Research and Development Techniques For Earlywarning Satellite Systems Using Concurrent Engineering
Research and Development Techniques For Earlywarning Satellite Systems Using Concurrent Engineering
Research and Development Techniques For Earlywarning Satellite Systems Using Concurrent Engineering
An early-warning satellite system is a complex project that requires the participation of many aerospace academies and
scientific institutions. In terms of software programming, this study proposes a new simulation integrated management
platform for the analysis of parallel and distributed systems. The platform facilitates the design and testing of both appli-
cations and architectures. To improve the efficiency of project development, new early-warning satellite systems are
designed based on the simulation integrated management platform. In terms of project management, this study applies
concurrent engineering theory to aerospace engineering and presents a method of collaborative project management.
Finally, through a series of experiments, this study validates the simulation integrated management platform, models, and
project management method. Furthermore, the causes of deviation and prevention methods are explained in detail. The
proposed simulation platform, models, and project management method provide a foundation for further validations of
autonomous technology in space attack–defense architecture research.
early-warning satellite system, simulation integrated management platform, modeling method, collaborative project man-
agement, concurrent engineering
Xhafa et al., 2012). Most contemporary research is lim- analyze the research and development techniques of
ited to specific parts, and the literature lacks studies on early-warning satellite systems. In terms of software
the simulation of entire systems and the relations programming, we propose a new simulation integrated
among subsystems. To fill the research gaps in this management (SIM) platform, which is oriented toward
domain, we study the characteristics of an early- analyzing and studying parallel applications on distrib-
warning satellite system by employing concurrent engi- uted systems in the aerospace domain (in the present
neering for software programming and project manage- study, application to an early-warning satellite system).
ment. In this study, we lay the foundations for a real SIM has been designed to provide flexibility, accuracy,
system and follow-up development. performance, and scalability. These features make it a
The simulation of early-warning satellite systems is a powerful simulation platform for designing, testing,
complicated task. It is necessary to verify the reliability and analyzing both actual and potential architectures.
and security of the mission through a distributed simu- Simulation systems range from a single computing
lation (Cai et al., 2007). Several countries or space node to a complete high-performance distributed sys-
agencies have invested time and resources in building tem. Regarding project management, this study ana-
suitable simulation platforms in related domains lyzes the project characteristics of an early-warning
(Garrett et al., 2011). These platforms play a highly satellite system and presents a method of collaborative
important role in the ground tests. project management that combines organization, inte-
Due to the large number of domains in the field of gration, time, communication, and risk. This simula-
distributed systems, developing a universal simulator is tion platform and project management method have
impractical and unfeasible. Naturally, all researchers been applied to numerical simulations by the China
set their own objectives and requirements; therefore, Manned Space Engineering Office (Zhou, 2011).
each simulator is developed for a specific purpose The remainder of this study is structured as follows.
(Chaudron et al., 2014). As existing simulators gener- In section ‘‘Requirements,’’ specific requirements
ally do not fulfill the requirements of a new project, regarding the application, simulator, and project man-
researchers typically modify an existing simulator or agement are presented. In section ‘‘The SIM platform,’’
code a new one. However, coding a simulator anew is a the SIM platform is introduced, and its features, archi-
very complex task. tecture, operation process, and modeling specifications
Moreover, a project such as an early-warning satel- are discussed. In section ‘‘Modeling method,’’ the trans-
lite system requires the participation of many aerospace formation method of an early-warning satellite
academies and scientific institutions. It is important to system is described, from the mathematical model to
attain efficient management for such complex projects. the SIM-compatible simulation module. In section
To date, many researchers have accomplished consider- ‘‘Experimental design,’’ an experimental design to test
able work on the key technologies in the field of con- the performance of the proposed system is presented.
current engineering, and most of them have focused on Section ‘‘Collaborative project management’’ intro-
collaboration and team work (Aleisa et al., 2011; duces the collaborative project management approach
Cosxkun et al., 2016; Prasad, 1999). Some researchers in terms of organization, integration, time, communica-
have applied concurrent engineering technology to tion, and risk. In section ‘‘Main results and analysis,’’
aerospace engineering. For example, Ahmed et al. the experimental results and analysis are presented.
