Perdev Module 4 Week 5
Perdev Module 4 Week 5
Perdev Module 4 Week 5
Coping with Stress in Middle and Late
Self-Learning Module
Learner’s Name
Below are descriptions showing the flow of this Module. The following parts will
help you gain knowledge and comply your tasks. Kindly read it, for you to fully
understand the whole content of your module.
I Will Do This
stress and effectiveness of coping mechanisms. Failure to recognize manifestations of stress, and to assist
with the development of positive coping skills, causes detrimental effects to the child's mental, physical, and
emotional health.
This module covers the Week 5 of First Quarter which is aligned to the competencies: discuss that
understanding stress and its sources during adolescence may help in identifying ways to cope and have a
healthful life, identify sources of one’s stress and illustrate the effect of stress on one’s system, and
demonstrate personal ways of coping with stress for healthful living.
On this lesson you must be able to learn and do the following:
1. discuss that understanding stress and its sources during adolescence may help in identifying ways to
cope and have a healthful life.
2. identify sources of one’s stress and illustrate the effect of stress on one’s system.
3. demonstrate personal ways of coping with stress for healthful living.
I Check on This
Direction: Read each sentence carefully. Select the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the
blank provided.
_________1. Which of the following reflects the outcome of having poor judgement?
A. You feel dizzy. C. You feel overwhelmed.
B. You become moody. D. You cannot decide what you want for yourself.
________2. Which physical symptoms is commonly experienced, when under stress?
A. Chest Pain C. Rapid heart beat
B. Diarrhea or Constipation D. All of the Above
________3. Which of the following illustrates neglect of reposibility?
A. Sleeping too little C. Not doing your homework
B. Becoming easily irritated D. Eating less nutritious food
________4. Which is not an emotional symptom of stress?
A. Computer Gaming C. Moodiness
B. Depression D. Irritation
________5. Which is essential in successfully coping with stress?
A. Attitude C. Knowledge
B. Skills D. Behavior
Remember: It is okay to feel discomfort. Accepting distress is often the quickest way to feel immediately
Symptoms of Stress
Stress can affect your appearance negatively. Further, if you look closely at the implications of stress, it
can even damage your psychological well-being. Now, let us deepen your understanding of stress by being
familiar with its symptoms or your bodily responses to it.
(1) having memory problems, (4) seeing only the negative,
(2) being unable to concentrate, (5) being anxious, and
(3) having poor judgment, (6) worrying constantly.
When you are stressed with school and relationships, you worry about failing your subjects, meeting
your teachers' expectations, or losing your friends, which results in having a lack of concentration. Also, your
anxiety may cause you to forget things and to see only the negative. Having poor judgment makes you decide
and act unwisely upon situations, which may just worsen the situation.
(1) moodiness, (4) feeling of being overwhelmed,
(2) irritability or short temper, (5) sense of loneliness and isolation, and
(3) agitation or restlessness, (6) depression or unhappiness.
When you are stressed or emotionally uptight, you tend to be easily carried away by your emotions. You
find yourself grumpy. Situations irritate you and your moods swing quickly. You emote for various reasons
such as when you receive negative criticisms, get a haircut that does not suit you, or plan a date that does not
push through.
(1) body aches and pains, (2) diarrhea or constipation,
S.Y. 2021-2022
Personal Development 12 Module 4 Week 5
When you know how to turn stressful events in your life into opportunities, you become more equipped
to succeed. Hence, coping with stress is essential in life. According to Santrock (2012) Coping involves
managing difficult situations, exerting efforts to solve your problems, and striving to master are factors that
will help you or reduce the stressful effects of these situations. To overcome stress cope successfully, attitude
plays a key role.
A. Problem Focused Coping
It refers to facing the situation squarely and exerting efforts to solve the problem. For example, because you
are concerned with your low scores in your math quizzes, you ask for the help of your sister, who is good in
math. Note that, in the example, you have acted upon your concerns. Problem-focused coping has been linked
to effective adjustment, and this includes enhancing the following skills:
(1) Study Skills- Your study skills are enhanced by boosting your motivation to study. To get motivated
means clarifying your goals. "What you want to be?" and "What kind of life do you want to lead?" are
questions that may help you see your goals and motivate you to strive.
(2) Time Management Skills- Time management skills are important in coping because, if you manage your
time well, you may be able to make your life less stressful. Your inability to set or stick to your priorities and
say "no" results in wasted time.
