Microsatellite Markers in Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) : Genealogical Relationships Among Cultivated Avocado Genotypes
Microsatellite Markers in Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) : Genealogical Relationships Among Cultivated Avocado Genotypes
Microsatellite Markers in Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) : Genealogical Relationships Among Cultivated Avocado Genotypes
DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esg076
Twenty-five microsatellite markers uniquely differentiated 35 avocado cultivars and two wild relatives. Average
heterozygosity was high (60.7%), ranging from 32% in P. steyermarkii to 84% in Fuerte and Bacon. In a subset of 15
cultivars, heterozygosity averaged 63.5% for microsatellites, compared to 41.8% for restriction fragment length
polymorphisms (RFLPs). A neighbor-joining tree, according to average shared allele distances, consisted of three clusters
likely corresponding to the botanical races of avocado and intermediate clusters uniting genotypes of presumably racially
hybrid origin. Several results were at odds with existing botanical assignments that are sometimes rendered difficult by
incomplete pedigree information, the complexity of the hybrid status (multiple backcrossing), or both. For example, cv.
Harvest clustered with the Guatemalan race cultivars, yet it is derived from the Guatemalan 3 Mexican hybrid cv. Gwen.
Persea schiedeana grouped with cv. Bacon. The rootstock G875 emerged as the most divergent genotype in our data set.
Considerable diversity was found particularly among accessions from Guatemala, including G810 (West Indian race), G6
(Mexican race), G755A (hybrid Guatemalan 3 P. schiedeana), and G875 (probably not P. americana). Low bootstrap support,
even upon exclusion of (known) hybrid genotypes from the data matrix, suggests the existence of ancient hybridization or
that the botanical races originated more recently than previously thought.
Relationships within avocado reflect a long history of human diversity were distinguished in highland Mexico, highland
cultivation and selection. The earliest records of avocado Guatemala, and lowland (coastal) Guatemala to Costa Rica,
consumption come from plant remains found in cave respectively, each characterized by its own locally adapted
dwellings in the Tehuacán area of Puebla State in central type of avocado. Taxonomic evidence (Bergh and Ellstrand
Mexico (Smith 1966). These date back to about 7000–8000 1986; Popenoe 1941) suggests that the three avocado types
B.C. Similar evidence from other caves nearby (Smith 1966) are distinct botanical races of P. americana. Today they are
and from the Oaxaca Valley (Smith 1969) suggests that commonly known as the Mexican, Guatemalan, and (in-
consumption and possibly selection were taking place from appropriately) West Indian races. The distinction of three
4000–2800 B.C. By the time of the Spanish Conquest in the races is not a recent observation but was noted as long ago as
early to mid-sixteenth century, local peoples from Mexico 1653 by Father Bernabé Cobo and various other chroniclers
and as far as Peru had long been cultivating avocado (Gama-Campillo and Gómez-Pompa 1992; Popenoe 1963).
(Popenoe 1963; Storey et al. 1986). Linguistic evidence
(Gama-Campillo and Gómez-Pompa 1992) also suggests
Three Botanical Races
that the avocado had been used by indigenous populations
for a considerable time before the advent of European The differences between the three races relate primarily to
discoverers. the ecological preferences of the tree (temperature, humidity)
Botanical explorations in Central America over the past and fruit characteristics (skin texture and color, oil content),
century have sought to catalogue the great diversity of forms Guatemalan avocados being somewhat intermediate be-
encountered, including wild Persea species and especially local tween the other two (Bergh and Ellstrand 1986; Knight 1999;
P. americana selections (cultigens). Three main centers of Williams 1976). Mexican race avocados are characterized by
Journal of Heredity 2003:94(5)
good adaptation to a Mediterranean climate, relatively good flowering (with an estimated 106 flowers per tree; Robinson
cold tolerance, anise-scented leaves, and fruits covered by 1926), a large proportion of flowers are shed, and only a tiny
a thin, purplish-black skin. Guatemalan race avocados are fraction actually sets fruit. Bee pollination inside cages or
somewhat cold tolerant and are conspicuous primarily nets is conventionally used in breeding situations to perform
because of their thick, tough skin, which remains green until controlled cross- or self-pollination (Bergh 1969). However,
maturity. West Indian genotypes are adapted to humid this method is not reliable, because bees can introduce
tropical conditions and are hence very cold sensitive but extraneous pollen on their bodies (Menge J, personal
show tolerance of soil salinity and other adverse edaphic communication), do not thrive on pure avocado pollen
conditions. The lower oil content of the fruit flesh confers (Williams 1976), and may not be the only pollinators inside
a slightly watery, almost sweet taste not found in the other a cage. Pedigrees that claim a given paternal origin thus may
two botanical races. not always be accurate.
