30 Excuses Ebook 2021 - Ed Winters - Small File
30 Excuses Ebook 2021 - Ed Winters - Small File
30 Excuses Ebook 2021 - Ed Winters - Small File
Pg 1 - 2:
Welcome to my e-book!
Pg 3 - 5:
Effective communication tips
Pg 6 - 8:
Can you love animals and eat them?
Pg 9 - 11:
Eating animal products is my personal choice
Pg 12 - 15:
I like the taste and I couldn’t give it up
Pg 16 - 18:
But other animals eat other animals
Pg 19 - 21:
We need to eat animal products for nutrition
Pg 22 - 24:
It’s tradition/culture
Pg 25 -27:
Our ancestors ate animals/we evolved by eating animals
Pg 28 - 30:
Animals would overrun us or go extinct
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Pg 31 - 33:
Human rights issues are more important
Pg 34 - 36:
Plants feel pain
Pg 37 - 39:
Animals don’t feel pain & don't suffer the same as we do
Pg 40 - 41:
It's the food chain
Pg 42 - 44:
We're more intelligent
Pg 45 - 47:
We’re doing animals a favour by giving them a life
Pg 48 - 52:
Can’t we just improve the lives of animals?
Pg 53 - 54:
Morality is subjective
Pg 55 - 57:
Everything in moderation
Pg 58 - 60:
Can’t be 100% vegan
Pg 61 - 63:
What if you were stranded on a desert island?
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Pg 64 - 69:
Isn’t being vegetarian enough?
Pg 70 - 72:
Hitler was a vegetarian/I once knew a vegan who wasn’t very nice
Pg 73 - 77:
What about farmers' jobs?
Pg 78 - 80:
It’s the circle of life
Pg 81 - 82:
Animals are bred for a purpose
Pg 83 - 85:
Soy farming is destroying the environment
Pg 86 - 88:
It’s extreme, expensive and difficult to be vegan (plus, why do vegans eat meat
Pg 89 - 92:
We’re omnivores with canine teeth
Pg 93 -97:
God says that we can eat animals
Pg 98 - 100:
My friends and family won’t like it if I go vegan
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Pg 101 - 102:
One person can’t make a difference
Pg 103:
Thank you & conclusion
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Hey, I’m Ed and thank you for downloading my e-book! I released this e-book in
early 2018 with the goal of creating a resource that vegans could use to help them
learn how to debunk and argue against the most common excuses that people use to
try and justify not going vegan, and continuing to harm animals.
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I wanted to make sure that there would never be another conversation where I didn’t
know what to say back to someone when they were arguing against veganism.
I fully believe that we all have the power to be effective and strong activists for the
animals, and I hope that this e-book will be a useful resource for you - and through
reading it you will feel more confident and capable of having conversations with
Knowledge is power, and there really is not one single argument against veganism
whatsoever. So once you have the knowledge, which I hope this e-book provides,
nothing is stopping you from planting seeds in the minds of your family, friends and
anyone else you discuss veganism with.
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Before I get into the excuses I think it’s important to first go through what I have found
to be the most effective way of discussing and advocating for veganism, as this is
also hugely important if we want to have productive conversations which benefit the
One of the crucial things to remember when going into a conversation is that the
person we are talking to is basing their judgement of veganism on that conversation
and as such, it is important that we are rational and level-headed.
Listening and seeming relatable are two of the most effective things to do, as it makes
the person you are talking to feel more comfortable and less judged - and that’s
when you can have a genuinely effective conversation. I always approach a
conversation from the position that I can always learn something new, as opposed to
acting as if I think I know all there is to know. Take the arguments presented seriously,
and use reasoning and logic to debunk excuses instead of resorting to visible
annoyance and anger.
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The most effective technique that I have found throughout my work is simply asking
questions rather than giving answers. This method is called the Socratic Method,
which is a technique that was devised by the Greek philosopher Socrates and is used
in therapy and counselling. By asking questions we allow the person we are having
a conversation with to reach the conclusions on their own, without being told how
they feel. That way whatever the person says in response to you, they know to be
their genuine opinion. So when you ask a series of questions that highlights their
cognitive dissonance when it comes to their perceptions of animals, you are
prompting them to reveal it to themselves.
By using this method of asking questions, you stimulate critical thinking and draw out
ideas that often create contradictions in the person you are talking to. This is so
powerful and one of the most effective ways to plant seeds as you leave the person
questioning themselves and working out on their own accord that their actions don't
align with their morals.
could be:
“Do you think animal cruelty is wrong?”, rather than “animal cruelty is wrong.”
“Is there a humane way to kill an animal?”, rather than “there is no humane way to
kill an animal.”
“Why do you think a cow produces milk?”, rather than “a cow produces milk to feed
their child.”
“Do you think there is a difference between eating a dog and eating a pig?”, rather
than “there is no difference between eating a dog and eating a pig.”
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To give another example, I was once taking part in a street activism event where
graphic footage was being screened to the public. Whilst watching the footage a
man said to me “do we know that animals suffer though?”. Instead of just saying,
“yes, of course animals suffer.” I prompted him to watch the screen which was
showing footage of cows being slaughtered and I asked him, “well, what do you
think? Do you believe these cows look like they are suffering?” - to which he replied,
“yes, they are clearly suffering.”
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But how can a world of animal lovers be the same world that also believes that the
deaths of over 70 billion land animals1 and as many as 2.7 trillion marine animals2
a year is not only acceptable, but actively support its continuance, believing it is
morally justifiable?
So can you love animals and eat them? The answer is no, of course you can’t,
because the two ideas contradict one another. Saying you love animals whilst eating
their bodies and secretions is like saying “of course I can love my child and beat
them”. If an abusive parent said that they loved their child, but were also beating
them we would think they were a psychopath. This demonstrates the disturbing and
paradoxical ideologies we have as a collective society of ‘animal lovers’ who are in
fact animal eaters.
To put this another way, if you love someone the last thing you want to happen to
them is for them to be forcibly impregnated, tortured, murdered and eaten, let alone
pay for these things to happen to them. If you love someone then you want to avoid
bad things happening to them at all costs, so if you love animals then by default the
last thing you would ever want is to see their murdered body parts on a plate in front
of you.
This can even be put in simpler terms. If you are talking to a non-vegan and they
have a companion animal such as a dog, ask them if it would be possible to claim
that they loved their dog if they mutilated and murdered them.
1 https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/animals-slaughtered-for-meat?country=~OWID_WRL
2 http://fishcount.org.uk/fish-count-estimates-2
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When someone who eats animal products claims to be an animal lover, simply say
“can you really be an animal lover if you pay for animals to be hurt?” - chances are
they’ve never thought about their relationship with animals in this way before.
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“Respect my opinion! It's my personal choice to eat meat, don't force your views
on to me!” - of all the excuses used to defend eating animal products, this could well
be the most common. So is eating animals a personal choice, or is it more complex
than that?
This is quite an interesting excuse as arguably it is a choice, however using this logic
it would also be morally justifiable to beat a dog or kick a cat, as it is a personal
choice to do so.
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In this situation ask the person, “if someone makes the personal choice to abuse a
dog, does that make it morally justifiable?”.
This argument perfectly demonstrates our detachment from the fact that animal
products came from a living being. As a society we hold animals with such little
regard that we don't consider their lives worthy of consideration, thinking of the
consumption of animal products in a way that only affects us as individuals.
As vegans, we are often met with “you should respect my personal choice”.
However, vegans do respect the personal choice of others. We respect the choice of
the animals who are exploited and treated as nothing other than a disposable
Furthermore, we respect the views of the humans who are also victims within the
systems of animal exploitation - and we even respect the view of the person we are
talking to, the view that they probably want to live a long life by caring enough to tell
them that consuming animal products hugely increases their risk of cancer, diabetes,
strokes, dementia, heart disease and many other major diseases plaguing our
So when people so defiantly tell us to respect the views of others, the question is,
which other view point are they considering other than their own?
It is not morally justifiable to murder just because the murderer personally made the
choice to murder. It is not morally justifiable to kick and beat a dog just because the
abuser personally made the choice to kick and beat the dog, and it is not morally
justifiable to pay for animals to be exploited and killed, just because we can make
the choice to pay for animals to be exploited and killed.
3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30gEiweaAVQ
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When someone uses the “my personal choice” argument, simply ask them, “what
about the personal choice of the animal?”
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However, it doesn’t mean that the person using this excuse necessarily believes that
their taste preferences are more important than an animal’s life (most people I talk to
don’t), but because they’ve never been asked about it before they’ve never had to
confront the fact that through their actions they are placing their taste higher. This is
why when people say to me, “I love the taste of meat” or, “I could never give up
cheese” I like to ask them, “do you value your taste buds higher than the life of an
animal?” - most people will say no, but if they do say yes make sure to ask them why.
One of the big issues with this excuse is that it seeks to validate a non-vegan diet by
claiming that we shouldn’t be held responsible for our immoral consumer habits
because our sensory impulses are too strong to be suppressed and as such, we can’t
be held morally accountable for the actions that we make.
But where do we draw the line? Would this argument hold up in court if a murderer
in their own defence said, “but I could never give up murdering because I enjoy it
too much.”?
It requires more than sensory pleasure to morally justify something - and the
inconvenience people go through by giving up cheese, for example, is not even
remotely comparable to the pain a dairy cow goes through being forcibly
impregnated repeatedly, having her children taken away from her and being
pumped for her milk before she becomes too weak or old and is sent to be
I think one of the reasons why as vegans we find this excuse a really difficult one to
hear is because it doesn’t matter whatever product people claim they could never
give up or enjoy the taste of, the difficulty and the inconvenience that it would be for
them to no longer eat animal products is minuscule compared to the pain, suffering
and fear that the animals have to go through.
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A non-vegan meal lasts for 15 minutes, but the death of an animal is eternal. What
food could ever be worth taking the life of an individual? An individual that felt fear,
an individual that felt pain, an individual that felt confused and couldn’t understand
why such intolerable suffering was being forced upon them?
The fear of death is not unique to humans. Most of us fear dying and hope it will
happen peacefully, surrounded by the ones we love without pain. The scariest thing
we can think of is being tortured and ultimately murdered. We make horror films
about this concept and it gives us nightmares. But this isn’t a horror film for the
trillions of animals that are slaughtered each year, it isn’t a nightmare that they will
wake from. It’s real, the pain, the fear, it is all real - and then they die and they are
gone forever.
We need only put ourselves in the position of the animals as they look up at the
human who’s about to murder them and imagine their fear and confusion to
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understand why taste can never justify this incomprehensible atrocity. When talking
to someone who uses the excuse of taste, try asking them the following questions:
“Do you not think we require more than sensory pleasure alone to morally justify
an action?.
