Ug Bba Locf 2021 Regulation
Ug Bba Locf 2021 Regulation
Ug Bba Locf 2021 Regulation
(Declared under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956)
through the curriculum, the total college/university experiences and content knowledge; and apply one‟s learning
a process of critical and reflective thinking. The learning outcomes- to real life situations.
based curriculum framework is based on the premise that every
Analytical reasoning: Ability to evaluate the
student and graduate is unique. Each student or graduate has his/her
reliability and relevance of evidence; identify
own characteristics in terms of previous learning levels and
logical flaws and holes in the arguments of
experiences, life experiences, learning styles and approaches to
others; analyse and synthesise data from a
future career-related actions. The quality, depth and breadth of the
variety of sources; drawvalid conclusions
learning experiences made available to the students while at the
and support them with evidence and
higher education institutions help develop their characteristic
examples, and addressing opposing
attributes. The graduate attributes reflect both disciplinary
knowledge and understanding, generic skills, including global
competencies, that all students in different academic fields of study Research-related skills: A sense of inquiry
should acquire/attain and demonstrate. Some of the characteristic and capability for asking relevant/appropriate
attributes that a graduate should demonstrate areas as follows: questions, problematising, synthesising and
articulating; Ability to recognise cause-and-
Disciplinary knowledge: Capable of demonstrating
effect relationships, define problems,
comprehensive knowledge and understanding of one or more
formulate hypotheses, test hypotheses,
disciplines that form a part of an undergraduate programme
analyse, interpret and draw conclusions from
of study.
data, establish hypotheses, predict cause-and-
Communication Skills: Ability to express thoughts and effect relationships; ability to plan, execute
ideas effectively in writing and orally; Communicate with and report the results of an experiment or
others using appropriate media; confidently share one‟s investigation.
views and express herself/himself; demonstrate the ability to
Cooperation/Team work: Ability to work
listen carefully, read and write analytically, and present
effectively and respectfully with diverse
complex information in a clear and concise manner to
teams;facilitate cooperative or coordinated
different groups.
effort on the part of a group,and act together
Critical thinking: Capability to apply analytic thought to a as a group or a team in the interests of a
body of knowledge; analyse and evaluate evidence, common cause and work efficiently as a
arguments, claims, beliefson the basis of empirical evidence; member of a team.
identify relevant assumptions or implications; formulate
Scientific reasoning: Ability to analyse,
coherent arguments; critically evaluate practices, policies and
interpret and draw conclusions from
theoriesby following scientific approach to knowledge
quantitative/qualitative data; and critically
evaluate ideas, evidence and experiences
Problem solving: Capacity to extrapolate from what one has from an open-minded and reasoned
learned and apply their competencies to solve different kinds perspective.
of non-familiar problems, rather than replicate curriculum
Reflective thinking: Critical sensibility to lived experiences, self-paced and self-directed learning aimed at
with self awareness and reflexivity of both self and society. personal development, meeting economic,
social and cultural objectives, and adapting
Information/digital literacy: Capability to use ICT in a to changing trades and demands of work
variety of learning situations, demonstrate ability to access, place through knowledge/skill
evaluate, and use a variety of relevant information sources; development/reskilling.
and use appropriate software for analysis of data.
Self-directed learning: Ability to work independently,
identify appropriate resources required for a project, and 2.3.2 Qualification descriptors A qualification
manage a project through to completion. descriptor indicates the generic outcomes and
attributes expected for the award of a particular type
Multicultural competence: Possess knowledge of the values of qualification (for eg. a bachelor's degree). The
and beliefs of multiple cultures and a global perspective; and qualification descriptors also describe the academic
capability to effectively engage in a multicultural society and standard for a specific qualification in terms of the
interact respectfully with diverse groups. levels of knowledge and understanding, skills and
Moral and ethical awareness/reasoning: Ability to competencies and attitudes and values that the
embrace moral/ethical values in conducting one’s life, holders of the qualification are expected to attain
formulate a position/argument about an ethical issue from and demonstrate. These descriptors also indicate the
multiple perspectives, and use ethical practices in all work. common academic standards for the qualification
Capable of demonstrating the ability to identify ethical issues and help the degree-awarding bodies in designing,
related to one’s work, avoid unethical behaviour such as approving, assessing and reviewing academic
fabrication, falsification or misrepresentation of data or programmes. The learning experiences and
committing plagiarism, not adhering to intellectual property assessment procedures are expected to be designed
rights; appreciating environmental and sustainability issues; to provide every student with the opportunity to
and adopting objective, unbiased and truthful actions in all achieve the intended programme learning outcomes.
aspects of work. The qualification descriptors reflect both
disciplinary knowledge and understanding as well as
Leadership readiness/qualities: Capability for mapping out generic skills, including global competencies, that
the tasks of a team or an organization, and setting direction, all students in different academic fields of study
formulating an inspiring vision, building a team who can should acquire/attain and demonstrate.
