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The Shurangama Mantra

Om Namo Shurangama Mantra:

1. Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2. Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3. E La He Di, 4. San Myau San Pu Two S
ye. Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104. Chr Two Ni, 105. E Jya La, 106. Mi Li Ju, 107
. Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108. Ning Jye Li 544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she
la bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554. Swo pe he
Page 1
Primary Source:
Shurangama Mantra with Verses and Commentary
, by Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua, printed in ?Vajra
Bodhi Se
www.BTTSonline.org For latest version, visit www.Shurangama-Mantra.com or www

Om Namo Avalokiteshvara; Om Namo Maha Karuna Mantra, Dharani Sutra Maha Karuna D
harma; Om Namo Dharani Sutra Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as Vast as the

Om Namo "Sutra of the Vast, Great, Full, Unimpeded Great Compassion Heart Dharan
i of Avalokiteshvara the Thousand-Handed, Thousand-Eyed Bodhisattva Who Regards
the World's Sounds"

Ven. Hsuan Hua of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas,

The Dharani Sutra
, Burlingame, CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, www.BTTSonline.org
, 1976: p. 1.
Verse for Opening a Sutra
The unsurpassed, profound, and wonderful Dharani Sutra and Maha Karuna Mantra, I
s difficult to encounter in hundreds of millions of eons, And yet, I now see and
hear it, receive and uphold it, And I vow to realize the Buddha's true meaning.

The Great White Canopy Light from the Buddha's Crown Foremost Spiritual Mantra
Mwo he sa dan dwo Bwo da la

Mwo he sa dan dwo Bwo da la two lo ni jou - Om Syi Dan Dwo. Bo Da La.
Shurangama Mantra First Four Lines Invocation:
Na Mwo Sa Dan Two | Su Chye Dwo Ye | E La He Di | San Myau San Pu Two Sye.
"Five Great Heart Mantras" Invocation:
Chr Two Ni | E Jya La | Mi Li Ju | Bwo Li Dan La Ye | Ning Jye Li
544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she l
a bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554.
Swo pe he
The Mantra has five divisions which correspond to the five directions
north, south, east, west, and the middle. The Eastern Division is the Vajra Div
ision, with Akshobhya Buddha (Medicine Buddha
Bhaisajya Guru) as the teaching host. The Southern Division is the Production-o
f-Jewels Division, with Production-of-Jewels Buddha (Ratna Sambhava Buddha) as t
he teaching host. The Central Division is the Buddha Division, with Shakyamuni B
uddha (Vairochana Buddha) as the teaching host. The Western Division is the Lotu
s Division, with Amitabha Buddha (Amitayus Buddha
Amitofou) as the teaching host. The Northern Division is the Karma Division, wi
th Accomplishment Buddha (Amoghasiddhi Buddha) as the teaching host. There are f
ive divisions, because there are five huge demonic armies in this world. There a
re demons to the east, south, west, north, and in the center. Since there are th
ese five demon armies, not just five demons, the Buddhas also cover the five dir
ections to suppress the demons. If there were no Buddhas, the demons could appea
r openly in the world.
The Shurangama Sutra - Volume Six,
a simple explanation by the
Venerable Master Hsuan Hua,
publisher and translator Burlingame, California: Buddhist Text Translation Socie
ty, Dharma Realm Buddhist University, Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, www.BTT
SOnline.org, 1
ed. 1981, 2
ed., 2002: p. 94. ISBN 0-88139-___-_
The Shurangama Mantra
Om Namo Shurangama Mantra:

1. Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2. Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3. E La He Di, 4. San Myau San Pu Two S
ye. Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104. Chr Two Ni, 105. E Jya La, 106. Mi Li Ju, 107
. Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108. Ning Jye Li 544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she
la bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554. Swo pe he
Page 2
Primary Source:
Shurangama Mantra with Verses and Commentary
, by Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua, printed in ?Vajra
Bodhi Se
www.BTTSonline.org For latest version, visit www.Shurangama-Mantra.com or www
Introduction to the Shurangama Mantra of Ultimate Stability:
The following pages of sacred texts contain an introductory explanation of the i
neffable (indescribable) and wonderful Shurangama (ultimately stable) with the "
modern" Sanskrit and Siddham (ancient Sanskrit) versions along with English "tra
nslations" of the Mantra.
We cannot stress enough how much it is required that during the period in one's
life that one chants these
(true words) that one makes vows to lead an ethical (compassionate - selfless) l
ife and strives (does one's best) to uphold these vows (
in Sanskrit
), practices, or moral precepts (
). At minimum, one should follow the "Ten Commandments" of the Abrahamic religi
ons (Judaism, Christianity, Islam); but it is best if one takes as one's fundame
ntal (root) moral conduct the Buddhist Five Precepts below or the Yogic
precepts. Chant these mantras only with a heart of benefiting living beings to
relieve their afflictions of desire/greed (windy
), anger/hatred (fiery
), ignorance/stupidity (muddled murky
). Never attempt to use ANY prayer, chant or especially a mantra for selfish or
greedy aims. The ends NEVER justifies the means! The ends IS the means.

