An Empirical Study of
An Empirical Study of
An Empirical Study of
doi: 10.12973/eurasia.2016.02310a
The touch mouse is a new type of computer mouse that provides users with a new way
of touch-based environment to interact with computers. For more than a decade, user
experience (UX) has grown into a core concept of human-computer interaction (HCI),
describing a user’s perceptions and responses that result from the use of a product in a
particular usage context. This paper presents an empirical study of UX on touch mice via
the user experience questionnaire (UEQ) survey, the purpose of which is to uncover how
target users perceive the selected touch mice after interacting with them. A total of 20
university students were recruited as target users to participate in the UX test to
perform defined tasks with the 6 selected touch mice under the Windows 8 operating
environment. The experimental results can help researchers understand how users
perceive and value such new type of computer mouse, thus ensuring positive UX and
leading to more desirable touch mice.
Copyright © 2016 by the authors; licensee iSER, Ankara, TURKEY. This is an open access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original paper is accurately cited.
2876 © 2016 by authors, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 12(11), 2875-2885
An empirical study of user experience
A total of 20 university students were recruited as target users to participate in
the empirical study. These subjects consisted of 10 females and 10 males, ranging in
age from 20 to 24 years (Mean=20.85, S.D.=0.988). Each subject received
remuneration (NT$ 300 per student) as compensation for the time and effort he/she
spent participating in the empirical study. All participants are right handed users
and were required to have familiarity with the Windows 8 operating system in order
to ensure experimental variables being equitable and objective.
Six touch mice were selected as product samples for measuring the UX of these
alternative products. The UX experiment conducted in a laboratory at I-Shou
University aimed at uncovering how target users perceive the selected touch mice
after interacting with them. A SONY VAIO laptop with a 15.5” Full HD display and the
Windows 8.1 operating system was used as the test platform for the UX experiment.
The drivers and gesture software for each ,tested mouse were pre-loaded into the
system. The product samples and experimental environment for the UX test are
shown in Figure 1.
The Windows 8 touch language includes: press and hold to learn, tap for primary
action, slide to pan, swipe to select, pinch and stretch to zoom, turn to rotate, swipe
from edge for app commands, and swipe from edge for system commands. Referring
to the Windows 8 user experience guidelines created by Microsoft, the UX test
comprises 8 tasks as given in Table 1.
Questionnaire Survey
Generic subjective UX measure methods include interviews, questionnaires,
surveys, storytelling, etc. In this study, the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)
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was employed as UX instruments for the UX measure. The UEQ was developed by
Laugwitz et al. (2008) through a data analytical approach. It is a validated tool and
has been widely used for measuring the UX of interactive products (Cota et al., 2014;
Rauschenberger et al., 2013; Schrepp et al., 2014). The UEQ is based on a
hierarchical structure of UX constructs. It consists of 6 dimensions, each dimension
of which comprises 4 or 6 sets of bipolar items as shown in Table 2.
The UEQ is based on the semantic differential format designed to cover a
comprehensive impression of user experience, measuring both classical usability
aspects (efficiency, perspicuity, and dependability) as well as UX aspects (novelty
and stimulation). As shown in Appendix A, the UEQ consists of 26 items and the
order of positive and negative worded terms for each given item was randomized in
the questionnaire. It employs a 7-point scale to gather respondents’ ratings for each
perceptual item and support immediate responses to express feelings, impressions
and attitudes toward the use of a product
The UX test required subjects to perform defined tasks and each product was
tested for about 20 minutes (including 5 minutes for the questionnaire responses)
for a total testing time of approximately 2 hours per subject. Before the UX test
began, the experimenter provided a summary of the procedure. Each subject was
asked to perform the 8 designated tasks with each of the selected touch mice. After
finishing the testing tasks, the UEQ was immediately given to the participants. The
participants were instructed to respond to the questions according to their actual
experience and perception of using the product samples.
Data Analysis
The UEQ employs a 7-point scale ranging in score from -3 to 3 to gather
respondents’ ratings for each perceptual item. The negative worded terms (Items 3,
4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, and 25) were transformed so that the higher the
numerical value the more positive a subject’s impression was in the perceived
situation. After collecting the rating data of the questionnaire responses, the
2878 © 2016 by authors, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 12(11), 2875-2885
An empirical study of user experience
reliability analysis was employed to assess the internal consistency of the UEQ
scales. The statistics including the means, standard deviations, and confidence
intervals were then used to interpret the UX test results.
