BJ Fogg: Behavior Design Lab
BJ Fogg: Behavior Design Lab
BJ Fogg: Behavior Design Lab
BJ Fogg
Founder and Director
Dr. BJ Fogg founded the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University, where he directs research and innovation. In addition, he teaches
industry innovators how to use his models and methods in Behavior Design. The purpose of his research and teaching is to help millions
of people improve their lives.
At Stanford, BJ was an appointed Lecturer and Consulting Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, where he taught
classes from 1997 - 2014. He has also been a Lecturer and Social Science Research Scholar at the Graduate School of education from
2001 to the present.
BJ’s research and innovation has been cited over 20,000 times, 2,500 times since 2019, and and over 9,000 times since 2015.
BJ wrote a seminal book, Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do , about how computers can be designed to influence attitudes and behaviors.
That book, together with his early innovations, inspired an annual global academic conference on the topic.
Heralded as a thought leader in helping people use mobile for good, BJ focused his e�orts on health behaviors. From 2007 to 2012, BJ annually brought together academics,
government agencies, mobile vendors, and private sector health organizations for conferences and workshops to share insights, resources, and best practices. He is the co-editor
of Mobile Persuasion: 20 Perspectives on the Future of Behavior Change. Fortune Magazine named BJ a “New Guru You Should Know” for his insights about mobile and social
BJ’s Stanford students have gone on to co-found Instagram, as well as launch a global movement focusing on “time well spent” and the Center for Humane Technology.
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