The mantras contained on the following sacred pages are

, meaning "true words." Thus, your most important agreement with yourself (and w
ith the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Sages, God(s), Goddess, Saints and, for that matt
er, with all living beings) in using these mantras to serve beings (Seva) is to:
"Be Impeccable with Your Word."
To quote
The Four Agreements
, a book of transformative Toltec wisdom - moral conduct by Don Miguel Ruiz, M.D
(San Rafael, California: Allen-Amber Publishing, 1997)
, "Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak a
gainst yourself or to gossip about others." This impeccability of word implies
1. No lying, 2. No harsh speech, 3. No profane or vulgar speech, 4. No gossip or
divisive speech, and 5. No frivolous speech (chit-chat, blah-blah-blah, or loos
e-lewd speech). Ruiz affirms, "Use the power of your word in direction of truth
and love" (compassion).
(Ruiz, front inside cover)
Ruiz says more, "It sounds very simple, but it is very, very powerful. Why
your word? Your word is the power that you have to create. Your word is the gi
ft that comes directly from God" (Buddha, Bodhisattvas, Goddess). "The Gospel o
f John in the Bible speaking of the creation of the universe, says, 'In the begi
nning there was the word, and the word was with God, and the word is God.'" The
Avatamsaka Sutra says "If you wish to understand the universe, realize that it
is all created by the mind alone." Ruiz continues, "Through the word you expres
s your creative power. It is through the word that you manifest everything. Rega
rdless of what language you speak, your intent manifests through the word." Thi
s is why it doesn't matter if a mantra is chanted in modern Sanskrit, ancient Si
ddham Sanskrit, Hindi, Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese, English or any language. How
ever, some languages, such as Sanskrit and Siddham have a deeply spiritual vibra
tion to them. What matters is not the language, but your Word, your vow, your c
ommitment, your pledge, your bond, your responsibility, your giving your breath
(prana or qi).
Ruiz elaborates, "What you dream, what you feel, and what you really are, will a
ll be manifested through the word. The word is not just a sound or a written sy
mbol. The word is a force; it is the power you have to express and communicate,
to think, and thereby to create the events in your life. You can speak. What
other animal on the planet can speak? The word is the most powerful tool you ha
ve as a human; it is the tool of magic." The word is the tool of
- which in Sanskrit means to embrace and encompass all things and bring ultimate
stability (this stability is called
in Sanskrit). Ruiz expands, "But like a sword with two edges, your word can cre
ate the most beautiful dream, or your word can destroy everything around you. On
e edge is the misuse of the word, which creates a living hell. The other edge is
the impeccability of the word, which will only create beauty, love" (universal
love - that is great compassion or
Maha Karuna
in Sanskrit) and heaven on Earth" (
in Sanskrit). So be like Manjushri, the Great Wisdom Bodhisattva (
Maha Prajna
), the enlightened sage who uses the adamantine (
) wisdom sword to slice through delusion (confusion and ignorance) with the perf
ected union of compassion (
maha karuna
) and wisdom (
prajna paramita
). Ruiz asserts, "Depending on how it is used, the word can set you free, or it
can enslave you even more than you know. Ruiz affirms, "All the magic you pos
sess is based on your word. Your word is pure magic, and misuse of your word is
black magic." These Great Compassion mantras below are ineffably and compassion
ately powerful pure white magic and must be used wisely and only if you
selflessly keep your word
in the profound sense spoken of above. Ruiz states, "The word is so powerful t
hat one word can change a life or destroy the lives of millions of people."
(Ruiz, pp. 26-27)
The Shurangama Mantra
Om Namo Shurangama Mantra:
1. Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2. Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3. E La He Di, 4. San Myau San Pu Two S
ye. Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104. Chr Two Ni, 105. E Jya La, 106. Mi Li Ju, 107
. Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108. Ning Jye Li 544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she
la bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554. Swo pe he
Page 3
Primary Source:
Shurangama Mantra with Verses and Commentary
, by Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua, printed in ?Vajra
Bodhi Se
www.BTTSonline.org For latest version, visit www.Shurangama-Mantra.com or www
Ruiz continues, "Now let us see what the word
means. Impeccability means 'without sin.' Impeccable comes from the Latin
¸ which means 'sin.' The
in impeccable means 'without sin.' Religions talk about sin and sinners, but l
et's understand what it really means to sin. A sin is anything that you do whic
h goes against yourself." (Because there really is
no self
, then
don't be selfish
Be selfless
, since there is really no self. He explains, "Everything you feel or believe o
r say that goes against yourself is a sin. You go against yourself when you jud
ge or blame yourself for anything. Being without sin is exactly the opposite.
Being impeccable is not going against yourself." The high level realization of
impeccability is to realize (
) the state of no-self (
) - meaning you are truly selfless (self-less) and see that you are the world an
d the world is you. You are not separate from the rest of humanity, you are huma
nity. The ultimate or the perfection (
) of no-self is to realize (
) that there is no me, no you, no others, and no birth and death (also spoken of
as "no self, no others, no living beings, no lifespan."
[Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra]
) Ruiz goes on, "When you are impeccable, you take responsibility" (respond w
ith ability) "for your actions, but you do not judge or blame yourself. From th
is point of view, the whole concept of sin changes to something commonsense."
(Ruiz, p. 31)