Table 2.Structure of the UEQ
Construct Dimension Description of question Bipolar item
General impression toward the Attractiveness Do users like or dislike the enjoyable-annoying
product product? good-bad
Pragmatic quality Perspicuity Is it easy to understand how to comprehensible-
use the product? incomprehensible
Is it easy to get familiar with easy to learn-difficult to learn
the product? simple-complicated
Efficiency Is it possible to use the product fast-slow
quickly and efficiently? efficient-inefficient
Does the user interface look
Dependability Does the user feel in control of predictable-unpredictable
the interaction? supportive-obstructive
Is the interaction with the
product secure and predicable?
meets expectations-does not
meet expectations
Hedonic quality Stimulation Is it interesting and exciting to valuable-inferior
use the product? exiting-boring
Does the user feel motivated to
interesting-not interesting
use the product again?
Novelty Is the design of the product creative-dull
innovative and creative? inventive-conventional
Does the product grab the
leading edge-common
user’s attention?
Reliability was evaluated by assessing the internal consistency of the UEQ scales.
The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of the instrument were classified as shown in
Table 3. Most single scales showed high consistency values except the Dependability
dimension for Sample 3. As a whole, the reliability of the questionnaires was
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product samples were categorized, as shown in Appendix B. The bar charts with
confidence intervals are shown in Figure 2, where the error bars represent the 5%
confidence intervals for the scale means (i.e. the probability that the true value of
the scale mean lies outside this interval is less than 5%). The benchmark
comparison for the 6 product samples was further charted as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 2. Bar charts with confidence intervals for the scale means
Sample 1: Logitech Zone Touch Mouse T400 Sample 2: Microsoft Sculpt TouchMouse
2880 © 2016 by authors, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 12(11), 2875-2885
An empirical study of user experience
UX constructs involve the general impression toward a product and extend the
usability approach to cover issues beyond pragmatic quality for fulfilling “do-goals”
with hedonic quality for satisfying “be-goals”. Touch mice provide users with a new
way of interacting with computers. Uncovering how users perceive such new way of
touch-based interaction is an important issue for both academic research and
industrial application. This study applied the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)
to collect users’ respondent data and analyze their actual experience and perception
of using the touch mice under the Windows 8 operating environment.
In the reliability test results, the Alpha value for the Dependability scale of
Sample 3 was relatively low. Further analysis of the result revealed that the item-
pairs 8-11, 8-17, 8-19, 11-17, 11-19, and 17-19have lower correlation (0.19, 0.13,
0.14, 0.17, 0.22, 0.05, and 0.15, respectively) that yields the low Alpha coefficient.
This is because the subjects have inconsistencies to interpret the 4 worded terms
(unpredictable/predictable, obstructive/supportive, secure/not secure, and meets
expectations/does not meet expectations) of the scale in terms of the UX responses
to Sample 3.
From the analysis of the bar charts we found that subjects had highly positive UX
perceptions on Sample 5 (Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse) and Sample 6 (Logitech
Ultrathin Touch Mouse T630), and negative general impression (Attractiveness
dimension) toward Sample 3 (Rapoo T6 Touch Mouse) and Sample 4 (A Take Touch
Mouse). Sample 1 (Logitech Zone Touch Mouse T400) and Sample 2 (Microsoft
Sculpt Touch Mouse) had high performance for the pragmatic quality (perspicuity,
efficiency and dependability) but relatively low performance for the hedonic quality
(stimulation and novelty).
Further analysis of the benchmark comparison results indicates that in terms of
the subjects’ UX perceptions of the touch mice, the best example was Sample 5 and
the worst was Sample 4 as a whole. This result is rational and credible as Sample 5 is
a unique touch mouse developed by Microsoft for supporting Windows 8 desktop
touch applications.
This paper presents an empirical study of user experience on touch mice. In this
paper, the UEQ is employed as a psychometric instrument to collect users’ rating
data. The experimental results can help us to uncover how users perceive the
selected touch mice after interacting with them on the Windows 8 operating
environment. Although the UEQ has been recognized as a validated instrument
which covers comprehensive UX dimensions measuring both classical usability
aspects (efficiency, perspicuity, and dependability) and UX aspects (novelty and
stimulation), it still has limitations on assessing UX for all kinds of interactive
products because different products aim at different dimensions of perceived
experiences. Further research could focus on developing a weighting method to
identify an appropriate set of dimension weights for a specific product and
proposing an effective UX metric to assess the UX quality of the product.
This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and
Technology of Taiwan under grant number MOST 104-2221-E-214-041.
