Test For Absence of Clostridium Species
Test For Absence of Clostridium Species
Test For Absence of Clostridium Species
monella Enrichment Broth, mix, and incubate at 30° to 35° Test for Absence of Clostridium Species
for 18 to 24 hours. Streak a loopful from both incubated
media onto individual surfaces of one or more of following Test Preparation—Prepare as directed for Sampling.
media: Brilliant Green Agar Medium (BG-Agar), [NOTE—On the basis of results for Preparatory Testing, mod-
Xylose–Lysine–Desoxycholate–Agar Medium (XLDC-Agar), and ify the Test Preparation as appropriate.]
Hektoen Enteric Agar Medium (HE Agar). Cover, invert the
plates, and incubate at 30° to 35° for 24 to 48 hours. Ex- Procedure—Take two equal portions of the Test Prepara-
amine the inoculated plates of BG-Agar, XLDC-Agar, and/or tion, heat one to 80° for 10 minutes, and cool rapidly.
HE Agar, and interpret the results with reference to Table 2: Transfer 10 mL of each portion to separate containers, each
if no colonies having the characteristics described are ob- containing 100 mL of Reinforced Medium for Clostridia, and
served, the test specimen meets the requirement for the ab- incubate under anaerobic conditions at 35° to 37° for 48
sence of Salmonella species. If colonies with characteristics hours. After incubation, subculture each specimen on Co-
described in Table 2 are present, the suspect colonies are lumbia Agar Medium to which gentamicin has been added,
transferred to a slant of Triple Sugar–Iron–Agar Medium (TSI) and incubate under anaerobic conditions at 35° to 37° for
using an inoculating wire, by first streaking the surface of 48 hours. Examine the plates, and interpret with reference
the slant, and then stabbing the wire well beneath the sur- to Table 4: if no growth of microorganisms is detected, the
face. Incubate at 30° to 35° for 24 to 48 hours. If the tubes test specimen meets the requirement for the absence of
do not have red alkaline slants and yellow acid butts, with Clostridium species.
or without concomitant blackening of the butts from hydro-
gen sulfide production, the test specimen meets the require- Table 4. Characteristics of Clostridium Species on Specified Media
ment for the absence of Salmonella species. Medium Gram Stain Catalase
Reinforced Medium for Clostridia (+), rods
Table 2. Characteristics of Salmonella Species on Specified Agar
Columbia Agar (+), rods Negative
Gram If growth occurs, subculture each distinct colony on Co-
Agar Medium Colonial Morphology Stain lumbia Agar Medium, and separately incubate in aerobic and
Small, transparent and color- in anaerobic conditions at 35° to 37° for 48 hours. The
less; or opaque, pink or white occurrence of only anaerobic growth of gram-positive ba-
(often surrounded by pink to cilli, giving a negative catalase reaction, indicates the pres-
Brilliant Green red zone) (–), rods ence of Clostridium sporogenes. To perform the catalase test,
Xylose–Lysine– Red, with or without black transfer discrete colonies to glass slides, and apply a drop of
Desoxycholate centers (–), rods dilute hydrogen peroxide solution: the reaction is negative if
Blue-green, with or without no gas bubbles evolve. If the test specimen exhibits none of
Hektoen Enteric black centers (–), rods these characteristics, it meets the requirement for the ab-
sence of Clostridium species.
contaminated irrigation water and/or process water, and microbiological contamination and growth. All processes
poor worker hygiene and sanitation practices during har- have to be validated for their intended purposes. Moreover,
vesting, sorting, processing, packaging, and transportation. in-process manufacturing and testing controls necessary for
Furthermore, it is essential that microbiological contamina- microbiological quality should be identified and
tion be minimized during the manufacture of nonsterile die- implemented.
tary supplements. To achieve this, Good Manufacturing
Practices are employed and adequate microbiological speci-
fications are established. FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT, WATER, AND
Microbiological process control, control of the bioburden SANITIZATION
of raw materials, and control of the manufacturing process
to minimize cross-contamination are necessary to guarantee Facilities—The facilities, including the building and the
acceptable microbial quality in the final dosage forms. Be- heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems,
cause nonaqueous or dry dosage forms do not support mi- should be designed to minimize microbiological contamina-
crobial growth because of low water activity, the microbial tion. The design of facilities used for the manufacture of
quality of such articles is a function of the microorganisms supplements and their operating parameters should be doc-
introduced through ingredients or during processing. In ad- umented, and the documentation should include, when ap-
dition to considering the intended use of the product, the propriate, HVAC filter types, space pressure differentials,
frequency of microbial testing for the finished nonsterile die- temperature, and relative humidity and air changes. Dry
tary supplement would be a function of the historical micro- products processed in a dry environment do not possess a
bial testing database of that product, knowledge of the high potential for increased microbial levels. However, some
manufacturing processes, the susceptibility of the formula- control is warranted to minimize microbiological and chemi-
tion to microbial proliferation, and the demonstrated effec- cal contamination. Potentially problematic areas are those
tiveness of programs controlling the raw materials. that utilize Purified Water for wet granulation, batching liq-
uid products, and film-coating tablets, because water en-
courages microbial growth.