(2013) presented a transformation process toward lean Finally, in section ‘‘Conclusion and future work,’’ the
product development in the aerospace industry, and conclusions to this study and ideas for future work are
Gabriel et al. (2012) examined particular issues associ- discussed.
ated with the application of contingencies and margins
in the concurrent engineering environment with consid-
eration of resource management techniques and stan-
dards in the aerospace industry. Imbert and Li (2010) We analyze the requirements of early-warning satellite
proposed a new approach for product development in systems in terms of the simulation platform, modeling,
the spacecraft production industry using aerospace and project management. This facilitates the identifica-
concurrent engineering, with the primary focus on the tion of specific follow-up tasks.
technology itself, its optimal design, and environment
impact. These research results provide important theo-
retical support for the development, management, and Simulation platform requirements
production of complex engineering systems, particu- Considering the common problems of simulation plat-
larly for aerospace engineering projects. forms for different types of aerospace missions, it is
In this study, concurrent engineering is combined necessary to understand the structure of a new platform
with modern advanced simulation technology to and the relationship among function layers prior to the
Sun et al. 217
satellite systems. Standardization emphasizes the speci- configuration of connections among models, and deter-
ficity among functional layers and is the criterion for mination of model attributes. This module establishes a
platform–platform and platform–model connections. communication bridge between the user and the simu-
Scalability requires the SIM platform to cooperate with lation system. A good user interface creates a pleasant
other simulation tools by performing different roles. user experience and simplifies the entire process of
There are two main scenarios: integrating an external simulation experiments. Note that a layered design the-
simulator within SIM and integrating the SIM frame- ory is also used for the experiment management, with
work within another simulator. Figure 1 shows the glo- models and model connections separated to increase
bal architecture of SIM. the flexibility of the test design and the reusability of
The SIM platform integrates the management of the the models.
models, experiments, distribution, operations, data, The idea of ‘‘distributed calculation, concentrated
and nodes. Model management can unify different management’’ has been adopted for the distribution
types of models by conducting operations using entire management. Thus, each model and its parameters are
models or by amending the information of a single distributed to each node based on the simulation sce-
model. The design of module is based on a layered narios. The user can either operate the models on the
design theory that separates the platform from the node or operate the models remotely through the com-
models, model description, and model realization; this puter itself. Related information is presented on the test
is convenient for modeling, experiment designs, and the interface.
subsequent construction of a simulation system. The operation management considers the responsi-
Experiment management is mainly applied for the bility of driving different types of models and distribu-
assembly of models using visualization software, ted scheduling. Moreover, operation management can
Sun et al. 219
be employed to monitor the state of a node and save Simulation. Users operate the distribution management
data at a breakpoint. tool to obtain the scenario file from the simulation sce-
Data management is deployed on the management nario library. The scenario file contains model informa-
node and is responsible for collecting simulation data tion, distribution information, and so on. The node
from the computing nodes and displaying them in the management tool participates in the distribution pro-
form of a diagram or report. Data management cess. The operation management tool is applied to
requires a real-time data display and centralized data drive the model on each node, with the cooperation of
processing. the node management tool. The distribution manage-
Node management is applied on each computing ment tool and the operation management tool are
node to guard the node, conduct the model scheduling, assisted by the distribution middleware.
and report the node’s state. Such functions are con-
ducted in cooperation with the management node. Evaluation. The data management tool obtains the
model output from each node and can save data at
breakpoints during model operation. In addition, it
Operation process can collect results from all nodes at the end of the
The SIM platform combines the functions of modeling, experiment. All data are saved to the experiment
simulation, and evaluation. The application of the SIM database.
platform is now described according to the aforemen-
tioned functions. The relationships within the organiza-
Modeling specifications
tional structure are shown in Figure 2.
Currently, the SIM platform can drive three types of
models, hereafter referred to as Models A, B, and C.