Om Namo Maha Karuna Dharani Mantra. Om Namo Sutra of the Vast, Great, Perfect,
Full, Unimpeded Great Compassion Heart Dharani of the Thousand-Handed, Thousand-
Eyed Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Who Regards
the World?s Sounds: 42 Hands and Eyes Mantras:

Om Namo Shurangama Dharani: Hu Syin Du Lu Yung (Hum Bhrum)

?True heart, true mind, be true and even more true. True practice, true cultiva
tion, be true and still more true. True deed
s, true actions, be true on top of true. At every thing, in every way:
be true, true, true!?
Verse by the Venerable Hsuan Hua
- VBS 5-1998: Mantra Line 197: Hum Bhrum
1. No lying, 2. No harsh speech, 3. No profane or vulgar speech, 4. No gossip o
r divisive speech, and 5. No frivolous speech (chit-chat, blah-blah-blah, or loo
se-lewd speech)
The Venerable Buddhist Monk and Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua of the City of Ten T
housand Buddhas explains these
Mantras: ?This Dharma is most rare in the world, difficult to encounter througho
ut hundreds of thousands of millions of
eons of time. If you want to cultivate these Dharmas:
1. You cannot get angry
. Because if you cultivate them, and you
get angry, people won t be able to withstand your anger
you will be too powerful for them.
2. You cannot lie
if you want to cultivate these Dharmas. These are True Words (Dharanis) and the
refore everything you say should be true.
3. You cannot harbor hatred
if you cultivate these Dharmas. Don t carry grudges or despise or resent others.
anyone who cultivates these Dharmas should adhere to the
Six Great Principles of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas:
1. No greed, 2. No contention (no fighting), 3. No seeking, 4. No selfishnes
s, 5. No pursuit of self-
benefit, 6. No lying.
?Nor should you be a =clay Bodhisattva trying to cross the ocean of suffering of
birth and death, an
d finding it difficult to keep yourself together.
Don?t go out trying to use these Dharmas to save? other people before your own sk
ill is
You need to follow the advice of a Good Knowing Advisor (a =
Kaliyana Mitra
in Sanskrit) and
first learn to not be greedy, to not fight
, to not seek, to not be selfish, and to not seek self-benefit. You should
work for the sake of all of Buddhism
for all of humankind
. Don t get involved in petty dealings and =climbing on conditions .?
?Many of these Mantras are ?Dharmas of Subduing? and that is exactly why
you cannot have thoughts of anger or hatred
when you practice them. You have to
develop true patience and compassion
before you attempt to use them at all. Do not ever use them casually. Althoug
h the transmission which has been carried out here today is difficult to meet wi
th in hundreds of thousands of millions of eons, you have not been charged a pen
ny for it. It has been given away free.
But don t look lightly upon it. Originally it belonged to
you but you lost it. Now all I have done is given it back to you. It is now up
to you to uncover your own Precious Storehouse, the Dharma Jewels of your own s
- Spoken by the Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua at the Hall of Ten Thousan
d Buddhas, November 6, 1982, during the opening Ceremonies of the Sagely City of
Ten Thousand Buddhas (www.DRBA.org
The Shurangama Mantra
Om Namo Shurangama Mantra:
1. Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2. Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3. E La He Di, 4. San Myau San Pu Two S
ye. Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104. Chr Two Ni, 105. E Jya La, 106. Mi Li Ju, 107
. Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108. Ning Jye Li 544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she
la bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554. Swo pe he
Page 4
Primary Source:
Shurangama Mantra with Verses and Commentary
, by Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua, printed in ?Vajra
Bodhi Se
www.BTTSonline.org For latest version, visit www.Shurangama-Mantra.com or www
How to Improve Your Memory So You Can Memorize This Shurangama Mantra to Serve
Others Selflessly:
For immense memory like Ananda (who memorized all the discourses of the Buddha)
, chant the 37th Hand and Eye of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, called the "Jewele
d Sutra Hand and Eye". To assist in memorizing mantras, sutras, chants, prayers
, texts and other literature in order to teach and benefit beings and to relive
their suffering, please chant line 57 of the Great Compassion Mantra:
Mwo He Syi Two Ye.
As told by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in the
Dharani Sutra
: "For much learning and extensive study, use the Jeweled Sutra Hasta-Netram Man
tra 37 (lines 55-58). It goes like this:
Syi two ye. Swo pe he. Mwo he syi two ye. Swo pe he. Nan.
E he la. Sa la wa ni. Ni ye two la. Bu ni di
. Sa wa he.
NOTE WELL: In order to chant this complete Vast Memory Mantra, one must have al
ready Taken Refuge with the Triple Jewel (Om Namo Ratna Trayaya - I rely on the
Buddha, on the Wisdom of the Buddha [
], and on the Sangha - the wise practitioners of compassionate wisdom), striving
to Uphold and Protect the Five Precepts:
1. No killing [must be vegetarian ideally unless it harms one's health to do so]
2. No stealing or taking that which is not given 3. No sexual misconduct or cau
sing your sexual desire to destroy yours or others relationships 4. No lying [al
so no harsh speech, no profane speech, no gossip or divisive speech, no frivolou
s speech] 5. No taking drugs, alcohol, or even cigarettes. As said in Buddhist
Ayurveda, Yoga and in the Shurangama Sutra (Volume 7), ideally, unless sick and
in need of animal flesh products, one should also avoid all meat, fish, eggs, an
