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The Elements of Landscape in Islamic Courtyard Design Case Study of Bayt Al-Suhaymi Museum in Cairo, Egypt and Alhambra Granada, Spain

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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

2017, Vol. 7, No. 3

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Elements of Landscape in Islamic Courtyard Design:

Case Study of Bayt Al-Suhaymi Museum in Cairo, Egypt
and Alhambra Granada, Spain

Nik Muhamad Syafwan Bin Nik Man 1, Wan Kamal Nadzif Bin Wan
Jamil2* and Muhammad Yusri bin Yusof @ Salleh3
Diploma in Landscape Architecture,
Universiti Teknologi MARA (Perak), 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
2, 3
Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies,
Universiti Teknologi MARA (Perak), 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia

DOI: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i3/2766 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i3/2766

This paper presents a review on the elements of landscape in Islamic Courtyard design. The aim
of this paper is to study element of courtyard design with the comparison Bayt al- Suhaymi,
Egypt and Alhambra Granada, Spain. The finding of this research will help to define the to
identify the characteristics of Islamic courtyard design are include: quadripartite layout are the
harmonies central unit of courtyard, use of water and vegetation and shade are reflection of
heaven and environmental control, pavilion to protection and shelter and the walls and gates to
privacy and human comfort. It is hoped that the paper can give the knowledge for the idea of
Islamic courtyard design as a make the environment calmer at courtyard through the element
of courtyard design and provide benefits to the user.
Keywords: Islamic Garden, Landscape design, Courtyard design

1.0 Introduction
Courtyard is a special space, there are two types of courtyard which are that can be built
in the outside yet and almost inside (Reynolds, John: 1938). Courtyard is an area surrounded by
buildings and is exposed to the sky. Courtyard is also an area to provide daily contact a human
with nature and can make a beautiful area to the whole community. Usually surrounded by
courtyard building will be summoned. The good courtyard is that applying the elements of
landscape, be attention to people and also can create space for people to community.

Courtyard can be found in every country in the world, different in climate and culture of
the country. For an example, Courtyard in ancient Sumerian widely used in the area
surrounding the building in all ancient Mideast. Next, in china courtyard can be found in a
residential area. Then, in the colder north, courtyard area is smaller than in other countries and
aims to filter sunlight in the summer. Furthermore, in Japan, Africa and America courtyard

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

surrounded by a group of buildings. Despite what appears to be occurring with courtyard

nowadays it is more often glass-roofed and air-conditioned "atrium".

2.0 Problem Statement

The issues regarding in the research of the study in the Islamic courtyard design from
terms of their views of the world and in countries that have been identified from the literature.
For an example the issue is Islamic courtyard has a design in terms of understanding and
appreciation because the reference referred inadequate and physical evidence topic is not
detail and specific. As the issues highlighted in this study are:

There are various Islamic courtyards of the earliest and popular, as for an example
Generalife Alhambra, Spain (Wescoat, 1990; Delgado et al, 2007; Solmaz Mohammadzadeh
Kive, 2012). In ancient times Islamic courtyard highly appreciated in the Islamic civilization and
heritage has become as influential in the government of the Islamic era. However, essentially
decreasing because the some lack of supporting the essence of Islam around the world. Islam is
the second largest religion in the world; therefore the courtyard Islamic principles should be
emphasized in the design. Although however, it makes strong evidence to show the issues
inadequate guideline for people to refer and continue the idea of the Islamic courtyard design.
Therefore, the study who wishes to maintain the basic Islamic courtyard at this time should be
carried is as a reference for future.

3.0 Aim and Objectives

The overall aim of this research is to study of element of Islamic courtyard design with
the comparison Alhambra Granada, Spain and Bayt al-Suhaymi, Egypt. How to achieve this aim
is through the process from beginning to end of objective. The following study objective was

 To review the world’s leading Islamic landscape design

 To identify the characteristics of Islamic courtyard design.

