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American Journal of Botany 94(9): 1479–1490. 2007.





Department of Geography, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602 USA; 3Department of Plant Biology and Genetics,
Athens, Georgia 30602 USA; 4Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Arizona 85008 USA;
Department of Plant Biology and the Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602 USA; and
Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190 USA

Pre-Columbian farmers cultivated several species of agave in central Arizona from ca. A.D. 600–1350. Because of the
longevity and primarily asexual reproduction of these species, relict agave clones remain in the landscape and provide insights
into pre-Columbian agricultural practices. We analyzed variation in allozyme allele frequencies to infer genetic effects of
prehistoric cultivation on Agave murpheyi and A. delamateri, specifically to estimate genetic diversity and structure, to determine
whether cultivated populations descended from a single clone, and to examine regional-scale genetic variation. Agave murpheyi
maintained more genetic diversity at the species and population levels than A. delamateri, and A. murpheyi populations typically
included more multilocus genotypes. Relict plants from prehistoric fields reflect a more complex history than descent from a
single clone; A. murpheyi populations may have included more diversity initially because bulbils (produced routinely in A.
murpheyi but not A. delamateri) and possibly seed would have facilitated transport of genetically diverse planting stock. Genetic
variation in both cultigens was lower than in most contemporary commercial crops but similar to that observed in modern
traditional agricultural systems.

Key words: Agavaceae; agave cultivation; Agave delamateri; Agave murpheyi; pre-Columbian agriculture; Sonoran Desert.

The genus Agave is a group of succulent plants that have features that often accompany agave cultivation in the northern
been important sources of food and fiber for humans in Sonoran Desert had been described and mapped by archaeol-
Mesoamerica since at least 9000 BP. (Callen, 1965; Gentry, ogists (e.g., Gumerman et al., 1975) for at least a decade
1982). Uses of agave in this region and farther north during before they were linked to agave cultivation (Hodgson,
pre-Columbian and historic times include fiber, paper, soaps, 2001a). The first conclusive evidence of pre-Columbian agave
shampoos, medicines, armed fences, fermented beverages, and cultivation in Arizona came with reports of abundant agave
food from the starchy meristem, flowers, or young inflores- remains found at archaeological sites (Miksicek, 1984),
cence (Castetter et al., 1938; Gentry, 1982; Hodgson, 2001a). coupled with reports of tools, rock piles, and other structures
Agave likely played an important role in the early development indicative of agave cultivation and processing (Fish et al.,
of agriculture in Mesoamerica (Gentry, 1982). Many agave 1985). Since then, at least 556 agave cultivation sites have
species reproduce vegetatively, which allowed offsets to be been documented in central Arizona, mostly dating from the
collected easily from the wild and transplanted to sites near Classic period (A.D. 1150–1450) of the Hohokam culture
villages, with a higher survival than plants started from seed (Fish, 2000). Evidence now exists for pre-Columbian
(Sauer, 1972; Arizaga and Ezcurra, 2002). In pre-Columbian cultivation of at least four agave species in Arizona (Minnis
agricultural communities, agave was often planted in marginal and Plog, 1976; Gentry, 1982; Hodgson and Slauson, 1995;
fields to supplement annual crops grown under irrigation and to Hodgson, 2001b), and several unclassified putative hybrids.
provide food in adverse years (Fish, 2000). Three species (A. murpheyi Gibson, A. delamateri Hodgson
Although its ethnobotanical importance in Mesoamerica had and Slauson, and A. phillipsiana Hodgson) exist only in
long been recognized, agave was originally considered to be of association with archaeological sites and are, therefore,
minor importance to indigenous peoples north of the modern considered to be cultigens.
international border. Minnis and Plog (1976) attributed the Genetic comparisons between cultivated plant populations
western part of the modern range in Arizona of Agave parryi and closely related wild populations have been used to address
Engelm to pre-Columbian anthropogenic range expansion, several evolutionary concerns, including identification of wild
although they were uncertain whether the agave in their study progenitors of individual crops (Doebley, 1989, 1992) and
determination of the number of independent domestication
sites resulted from cultivation or merely disposal of unused
events within individual cultigens (e.g., European potatoes
plants gathered from wild populations. Water-manipulation
[Hosaka and Hanneman, 1988], sunflower [Rieseberg and
Seiler, 1990], maize [Doebley, 1990], lima beans [Salgado et
Manuscript received 28 August 2006; revision accepted 3 July 2007. al., 1995]). The vast majority of research that has examined the
The authors thank C. Deen and the Hamrick lab personnel for laboratory relationship between cultivated and wild populations has
assistance; J. Clark, S. Fish, P. Fish, and P. Lyons for valuable discussions
about the archaeological context; S. Markwith and R. Rodgers for help
focused on modern crops that are part of either commercial
with calculation of interpopulation distances; T. Jordan for assistance with or traditional agricultural systems. Although many cultigens
ArcView; K. Haag from Research Media at the University of Georgia for were domesticated in prehistoric times, they have continued to
figure drafting; and the National Science Foundation for financial support evolve over subsequent millennia as cultures have developed
(#BCS-0216832). and human selective pressures have changed. Consequently,

Fig. 1. Location of the Agave murpheyi and A. delamateri study populations in central Arizona.

little opportunity exists to examine the effects of cultivation from dwellings, where rockpile complexes were assembled to
within a prehistoric cultural context, and this represents a increase soil moisture levels around individual plants. Fish and
virtually unexplored area of crop evolution. Widespread others (Bohrer, 1991; Fish et al., 1992) suggested that A.
demographic change in the northern Sonoran Desert after ca. murpheyi was likely the primary agave species cultivated in the
A.D. 1450, followed by the absence of agrarian cultures from southern part of the Hohokam region. Altogether, A. murpheyi
parts of this area until after European contact, left many is known from more than 59 sites—at least 52 are pre-
prehistorically cultivated agave populations untended. Because Columbian sites in southern Arizona, with the remainder in
of their predominantly vegetative reproduction, many popula- northern Sonora (Fig. 1; Hodgson, unpublished manuscript).
tions still exist in the modern landscape. These relicts of pre- More recently, A. delamateri was discovered in association
Columbian agave cultivation in the northern Sonoran Desert with Hohokam and Salado settlements farther north in Arizona
give us a narrow window into the past. Although potentially and described as a new species (Hodgson and Slauson, 1995).
affected by differential survival over the intervening centuries, Since its discovery, at least 90 A. delamateri sites have been
they have likely experienced only minimal alteration through located, with most in the Tonto Basin (Fig. 1). On the basis of
continuing human selection. The information they provide limited allozyme analyses, Nabhan (1992) and Hodgson
about the genetic effects of prehistoric agave cultivation in the (unpublished manuscript) speculated that A. murpheyi and A.
northern Sonoran Desert is the focus of this paper. delamateri populations still in existence are genetic clones of
Many archaeological sites with evidence of agave cultivation the original individuals cultivated in this area, although sample
are located in the Phoenix, Tonto, and Tucson Basins, areas sizes and the number of allozyme loci resolved were too small
associated with the Hohokam culture from ca. A.D. 1 until to address this issue conclusively (R. J. Hickey, Miami
1450, when widespread abandonment occurred. Although University, personal communication).
agave was cultivated in this area as early as A.D. 600, large- The objective of this research was to examine the effects of
scale cultivation did not occur until 950-1150 (Gasser and pre-Columbian cultivation on patterns of genetic variation in
Kwiatkowski, 1991; Fish, 2000; Clark and Vint, 2004), a time relict agave populations in central Arizona. Specifically we
of significant cultural variation within the region inhabited by asked (1) What levels of genetic diversity characterize A.
the Hohokam (Doelle and Wallace, 1991). Agave cultivation murpheyi and A. delamateri and how is genetic diversity
permitted land that was suboptimal for other crops to be partitioned within these two species? (2) Based on patterns of
brought into production (Fish et al., 1985). Agave was allozyme variation evident in A. murpheyi and A. delamateri,
cultivated along streams near dwellings in some areas. In was each species introduced into the region from only a single
other areas, large fields were located on bajadas some distance clone, or alternatively, was the origin of populations in central