d also 1. garlic, 2, onions, 3. leeks, 4. shallots, 5. chives and 6. hing (asa
fetida), otherwise, just chant the shorter version of the Memory Mantra:
"Syi two ye swo pe he, Mwo he syi two ye swo pe he"
(which in modern day Sanskrit is "Siddhya swaha, Maha Siddhya swaha" or "Accom
plishment (Success, Achievement, Attainment, Understanding, Insight, Realization
), Great Accomplishment, So Be It" (Auspicious, Swallow and Digest this Mantra,
Amen, Blessed Be) In the
Sanghata Sutra
it is stated by Shakyamuni Buddha to the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Sarvashura, "Sar
vashura, anyone who hears this
Sangha Sutra Dharma-Paryaya
, for 8,000 eons, they will uphold what they have heard."
Mantra for Patching Flaws in the Recitation of any Mantra, Prayer or Text:
Often when we chant or recite mantras, prayers, or sutra texts, our mind may be
scattered and have lots of "false thinking". To eradicate this, one can chant 3
x the following Mantra: "Na mo he la da na, Duo la ye ye. Qie la qie la, Ju zhu
ju zhu, Mo la mo la, Hu la, Hong, He he Su da na (Sudhana), Hong, Po mo nu, So
Po He." Venerable Master Hsuan Hua said, "The Shurangama Mantra is an extremel
y efficacious text. What does that mean? It is extremely useful and efficaciou
s and wonderful in an inconceivable way. The Shurangama Mantra is the longest m
antra within Buddhism. Its wonderful functions can only be known by the Buddhas
. Even Bodhisattvas of Equal Enlightenment (
) do not totally understand it. So how can a very ordinary monk like me explain
it? Basically, I can't; but I'm a person with a peculiar fault. That is, I wa
nt to do what I cannot do. What I can't explain, I want to explain. I'll try m
y best despite the great difficulty. What I know is like one drop of water in t
he great sea, but I will express it for you with the hope that you can all enter
much more deeply than that and come to understand a lot more than I am able to
teach you. This is my motto in explaining the Shurangama Mantra. Although I ca
n't explain it, I will still explain it. I hope that you who have an interest a
nd faith in the Shurangama Mantra will at the very least come to understand it b
etter than I do."
(From "Vajra Bodhi Sea" Buddhist Magazine, 11-1996)
The Shurangama Mantra
Om Namo Shurangama Mantra:
1. Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2. Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3. E La He Di, 4. San Myau San Pu Two S
ye. Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104. Chr Two Ni, 105. E Jya La, 106. Mi Li Ju, 107
. Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108. Ning Jye Li 544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she
la bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554. Swo pe he
Page 5
Primary Source:
Shurangama Mantra with Verses and Commentary
, by Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua, printed in ?Vajra
Bodhi Se
www.BTTSonline.org For latest version, visit www.Shurangama-Mantra.com or www
Transferring the Merit and Virtue (Punya) to All Living Beings:
I now universally transfer the merit and virtue of this Great Compassion Mantra
memorization and recitation to all beings to realize
-- the unsurpassed proper and equal right enlightenment of a Buddha. .
Every thought ought to arise for the sake of living beings. Every good deed shou
ld be done for the sake of all living beings.
Master Hua says that when you recite prayers or mantras, "you should transfer th
e merit to all living beings; you shouldn't just recite for your own sake. When
you recite the name of a Buddha even once and dedicate the merit and virtue from
your recitation to all living beings, you thereby increase the merit and virtue
of the recitation, and you make it penetrate without obstruction." (Shurangama
Sutra, Volume I, page 58)
Shurangama Mantra -- Ultimately Stable Chant
A line-by-line, word-for-word comparison of the more ancient Siddham (on the lef
t column) with the more modern Sanskrit (right column) with some vocabulary expl
ained with explanation.
We know from Master Hsuan Hua's and other Good Knowing Advisor's teachings and
profound healing experiences that the "Chinese-ified" transliteration of the Sa
nskrit / Siddham does bring about a "response" in the Way for those who sincerel
y and unselfishly read out loud, write-out, recite (from memory), protect, and u
phold the Mantra while practicing the Five Precepts, the Four Unlimited Minds (U
nlimited Kindness, Unlimited Compassion / Sympathy (Benevolence), Unlimited Joy
(Sympathetic Joy), Unlimited Equanimity / Renunciation (treat all living beings
equally, poise, comportment, deportment, demeanor, dignity, decorum, composure,
calm, serenity, self control, bearing), and cultivate the Six Paramitas (Giving,
Precepts, Patience, Vigor, Dhyana Samadhi, Wisdom). This work has been verifie
d by the redactor based on "points de repares" (markers, guideposts, milestones)
of the Da Bei Jou (Maha Karuna Mantra) from Master Hua's Dharani Sutra commenta
ry, on the Medicine Master Buddha Sutra and on the Medicine Buddha Mantra plus M
aster Hua's Shurangama Mantra and Sutra commentaries combined with good phonetic
s observations combined with having heard Chinese and Indian people pronounce an
d mispronounce English, French and Sanskrit words over a ten year period. Consi
der the Vietnamese, Cantonese and Mandarin pronunciation of the Great Compassion
Mantra or the Medicine Buddha Mantra and you will see widely varying pronunciat
ions and yet they all evoke a response if one is sincere and follows the Five Pr
ecepts. Look at the Sanskrit, the Tibetan and the Chinese of the Medicine Buddh
a Mantra (which are all still extant) and you will see the significant similarit
ies and yet the variations and divergences are numerous.