“Is it morally justi able for someone to kill a dog if they like the taste?”
“What is it about being human that means the life of an animal is lower than our
taste preferences?”
“Do you think it is acceptable to in ict pain, suffering and death onto an animal
that wishes to avoid pain, suffering and death?”
Also, it’s worth explaining that it’s not as if people even have to give up the flavours
of the animal products that they eat. There is now such a huge and varied selection
of vegan alternatives to cheese, milk, eggs and meats. Explain that as vegans we eat
burgers, hot dogs, burritos, nachos, lasagna, mac and cheese, curries, cheese pizza,
cakes, cheesecakes, cookies, ice cream and everything else in between.
Explain how as vegans we experience all of the flavours and textures that we used
to, except now they come from plants. No dead body parts, no gristle, no
cholesterol, no hormones, no antibiotics. It’s also really helpful to note where we can
get these products from, and which restaurants now have vegan menus and options.
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When confronted with the idea that the consumption of animals is done purely for the
taste rather than for nutrition, (see nutrition) one of the most common excuses vegans
hear is, “but animals eat other animals, so why shouldn’t we?”
As much as this may be true, some animals do indeed eat other animals, there’s
many reasons as to why this statement holds no relevance whatsoever when
Even though certain animals eat other animals, there are many more herbivorous
animals than there are carnivorous ones. But regardless, what exactly is the
relevance of what other animals do when applied to human behaviour? Some
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animals rape and kill each other, so does that mean humans would be excused if
they committed these acts too? When in conversation with someone who is using this
excuse, try responding with, “wild animals kill each other, but does that mean it’s
morally justifiable for humans to kill each other, just because some wild animals
Furthermore, lions have been documented killing their own cubs before, so using this
line of logic it must therefore be acceptable for humans to kill their children as other
animals have been shown to do so. In this situation you can continue by asking: “Do
you think it’s wise to base our morality on that of a wild animal?”.
Animals also kill their food themselves, they don’t pay others to kill on their behalf
because they find the prospect of slaughtering an animal too traumatising. If we were
naturally designed to eat meat we would have no objection to killing animals. We
also wouldn’t shelter the truth from our children, and yet we deem the reality of
slaughterhouses to be too troubling and disturbing for a child.
Other animals kill out of necessity whereas humans do not, in fact eating animals is
detrimental to our health. Humans kill other animals because we enjoy the way they
taste, meaning we kill them for pleasure, even though this goes against many of our
core morals. Many of us oppose animal exploitation when it comes to things like dog
fighting or hunting as they are seen as unnecessary and only done for pleasure, and
yet can’t see that eating animals is also unnecessary and only done for pleasure. It’s
important to try and get people to make this connection so you can also ask, “are
you an obligate carnivore?” and then say, “if you don’t have to eat meat then why
do you do so?”. If they say it’s because they like the taste, then ask, “are your
tastebuds more important than a life?”. As you can see, the circle of excuses tends to
go round like a revolving door.
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So what are we, better than animals, or only animals? We can’t be both.
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Hearing that we need to eat animal products in order to be healthy is a very
frustrating excuse for a vegan to hear. However, many people truly believe that
animal products contain nutritional elements that we cannot get elsewhere and that
we need for our health and longevity, after all, there has to be a significant reason
why we’re doing all of these horrific things to animals, right?
The main nutrients that come up in conversations with non-vegans are protein, iron,
calcium and B12.
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I would strongly recommend watching and memorising the points in these four videos
by Bite Size Vegan and M.D Michael Greger.
When it comes to nutrition, I always like to make the point that The American Dietetic
Association4 and The British Dietetic Association5, the largest bodies of nutrition and
diet professionals in both countries, have both stated that a plant-based (vegan) diet
is nutritionally adequate and safe for all stages of life, including pregnancy.
4 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19562864/
5 https://www.bda.uk.com/resource/british-dietetic-association-confirms-well-planned-vegan-diets-can-support-healthy-living-in-people-
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This means that we can officially get all of the nutrients we need without eating
animals or their secretions. Protein, iron, calcium and every other nutrient that we
associate with animal products can be obtained without the need for exploiting
In fact, consuming animal products has been linked to our top diseases and illnesses.
Heart disease, type-2 diabetes, many forms of cancer, strokes, hypertension,
dementia and osteoporosis have all been linked to the consumption of animal
products6 - and many of our leading diseases can be prevented with a switch to a
whole foods plant-based lifestyle.
Ask the person you’re talking to if there is any necessity for us to eat animals and
their secretions to be healthy, if they say “no”, then say to them, “does this not
therefore mean that doing these things to animals is an act of unnecessary cruelty?”.
6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30gEiweaAVQ
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It’s true that we have been eating animals for many centuries, but does the longevity
of something justify its continuation and existence? Is the excuse, “eating animals is
traditional and cultural” a valid justification for not becoming vegan?
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If we look back at history we can see many, many atrocities that were committed by
society under the guise of tradition - but does the fact that these things were once
traditional justify them? I think (and hope) that most of us would say no. If humanity
had gone through history too stubborn and ignorant to change because of so-called
tradition then we would never have evolved or adapted.
What about female genital mutilation in 2021? It’s been performed on women for
centuries, it’s deep rooted in tradition, and yet it is abhorrent. Ultimately, using the
justification that eating animals is acceptable because it is traditional isn’t logically or
morally consistent. Tradition can never serve as any kind of justification for horrific
To apply this argument to another scenario where non-human animals are the ones
harmed, bullfighting is very much considered a tradition, as is the slaughter of
dolphins in Taiji, but does that mean that these things should still continue?
The Yulin Dog Meat Festival and the Boknal Dog Meat Festival are both annual
events where thousands of dogs and cats are killed and eaten, they are both
traditional events and yet throughout the Western world we voice our disgust at these
festivals. When people bring up tradition as a justification to eat animals, I like to
ask: “The Yulin dog meat festival is traditional, do you think that makes it okay to
butcher and kill dogs and cats?”.
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“Is bull ghting morally justi able because it’s part of culture and tradition?”
“With these in mind, do you think culture and tradition are good indicators for
our morality?”
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Surely if eating is animals is acceptable because cavemen did it, then murdering a
human today must also be morally justifiable as early humans murdered each other
as well?
Ask the person you are talking to, “do you think it is wise to base our morality on the
actions of our primitive ancestors?” Or, “if it’s morally justifiable to eat animals
because our ancestors used to do it, does that not mean that it must also be morally
justifiable to murder each other, as our ancestors used to do that as well?”.
Another thing people will say similar to the ancestors argument is that “we’ve always
eaten meat”. However, it is such a regressive idea to look into the past for guidance
on how we should live today, and as stated before, basing our actions purely on
whether or not we’ve done something for a long period of time is certainly not a
good idea.
If anyone ever brings up the argument “we’ve always done it”, ask them, “there was
a time when treating a woman as less than a man was all we’d ever done, would
that make treating a woman as less than a man morally acceptable today?”.
Tied in closely with the ancestors argument is the idea that eating meat helped us
evolve into the beings that we are today, and because of that it is morally justifiable
to continue eating animals.
Even if this is true, it has no relevance to our society today as our brains are not
developing every time we eat a big mac, nor are we evolving as a species every
time we enter Nando’s.
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impact on our health can therefore not be considered helpful to the evolution of our
Couple that with the fact that animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse
gas emissions than the combined exhausts of the transportation system combined7 ,
and is the leading cause of rainforest destruction8 , species extinction9 , habitat loss10
and a whole host of other environmental concerns, it quickly becomes apparent that
the future of our species depends on us not eating animals. The United Nations has
in fact stated that the world needs to shift to a plant-based diet in order to avoid the
worst effects of climate change.11
Furthermore, there are also other theories as to why our brains developed. The first is
that we began to eat cooked starchy foods and more carbohydrate dense foods.
These starches would have been readily available and with the brain using 60% of
the human body’s blood glucose, such high glucose demands would not have been
met on a low carbohydrate diet.
Now undoubtedly eating animals helped us survive through times of food scarcity,
just as the very foundations of much our society was built upon slavery doesn’t justify
slavery in today’s world, the fact that eating animals helped us get to this point or
helped us survive in the past, doesn’t justify eating animals in today’s world.
7 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-81-322-2265-1_10
8 https://ourworldindata.org/what-are-drivers-deforestation
9 https://ourworldindata.org/env-impacts-of-food
10 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969715303697
11 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/jun/02/un-report-meat-free-diet
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On face value this excuse can seem quite comical but actually I think it’s an excuse
that can seem very valid. This excuse is the idea that if we stopped eating animals
they would all just be released and cause havoc to our environment, or they’d all be
slaughtered and then just discarded.
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To debunk this excuse all we have to do is highlight the fact that animal agriculture
works on a system of supply and demand; when we buy products we demand that
more be supplied. Because the world isn’t going to go vegan overnight, and it will
instead be a gradual process over a long period, this means that as more and more
people go vegan, less and less animals will be bred in proportion with the rise of
As the movement continues to grow this would mean that when we eventually end up
in a vegan world, farmers simply won’t be breeding animals into production
anymore. Consequently, we will never end up with a situation where billions of
animals are being released into the wild or taken to the slaughterhouse to be killed
and then discarded.
I’ve even had people tell me that it isn’t vegan to be vegan because billions of
animals would need to be slaughtered, but once we apply the supply and demand
logic to this excuse it becomes easy to understand why that statement doesn’t hold
The conversation will often move onto the person then arguing that this will mean that
these animals will go extinct. This is quite an interesting argument, as obviously the
number of these animals would decline exponentially to the point of extinction. Now
there’s a couple of ways of looking at this argument: firstly, the animals that we eat
and exploit for food are not natural animals, they have all been domesticated,
selectively bred and modified in some way that means they were never meant to
Dairy cows have been modified to produce up to ten times more milk than they
would naturally. Egg-laying hens have been bred to produce around 300 eggs a
year. Broiler chickens have been bred to grow abnormally large at an incredibly
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quick rate, and sheep have been modified to produce more wool than they would
naturally and often give birth to more lambs than they would naturally.
Because of these modifications, it’s very unlikely that any of these animals would be
able to survive on their own in the wild and as such, they would need humans to
care for and look after them. Ultimately, we would really end up with a choice of
whether or not we wanted to sustain healthy populations of these animals or whether
we think it would be more ethical to allow them to no longer exist and instead
replenish our eco-systems with natural biodiversity. We would also theoretically be
able to reintroduce many natural wild animals back into their habitats as we would
no longer require such huge expansive areas of land for animal agriculture.
There would of course still be sanctuaries as well, where rescued animals would be
allowed to live their life, and there will always be an abundance of people who
would be happy to put the time and money into looking after animals and giving
them the care that they need.
