Datasheet Sequencing Multiplex
Datasheet Sequencing Multiplex
Datasheet Sequencing Multiplex
Using the industry’s leading next- FIGURE 1: MULTIPLEXED SEQUENCING PROCESS
disease, multiplexed sequencing can fragments, avoiding constraints on performed in parallel with novel
be performed for time- and cost- read length or fragment size and fluorescently labeled reversible ter-
effective resequencing of targeted maximizing yield and data utility. minator nucleotides. A total of three
regions in many individuals. Multi- Prepared samples can be used on sequencing reads are performed
plexed sequencing can also be used both single-read and paired-end (Figure 1). The first read is identical to
to characterize small, non- flow cells. that of a paired-end experiment and
human genomes, such as when uses the standard Read 1 Sequencing
determining genetic variations FULLY AUTOMATED SEQUENCING Primer provided in the Paired-End
between bacterial strains responsible The multiplexed sequencing process Cluster Generation Kit. At the end of
for separate disease outbreaks. is fully automated using the Genome the first read, the extended sequenc-
In studies of gene structure and Analyzer, Cluster Station, and Paired- ing primer is removed and the Index
regulation, multiplexed sequencing End Module. Sequencing Primer, provided in the
can be applied to whole-transcrip- The Cluster Station amplifies DNA Multiplexing Sequencing Primers and
tome sequencing and to DNA from up to 96 samples on the flow PhiX Control Kit, is annealed to the
recovered by chromatin immunopre- cell surface to create clusters same strand. This approach lever-
cipitation (ChIP) experiments. containing 500–1,000 clonal copies of ages the Paired-End Module to avoid
each molecule. The resulting the loss of high-quality sequencing
UNIQUE INDEX TAGS high-density array of templates is data from the unknown sample that
In a multiplexed run on the Genome sequenced using the Genome would occur if the index sequence
Analyzer, multiple samples are Analyzer and the Paired-End Module. had been included at the start of an
sequenced in a single lane of a flow Sequencing by synthesis is application read.
cell. To identify samples after pool-
ing, each sample is uniquely tagged
sample preparation protocol.
The Multiplexing Sample Prepara-
tion Oligonucleotide Kit provides Purified DNA fragments (< 800 bp)
12 index oligos for pooling up to
Repair ends
12 samples per lane, or 96 samples
Blunt-ended fragments with
per flow cell. Each index is six bases
5'-phosphorylated ends
in length. This permits accurate
Add an ‘A’ to the 3’ ends
differentiation between samples, even
if an index read contains an error. 3’-dA overhang
Sample multiplexing on the Genome
Analyzer system produces high-
throughput sequence information
P5 Index SP
with industry-leading accuracy.
Data quality is equivalent to that Rd2 SP
routinely achieved in a single-read
2. Prepared samples are amplified via PCR using two universal primers. One
or paired-end run. Due to the inher- primer contains an attachment site (P5) for the flow cell, while the other
ent redundancy in the index design, contains the sequencing primer sites for the index read (Index SP) and
for application read 2 (Rd2 SP).
both perfect index reads and those
that differ by one base can be used
as sample identifiers (Figure 4).
Pipeline Analysis software (version 1.0
3. A third primer in the PCR adds the Index as well as a second flow cell
and higher) includes the ability to attachment site (P7) to the PCR product shown in step 2.
discriminate between the three
reads. Once the sequencing chemistry
is complete, the alignment software
P5 Rd1 SP DNA Insert Index SP Index P7
identifies the index sequence and
annotates each read with its
Rd2 SP
respective index. From this point
4. The indexed library is ready for sequencing using the Genome Analyzer
on, reads derived from a given
multiplexed sample can be positively
Just as in a non-multiplexed
detecting structural variation, and UNLIMITED ACCESSIBILITY
sequencing run, Pipeline software
assembling sequences de novo. The Multiplexing Sample Preparation
provides automated base-calling,
Like all of Illumina’s software Oligonucleotide Kit and Multiplexing
calculation of quality values for
solutions, Pipeline software offers Sequencing Primers and PhiX Control
every base, and alignment of read
an open architecture that allows for Kit simplify high-throughput
pairs to a reference sequence. The
easy customization of downstream multiplexed sequencing with the
ability to combine multiplexing
analysis and integration with a vari- Genome Analyzer system. In addition
with paired-end reads is crucial
ety of innovative analysis tools. to multiplexing, the Genome
for optimizing sequence alignment,
broadest range of applications. View
Percent of Usable Index Reads
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Library Number
Most index sequences are perfect, but error correction in the index design means
that even the small number of reads with a single error can be used. Twelve libraries
were prepared, each tagged with a different index, and sequenced in individual flow
cell lanes. The percentage of index sequences that can be used (bar height) is a com-
bination of perfect index reads (blue) and those with a single error (grey).