Arizona more complex? (3) Are geographic contrasts in genetic each rosette present. In larger populations (i.e., up to 70 ramets), we limited our
patterns between the Phoenix and Tonto Basins evident for the sample to ;48 ramets, with individuals selected broadly across the population.
We recorded cluster membership of the ramets based on inter-ramet distance
two agave cultigens? (within ca. 1 m) because underground rhizomes connecting parent plants with
basal suckers were not visible. UTM coordinates and elevation of each
population were recorded with a global positioning system (GPS, Garmin,
MATERIALS AND METHODS Olathe, KS) unit. Samples consisted of a leaf tip from the inner (i.e., younger)
part of the rosette. Samples were transported at room temperature to the
Study area—Our analyses focused on the northern Sonoran Desert, where University of Georgia within 5 d and stored at 48C until protein extraction.
we sampled agave populations primarily in the Phoenix and Tonto basins, with
two additional populations in the Verde Valley (Fig. 1). Central Arizona Laboratory procedures—Tissue 5 mm distant from the original leaf cut
constituted our focal area for several reasons: the Phoenix and Tonto basins are was crushed in liquid nitrogen with a mortar and pestle. A potassium phosphate
relatively well studied archaeologically, they still support numerous popula- buffer (Mitton et al., 1979) was used to extract proteins, which were adsorbed
tions of both Agave murpheyi and A. delamateri, and they differ in their onto filter paper wicks and stored at 708C.
physical and pre-Columbian cultural environments (Cordell et al., 1994). Starch-gel electrophoresis was used to determine allozyme variation. Four
Although the seminal work on agave cultivation in this region was done in the electrode buffer systems and 14 enzyme systems were used to resolve 27 loci
Tucson Basin (Miksicek, 1984; Fish et al., 1985), few agave populations still on 10% starch gels: (1) system 6: alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), colorimetric
exist there; consequently, we focused on areas farther north. esterase (CE), tetrazolium oxidase (TO), and acid phosphatase (ACP); (2)
Relict A. murpheyi and A. delamateri populations occur in different habitats system 7: aspartate aminotransferase (AAT); (3) system 8: fluorescent esterase
and were evidently associated with different cultivation practices. Throughout (FE), diaphorase (DIA), and menadione reductase (MNR); and (4) system 11:
most of its range, A. murpheyi occurs at 410–900 m a.s.l. within the Lower isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), shikimate dehydrogenase (SKDH), 6-phos-
Colorado River Valley and lower elevations of the Arizona Upland, typically phogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD), phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI), phos-
on floodplains, flat benches, and lower alluvial fan surfaces where the phoglucomutase (PGM), and malate dehydrogenase (MDH; Sherman-Broyles
Hohokam constructed runoff collection features to enhance soil moisture et al., 1992). Recipes were modified from Cheliak and Pitel (1984a) for DIA,
(Hodgson, unpublished manuscript). In contrast, A. delamateri occurs mainly in and Soltis et al. (1983) for other stains and buffers.
the Arizona Upland from 725-1554 m a.s.l. on sites dominated by both Arizona
Upland and Interior Chaparral floral elements (Hodgson, unpublished Statistical analyses—Five standard measures of genetic diversity were
manuscript). Unlike A. murpheyi, A. delamateri was typically grown on calculated for each population and for each species: percentage of polymorphic
alluvial terraces without water-augmenting features, often on sites overlooking loci (P), mean number of alleles per locus (A) and per polymorphic locus (AP),
irrigated crops cultivated on the floodplain (Hodgson and Slauson, 1995). Soils the effective number of alleles per locus (Ae), and the expected heterozygosity
on these sites are typically deep, gravelly, and well drained. Several A. (He; Hamrick et al., 1979). Additional subscripts indicate whether these
murpheyi populations at the northern range limits of the species occur in measures pertain to the population (p) or species (s) level. A locus was
habitats that are similar to those inhabited by A. delamateri. These populations considered polymorphic if a second allele was evident (in effect, with a
were apparently associated with cultivation practices more typical of A. frequency . 0.01). Population-level values for these indices were calculated for
delamateri, although Hodgson (unpublished manuscript) called for further each population, then averaged over all populations within species. Because
comparative study of A. murpheyi cultivation in these two habitats. one A. delamateri population (SCG) had unusual allele frequencies for several
loci, this population was omitted from the sample and species- and population-
Study species—Both Agave murpheyi and A. delamateri are members of level indices were recalculated. Both sets of values are reported.
the Ditepalae group of Agave (Gentry, 1982; Hodgson and Slauson, 1995), Multilocus genotype frequencies were tabulated for each population, and the
which comprises 10 species that were cultivated either historically or multilocus genotype diversity (D) was calculated as D ¼ 1  R f[ni(ni  1)]/
prehistorically. All are monocarpic perennial rosettes that take at least 8–20 [N(N  1)]g, where ni is the number of individuals of the ith genotype and N is
yr to reach reproductive maturity. Subsequently, leaves wither and the plant the sample size (Pielou, 1969; Ellstrand and Roose, 1987). Ellstrand and
often produces rhizomatous suckers (Gentry, 1982). Viable seed production in Roose’s (1987) proportion of the sample distinguishable (G/N) was calculated
A. murpheyi is low (Gentry, 1982; Szarek et al., 1996), and the absence of seed as the number of multilocus genotypes detected (G) divided by the sample size.
in A. delamateri suggests a partially or fully sterile taxon, a common trait of The number of unique multilocus genotypes possible (Ng) was computed as
agaves cultivated by historic and prehistoric traditional farmers (Reveal and L
Hodgson, 2002; Colunga-Garcı́aMarı́n and Zizumbo-Villarreal, 2006). The Ng ¼ P ½ai ðai þ 1Þ=2;
minimal fruit production may reflect self-incompatability and spatial isolation i¼1
of populations, initial transport of individuals out of their natural range farther where ai is the number of alleles detected at the ith locus, and L is the number
south and subsequent exposure to hotter, drier conditions during flowering, or of loci analyzed (Cheliak and Pitel, 1984b). The evenness of multilocus
selective pressures associated with cultivation (Hodgson and Slauson, 1995; genotypes within populations was calculated as E ¼ (Dobs  Dmin)/(Dmax 
Rogers, 2000). High temperatures characteristic of Arizona summers inhibit Dmin), where Dmin ¼ [(G  1)(2N  G)]/[N(N  1)] and Dmax ¼ [N(G  1)]/[G(N
flower and seed development of a number of agaves that originated farther  1)] (Fager, 1972). Differences between A. murpheyi and A. delamateri for
south in Mexico (Gentry, 1982), including A. delamateri (Hodgson and genetic and genotypic diversity indices were analyzed with t tests; variances
Slauson, 1995). Agave murpheyi is a prolific bulbil producer, forming .300 were estimated with a jackknife procedure (Weir and Cockerham, 1984).
bulbils along the inflorescence, even without damage to the flower stalk Departures of observed heterozygote frequencies from those expected under
(Gentry, 1982); these remain attached to the plant for 2–3 yr, showing both leaf Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were calculated for each population overall and
elongation and root development before detachment (Szarek et al., 1996). for each polymorphic locus in each population with Wright’s fixation index
Agave delamateri rarely forms bulbils, and only if the inflorescence is damaged (FIS) as FIS ¼ 1  Ho/He, where Ho is observed heterozygosity (Wright, 1965).
(Hodgson, unpublished manuscript). Agave cultivation for food typically Significance of these departures was tested with chi-square analysis, v2 ¼
involves the removal of embryonic reproductive structures to prevent sexual NF2IS (a  1), with df ¼ a(a  1)/2, where N is the sample size and a is the
reproduction and trigger offset formation (Hodgson, 2001a). Agave murpheyi is number of alleles at a locus (Li and Horvitz, 1953).
diploid (2n ¼ 60; Pinkava and Baker, 1985); although the ploidy level of A. Genetic structure was examined with Nei’s (1973, 1977) genetic diversity
delamateri is unknown, low pollen stainability percentages and the absence of indices. Total variation at polymorphic loci (HT) was partitioned into within-
seed production led Hodgson and Slauson (1995) to suggest hybrid origins or population (HS) and among-population components (DST), with the latter
polyploidy for the species. expressed as a proportion of the total variation, or GST ¼ DST/HT. Nei’s
statistics were also used to estimate the regional genetic variation within each
Field sampling procedures—From a list of known populations document- species. Among-population variation in allele frequencies was tested with chi-
ed with voucher specimens at the Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium (DES) square analysis (Workman and Niswander, 1970). Isolation of populations by
by Hodgson (unpublished manuscript), we selected 21 A. murpheyi and 11 A. distance was modeled with regression analysis relating FST/(1  FST) to
delamateri populations in primarily the Phoenix and Tonto Basins (Fig. 1). geographic distance between population pairs (Rousset, 1997), with signifi-
Most populations included ,30 plants; in these, we collected samples from cance evaluated with Mantel’s tests (Manley, 1991). Values for FST were