I think it’s also important to note that many of these animals are not native to the
countries which they are artificially bred into. For example, sheep are not native to
America and shouldn’t be there and unfortunately, it’s the natural wildlife who are
then the ones who face the consequences of this as their natural habitat is destroyed
in order to make way for farming land. Native wild animals are also often hunted
and killed in order to protect the farmers’ flocks.
If someone mentions extinction, it’s important to point out that animal agriculture is
the leading cause of species extinction - and we are in the largest mass species
extinction of the past 65 million years12 . So if they’re concerned about species
extinction, they should really go vegan.
12 https://www.pnas.org/content/114/30/E6089
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problems first?
One of the key problems with this excuse is it can be applied to anything. If someone
was to say, “I think it’s really important that we deal with helping the homeless" you
could say, “but shouldn’t we be worrying about fixing the crisis in Syria?”
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Or to someone saying, “I think we need to address the slashing of benefits for the
disabled” one could say, “but shouldn’t we be more worried about the exploitation of
garment workers in Bangladesh?” All of these issues need solving and nothing is
achieved by devaluing any of them.
Being vegan is as simple as not eating animal products, not wearing animal skin, not
purchasing cosmetics tested on animals and not supporting animal exploitation of
any kind. So you can be a humanitarian and a vegan. You can volunteer at a
homeless shelter and be vegan, and you can build schools and hospitals and still be
a vegan. Being vegan is a passive action, it requires very little from the individual.
One of the main issues with this excuse is that it really highlights the underlying belief
that many people have, which is that humans are not animals and we exist as
separate or superior to the animal kingdom. It is a very clear indictment of the
speciesist mentality our society has.
And beyond all of this, if we shifted to a vegan world we wouldn’t just end animal
exploitation, we could also end some of the most important human rights issues
facing our species today.
We are currently growing enough food to feed over 10 billion people13 and yet in a
world of less than 8 billion, around 820 million people are living in a state of hunger
due to lack of food14 - food that we could easily produce but instead we choose to
feed tens of billions of farmed animals so that we can eat their flesh. In fact, the
United States alone could feed another 350 million people with the cropland that is
used there to produce the feed for livestock animals.15
13 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/241746569_We_Already_Grow_Enough_Food_for_10_Billion_People_and_Still_Can't_End_Hunger
14 https://www.who.int/news/item/15-07-2019-world-hunger-is-still-not-going-down-after-three-years-and-obesity-is-still-growing-un-report
15 https://www.pnas.org/content/115/15/3804
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If we all went vegan we would end the exploitation of migrant workers and people in
poverty who work in slaughterhouses out of necessity and suffer from drug and
alcohol abuse, repetitive strain injuries, PTSD, depression and anxiety.
If we all went vegan we would end the exploitation of tannery workers in places like
India and Bangladesh. In fact, in some tanneries 90% of workers die before the age
of 5016 and many workers are children who are forced to work with the poisonous
chemicals required in the production of leather.17
If we all went vegan we would end much of the exploitation of indigenous groups in
the Amazon, whose communities are being uprooted and destroyed so that the
animal agriculture industries can destroy more of the rainforest.
When faced with the staggering facts that show just how much human exploitation is
required to produce the animal products we eat and wear, it becomes obvious that
any attempt to devalue the suffering of animals with that of humans is not only
disingenuous but ill-conceived.
“Do you think it’s strange that we have enough food to feed over 70 billion land
animals every year, yet there are 800 million people currently living in a state of
Or, “how does the fact that there is war in the Middle East or people living
homeless make it acceptable for us to pay someone else to kill and butcher an
16 https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2012/dec/13/bangladesh-toxic-tanneries-intolerable-human-price
17 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/21/plight-of-child-workers-facing-cocktail-of-toxic-chemicals-exposed-by-report-bangladesh-tanneries
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This is an excuse that I hear a lot more often than I ever expected to. Even before I
was vegan I never once considered that plants felt pain and suffered when we ate
them and yet for some reason since going vegan, this something I am constantly told.
Firstly and most obviously, it’s important to address the science behind this. A plant
lacks a central nervous system, pain receptors and a brain, which means that
If we also consider that the primary reason human and non-human animals feel pain
is to alert us that we are in danger or are being hurt and that we need to escape the
situation that we are in. A plant cannot move and thus any pain would be
inescapable, making life torturous for any plant.
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Which begs the question, why would plants ever evolve to be able to suffer if doing
so doesn’t serve the purpose that the ability to feel pain is supposed to provide?
If we now view the “plants feel pain argument” from a creationist point of view, why
would a benevolent and compassionate God give such a horrible curse to plants?
Why would he allow them to suffer so terribly, if it served no purpose for their
I think part of where the confusion regarding plants and pain comes from is that it is
true that they are alive and they conduct various activities at a cellular level, such as
tilting to face the sunlight. In fact, plants are capable of doing some truly amazing
things, but they do not conduct any activities at a conscious or cognitive level, in
essence meaning that plants are not sentient.
I think a really good way of highlighting this to people is to point out that plants react
but they don’t respond. A venus fly trap shuts itself on a fly, not because it is
consciously aware that a fly has landed onto it, but because it reacts to the pressure
stimuli being triggered when the fly lands onto it. This is why the venus flytrap will
close around anything that triggers this response, including cigarettes butts. A cow
on the other hand consciously responds and so won’t eat cigarette butts just because
someone puts them in their mouth.
If we move past the science of whether or not plants feel pain and concentrate on the
ethics of the excuse, I am doubtful that anyone truly believes that dropping a
cauliflower into boiling water and boiling chickens alive (something that often
happens in the chicken slaughtering process) is the same thing. Nobody thinks that
slicing the neck of a cow is similar to cutting the stems off a broccoli, or castrating a
pig is similar to peeling a potato.
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But say the person you are talking to is determined that plants feel pain like animals
do - vastly more plants are used in the production of animal products than they are
the production of plant-based products.19 On top of this, it’s important to note that up
to 80% of Amazon rainforest destruction is due to cattle ranching alone20 , meaning
that millions of trees have been and continue to be destroyed because of our
consumption of animal products.
So if the person you are speaking to truly believes that plants feel pain and are
sentient, then remind them that by consuming non-vegan products they are not only
causing suffering to animals, but are also causing suffering to more plants as a result
of not being vegan.
To be honest, if this excuse comes up I often avoid talking about the science of
whether or not plants have the ability to feel pain as sometimes people will say, “but
science has only gone so far” and they get stuck with that point. Instead, I often just
go straight into talking about the amount of crops killed for animal products, so
perhaps try asking:
“For the sake of discussion, let’s say plants do feel pain. Did you know that it
takes signi cantly more plants to create animal products than it does plant
products, so vastly more plants are ‘murdered’ for a non-vegan diet than they
are a vegan diet?”
You could also ask, “if you were driving down the road and a dog jumped out in
front of your car, would you swerve onto a bed of flowers to avoid hitting the dog?” -
This reinforces in people’s minds that there is morally a difference between non-
human animals and plants, as in that situation we would always choose to avoid the
dog and instead hit the plants.
19 https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/feed-required-to-produce-one-kilogram-of-meat-or-dairy-product
20 https://wwf.panda.org/discover/knowledge_hub/where_we_work/amazon/amazon_threats/unsustainable_cattle_ranching/
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Continuing on from the excuse “plants feel pain”, I think it is also important to discuss
whether or not animals feel pain, or at least do they feel pain the same as humans,
as people do sometimes question this. In fact, I’ve even been told before that non-
human animals don’t have brains, which was quite disturbing to hear.
We’ve had laws in place for a long time that require that we treat animals
“humanely”, now these are quite obviously ineffective, however the point is that we
recognise that if we abuse a dog, we will be punished for doing so because we
understand that the dog feels pain and has the capacity to suffer.
Another example would be the way that we slaughter animals, now obviously we as
vegans recognise that what happens in slaughterhouses is anything but humane -
humane slaughter, after all, is an oxymoron. It can never exist. However, what’s
important to note is that we do have methods in place that are there to supposedly
reduce the suffering of the animals that we kill. The reason that this is important is
because that means we acknowledge as a society that the animals we kill have the
ability to feel pain and suffer.
From a scientific perspective, non-human animals have the same or at least almost
identical areas of the brain involved in processing pain and show similar pain
behaviours to humans. When our companion animals are in pain they act in ways
suggestive of feeling pain, such as showing unusual behavioural traits like rocking
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back and forth, emitting distress calls and changes in the rate and depth of
breathing, such as panting. Humans in pain also display these behaviours.
When it comes to fish, many people believe that fish don’t feel pain, however fish
have been scientifically proven to feel pain21 and have also been shown to adopt
uncharacteristic behaviours in situations that provoke pain. Furthermore fish have
sensory neurons that are physiologically identical to humans. In fact when morphine
has been administered to fish showcasing pain, their symptoms and responses
Sentient beings need to be able to feel pain in order to survive as it allows them to
escape from dangerous situations and minimise potential injury. So let’s broaden the
argument and encapsulate emotional pain into the excuse used here.
We have established that animals feel physical pain, but it is also well documented
that they experience emotional suffering just like us humans do. Mother cows mourn
the kidnapping of their babies by crying for hours, orcas as well have been shown to
21 https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.2903/j.efsa.2009.954
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mourn the kidnapping of their offspring, and animals such as dogs have been shown
to suffer from separation anxiety when their companion human leaves them on their
So now that we have established that animals feel both physical and emotional pain,
the question becomes but do they feel pain as much as humans do? There seems to
be an idea, an ignorant but nonetheless commonly accepted idea, that humans are
more capable of suffering because we deem ourselves to be more intellectually
sophisticated. However, it is plausible to consider that non-human animals could
potentially suffer more.
If we compare the suffering that say a dog would go through breaking their leg,
compared to the suffering a human would go through, it could be argued that a dog
would suffer more because of certain cognitive differences. A human would know
what the problem was and would know that it could be easily treated and that the
pain will end. A dog on the other hand wouldn’t understand what had happened in
the same way and could be greatly confused by the pain. They also wouldn’t have
the same understanding as us that the pain will at some point end, arguably making
their experience of the same event worse.
But really it is entirely irrelevant the exact degree of pain an animal feels. We all feel
different degrees of pain, with some humans having a higher pain tolerance than
others, but that doesn’t justify inflicting unnecessary pain upon another human.
It doesn’t matter what experience of pain you have, only that you are capable of
having a feeling that you don’t want to have. The same applies to animals, the fact
that they can experience pain means that they have a preference to avoid it and by
default, it is our moral obligation to ensure no unnecessary pain is caused to animals
through our actions.