Essentials of Buddhism -- Basic Terminology and Concepts of Buddhist Philosophy

and Practice
, by Kogen Mizuno

Buddhist Dictionary -- Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines
, Sri Lankha: Buddhist Publication Society, 1980

A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms
-- Has Sanskrit and Pali with Chinese characters with no pinyin

Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit (BHS)

Texts are available for purchase online at www.VedamsBooks.com (verify on www.G
The Shurangama Mantra
Om Namo Shurangama Mantra:
1. Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2. Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3. E La He Di, 4. San Myau San Pu Two S
ye. Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104. Chr Two Ni, 105. E Jya La, 106. Mi Li Ju, 107
. Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108. Ning Jye Li 544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she
la bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554. Swo pe he
Page 6
Primary Source:
Shurangama Mantra with Verses and Commentary
, by Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua, printed in ?Vajra
Bodhi Se
www.BTTSonline.org For latest version, visit www.Shurangama-Mantra.com or www
Om Namo Avalokiteshvara; Om Namo Maha Karuna Mantra, Dharani Sutra Maha Karuna
Dharma; Om Namo Dharani Sutra Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as Vast as
the Sea. Om Namo "Sutra of the Vast, Great, Full, Unimpeded Great Compassion He
art Dharani of Avalokiteshvara the Thousand-Handed, Thousand-Eyed Bodhisattva W
ho Regards the World's Sounds" Om Namo "Sutra of the Foremost Shurangama at the
Great Buddha's Summit Concerning the Tathagata's Secret Cause of Cultivation,
His Certification to the Complete Meaning and all Bodhisattvas' Myriad Practices
The Shurangama Mantra
Om Namo Shurangama Mantra:
1. Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2. Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3. E La He Di, 4. San Myau San Pu Two S
ye. Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104. Chr Two Ni, 105. E Jya La, 106. Mi Li Ju, 107
. Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108. Ning Jye Li 544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she
la bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554. Swo pe he
Page 7
Primary Source:
Shurangama Mantra with Verses and Commentary
, by Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua, printed in ?Vajra
Bodhi Se
www.BTTSonline.org For latest version, visit www.Shurangama-Mantra.com or www
The Dharani of Aryacalanatha
Throughout the ages, it is the rarely heard virtue of the Surangama that enables
a Buddha to overcome every obstacle.
It dispels my one hundred million eons of upside-down views, and by its Power, t
his uncalculating monk can revere and obtain the Dharmakaya. I now resolve to o
btain its fruit and become a Precious King; thus, I can repay the Buddha by savi
ng the numberless assembly. I shall protect this Profound Mind, and yet also rec
eive with respect the field of qualities. This Correct Living is called "the act
ivity that repays the Buddha's Blessings." We humbly request that the Lord of t
he World bear witness to this Vow of Wisdom: In the Five Periods of the Evil W
orld, I swear to begin entering into True Thusness, so that in the end, one and
all living beings become Buddha. Finally, I will not from this practice and wisd
om grasp Nirvana until this has been accomplished. Greatly Heroic! Greatly Pow
erful! Greatly Merciful and Compassionate One! It is also rare that one can exa
mine and get rid of small subtle doubts, so, this morning I will advance the Uns
urpassed Bodhi-Mind to the Ten Directions and also the underlying principle of t
his Ch'an Mountain: Sunyata's Unchanging Nature can dispel and end the turning o
f the Wheel that Nets the Mind into Unchanging Transformations!
Seven Praises
We praise the constantly abiding in the Ten Directions Buddha! We praise the co
nstantly abiding in the Ten Directions Dharma! We praise the constantly abiding
in the Ten Directions Sangha! We praise Shakyamuni Buddha! We praise the Buddha'
s Expounding of the Surangama! We praise the Regarder of the World's Cries Kuan
Shih Yin Bodhisattva! We praise the Diamond Thunderbolt Treasury Bodhisattva!