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2882 © 2016 by authors, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 12(11), 2875-2885
An empirical study of user experience
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Vermeeren, A. P.O.S., Law, E.L.C., Roto, V., Obrist, M., Hoonhout, J., & Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila,
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
annoying enjoyable 1
not understandable understandable 2
creative dull 3
easy to learn difficult to learn 4
valuable inferior 5
boring exciting 6
not interesting interesting 7
unpredictable predictable 8
fast slow 9
inventive conventional 10
obstructive supportive 11
good bad 12
complicated easy 13
unlikable pleasing 14
usual leading-edge 15
unpleasant pleasant 16
secure not secure 17
motivating demotivating 18
meets expectations does not meet expectations 19
inefficient efficient 20
clear confusing 21
impractical practical 22
organized cluttered 23
attractive unattractive 24
friendly unfriendly 25
conservative innovative 26
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An empirical study of user experience
Appendix B. List of the statistics derived from the respondents’ assessment results
Item Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6
Mean Conf. C.I. Mean Conf. C.I. Mean Conf. C.I. Mean Conf. C.I. Mean Conf. C.I. Mean Conf. C.I.
S.D. S.D. S.D. S.D. S.D. S.D.
1 0.900 0.491 0.409 0.600 0.758 -0.158 -0.950 0.893 -1.843 -0.700 0.933 -1.633 1.900 0.665 1.235 1.150 0.686 0.464
1.119 1.391 1.729 1.358 2.038 -0.057 2.130 0.233 1.518 2.565 1.565 1.836
2 1.950 0.541 1.409 0.600 0.846 -0.246 -0.650 0.891 -1.541 0.400 0.958 -0.558 1.700 0.780 0.920 1.450 0.627 0.823
1.234 2.491 1.930 1.446 2.033 0.241 2.186 1.358 1.780 2.480 1.432 2.077
3 -0.700 0.683 -1.383 0.750 0.510 0.240 0.600 0.822 -0.222 -0.200 0.787 -0.987 2.450 0.389 2.061 1.500 0.659 0.841
1.559 -0.017 1.164 1.260 1.875 1.422 1.795 0.587 0.887 2.839 1.504 2.159
4 1.850 0.715 1.135 1.000 0.739 0.261 -0.550 0.859 -1.409 0.300 0.605 -0.305 2.000 0.682 1.318 1.400 0.576 0.824
1.631 2.565 1.686 1.739 1.959 0.309 1.380 0.905 1.556 2.682 1.314 1.976
5 0.000 0.586 -0.586 0.350 0.769 -0.419 -0.600 0.784 -1.384 -0.550 0.927 -1.477 2.150 0.409 1.741 1.450 0.577 0.873
1.338 0.586 1.755 1.119 1.789 0.184 2.114 0.377 0.933 2.559 1.317 2.027
6 -0.450 0.772 -1.222 -0.200 0.630 -0.830 -0.250 0.723 -0.973 -0.250 0.680 -0.930 2.150 0.384 1.766 1.200 0.645 0.555
1.761 0.322 1.436 0.430 1.650 0.473 1.552 0.430 0.875 2.534 1.473 1.845
7 -0.650 0.769 -1.419 -0.150 0.729 -0.879 -0.150 0.795 -0.945 -0.500 0.905 -1.405 2.150 0.518 1.632 1.100 0.710 0.390
1.755 0.119 1.663 0.579 1.814 0.645 2.065 0.405 1.182 2.668 1.619 1.810
8 1.750 0.510 1.240 0.850 0.832 0.018 1.550 0.594 0.956 0.400 0.881 -0.481 1.100 0.724 0.376 1.200 0.719 0.481
1.164 2.260 1.899 1.682 1.356 2.144 2.010 1.281 1.651 1.824 1.642 1.919
9 2.300 0.452 1.848 1.150 0.820 0.330 -0.500 0.798 -1.298 1.300 0.637 0.663 2.100 0.602 1.498 1.400 0.626 0.774
1.031 2.752 1.872 1.970 1.821 0.298 1.455 1.937 1.373 2.702 1.429 2.026
10 -1.000 0.817 -1.817 0.500 0.560 -0.060 1.350 0.701 0.649 1.100 0.764 0.336 2.650 0.257 2.393 1.850 0.537 1.313