4.0 Literature Review

4.1. Type of courtyard

Courtyard is one of the main features the mosque of the prophet. Courtyard also
intended a space that has walls, porticoes and varies by type of hypostyle mosque. There are
also some activities that occurred in the courtyard without religious activities it is determined
by reason and aim the courtyard was built.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

Table 1: Type of courtyard and characteristics

Mosque  Almost every historic or traditional mosque
 The use of the sahn in Middle Eastern countries'
mosques was carried on to most Islamic countries'
mosque architecture.
 Surrounded by the Riwaq arcade on all sides.
 Contain water basins, such as howz, for ritual
purification and performing of wudu (Islamic
ablutions), and flowing fountains for drinking
 The inner courtyard is not a religiously proscribed
architectural feature, and some mosques,
especially since the twentieth century, do not have
a sahn
Residential design  Part of courtyard house and are the most private
 The scale and design details different :
- Urban to rural locales
- Regions and climates
- Eras and cultures
 Courtyard can be a private garden, a service yard
and summer season outdoor living room for the
 Surrounded by colonnaded riwaq and has a howz
or pool

4.2. Element of Islamic Courtyard Design

The element of Islamic courtyard design has five characteristics. For an example
quadripartite layout, use of water, vegetation and shade, pavilions, walls and gates. Next, the
quadripartite layout is a feature that should be included in the Islamic courtyard design it mean
in terms of geometric layout and it also often occurs in the form of symmetric. Usually it is
described as a square or a rectangle known performance covered space and surrounded by
buildings. Preparation of the quadripartite layout is through pedestrian and how it can be
connected to an area where the focus in an area which is in the middle of the courtyard. In the
al-Quran Surah Mohammed, verses 15 describes four rivers of paradise: "in it are rivers of water
unaltered, rivers of milk of which the taste never changes, rivers of wine, a joy to those who
drink, and rivers of honey pure and clean. Next, in Surah al-Rahman verses 46-62 to give a
longer and more detailed than four gardens. They are the gardens of the Soul and the Garden
of the Heart, and the higher than the two is the Garden of the Spirit and substance Park. For an
example that has survived to the present is urban courtyard gardens in Cairo, namely the
preparation of Beit al-Places shows two courtyard designed from quadripartite form which
connects through the walkways.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

Moreover use of water, Most of the Muslim world in the world is located in the
environment relatively dry and arid. Therefore, with the courtyard it can provide functionality
to the environment. For an example, can provide an environment seem cooler and can give to
the user. In fact, it can also reduce violence in a building. Because of this, water is the most
important element in Islamic courtyard as it can provide benefits to consumers and make the
climate better than before. Water also has aesthetic qualities funds mat appreciated and often
used in Islamic courtyard. For example, the water began to drip slowly and continues to be a
small waterfall, a jet of water fountain continues towards into the canal and finally the water is
still in the pool. A combination that will not stop and can give a quiet area turned into a rather
nice environment and can provide comfort. According to the al-Quran it refers to the calm
water and a dynamic quality, "Heaven flow in rivers" is repeated thirty times in different
Chapters. The righteous are promised to live in the midst of gardens and rivers, "As for the
righteous, they will be in Gardens and the River" (Al-Qamar: 54). "And in them (both) will be two
springs pouring forth water in continuous" (Al-Rahman: 50). A water tank corresponds to a
quiet central basin (hawd) promised to the prophet Muhammad (peace is upon him) in Surat al-
Kawthar. In the centre of the planting bed is directly connected to a well of water through the
channel. The running water is not only to irrigate the plants to the region but it also can give
beauty and cooling effects to the user.