The apparent distinctiveness of the three races is The complex legacy of ancient and recent avocado
consistent with the notion that very little exchange has improvement has left us with a profusion of genotypes of
taken place between respective centers of diversity until uncertain affinities and with diffuse racial boundaries. Several
comparatively recently (Williams 1976), with geographic researchers (Bergh et al. 1973; Chao CC and Devanand PS,
isolation accounting for much of the interracial variation. It personal communication; Davis et al. 1998; Furnier et al.
is unclear which or how many wild species or cultigens were 1990; Mhameed et al. 1997; Rhodes et al. 1971; Torres et al.
Ashworth and Clegg Microsatellite Marker in Avocado
Operations. Leaf material (fresh or stored at 808C) was restriction enzymes (EcoRI, EcoRV, and HindIII). For the
ground in liquid nitrogen, and DNA was extracted with the distance matrix, shared alleles for a given locus (probe) were
Qiagen DNeasyÒ Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). averaged for each of the three digests.
Table 1 lists the origins and salient information of the 37
genotypes used in this study. Wherever possible, cultivars are
assigned to one of the three botanical races (Mexican,
Guatemalan, and West Indian) or a hybrid combination A total of 25 microsatellite loci (10 dinucleotide and 15
thereof, in accordance with information from the Variety trinucleotide) uniquely distinguished 37 avocado genotypes.
Database of the University of California at Riverside Web Allele number per locus ranged from 3 to 21 and averaged
site (Arpaia 2002) and from articles in the California Avocado 10.4 alleles/locus. Heterozygosity ranged from 32% (8 of 25
Society Yearbook (McCormac 2002). We distinguish between loci) in P. steyermarkii to 84% (21 of 25 loci) in Fuerte and
rootstocks and cultivars, because they reflect the outcome of Bacon.
contrasting breeding strategies: cultivars are selected for Two unrooted Neighbor Joining phenograms are
good fruit-bearing properties, whereas rootstock genotypes presented, one generated from average shared alleles for all
must be adapted to soil-specific conditions, such as tolerance 37 genotypes (Figure 1) and the other from a consensus tree
of root rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi) and salinity, but their fruit of 1,000 resampled data sets containing bootstrap values,
characteristics are of less relevance. with four accessions omitted (Figure 2). Both phenograms
Journal of Heredity 2003:94(5)
Table 1. Salient characteristics and origin, where known, of 37 avocado genotypes used in this study (flowering is either A-type
or B-type, with pollination being optimal among opposite flowering types)
Ashworth and Clegg Microsatellite Marker in Avocado
Table 1. Continued
Data are taken from the Variety Database of the University of California Riverside Web site (http://ucavo.ucr.edu) or (for rootstock varieties) from articles
in CASY (California Avocado Society Yearbook). UCRBP ¼ UC Riverside Breeding Program.
Figure 1. Neighbor-joining consensus tree of 1,000 bootstrap replicates generated from allele frequencies at 25 microsatellite
loci for 33 avocado genotypes. Many bootstrap values are low, reflecting the large number of hybrid cultivars in the data set.
Dotted lines surround genotype assemblages belonging to the three botanical races of avocado—Guatemalan, Mexican, and West
Indian. The West Indian cluster is assigned based on cv. Arue, whose ancestry is presumed to be West Indian. Intermediate clusters
unite genotypes of various hybrid origins.
Journal of Heredity 2003:94(5)
Genealogical relationships inferred from our micro- constituent accessions and the low bootstrap values. Indeed,
satellite data broadly agree with those from the RFLP data of bootstrap support is weak throughout, with only six
Davis et al. (1998) when analyzed for a subset of 15 cultivars branches supported by values in excess of 500 (of 1,000)
that were common to both data sets (phenogram not replicates. We hypothesize that weak bootstraps result from
shown). However, in the RFLP phenogram Bacon and the large number of hybrid genotypes in our data set.
Zutano are embedded in the Mexican cluster and removed Hybrids unite alleles from two genetically distinct sources,
from the vicinity of P. schiedeana. Because of the lower allelic thereby decreasing the genetic distance between those
diversity of the RFLP data, compared to the microsatellite sources. To test the influence of hybrids on bootstrap
data (on average 3.8 alleles/locus; see Table 2), resolution of values, we performed a separate analysis on a data set from
the Guatemalan, West Indian, and Guatemalan 3 Mexican which (known) hybrids were removed. However, the
genotypes is poor. Heterozygosity averaged 41.8% (com- bootstrap values remained low, suggesting that additional
pared to 63.5% for microsatellite loci), with values for factors may be at play, including the possibility of ancient
individual genotypes ranging from 14.3% (Nimlioh) to hybridization or a more recent date for racial differentiation
78.6% (Zutano and G755A; Table 2). than previously thought.
