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Srishti Software Corporate PPT v1 For Emailer

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A Patient Centric Comprehensive Integrated

Healthcare Delivery Platform

Srishti Software Applications Pvt. Ltd.

# 1245, Sector 2, 27th Main Road, HSR
Layout, Somasundarapalya
Bangalore - 560102
Srishti Software – Overview

ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001


15+ years in the Healthcare


HIMSS Analytics Stage 6

Compliance Product

Implemented across 10+

Countries, 50+ Cities and
150+ Locations Globally

Over 9 Million Patients

Registered on the Platform

15000+ Active users

PARAS Customer Footprint – Global

HIMSS Analytics
15000 Active 9mn Patients
Stage 6 10 Countries 50+ Cities 150+ Locations
Users Registered
PARAS HMIS – Patient Centric Comprehensive
Integrated Healthcare Delivery Platform
 PARAS HMIS has been designed and built based on our finding from the global survey that included over 130
hospital (73 in India).

Problem Discovery Business Impact Our Approach & Solution

Non availability of an affordable single Forced to look at multiple products /  PARAS Is a fully integrated Single
Product Suite, covering all healthcare vendors and manage inherent risks related Healthcare delivery platform that
provider ‘Business’ & ‘Clinical’ to deployment, integration & maintenance covers the complete spectrum of
processes, in an optimally emerging out of this scenario. Patient Care.
comprehensive way.  Hence there is no need to look for any
Escalated Total Cost Of Ownership other product to meet the Hospital’s
Automation needs
Available products lack bi-directional Not possible to Implement modern  Bi-directionally integrated solution that
integration between ‘Business’ & management techniques related to eliminated revenue leakages and
‘Clinical’ processes. Healthcare Enterprise Management. Ex. material/financial mismanagement.
Ineffective cash flow management.  Brings in huge operational cost
reduction and real-time management
of resources
Inability to document payment claims as High Rejection Ratio of Payment Claims by  PARAS is fully codified to support
per the ever-changing requirements of institutional payers leading to cconsiderable ICD, SNOMED CT, etc., to ensure
Corporate / Insurance / TPA payers. revenue loss. accurate generation of claims.
 Codifications results in eliminating any
ambiguity in diagnosis, treatment
given and bills / claims submitted
 Implementing PARAS at a prestigious
Cancer Institute has enabled the
Hospital to achieve almost 0%
repudiation of claims from 33%
 60% improvement in time and effort
taken to generate bills & invoices
 40–50% faster reimbursement
PARAS HMIS – Patient Centric Comprehensive
Integrated Healthcare Delivery Platform
 PARAS HMIS has been designed and built based on our finding from the global survey that included over 130 hospital (73
in India).
Problem Discovery Business Impact Our Approach & Solution
No Clinical and Administrative Tracking Poor Customer Relationship Management.  PARAS is a single platform that ensure
possible of Healthcare Recipients. end-to-end tracking of patient life cycle in
the hospital.

 80-90% improvement in accuracy and

effort for medication administration
Recurring episodes of solution non- Endangering patient care and safety.  PARAS is fully compliant with all Patient
availability, lack of data security and virus privacy standards such as HIPPAA and
threats. Risking privacy and confidentiality of patient. GDPR as all data in PARAS is encrypted
using best in class encryption standards.

Implementation failures/delays. Resulting in cost escalations and business  PARAS HMIS has a 100% successful
disruptions. implementation rate as it incorporates best
in class industry practices and a fully ready

 Modular based: Fit the needs of different

Providers (small to large network hospitals)
Support and scale as business grows Decentralized / isolated deployment of software  PARAS is a true multi-location product that
ensure seamless and real-time data
portability across multiple location –
whether it is Patient data, Material Data,
Financial Data, Administrative data, etc.,
Proprietary Software Platform dependent with risk of obsolesce  PARAS is a platform agnostic product that
supports all any OS, Database, Browser
and devices.
Highly Expensive and Quicker Obsolesce Resulting in less adaption of automation,  PARAS is a platform agnostic solution that
incomplete implementation and No ROI supports all standard OS and DB and IT

 Better Resource, Material optimization,

Better Operations Management, Reduced
Revenue Leakages – Contribute to faster
PARAS HMIS – Patient Centric Comprehensive
Integrated Healthcare Delivery Platform
PARAS HMIS – Patient Centric Comprehensive
Integrated Healthcare Delivery Platform
Design and construct of PARAS HMIS is based on these building blocks
PARAS HMIS – Patient Centric Comprehensive
Integrated Healthcare Delivery Platform
PARAS HMIS – Patient Centric Comprehensive
Integrated Healthcare Delivery Platform