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The food chains within nature are incredibly important, they symbolise something that
is part of the natural order and exists within our ecosystems. They help to maintain
healthy populations of animals and ensure that the natural ecology is balanced.
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The food chain that we have created for ourselves is a human construct to try and
conveniently justify an entirely unnecessary act - it ignores the complexity and
interdependent web of life that forms our ecosystems. It is an appeal to nature fallacy
that overlooks our ability to make moral decisions and instead claims that our actions
are predetermined for us entirely by biological determinism.
We slaughter trillions of animals every year under the illusion and defence that it is a
part of the natural world. We believe that because we have placed ourselves at the
top of a hierarchical system we then have the right to exploit any life we deem to be
beneath us. Every historical human atrocity ever committed has come under the
illusion of self-appointed power.
The food chain excuse adopts the ‘might means right’ way of thinking, with people
believing that because we have the physical ability to enslave and exploit others we
are then morally justified to do so.
However, being in the position of power means that we have a responsibility to care
for the vulnerable, and we have a moral obligation to care and look after those
weaker or less able than we are. The food chains in nature exist because they have
to. The predator needs to kill the prey to survive. But we don’t have to kill anyone to
live, which means that we don’t have to use our dominance to kill others, in fact we
can use our power to look after others and create a better world.
As humans we have moral agency, which means that we can make decisions based
on a notion of right and wrong and most importantly we can be held accountable for
the actions that we make. Our moral agency dictates to us that when we are in a
situation where we have the choice to not inflict unnecessary suffering, we can and
should be held accountable if we actively choose to inflict unnecessary suffering.
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As a species we pride ourselves on our intelligence and we have achieved some truly
incredible things. Unfortunately, the idea that intelligence defines worth of life can
often become one of the main driving forces as to why we justify raising and killing
Straight away this idea creates a whole host of problems. For starters, pigs have
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shown to be more intelligent than dogs22 , so surely we should be eating dogs, not
pigs? Moreover, the animals that we eat, the cows, sheep, chickens, etc are more
conventionally intelligent than many other animals that exist with us on this planet, so
if we did eat animals according to their intelligence, we would instead be eating
But if you think about it, if we eat specific animals according to their intelligence then
we should be eating the least intelligent species, which are actually plants. Plants are
the least intelligent species that exist as they lack the cognitive abilities that animals
have, meaning that if we truly believe in the intelligence defines worth of life excuse
then we should all be vegan anyway.
I used the phrase “conventionally intelligent” earlier because one of the other issues
with this excuse is that intelligence is largely subjective. As Einstein famously said, “If
you judge a fish on their ability to climb a tree they will spend their whole life
believing that they are stupid.”.
But when you think about it, what exactly does intelligence have to do with worth of
life? As a species most of us are very quick to take credit for work that others have
done. People sometimes say, “but other animals have never built spaceships and
been to space” - to which I ask, “have you ever built a spaceship and been to
space?” Or people may say, “but we have written symphonies” - to which I ask,
“have you ever written a symphony?”.
“Is your life worth more than someone who has learning dif culties?”
22 https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1042&context=acwp_asie
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“If being intelligent means you have the right to be dominant, does that mean
that anyone with a high IQ can do what they want to someone with a lower IQ?”
“Pigs have been shown to be more intelligent than dogs, does this fact mean that
we should stop eating pigs and start eating dogs instead?”
I think it also has to be said that for all of our intelligence and technological
advancements, we arguably do the least intelligent things of any species. We are the
only species that is destroying our planet, the only home that we have. We are
destroying the rainforests and the oceans at a frightening rate, and yet so little is
being done to safeguard the future of even our own species.
Sadly if you look at our actions, one could easily conclude that they do not represent
the actions of an intelligent species.
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When it comes to ‘livestock’ animals people seem to use the excuse, “if it wasn’t for
us these animals would never have been given a life, they should be grateful.” - let’s
start by applying this logic to humans. If a child is born into an abusive family where
he or she is regularly beaten, is never fed and eventually dies from the abuse, would
we think, “well at least that child’s parents gave them a chance to experience life?”
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Alternatively let’s think about a Syrian child who has only ever known violence and
fear. He sees his family killed by war and in an attempt to escape he joins other
refugees in making the dangerous journey into Europe by boat. But the boat sinks in
the ocean and the child, scared and confused as to why his existence has been so
horrific, drowns. Should that child be grateful for the fact that they had the chance to
exist? Would we be grateful?
What about non-human animals? If I breed dogs into existence and then I mutilate,
abuse and kill them, am I a good person for giving those dogs an experience of life
in the first place?
If I breed cats and then lock them in metal boxes that they can’t escape from, never
allow them to go outside or breathe fresh air, and then hang them upside down and
cut their throats (like we do to billions of chickens), am I now a morally righteous
person because without me those cats would never have been alive?
Ask the people you are talking to those questions. Put the animals that we love in the
position of the animals that we eat and ask whether we are still good people for
giving them an experience of life.
The simplest and most obvious way of deducing whether this is a good argument is
to tap into our empathy. To really understand whether the so called ‘life’ we are
giving these animals is such a favour we need only put ourselves in their position.
Put it this way, you’re given the opportunity to exist, but in return you will be taken
away from your mother, be forcibly impregnated repeatedly if you are female, and
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each time you give birth you will have your children taken away from you. You will
be in unrelenting pain, get excruciating infections and be abused by the people that
hold you captive. When you are finally too weak to carry on, you collapse before
being dragged to your own death. You are hung upside down, your throat is slit and
you bleed to death. Would we accept that life? Would we be grateful and say,
“thank you, how kind. If it wasn’t for you I would never be given this wonderful
The life that we force on these animals can barely even be called a life - in the eyes
of the animals, they are in Hell. They have nothing to feel grateful for. We do the
most evil and unimaginably horrific things to these innocent creatures. We treat them
as objects that we have dominion over, we inflict unspeakable violence onto them
and yet we still have the audacity to say that they should be grateful to us for the life
that we give them.
The egg-laying hen kept in a cage should be grateful. The calf murdered for dairy
should be grateful. The coyote killed for fur should be grateful. The pig killed in a gas
chamber should be grateful. The cow that has a knife against their throat should be
grateful. The fish dragged out of the ocean should be grateful. The animals tested on
in laboratories should be grateful.
Ask the person who uses this excuse, “do you think you could go to a slaughterhouse
look an animal in they eye as they are about to be killed and tell them that they
should be thanking you for their life?”
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Most consumers of animal products state that they care about the wellbeing of
animals and even go so far as to agree that the way we raise and kill animals is
cruel. This is partly why many people choose to pay extra for free-range eggs and
organic animal products. I was the same before I was vegan, I would always buy
free-range eggs as I believed that the hens had lived a happy and fulfilled life. In
fact, if people tell you that they buy free-range, or choose to buy animal products that
are labelled as being high welfare, this can actually be a point that can be used in
our favour, as it shows the person does have compassion for animals.
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But let’s see, does the ‘humane’, ‘high-welfare’, ‘RSPCA-Assured’, ‘local’, ‘organic’
excuse morally justify exploiting and killing an animal?
Well, taking an egg-laying hen out of a cage and into an overcrowded barn is about
as helpful to the chicken as giving a prisoner a pillow to put his head on whilst he’s
being waterboarded and labelling him as a ‘humanely tortured prisoner’.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a serial killer who drugged his victims before he killed them, so
in reality the people he killed weren’t aware they were going to die, they didn’t suffer
and they didn’t feel pain (where have we heard those phrases before?) - does that
mean he was a humane serial killer? Was he a high-welfare, ethical murderer?
The reality is, it doesn’t matter what treatment the animals receive, if they are
destined to be killed, exploited or abused in anyway then there is no ethical or
humane way in which to use them. The only humane method of slaughter is to not
slaughter. The only happy chickens are the chickens that get to live a free life, truly
free, not just ‘free-range’.
Humane slaughter is an oxymoron and there is no such thing as high welfare murder,
or happy exploitation. Now, there is of course the argument that improving the
treatment of animals is better than keeping it the way it is. And indeed it would be
‘better’ for pigs to not spend 6 months of their lives in gestation crates, unable to turn
around. But as well as addressing welfare considerations as animal rights advocates,
we must also strive to address the end of animal use as a whole.
Animal welfare labelling eases the conscience of the consumer, reinforcing the idea
that there is an ethical way to exploit an animal and allowing the consumer to buy a
product thinking that in doing so they are giving an animal a happy life.
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This is why it’s so important that we don’t perpetuate notions of welfare, because to
do so is an injustice to the animals who are still suffering. After all, there is no right
way to do the wrong thing.
If someone mentions free-range eggs or something similar, say something a long the
lines of, “buying free-range eggs shows you care about animals, that’s great! I used
to do the same - but then I looked into it and unfortunately ‘free-range' is just a
marketing label, as the chickens are raised in huge barns where the vast majority are
denied access to fresh air and sunlight. Not to mention the male chicks are still
ground up alive and ultimately all of the hens still end up being slaughtered.”
Free-range is a deceitful attempt by the egg industry to lure customers into believing
their product is more ethical and morally righteous than caged eggs and in doing so
they can charge more money for the product. High welfare is a scam to make
people think that the animal lived a happy, good life - but it doesn’t matter what label
is on the product, the animal died in the same slaughterhouse using the same method
as all the other animals on the shelves. Ask the person you are talking to about this,
say, “are the animals raised on small local farms taken to different slaughterhouses,
or are they killed in the same way factory farmed animals are?”
The fact of the matter is, it doesn’t matter how nice a life an animal has, the moment
we exploit them for what is rightfully theirs and eventually take them to the
slaughterhouse or to the yard to kill them, that is abuse. Animals don’t want bigger
cages or larger barns, they don’t care whether or not they’re grass-fed, or organic.
They don’t want to be RSPCA-Assured or Red Tractor Approved, because those labels
are there for us, the consumer, to ease our conscience.
All the animals want is to be given the moral consideration that they deserve. They
don’t want to be free-range, or free to pasture 4 - 6 months of the year. They want to
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be free to live their lives in their entirety, without fear of human inflicted pain,
suffering or exploitation.
It always strikes me as strange that when people campaign against eating dogs in
Yulin, they don’t campaign for the animals to be kept in bigger cages, or to be free-
range. Nobody ever asks for the dogs to be killed in a more humane way. We
demand that the festival be abolished. We would never say that RSPCA-Assured
labrador steaks would be acceptable, or Red Tractor approved minced poodle.
You could always ask the person you are talking to, “can we humanely kill an
If the person believes there is a humane way to kill an animal, remind them that the
word humane means “having or showing compassion or benevolence”, so re-phrase
the question and ask, “how do we compassionately, benevolently or humanely take
the life of an animal that does not want to die for an unnecessary reason?”.