Equipment—Equipment used for the processing of semi-
From a microbiological perspective, the development of solid and dry supplements should be designed to promote
the formulation of nutritional or dietary supplements in- sanitary conditions, to be self-drying, and to be easy to
cludes an evaluation of raw materials and their suppliers and clean. Dryers, ovens, wet granulation equipment, bulk tanks,
the contribution made to the products by each ingredient and equipment for preparation of coating solutions are peri-
and the manufacturing processes. Characterization of these odically evaluated to ensure that cleaning procedures are
elements allows the adequacy of the manufacturing process adequate.
to be demonstrated. For example, if a product is formulated Water—As one of the major components in nutritional
with an ingredient of botanical or animal origin known to and dietary supplement manufacturing processes, water de-
possess a high, variable, or unpredictable level of microbio- serves a special consideration in the microbiological control
logical contamination, it is necessary to ensure that the mi- of these articles. It is a growth medium for a variety of mi-
crobiological monitoring identifies ingredients that have an croorganisms that present a threat to product quality,
inappropriate bioburden level and that a premanufacturing safety, preservation, and stability. Water may even act as a
process such as drying, extraction, heat treatment, irradia- carrier of objectionable microorganisms. In view of this,
tion, or gaseous sterilization treatment will inactivate or re- water used in manufacturing is Purified Water. For the manu-
move any objectionable contaminant possibly present. facture of raw materials, process water that meets specific
However, the selected treatment technique should not microbiological objectives and U.S. Environmental Protection
have any adverse effects. The treatment of raw materials by Agency National Drinking Water standards or equivalent Eu-
irradiation and ethylene oxide may cause unwanted changes ropean and Japanese standards may be used.
affecting the safety and efficacy of the raw material. For Cleaning and Sanitization—Detailed and specific clean-
instance, when treated by ethylene oxide, crude extracts ing and sanitization procedures should be evaluated, devel-
containing alkaloids have shown reduced contents of alka- oped, and validated, with special attention given to product
loids. Dry heat treatment has been used for inactivation as contact surfaces. Personnel should possess sufficient knowl-
well, but it requires further evaluation because it may ad- edge of these procedures.
versely affect stability and degradation of the raw material.
With regard to the design of the manufacturing process,
appropriate consideration should be given to the microbio- SUPPLEMENT COMPONENTS
logical effect of wet granulation manufacturing processes.
Wetting of a dry powder can result in increased levels of Raw materials, excipients, and active substances as com-
microorganisms if the granulation is stored prior to drying. ponents of nutritional and dietary supplements can be a pri-
However, it is recognized that the pressure and temperature mary source of microbiological contamination. Specifications
associated with compression of tablets will decrease micro- should be developed and sampling plans and test proce-
bial counts. Antimicrobial activity is also achieved, especially dures should be employed to guarantee the desired micro-
with aqueous preparations, by the addition of chemicals biological attributes of these materials. The nature and ex-
that have known antimicrobial properties and that are com- tent of microbiological testing should be based upon a
patible with the formulation. knowledge of the material’s origin, its manufacturing pro-
However, antimicrobial preservation is not a substitute for cess, its use, and historical data and experience. For in-
Good Manufacturing Practices. A process has to be de- stance, materials of animal or botanical origin that are not
signed to minimize the microbiological population. Operat- highly refined might require special, more frequent testing
ing procedures and temperatures and time limits, including than synthetic products.
holding times, are established to protect the product from
Since members of the family Enterobacteriaceae are a ma- some articles each batch requires sampling and testing. The
jor component of the normal epiphytic and endophytic design of the sampling and testing plans and the kind of
microflora (e.g., members of genera Klebsiella, Enterobacter, attributes examined depend on the application and the type
and Erwinia) and have been associated with the seeds, pods, of the product, the potential for contamination from com-
roots, leaves, and stems of plants of economic importance, ponents and processing, the growth promotion or inhibition
Coliform or Enterobacteriaceae counts will not be an appro- properties of the formulation, and the target population for
priate general microbiological criterion for botanicals. How- the supplement. For example, a powdered botanical may
ever, when it is considered advantageous, Coliform or Enter- have highly variable microbiological attributes so that an in-
obacteriaceae counts may be included in the individual coming batch would be sampled and composite testing
monographs. Typically on new leaves, bacteria predominate would not be advised, while a highly refined botanical ex-
in the microflora, while yeast and filamentous fungi succeed tract may not require routine microbial testing. Similarly,
bacteria and become dominant late in the growing season. products with a low water activity will not be susceptible to
With dried botanicals, the bacterial population will tend to microbial growth during their shelf life provided they are
change from Gram-negative bacteria to Gram-positive spore protected from elevated humidity by their containers.
