Hybrid 2.0: The Next-Gen Work Model Is Here To Stay
Hybrid 2.0: The Next-Gen Work Model Is Here To Stay
Hybrid 2.0: The Next-Gen Work Model Is Here To Stay
The next-gen work
model is here to stay
An e-commerce sector
People Advisory Services
June 2021
Hybrid 2.0
The next—gen work
model is here to stay
Organizations have successfully
adopted remote work models to
ensure business continuity in
unprecedented times.
However, as we strive towards a new
equilibrium, stabilizing after the
second wave of the pandemic, there
is an opportunity to fundamentally
reimagine our workforce and
workplace strategies.
Future focused e-commerce
organizations are taking a lead in
deliberately designing a sustainable
hybrid work model that will enable
them to optimize their service
delivery, expand customer reach and
overhaul their existing talent
landscape, in expected and
unexpected scenarios; thereby adding
to their competitive edge.
03 Executive summary 9
Designing “fit—for—
05 purpose” hybrid work 13
06 Conclusion 21
The surging post-pandemic
digital economy has ignited a
battle for retaining and
recruiting employees and
companies will need to define
strategies to compete for top
talent and manage a hybrid
workforce, to build and sustain
high-growth companies.
There is no ‘one—size—fits—all
approach’ for bringing
employees back to work.
Companies are testing which
strategy fits best for their
business, culture, and long—
term success. There is
substantial value to be
unlocked via the right hybrid
workforce model.
Context and
The needs of people, employees and customers have been and continue to be dramatically
reshaped by the pandemic. The e-commerce industry is riding the wave of change,
transforming itself to retain competitiveness in the new world order.
model that can be replicated by all
organizations, but a “fit for purpose” model
that needs to be evolved by every
CAGR will propel the organization basis its own unique DNA. The
e-commerce sector in India to dynamism in all our professional and personal
reach US$99 billion by 20241 lives, as forced by fresh waves of the
pandemic, makes hybrid work one of the most
While most other industries have weathered important business problems to be addressed.
severe business challenges over the last year,
the e—commerce sector in India has seen For true value of hybrid work models to be
increased innovation and rise of unlocked for all stakeholders involved (from
entrepreneurial ventures, heightened funding investors to leaders to employees), a strategic
activity, policy enablement and consequent lens is needed to assess the various decision
upswing in hiring. These positive traits help to parameters and design a hybrid 2.0 model
hold the sector in good stead while the nation which best fits the organization’s business
battles with a far more potent and widespread model and enables accelerated benefits.
second wave of the pandemic.
About this
This study endeavors to uncover workforce The world of work has seen multiple resets in
trends in the e—commerce industry, mindset and approach towards remote work
encourage strategic thought and shape future models. In fact, it continues to evolve as the
discourse on key people priorities, enabling world in general and India in particular
organizations to consciously build the continues to battle the onslaught from newer
workplace of the future. waves of the pandemic. This study is focused
on understanding the evolution of remote
work and the emerging hybrid work models. It
Are you still working remotely, or elucidates the key trends; highlighting the
have you gone back to the office ? similarities and contrasting the distinctions in
adoption of these models across e—commerce
sub—sectors and participating organizations.
81% Working remotely
The insights in this study are derived from in—
depth interviews with Chief Executive Officers
8% Working in the office
(CEOs), Human Resources (HR) Heads / Chief
Human Resource Officers (CHROs) and Public
Relations (PR) Heads of participating
10% Combination remote in-office organizations and EY’s research and
knowledge base of industry trends and
practices. Participants in this study are fast—
Where do you feel more growing, impact—generating e—commerce
productive ? players across industry sub segments such as
EdTech, hyper local, insurance—tech, travel &
hospitality, eB2B, FinTech and eB2C.
50% At home
Through the comprehensive perspective on
30% The office workforce strategies and practices shared
through this study, we aim to further the
people agenda across the sector and fuel the
industry’s growth trajectory.
20% No difference
What are your thought on the real
estate footprint for your
organization ?
We want to create a
12% Remain the same as pre-COVID culture where people
embrace agility coupled
Invest in more with an extremely strong
6% regional/suburban hubs
A successful hybrid work model is the need of
the hour as employers and employees have
experienced and are experiencing never—
seen—before disruptions in the recent past
and the foreseeable future respectively. Most
organizations are experimenting with
initiatives and strategies to perfect this new
When people can work from
workforce model. However, in many cases
they are disjointed, point—in—time, everywhere, what type of culture do
reactionary efforts which may not lead to a we need?
holistic, proactive and forward—looking
solution. Creation of an enabling culture for Hybrid
2.0 is determined by the embodiment of
Implementation of a successful hybrid model shared purpose, establishment of clear
that yields desired returns for your business accountabilities, ensuring uniform levels of
requires careful deliberation on the following visibility and accessibility for all employees
key fronts: and maintaining emotional well—being.
Q1 Q3
When people can work from When people can work from
everywhere, what type of workplace everywhere, what type of people
do we need? practices do we need?
towards hybrid
work models
The pandemic forced all organizations to For employees who adopt this, it allows the
adopt a remote working model. As the second flexibility to continue working remotely,
wave in India continues to test business balancing their personal and professional
resilience, organizations are evaluating and responsibilities; while also having access to
reimagining what their model should look like, office premises for critical internal/ external
for today and for the future. The answer does meetings, team collaboration events, social
not lie at either extremes, but on a continuum mixers/ networking and more.