help achieve the vision, motivating and inspiring team
members to engage with that vision, and using management Qualification descriptors for a Bachelor’s Degree
skills to guide people to the right destination, in a smooth programme: The students who complete three
and efficient way. years of full-time study of an undergraduate
programme of study will be awarded a Bachelor’s
Lifelong learning: Ability to acquire knowledge and skills, Degree. Some of the expected learning outcomes
including „learning how to learn‟, that are necessary for that a student should be able to demonstrate on
participating in learning activities throughout life, through
completion of a degree-level programme may include the following: The programme learning outcomes are aligned with
the relevant qualification descriptors. Programme
Demonstrate (i) a fundamental/systematic or coherent
learning outcomes will include subject-specific
understanding of an academic field of study, its different learning
skills and generic skills, including transferable
areas and applications, and its linkages with related disciplinary
global skills and competencies, the achievement of
areas/subjects; (ii) procedural knowledge that creates different types
which the students of a specific programme of
of professionals related to the disciplinary/subject area of study,
study should be able to demonstrate for the award
including research and development, teaching and government and
of the Degree qualification. The programme
public service; (iii) skills in areas related to one’s specialization and
learning outcomes would also focus on knowledge
current developments in the academic field of study.
and skills that prepare students for further study,
Use knowledge, understanding and skills required for identifying employment, and citizenship. They help ensure
problems and issues, collection of relevant quantitative and/or comparability of learning levels and academic
qualitative data drawing on a wide range of sources, and their standards across colleges/universities and provide a
application, analysis and evaluation using methodologies as broad picture of the level of competence of
appropriate to the subject(s) for formulating evidence-based graduates of a given programme of study. A
solutions and arguments; programme of study may be monodisciplinary,
multi-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary.
Communicate the results of studies undertaken in an academic
field accurately in a range of different contexts using the main 2.3.4 Course learning outcomes
concepts, constructs and techniques of the subject(s); The programme learning outcomes are attained by
Meet one’s own learning needs, drawing on a range of current learners through the essential learnings acquired on
research and development work and professional materials; completion of selected courses of study within a
programme. The term 'course' is used to mean the
Apply one’s disciplinary knowledge and transferable skills to individual courses of study that make up the
new/unfamiliar contexts, rather than replicate curriculum content scheme of study for a programme. Course learning
knowledge, to identify and analyse problems and issues and solve outcomes are specific to the learning for a given
complex problems with well-defined solutions. course of study related to a disciplinary or
Demonstrate subject-related and transferable skills that are interdisciplinary/multi-disciplinary area. Some
relevant to some of the job trades and employment opportunities. programmes of study are highly structured, with a
closely laid down progression of compulsory/core
2.3.3 Programme learning outcomes courses to be taken at particular phases/stages of
The outcomes and attributes described in qualification descriptors learning. Some programmes allow learners much
are attained by students through learning acquired on completion of more freedom to take a combination of courses of
a programme of study. The term 'programme' refers to the entire study according to the preferences of individual
scheme of study followed by learners leading to a qualification. student that may be very different from the courses
Individual programmes of study will have defined learning of study pursued by another student of the same
outcomes which must be attained for the award of a specific degree. programme.
Course-level learning outcomes will be aligned to programme 3.6 "CoE" means Controller of Examinations of the
learning outcomes. Course level learning outcomes are specific to a University.
course of study within a given programme of study. The 3.7 "Curriculum and syllabus" mean the various
achievement by students of course-level learning outcomes lead to components/subjects/papers studied in each
the attainment of the programme learning outcomes. At the course programme that provides appropriate knowledge in
level, each course may well have links to some but not all graduate the chosen branch. The curriculum and syllabus as
attributes as these are developed through the totality of student prescribed by the Board of Studies (BoS) with the
learning experiences across the years of their study. A course map approval of Academic Council (AC) based on the
would indicate the linkage between course learning outcomes and UGC regulations.
each programme learning outcome (Table 1).
3.8 "Course" means every paper/subject of study
offered by various departments is called a course.
(E.g. Enterpreneurship)
3.9 "Credit" means Course work is measured in units
called credit hours or simply credits. The number of
periods or hours of a course per week is the number
of credits for that course.
3.10 “Dean” means Heads of the faculty of
Management Studies.
3. DEFINITIONS AND NOMENCLATURE 3.11 “Head of Institution or HOI” means Dean/
In the Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, Director of the Management Studies of the University
certain terms used and their meanings are as under. 3.12 "HOD" means Head of the Department for the
3.1 "Academic Council or AC" means Academic Council the highest Faculty of Management Studies
academic body of the University, chaired by the Vice Chancellor. 3.13 "Institution" means Faculty of Management
3.2 "Board of Management or BoM" means Board of the Man- constituted under University approved by the AICTE
agement, the highest governing body of the University. and UGC.
3.3 "Board of Studies or BoS" means Board of Studies of the 3.14 "AICTE" means All India Council for Technical
University under the Faculty of Arts and Science. Education
3.4 "Branch" means specialization or discipline of UG Degree 3.15 "Programme" means Under Graduate
Programme, such as Tamil, English, and Commerce. Programme leading to the award of UG Degree
approved by the UGC and University.