HIMSS Analytics has devised an 8-stage process to track

EMR adoption in Hospitals as show below

Stage 7
Stage 6 •Complete
Stage 5 •Physician •CCD
•Closed •Data
Stage 4 tion
Loop Warehousi
•CPOE Medication ng
Stage 3 Templates)
•CDSS – •Data
•Nursing / •Full CDSS
Stage 2 Clinical Continuity
Clinical (variance &
Protocols with ED
•CDR, Documenta compliance
Stage 1 ) •Ambulatory
•Controlled tion OP
Stage 0 •All three Medical •Full R-
ancillaries Vocabulary PACS
•All three (error
– Lab, ,
ancillaries checking)
not •CDS •PACS
installed Pharmacy •Document outside
are Imaging Radiology
installed •HIE

PARAS competes with global leaders in providing a robust solution

to large hospital chains with the most complex workflows
PARAS Healthcare Delivery Platform
PARAS Healthcare Delivery Platform

PARAS HMIS Roadmap to attain HIMSS Analytics Stage 7

Highest level of HIMSS
Clinical Outcome
Management at Analytics
Incrementation Clinica l
Pathwa ys
Stage 6 & 7
cost from Stage
4/5 Specialty Dis ease Chroni
Formsets Registry c Care

Incremental cost HIMSS

for having minimal
Clinical Outcome Out Patient / Casualty
Ambulator Care
Stage 4 & 5
CPOE CDSS Nursing Clinical
Dashboard Records

Low Cost Doctor Upto HIMSS

Blood Bank Nursing
Required for Consultation
all Providers
Multiple OP /
IP Billing
Pharmacy Lab Multiple
Management Information
Payer / Co-
Cash /
Credit /
Stage 3
Payer / TPA
OP Clinic Ward & Bed Package /
ADTRF Pay-Plan
Management Management Corporate /
“Q” Appointment payer Portal
Management & Scheduling
HIS Layer Definition

PARAS HMIS provides a platform to improve patient satisfaction through tracking of health
services to ensure quality services delivery.

Analytics and Dashboards

Discharge information.

Closed Loop Medication and Two Factor

authentication for accurate, on-time, every time
medication administration

On-Demand availability of Patient’s Clinical Data for

Doctors & Nurses

Transparent Billing and Payer management

Accurate Patient assessment


Patient Engagement

•PARAS is a fully integrated solution that ensure that patients are able to get seamless information throughout his
engagement with the provider.
•Whether information about the treatment process, his request to meet the choice of Clinician, to error free and
unambiguous billing, ease of payment through different payment options, to a hassle-free discharge – the entire
process is completely automated.
•The patient has the flexibility to have this information whilst he is in the hospital or thru his mobile as well

Clinical Outcome Management

•PARAS, apart from the strong Patient management system, has built in a comprehensive Clinical information
system that emphasizes on Outcomes Management
•PARAS ensures high level of doctor adaption of the application to automated Prescription Management,
integration with drug formulary database for alerts on Drugs / Allergy / Condition interactions personalized /
templatized Order Sets, dynamically configurable Active Care Plan, fully codified Disease Management /
Treatment Management / Nursing – all recorded in a comprehensive Electronic Medical Record / Electronic Health
•Easily accessible Patient EMR through Clinician Mobile App

Hospital Administration

•PARAS has an integrated Back Office ERPS functionality that streamlines the entire Procurement, Inventory,
Human Resource, Payroll and Financial Account System of a Hospital.
•This seamless integration ensures accurate, error-free, automatic and real-time posting of Financial Data,
Inventory Data, Resource data without any manual intervention.

Patient Satisfaction

•Accessibility of Information through Patient Portal & App

•Circumvention of Medical Errors
•Time saving
•Transparency in service delivery
PARAS HMIS – Patient Centric Comprehensive
Integrated Healthcare Delivery Platform

PARAS HMIS is built on an Open Standard and Micro Services Architecture that supports all latest and
emerging technologies

PARAS HMIS has adapted a Mobile First - Cloud First development approach

PARAS is a tri-directionally integrated Patient Centric Healthcare Delivery Platform that provides
seamless and real-time data for administrative, clinical and financial metrics

PARAS provides template driven masters, rapid advice/order sets creation, Easy patient
scheduling, Intelligent patient workflows, Expedite patient encounters, pre-built templates and order

PARAS provide best in class Tele Consultation and Tele Medicine enabling collaboration between
Clinician and Patients

PARAS facilitates effective Management of Revenue Cycle Management, Supply Chain Management,
Financial management System, Human Resource Management
PARAS HMIS – Patient Centric Comprehensive
Integrated Healthcare Delivery Platform

PARAS HMIS has a built Analytical engine that is configurable to provide:

• Predictive Analytics
• Clinical Analytics
• Revenue based Analytics
• Patient centric Analytics

PARAS has built in capabilities to integrate with multiple Wearable Technology devices of both Android and iOS

PARAS HMIS is AI ready to provide multiple insights that are Patient Centric, Disease centric. Has the capability to
generate trend analysis for administrative and statutory purposes

PARAS has the ability to incorporate Augmented Technology to provide a interactive and a responsive experience to
clinician by integrating with supported medical devices.