Furthermore the vegetation of shade, Trees and shrubs are often grown in the quadrant
adjacent Islamic courtyard in Islam. Plants grown used to provide pragmatic and aesthetic
results. In the al-Quran at the Islamic courtyard often trees are planted at once, or convene a
meeting in order to provide shade in the area and to provide an environment looks cooler.
Trees were planted in the Islamic courtyard often provides the main attraction through the
palette. For an example, in the al-Quran trees are often planted and are often called the
pomegranate, grape and coconut. In addition, to go to the shelter, it is also often added to
provide nourishment, scent, and colours. Therefore, Tall cypresses are planted to provide
protection from the wind, even trees planted oaks and Willows to provide shade in the garden
area out of the sun. For an example, weather in the summer. Description of the Quran is quite
consistent in providing a portrait of the green light, lushness, colour, delicious fruits, and the
beauty of fantasy, "Branch, unfailing fruit, grape, and pomegranate" and "the fruit of many , the
season is not limited, and not (supply) forbidden" (al-Waqiah: 32-33) and "In both are fruits,
dates, pomegranates" (Al-Rahman: 68). "Spread the shade" is an expression that is generated in
the Quran as part of the reward that awaits the righteous "And the colour of the (Garden) will
close to them" (Al-Insan: 14) and "we will enter them into the shade; yet comfortable" (Al-Nisa’:

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

Figure 1: Water fountains and vegetation that use within the palace courtyards of Alhambra,
Granada, Spain. Water and vegetation is a very important element in Islamic landscape design.
(Source: http://www.ummah.co.ke/blog/2014/06/islamic-architecture)

Next the pavilions, in the perception of the Muslim the environment around the area
that has been built. For an example, there are two instances of earth and sky, which is ruled by
Allah. In addition, the continuity of space in Islam is seen by Muslims found that it correlated
with Islamic culture and solidarity. Thus, the unity that exists it can increase the feeling of a
strong influence on Islamic courtyard of the quadripartite layout preferences. In the al-Quran,
which is used as the main place where Muslims refer to the pavilion. As implied in the Quran
and Hadith 21 pavilions is the cool structure, built in the gardens of paradise, over flowing
water. Abu Ummamah narrated "Anyone who has a good temperament should have a house
built for him in the apartment of the highest heaven". And al-Quran explains: "For those who
fear their Lord, which houses a high one above the other, were built: Beneath them rivers flow"
(Al-Zumar: 20). In the garden- garden, pavilion design or structure where Muslims enjoy the
shade, coolness, and water, different architectures depending on the geographical location in
the Islamic world.

Figure 2: Clocks Pavilion, covered by a dome, located west of the courtyard Mosque of
Damascus. (Source: http://architecturalmoleskine.blogspot.my/2013/09/the-great-mosque-
Besides walls and gates, Islamic courtyard design should have its own wall and gates to
give privacy as its own and to give the private to rest. Moreover, walls and gates purpose is
to provide protection from a dusty environment, the noise, the glare of sunlight, a hot
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

environment and provide a fresh area for the convenience of the people through the
provision of building walls and their environment. In the Qur'an, heaven is described as an
enclosed garden, surrounded by a "wall" and can be accessed through the "door", "And
those who fear their Lord will be led to the Garden in troops, so that when they arrive: Its
doors will open" (Al-Zumar: 73), and "Gardens of Eden that the doors will (ever) be open to
them" (Sad: 50). In comparison, in the courtyard garden of paradise Muslim: if allowed, the
door will be opened.

4.3 Islamic Garden

The main purpose of the Islamic garden is designed to show Islam in a paradise garden.
History start of the first Islamic gardens has occurred at the time of the establishment of the
Persian garden in the seventh century (Haaga, 2005). Proceeds from the Islamic garden, design
are a reference to the Islamic garden, for instance Moghul gardens in Kashmir in India and the
Alhambra, Generalife in southern Spain. Therefore, the effect of the garden Spain it began to
grow around the world until to 20th century and the effect of evidence can be seen in the
revival garden at California and Mexico. The concept of the Islamic garden is promoting the
concept of simplicity; therefore recommending the Islamic garden growing in the modern
world. According Petruccioli (1998), he said Islam has successfully raised park attraction of
attention of European culture in the 17th century. In addition, the influence of Islamic gardens
can also be seen through the results of garden design in Florence and the Royal Pavilion in
Brighton England. In the 19th century the park Islam has once again increased growth due to
the strong influence the design and selected as one of the architectural style of the official at
the World Exhibition. The development of Islamic gardens continues to flourish in the 19th
century and early 20th century and the slow decline due to the progress of the modern world.