3.5 Board of Faculty, academic body of Management Programmes /
Colleges, constituted by the Vice Chancellor with the concerned Dean 3.16 “Degree” means that academic award conferred
as the Chairperson. upon a student on successful completion of a three-
year programme designed to achieve the defined attributes. It is candidates and candidates belonging to
referred to as Under-Graduate (UG) Degree, that is, for example, SC/ST/BC/MBC/DNC.
“Bachelor of Business Administration” also known as “B.B.A.
S.No Degree Eligibilty
3.17 "Teaching Staff or Teacher" means The Dean of the Faculty,
Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors like persons 1 BBA +2 pass with any group
engaged in coaching the students and assisting the student the faculty
of the institute.
3.18 "UGC" means The University Grants Commission established 5.2. Qualifying Examination
(Central Act 3 of 1956) under Sec.4. Act 1956 Candidate seeking admission to the first semester of the
3.19 "University" means Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation, programme have to pass in higher secondary examination
deemed to be University approved by the both MHRD and UGC. or its equivalent from a recognized board.
3.20 "Vice Chancellor or VC" means Vice Chancellor of the 5.3. Eligibility Certificate
University. The candidate who has passed any qualifying
Examination other than the Higher Secondary course
examination conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu
4. REGISTRATION or any of the State boards in India or CBSE shall obtain an
4.1. A candidate admitted in the Under Graduate Programme in the Eligibility Certificate from the University by remitting the
constituent college/school of the University shall register with the prescribed fee along with the application before seeking
University by remitting the prescribed fees along with the application form admission to the University / Constituent College.
for registration dully filled in and forwarded to the Registrar of this 5.4. Physical Fitness Certificate
University through the Head of the Institutions within the stipulated date.
5.4.1. Every candidate before admission to the programme
4.2. The name of the candidate must be registered in the University within shall submit to the Head of the Institution a Certificate of
three months from the date of admission. Medical Fitness from an authorized Medical Officer that the
4.3. If the candidate fails to satisfy the above clause 4.2., the admission of candidate is physically fit to undergo the programme and
the candidate stands cancelled and the permission for re-admission for such does not suffer from any contagious disease.
candidate will not be issued. 5.4.2. The candidates with disability should produce the
Disability Certificate issued by the duly constituted District
Medical Board to consider during examination or for any
facility provisions.
5.1 Candidates who has passed +2 examination in any subjects with the age
limit upto 21 years are eligible for the following programme admissions as
mentioned below. A relaxation of 3 years shall be granted for women 6. ADMISSION
6.1. Students applying for admission to Bachelor Degree programme of this 10.3. The provision of combination of attendance
University shall be selected on the basis of merit. shall be granted to a transferee for admission to the
Examinations of this University on satisfactory
6.2. The minimum pass percentage of marks obtained from Higher
fulfillment of the regulations of the University.
Secondary Course Examination for +1 and +2 conducted by the
Government of Tamil Nadu or pass in any of the State Boards in India is 10.4. The Rules/Guidelines for Migration of the
eligible for admission to this Programme. students for this Programme is given separately.
6.3. The intake strength of a UG program given in Annexure I. 10.5. All Migrations/Transfer are subject to the
approval of the Academic Council based on the
recommendation of the committee constituted for
7. DURATION OF THE PROGRAMME this purpose by the Vice-Chancellor.
The Duration of certified study of this programme shall extend over the
period of 3 years to a maximum of 6 years from the date of admission,
failing which the candidate shall be readmitted to the Bachelor degree
programme again. 11.1. Break of study may be permitted for genuine
reasons like serious health problems and calamitous
family situations. The Vice chancellor is vested with
8. COMMENCEMENT OF THE COURSE the power to permit the break for which the
The academic year for the programme shall commence in the month of candidate must apply in the prescribed form
June every year. enclosing necessary supporting documents and fees
through his/her HOI, sufficiently ahead of the
9. WORKING DAYS proposed period of break. A break of study may last
9.1. Each Academic year shall consist of two semesters of not less for a period of 6 to 12 months.
than 90 working days of each semester. 11.2. The period of break of study of the candidate
9.2. The total number of working days and time schedule for this for rejoining the course shall be calculated from the
programme will be finalized by the concerned BOS every year. date of commencement of the discontinuance of the
11.3. A maximum of one year (two spells having six
10.1. Migration of students from other Universities may be granted months duration each) of break of study for UG
on any genuine ground subject to the availability of vacancy in the degree courses will be allowed for the entire
concerned Discipline of this University and fulfilling the other duration of the course. With any further break of
requirements laid down in the UGC/University Regulations and study, admission stand cancelled.
guidelines of this University.
11.4. A candidate having a break of more than 12
10.2. The applicant candidate shall be eligible to apply for migration months for UG Degree course, the course of study
only after qualifying in the end of the first to fourth semester of UG shall be extended by that period and the candidate is
permitted to appear for the examination only after completing this fulfillment of the Regulations this University to the
extension period. The candidate shall apply to the University course concerned be admitted to the examinations.
through the HOI for the extension using the prescribed form and The candidate shall not be exempted in the subjects
fees. already passed.