TABLE 1. Genetic variation of (A) Agave murpheyi and (B) A. delamateri populations in central Arizona.
Population N P AP Ae He Hoa FIS

A) A. murpheyi
BLS 14 30.8 2.00 1.15 0.088 (0.032) 0.132 (0.018)** 0.500
BRA 25 19.2 2.00 1.13 0.073 (0.031) 0.100 (0.012)** 0.370
BUG 10 23.1 2.17 1.19 0.098 (0.039) 0.150 (0.022)** 0.531
CAS 48 25.9 2.14 1.14 0.078 (0.032) 0.115 (0.009)** 0.474
COG 15 23.1 2.00 1.15 0.081 (0.033) 0.133 (0.017)** 0.642
COT 12 23.1 2.17 1.17 0.088 (0.036) 0.151 (0.020)** 0.716
CRC 47 29.6 2.13 1.16 0.094 (0.034) 0.136 (0.010)** 0.447
FRC 36 26.9 2.14 1.16 0.091 (0.036) 0.133 (0.011)** 0.462
HEL 17 26.9 2.14 1.22 0.116 (0.041) 0.170 (0.018)** 0.466
HUM 19 23.1 2.00 1.16 0.090 (0.035) 0.138 (0.016)** 0.533
INM 27 34.6 2.11 1.21 0.106 (0.040) 0.156 (0.014)** 0.472
RDE 13 29.6 2.00 1.13 0.078 (0.030) 0.125 (0.018)** 0.603
SAG 20 26.9 2.14 1.17 0.095 (0.035) 0.150 (0.016)** 0.579
SOD 16 25.9 2.00 1.15 0.087 (0.032) 0.118 (0.016)** 0.356
TAM 40 33.3 2.22 1.14 0.080 (0.034) 0.091 (0.009) 0.138
TON 21 23.1 2.17 1.16 0.090 (0.035) 0.139 (0.015)** 0.544
WBM 20 30.8 2.13 1.19 0.112 (0.036) 0.140 (0.015)** 0.250
CHH 37 29.6 2.13 1.14 0.080 (0.030) 0.118 (0.010)** 0.475
COW 25 25.9 2.00 1.14 0.078 (0.035) 0.127 (0.013)** 0.628
PUN 28 29.6 2.25 1.16 0.092 (0.034) 0.123 (0.012)** 0.337
SYC 18 23.1 2.00 1.15 0.081 (0.034) 0.125 (0.015)** 0.543
Population mean 26.9bc 2.10bc 1.16bc 0.089bc (0.008) 0.132 (0.003)
Species level value 44.4 2.50bc 1.16bc 0.098bc —
B) Agave delamateri
BUV 53 16.0 2.25 1.13 0.068 (0.033) 0.094 (0.008)** 0.382
GCR 15 7.7 2.00 1.07 0.038 (0.026) 0.069 (0.013)** 0.816
HAY 16 12.0 2.33 1.08 0.043 (0.027) 0.058 (0.012)* 0.349
MHR 27 16.0 2.25 1.13 0.064 (0.035) 0.094 (0.011)** 0.469
PKC 34 15.4 2.00 1.08 0.043 (0.027) 0.074 (0.009)** 0.721
SCG 8 11.1 2.00 1.06 0.037 (0.020) 0.038 (0.013) 0.027
TOB 58 19.2 2.40 1.10 0.057 (0.029) 0.086 (0.007)** 0.509
WAC 50 15.4 2.50 1.10 0.056 (0.028) 0.079 (0.008)** 0.411
WHM 27 12.0 2.00 1.08 0.039 (0.028) 0.069 (0.010)** 0.769
CAM 27 33.3 2.00 1.22 0.123 (0.048) 0.189 (0.018)** 0.537
TUZ 48 19.2 2.20 1.09 0.051 (0.028) 0.065 (0.007)* 0.275
Population mean (SCG included) 16.1b 2.18b 1.10b 0.056b (0.009) 0.083 (0.003)
Population mean (SCG omitted) 16.6c 2.19c 1.11c 0.058c (0.010) 0.088 (0.003)
Species level (SCG included) 44.4 2.25b 1.11b 0.067b —
Species level (SCG omitted) 38.5 2.20c 1.11c 0.064c —