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Corporations are not going to invest their money into significantly improving welfare
standards, in fact low welfare standards often mean higher profit margins for these
companies. So to increase welfare standards on an exponential scale would mean
that the price of animal products would have to rise, and the consumer would have to
foot the bill. Most people simply aren’t able to have their food bill increase, and
many won’t when they don’t have to. Furthermore, if we did move towards a system
of ‘idyllic’ family farming, with ‘grass-fed’ ‘free-range' animals, it would simply not be
environmentally sustainable to meet the world’s demand for animal products. There is
simply not enough space on the surface of the planet.
What this would also mean is that animal products would only become available for
the wealthy, making it a luxury and highly sought after product. This is inherently
classist, as it creates a world where the rich are able to buy products that most of
society can’t - and it takes us back to the days where eating animals was a sign of
financial dominance.
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Before I went vegan I don’t think I’d ever heard the phrase “but morality is
subjective” when talking about issues of social justice - however now it’s something
that I hear quite a lot when it comes to animals. If morality truly was subjective then
there would be absolutely no need for a judicial system or prisons, there would be no
such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ as all behaviour would be completely acceptable.
This is really how you can argue against the “morality is subjective” argument, by
simply stating that if we truly lived by that philosophy then murder, rape, arson, theft,
etc would by default all be completely moral and acceptable. Ask the person you are
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talking to, “if you believe morality is subjective, would it therefore be acceptable for
someone to murder their partner?”.
You could also ask: “using the morality is subjective argument, is it then
If you wanted to you could even ask: “If you believe that morality is subjective then
We know these things because within us all exists an understanding of what is right
and wrong, we can become blinded by conditioning but all we have to do is put
ourselves in the position of the victim to understand why the action of hurting another
cannot be morally justified.
What morality really comes down to is the awareness of a victim. What is moral
should be defined by whether or not what is being done has a victim that is suffering
unnecessarily. I believe issues of morality can be as simple as, “would I want that
done to me? And if not, what right do I have to do it to another?”.
H. L Mencken stated: “morality is doing what’s right regardless of what you’re told.
Obedience is doing what is told regardless of what is right.”
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Let’s start with the health argument, when people say “everything in moderation” or,
“a little bit of cheese or meat is healthy”, I normally respond by saying, “if something
is bad for you, it’s bad for you. It doesn’t matter if you consume a lot or a little, it’s
still bad for you. Now, you could smoke one cigarette a month and it wouldn’t give
you cancer or kill you, but that cigarette is still bad for you. Likewise, you could eat a
slice of bacon once a month and although it wouldn’t kill you, it is still inherently bad
for you.”
You could then go on to say, “the great thing about plants is they don't only contain
beneficial nutrients and vitamins, but they don’t come with all the incredibly
unhealthy aspects of animal products like cholesterol, hormones, antibiotics, etc.”
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Now let’s turn our attention to the ethical implications of this argument. Veganism is
the only social justice movement where people try and incorporate the idea of
moderation or reducing as a viable solution. The truth is, it doesn’t matter how much
or how little someone partakes in a system of oppression, there is still a victim who is
being impacted.
Although it can be a good place to start, it is not morally justifiable to only reduce
the amount of animal products that we consume, as even if it is ‘only’ once a week
there is still a victim who is being negatively impacted for an unnecessary reason -
this is precisely why moderation or reduction is not an ethical compromise. Claiming
that animal products in moderation is ethically responsible validates the idea that
using animals is normal and morally admissible.
Let’s put this into perspective, the people I’ve known who use the argument
“everything in moderation” normally have a diet that consists of cow’s milk on their
cereal and in their morning coffee, followed by a ham and cheese sandwich or
something along those lines for lunch, and probably another coffee with cow’s milk
during the day.
For dinner it will be cow flesh, or chicken flesh, or pig flesh, or fish flesh, with
vegetables and starches in some form or another. Afterwards it could be a dairy
desert, not to mention the snacks, biscuits and chocolate bars that have dairy and
eggs in them. This diet resembles anything but moderation, but this is the sort of diet
that a huge amount of people in the UK consume on a daily basis.
To bring this discussion back to the ethical side of the moderation argument, animals
are still being murdered for an unjustifiable reason. An animal that gets killed in a
slaughterhouse isn’t grateful because the person that later eats their flesh believes
they do so in moderation. The animal is still dead, their life is still over and no
amount of moderation or reduction changes that fact.
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If you are having a conversation with someone and they try to morally justify eating
animal products by saying they do so in moderation, or they say that they have
reduced their consumption, ask them why. If they mention that it’s for ethical or
environmental reasons, then I think it’s important to highlight what an excellent first
step this is. Try and say something like, “it’s great that you have reduced your animal
product consumption for ethical reasons, but have you thought about how even
though you may not be consuming as much as you used to, you are still paying for
animals to be killed?”.
I also like asking, “what would stop you taking the step to full vegan?”
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CAN‘T BE 100%
I think of all the excuses used against veganism this is actually a very important one
and something that as vegans we need to be aware of. It is absolutely true that it is
almost impossible to be 100% vegan in this world - for example the production and
harvesting of crops does cause the death of animals like aphids, caterpillars, moths,
worms, flies, locusts - and even birds and rodents. Where this argument falls apart is
that it is used to suggest that if you can’t be 100% vegan there’s no point in trying at
all, or more to the point, because animals sometimes die in crop production it is
therefore acceptable for us to breed, raise and kill animals intentionally.
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What this argument really boils down to is intention. When we buy animal products
we are intentionally paying for someone to exploit and kill an animal, when we buy
plants we are not.
If someone was driving their car and they accidentally hit a dog, that would not be
the same as if they purposefully drove after the dog until they ran them over. The
logic behind the argument, “it’s morally justifiable for me to pay for an animal to be
killed because animals sometimes die in crop production” is stating that morally,
accidentally hitting the dog is the same as purposefully hitting the dog, as it ignores
the intention. It also states that because animals are sometimes killed accidentally by
cars, it is therefore acceptable to purposefully run them over.
When talking to someone who uses this excuse, ask them, “morally, is there a
difference between accidentally hitting a dog with your car and purposefully hitting a
dog with your car?”. When they say yes, then ask them, “so by that logic is there
morally a difference between an animal accidentally being killed in crop production
and an animal purposefully being killed in a slaughterhouse?”.
Also, it’s important to mention that vastly more plants are used in the production of
animal products than they are vegan products, so be sure to say, “if you care about
the animals that are killed in crop production you should be vegan because vastly
more plants are needed to create animal products, which means vastly more animals
are killed in crop production for non-vegans than they are for vegans.”.
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This excuse also misses one of the biggest points of veganism, which is that we don’t
need to eat animals or their secretions to live, hence why we don’t. The reason that
insects and small animals die in crop production is not because we all want to eat
them, but because we do need to eat plants in order to sustain a healthy life.
Note: In 2021 I released this video fully debunking the ‘crop deaths’ argument.
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The idea of this excuse is that it seeks to create the illusion of hypocrisy in veganism.
People that use this excuse want to come to the conclusion that in a life or death
situation, even a vegan would value his or her own life above that of an animal’s
and therefore it is morally justifiable for them to continuing consuming animal
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Obviously, if someone was stranded on a desert island, vegan or not, they would
seek to find fruits and vegetables first, and if there were animals roaming around that
we could kill, there would also presumably be vegetation that we could eat as well.
Let’s be honest, if anyone did just randomly get stranded on a desert island their
chance of survival would be incredibly low. Even if there was an animal there, most
of us wouldn’t know how to kill them, butcher them and cook them - for this reason I
would become friends with the animal. At least that way I would have a friendship
and someone to spend time with as I slowly died from starvation and lack of clean
drinking water.
On a serious note, nobody can really judge what they’d do in a survival situation
and there have been documented cases where humans have eaten each other in
order to survive. The most important thing here however, is that just because humans
have killed and eaten other humans for survival, doesn’t mean it is moral for us to kill
and eat each other in a normal environment.
This is really the main point of the rebuttal, because even if a vegan killed and ate an
animal in a life or death situation, this provides no moral justification for eating
animal products in everyday life.
The reality is, we are not stuck on a desert island and therefore we do not need to kill
and eat an animal out of necessity. We do however live in a society where we are
surrounded by an abundance of vegan foods.
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In essence it comes down to this, none of us are stranded on a desert island so the
excuse is redundant and there is no moral correlation between killing an animal out
of necessity in a life or death situation and killing an animal for nothing other than
sensory pleasure.
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When I was a vegetarian I strongly believed that I had stopped supporting the
murder of animals in my diet and that I didn’t need to go to vegan. In fact, I thought
vegans were weird and extreme.
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The problem with this excuse is that even though most vegetarians cut out animal
flesh for ethical reasons, many are sadly still hugely unaware of the atrocities
committed to animals for dairy and eggs and don’t know the full extent of the ways
that we exploit animals, I know that I certainly wasn’t aware.
I became a vegetarian believing that animals shouldn’t die for food, but I came to
this conclusion without researching anything into the slaughter or treatment of
animals. I hadn’t watched any slaughterhouse footage and I didn’t feel the need to
because in my eyes I was no longer contributing to those systems of violence.
I, like many others, was under the illusion that free-range eggs were ethical and that
the treatment of dairy cows was humane. I never considered that female cows
needed to give birth to produce milk, which really shows the power of the dairy
industry and the propaganda that they feed to us. I remember thinking that it really
isn’t necessary to become a vegan. I was very wrong.
By being a vegetarian we still contribute to the needless torture, abuse and slaughter
of animals. Being vegetarian quite simply isn’t enough.
In the egg industry male chicks are a useless byproduct and they serve no use to the
industry. So as soon as they are hatched they are thrown by the thousands into
industrial grinders where they are minced apart, or they are gassed alive. These are
new born babies and their first and only experience of life is being killed. Think of
the confusion and fear these chicks feel as they are callously thrown onto a conveyor
belt and dropped into a grinder, or into a machine designed to gas them to death.
It’s so important to emphasise that all male chicks are killed regardless of what
system of egg production it is. This happens in caged, free-range and organic
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It’s helpful to inform people about the egg industry, as most people simply aren’t
aware. I’ve even had people say I was lying, as “that simply would never happen”. It
truly is deeply upsetting to think about how these industries have conditioned us into
purchasing these products, even though doing so means we are paying for practices
that go against our innate compassion for animals.
If you’re in a conversation with someone try saying something like, “what do you
think happens to the male chicks in the egg industry, bear in mind that they are of a
different breed to chickens raised for meat, and are not suitable to be reared for their
Furthermore, if people bring up free-range eggs, ask them, “do you know what a
free range egg farm looks like?”
