’s Shopprimer ZS 15890 or 15820 are preferred,
especially for later overcoating with paints containing zinc. Epoxy based
shopprimers e.g. Hempel Shopprimer 15280 can also be used in the case of
later overcoating with paint not containing zinc. Ask Hempel for more specific
guidelines regarding the optimum choice of shopprimer and the need for
secondary surface preparation.
Epoxy Glossy 100 5 g/L 1 hour

SB = Solvent-borne WB = Waterborne DFT = Dry Film Thickness

How to select the right paint system

2014 World Cup Stadia, Brazil

Although the 2014 FIFA World Cup officially kicked off on 12th June Stadiums including:
2014 when host nation Brazil played Croatia, we had been actively
Arena Fonte Nova Stadium
involved in the country’s intense stadium preparation programme
for the previous 3 years. Castelao Stadium
Arena do Gremio Stadium
Hempel was a natural choice for this project. With our global facilities
and flexible service offering, it was possible to assist our customer
efficiently both in Portugal, for the initial build and in Brazil for subsequent
touch up and repair work after the long crossing.

The huge metal structures for all 3 stadiums were manufactured and fully
coated in Portugal, before being shipped to Brazil and erected on site.
Our systems were chosen to resist the corrosive salty ocean crossing,
the hard knocks that happen during transportation and protect against
the Brazilian climate for many years to come.

With a reputation among steel constructors as an extremely reliable

product that combines excellent mechanical resistance with high
productivity, Hempadur Fast Dry 15560 was integral to this durable
protective coating system.

Arena Fonte Nova in Salvador da Bahia, with a capacity for 55,000

spectators, and coated with 40,000 litres of Hempel, was awarded
the 2013 European Steel Design Award by ECCS (European Convention
for Construction Steelwork).

Part of the legacy of Brazil 2014, these three stadia continue to play
an important role as major sporting venues and our coatings systems
continue to protect a combined 6,220 tonnes of steel that form their roofs.

Hempadur Zinc 17360
Photo: Fábio Lima
Hempadur Fast Dry 15560
Hempathane HS 55610

How to select the right paint system

Vestas, Denmark
140 metres high, the Vestas’ wind turbine
produces electricity for around 7,500 homes.
It is protected with our two-coat system that
Vestas use as standard on their offshore
wind towers.

As well as excellent anti-corrosive

performance and rapid application
properties, the system delivers excellent
abrasion resistance to protect during
transportation and installation, and lasting
weather and UV resistance.

Hempadur 4774A
Hempathane HS 5561B

Elco, Oman
Elco, a leading engineering and fabrication
company, identified Hempel as the right coatings
supplier for the onshore Khazzan and Makarem
processing facility, to give the best corrosion
protection available. The system that Elco are
using includes Hempadur Avantguard 750,
an activated zinc primer that is ideal for use in
severely corrosive environments.

Hempadur Avantguard 750
Hempadur MIO 47950
Hempathane HS 55610

VW Manufacturing Plant, Russia

When constructing a new factory for a leading
German automotive manufacturer, our customer
needed a coating system that not only delivers
excellent corrosion protection, but could also be
applied extremely quickly.

Hempel's Speed Dry Alkyd met these tough

conditions, as it is engineered for C2 corrosive
environments and dries in less than two hours.

Speed-Dry Alkyd 4314 (primer)
Speed-Dry Alkyd 4314 (topcoat)

Since 1915 Hempel has been a world-leading

coatings specialist, providing protection and
inspiration to the world around us. Today we have
over 5,500 people in 80 countries delivering
trusted solutions in the protective, decorative,
marine, container, industrial and yacht markets.
This includes many recognised brands like
Crown Paints, Schaepman and Jones-Blair.

Hempel is proudly owned by the Hempel

Foundation, which supports cultural, humanitarian
and scientific causes across the world.

Hempel Qatar Hempel Abu Dhabi Hempel Riyadh

Block 212, Street 16 Plot No 37, Sector M-15 Bldg. No. 6371
Salwa Industrial Area Mussafah Industrial Area King Abdulaziz Road
P.O.Box 3484, Doha P.O.Box 47006 P.O.Box 3977,
State of Qatar Abu Dhabi Riyadh 11481
Tel: +974 4455 9000 United Arab Emirates Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fax: +974 4460 0901 Tel: +971 2 5552279 Tel: +966 11 810 7780
Fax: +971 2 5553379 Fax: +966 11 214 4664
Hempel Emirates
Interchange 8 Hempel Dammam Hempel Bahrain
Al Dhaid Road First Industrial Area Mina Salman Industrial Area
Plot 698/G, Sajaa Area Fourth Road, Bn Zheer Street Building 314, Road
P.O.Box 2000, Sharjah P.O.Box 1077, 4306, Block 343
United Arab Emirates Dammam 31431 P.O.Box 997, Manama
Tel: +971 6 531 0140 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Bahrain
Fax: +971 6 531 0141 Tel: +966 3 847 1616 Tel: +973 1772 8668
Fax: +966 3 847 1816 Fax: +973 1782 7327
Hempel Oman Hempel Syria
Ghala Industrial Area Hempel Jeddah Hempel Kuwait Industrial City, Hassia
Beside Komatsu Al Suhaili Commercial Centre, Shuwaikh Industrial Area P.O.Box 11613, Damascus
Building No 1280 Siteen Street, Block B, Street No. 30, Syrian Arab Republic
Way No 5217 Al Rabwah District, Plot No. 119 Tel: +963 31 5360150/8
P.O.Box 1260, PC 112 P.O.Box 6783, Jeddah 21452 P.O.Box 3400, Safat 13034,
Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Kingdom of Saudi Arabia State of Kuwait Hempel (Decorative Paints)
Tel: +968 24592759 Tel: +966 2 257 4567 Tel: +965 2 202 0700 in Egypt
Fax: +968 24596895 Fax: +966 2 275 2828 Fax: +965 2 484 3307 Tel: +20105298886


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