formers and fungi. Refinement of botanicals from chopped
or powdered plant material to powdered extracts using al-
coholic, alkaline, acid hydro-alcoholic, or aqueous extracting Microbial Enumeration Tests
materials will reduce the likelihood of vegetative microor-
ganisms within the botanical material. The classification of See the Introduction under Microbial Enumeration Tests—
botanical materials is contained in Table 1. Nutritional and Dietary Supplements 〈2021〉. These tests pro-
vide meaningful information regarding the microbiological
acceptability of excipients, active substances, and nonsterile
MICROBIOLOGICAL TESTING supplement formulations. If the individual monograph does
not specify microbial enumeration limits, the guidance pro-
vided in this chapter is used. Acceptable general limits of
microbial levels for raw materials, excipients, and botanical
Frequency of Sampling and Testing products are shown in Table 2; and those for raw materials,
excipients, active ingredients, and other nonsterile finished
Microbiological attribute sampling and testing plans vary articles that are nutritional supplements but do not contain
widely. In some cases no sampling or testing is necessary; in botanicals are shown in Table 3.
other cases periodic monitoring is warranted; and yet for
Table 2. Recommended Microbial Limits for Botanical Ingredients and Products (Continued)
Recommended Microbial Limit Requirements
Material (cfu/g or mL)
Total Aerobic Microbial Count NMT 102
Infusions/Decoctions Total Combined Yeast & Mold Count NMT 10
Total Aerobic Microbial Count NMT 104
Total Combined Yeast & Mold Count NMT 103
Nutritional Supplements with Botanicals Absence of Salmonella spp & E. coli in 10 g
Total Aerobic Microbial Count NMT 105
Total Combined Yeast & Mold Count NMT 103
Botanicals to be treated with boiling water before use Absence of E. coli in 10 g
Table 3. Recommended Microbial Limits for Dietary Supplement Ingredients and Products
Recommended Microbial Limit Requirements
Material (cfu/g or mL)
Total Aerobic Microbial Count NMT 103
Total Combined Yeast & Mold Count NMT 102
Other raw materials and dietary supplement ingredients Absence of E. coli in 10 g
Total Aerobic Microbial Count NMT 103
Nutritional supplements with synthetic or highly refined ingredi- Total Combined Yeast & Mold Count NMT 102
ents Absence of E. coli in 10 g
Absence of Objectionable Microorganisms optimize the pre-harvest conditions for appropriate growth
and the post-harvest handling to achieve consistent quality
See Introduction under Microbiological Procedures for Ab- with minimum variations in the composition of chemical
sence of Specified Microorganisms—Nutritional and Dietary constituents.
Supplements 〈2022〉. Absence of one or more species of ob-
jectionable microorganisms is required in some individual
Test for Aflatoxins—Dietary and nutritional articles con- Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa L.)
taining botanical products with a history of mycotoxin con- Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)
tamination are also typically tested for aflatoxins, especially Valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.)
if the material is obtained from roots or rhizomes. See Arti- Elm (Ulmus rubra Muhlenberg)
cles of Botanical Origin 〈561〉 for the details of a test for
aflatoxins. Where necessary, this test is included in the indi-
vidual monograph. GENERAL GUIDANCES
Solid Oral Dosage Forms—Among all dosage forms,
solid oral dosage forms present the lowest microbiological It is recommended that, at a minimum, growers and
risk because of their method of manufacture, low water ac- others involved in the handling and distribution of botanical
tivity, and route of administration. When justified, reduced products should become familiar with and follow the WHO
microbiological testing may be appropriate. Guidelines for Good Agricultural and Collection Practices
Other Concerns—The presence of some microorganisms (GACP) for Medicinal Plants (found at http://www.who.int/
in articles can be an indicator of processes that are not medicinedocs/collect/edmweb/pdf/s4928e/s4928e.pdf .
under microbiological control. For example, Purified Water Commercial trade in natural products occurs in a global
used at some stage of the manufacture of these products market. Material of domestic origin must be produced in
might contain a typical flora of Gram-negative microorgan- compliance with all federal laws of the United States. Mate-
isms. As with pharmaceutical products, inadequate process- rial of foreign origin, imported into the U.S., must be pro-
ing of water and poor maintenance of water systems may duced and transported in compliance with the laws of the
result in the contamination of processed formulations by U.S., the country of origin, and relevant international trea-
Gram-negative microorganisms. ties. These include, but may not be limited to, the
1. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is an interna-
tional agreement between governments. Its aim is to
ensure that international trade in specimens of wild
animals and plants does not threaten their survival.
〈2030〉 SUPPLEMENTAL Information about CITES is available at http://
INFORMATION FOR ARTICLES OF 2. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) estab-
lishes three main goals: the conservation of biological
BOTANICAL ORIGIN diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and
the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the
use of genetic resources. Each country that has rati-
fied and is a party to the Convention is responsible
This general chapter provides information about several for implementation by means of national enabling
aspects of botanical articles not covered in USP standards legislation that can differ from country to country.
monographs. Although the standards in the monographs 3. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was originally
address the quality issues associated with botanical plant adopted in 1973. The ESA is a law that aims to pro-
materials, extracts, and preparations of Pharmacopeial arti- tect species of fish, wildlife, and plants believed to be
cles, there is a need to develop appropriate information to threatened with extinction. The ESA is administered