PARAS HMIS has been designed and built to collaborate with multiple third party devices such as Lab Equipment, Radiology
Equipment, Barcode & RFID technology, PACS Repository, etc.,
PARAS HMIS – Patient Centric Comprehensive
Integrated Healthcare Delivery Platform

 Future Proofing

 Technology – Designed and built to support On-Premise Deployment,

Offer as a Service in SaaS environment, Provide Tele-Medicine and Tele


 Functionality – Provide functional directions to customer with insights on

best practices.

 Clinical Guidelines – offers multi-specialty workflow and dynamic care

plans and treatment protocols

 Facilitate adaption of Next Practices for sustainable Healthcare

Critical Success Factors

 100% Successful Implementation Track record

 Implementation and delivery methodology adapted by Srishti is

 Predictable – due to incorporating global delivery standards & methodology

 Build a strong partnership with the client throughout the implementation process

and beyond

 High customer retention – 10+ years of relationship with all our customers

 Single product that can scale from few modules to complete platform

 Product roll out approach – Phased and distributed rollout model

 Transparent and easily trackable by customer on real-time delivery status

 Through successfully and timely implementation, enable customer to achieve

significant cost saving and enable Management fulfill their vision for HMIS rollout
Benefits of PARAS HMIS

Enables a complete digital hospital that is paper less – Cost saving on unnecessary paper
and film printing

Reduce revenue leakages thru claims disallowance – integrated and codified solution

Reduce discharge time from 4 hours to less than 1 hour – better bed utilization and

Increase profitability by eliminating pilferages (cash, inventory) and Billing

mismatch and errors

Enable hospital achieve highest level of HIMSS Analytics – Start small and scale

Better utilization of resources and reduce resource cost by 10% to 15%

Prevent technology obsolesce – better utilization of IT infrastructure and investment

Role based Operations & Strategy
PARAS HMIS – Roles based Analytics

PARAS HMIS provides a comprehensive set of Analytics and Dashboard

that are highly configurable based on the roles.
• Hospital Admin • Procurement
• Patient Trends • Resource
• Revenue Planning
• Location / Center • Patient
Wise relationship

Strategic Operational

Tactical Analytical

• O&M • Clinical
• Facility • Disease Registry
Management • Specialty Wise
PARAS HMIS – Roles based Analytics

• PARAS Role Based Analytics engine supports:

o Administration
o Doctors & Clinicians
o Finance & Accounts
o Inventory & Procurement
o Human Resources
• PARAS Analytics Engine provides Operational Dashboards that
facilitates Hospitals in taking strategic decisions
PARAS HMIS – Operations Analytics
PARAS HMIS – Operational Analytics
PARAS HMIS – Clinical Analytics
PARAS HMIS – Financial Analytics

Verticals wise Revenue Analysis

PARAS HMIS – Strategic Analytics
Clinical Differentiators
Clinical Differentiators

Order Set
Care Plans

Standard Treatment
Specialty Form Sets

Clinical Data
Clinical Analytics

Clinical Charting Codification

Complete Disease
Technical Differentiators
Technical Value Addition

Platform Agnostic 99.99% uptime of Multi-Tier and Multi

Solution (supports the application (no Tenet Solution
all OS, DB and instances of system
Browsers) crash)
Linearly scalable at
Accessibility &


each tier
Web Engineered No Single Point of
application that Failure
supports all form
factors (desktop,
Laptops, Tables,
Smart Phones
(Android & iOS)

Dynamic Role
Based access
Technical Value Addition

Complies to all Remote Support /

24x7x365 support
Patient and (remote as well as
Information Privacy onsite
standards Supports BCP