11.5. The duration specified for passing all the UG courses for the
purpose of awarding degree is 3 years and maximum of 6 years from 13. READMISSION AFTER EXTENSION
the date of admission during which the break of study is permitted.
If the candidates name is not registered with
11.6. If a student is detained for want of requisite attendance, the University within three months from the cut off
progress and good conduct, the period spent in that semester shall be date prescribed for the respective courses for
considered for attendance and manner correction. admission without any valid reasons / ground for
such non-registration, permission for re-admission
for such candidates will not be issued by the
12.1. For UG degree courses the Candidate having availed a break of
study between 6 and 12 months shall apply for rejoining the course
in the prescribed form as in Annexure II by remitting the stipulated 14. PROGRAM STRUCTURE
fee for condonation of break of study to the Academic Officer of this 14.1. Programme Period and Time Distribution
University through the HOI of the concerned institute for issue of
necessary permission to rejoin the course. The concerned HOI of the 14.1.1. Every student shall undergo a period of
institute shall not permit any candidate with a Break of study as course study extending over 3 academic years
stipulated above to rejoin the course without obtaining the prior allocated into 6 semesters for UG Programmes with
permission from the authorities of the University. the duration of six months period from the date of
commencement of his/her study for the subjects
12.2. All the undergraduate students have to execute a declaration at comprising the Arts & Science curriculum to the
the time of registration with this university in this regard in the date of completion of the examination.
prescribed form as in Annexure -III 14.1.2. Each semester shall consist of not less than
12.3. Any break of study beyond one year is considered as 90 teaching days of 6 hours in a 5 working day week
discontinuation of study. This is applicable for all the years of study or 5 hours in a 6 day week.
of the under graduate degree courses. 14.2. Curriculum
12.4. The break of study is six months in one spell, however the 14.2.1. The curriculum and the syllabus for the
Vice-Chancellor Management, may, on recommendation of the course pertaining to the all UG Programmes are
Faculty Incharge / HOI permit the candidate to rejoin the course given separately.
from the beginning of the year. The Candidate shall be permitted to
rejoin at the beginning of the first year of the course (i.e.) the 14.2.2. The curriculum and the syllabus for the
candidate has to re-do the course from the beginning and shall after course shall be prescribed by the Academic Council
based on the recommendation of Academic Council and Board of a project work. The curriculum also includes bridge
Studies. course, induction programme, seminar, assignments,
group discussion, Industrial visit, and Internship for
14.3. Components of Curriculum
internal assessment.
There shall be five components in the UG curriculum as 14.3.1. Semester Curriculum
The curriculum of each semester shall
normally be a combination of theory, Tutorial and
S.No. Components Laboratory (Skilled Enhancement Courses) courses.
LANGAUGE COURSES The total number of courses per semester shall not
1 PART-I: TAMIL/HINDI exceed 8 including Practical / Tutorial Component
of each course.
CORE COURSE 14.3.2. Medium of Instruction
Compulsory Core Courses The medium of instruction for lectures,
ELECTIVE COURSE examinations and project work is English, except for
Discipline Specific Elective Courses part I language paper.
(Interdisciplinary/ Generic Electives)
3 14.4. Course Evaluation
Discipline Specific Elective Courses
Discipline Specific Elective Courses (Project Work / Course evaluation is measured based on the
Dissertation) credits scored by the candidates during University
ABILITY ENHANCEMENT COURSE Semester Examination with stipulated attendance.
AECC-1: Ability Enhancement Compulsory courses- 14.4.1. Credits
4 Environmental Science Course work is measured in units called credit
AECC-2: Ability Enhancement Compulsory courses- hours or simply credits. The number of periods or
2- hours of a course per week is the number of credits
English for Communication for that course. The details of credit allocation are
SEC: Skill Enhancement courses
Note: VAC (Value Added Courses) and SWAYAM courses of
each 2 credit will be conducted and based on the certificate of the Hours /
S.No Nature of the Course Credits
course, this credit will be mentioned in the Grade sheet (not wk
including in CGPA) 1 Language Courses 3 3
Core Course(Theory &
2 6 6
Under these categories, theory and practical courses are Practical / Tutorial)
offered. In the final year, the student should undertake and complete 3 Ability Enhancement 4 4
Compulsory Courses
(Theory) student ratio. Each week one hour will be alloted for
Discipline Specific Mentor-Mentee meet.