Note: P is the percentage of polymorphic loci; AP is the mean number of alleles at polymorphic loci; Ae is the effective number of alleles; He is the
expected heterozygosity under Hardy–Weinberg; Ho is the observed heterozygosity; FIS is Wright’s fixation index.
Difference between Ho and He significant: *P  0.05; **P  0.001. Standard deviation is in parentheses.
Means for Agave murpheyi and A. delamateri significantly different (P , 0.05) with SCG included among A. delamateri populations.
Means for Agave murpheyi and A. delamateri significantly different (P , 0.05) with SCG omitted from A. delamateri populations.

estimated according to Weir and Cockerham (1984); geographic distances murpheyi, two loci (Adh2 and Pgm2) were polymorphic in
between GPS waypoints recorded in each population were calculated with every population; in A. delamateri, no locus was polymorphic
ArcGis/ArcMap version 9.0 (ESRI, 1999–2004); and GENEPOP 3.4
(Raymond and Rousset, 1995) was used for analyses. Hillis’ (1984)
in all populations sampled. In an average population,
modification of Nei’s (1972) genetic distance (D) was calculated for all pairs significantly more loci were polymorphic in A. murpheyi than
of populations within each species. Classification analysis was used to analyze in A. delamateri (26.9% vs. 16.1%). The locus Skdh1 was fixed
relationships among populations of each species separately and for both species for a different allele in SCG relative to all other A. delamateri
together. Unweighted pair-group classifications based on arithmetic averages populations; therefore, this locus was polymorphic at the
(UPGMA) were generated with NTSYSpc 2.2 (Rohlf, 2005). Separate analyses
by species produced classifications nearly identical to the combined
species level but was monomorphic within populations.
classification; therefore, only the combined analysis is presented. Although A. delamateri had more alleles per polymorphic
locus (AP) than A. murpheyi at the population level (2.18 vs.
2.10), the effective number of alleles (Ae) was significantly
RESULTS lower (1.10 vs. 1.16; Table 1). In A. murpheyi, Pgm2 and Adh2
were fixed heterozygotes in most populations, which contrib-
Genetic diversity of the two cultigens—The same 27 loci uted to the higher mean Ae value for that species. No locus
were resolved in A. murpheyi and A. delamateri, 12 of which showed such extreme heterozygosity in A. delamateri. Both
(44.4%) were polymorphic at the species level in each cultigen observed and expected heterozygosities (Ho and He) were
(Table 1). Only six loci were variable in both species. In A. significantly greater at the species and population levels in A.

TABLE 2. Summary of multilocus genotypesa for (A) Agave murpheyi and (B) A. delamateri populations in central Arizona based on 27 allozyme loci.
No. of No. of clusters/ No. of genotypes/ % of genotypes restricted
Population G* Ng** D** E* G/N** clusters* genotype** cluster* to one cluster**

A) A. murpheyi
BLS 11 2187 0.934 0.000 0.79 3 1.1 4.0 91
BRA 10 243 0.820 0.652 0.40 5 1.7 3.4 70
BUG 9 486 0.978 0.000 0.90 1 1.0 9.0 100
CAS 18 4374 0.904 0.840 0.38 11 1.9 3.1 72
COG 8 243 0.848 0.560 0.53 1 1.0 8.0 100
COT 6 486 0.848 0.733 0.50 1 1.0 6.0 100
CRC 28 4374 0.968 0.891 0.60 15 1.5 2.8 71
FRC 20 486 0.954 0.880 0.56 10 1.5 2.9 65
HEL 17 1458 1.000 — 1.00 3 1.0 5.7 100
HUM 12 243 0.918 0.623 0.63 3 1.3 4.7 83
INM 19 4374 0.966 0.792 0.70 5 1.3 4.8 79
RDE 9 6561 0.923 0.563 0.69 3 1.2 3.7 78
SAG 9 1458 0.858 0.725 0.45 2 1.2 5.5 78
SOD 14 2187 0.975 0.000 0.88 5 1.1 3.0 93
TAM 26 65 610 0.969 0.860 0.65 40 1.5 1.0 69
TON 12 486 0.900 0.646 0.57 6 1.3 2.5 75
WBM 18 4374 0.989 0.529 0.90 6 1.1 3.3 89
CHH 16 4374 0.890 0.764 0.43 7 1.6 3.6 69
COW 8 2187 0.820 0.783 0.32 1 1.0 8.0 100
PUN 17 26 244 0.950 0.825 0.61 7 1.4 3.4 76
SYC 8 243 0.856 0.754 0.44 3 1.3 3.3 75
Population mean 14 5068 0.918 0.621 0.62 6.6 1.3 4.4 82.5
B) A. delamateri
BUV 16 162 0.924 0.932 0.30 14 3.0 3.4 31
GCR 2 9 0.343 0.521 0.13 2 1.5 1.5 50
HAY 6 54 0.808 0.768 0.38 3 1.5 8.5 67
MHR 14 162 0.926 0.828 0.52 4 1.6 5.5 50
PKC 6 81 0.531 0.438 0.18 2 1.7 5.0 33
SCG 5 27 0.893 0.833 0.63 1 1.0 5.0 100
TOB 15 972 0.808 0.729 0.26 25 3.1 1.9 67
WAC 16 324 0.829 0.710 0.32 26 2.6 1.6 56
WHM 4 27 0.276 0.111 0.15 7 2.8 1.6 50
CAM 14 729 0.932 0.854 0.52 10 1.6 2.3 64
TUZ 17 486 0.917 0.889 0.35 7 1.8 5.0 47
Population mean 10 276 0.744 0.692 0.33 9.2 2.0 3.8 55.9
Note: G is the number of multilocus genotypes; Ng is the number of possible multilocus genotypes; D is the multilocus genotype diversity; E is the
genotypic evenness; N is the sample size; clusters were identified in the field based on inter-ramet distance.
Variables with * in the column headings differed significantly between species at P , 0.05; with **, at P , 0.001.