Introduction of the Surangama Mantra
At one time the World Honored One with His Flame-shaped tuft of Hair from which
spring forth One Hundred Precious Lights caused this light to spring forth in t
he form of a Thousand Petalled Lotus. He then transformed Himself and sat in the
center of the Lotus, and, from the Top of His Head, He sent forth in the Ten Di
rections One Hundred Precious Lights. One by one, the Precious Lights everywhere
proclaimed this manifestation in as many times and places as there are Sands in
Ten Ganges Rivers.
The Shurangama Mantra
Om Namo Shurangama Mantra:
1. Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2. Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3. E La He Di, 4. San Myau San Pu Two S
ye. Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104. Chr Two Ni, 105. E Jya La, 106. Mi Li Ju, 107
. Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108. Ning Jye Li 544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she
la bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554. Swo pe he
Page 8
Primary Source:
Shurangama Mantra with Verses and Commentary
, by Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua, printed in ?Vajra
Bodhi Se
www.BTTSonline.org For latest version, visit www.Shurangama-Mantra.com or www
The Diamond-Thunderbolt Indestructible Deva Guardians of Vairocana sought Him o
ut, and having found Him, lifted up the mountain upon which He sat. As if it was
a pestle, they carried it into the empty reaches of space where He found a Grea
t Assembly that was looking into their equally encumbering dreads and desires.
They beseeched the Buddha to have pity on them and to protect them. Thereupon, w
ith "one-mind" so as to hear the Buddha, with His Invisible Mark upon His Head,
they listened as the Light-Emitting One, the Tathagata, proclaimed this Mantra:
Text of the Surangama Mantra

Give Praise to the Awakened One! The Well Come One! The Holy One! The One With P
erfect Universal Knowledge! The Great One! The Buddha Who Sits on Ten Million T
hrones! Give Praise to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! Give Praise to all the
Universally Enlightened Ones! And to those who have abandoned everything--the S
angha! Give Praise to the Countless World Honored Arhats! Give Praise to those w
ho have entered the Holy Stream! Give Praise to those who have but once more to
be reborn! Give Praise to the Countless Perfected Ones! Those who prevent the Si
ns of Desire! Give Praise to the Devas and Immortals! Give Praise to the Accomp
lished One! The Knowing Immortal Tara; who if looked upon with reverence takes i
mmediate delight in us! Give Praise to the Jewel of Salvation! Give Praise to I
ndra the Creator! Give Praise to the Holy One! The Guardian Deva Rudra, Lord of
the Storms! And His Consort Unmada! Give Praise to the Holy One! The Immensely
Strong Nara, whose utterances are Great, Perfect and Illuminating! Give Praise t
o this Completely Compassionate One! Give Praise to the Holy One! The Buddha Ma
hakara! He who crossed over in previous times! The Unfettered One! We give homag
e to this one of Untouched Virtue and Unsurpassed Emancipation who wore the cast
-off clothing of graveyards and who was a founder of our sect. Give Praise to th
is Completely Compassionate One! Give Praise to the Holy One! The Nobly Descend
ed Tathagata! Give Praise to the Nobly Descended Red Lotus! Give Praise to the N
obly Descended Diamond-Thunderbolt! Give Praise to the Nobly Descended Great Jew
el! Give Praise to the Nobly Descended Great Elephant! Give Praise to the Holy O
ne! The Sovereign Lord Sulasana, who was beyond being possessed by Joy, this Tat
hagata! Give Praise to the Holy One! Give Praise to Amitabha! The Well Come One
! The Blessed One! The One with Perfect Universal Knowledge!
The Shurangama Mantra
Om Namo Shurangama Mantra:
1. Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2. Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3. E La He Di, 4. San Myau San Pu Two S
ye. Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104. Chr Two Ni, 105. E Jya La, 106. Mi Li Ju, 107
. Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108. Ning Jye Li 544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she
la bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554. Swo pe he