4 Elective Courses (Theory 6 6 14.6. Class Committee
& Practical / Tutorial)
Skill Enhancement Course 14.6.1. Every class will have a class committee
5 4 4 constituted by the HoD. The members of the Class
Note: VAC (Value Added Courses) and SWAYAM courses of committee consisting of Chairperson (a teacher who
each 2 credit will be conducted and based on the certificate of the is not normally teaching any course for the class), all
course, this credit will be mentioned in the Grade sheet (not teachers handling courses for the class, Students (a
including in CGPA) minimum of 4 consisting of 2 boys and 2 girls on
pro-rata basis)
Technical Seminars and Training in various aspects shall be 14.6.2. Functions of the Class Committee
offered depending on the amount of time allotted based on the
specific requirement of the branch concerned. The functions of the class committee shall
include the following:
14.4.2. Total Credits 1. Clarify the regulations of the programme and the
The total number of credits a student earns during the course details of rules therein.
of study period is called total credits. For successful completion of 2. Inform the student representatives, the academic
UG programme, the students should earn 147 credits. The branches schedule including the dates of assessments and the
of study approved by the University and minimum required credits syllabus coverage for each assessment.
are given in Annexure – IV
3. Inform the student representatives the details of
14.5. Faculty Advisor Regulations regarding weightage used for each
To help the students in planning their courses and for general assessment. In the case of practical courses
guidance on the academic programme, the Head of the Department (laboratory / drawing / project work / seminar etc.)
will allot a certain number of students to a teacher of the department the breakup of marks for each experiment /
who shall function as faculty advisor throughout their period of exercise / module of work, should be clearly
study. The faculty advisor shall advise the students and monitor the discussed in the class committee meeting and
courses undergone by the students, check attendance and progress of informed to the students.
the students and counsel them periodically. The faculty advisor may 4. Analyze the performance of the students of the
also discuss with the HoD and parents about the progress of the class after each test and initiate steps for
students improvement.
14.5.1 Mentor- Mentee 5. Identify slow learners, if any, and request the
The mentor- mentee program will be implemented, under teachers concerned to provide additional help /
which each faculty will be alloted students as per the 1:20 faulty guidance / coaching to such students.
6. Discuss and sort out problems experienced by students in the class
7. The class committee shall be constituted within the first week of 15.1. Commencement of Examinations:
commencement of any semester.
The University Examinations will be
8. The chairperson of the class committee may invite the faculty conducted twice in an academic year, the odd
advisor and the Head of the Department to the meeting of the class semester examination should commence from
committee. November first week and the even semester
9. The Principal/Director may participate in any class committee examination should commence from April first
meeting of the College/School. week. The COE would notify the dates of
examinations to the candidates.
10. The chairperson is required to prepare the minutes of every
meeting, submit the same through the Head of the Department to the 15.2. Requirements for Admission to Examinations
Principal within two days of the meeting and arrange to circulate the 15.2.1. Attendance Requirements
same among the students and teachers concerned. Points requiring
action by the University shall be brought to the notice of the The students are expected to produce 100% of
University by the Principal. attendance, if not minimum of 75% attendance to
appear for examinations.
11. The first meeting of the class committee shall be held within one
week from the date of commencement of the semester, in order to No candidate shall be permitted to appear
inform the students about the nature and weightage of assessments for the Examination unless he/she puts in 75%
as per the framework of the Regulations. Two or three subsequent attendance in individual course(s) including
meetings may be held in a semester at suitable intervals. During laboratory course(s) inclusive of attendance in non-
these meetings the student representatives shall meaningfully lecture teaching i.e. seminars, group discussions, and
interact and express opinions and suggestions of the students of the tutorials.
class to improve the effectiveness of the teaching learning process. A minimum of 65% attendance is considered as
14.7. Course Committee for Common Courses eligible to attend university examination only once
Each common theory course offered to more than one class / in the duration of a UG program, based on medical
branch by more than one teacher shall have a Course Committee or unforeseen tragedy in the family by paying the
comprising all the teachers teaching the common course with one of condonation fee prescribed by the university. The
them nominated as Course Coordinator. The HOD will nominate student who produces 65% to 50% of attendance
the course committee for common course / courses handled in their will be exempted for the particular semester
department. The Principal will nominate the course committee for examination and in forthcoming semester, the
common courses handled in more than one department. This course candidate is expected to produce 100% attendance to
committee will ensure that a common question paper is prepared for appear for examinations and he or she might be
the tests / exams and uniform evaluation is carried out. The Course permitted to write the exam with the condition of
committee will meet a minimum of 3 times in each semester. 100% attendance.
13 The Head of College/School of the Constituent institute Condonation of lack of attendance shall be
shall furnish to the Controller of Examinations of this University, taken up for consideration under the following
the attendance particulars specifying the number of working days circumstances:
attended by the candidate every 90 days both by E-mail and in hard
Any illness affecting the candidate (The
candidate should submit Medical Certificate Before commencement of examination of the Semester, the from a registered Medical Practitioner to the
Head of the Institution of the constituent colleges has to furnish the Director/Principal of the College/School
consolidated attendance particulars of the candidates for all subjects immediately after returning to college after
enrolled by him/her, specifying the number of days of attendance in treatment)
each month for a period of one semester to this University, in the
Any unforeseen tragedy in the family. (The
prescribed format.
parent / guardian should give in writing the The attendance particulars for the Examination session for reason for the ward's absence to the
the respective study period are to be submitted two weeks prior to Principal/Director).
the commencement of the Examination. As the candidate would
have paid the fees for the particular Examination, it could be Participation in NCC / NSS / YRC and other
presumed that he/she would attend the rest of the classes in the co-curricular activities representing the
remaining two weeks after submission of attendance particulars to college or University. (The Head of the
the University and appear for the Examination. Institution should permit the candidate to
participate and instruct the concerned officers The days of suspension of a student on disciplinary in -charge of the student's activities in their
grounds will be considered as days of absence for calculating the college to endorse the leave.)
percentage of attendance, for individual courses.