murpheyi than A. delamateri. The exclusion of one outlier genotypes within populations for A. murpheyi and 2.00 for A.
population (SCG) from the A. delamateri sample slightly delamateri, which suggests that processes other than somatic
elevated most genetic diversity measures at the population mutation are responsible for the genotypic variation observed.
level, but they remained significantly different from indices for The mean index of multilocus genotype diversity (D) was also
A. murpheyi (Table 1; discussed later). greater in A. murpheyi (0.918 vs. 0.744), as was the mean G/N
value (0.62 vs. 0.33). Within each species, larger populations
Variation in multilocus genotypes—At the species level, A. tended to have more multilocus genotypes (Pearson r for A.
murpheyi had nearly four times as many multilocus genotypes murpheyi ¼ 0.72, P , 0.001; for A. delamateri, r ¼ 0.79, P ,
as A. delamateri (162, N ¼ 508 vs. 46, N ¼ 363). The majority 0.05); but D was not significantly related to population size (for
of genotypes were only found in a single population. In A. A. murpheyi, r ¼ 0.16, for A. delamateri, r ¼ 0.29, P . 0.05
delamateri, 15% of the genotypes occurred in .4 populations; in both species). Although both species had intermediate values
in A. murpheyi, only 7% of the genotypes were that common. for the mean evenness of multilocus genotype frequencies (E),
In both species, these more common genotypes accounted for values for individual populations varied substantially, ranging
slightly greater than half the individuals sampled. Ellstrand and from 0.000–0.891 (mean ¼ 0.621) for A. murpheyi and from
Roose (1987) considered the number of different genotypes 0.111–0.932 (mean ¼ 0.692) for A. delamateri. Values of E
detected divided by the sample size (G/N) to be a good range from 0 (where all plants have identical genotypes; or one
indication of overall clonal diversity in each population; this genotype dominates, and the other genotypes are each
value was greater on average for A. murpheyi (0.32 vs. 0.13). represented by one ramet) to 1 (where all genotypes have the
Agave murpheyi populations had 14 multilocus genotypes on same frequency; Fager, 1972; Albert et al., 2003). Genotypes
average, and A. delamateri had 10 (Table 2). A random sample represented by a single ramet accounted for a greater
of seven populations had a mean difference of 2.41 loci among proportion of populations in A. murpheyi than in A. delamateri

(mean of 46% vs. 17%). The number of possible multilocus CAM was located in the Verde Valley north of Tonto Basin,
genotypes was nearly 20 times greater in A. murpheyi (mean Ng relatively isolated from most other A. delamateri populations.
¼ 5068, range ¼ 243–65 610) than in A. delamateri (mean Ng ¼ TUZ, the other population in the Verde Valley, had one private
276, range ¼ 9–972). allele (FE1). The other private allele evident in this species
In both A. murpheyi and A. delamateri, plant clusters (AAT2) was in TOB, a large population in Tonto Basin.
identified in the field based on inter-ramet distance did not Populations were more strongly differentiated from each
correspond closely with the spatial distribution of multilocus other in A. delamateri than in A. murpheyi. A significantly
genotypes within populations (Table 2). The majority of greater proportion of the total allozyme variation was
genotypes in populations of both species were narrowly distributed among populations in the former species (GST ¼
distributed, although this tendency was more pronounced in 0.243 and 0.113, respectively). The omission of SCG from the
A. murpheyi. On average, 82.5% of genotypes were restricted A. delamateri populations decreased the GST for that species to
to only one cluster for A. murpheyi, in contrast to 55.9% for A. 0.144. The greater genetic differentiation among A. delamateri
delamateri. Most spatial clusters, however, included a populations accords with the greater number of private alleles,
combination of multilocus genotypes. Agave murpheyi aver- as well as the unusual allele frequencies for several loci in
aged 4.4 genotypes per cluster, with mean values for individual CAM. In A. delamateri all polymorphic loci except one (92%;
populations ranging from 1.0 to 8.0. Agave delamateri FE1) had significant heterogeneity among populations in allele
populations averaged 3.8 genotypes per cluster, with individual frequencies (Table 3). Although the majority of polymorphic
population means ranging from 1.5 to 5.0. Four A. murpheyi loci followed the same pattern for A. murpheyi, significant
populations only comprised one cluster of plants, in contrast to among-population heterogeneity in allele frequencies was only
one A. delamateri population; but all of these populations evident for 8 of 12 loci (67%).
included more than one multilocus genotype. Regression analysis relating FST/(1  FST) to geographic
distance between population pairs showed an absence of
Genetic variation among populations—Although genetic isolation by distance for both species. The mean genetic
diversity was generally greater in A. murpheyi than in A. distance across all A. murpheyi populations was 0.015 (range
delamateri, both species varied appreciably among populations of individual population means, 0.008–0.045). Individual A.
in allele frequencies and overall diversity measures. For A. delamateri differed appreciably in their mean genetic distance.
murpheyi, the higher values for several diversity indices were The mean genetic distance of SCG (0.095) was nearly twice as
found in three populations centrally located within Phoenix high as the next highest value (CAM, 0.056); all other
Basin (INM, BUG, and HEL; Tables 1 and 2), even though populations had mean genetic distances ,0.02. The overall
these were not the largest populations. Populations with the mean genetic distance for A. delamateri was 0.027; the deletion
lowest values for most genetic diversity measures (CAS, COW, of SCG reduced this mean to 0.012.
RDE, CHH, TAM) were outside the core area of Phoenix Partitioning of genetic variation by regions for A. murpheyi
Basin. Five private alleles were evident in A. murpheyi; these and A. delamateri revealed little regional contrast for either
were all present in populations in Tonto Basin or on the species. Within A. murpheyi, Phoenix Basin was slightly more
periphery of Phoenix Basin. TAM had 2 private alleles, and diverse overall than Tonto Basin by most measures; but on
CAS, PUN, and CHH each had one. average, each region maintained .99% of the genetic variation
The most genetically diverse A. delamateri populations were detected in the species. Agave delamateri similarly maintained
BUV and MHR, both on high terraces to the south of Tonto most of its genetic variation within regions. The Verde Valley
Creek (now Theodore Roosevelt Lake) in Tonto Basin. BUV was slightly more diverse than Tonto Basin, despite its
was one of the largest A. delamateri populations sampled; representation by only two populations. Nonetheless, each
MHR was intermediate in size. The least diverse population region maintained 95–96% of the variation evident within the
was SCG, a small isolated population high on a terrace north of species, depending on whether SCG was included.
Tonto Creek in the Sierra Ancha, the mountain range that The classification analysis further demonstrated the absence
forms the northern rim of Tonto Basin. of a relationship between genetic similarity and geographic
Two A. delamateri populations had allele frequencies for proximity of populations in either species. Many populations in
several loci that were dramatically different from other the same basin were placed in different clusters in the UPGMA
populations. SCG had three of the nine private alleles detected classification (Fig. 2). If the mean genetic distance for the
in this species, despite comprising only eight ramets. SCG also species is used as a guideline for defining groups (Holmes and
had allele frequencies for two loci (SKDH1 and PGM1) that Recher, 1986; Parker and Hamrick, 1996), four distinct clusters
were markedly different from other A. delamateri populations. are evident within the A. murpheyi group on the UPGMA. BLS
SCG was located about 5 km downslope from an unusual and SYC each formed a single-population group; and HEL and
agave population near an archaeological site that included WBM, the most diverse populations, formed a third group.
individuals with relatively clear A. murpheyi, A. delamateri, BLS, HEL, and WBM were centrally located in Phoenix Basin.
and A. chrysantha Peebles characteristics, respectively, as well The other A. murpheyi populations were all classified together
as individuals with traits that were intermediate among these in a fourth group. In some cases population pairs from different
taxa (W. Hodgson, personal observation). This, coupled with basins showed lower genetic distances (e.g., CHH and RDE)
its unusual allele frequencies, raises concerns about the than pairs within either Phoenix or Tonto Basin.
taxonomic identity of SCG, despite its classical A. delamateri Within the A. delamateri group, SCG and CAM formed
morphology (Hodgson, unpublished manuscript). single-population clusters at genetic distances greater than the
CAM was the other unusual A. delamateri population. CAM mean for the species. Despite its questionable taxonomic
possessed four private alleles; CAM was fixed for 34 affinity, SCG joined the other A. delamateri populations
heterozygotes at 6PGD1 and PGM1, while the other popula- (though at a relatively high level) rather than the A. murpheyi
tions were fixed for allele 4, or 3 in the case of SCG for PGM1. group. The other Verde Valley population (TUZ) joined most