Modeling. Users apply the model development tool to Model A is a type of simulation subsystem software
create a model program framework. The core algo- that can independently operate in a Windows environ-
rithm of the model design can be found in the model ment. It exists in the form of an executable program
algorithm library, and a debugging environment is pro- (.exe). The connections of Model A include basic model
vided alongside a model debugging tool. The model is information, initial parameters, inputs, outputs, and
then stored in the library by means of the model man- specific files related to the executable program. SIM
agement tool. drives Model A by means of memory mapping. The file
According to the simulation requirements, specific mapping of the memory, which is assigned based on the
models can be selected from the aerospace model model name, responds to control commands to com-
library. After the visual assembly and configuration of plete the model initialization, operation, stopping, time-
the parameters according to the aerospace parameter hopping, and data recycling, among other functions.
library, an experimental scenario file is output and Model B exists in the form of a dynamic link library
saved to the scenario simulation library. (.dll), which is mainly composed of three special
220 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 26(3)
observations using target orbital information. To simu- can draw specific significant conclusions that could be
late an actual disturbance, a random error is added to useful in future modeling studies. Moreover, the experi-
the observational parameters. mental results provide baselines for estimating the
The MisTrajDetermine module aims to mitigate validity of the platform and the models.
the effects of the observational random error in We conducted a series of tests on the early-warning
order to determine the target. It consists of the satellite system. These tests focused on the satellite con-
CMisTraj Determine_init, CMisTrajDetermine_sim, stellation module, sensor detection module, orbital
and CMis TrajDetermine_end functions. The CMisTraj determination module, and key-point estimation mod-
Determine_sim function is encapsulated by two orbital ule. The orbital data of the target were calculated via
determination methods for single/dual satellite detec- the STK software. The results were then fed into the
tion; these include specific filtering algorithms. sensor detection module as input from a data file.
The MisKeyPointEst module includes the CMisKey After adding the models into the model base as
PointEst_init, CMisKeyPointEst_sim, and CMisKey planned, we designed experiments using the experiment
PointEst_end functions. This module is mainly used to management tool of the SIM platform. Note that the
calculate the target launch/landing location using the interface between the modules must be matched cor-
estimated target orbital parameters. Thus, the SIM rectly. In the event of a data type mismatch, SIM will
platform executes model management, experiment issue a warning regarding the nature of the error.
management, distribution management, operation Before the final experiment, we needed to test each
management, data management, and node manage- module independently to ensure the validity of the mod-
ment functions. els. The SIM debugging tool helped us to complete this
task, shortening the model development period, and
making the process more pleasant. Figure 5 shows the
Experimental design interface of the experimental design tool.
Testing is highly important in the verification of simula- The main aim of the testing is to solve the problem
tion platforms. By analyzing the results of experiments, of top-level and subsystem design based on the project
the advantages and disadvantages of the platform and requirements. The purpose of the testing is divided into
the models can be identified. Regarding the models, we four levels: (1) help experts work out the preliminary
222 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 26(3)
overall plan and technical indicators; (2) provide sup- suitability of the technical requirements and preci-
port for the joint simulation, and verify the interface sion index.
correctness and compatibility of the subsystems; (3) lay
the foundation for BMDS and subsequent operational
missions; and (4) make preparations for technical inno-
Collaborative project management
vation and mission evaluation. An early-warning satellite system requires the participa-
The test procedure includes a monitoring strategy tion of many aerospace academies and scientific institu-
analysis, normal operational process simulation, emer- tions. It is important to achieve reasonable and efficient
gency simulation, and other thematic simulations: management for such a complex project. This section
mainly discusses the management of the organization,
1. Monitoring strategy analysis. Analyze the structure integration, time, communication, and risk.
and deployment of the early-warning satellite con-
stellation, analyze the space coverage ability of the
constellation, and analyze the observation and
Organization management
scheduling strategy of the constellation with respect As shown in Figure 6, China Aerospace Science and
to the multiple targets. Industry Corp. (CASIC) plays the role of project mas-
2. Normal operational process simulation. Verify the ter for the overall design. The expert team is mainly in
monitoring strategy, correctness of the interface charge of the design, decision, and evaluation.
between subsystems, and convergence of each flight Moreover, the project team concentrates on the practi-
phase and control command. The test period cov- cal implementation. The early-warning satellite system
ers the entire mission process. can be divided into five subsystems: HEO satellite sys-
3. Emergency simulation. Research the influence of tem, LEO satellite system, space-borne sensor system,
satellite voidness and measurements regarding the telemetry track and command system, and ground con-
sudden emergence of new targets. trol system. The relationship between CASIC and the
4. Other thematic simulations. Improve the precision other teams relies on information feedback and mission
of short-arc orbital determination based on assignment. Moreover, the relationship between the
the data fusion of ground-based, sea-based, and expert team and project team relies on information
air-based systems. Verify the correction and feedback and project review.