Any other leave, the Head of Institution deems
15.2.2. Condonation of Lack of Attendance reasonable for Condonation. Condonation of shortage of attendance up to a maximum of 15.2.3. Other Requirements for Admission to the
10%may be sanctioned by the Vice-Chancellor in deserving cases. Examinations A candidate lacking attendance shall submit an application Registration for all Eligible courses in the
in the prescribed form and remit the stipulated fee 15 days prior to current semester and arrear examination where ever
the commencement of the examination. applicable The Head of the Department and Head of the Institution In view of conducting two internal tests,
should forward the candidate's request application with their retests should be permitted only very rarely for
endorsements to the Controller of Examinations who would put it up genuine reasons mentioned in clause
for the Vice- Chancellor's approval. .With the approval of HOD and HOI. Such Application not forwarded through proper channel will not tests will be conducted before the last day of
be entertained. instruction of the concerned semester. Retest is not
permitted for model examination. Retest is not permitted for 15.5.1. Formative or Continuous Internal assessment
improvement. (CIA) is done through a series of seminars,
discipline of students, assignments, tests and A student prevented to register for any number of courses
examinations conducted by the institution.
in the end semester examinations for want of minimum attendance;
he/she may be allowed to go to subsequent semester. 15.5.2. Summative or University examinations are
done by the university through examination
15.3. Provision for Withdrawal from Examination conducted at the end of the specified course in every
A student may, for valid reasons(medically unfit / unexpected
family situations), be granted permission to withdraw(after 15.6. Continuous Internal Assessment
registering for the examinations) from appearing for examination in 15.6.1. The CIA shall be based on day to day
any course or courses of one semester examination during the entire assessment, evaluation of student assignment,
duration of the degree programmes. One application only for preparation for seminar, Internal/model etc.
withdrawal is permitted for the semester examination in which the
withdrawal is sought. Withdrawal application will be valid only if Continuous Internal assessment shall relate
the student is, otherwise, eligible to write the examination and the to different ways in which student's participation in
application for the withdrawal is made prior to the examination in learning process during semesters is evaluated.
the concerned course or courses. The application for withdrawal For example, Preparation of subject for student's
should be recommended by the Head of the Institution and approved seminar, tutorial, problem solving exercise,
by the Vice-Chancellor. Withdrawal will not be considered as Proficiency in carrying out a skill in Multiple
appearance for the purpose of classification of degree under rules choice questions (MCQ) test after completion of a
and regulations. system/ teaching etc.
15.4. Scheme of Examination Each Assessment mentioned in clause
15.4.1. The University shall ensure that the minimum number of is tested and recorded. Some of the
hours for lecture /seminar etc. in the subjects in each UG assessment can be assigned as Home work/ Vacation
Examination as specified in the curriculum of the regulations. work.
15.4.2. The University shall ensure that the students of the college, 15.6.2. The continuing assessment examinations for
who do not fulfill the Regulation for UG Programmes (Minimum theory may be held frequently at least three (Two
Standards of Education), are not sent for the University Internal tests and one model test) times in a given
Examination. semester and the marks of that examination shall be
taken into consideration for the award of sessional
15.4.3. Each theory paper shall be of three hours duration. marks.
15.5. Methods of Evaluation 15.6.3. Day to day records should be given
Evaluation may be achieved by the written test. It is achieved importance during internal assessment.
by two processes. 15.6.4. Weightage for the Continuous internal
assessment shall be 25% of the total marks in each course.
15.6.5. The continuous internal assessment marks should be Items Marks For 2 credit
submitted to the University endorsed by the Head of the Institution (Maximum) courses
of the College 15 days prior to the commencement of the theory
Attendance 5 5
15.7. Internal Marks Distribution
Assignment 5 2
15.7.1. Attendance Record and Marks for attendance
Seminar / Symposium 5 3
Every teacher is required to maintain an 'ATTENDANCE
AND ASSESSMENT RECORD' for each course handled, which Test (Best 2 of 3) 10 5
consists of students attendance in each lecture Tutorial/Seminar Total 25 15
class, the test marks and the record of class work (topics covered).
