Scope & Nature of Public Administration
Scope & Nature of Public Administration
Scope & Nature of Public Administration
Local Government
Nature & Scope of Public d. Also Public Corporations.
Walker has divided scope of PA into two parts::
Administrative theory & Applied Administration
Science or Art
Its role in democratic State
As a science
1. PA covers all aspect of our life
What is science?:: "Investigation & observation, followed by 2. Police state in the past
tabulation, classification & correlation" 3. Now, the concept of welfare state
First to define the scope of science of public administration. a. State not confined to maintaining law
1. Relation between policy & administration: The & order or providing social security to
science of Politics: deals with methods of people, but it has been assumed as
policy formulation & execution guardian of the people & their interest.
a. Statesman formulates policy
b. If PA fails, the objective of good life is a. War wreaks havoc. Strong
in danger. administration can cope with
c. According to Prof. W.B. Donham: "If circumstances. Even private entities
civilization fails it will be mainly fall into the scope of PA.
because of a breakdown of b. Fight against hoarders, mafia etc.
administration" c. It is a safeguard against internal
4. Radical change in the nature & volume of state enemies like saboteurs & traitors.
functions since WW1. (More & more activities.)
a. Not only protector of citizens from
external & internal dangers, but also
educator, manufacturer, distributor, Its role in Pakistan
helper & servant. ● Central & provincial ministers are ensured to
have full access to the best possible advice in
The role of PA is as under: the deciding policy questions in Pakistan.
● Pakistan is passing through substantial
1. Administration & Policy changes, and needs correct formulation of
a. Not only execution, but assists policies.
formulation of policies. ● Should greater use of advisory councils to
2. Administration & Society departments.
a. Great stabilizing force ● There should be a public administrator, who
b. Concerned with goals, values, belief, should work as secretary to ministers, aided by
systems. an advisory council.
c. Purpose is to build and institution to ● Gap during breakdown of civil government.
meet these social responsibilities. ● Helped military elites during martial law.
d. Administration exists in a social ● Helped during democratic government.
setting, yet he can deftly change ● In modernization, bureaucracy helped a lot.
society itself. Thus not only an ● 8 five-years plan is the outcome of hardworking
executive; he is also a social engineer. bureaucrats.
3. Administration & Individual According to Ralph Braibanti, political
a. Individuals need the help of PA from
modernity embraces four qualities.
cradle to grave.
b. Since birth he has been registered by 1. Conversion of valid expression of popular will
the local registrar. into actions freely predictable & consistent with
c. Vaccination, schooling, job, suitable fundamental policy of state.
place for burial etc. 2. Popular participation in political process
d. Food we eat, water, house, roads & through popular comprehension of issues,
streets etc. acceptance of personal responsibility, &
commitment to orderly pursuit of change.
4. Administration & Democracy
3. Capability of maintaining national integration
a. Ideals of democracy: progress,
by accommodating cultural, religious forces.
prosperity & protection of common
4. Capability to blend elements of popular will in
man can be obtained by impartial,
stages of development & to make it effective &
honest & efficient administration.
subject to imposition of equity & justice.
b. Modern democratic state increased
the scope of state activity, increasing Pakistan's bureaucracy provided:
demand for PA. 1. Institutional apparatus
c. To serve democracy, PA needs to be 2. Popular comprehension of issues faced by
left autonomous & free. Pakistan
5. Administration & Social Change 3. Capability of maintaining national integration
a. Not only perserver of civilized life, but 4. Capability of mixing popular will with
also great instrument of social development.
change & improvement. 5. Pakistan's administration recruits members on
b. Brings social reforms through the will the basis of merit following the Max Weber's
of people. model rather than on Ascriptive Criteria
c. If PA fail to bring social change,
alternative is the bloody-revolution.
6. Administration & war & peace