The glory age of Islam garden began in the seventh century. The design concept of the
garden first form more privacy in the design of the garden (Germeraad, 1993). Increasingly, the
design of the Islamic garden has started to grow in the landscape design in the world. For an
example, the famous Islamic gardens that grow under the establishment of the Islamic garden
such as the Persian, Mughal Gardens of Kashmir and Al-Andalus, Spain. The main purpose of
the garden was established as an open space that is produced to the public. Persian history
before the creation of the park, the park is an area of the field. After the development of
Islamic civilization, it has grown and some Islamic countries start upgrading government in the
design concept of the Islamic design. For an example of the fourth Mughal Emperor Jahangir
(1569-1627) had built a pavilion black in Kashmir (Sajjad Kausar, 2005). Moreover, according to
Seyyed Hossein Nasr et al, (1993) have emphasized the concept of Islamic Garden by Gulzar
Haider. However, the environment and the key elements that should be included in an Islamic
garden is a garden that reflects elements of Islam. As for example, the embedded concept of
monotheism, Khalifah, khilqat that means the environmental, jihad means obedience, justice,
worship, knowledge and Jamal mean that beauty is emphasized in al-Quran. Therefore, any
garden Islam that has the same values will be considered Islamic garden (Gulzar Haider, 1984).

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

5.0 Methodology
This study is based on research methods from secondary sources. Analysis of the
documents adopted in this study is to identify in more detail about the study, and to increase
understanding more clearly about this research. The document is a form of research that is
highly reliable, because it is judged to documents obtained. Data collection used in this study is
to secondary sources through information gathered by journals. The documents are divided
into three sections namely; type of courtyard, Element of Islamic courtyard and the Islamic
Table 2: Document Analysis
Document Analysis

Secondary Document:

Information gathered
by the researcher e.g.:

Type of courtyard Element of Islamic Islamic Garden

courtyard concept


To identify the characteristics of Islamic courtyard design.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

5.1 Case studies Bayt Al-Suhaymi, Egypt

Figure 4: Al Suhaymi house ground floor plan. Shaddy Attia: (2006)

Bayt Al- Suhaymi is one example that we can be seen to reflect the Islamic courtyard
and it was built in the 16th century and 17th century. The house is located in the hallway El
Darb El Asfar is located near the famous Fatimid street or road known as El Moez. The house
has several building phases before attaining final design that covers 2000 square meters and is
divided into five stages. This house is a popular place with the environment and contains
elements of traditional Korean architecture of the house. Access road is likely to continue to its
destination, it can also guarantee the privacy of the home, it can also lead us to the interior
courtyard surrounded by rooms and can be tasted at the maqaad (roofed balcony overlooking
the cool breeze north) and takhtaboosh (a space attached by the court to receive male visitors
during the summer.

Next, the quadripartite layout at the bayt Al-Suhaymi is design quadripartite often
referred to in al-Quran more than once. Therefore, courtyard is encouraged to use
quadripartite layout it are not always in the form of geometry but also can be seen in the form
of that symmetric.. The layout quadripartite assured through a combination of elements of
plants, water and pavement section of the site. Quadripartite design can give designers to
manipulate the site and get to create a relationship through the water, plants and distance the

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

Figure 5: Landscape design elements in Al Suhaymi courtyard gardens (a) courtyard, (b) rear
garden. Shaddy Attia: (2006)

Furthermore, use of water one of the element Islamic courtyard design. Bayt Al-Suhaymi
has a fountain became the focus of people in the courtyard and fountain are located in part in
the hall. Next, the fountains in Bayt Al-Suhaymi also share amenities to sprinkles residents in
the area. With the use of a fountain in the home it can be a reservoir of cool air. In addition, it
also can provide dry air humidification in Cairo. However, the fountain can also help to relieve
the climate in the hall and shows the importance of the elements of that natural environment
such as water element in the house.