1.864 -0.183 1.277 1.060 1.599 2.051 1.744 1.864 0.587 2.907 1.226 2.387
11 0.300 0.588 -0.288 -0.350 0.769 -1.119 1.600 0.576 1.024 -0.300 0.900 -1.200 1.650 0.715 0.935 0.900 0.710 0.190
1.342 0.888 1.755 0.419 1.314 2.176 2.055 0.600 1.631 2.365 1.619 1.610
12 -0.450 0.732 -1.182 0.550 0.611 -0.061 1.500 0.628 0.872 0.600 0.688 -0.088 2.750 0.241 2.509 1.500 0.522 0.978
1.669 0.282 1.395 1.161 1.433 2.128 1.569 1.288 0.550 2.991 1.192 2.022
13 2.400 0.459 1.941 1.250 0.723 0.527 -0.500 0.732 -1.232 0.400 0.593 -0.193 1.550 0.772 0.778 1.100 0.751 0.349
1.046 2.859 1.650 1.973 1.670 0.232 1.353 0.993 1.761 2.322 1.714 1.851
14 0.150 0.743 -0.593 0.100 0.549 -0.449 -0.300 0.806 -1.106 -0.500 0.916 -1.416 1.900 0.511 1.389 0.950 0.611 0.339
1.694 0.893 1.252 0.649 1.838 0.506 2.090 0.416 1.165 2.411 1.395 1.561
15 -0.650 0.891 -1.541 -0.550 0.835 -1.385 0.500 0.704 -0.204 0.000 0.752 -0.752 2.350 0.456 1.894 1.150 0.686 0.464
2.033 0.241 1.905 0.285 1.606 1.204 1.717 0.752 1.040 2.806 1.565 1.836
16 0.350 0.591 -0.241 0.000 0.697 -0.697 -0.800 0.824 -1.624 -0.700 0.818 -1.518 1.850 0.591 1.259 1.100 0.634 0.466
1.348 0.941 1.589 0.697 1.881 0.024 1.867 0.118 1.348 2.441 1.447 1.734
17 2.150 0.456 1.694 0.850 0.880 -0.030 0.800 0.562 0.238 0.800 0.836 -0.036 1.750 0.634 1.116 1.500 0.595 0.905
1.040 2.606 2.007 1.730 1.281 1.362 1.908 1.636 1.446 2.384 1.357 2.095
18 -0.350 0.769 -1.119 -0.250 0.751 -1.001 -0.600 0.809 -1.409 -0.250 0.764 -1.014 1.900 0.602 1.298 1.100 0.665 0.435
1.755 0.419 1.713 0.501 1.847 0.209 1.743 0.514 1.373 2.502 1.518 1.765
19 1.500 0.560 0.940 0.550 0.893 -0.343 1.650 0.574 1.076 -0.250 0.875 -1.125 1.850 0.715 1.135 1.450 0.643 0.807
1.277 2.060 2.038 1.443 1.309 2.224 1.997 0.625 1.631 2.565 1.468 2.093
20 1.800 0.661 1.139 1.150 0.782 0.368 -0.600 0.822 -1.422 -0.100 0.920 -1.020 1.750 0.601 1.149 1.300 0.740 0.560
1.508 2.461 1.785 1.932 1.875 0.222 2.100 0.820 1.372 2.351 1.689 2.040
21 2.100 0.511 1.589 1.150 0.729 0.421 0.000 0.910 -0.910 0.050 0.643 -0.593 1.850 0.640 1.210 1.550 0.643 0.907
1.165 2.611 1.663 1.879 2.077 0.910 1.468 0.693 1.461 2.490 1.468 2.193
22 1.450 0.674 0.776 0.950 0.703 0.247 -0.400 0.834 -1.234 0.400 0.915 -0.515 2.200 0.417 1.783 1.050 0.689 0.361
1.538 2.124 1.605 1.653 1.903 0.434 2.088 1.315 0.951 2.617 1.572 1.739
23 1.600 0.521 1.079 1.350 0.608 0.742 0.100 0.840 -0.740 0.950 0.659 0.291 2.100 0.469 1.631 1.250 0.665 0.585
1.188 2.121 1.387 1.958 1.917 0.940 1.504 1.609 1.071 2.569 1.517 1.915
24 -0.750 0.764 -1.514 0.200 0.733 -0.533 -0.400 0.784 -1.184 -0.200 0.799 -0.999 2.300 0.379 1.921 1.050 0.759 0.291
1.743 0.014 1.673 0.933 1.789 0.384 1.824 0.599 0.865 2.679 1.731 1.809
25 1.700 0.495 1.205 1.250 0.751 0.499 -0.650 0.808 -1.458 0.450 0.835 -0.385 2.400 0.436 1.964 1.350 0.701 0.649
1.129 2.195 1.713 2.001 1.843 0.158 1.905 1.285 0.995 2.836 2.051
26 -1.100 0.840 -1.940 -0.150 0.743 -0.893 1.300 0.534 0.766 0.400 0.758 -0.358 2.600 0.298 2.302 1.600 0.642 0.958
1.917 -0.260 1.694 0.593 1.218 1.834 1.729 1.158 0.681 2.898 1.465 2.242
S.D.: Standard Deviations; Conf.: Confidence; C.I.: Confidence Interval(p=0.05) per item
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