This should be submitted to the Head of the Department
The criteria for awarding the marks for Internal
periodically (at least 3 times in a semester) for checking the syllabus
Assessment (Practical) are given below:
coverage and the records of test marks and attendance. The HOD
after due verification will sign the above record. At the end of
semester, the Record should be verified by the Head of the
Items Marks (Maximum)
Institution. These records will be kept in safe custody by respective
HOD for five years. The marks allocated for Continuous Internal Attendance & 5
Assessment is as follows: Observation
15.7.2. System of evaluation Record 5
The total marks for each course (Theory) are given below: Model Exam 5
Theory Paper Total 15
Continuous Internal Assessment Marks (CIA)- 25
End Semester Examination Marks (ESE) - 75
During evaluation attempts will not be considered for awarding the 15.7.3. Technical Seminar
total marks.
These courses will be evaluated internally.
With the exception of 2 credit papers which carry a total of 50 marks
with 35 marks for ESE with the maximum of two hours of Seminar: A staff can be allocated for the seminar.
examination and 15 marks for CIA. Seminars carrying marks shall be conducted by staff
The criteria for awarding the marks for Internal Assessment are
given below: 15.8. University Examinations
15.8.1. Theory Courses punitive action as prescribed.
Theory papers will be prepared by the examiners as 15.8.7 Examination / Evaluation
prescribed. Nature of questions for UG Programme will be Ten
questions each carrying two marks in Part A, five questions Either - A student who has failed in any of the theory
Or type each carrying 5 marks in Part B and three questions (out of examinations shall be permitted to reappear in the
5) each carrying 10 marks in Part C. The evaluation will be for 75 same course in the subsequent semesters. Special
marks and the duration of the Examination is 3 hours. Question supplementary Examinations shall be offered in the
paper template is given in Annexure-V. end of the programme (sixth semester) for the
students who carry one or two arrears.
15.8.2 Practical or Tutorial Courses
15.8.8 A student who has appeared and passed any
Regular practical classes will be conducted in the course is not permitted to re-enroll / reappear in the
laboratories of the concerned Departments. The objective will be course / exam for the purpose of improvement of the
of data and logical conclusion. End semester examination for grades.
practical or tutorial courses will be conducted jointly by an internal
examiner of the Institution (generally the HOD) and the external 15.8.9 The examinations are to be designed with a
examiner duly appointed by the Controller of Examination of this view to ascertain whether the candidate has acquired
University. All practical courses require external examiners. The the necessary for knowledge, minimum skills along
Practical Examiners (both internal and external) shall evaluate the with clear concepts of the fundamentals which are
candidate during practical examination to a maximum of 50 marks. necessary for him/her to carry out his/her
The examiners shall unanimously declare the results as to have professional day to day work competently.
passed or failed and shall send the same to the Controller of Evaluation will be carried out on an objective basis.
Examination in a sealed cover. 15.8.10 50% of the theory evaluator are of the
15.8.3 Project / Dissertation: A maximum of 5 students may work subject handling faculty member with minimum
on a single project. Candidates opting for Dissertation / Project shall period of 5 years experience in the programme
be evaluated for a maximum of 100 marks with the distribution of concerned.
25 marks for dissertation, 25 marks for project reviews and
attendance, 25 marks for presentation and 25 marks for Viva-Voce. 15.8.11 Passing Requirements
15.8.4 The approval of the Appointment of examiners for theory A candidate who secures 40 % of marks in
evaluation by the academic council of the university shall be based Continuous Internal Assessment and 40 % of
on recommendation of the concerned BOS. 15.8.5 The internal marks End Semester Examination with an
examiner in consultation with the external examiner should conduct aggregate of greater than or equal to 40 % of
the viva-voce for project. marks in the prescribed course shall be declared
to have passed that particular course and the
15.8.6 Malpractice corresponding letter grade shall be indicated
If a student indulges in malpractice in any internal test / model against that particular theory course.
examination / end semester examination, he / she shall be liable for A candidate who secures greater than or equal to
50 % of marks in Practical or Tutorial Courses/ Dissertation 50% of the internal staff handling the course with
component shall be declared to have passed in that particular a minimum of 5 years teaching experience shall
practical / dissertation course and the corresponding letter grade be considered for university examination
shall be indicated against that particular practical / dissertation common valuation.
External examiners shall not be from the same
For candidates scoring less than C grade in the end semester
institution and shall rotate at an interval of 3
examinations, the term "RA" against the concerned course will
be indicated in the grade sheet. The student has to reappear in the
subsequent end semester examinations for the concerned course
as arrears. The letter grade "U" will be indicated in the grade 16. RESULTS & READMISSION TO
sheet for courses for which the student has insufficient EXAMINATION
16.1. The results of the examinations to be published
In case of a student having shortage of attendance the student maximum of 1 month period from the
shall redo in the regular semester only. commencement of the examinations. The mark
sheets are to be given for the particular semester
For a student who is absent for theory courses the term "AAA" within 45 days of the result of the examinations.
will be indicated against the corresponding course. The student Consolidated mark statement and provisional
should reappear for the end semester examination of that course certificate should be given within 2 months of result
as arrear in the subsequent semester. of examinations.