– a unique combination of in—office and
remote working determined basis the Organizations, through decreased in office
organization’s business model and talent occupancy rates, have an opportunity to
needs. realize substantial savings by optimizing their
real estate footprint.
purpose hybrid
work models
There are three critical decisions organizations need to deliberate upon before adopting a hybrid
work model. When people can work from everywhere:
Role Shared
remoteness purpose
1 Productivity
1 1
acceleration 2 2 Accountability
Technology 3 Connect and 3 Visibility and
4 4
infusion belongingness accessibility
3 Equitable
Purpose of Emotional
physical office wellbeing
Framework for designing hybrid work model based on market insights and EY research
1. Role remoteness:
“We are considering expanding to
tier 2 cities by onboarding the
Each role in an organization, based on the capable, keen, trainable and
defined roles and responsibilities, interfaces/ relatively inexpensive talent from
interactions and nature of service delivery, smaller cities.”
has an inherent degree of “remote—ability” or
remote working propensity. Scientifically
determining this degree of role remoteness
across sections of the organization, is a key
input into designing the hybrid work model for Leading hyperlocal player
the organization.
“We are now open to exploring
options to hire for niche
Leading eB2B player
technology roles, which are in
perennial shortage here, from
“Many of our tech & engineering developed economies like Europe
roles are working completely & the US, which was unthinkable
remotely, with no adverse impact previously.”
on output.”
Leading eB2C player
The office can assume a transactional role of
a place to get work done, or be repurposed to
act as a connector of diverse employee
segments and ideas, a center for
collaboration and complex problem solving,
Technology has helped us bridge an anchor in times of uncertainty and a
‘the location gap’ and enabled means to reinforce desired culture and ways
enhanced collaboration, as our of working.
teams continue to work in a
hybrid manner
- Akhil Sikri, Chief Technology
Officer & HR Head – Zolo Stays
16 Hybrid 2.0 - The next—gen work model is here to stay
Culture that will enable 2. Accountability:
Hybrid 2.0
In hybrid work, accountability of individual
1. Shared purpose: and team outcomes and transparency in
performance delivery, especially in areas of
shared responsibility is crucial to instil mutual
trust and maintain high performance.
Fast growing FinTech
company It is critical to continuously document and
update goals and progress and frequently
“We doubled our leadership team connect on challenges faced and way forward.
during the pandemic. Even though Agile performance philosophies like objectives
we had hired seasoned industry & key results (OKRs) have been increasingly
experts, we mapped buddies from adopted by e—commerce organizations to
within the leadership team, who bring in agility and continuous monitoring of
played a very active role in performance. It is a proven methodology to
cultural assimilation of new hires help drive purpose—led achievement of
over their first few months.” aspirational goals, greater collaboration,
enhanced transparency and sharp focus on
desired outcomes; while allowing firms the
agility not often offered by traditional goal—
Emerging hyperlocal setting mechanisms.
may struggle to get the required attention as
remote workers.
This was a risk highlighted by many
organizations. Certain employee segments
have retreated into a cocoon with extensive We have an abundance of
virtual working; which can be detrimental to bright, young talent. We
overall engagement and motivation levels,
provide ‘no—judgement
with a potential to lead to low productivity
and/ or attrition. sabbaticals’ to ensure their
continued learning and growth
in their chosen areas, or even
57% rejuvenation and recovery from
of the world prefers
introversion, according to the - Jasneet Kaur, Chief Human
2019 Myers-briggs Type
Indicator (MBTI) global sample6
sessions, career conversations
with mentors and leadership
Performance was a key driver in
shaping our hybrid work model.
Agents who have lower
productivity have been asked to Hiring for culture and training
return to work and we are for skills is an important part of
already seeing improvement in our brand ethos. Referrals only
outcomes. Our high performing hiring has become a critical lever
agents have been given an
option to continue to work from
anywhere as an earned privilege.
“ in our organisation model. “
- Akriti Chopra, Head of People
Development – Zomato
- Sarbvir Singh, CEO –
employers are planning
moderate to extensive changes
to remote work strategies and Employee—friendly policies and
associated policy changes9 practices are deeply embedded
in our value proposition. As we
If there is misalignment felt by the employee
transitioned to new ways of
in the two aspects, either inherently at an
individual level or when compared with peers/ working, we reinforced this with
people manning similar roles, it can lead to several market—leading practices
discontentment and eventual disengagement. to enable and support our
This fairness and equality can span various employees in these
facets of the employee’s experience at work in
terms of employee policies and benefits,
career growth and learning opportunities,
pay, recognition and rewards, flexibility, well—
being and support/ enablement at work.
unprecedented times.
- Sumanta Dey, Senior
Director, Corporate Affairs -
Adopting a hybrid workforce model is the natural choice going forward; however,
it is definitely not an easy transition to ensure seamless coexistence of different
types of employees. Organizations will need to go digital and transform for
growth on the new S curve. Future—focused planning must place humans at the
center, technology at speed and innovation at scale as the central values of
transformation. Companies already operating with these value drivers are
proving more resilient and will adapt even faster, in the new equilibrium and
The uncertain pace and inconsistent needs of the external and internal
environment demands direct action and close involvement of the top leadership
and subsequently, their next—in—lines. The leadership needs to listen (gather data
on workforce, business and environment), align (agree on the future blueprint)
and act (lead and measure enterprise—wide change). This exercise needs to be
carried out in iterative cycles to continuously sharpen their hybrid workforce
models, in order to ensure that it yields the desired results on business and
people related fronts.
Akshey Bhanot
Consultant – People Advisory
1: https://www.ibef.org/industry/ecommerce—
2: https://www.ey.com/en_gl/consumer—products—
6: https://www.themyersbriggs.com/en—US/Connect—
7: https://hbr.org/2020/09/make—mental—health—your—
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