Page 9
Primary Source:
Shurangama Mantra with Verses and Commentary
, by Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua, printed in ?Vajra
Bodhi Se
www.BTTSonline.org For latest version, visit www.Shurangama-Mantra.com or www
Give Praise to the Holy One! The Unmoved Buddha Aksobhya! The Well Come One! Th
e Blessed One! The One with Perfect Universal Knowledge! Give Praise to the Hol
y One! The Lapis Lazuli Radiating Medicine Teaching Buddha Bhaisajya Tathagata!
Give Praise to the Holy One! The Completely Empty Teacher of Caution who takes
pity on those in Hell! The Well Come One! The Blessed One! The One with Perfect
Universal Knowledge! Give Praise to the Holy Ones! Ratnaketuraja! The Two Thous
and Precious Buddhas of the Future! The Well Come Ones! The Blessed Ones! The On
es with Perfect Universal Knowledge! When we are in danger, if we give praise t
o these Highest Ones, from their dim clouds the World Honored Ones, the Tathagat
as of the Ten Million Thrones, send down their protective White Canopy of Purity
. Giving praise to these who are victorious over backsliding on the Three Evil
Paths is the perfect true antidote, and without this antidote we are cut off fro
m their compassion by our desires. When you are in public and are called out to
, or when fragrances secretly lure you, these Protectors of the Needy will surel
y save you. By completely worshipping these Virtuous Ones, all wrongdoing ends a
nd the Heavenly Beings who proclaimed this Dharani take delight in our behavior!
Making Obeisance to those Enduring Ones that cause our perfection, I invoke th
e Destroyers of Evil! The Worthy Young Elephants who have caused the Constellati
ons and have clearly pointed out that which is evil! Thus! I invoke the Destroy
ers of Evil. Thus! I cause the confinement of all enemies! These words contain
the antidote that excludes evil and those that wish to prevent our passing to th
e Other Shore. Thus! I avoid the fire pits of Hell. Great Moon of Nirvana! Grea
t Purifier of Sins! Great Cause of Forbearance! Great Guardian Against Injury! G
reat Hearer of the Cries of the World: Noble and Compassionate Tara! To whom it
is given to watch over us, and who is our sworn protector! The Diamond-Thunderb
olt Garland that pours down on ordinary men! The Diamond-Thunderbolt Great Utter
ance of the Fully Accomplished Mind for the Removing of Wickedness! The Diamond-
Thunderbolt Samadhi that causes the Living Devi to be sent down from the Heights
of Heaven! Great Emancipating and Nobly Compassionate Tara! The Great Guardian
Against Damnation. The Diamond-Thunderbolt Auspiciously Adorned Ones! The Diamo
nd-Thunderbolt Female Devas Who Delight in Protecting Us! The Diamond-Thunderbol
t that ends our offenses and changes our dangers into a covering of fragrant flo
wers, flowers that spread like a ring; created by Vairocana Buddha who exists on
ten thousand worlds and who takes myriad delights in these jewel-like creations
! The Diamond-Thunderbolt of Golden Light!
The Shurangama Mantra
Om Namo Shurangama Mantra:
1. Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2. Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3. E La He Di, 4. San Myau San Pu Two S
ye. Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104. Chr Two Ni, 105. E Jya La, 106. Mi Li Ju, 107
. Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108. Ning Jye Li 544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she
la bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554. Swo pe he
Page 10
Primary Source:
Shurangama Mantra with Verses and Commentary
, by Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua, printed in ?Vajra
Bodhi Se
www.BTTSonline.org For latest version, visit www.Shurangama-Mantra.com or www
Vairocana's Diamond Thunderbolt that overcomes the threats of Mara! This cleans
ing light shines from the Buddha Vairocana and His Voice calls out, returning me
to the Path of Discipline!
Surangama Mantra, Section Two
When desire manifests itself, it can be cut off with the following far reaching
Gatha: HUM! Danger Approaches O Yellow Flowered One! HUM! Danger Approached O T
reasured One! HUM! Danger Approaches O Beyond Accomplishments One Who Is Continu
ally Surrounded By Honors! HUM! Danger Approaches O Conqueror of All Forms! To t
he One who has converted multitudes of heretics, I say this danger is drawing ne
ar me! HUM! Danger Approaches! Thus I invoke the mystic formula of the Holy and