In the genealogies of Figures 1 and 2, we have circled
clusters that are most likely to correspond to the three
Discussion botanical races of avocado, based on phenotypic, ecological,
Differences between the genealogies of Figures 1 and 2 are and historical information. However, numerous additional
modest and perfectly consistent with the unequal number of clusters remain that presumably represent instances of
Ashworth and Clegg Microsatellite Marker in Avocado
Table 2. Allelic diversity at 14 RFLP loci (a–n) for 15 avocado cultivars and one wild relative (P. schiedeana)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n H1 H2
Arue WI 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 21.4 50.0
Nabal G 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 28.6 68.0
Linda G 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 28.6 48.0
Nimlioh G 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 14.3 68.0
Fuerte 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 50.0 84.0
Gwen 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 28.6 64.0
Hass 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 50.0 72.0
Bacon 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 64.3 84.0
Zutano M 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 78.6 0.0
Pinkerton 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 64.3 4.0
Duke 7 M 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 57.15 6.0
Thomas M 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 50.07 2.0
Topa Topa M 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 21.4 50.0
P. schiedeana 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 — — 33.3 76.0
G755A 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 78.6 80.0
Heterozygous loci are annotated by 2; homozygous loci by 1; average heterozygosity of a given cultivar (columns H1 and H2) is expressed as the percentage
of loci at which the genotype is heterozygous out of the total number possible (14 RFLP ¼ H1; 25 microsatellites ¼ H2). The abbreviations WI, G, and M
refer to the three botanical races, and 3 denotes hybridity (all hybrids are G 3 M, except G755A, which is a G 3 P. schiedeana hybrid).
hybrid intermediacy. Intermediacy itself is likely to be Also of Guatemalan 3 Mexican ancestry is cv. Sir Prize,
a continuum reflected in the complexity of the hybrid status yet it is sometimes designated a Mexican avocado. In neither
(multiple backcrossing). A mismatch between phenotypic phenogram does it associate with the Mexican cultivars
and molecular characters is also expected when there is but instead with either a variable cluster near the Guate-
segregation for phenotypic characters (see Bergh 1966, 1967; malan 3 Mexican assemblage (Figure 1) or with its grand-
Bergh and Whitsell 1974, 1975; and Storey et al. 1984 parent (Hass) within the Guatemalan 3 Mexican cluster
for illustrated examples). For instance, the progeny of a (Figure 2).
Guatemalan 3 Mexican hybrid segregating for Guatemalan Cv. Dusa is deemed to be a Mexican variety, having
phenotypic traits will be assigned to the Guatemalan botani- originated from Duke 7. Its placement on the phenogram
cal race, even though its molecular background remains in Figure 2 is indeed adjacent to the Mexican cluster, but
Guatemalan 3 Mexican. no such proximity is seen in Figure 1. Both genealogies
The following examples illustrate the varied and at times agree, however, in placing Dusa adjacent to Fuerte, a
unpredictable relationships between phenotype and geno- Guatemalan 3 Mexican hybrid (Popenoe 1926).
type. The two main criteria used to characterize a cultivar in Cv. Zutano and cv. Bacon are cited as being of Mexican
terms of its botanical origins are its pedigree, if known, and and Guatemalan 3 Mexican origin, respectively. In our data
its fruit and cultural characteristics. For the most part, our set the two cultivars emerge as very similar (further sup-
genealogical data corroborated phenotypic criteria (especially ported by their strong cold tolerance) and attach to the
anise-scented leaves and fruit properties), in placing most genealogy between the Mexican cultivars and the wild
rootstock genotypes in the Mexican cluster. This was true of relative, P. schiedeana. The affiliation with P. schiedeana is
rootstock genotype Thomas, a so-called rescue variety of intriguing and merits further attention.
unknown pedigree. Thomas was discovered in a severely Surprising are also some of the alignments of the wild
root rot-infested field, where it showed superior disease species and local selections in our data set. P. steyermarkii, the
tolerance, compared to the other genotypes present. In- postulated predecessor of the Guatemalan race of avocado
terestingly, rootstock genotype Spencer, another rescue (Schieber and Zentmyer 1980), associates not with the
variety, emerged as identical to Fuerte at all 25 microsatellite Guatemalan cluster but with cv. Arue. Although the origins
loci, although tree and fruit morphology are said to differ. of Arue are shrouded in mystery (it was discovered in the
Conversely, an apparent conflict between phenotypic and Society Islands in the southern Pacific), historical trade
genotypic data can help adjust pedigree information. For routes and its tropical habitat suggest that it is a West Indian
example, cv. Harvest is designated a Guatemalan 3 Mexican cultivar. The two other members of the putative West Indian
hybrid, having Gwen as its maternal parent, yet it clusters cluster are rootstock G810 and, in Figure 2, cv. Velvick.
with the (pure) Guatemalan cultivars. This suggests that the Velvick has been cited variously as a West Indian or
pollen parent must be sought among Guatemalan race Guatemalan cultivar. Our data sheds no further light on this
genotypes. All other Gwen progeny genotypes cluster with ambiguity. Rootstock G810 is a collection from Guatemala.
their maternal parent, Hass (parent of Gwen), and two Although artifactual clustering cannot be ruled out, it is
further cultivars derived from Hass (Pinkerton) or showing conceivable that G810 originated in lowland Guatemala, the
Hass-like characteristics (OA184). center of diversity of the West Indian race.
Journal of Heredity 2003:94(5)
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