Responsiveness &
Privacy & Security

Highly Configurable thru Diligently

Roles Based built in configuration
complying to
Authentication manager
Supports SLA’s
methodology agreed with
Supports multiple
deployment models customer
Audit Trail / Log • On-Premises
• Cloud
• Private
99.99% Customer
Sessions • Public retention
Management for • Software as a Service
enhanced security
and control Supports Online-Offline
Case Studies
Case Study- RGCI
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute (RGCI), India: Associated Since 2009
• To implement a specialized Onco EMR at the Hospital
Leading Cancer Care Institute • Implement a system that can provide Financial Control and monitoring
and Research Center in India • Reduce their revenue leakages due to claims disallowance
• Integrate with existing system
Deployed across 2 locations in
New Delhi. Rollout to the 3rd Business Impact
location is in progress • PARAS has been chosen as the preferred solution to ensure proper
Financial Control and Monitoring
500 + Beds, 2 locations • From just Financial control and Monitoring, RGCI decided to evaluate
26000+ New Patients in a year the other set of modules including the Clinical and Patient Centric
100000 Patient Visit in a year modules as well.
20+ Sub Specialties in Cancer • Implementing PARAS over a period of time has ensured in
100+ Consultants implementing complete codification to ensure accuracy in Claims
150+ Resident Doctors Submission and management – reduce the claims disallowance from
150+ Paramedical Technicians 33% to almost Negligible
500+ Nursing Staff • Implemented PARAS EMR as it is tightly integrated with the Core HIS
and Back Office modules
• Successfully Integrated with third party systems including PACS,
Project Management Tools, Lab Equipment's and Radiology
• As a fully integrated, single platform, PARAS has ensured that RGCI is
able to generate their complete Cancer Disease Registry and Analytics
Case Study- CFS
Centre for Sight (CFS) Group of Hospitals, India: Associated Since 2010
• As a Green Field Hospital, it was important for CFS to have a best in class HIS solution
A leading Eye Care Chain in • A fully integrated solution to ensure seamless flow of data between Clinical and Non-Clinical
India. • Multi-tenant and Multi Location solution that can provide 360 degree information Group Wise and
Center for Excellence for Eye individual location wise
• To have a complete paper-less HIS that can provide the desired dashboards as well.
Care in India. • System that can support High Availability of the system
• A solution that can reduce / eliminate Pilferages (Cash, Material)
• Eliminate Billing Errors / Mismatch
More than 70 locations live
and intended to reach 120
Business Impact
locations spread across Pan- • PARAS was identified by the preferred HIS since it is a fully integrated comprehensive patient
India in the next 24 Months centric healthcare Delivery platform that covers all processes – Patient Centric, Clinical,
Administrative and ERP Services
• Web Based solution that supports Multi-Tenant and Multi-Location
650000+ Patients a Year • Highly adaptable and usable by Doctors and Nurses
• Complete Prescriptions, Orders and Surgical records are managed in PARAS
150+ Doctors • Centralized monitoring with Audit Controls & Approvals to ensure Stoppage of Revenue Leakages
• PARAS has optimized the resources resulting in reduced manpower costs and better utilization of
clinical personnel
• Optimized Inventory Management both at Group level as well as individual location wise
• Enabled True Patient Portability across all locations to ensure easier accessibility of Patient &
Payer record at the Point of Care
• Reduced / eliminated pilferages (Cash, Material) as it is bi-directionally integrated between Clinical
and Administrative Functions
• Eliminated all billing errors / mismatch by incorporating codification
Case Study- AAR
AAR Group, East Africa : Associated Since 2012
Leading Out Patient Service • A solution that can manage their operations across multiple countries

Provider in East Africa • Single product that automates Patient Services, Clinical Services, ERP Services
• Integrate with their Insurance solution for online Claim’s settlement and avoid insurance

More than 35 existing • Support Multi-Currency and Multi-Country Statutory compliances

locations and plans to reach • Support Online-Offline deployment

100 locations spread across • Control / eliminate revenue leakages, material leakages and resource leakages

19 countries in Africa
Business Impact
• PARAS is a fully integrated comprehensive patient centric healthcare Delivery platform that covers
50000+ Patients per year
all processes – Patient Centric, Clinical, Administrative and ERP Services
500+ Trained Health
• Web Based solution that supports Multi-Tenant and Multi-Location
• Highly adaptable and usable by Doctors and Nurses
• PARAS has optimized the resources resulting in reduced manpower costs and better utilization of
clinical personnel
• Optimized Inventory Management both at Group level as well as individual location wise
• Enabled True Patient Portability across all locations to ensure easier accessibility of Patient & Payer
record at the Point of Care
• Deployed in a Centralized Environment connecting all the centers across 3 different countries in East
Africa providing both Offline & Online Access
• Near Zero leakages in Cash, Material, Inventory, Drugs & Medicines, etc.,
Thank You

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