Sun et al. 223
Time management
Figure 8 shows the execution process of the plan. The
dynamic management and project assessment should
be strengthened in terms of the overall plan, stage
division, technical program, technical economics,
development process, major experiment items, and
design. Potential risks and technical difficulties within
the project organization and implementation must be
considered before the formation of the project plan.
Figure 6. Organizational structure of project The project must proceed according to the plan after
clearing the main mission nodes, risk, quality control
level, and other detailed requirements. Furthermore,
Integration management suggestions from the research and development units
The main processes in this project are the execution and are also important and must be taken into full
control of the simulation. The integration management consideration.
Communication management
To ensure that the schedule is implemented at all levels,
a detailed reporting and meeting system, such as weekly
scheduling, thematic scheduling, quality analysis, and
reviews, is established according to the responsibilities
and working characteristics of each project team. Each
week, the expert team should make a detailed assess-
ment on the progress of the entire project and solve
existing problems. The process of communication man-
agement is shown in Figure 9.
Risk management
The process of risk management is shown in Figure 10.
The system consists of three submodules, namely risk
identification, risk analysis, and risk treatment
The risk identification module mainly identifies the Figure 9. Process of communication management.
project risk by analyzing the project characteristics and
the risk case statistics of the early-warning satellite sys- In the third part, the subject of deviation analysis is dis-
tem. Finally, the risk classification and index system of cussed. This section presents several meaningful conclu-
the entire project are established. sions on the early-warning satellite system.
The risk analysis module mainly evaluates the over-
all project risk. This module provides a comprehensive
risk evaluation in terms of cost, schedule, and Monitoring of real-time operating results using the
performance. SIM platform
The risk treatment module mainly compares the A number of important model outputs were monitored
result of the risk analysis module with the preset risk and controlled. Figures 11 and 12 present the real-time
level. If the preset risk level has not been exceeded, the estimations of the launch point and landing point,
project will continue. Otherwise, effective measures which were obtained from the key-point estimation
must be taken to reduce the risk, and it will be neces- model. The launch point estimation maintains a high
sary to return to the second module to re-evaluate the precision at the start of the simulation. The estima-
risk until the end of the project. tion results vary within a small interval around the
true value (latitude/longitude is –39.696°/100.266°).
However, the estimation of the landing point displays
Main results and analysis
the opposite trend. As the number of sampling points
This section consists of three parts. The first deals with increases, the landing point estimation becomes more
the monitoring of the runtime results using the accurate. The results then converge and approach the
SIM.Data software as a data management tool within actual value (latitude/longitude is –56.464°/–13.346°).
the SIM platform. The second part concerns the post- The final estimation of the launch/landing points has
processing of the experimental data within MATLAB. a small deviation from the actual values.
Sun et al. 225
Figure 11. Launch point estimation (from the key-point estimation model).
226 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 26(3)
Figure 12. Landing point estimation (from the key-point estimation model).
landing point estimation. The target state error at the In addition, SIM provides several modules for the simu-
burnout point is affected by the determination of the lation of different components and modeling strategies.
burnout point and the state estimation itself. Furthermore, the system uses a standardized interface
Model error. For the extra-atmospheric flight phase, that allows the implementation of new modules.
the model achieves high precision. However, for the re- A series of models for early-warning satellite systems
entry phase, the uncertainty in the aerodynamic coeffi- was developed. Relative mathematical models were
cient of the missile and inaccuracy of the atmospheric designed and simulation modules were configured and
model makes it difficult to improve the accuracy of the executed in SIM. Our platform produced very satisfac-
landing point estimation. tory results in terms of accuracy and performance.
Height error of landing point. Assuming that that the Finally, the experimental results were post-processed in
earth is a standard ellipsoid, we can obtain the landing MATLAB. Through a systematic analysis of the experi-
point at which the target orbit intersects with the earth. mental results, we comprehensively investigated the
The difference between the actual terrain elevation and deviations in the data and proposed reasonable model
the earth ellipsoid model will result in an error in the improvements.
landing point estimation. Due to the steepness and In terms of project management, this study analyzed
transience of the re-entry phase, this error can be the project characteristics of early-warning satellite sys-
ignored. Moreover, we can utilize global elevation tems and presented a method of collaborative
information to satisfy the accuracy requirements and project management covering organization, integration,
improve the precision of the landing point estimation. time, communication, and risk. The method provides a
solid guarantee of successful project completion.