TABLE 3. Distribution of genetic diversity within and among populations of (A) Agave murpheyi and (B) A. delamateri in central Arizona for each
polymorphic locus.
Locus No. alleles v2a HT HS GST

A) A. murpheyi
Aat2c 2 429.21 (20)*** 0.104 0.060 0.423
Ce2c 3 98.58 (40)*** 0.096 0.089 0.071
Fe1c 2 89.81 (20)*** 0.499 0.453 0.092
Fe3c 4 128.35 (60)*** 0.142 0.128 0.099
Mdh1c 4 256.47 (60)*** 0.313 0.281 0.103
Pgi2c 3 262.63 (40)*** 0.171 0.145 0.151
Adh2 2 20.97 (20) 0.500 0.489 0.022
Ce1 2 14.84 (20) 0.008 0.008 0.015
Fe2 2 280.79 (20)*** 0.252 0.182 0.276
Idh2 2 23.45 (20) 0.004 0.004 0.023
Mnr 2 79.08 (20)*** 0.048 0.044 0.078
Pgm2 2 6.22 (20) 0.498 0.495 0.006
Species valuesb 2.50 1690.40 (360)*** 0.219 0.198 0.113
B) A. delamateri
Aat2c 2 21.15 (10)* 0.011 0.011 0.029
Ce2c 3 49.21 (18)*** 0.178 0.167 0.062
Fe1c 2 5.93 (9) 0.003 0.003 0.009
Fe3c 2 164.98 (9)*** 0.012 0.009 0.246
Mdh1c 3 199.15 (20)*** 0.301 0.253 0.159
Pgi2c 2 23.96 (9)** 0.493 0.475 0.036
6Pgd1 2 348.98 (10)*** 0.072 0.037 0.481
6Pgd2 2 33.87 (10)*** 0.498 0.472 0.053
Aat1 2 24.96 (10)** 0.006 0.005 0.034
Adh1 2 69.23 (10)*** 0.031 0.027 0.135
Pgm1 3 1074.65 (20)*** 0.113 0.037 0.671
Skdh1 2 328.00 (6)*** 0.093 0.000 1.000
Species valuesb 2.25 2344.07 (141)*** 0.151 0.125 0.243

Note: HT ¼ total genetic diversity of the species; HS ¼ mean within-population genetic diversity; GST ¼ the proportion of the total genetic diversity
found among populations.
Significance of v2 tests: *p  0.05; **p  0.01; ***p  0.001.
Species values are means calculated over polymorphic loci for the number of alleles, HT, HS, and GST; v2 and its associated degrees of freedom are the
sums of the respective values over all polymorphic loci.
Loci that are polymorphic in both species.

Tonto Basin populations at a lower genetic distance than BUV had an excess of heterozygotes; in all populations but two
and MHR (the two diverse core Tonto Basin populations), (TAM for A. murpheyi and SCG for A. delamateri), this excess
although all these cluster agglomerations occurred at a level far was significant.
below the overall mean genetic distance for the species.

Genotype frequencies within populations—Genotype fre- DISCUSSION

quencies for polymorphic loci in individual A. delamateri and
A. murpheyi populations departed widely from Hardy–Wein- Genetic diversity maintained within species—Genetic
berg equilibrium. For A. delamateri, the majority of F statistics diversity maintained at the population level in A. murpheyi
were significantly different from zero (25 of 43 chi-square tests and A. delamateri is lower than values reported previously for
significant with p , 0.05, 58%). Most of the significant virtually all wild agave species (He ranging from 0.335 for A.
departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium involved an victoriae-reginae T. Moore [Martı́nez-Palacios et al., 1999] to
excess of heterozygotes (76%). Nearly all populations showed 0.394 for A. lechuguilla Torr. [Silva-Montellano and Eguiarte,
a significant departure for both 6Pgd1 and Pgi2; virtually all 2003]). Although contrasting results have been reported from
departures were negative F values, indicating a heterozygote some comparisons of crops and their wild relatives based on
excess. different genetic markers, most authors have found lower levels
In A. murpheyi, the percentage of significant departures from of genetic diversity in crops than in their wild ancestors at the
Hardy–Weinberg expectations was lower (58 of 148, p , 0.05, population level (e.g., barley [Neale et al., 1988], lentils
39%), but the number was nonetheless much greater than [Havey and Muehbauer, 1989], sunflowers [Rieseberg and
would be expected by chance (at p , 0.05). Most of these Seiler, 1990; Tang and Knapp, 2003]).
significant departures were negative F values (86%). For Adh2 Genetic diversity of cultivated plants is often reduced
and Pgm2, all populations but one (SYC and HEL, relative to progenitor populations for several reasons. Early
respectively) had a significant heterozygote excess. agriculturalists typically manipulate only a small percentage of
The overall FIS values calculated for each population were the variation evident in the progenitor species, in essence
negative in all cases (Table 1). All populations of both species causing founder effects and the associated loss of genetic

Fig. 2. UPGMA phenogram based on genetic distances (D; Hillis, 1984) among Agave murpheyi and A. delamateri populations in central Arizona.

