Tgo 93 - 2017
Tgo 93 - 2017
Tgo 93 - 2017
© Commonwealth of Australia 2019
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What TGO 93 applies to _________________________ 5
Commencement________________________________ 5
Interpretation __________________________________ 5
European Pharmacopeia monographs _____________ 6
Source of active ingredients and cannabinoids______ 6
Decontamination _______________________________ 6
Identification __________________________________ 6
Chromatographic procedures _________________________________________________ 7
Chemical constituents of cannabis plant ------------------------------------------------7
Adulteration ___________________________________ 8
Tests _________________________________________ 8
How to validate tests ____________________________________________________________ 9
Cannabis plant tests _____________________________________________________________ 9
Sample size and preparation guidance---------------------------------------------------9
Specified tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
Every batch must comply ---------------------------------------------------------------------9
Alternative tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Additional tests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Assay of active ingredients in the product ________________________________ 10
Active ingredient definition --------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Assay method ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Stated content ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Assay limits for various dosage forms -------------------------------------------------- 11
The manufacturer of the medicinal cannabis product(s) should submit the completed form to the
person applying to access the medicinal cannabis product(s) through the available access
Please note that although the cannabis plant used in the manufacture of the medicinal cannabis
product must meet the requirements of Schedule 1 of TGO 93, reduced or rotational testing of
the cannabis plant used in the manufacture of the product can be carried out provided that this
is justified on good manufacturing practice (GMP) grounds. For example, a manufacturer may be
able to justify reducing or not conducting pesticide testing if no pesticides are used in the
cultivation of the cannabis plant. Medicinal cannabis products, like any therapeutic good may be
subject to testing by the TGA at any time to ensure compliance with relevant standards.
For unapproved medicinal cannabis products to be accessed via:
• SAS and Authorised Prescriber: The medical practitioner is required to submit this form as
supportive documentation to the TGA with their notification or application, unless the
sponsor has already submitted the form to the TGA on the applicant’s behalf
• Clinical trials - CTN/CTX: The Australian clinical trial sponsor should complete the section
at the end of the form to include the name of the medicinal cannabis product(s) used in the
clinical trial as well as the TGA clinical trial application number and protocol number. The
clinical trial sponsor is then required to submit this form as supportive documentation to the
TGA with their application or notification, as applicable. In the case of a CTN involving the
use of a medicinal cannabis product, the clinical trial sponsor should submit this form via
email to In the case of a CTX involving the use of a medicinal
cannabis product, the clinical trial sponsor should submit this form as part of the CTX
application made to the TGA.
any medicinal cannabis product imported into, exported from, or supplied in Australia
cannabis plant used in the manufacture of medicinal cannabis products (e.g. as an
ingredient or as a starting material for an extract used as an ingredient)
any other ingredients used in the manufacture of medicinal cannabis products, such as
steps and procedures carried out in the manufacture of medicinal cannabis products
TGO 93 does not apply to medicinal cannabis products:
imported by a member of the military forces of another country visiting Australia for
military training, as described in item 8 of Schedule 5A to the Therapeutic Goods
imported by a member of a group of persons that includes the Head of Government or Head
of State of a foreign country and senior Government officials of that country, who are
visiting Australia on official business, as described in item 11 of Schedule 5A to the
Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990
that are part of the medical supplies of a marine vessel or an aircraft visiting Australia for
use in treatment of a passenger or crew member, as described in item 12 of Schedule 5A to
the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990
that are described in item 1 of Schedule 5 to the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990
What TGO 93 applies to is defined in Section 6 of TGO 93.
TGO 93 commences the day after it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation (section 2
of TGO 93). All medicinal cannabis products imported, exported or supplied in Australia must
conform with TGO 93 from its commencement, unless you have been given a consent by the
The terms used in TGO 93 are consistent with therapeutic goods legislation, and may differ in
meaning from the terminology in narcotic drugs legislation (Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 and
Narcotic Drugs Regulation 2016).
‘Act’ is defined in section 4 of TGO 93 as the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 and ‘Regulations’ as the
Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990. Any term not defined in TGO 93 will usually take its
ordinary English meaning.
the synthetic form of any cannabinoid [including, for example, the synthetic form of
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (known as dronabinol)]
active ingredients from any source other than the cannabis plant
If you decontaminate the cannabis plant—for example, by using gamma irradiation to reduce the
microbial load—you must ensure that this does not adversely affect the quality of the medicinal
cannabis product (section 9(a) of TGO 93).
Do not use ethylene oxide to decontaminate the cannabis plant (section 9(b) of TGO 93). This is
in line with current guidance on the quality of herbal medicinal products. For more information,
• Guideline on quality of herbal medicinal products1/traditional herbal medicinal
products(EMA/CPMP/QWP/2819/00 Rev. 2)
You must positively identify the cannabis plant used in the manufacture of medicinal cannabis
products and differentiate it from potential adulterants and substitutes using each of the
following identification methods (section 10 of TGO 93):
• macroscopic examination
• microscopic examination
• chromatographic procedures
These identification methods must be suitably validated and performed on every batch of the
cannabis plant.
TGA guidance Identification of herbal materials and extracts relates to the identification of plant
materials, such as cannabis plant, that do not have a monograph in a pharmacopoeial standard.
This guidance specifies that the macroscopic, microscopic, and chemical characteristics of the
plant should be compared against either:
• an authenticated reference specimen
• the descriptions given in an authoritative literature source such as:
– the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime website: Recommended methods for the
identification and analysis of cannabis and cannabis products
Chromatographic procedures
Chromatographic procedures are chemical tests that determine whether the characteristic
chemical constituents of the plant are present in the plant.