Sacred One, the Tathagata who sits on Ten Million Thrones and who saves me from
desires! The Great Savior of the multitudes who is honored by the fortunate mult
itudes! The All Knowing, who makes the earth tranquil and conveys understanding
to living beings. I entrust myself to the Great Diamond Thunderbolt Illuminating
One of the Pleasing Grove's Mandala! The Dread and Desire Overcoming One that I
thus honor and who returns me to the Path of Discipline!
Surangama Mantra, Section Three
He Who is like a King! He Who is Master of Form! He Who is like Fire! He Who is
like Water! He Who is Fearless! He Who is the Teacher! He Who is like a Powerful
Wheel! He Whose Tasks are Difficult! He Who is Unfettered! He In Whom the Sky D
elights! He Who Created and Send Us this Dharani! He Who was the Dragon King! He
Who is Above Censure! He Who is the Great Dragon! He Who is the Knowing One! He
Who has Overcome Klesa! He Who has Compassion for Evil Spirits! He Who has Comp
assion for Malignant Demons! He Who has Compassion for Hungry Ghosts! He Who has
Compassion for Female Spirits! He Who has Compassion for Demons produced by Met
amorphosis! He Who has Compassion for the Demons who consume the vitality of men
! He Who has Compassion for the Female Demons who poison children!
The Shurangama Mantra
Om Namo Shurangama Mantra:
1. Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2. Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3. E La He Di, 4. San Myau San Pu Two S
ye. Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104. Chr Two Ni, 105. E Jya La, 106. Mi Li Ju, 107
. Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108. Ning Jye Li 544. Da jr two 545. Nan 546.
E na li
Pi she ti
548. Pi la 549. Ba she la 550. Two li 551. Pan two pan two ni 552. Ba she
la bang ni pan 553. Hu syin du lu ying pan 554. Swo pe he
Page 11
Primary Source:
Shurangama Mantra with Verses and Commentary
, by Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua, printed in ?Vajra
Bodhi Se
www.BTTSonline.org For latest version, visit www.Shurangama-Mantra.com or www
He Who has Compassion for the Evil Odoured Demons! He Who has Compassion for the
Demons who injure children! He Who has Compassion for the Demons who cause seiz
ures! He Who has Compassion for the Demons who cause madness! He Who has Compass
ion for the Demons who defile food! He Who has Compassion for the Demons of the
Fiery Pits! We are carried by Birth! We are carried by Activity! We are carried
by Gaining Strength! We are carried by Discriminating! We are carried by Judging
! We are carried by Producing! We are carried by Feeling the Passing of Time! We
are carried by Becoming Fearful! We are carried by Our Ties! We are carried by
Ignorance! We are carried by Mind! When we have a strong impulse, All the Compas
sionate Ones use their Knowledge to furnish us with the Armor of Restraint and t
he Power of self-control! The Salvation from Sin knowledge that furnishes us wit
h the armor of restraint and the power of self-control! The Conquering One's kno
wledge that furnishes us with the armor of restraint and the power of self-contr
ol! The Terrible Ash-covered Great Storm God's knowledge that furnishes us with
the armor of restraint and the power of self-control! The Power of the Desireles
s One's knowledge that furnishes us with the armor of restraint and the power of
self-control! The Great and Upright knowledge that furnishes us with the armor
of restraint and the power of self-control! The Greatly Illuminating Condensed
knowledge that furnishes us with the armor of restraint and the power of self-co
ntrol! The Very Penetrating Mysterious knowledge that furnishes us with the armo
r of restraint and the power of self-control! The Cause of Victory, Cause of Jo
y One Hundred Fold Completely Pleasing knowledge that furnishes us with the armo
r of restraint and the power of self-control! The Preeminent Non-discriminating
knowledge that furnishes us with the armor of restraint and the power of self-c
ontrol! The Venerable Holy Knowledge that furnishes us with the armor of restrai
nt and the power of self-control! The Diamond-Thunderbolt Handed, Garland after
Garland, Incomparable Lord's knowledge that furnishes us with the armor of restr
aint and the power
of self-control! The Holy Guardian that returns me to the Path of Discipline!
Surangama Mantra, Section Four

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