variation (Doebley, 1989). By saving seed or offsets from primarily asexually, and many local extinctions of populations
individuals with the most favored phenotypes after each have already occurred (Hodgson, unpublished manuscript).
harvest, farmers further narrow variation within their crops Only limited sexual reproduction in A. murpheyi and the
(Sauer, 1972; Doebley, 1992). Different villages, or even absence of sexual reproduction in A. delamateri, their existence
individual farmers, often apply different selection pressures, in an environment that is different from conditions where their
leading to different genes or combinations of genes becoming progenitor occurred, and the historic loss of many populations
fixed in different landraces (Nabhan, 1985; Colunga-Garcı́a- from central Arizona have probably further eroded genetic
Marı́n and Zizumbo-Villarreal, 2006). This fosters reduced variation in both species, countering pre-Columbian manage-
variation within cultivated populations, depending on exchange ment practices that may have promoted genetic diversity under
between villages, while maintaining relatively high species- active cultivation. Despite low genetic variation, both species
level diversity (Brush et al., 1995; Hamrick and Godt, 1997). are characterized by a heterozygote excess, and several
The reduced genetic variability within cultigens is particularly populations are fixed for heterozygosity at certain loci. High
pronounced if the species is propagated vegetatively and levels of heterozygosity have also been reported for different
transported outside its native range for cultivation (Baker, landraces of cassava grown in traditional agricultural systems
1972). The end result may be a fully domesticated plant that (Pujol et al., 2005). Genetic variation maintained by the two
has evolved in tandem with human selective pressures for a agave cultigens is much lower than values reported previously
sufficiently long period that it depends on humans for survival for crops; however, most of the crops reviewed by Hamrick
(Harlan, 1992). and Godt (1997) are widespread species that are part of modern
Both agave species probably fit this scenario of domestica- agricultural systems. Agave murpheyi and A. delamateri are
tion in several ways. Founder clones that were introduced into currently extremely rare species with narrow distributions; such
pre-Columbian fields in central Arizona were likely transported species are often associated with reduced genetic variation
north from more southern progenitor populations (Hodgson relative to more widespread relatives (Hamrick et al., 1979).
and Slauson, 1995), initially reducing genetic diversity relative Although A. murpheyi and A. delamateri populations have
to wild source populations. In the absence of human less genetic variation than populations of wild agave species,
management in modern times, populations are left to reproduce they maintain substantially greater variation than two agave

species that have been cultivated commercially in the models for prehistoric agave cultivation in Mexico that
postcontact era (A. fourcroydes Lem. and A. tequilana Weber included initial selection for superior traits of first, floral
var. Azul). Widespread cultivation of A. fourcroydes developed peduncles, then hearts, for food; subsequently, when annual
in Yucatan, Mexico, in the 1800s, when seven different crops developed, selection shifted to traits favored for fiber or
varieties and its wild progenitor, A. angustifolia Haw., were fermented beverages, depending on species and region. Based
grown in plantations for fiber export, but by 1980, only three on the roasting pits, agave knives, and other food-related
varieties were grown (Colunga-Garcı́aMarı́n and May-Pat, archaeological artifacts found with A. murpheyi and A.
1993). Colunga-Garcı́aMarı́n et al. (1999) found minor delamateri populations in Arizona, there is no doubt that
allozyme differences among the three remaining A. fourcroydes agave was used for food, particularly at a time of the year when
varieties but virtually no variation within each variety—the annual crops were not productive (Fish et al., 1985; Gasser and
result of state restrictions on agave varieties accepted for fiber Kwiatkowski, 1991). Historic uses of A. murpheyi by
processing (Colunga-Garcı́aMarı́n and May-Pat, 1993). In traditional farmers in Sonora included both food and alcoholic
contrast, they reported substantial within-population variation beverages (Nabhan, 1992). Both species also contain fibrous
in A. angustifolia. Using RAPDs, Gil Vega et al. (2001) found leaves, and some plants grown by prehistoric agriculturalists
similarly low variation in A. tequilana var. Azul, which they may have been used for fiber extraction and textile develop-
attributed to years of state-controlled human selection, ment (Fish et al., 1985).
reinforced by exclusively asexual reproduction.
The few studies that have examined genetic diversity of Interspecific contrasts in genetic variation—By most
domesticated plants in traditional farming systems have measures, A. murpheyi was characterized by more genetic
reported that farmers closely manage their plants and maintain diversity than A. delamateri. A similar interspecific contrast was
remarkably high genetic diversity (Brush et al., 1995). Farmers evident in terms of multilocus genotype diversity. The
typically cultivate several varieties to hedge their bets production of bulbils and limited seed in A. murpheyi may
throughout weather fluctuations (Brush et al., 1995; Pujol et partially account for these contrasts. Although leaves of the
al., 2005) or to use for different purposes (Casas et al., 1997). parent plant wither after the inflorescence emerges, roots
Colunga-Garcı́aMarı́n and Zizumbo-Villarreal (2006) found continue to take up water from the soil, which permits root
over 20 agave cultivars grown by traditional farmers in Jalisco, development and leaf elongation in bulbils attached to the
Mexico, each producing a fermented beverage with a unique inflorescence (Szarek and Holmesley, 1996). Even when bulbils
taste. Even where farmers grow plants that are part of a local or are detached and have no access to water, as many as 25%
regional economic system, they often grow certain noncom- survive temperatures of 248C for close to 3 yr (Szarek et al.,
mercial varieties for personal use (Brush et al., 1995). Indeed, 1996). Low bulbil survival has been reported for wild agave
door gardens of traditional farms represent a treasure trove of species, but the Hohokam practice of piling rocks around the
both floristic and genetic diversity (Coomes and Ban, 2004; base of plants likely promoted bulbil establishment. Bulbils
Zaldivar et al., 2004). Seeds or suckers are often traded among have greater survival rates during unusually wet years and in
farmers or collected from the wild in traditional systems to protected microsites beneath nurse plants (Szarek and Holmes-
maintain variety in their fields (Colunga-Garcı́aMarı́n and ley, 1996; Arizaga and Ezcurra, 2002); rock piles promoted
Zizumbo-Villarreal, 2006). infiltration of rainwater and reduced evaporation (Fish et al.,
Some of the social and environmental factors that foster 1985), which would have facilitated bulbil establishment. Seeds
relatively high genetic diversity in modern traditional crops and bulbils represented convenient packets of plant material that
likely applied to prehistoric agave farmers in central Arizona. were likely transported long distances from a Mesoamerican
The existence of at least modest genetic variation within and source along pre-Columbian trade or migration routes, as Gentry
among the agave populations studied offers little support to (1982) suggested occurred with A. applanata Koch ex Jacobi.
earlier speculation that modern A. murpheyi and A. delamateri Even occasional sexual reproduction in A. murpheyi populations
populations were descended from a single clone for each during prehistoric cultivation and since abandonment would
species (Nabhan, 1992). Levels of genetic variation that have helped maintain genetic diversity through recombination
characterize modern populations are greater than would be and possible gene flow. Introduction of A. murpheyi could have
expected from somatic mutation alone and instead fit a scenario involved a pool of bulbils and seeds from several sources, with
of polyphyletic population origins, with populations subse- genetic variation inherent in cultivated populations from the
quently managed by prehistoric farmers in a way that probably outset. In contrast, movement of A. delamateri stock from its
maintained or promoted genetic diversity. Plants were likely source region would have required transport of basal offsets, a
traded at a local scale, as has been reported for landraces of more cumbersome means of anthropogenic plant dispersal.
agave cultivated for distillation in south Jalisco (Colunga- Individual events of human migration or agave trade, either
Garcı́aMarı́n and Zizumbo-Villarreal, 2006). Additional diver- initially or subsequent to field establishment, would likely have
sity may have been introduced into fields as immigration involved a lower diversity of A. delamateri stock, hence leading
occurred, and plants may have been traded at a regional scale. to less genetically diverse populations.
Even limited sexual reproduction in A. murpheyi over the Although these populations provide some clues about pre-
centuries since importation may have helped maintain genetic Columbian cultivation practices, the story they give is
diversity in this species. Individual agave species have been incomplete. Postabandonment events may have also shaped
used for a wide array of purposes both prehistorically and in patterns of genetic diversity observed in the modern landscape.
the modern era (Colunga-Garcı́aMarı́n and May-Pat, 1993; In addition to occasional recombination (and in A. murpheyi,
Hodgson 2001a); therefore, early farmers may have selected sexual mating), genetic drift or nonanthropogenic selection
for a variety of traits among the A. murpheyi and A. delamateri may have caused a differential loss of genetic diversity for the
they cultivated. Colunga-Garcı́aMarı́n and Zizumbo-Villarreal two species. Most metrics of genetic diversity are greater for A.
(2006) and Colunga-Garcı́aMarı́n et al. (1993) presented murpheyi at both the population and species levels; therefore, if