Besides, vegetation and shade at Bayt-Al-Suhaymi in the rear courtyard and planted
them also to provide functionality to users, it can also provide amenities on an open space and
a hot place. For example, in the courtyard behind the street using tar element. Therefore, to
avoid becoming a hot area make decisions to plant herbs, flowers and palm at the venue. In
addition, in the main courtyard it more focus to plant ground cover, evergreen and trees that
can become as a protective wall in the area that are in the courtyard. Greenery plants at the
rear and in the courtyard can absorb dust and dirt in the atmosphere and can reduce the glare
of sunlight.

Moreover, walls and pavilions one of the elements in Islamic courtyard design. In the al-
Quran is described as paradise garden enclosed and surrounded by walls and can be accessed
through door. Next, at the Bayt Al-Suhaymi courtyard surrounded by high wall thick and can
provide protection from hot environments, dusty, noisy and to generate cool air and fresh for
human comfort. Moreover, the rear garden at the Bayt Al-Suhaymi surrounded by a low wall
and intended to reduce shade of trees. In addition, the walls are built at the Bayt Al-Suhaymi
considered as elements related to the environment and Islamic design.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

5.2 Case studies of Alhambra Granada, Spain (Alhambra Palace Layout)

Figure 6: Alhambra Palatial Complex and Generalife. Shaddy Attia: (2006)

Alhambra Palace is often praised through that balanced composition by architecture,

vegetation and water. Moreover, the hierarchy and pattern symmetry can also control the
structure and organization of space in the palace as if it could have been using the fountains
and the channels. In addition, The Most courtyards are rectangular are this with a rectangular
pools of arranged the middle. Next, the courtyard also sorted by quadripartite but it is more
focused on the long allow due to an excess width provides exposure to move freely in
anticipation. Among the two courtyards that can be analysed at Alhambra complex Palatial is,
such as Court of Myrtles and Court of lions.

Court of myrtles, in the middle there is a large pool located in the walkway using marble
material with myrtles growing along its banks. In addition, it also considered and incorporated
in the design of Islamic courtyard. Secondly, the court of lion's there are fountains and four
axial channels could form the nucleus of the Alhambra Palace.

Figure 7: The court of Myrtles, Alhambra. Figure 8: The Court of Lions,

Photo taken by (Mirosu: 2011) Shaddy Attia: (2006)

The quadripartite layout in court of Myrtles, This area does not have quadripartite layout
elements but it still follows the layout of geometric symmetry. The architecture of the
courtyard is the most widely axis that aims to cool apartment in the summer environment.
Although, the quadripartite layout at Court of Lions is a regular quadripartite layout. For an

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

example, court of Lions has rectangle court bisected by both longitude and the horizontal axis.
Emphasized by the long axis of the pavilion and placed at both ends of the area.

Figure 9: Landscape design elements in the Figure 10: Landscape design elements in the
Court. Court of Myrtles, Alhambra. Shaddy Attia: (2006) of Lions, Alhambra.
Shaddy Attia: (2006)

Furthermore, use of water at the Court of the Myrtles it being at the rectangular pool.
Large central pool makes large courtyard area can illustrate porticos Comares Tower. This
situation has created a sound continuously without interruption in the courtyard and the water
that flows continue to move to the surface of the pond that was once the place to see gold fish.
Even so, use of water element at the court of lions is a fountain that can be viewed at the end
of both the courtyard. The Lions fountain located in the middle of the courtyard that provides
animation in the courtyard. The Fountain of Lions is an alabaster basin supported by twelve
lions made of marble material. The fountains started out fountains of the small side and the
water continues to fall into the bowl. Then, it began to walk through the central fountain in the
channel that has been carved in the walkway and then running down the stairs entrance hall,
has formed a small cascade and have been spilled in the lion dodecagonal basin area.