If a candidate fails to secure a pass in a particular course, it is University may ensure that the results of the
mandatory that he/she shall register and reappear for the examinations are published in time so that the
examination in that course during the subsequent semester when student who successfully completes UG Degree
examination is conducted in that course; he/she should continue Examination can complete the course within
to register and reappear for the examinations in the failed stipulated time prescribed by the regulation.
subjects till he / she secures a pass. The final year student who carries two arrears
The continuous internal assessment marks obtained by the in his/her course of learning may be permitted to
candidate in the first appearance shall be retained and considered write supplementary examination within period of 1
valid for all subsequent attempts till the candidate secures a pass. month to avail his/her degree for whom the result
may be published maximum of 15 days of
The board also suggested to conduct supplementary examination examinations.
for the final semester students who carries maximum of two 16.2. A student who fails in the Examination shall be
arrear papers within 30 days after publication of the results. allowed to appear for next higher Semester
15.8.12 Examiners
16.2.1. The student may carry over his/her subject(s)
as Arrear(s) till his/her end of the course. But he/she should register Points
for all the subjects in each and every semester.
95–100 O++ 10.0
16.3. If the University may under exceptional circumstances,
90-94 O+ 9.5
partially or wholly cancel any examination conducted by it, shall
intimate to the Academic Council of the University and arrange for 85-89 O 9.0
conducting re-examination in those subjects within the period of 30 80-84 A++ 8.5
days from the date of such cancellation.
70-79 A+ 8.0
16.4. Passing board should be conducted with the concern of Vice
Chancellor in order to equalize any dispute during examination as 60-69 A 7.0
well as to consider the grade of the students. 55-59 B+ 6.0
16.5. Methods for Redressal of Grievances in Evaluation
51-54 B 5.5
16.5.1. Students who are not satisfied with the grades awarded can
40-50 C 5.0
seek redressal by the methods given below:
Absent U 0
(CGPA) up to that point of time. subjects within maximum of sixth semester for
regular students will be declared to have passed in
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) = First class.
Where ‘j’ indicates the semester number, ‘I’ indicates the 19.2.1. Authorized break of study vide Clause 11
course number in the semester ‘j’, C the credit for a course in any and authorized withdrawal examination vide clause
semester and G is the grade point earned by the student for that 15.3. are permissible.
course. The CGPA is rounded off to two decimals. 19.3. A successful candidate who secures CGPA not
17.3. Issue of Grade sheets less than 5.5 in aggregate and not failing under the
clauses 19.1 and 19.2 shall be declared to have
17.3.1. Separate grade sheet for each semester shall be issued to the passed in Second class.
candidates by the COE after the publication of the results. The
mark sheets are to be given for the particular semester within 45 19.4. Candidates who have passed all the subjects as
days of the result of the examinations. per regulations and not falling under the clauses
19.1, 19.2 and 19.3 with a CGPA not less than 5
17.3.2. After the completion of the programme a consolidated grade shall be declared to have passed in third class.
sheet shall be issued to the student by the CoE on special request
from student side and on payment of prescribed fee.
English for Communication /MIL and the other AEC course shall be
on Environmental Science. The Ability Enhancement course,
English for Communication is treated as Practical course.
24.6. Provision for Language Papers
A student shall have to compulsorily opt for 7 language papers
of which three shall be Foundation English and other four shall be
any one of the Modern Indian Languages (Tamil/Hindi) as per their
convenience. A student will study 7 language papers (Foundation
English and other shall be any one of the Modern Indian Languages) ANNEXURE-I
for 4 semesters.
These regulations are subject to modifications from time to S.NO DEGREE PERMITTED ADDITIONAL
time as per the decisions of the apex body of the University. STRENGTH STRENGTH
Fee:Rs.1000/-Per year of part thereof (or) as revised by the
from time to time). :
12. Previous correspondence if any
(Furnish copies of relevantrecord) :
13. Recommendation of the Dean/Principal
/Director concerned :
This is to certify that the details furnished above in respect of
the candidate are verified and found to be correct.
Signature of Dean / Principal / Director
Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation – Deemed University,
Salem is / are enclosed.
Place :
Recommended by
Approved by
Note :
1. The fee prescribed for condonation of shortage of attendance as ANNEXURE – III
specified by the university shall be paid by the student. DECLARATION
2. The forms should reach the University at least 15 days before the I ……………………………………………
commencement of respective University Examinations. Son / Daughter of
3. A separate list (Three copies, Degree wise) showing candidates ………………………………………………………
who have not earned the required attendance and are not eligible for …………… ……..
condonation should also be sent at least 15 days before the ………………………………………………………
commencement of Examination. ……….. Residing at
………………………………………………….. and
admitted in I year of ……………………….……
(Name of the college) do hereby solemnly affirm
and sincerely state as follows.
Signature of the Candidate
/Counter signed/ Total no. of hours- 3 hours Total Marks- 75
Dean/Principal/Director PART – A (2X 10 =
Total : 5 questions ( either or type) Total - 5 questions
Total : 5 questions
PART –C (1X10 =
Total no. of hours- 2 hours Total Marks- 35 marks A choice of 5 questions with one question from
PART – A (5X2 = 10) each unit.
Total : 5 questions (Answer any one)