differential survival between A. murpheyi and A. delamateri distant dispersal than could be accomplished by several
has occurred, it may have affected patterns of genetic diversity generations of basal offsets. Gabrielsen and Brochmann
at both the population and species levels. (1998) attributed intermingling of Saxifraga cernua L. clones
in arctic environments to bulbil dispersal by both wind and
Multilocus genotype diversity—Both A. murpheyi and A. animals. Occasional reproduction from seed could have a
delamateri had multilocus genotype diversities similar to similar effect. Not surprisingly, clusters of A. murpheyi tended
values reported in reviews of primarily wild clonal plant to include more genotypes than clusters of A. delamateri.
species (Ellstrand and Roose, 1987), although comparisons
among studies must be made cautiously, because sampling Regional genetic variation—The genetic variation evident
protocols, levels of polymorphism, and the type of genetic in A. murpheyi and A. delamateri failed to conform to a
marker all influence the amount of genotypic diversity detected regional pattern. Regional GST values were low for both
(Douhovnikoff and Dodd, 2003). The mean number of species, indicating that each region maintains nearly all the
genotypes in A. murpheyi and A. delamateri populations (G genetic variation observed within each species (99% and 95–
¼ 14 and 10) were slightly lower than the mean value of 16.1 96%, respectively). Furthermore, clear patterns of multilocus
reported by Ellstrand and Roose (1987) in a review of plants genotypic variation and isolation by distance were not evident
based primarily on isozymes. The decay of diversity through in either species. Populations that were in different regions
genetic drift in these two agave and other long-lived clonal were often more similar to each other than populations in the
species (e.g., Lophocereus schottii (Engelm.) Britton & Rose same region; clusters in the UPGMA classification often
[Parker and Hamrick, 1992]) has likely been slowed by their included populations from more than one region, while
prolific vegetative propagation and longevity (Gabrielsen and populations from the same region were in different clusters.
Brochmann, 1998). In both A. murpheyi and A. delamateri, the Although differential patterns of survival for the two species
number of genotypes detected in populations varied widely, as cannot be ruled out, the absence of isolation by distance is not
reported for other clonal species (Widén et al., 1994); but even surprising in view of the rich human history associated with
the smallest agave populations included more than one both cultigens. Humans were the primary force to move genes
genotype. Because allozymes are typically less variable than and shape patterns of genetic variation across the landscape.
most other markers used to identify clones (e.g., RAPDs, The agave populations studied occur in areas with a long and
AFLPs; Esselman et al., 1999), they provide a conservative complex pre-Columbian history (Clark, 2001). Architecture,
estimate of the clonal diversity within populations (Douhovnik- ceramics, and other archaeological evidence indicate that the
off and Dodd, 2003). eastern Tonto Basin was settled by Hohokam immigrants from
Although most multilocus genotypes in both species were the Phoenix Basin ca. A.D. 750–950 (Clark, 2001). In addition
restricted to one population, a small number of genotypes were to these types of artifacts, agave bulbils and offsets may have
widespread across populations, collectively representing a been regionally mobile as well. Tonto Basin, the Verde Valley,
majority of individuals of each species. The more common and Phoenix Basin all experienced significant immigration
genotypes may have been present in individual fields since the from the puebloan region to the east and north during the
original introduction of agave into the study region; alterna- Classic period (ca. early 1200s; Ciolek-Torrello, 1997; Clark,
tively, subsequent prehistoric immigration and trade of bulbils 2001), with original inhabitants and immigrants coexisting
and offsets may have reduced initial genotypic differentiation within communities in many cases. Therefore, by late in the
among populations. period of prehistoric agave cultivation, these regions each
Although ramets of both A. murpheyi and A. delamateri had included a diversity of cultures, rather than each being
a strongly aggregated spatial arrangement in the field, homogeneous and clearly distinct from one another. Immigrant
genotypes failed to correspond closely to spatial clusters of farmers may have contributed to a subregional-scale mosaic of
plants. Intermingling of clones characterizes other long-lived genetic variation, if preferences for agave traits differed from
plant species, including the succulents Lophocereus schottii those of original inhabitants, thereby weakening interregional
(Parker and Hamrick, 1992) and Stenocereus eruca (Brande- contrasts in genetic variation.
gee) Gibson & Horak (Clark-Tapia et al., 2005), with genets In conclusion, A. murpheyi and A. delamateri varied in allele
often .20 m apart. In both A. murpheyi and A. delamateri, frequencies and multilocus genotypes both within and among
most genotypes were restricted to one or two clusters, but populations. The formation of bulbils and limited viable seed
clusters included about four genotypes, on average, for each likely contributed to the maintenance of greater genetic
species. This type of clonal structure has been reported for the diversity evident in A. murpheyi at both the species and
ericaceous shrub Vaccinium myrtillus L., which Albert et al. population levels. Bulbils and seeds from different source
(2003) described as having a phalanx form (Lovett-Doust, populations would have been easily transported from Mexico,
1981), with dense masses of stems comprising several resulting in a more diverse mixture of plants initially cultivated
genotypes in juxtaposition. Two factors, however, cause the in central Arizona relative to A. delamateri. Both species
spatial pattern to be more complex in A. murpheyi and A. maintain less genetic variation than most widely distributed
delamateri. First, the wide spacing of some clones may reflect crops that are part of modern commercial agricultural systems.
a mixing of genotypes when fields were originally planted by Both species also show less genetic diversity than wild agave
pre-Columbian farmers. Subsequent manipulation of plants as species. Instead, the patterns of genetic variation that
fields were tended, including the introduction of new plants, characterize A. murpheyi and A. delamateri are more in
could have further mixed genotypes. Second, the production of keeping with traditional farming systems, where farmers grow
bulbils in A. murpheyi presents an opportunity for the relatively a collection of landraces, thus maintaining diverse genotypes
wide dispersal of offspring. Szarek and Holmesley (1996) within their fields. Modern populations of both cultigens reflect
found that bulbils can be dispersed .3 m from the parent plant dynamic human populations during the period of agave
when the inflorescence eventually falls, resulting in more cultivation in the study area; prehistoric trade and immigration

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