Besides, the vegetation and shade at Court of Mytles a plants grown in only have four
orange trees at the four corners of the courtyard and it was planted when the restoration at the
19th century. Then, there are also have a shrubs and fragrant flowering trees at the courtyard
surrounding. However, the vegetation and shade at court of lion’s show don’t have plants in the
court of lions, but there is a large shell fountain and there will be no plants in it because it will
seem so short if they are in pots or in beds though it is separate and it is located far away with
the journey route. Today, the babble that surrounds the pool on may not be the original
because maybe it will produce clay tiles and decorated with designs on ceramics. Thus, the
garden will remain with beds that are used for climbing plants, for example jasmine and myrtle
plant fence at the border even though the space located in pool.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

Finally, walls and pavilions at the court of Mytles. For an example, Alhambra is a city
walled and surrounded by large walls. Moreover, in the north and south there are the gallery of
its own. Gallery in the south is 9 meters high and decorated by that compact marble material.
In addition, there is also the right of that main door and above it there are elegant windows
with small arches and pillars. Instead, walls and pavilions at court of lions using white marble
tiles in the area around the courtyard, decorated with a row of marble columns in the
courtyard, covered with walls 1.5 meters high rated and at every gate there is a large
rectangular arabesques.

5.2 Case studies of Alhambra Granada, Spain (Generalife Palace Layout)

The Generalife was built during the reign of Muhammad III, starting from 1302-1309 and
used as a summer holiday Nasrid. The area is separated by Alhambra through the gorge and it
was in front of the palace Nasrid. Generalife also comprises a terrace arranged hillside, and
there is a lush garden and pavilion overlooking the courtyard. According to Selle: (n.d) said
Generalife Gardens in the park might be the best as it tries to convey a true desire and the
Islamic garden in paradise almost unmatched compared to other western parks.

Court of irrigation also knew Patio de la Acequai an oval arena with 49 meters long and
12 meters wide. Court of irrigation is the water from the irrigation ditch that continues in the
duct Alhambra in the water channel divides it lengthwise. The quadripartite layout at court of
irrigation formed through creeks split center water through beds flanking a portrait of medieval
layout. The court is in Acequia lowest terrace area and consists of a rectangular courtyard of
the four quadrants of the old water channel and basin in the central courtyard.

Figure 11: Court of Irrigation (Source: https://gardeningjules.wordpress.com/2015/06/15/the-


Next, use of water at court of irrigation through the water supply to the Generalife, it
began to be channelled through the top of the wall and then move to the bluffs and then
channelled to feed and jet canal in patio gardens. The uniqueness of the water element here is
stairs water that has not been seen in the design of Islam before. Domestic water is between
the two towers and continues to flow to flow above and in the middle. Moreover, vegetation
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

and shade at court of irrigation in painting Patio de la Acequaia by (Ludwig Hans Fischer: 1885),
which means tall cypresses and aromatic Mediterranean herbs will no longer exist today, court
of irrigation no longer maintain the genuine cultivation but we find annuals are still flowering in

Figure 12: Landscape design elements in the court of irrigation. Shaddy Attia: (2006)
Furthermore, walls and pavilions at court of irrigation in Acequía court there is a gallery
with a balcony located on the west side of the courtyard can provide dramatic views of the
landscape and the Alhambra. Pavilion of court irrigation located at the north end and in front of
the Albaicin quarter. Pavilion there is a history of its own and is used as a residence and two
pavilions open to the apex courts through an arcade Acequaia.