Examples of chromatographic procedures include:
• high-performance liquid chromatography
• thin-layer chromatography
• gas chromatography
Tests may involve one or more chromatographic procedures. For example, the British
Pharmacopoeia for Holy Basil Leaf (the dried leaves of Ocimum tenuiflorum) stipulates the use of
macroscopic and microscopic examination as well as two thin-layer chromatography test
procedures for the identification of the plant.
• beta-caryophyllene
• geraniol
• alpha-humulene
• limonene
• linalool
• myrcene
Some cannabinoids such as THC and CBD are unique to the Cannabis genus.
Do not adulterate the formulated medicine or any of its ingredients with undeclared substances.
Tobacco, calamus and synthetic cannabinoids are notable examples of adulterants (section 11 of
TGO 93).
The motivation for adulterating a product is irrelevant—the presence of any substance
extraneous to the formulation (such as undeclared substances)—will be considered to amount
to adulteration for the purposes of TGO 93.
‘Incidental minor excipients’ are not considered adulterants. These are defined in section 4 of
TGO 93 as:
• an excipient or processing aid in the manufacture of ingredients for medicinal
• a processing aid in the manufacture of medicinal cannabis products
TGO 93 specifies tests and assay limits in section 12 of TGO 93.
Specified tests
You must determine whether the cannabis plants used to manufacture the medicinal cannabis
products meet the requirements of Schedule 1.
The following parameters are specified in Schedule 1:
1. aflatoxins
2. foreign matter
3. heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury)
4. ochratoxin A
5. pesticides
6. total ash
The tests in Schedule 1 are standard pharmacopoeial tests applied to the cannabis plant used in
the manufacture of medicinal products. For more information, see:
• European Pharmacopoeia general monograph Herbal Drugs (1433)
• Guidance on Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Herbal Substances,
Herbal Preparations and Herbal Medicinal Products/Traditional Herbal Medicinal
Products(CPMP/QWP/2820/00 Rev 2).
However, in accordance with good manufacturing practice (GMP) considerations, you may
perform reduced or rotational testing for non-critical tests provided that you are able to justify
this reduced or rotational testing. For example, you may be able to justify reducing or not
conducting pesticide testing if no pesticides are used in the cultivation of the cannabis plant.
Alternative tests
You do not have to use the methods specified in Schedule 1 to test the cannabis plant. You could
• equivalent methods in established pharmacopoeia, including the United States
Pharmacopoeia-National Formulary
• suitably validated in-house or literature (non-pharmacopoeial) tests that are suitable for the
intended purpose
However, in the event of a dispute, the methods of analysis specified in TGO 93 are the official
Additional tests
In addition to testing the parameters specified in Schedule 1, consider performing additional
tests on the cannabis plant from the general monograph on Herbal Drugs (1433), where such
tests are warranted.
For example:
• water or loss on drying:
– Consider performing tests for the cannabis plant in relation to water or loss on drying
with appropriate limits to ensure that the cannabis plant does not contain excessive
moisture that could facilitate the growth of microorganisms
• Radioactivity
– Consider performing tests for the cannabis plant in relation to radioactive
contamination if the plant is grown in an area with potential for radioactive
contamination, e.g. the Chernobyl region.
Corresponding acids
The term ‘corresponding acid’ is used because some cannabinoids such as THC and CBD
ordinarily exist in the cannabis plant in the form of their corresponding acid, namely THC-acid
and CBD-acid respectively. These acids form THC and CBD as a result of decarboxylation during
storage or heating.
It is common practice to express the contents of cannabinoids in the cannabis plant as the total
of cannabinoid and corresponding acid. For example, total THC is the sum of THC and THC-acid
and total CBD is the sum of CBD and CBD-acid. The assay should be performed with reference to
these total sums.
Assay method
No particular test method is prescribed for calculating the average content of each active
ingredient in accordance with section 12(2) of TGO 93. The assay method you use will depend
on the active ingredient, the dosage form and the formulation of the product. You can use any
suitably validated test method.
Examples of literature assay methods can be found in:
• Monograph Cannabis Flos Version 7.1 (November 28, 2014)_40953, Dutch Office ofMedicinal
• Recommended methods for the identification and analysis of cannabis and cannabis
products, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Stated content
The assay limits are specified in relation to the stated content of each active ingredient. ‘Stated
content’ is defined in section 4 of TGO 93. ‘Stated content’ means the quantity or proportion of
each active ingredient:
• specified on the label, if we have approved an application under section 25 of the
Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
• disclosed in an application made under section 19 of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989,
whether or not the quantity or proportion is specified on the label
• disclosed in an application made under regulation 12A of the Regulations, whether or not
the quantity or proportion is specified on the label
• purported to be present in a medicinal cannabis product that is dispensed, or
extemporaneously compounded, for a particular person for therapeutic application to that
person, in the manner mentioned in item 6 of Schedule 5 to the Therapeutic Goods
Regulations 1990
• notified to be present for the purpose of clinical trials as described in item 3 of Schedule
5Ato the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990
Tablets or capsules
When the product is in tablet or capsule form (section 12(2)(b) of TGO 93), the average content
of each active ingredient, together with any corresponding acid, as determined from a pooled
sample of not fewer than 20 tablets or capsules, must be in the range of 90.0–110.0% of the
stated content of that active ingredient.
• for tablets and capsules registered on the ARTG: Therapeutic Goods (Standard for Tablets,
Capsules and Pills) (TGO 101) Order 2019
Version history
Version Description of change Author Effective date