You could even go so far as to ask, “do you think it’s possible that free-range could
be a marketing ploy to make you buy a product with an eased conscience?”
Free-range eggs still involve the use and abuse of hens. They frequently have their
beaks trimmed, and even though legally they have to have access to the outdoors,
many never leave the barn and are unable to access sunlight or fresh air in their
entire lives. This is an investigation into ‘The Happy Egg Co’ in 2021.
Even in free-range barns, hens, on average, only have an area equivalent to the size
of an iPad each. In fact, farmers can legally house 16,000 birds per barn in the UK,
which means they can legally house 9 birds per square metre of space.23
Many hens can’t cope with the stress of being genetically modified to produce 300
eggs per year. This in turn leads to them becoming malnourished and sick with
diseases such as osteoporosis. It is reported that more than 45% of egg laying hens
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After the hens are ‘spent’ (meaning they can’t produce anymore eggs), which
normally occurs after 72 weeks, they are thrown into crates and are driven to a
slaughterhouse where they are then hung upside down and their throats are slit.
Some hens survive this ordeal and are submerged in boiling hot water still alive and
are boiled to death.
The dairy industry is equally disgusting. Like male chicks, newborn male calves are
useless to dairy farmers and so they are taken away from their mothers normally
within 24 - 72 hours of birth, some are shot, killed and discarded immediately. The
ones that are not shot will either be raised for veal, or they’ll be sold into the beef
industry and raised for their flesh.
The male calves that are slaughtered for veal are hung upside down and have their
throats slit when they are still babies. The veal industry would not exist if it wasn’t for
the dairy industry.
Furthermore, like humans, cows only produce milk when they have given birth. This
means that cows are forcibly impregnated using a process called artificial
insemination. If the calf is female she will also be taken from her mother shortly after
being born. When people mention dairy I always like to ask, “why do you think a
cow produces milk?” - as so many people I speak to simply don’t know why. I
certainly didn’t.
You can also ask people, “what do you think happens to the calves if we’re
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Or, “what do you think happens to the male calves in the dairy industry as they
Dairy cows have also been selectively bred to produce up to 10 times more milk than
they would naturally. This overuse of their udders leads to painful infections such as
mastitis, which can also cause pus and blood to be filtered into the milk that humans
then drink.
When they become too weak, or are unable to have anymore children or produce
anymore milk, they are taken to the slaughterhouse where their throats are slit and
they are left to bleed to death so that their flesh can be used for cheap meat
For me this is one of the easiest ways to convince an ethical vegetarian, just simply
explain to them that all the animals in the egg and dairy industries end up in the
slaughterhouse. You can also explain the suffering animals endure in the clothing,
entertainment and cosmetic industries, as vegetarians often support these systems too
(I was a vegetarian that wore leather and went to the zoo).
With dairy I always like to ask things along the lines of, “don’t you think it’s strange
that we drink the milk from another species of animal, whose milk is actually meant
for their babies and not for us?”.
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Now as we can see, being vegetarian still contributes massively to the suffering of
animals, but many vegetarians are simply not aware of this. I think any conversation
with a vegetarian is a great opportunity for spreading veganism and having a
positive and productive conversation.
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Of all the excuses that meat eaters use to invalidate veganism, this one is possibly the
most unusual. I’ve grouped the ‘but Hitler was a vegetarian’ excuse with the, ‘I once
knew a vegan who wasn’t very nice’ because they both revolve around dismissing an
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First and foremost, Hitler wasn’t a vegetarian. I believe some of these ideas came
about because Goebbels wanted to make Hitler seem likeable by creating
comparisons between him and Gandhi, who was a vegetarian. But that fact is
neither here nor there when addressing the question because even if Hitler was a
vegetarian, what exactly would that prove?
The idea behind this argument is that because one of the most evil men in history,
who committed vile atrocities, cared about animals, then by being vegan you too will
probably undervalue humans as a consequence of your views towards animals.
Quite obviously this excuse is beyond absurd. Chairman Mao, Mussolini and Stalin
all ate meat and committed unforgivable crimes. So by the logic of the ‘but Hitler
argument’, vegans could say, "you better become vegan because Stalin ate animals
and if you eat animals you'll be just like Stalin”.
If you are ever in a situation where someone actually uses this argument genuinely, I
would suggest that you say “actually Hitler wasn’t a vegetarian, but even if he was,
how does that morally justify us eating animals and their secretions?”. You could also
remind them that you are vegan, not vegetarian.
I think another reason people make this statement is to imply vegans are fascist. If
you think about it, fascists believe that they are superior to others based on entirely
superfluous notions of heritage, ethnicity, sexuality, etc. Likewise, people eat animals
for entirely superfluous notions as well. Now, obviously people who aren’t vegan are
not fascists by default, but if there are comparisons being made between ideologies,
slaughtering trillions of animals for an entirely unnecessary reason is much more in
line with fascism than eating plants and advocating for all animals to be treated with
respect and compassion.
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Needless to say, I would not recommend insinuating that the person you are talking
to is in anyway a fascist!
But nonetheless, the Hitler excuse seeks to set up an association between not eating
animals and being evil, which can be a dangerous comparison to draw if someone
was to believe that Hitler was actually a vegetarian.
I think the real issue with this excuse is that it attempts to demonise the vegan
movement by associating it with the complete opposite of what it really stands for,
and for this reason I find this excuse more than just the outlandish argument it first
So let’s take this excuse and focus on the next element of it, which is, “but I once
knew a vegan who wasn’t very nice to me”. This argument follows the same idea that
because someone who was vegan wasn’t very nice, they therefore invalidate the
entire philosophy of veganism.
Now for obvious reasons this logic is very flawed. The reality is, we have all had
bad experiences with people at some point in our life, but to then believe that you
can judge on an entire demographic of people, or philosophy based on that one
experience is obviously not logical in the slightest.
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So this is actually a very important argument, and one that I imagine will be used
more frequently as the vegan movement progresses. When someone brings up the
issue of farmers’ livelihoods I normally say something like, “you’re absolutely right,
we do need to consider the livelihoods of farmers, who are often born into the
farming community and have never known anything different in their lives and have
Most people see farming as an idyllic, traditional job, and we’re fed an idea of
good, honest farmers struggling to make enough money to survive. Now while this
may not be strictly true, we should acknowledge farmers’ livelihoods.
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The issue with farmers is that they are the ones directly enslaving, mutilating and
profiting off the exploitation and death of animals and as such, it can be hard for us
to want to address the issue of their livelihoods because the most important thing for
us is to end the exploitation of animals as quickly as we possibly can.
What we have to be considerate of though, is that these farmers are doing a job that
they are being asked to do - they are fulfilling the wishes of the consumer. Now,
undeniably there are truly evil farmers who deserve no sympathy or consideration,
and I’ve spoken to other farmers who agree with this. The issue is most farmers are
doing what they are told to do and operate under what is deemed legal, many were
also born into farming families and consequently have been conditioned and
indoctrinated into a certain way of life and genuinely believe that farming animals is
completely ethical and moral.
So as vegans we are left with a moral dilemma because we all readily acknowledge
that the reason good people perpetuate systems of violence towards animals is
because they have been conditioned to do so, but this same logic applies to farmers
as well, who have also been conditioned into these same systems of violence.
What this fundamentally means, is that farmers need to be given some form of
consideration that shows they’re not entirely morally culpable for the life that they
have been given and I think an awareness of the fact their jobs are at risk fulfils this
Firstly and most simply, many farmers can switch to arable farming and produce only
plants. This is an entirely plausible solution for some farmers and in fact it has
already been done by a number of farmers, including a cattle farmer who gave all of
his herd to Hillside Animal Sanctuary - and he now runs a fully vegan farm.
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The Vegan Society and the organisation Refarm’d offer help and financial support to
any farmers who want to make the transition, so that’s always a really good thing to
tell the person that you are talking to. Another way of supplying funds to farmers
looking to make the transition is through tax subsidies. For me this is probably the
most important thing that needs to happen to safeguard farmers’ livelihoods.
If the subsidies that are given to animal farming were instead put into plant farming,
this would drive the price of animal products up, making them less accessible and
less affordable and bring the price of plants down, making them more accessible
and more affordable. It would also mean that these subsidies could be used to help
and financially support animal farmers transition over to plant farming instead.
However, there will be farmers who can’t switch to producing plants as their land
won’t be suitable for arable farming. This inherently means that they will probably
end up losing their job as a farmer, but it was always going to be inevitable that this
will happen for some farmers.
So in order to help these farmers, the subsidies could also be used to allow them to
become publicly funded land managers. In other words, instead of farming they are
subsidised to let their land re-wild and regrow. This would also allow us to reforest
the land that has been previously deforested and create carbon sinks (areas of land
that absorb carbon from the atmosphere).
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However, it is also important to mention that a job or a livelihood does not provide
moral justification for enslaving, mutilating and profiting off the death of animals,
and in this situation the hardships of a farmer finding a new job, or changing how
they live off the land, is nothing compared to the life of suffering and fear that
animals have to endure in the farming industries.
What also strikes me as disingenuous, is for the most part people don’t ever normally
care about whether or not their actions are jeopardising the jobs of others. For
example, if we use the self-checkout machines in supermarkets we are jeopardising
the jobs of the cashiers as their job becomes redundant.
Another example that you could say to someone is, “would you advocate for
everyone to smoke cigarettes because if nobody smoked all the tobacco farmers and
people employed within the cigarette industries would lose their jobs and their
If they say no, you could follow up with, “do you think the job of an animal farmer is
more important than the job of a plant farmer?”
Furthermore, not everybody is going to stop eating animal products overnight, the
shift will be gradual, which means farmers wouldn’t lose their jobs immediately and
this would instead provide the perfect opportunity for them to transition into a
different form of land management.
Also, when it comes to livelihoods and jobs, it’s only ever farmers that are
mentioned. Nobody ever expresses concern for the jobs of slaughterhouse workers.
In fact sometimes people say to me, “how could anyone ever do a job like that?”, or
“you have to be a sick person to work in a slaughterhouse!” - however people who
work in slaughterhouses generally do so out of necessity, not because they want to -
and the only reason those jobs exist is because consumers buy animal products.
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2021 update: I have a full pack to help farmers transition available to download
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Claiming that eating animals is the circle of life is a contradiction because animal
agriculture is the circle of continuous unnecessary torture and death. Life is the exact
opposite of what the animal agriculture industry is.
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The only two moments of life that are certain are our birth and our death and this is
really all the circle of life actually refers to, everything that is born must indeed come
full circle and die as well. What happens between these two events is variable and
has nothing to do with a preordained circle of life.
The concept of the circle of life is used by people often trying to assert that humans
are entitled to kill animals because of a pre-ordained natural order that is out of our
control. They are essentially arguing that just because everything that lives must die,
it therefore means we are morally justified to intentionally take life.