Furthermore, it forms a management basis for other
Conclusion and future work complex aerospace projects.
In this study, concurrent engineering has been com- Based on the results of this study, we plan to
bined with modern advanced simulation technology to upgrade the SIM platform from the engineering level
analyze the research and development techniques used to the engagement level; SIM will become an excellent
in early-warning satellite systems. In terms of software simulation platform, with sufficient versatility and flex-
programming, this study has presented a modeling and ibility for aerospace systems engineering. From the per-
simulation platform for investigating the complicated spective of modeling development, a method for the
applications of aerospace engineering systems. The pro- precise modeling of early-warning satellite systems is
posed SIM platform facilitates the design and testing greatly required. Modeling of space attack–defense
process of both applications and architectures. architecture will be promoted as the foundation of
SIM has a modular design in which the main compo- national security strategies. Project management will be
nents are the basic systems of distributed architecture, appended by investigating a reward and punishment
such as computing, memory, storage, and network mechanism. Ideas such as the dedication of team mem-
components. This design follows a hierarchical philoso- bers and load balancing across teams are other poten-
phy, with basic modules grouped into larger modules. tial research pathways.
228 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 26(3)
Declaration of conflicting interests Li YJ, Zhao SH and Wu JL (2016) A general evaluation cri-
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Funding Maier AM, Kreimeyer M, Hepperle C, et al. (2008) Explora-
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, tion of correlations between factors influencing communi-
authorship, and/or publication of this article. cation in complex product development. Concurrent
Engineering: Research and Applications 16(1): 37–59.
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Appendix 1 introduces the model template as a supple-
Garrett RK, Anderson S, Baron NT, et al. (2011) Managing ment to section ‘‘Modeling specifications.’’ Listings 1 to
the interstitials: a system of systems framework suited for 3 present the code framework of Model B. Listing 4
the ballistic missile defense system. Systems Engineering presents the architecture of the callback function.
14(1): 87–109. Currently, the SIM platform can drive three types of
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1. The SIM platform drives Model A without the
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assistance of model-driven software, whereas
Imbert M and Li X (2010) Aerospace concurrent engineering: Models B/C require the assistance of model-driven
a modern global approach. International Conference on software. The model-driven software is SIM.Dll
Space Information Technology 7651(1): 1–13. Drive/SIM.MatlabDrive, respectively. We have
Li XR and Jilkov VP (2010) Survey of maneuvering target independently developed these two model-driven
tracking. Part II: motion models of ballistic and space tar- software programs.
gets. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Sys- 2. In the programming phase, Models A and B
tems 46(1): 96–119. require fixed program templates. Users need only
Sun et al. 229
fill in the corresponding position in the template Therefore, Listings 1 to 3 show the template for
with their own core code. Model C is a MATLAB Model B. We packaged a dynamic link library with a
script with no fixed C++ program template. We fixed program template to restrain the initialization,
need to solve the problem of C++ /MATLAB running, and post-processing functions. Listing 4 is the
mixed programming to drive Model C. template for Model A and represents a core function of
230 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 26(3)
model-driven software, herein referred to as SIM. from the SIM platform with the callback function, and
DllDrive/SIM.MatlabDrive. The main design idea of realize model-driven functionality. The model-driven
SIM.DllDrive/SIM.MatlabDrive is to parse the model software is like a bridge connecting the model with the
program information of Models B/C, execute orders SIM platform.
Author biographies
Fuyu Sun is studying for his PhD in the College of Aerospace Science and Engineering at the
National University of Defense Technology. His current research focuses on aerospace orbital
dynamics and control, as well as attack and defense system simulation.
Hua Wang is an associate professor in the College of Aerospace Science and Engineering at the
National University of Defense Technology. His current research focuses on aerospace systems
Jianping Zhou is an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He has been serving as
chief commander and chief designer of China’s manned space flight projects. He is also the director
of the Chinese Society of Astronautics.