6.0 Findings

These findings were divided into two main sections based on literature review and
comparison of case study of Bayt Al-Suhaymi, Egypt and the Alhambra, Granada, Spain. Firstly,
through a literature review of Elements of Islamic courtyard of the reference design based on
the Quran and the hadith show the quadripartite layout harmonies are the central unit of the
courtyard, use of water and vegetation and shade are reflection of heaven and environmental
control, pavilion to protection and shelter and the walls and gates to privacy and human
comfort. Next, through a comparison of case study of Bayt Al-Suhaymi, Egypt and the
Alhambra, Granada, Spain it was shown:
Table 3: Comparison between case study
Case Study
Element Bayt Al-Suhaymi Court of Myrtles Court of Lion Court of
of Islamic Irrigation
Quadripar Quadripartite Does not have Quadripartite The quadripartite
tite layout layout it is not quadripartite layout at Court layout at court of
always in the form layout elements of Lions is a irrigation formed
of geometry but but it still follows regular through creeks
also can be seen in the layout of quadripartite split center water
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

the form of that geometric layout. through beds

symmetric. symmetry. flanking a portrait
of medieval
Use of Fountain became Use of water at The Lions The uniqueness
water the focus of people the Court of the fountain in the of the water
in the courtyard Myrtles it being middle of the element here is
and fountain is at the rectangular courtyard that stairs water that
located in part in pool. provides has not been
the hall. animation in seen in the design
the courtyard of Islam before

Vegetatio Behind the street Vegetation and The vegetation Tall cypresses and
n and using tar element. shade at Court of and shade at aromatic
shade Therefore, to avoid Mytles a plants court of lion’s Mediterranean
becoming a hot grown in only show don’t herbs will no
area make have four orange have plants in longer exist
decisions to plant trees at the four the court of today, court of
herbs, flowers and corners of the lions. irrigation no
palm at the venue. courtyard and it longer maintain
was planted the genuine
when the cultivation but we
restoration at the find annuals are
19th century. still flowering in
Walls and Courtyard In the north and Using white Pavilion there is a
pavilion surrounded by high south there is the marble tiles in history of its own
wall thick and can gallery of its own the area and is used as a
provide protection and Gallery in the around the residence and
from hot south is 9 meters courtyard, two pavilions
environments, high and decorated open to the apex
dusty, noisy and to decorated by that with a row of courts through an
generate cool air compact marble marble arcade Acequia.
and fresh for material. columns in the
human comfort. courtyard,
covered with

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 3
ISSN: 2222-6990

7.0 Summary
Courtyard considered as a daily human contact with nature. Courtyards create a
space for the community and it should be increased in terms of understanding and
appreciation. In addition, to review the design of Islamic landscape design we must identify the
historical development, types of Islamic landscape design and characteristics of Islamic
landscape design based on the Al- Quran and Hadith.

Through a case study comparison between different age and time, I found that the
quadripartite layout is shaped symmetric in Bayt Al-Suhaymi and court of Myrtles at Alhambra.
Next, use of water often in close fountain and it is used as one of the attractions to the public in
the courtyard. For an example, the unique element in the court of irrigation is the water
stepped and has not been seen in the design of Islam over the years. Moreover, vegetation and
shade between the two places a case study plant in the courtyard of the Alhambra did not play
its role compared to the Bayt Al-Suhaymi. For an example, in the street Bayt Al-Suhaymi using
tar element. How to avoid becoming a hot area, it decided to plant herbs and flowers of oil in
the area. Furthermore, walls and pavilions in both case study creating walls and pavilions
assume the role of privacy in the area and can also make a shelter from the weather and
human comfort.

Corresponding Author:
Wan Kamal Nadzif Bin Wan Jamil
Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies,
Universiti Teknologi MARA (Perak),
32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
Email: wanka238@perak.uitm.edu.my

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