This would theoretically mean then that we are justified to take any life that we want,
in any manner that we choose because after all, it is the circle of life. I could
needlessly murder a dog, I could needlessly murder a cat, or indeed, I could
needlessly murder any animal for that matter. Using the logic behind the circle of life
argument you would be morally excused for murdering a human as well.
If someone you are talking to brings up the circle of life argument ask them, “by the
logic that we are morally justified to slaughter animals because all life dies anyway,
would it therefore be acceptable for me to cut the throat of a dog?”
It’s also interesting how the circle of life argument only applies to us killing non-
human animals, it doesn’t also transpose to when humans kill other humans, or
indeed to when non-human animals kill humans. When we hear about a shark or a
crocodile killing a human we don’t sit back and say, “oh well, it’s the circle of life,
what is born must one day die!” No, we get angry and we send hunters or fishermen
to try and kill the animal in an act of vengeance and because we fear that animal
may go on to kill more people.
If a human murders another human, we arrest them, punish them and send them to
jail. However, if we are to subscribe to the logic of this excuse then murder would not
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be a crime or a punishable offence because death is inevitable and for that very
reason it is acceptable to take the life of anyone we wish.
If the needless murder of animals is justifiable because of the circle of life, then that
means the needless murder of any animal is justifiable, not just the ones we
conveniently want this logic to apply to.
How can forcibly impregnating cows so that we can drink the milk that was designed
to feed their children be natural? It defies nature. How can raising animals in cages
and then gassing them or anally electrocuting them so we can wear their skin be
considered natural? How can putting cosmetics and toiletries into the eyes of animals
and burning their skin with corrosive substances be morally justified through the idea
of the circle of life?
All of these things defy any notion of the circle of life, because the circle of life claims
that what we are doing is intrinsically linked to nature but in reality, what we do
couldn’t be further removed from the natural world.
If we add to this the fact that many of our leading killers24 can be prevented by
avoiding animal products, it becomes apparent that it’s not only the circle of death
for animals, but for us as well.
24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30gEiweaAVQ).
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In our society we have granted ourselves the right to decide what purpose other
living beings have. I think this perfectly demonstrates just how much we have
devalued the lives of non-human animals. We believe that they exist for the purpose
that we impose on them.
The truth is, just because we have decided what will happen to an animal doesn’t
mean what will happen to them is morally justifiable. Many people breed dogs into
existence with the sole purpose of raising them for dog fighting, does that mean that
dog fighting is moral because those animals were bred for that purpose?
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In some countries it is legal to have sex with animals and there are even animal
brothels. Using the ‘bred for a purpose’ excuse it must therefore be perfectly moral to
have sex with an animal in a brothel as those animals are bred with that purpose in
This argument also completely avoids the fact that the animals who we exploit have a
preference to live their life and wish to avoid feeling pain and fear. In their eyes they
have no awareness of the reason they were bred and their desire to live is exactly
the same as an animal that was born without a ‘purpose’ for humans.
If you are having a conversation with someone and they use this excuse, ask them,
“is dog fighting therefore moral if the dogs were bred with the purpose to fight?”.
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I haven’t talked that much about the environmental aspects of veganism, although it is
important to note that plant-based diets are consistently shown to be the most
environmentally sustainable diets.25 In fact, the United Nations stated not so long ago
that to avoid the worst effects of climate change, everybody needs to shift to a plant-
based diet26.
25 https://science.sciencemag.org/content/360/6392/987.full
26 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/jun/02/un-report-meat-free-diet
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However, one environmental argument that many people often cite is that soy
farming has environmental consequences such as rainforest destruction and habitat
Now undeniably the environmental impact and destruction caused by soy farming is
concerning, but we need only consider that 75% of the soy that is grown is fed to
livestock animals27 - and some estimates place that figure as being even higher. This
pretty much dispatches the argument immediately as we can sustainably produce
enough soy for human consumption - the issue surrounding soy farming is that such
vast quantities are produced to feed livestock animals - this is why it’s bad for the
environment, not because vegans consume soy milk.
If someone brings up the soy argument say, “you’re right, soy farming is destructive
for the environment, but did you know that over 75% of the soy grown is fed to
livestock animals? It’s because of animal agriculture that soy is currently so
You could also go on to say, “as you are worried about the environmental impact of
soy farming, do you think you will stop eating animal products now that you know
they are the main reason for the destructive elements of soy farming?”
I think another important thing to mention is that the soy that is used in foods for
humans isn’t just used in vegan favourites such as tofu. It’s found in cereals,
processed foods, breads, sauces, mayonnaise, animal flesh products, chocolate and
sweets, among others. Basically soy is used in non-vegan foods and foods that aren’t
just consumed by vegans.
So it’s pretty obvious that if people are really concerned about the environmental
destruction caused by soy farming then it would be hypocritical of them if they don’t
27 https://www.tabledebates.org/building-blocks/soy-food-feed-and-land-use-change
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become vegan. If we care about the environment then we have to be a vegan, it’s
really that simple.
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I T ‘ S E X T R E M E,
Plus, why do vegans even eat meat substitutes?
Vegan diets have become somewhat synonymous with the idea of restrictive eating,
people view vegan food as limiting and there is also a misconception that vegan
diets are expensive and elitist. Let’s start with the idea that veganism is a restrictive
Since becoming vegan I eat a much larger and more varied range of foods than I
ever did before, and I cook with ingredients I’d never heard of. Becoming vegan
encouraged me to broaden what I eat and if anything I now view being non-vegan
as restrictive. You can also point out to the person you are talking to that you still eat
the same meals that you used to. You still have pizza, spaghetti bolognese, mac and
cheese, curries, nachos, burritos, etc - and you can veganise pretty much any non-
vegan meal. You can still eat the same foods that you used to, the only difference
being they are now made from plants.
So a vegan diet is anything but limiting and for that matter it is anything but extreme.
This word extreme is often used to describe vegans but the irony is for the first time
my lifestyle is the opposite of extreme.
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No longer does my food come from animals that screamed in pain as they were
murdered. No longer am I eating foods that are the result of torturing animals. Those
things sound extreme. Not fruits, vegetables, seeds, grains, legumes, nuts, potatoes,
etc. How can a vegan diet be the extreme diet, when it consists of eating foods that
can prevent disease, that can increase the longevity of our lives and that reduce
animal suffering whilst helping us to live more harmoniously with the environment?
A vegan diet doesn’t mean you have to be eating expensive organic fruits or going
to juice bars. If you go into any supermarket, the most expensive foods tend to be the
meat and cheese and the cheapest foods are the beans, rice, potatoes, pasta, lentils,
etc. Since going vegan I actually spend less money on food than I used to.
The only time where vegan food can be more expensive is when buying the
substitutes, for example, frozen vegan ‘chicken’ nuggets are still more expensive than
non-vegan chicken nuggets, but this is to do with supply and demand. As more
people go vegan and buy those products, the cheaper they will become. This has
already begun happening in UK supermarkets.
Plus, when I used to handle flesh, I would hate it, it was slimy, smelly and I’d have to
wash my hands and surfaces afterwards. Now when I handle fruits and vegetables I
love it, they’re so colourful and vibrant, all you do is give them a rinse and they’re
good to go -I don’t have to scrub my hands clean once I’ve chopped them. Now that
I’m vegan I look forward to cooking, I used to view it as a chore but now it’s one of
my favourite parts of the day.
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This brings us to the final point, as vegans we always get asked about why we eat
animal product substitutes if we don’t want to eat animal products. As much as I hate
the thought of eating animal products now and it makes me feel sick and very
uncomfortable, I, like most vegans, didn’t become vegan because I disliked the taste
of animal products.
Before I became vegan I loved KFC and cow burgers, I loved halloumi and Domino’s
pizzas - but like many vegans, I realised that there are more important things than my
sensory pleasure. As a species we have to understand that justifying our actions by
the fact that we find enjoyment in them is not acceptable if it negatively impacts the
lives of others.
Vegans eat animal product substitutes because we enjoy the texture and the flavour -
and it’s even better because no animal had to die or be exploited for our enjoyment
of them.
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This is without question an excuse that is used a lot to justify exploiting animals.
Interestingly, the way that I approach this excuse has actually changed a lot from
when I first started advocating for veganism.
Sometimes people argue that our bodies are best equipped to just eat plants - and
this was the argument that I would always make when discussing the omnivore
excuse. The problem I found though, was that the conversation would often lose focus
and become only about whether or not we are omnivores, rather than whether or not
it is morally justifiable to kill animals.
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I think often when people hear vegans say that we aren’t necessarily designed to eat
meat, it makes them think that we are deluded and ignoring basic biology and then
they struggle to see the arguments that we make as being credible. The reality is, it is
completely irrelevant if we are natural omnivores or not, it provides no moral
justification for us to exploit animals, as just because we can do something, does not
mean that it is ethical for us to do it.
Furthermore, we know that we are able to obtain energy and nutrients from plants
and as such, we are able to sustain life from plants alone. Consequently, that means
that there is no necessity for us to eat animals and because there is no necessity it
cannot be morally justified.
Ask the person, “even if we are biologically omnivores, we know that we can
survive only on plants, how do we then morally justify taking the life of an
animal if we know that it is unnecessary?”
The canine argument is definitely one of the most amusing justifications that people
try and use but before I was a vegan I remember using the canine argument myself -
and truly believing that my canines made it acceptable for me to pay for someone
else to kill an animal on my behalf.
The quickest and easiest way of debunking this argument is to point out that a
hippopotamus has the largest canines of any land animal and they are herbivorous.
Other plant-eaters with sizeable canine teeth include the gorilla, the saber-toothed
deer and camels. Our canines are not capable of tearing raw flesh or killing animals
and instead are there so that we can bite into hard, crunchy plants (like apples!).
If someone you are talking to brings up the canine teeth argument, ask them, “hippos
actually have the largest canine teeth of any land animal and they are herbivorous,
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do you truly think that canines grant us the right to pay someone else to kill an
animal on our behalf?”.
Also, just because we posses a physical ability that allow us to do something doesn’t
make that action moral. So just because we can physically put animal products in our
mouth and digest them does not therefore mean that it is an ethical thing to do. For
example I can physically clench my fist but that doesn’t mean that I am morally
justified to then punch someone.
Ask the person using this excuse, “do you think that because we posses a physical
If they say yes you could then ask, “I can physically clench my st, does that mean
I think it’s also important to look at and know why there is an argument that we are
not natural omnivores because it does sometimes come up and it is important to
The most important points that crop up are that our teeth are flat and blunt and are
capable of moving side to side, as a natural herbivores are. Our stomachs have
weak hydrochloric acid in them, compared to natural meat eaters who have strong
hydrochloric acid and our intestines are the same length and shape as a
That’s not to say that we can’t eat meat, we of course we can. However, many
herbivores can eat meat, such as hippos, who are herbivorous but have been
documented opportunistically eating carrion. Humans could well be opportunistic
28 https://medium.com/four-pursuits-ventures/human-have-evolved-to-eat-plants-6f492d78f605
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omnivores as well, meaning that we thrive on plants but have the ability to consume
and digest flesh as well. This would seem to fit with the diets of early humans as well,
who would often eat the remains of animals that had been killed predators.
Also, if we were biologically driven animal killers we would be able to kill animals
with ease, but the reality is, if we were given a pig that we had to kill using only our
hands and teeth, at best we’d probably give the pig a tickle. Not to mention that
very few of us would actually want to kill the animal in the first place, let alone have
an innate drive to do so. But let’s say we did manage to kill the pig, how would we
then butcher the pig and eat them? With our canines?
What about the organs, like the intestines and brains, the cartilage, the tendons and
ligaments? As a natural animal eater we wouldn’t be picky about the bits of the
animal that we ate, the whole animal would look appetising to us. Yet how often do
we see stories in the newspaper of the shocking revelation that a piece of brain was
found in a KFC bucket? It’s like for that split second the illusion that meat doesn’t
come from a living, breathing, feeling animal is shattered and people are forced to
confront the abject reality of where their food comes from.
True animal eaters don’t find the body parts of the animals they are eating abject,
they see the body parts as food - and aren’t repulsed by the gore. We actively avoid
watching slaughterhouse footage because it's upsetting and even puts us off eating
Let’s consider this, if you were locked in a room with a live chicken and an apple you
would always eat the apple first. Because when we see a living being we don’t feel
hungry, we don’t want to ravage animals and tear them apart - but when we see an
apple we do feel hungry.
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First and foremost, in no religious doctrine does a God say that we have to eat
animals, he says we can if we need to but not that we have to. This means that
religion still doesn’t provide a necessity for us to exploit animals and as such it still
remains unnecessary and therefore impossible to morally justify.
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A question I like to ask people who mention religion is, “if we don’t have to kill
God’s creatures - do you not think a kind, compassionate, benevolent God would
rather that we didn’t?”
I will often say, “when Jesus was alive there was not the abundance of foods that we
have now and it is plausible that Jesus would have had to eat animals to survive.
However, we have progressed so much as a society that there is no longer a
necessity, so do you not think that in the eyes of an all loving God, he would prefer it
if we didn’t kill his creatures if we don’t have to to survive?”
Using a religious belief to justify killing animals is exactly the same as using a
religious belief to oppress LGBTQ+ communities. In fact, if the logic, “my religion
says I can eat animals” makes eating animals moral, then by default the argument
“my religion says it’s okay to treat those of a different sexual orientation as less than
me” must also make oppressing LGBTQ+ communities moral. But of course, this isn’t
acceptable at all.
I personally don’t think God would be happy with what we are doing to his creatures
and the planet that he made for us. Could you imagine if you had a piece of wood
and you thought, “you know what, I’m going to make my friend a lovely table out of
this, they would really like that.” For the sake of argument let’s pretend that you spent
6 days making this table for your friend, and on the 6th day you looked at all you
had made and it was perfect.
So you give your friend the table and they claim to be so appreciative, they even
say, “thank you so much, you have given me this table and I will forever be grateful
to you!” But then, right in front of your eyes, they take a sledgehammer and start
destroying it. Would you be happy about that? Essentially this is what we are doing
to God with the Earth.
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We claim to be incredibly grateful for the planet and all of the life that he has
created, yet we are destroying everything he made for us right in front of him. He
created non-human animals and we say thank you to him by driving them to
extinction and killing them by the trillions. We have even genetically modified his
creatures, in essence playing God ourselves, because the creatures he created for us
weren’t suitable for what we wanted from them. Furthermore, we go against God’s
wishes by taking the milk from mothers that he designed specifically for their
In what reality would a God be happy that we forcibly impregnate his creatures and
take their babies away from them just so that we can take something that he didn’t
design for us in the first place? In what reality do we think that a God would be
happy about us murdering his creatures when it serves absolutely no necessity? How
can a God be pleased with us destroying the beautiful rainforests that he spent time
creating, just so we can produce more cattle that we then needlessly slaughter?
Why would a God create such an intricate marine eco-system, where each species of
fish is able to live amongst such a vast and extraordinary environment, but then be
happy to watch us destroy it right in front of him? In 50 years we have decimated
shark, dolphin and whale populations and in the past 40 years we have wiped out
50% of all wildlife on this planet.29
Now one of the main issues with using religion as a justification for anything really,
is that religious texts are often very ambiguous and of course open to interpretation,
this is partly the reason why some Christians believe it is a sin to be gay, whereas
others don’t. This same ambiguity can also be seen when turning to the Bible for
moral guidance on whether or not we should eat animal products.
29 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/29/earth-lost-50-wildlife-in-40-years-wwf
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One of the main passages that people use from the Bible to justify eating animals is
“every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the
green planet.” But this is often taken out of context as the passage goes on to read
“only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood”.
Furthermore, in Genesis, the Bible states: "And to every beast of the earth, and to
every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has
the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.”
Amos 6:4-7 states: “Woe to those who stretch themselves upon their couches and eat
lambs from the flock and calves from the midst of the stall. They shall be the first to be
Furthermore, Ecclesiastes 3:19 states: “For what happens to people also happens to
animals—a single event happens to them: just as someone dies, so does the other. In
fact, they all breathe the same way, so that a human being has no superiority over
an animal.”
There are a multitude of passages from the Bible and indeed in the teachings of all
the mainstream religions that further reinforce the idea that no religion mandates the
consumption or exploitation of animals.
Sometimes one of the simplest questions to ask someone who is using religion as an
argument is, “do slaughterhouses look like the work of Jesus or the Devil?”.
Hell is described as a place of eternal suffering, torment and pain and yet all you
have to do is watch slaughterhouse footage to see that they too are places of eternal
suffering, torment and pain. For the animals, a slaughterhouse is Hell and no
benevolent God or prophet could ever condone what happens inside them.
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A question that I often ask to Christians is, “if Jesus and the Devil were locked in a
room with a baby lamb, which one would kill the lamb?”
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First of all let’s address the friends part of this excuse. At no point should friends stop
anyone from following their morals and becoming vegan.
However, it is important to also note that peer pressure is an incredibly difficult thing
to deal with, especially when someone is being mocked or laughed at. What’s so
important to realise though, is nobody should ever let the opinions of others stop
them from following what they know to be right. I think what makes the friends
situation particularly hard is that so many social interactions either revolve around
food or at
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least involve food and as such, people don’t want to isolate themselves from their
friends by avoiding situations that involve food.
Fortunately, this situation is getting easier all the time as more and more places are
introducing vegan options and vegan menus, and the concept of veganism is
becoming increasingly normalised. There is also a huge community of vegans both
online and offline and if you, or if someone you’re talking to is struggling with their
non-vegan friends, or wants to go vegan but is worried about their friends,
encourage them to join online vegan groups or to go to vegan meet ups where they
can meet likeminded people. It’s important to create healthy boundaries with non-
vegan friends if you feel they are projecting negativity onto you. Often people can
find it very confronting when someone in their life goes vegan, as they are suddenly
faced with questions around the morality of their own purchases. Sadly, this can
sometimes bring out unpleasant responses in people, such as teasing or belittling.
Sometimes it’s helpful to simply say “I’ll discuss this with you another time when it’s
not so heated.” Or, “why do you think my veganism brings up this reaction?” This is
easier said than done, of course.
So let’s now turn our attention to the family aspect of this excuse. If I had wanted to
become a vegan when I still lived at home with my parents it would have been an
incredibly difficult time for me to do so. My family, as much as they have no
objections to me being vegan apart from the stereotypical worries about my health,
have not amused the idea of becoming vegans themselves for many of the reasons
this e-book has covered.
In regards to people being concerned about their family members questioning their
veganism or mocking their ethical choices, I can very much understand how this can
be extremely difficult.
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If you, or someone you’re talking to about this issue, doesn’t live at home anymore,
then of course their family questioning their desire to become vegan shouldn’t stop
them from becoming vegan. However, if the person still lives at home it can make
going vegan a lot more difficult than it would be otherwise.
Try and encourage family members to look at why it is that you want to go vegan,
perhaps ask them if they can watch a documentary with you, or some YouTube
videos. You could cook for your family in order to show them that vegan food is
delicious, affordable, accessible and healthy.
I think a lot of the time parents and family just don’t understand veganism or why
someone would want to go vegan, so it’s important to try and provide an opportunity
for them to learn all about it. I think with family, it’s sometimes hard for parents
especially to hear that their child wants to go vegan for ethical reasons. In a way,
you’re inadvertently telling your parents that they raised you in an immoral way by
feeding you animal products, and that can be quite difficult to process.
Sadly, talking to family about veganism can be the most challenging of all vegan
conversations, so it’s also important to talk to other people about veganism as well.
Many people will be more receptive than our families, which is one of the reasons as
to why activism can be so rewarding, especially for those of us with unreceptive
friends or family members.
Of course one person can make a difference. In fact, sometimes it only takes one
person to make a difference and to inspire a thousand minds. A movement is always
made up of individuals and it’s the cumulative effort of these individuals that creates
It really comes down to the idea of supply and demand, every time we buy a vegan
product we are changing what is being demanded and voting with our wallet for the
kind of world that we want to create. As more and more people demand vegan
options, more and more vegan options will be produced, and this is already
There is no denying that this movement is growing exponentially and this is because
thousands of individuals are looking at their own actions and making the switch to
veganism. After all, we are morally accountable for the actions that we make as
individuals and regardless of what other people are doing, we have a responsibility
to address the impact of our own actions and assess whether or not our lifestyle
choices need to be changed. By going vegan you’re fiercely stating “not in my
name” to the industries that use and kill animals.
If everyone had always had the attitude “one person can’t make a difference”, then
we would still have slavery and apartheid. It’s precisely because individuals, who at
that time represented the minority, stood up and spoke out against these injustices
that progress was made. It’s now up to us to do the same in order to save the
animals, the planet and indeed ourselves. We can all make a difference.
Thank you for coming to the end of this e-book and for spending your time learning
about these excuses and how to respond to them. I truly believe that armed with this
information you as an individual have the power to be a strong voice for the animals
and have the skills and capabilities to be an immensely powerful vegan advocate
and activist. All it takes is for you to plant a seed to change the lives of many.
Thank you again so much for reading, and I hope this e-book has been able to help