(3) Problem-solving Skills- To deal with your troubles more effectively, you need to know how to solve
problems. Such skills should be mastered so that you remain objective in facing your concerns and in making
wise decisions. Problem solving involves assessing the situation by describing it and determining when the
problem started.
(4) Support Group- A support group may simply be your friends who accompany you in this journey. Also,
your parents are important persons in your life whom you can ask for support during difficult times. You can
also turn to your teachers and guidance counselors for help; they can guide you to attain personal well- being.
B. Emotion Focused Coping
It refers to responding in an emotional way. Focusing on pain triggers emotional reactions, which in
turn influence our actions. This way of coping actively makes use of defense mechanisms such as
rationalization, projection, displacement, and aggression. Using defense mechanisms eventually
worsens the situation; sometimes, acting upon the situation may already be too late.
C. Avoidant Coping
This involves ignoring a problem and hoping that it will disappear on its own (Wadsworth et al.,
2011). It includes avoiding the problem by drinking alcoholic beverages, playing computer games
for several hours, and using illegal drugs.
Personal Ways of Coping with Stress
1. Deep breathing exercises let you get sufficient amount of oxygen. Getting oxygen to different
parts of your body is important; your brain needs sufficient amounts of oxygen so that you can think
clearly and logically.
2. Having a massage, taking a warm shower, or just taking a nap can calm your taut muscles.
3. Engaging in physical activities such as walking and playing games will divert your attention to
buff your emotional pains.
4. You have to learn to comfort yourself. When you experience rejection, listen to others' criticisms,
take them all constructively, and accept your faults. Another way of comforting yourself is
pampering yourself with things that soothe your nerves such as aromatherapy
5. Know that there is nothing wrong in crying in the privacy of your room and/or the company of
trusted friends or adults. Crying can clear your mind and release tensions. Crying your heart out
relieves you from heavy feelings, which keep you from thinking objectively and making wise
6. Finally, a first aid to deal with stress is talking about what you feel and what you think about your
situation. Catharsis is releasing your pent-up emotions, which is achieved through talking and
I Will Do This
Activity 3: Reflect Upon
Direction: Express your personal thoughts about the lesson by answering the following questions.
Criteria: content- 3 points Organization of ideas – 2 points
1. In your own opinion, what is stress and what are the helpful things you can do to cope with it?
S.Y. 2021-2022
Personal Development 12 Module 4 Week 5
2. What are the sources of one’s stress?
B. Excited D. Overwhelmed
___________2. Which is not considered as a strategy to relax your muscles?
A. Running C. Getting a Massage
B. Taking a nap D. Taking a hot shower
__________3. What should you do to become more motivated in your studies?
A. Clarify your goals C. Manage your time well
B. Deal with your stressors D. Establish effective study habits
__________4. Which type of stress can be beneficial and helpful to individuals when a small and sporadic
amount of stress occur?
A. Beneficial Stress C. External Stress
B. Destructive Stress D. Internal Stress
__________5. What is the reaction of the mind and body to stimulus that causes tension on the well-being
and disturbs the state of calm or equilibrium of a person?
A. Anxiety C. Coping
B. Catharsis D. Stress
II. Direction: Choose the word of the best answer. Write your answers on the blank provided.
1. Stress can challenge and motivate you to find creative solutions to your concerns, and this kind of stress is
called _______________________.
2. When stress becomes so overwhelming and leads to a sense of helplessness and exhaustion, it is called
3. _________________________ coping refers to facing the situation squarely and exerting efforts to solve
the problem.
4. _________________________coping involves ignoring a problem and hoping that it will disappear
on its own.
5. This __________________________comes from within your thoughts that caused you to feel fearful about
the future and personal beliefs, which include your own expectations.
Many people are upset about the changes caused by the coronavirus. But with all of us working together, in
time things will settle down and get back to normal again. In times like this, it’s really helpful to make plans
to look forward to in the future. Make a poster of the things you would like to do with your family and
friends once things get back to normal.
Product: Poster
Standard: Your Poster must meet the following standard
Rubrics for Personal Timeline
Criteria Description Percentage
Craftmanshi The Poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of neatness. Well-constructed 50%
p and not messy.
Creativity The Poster is exceptionally creative and used a lot of thoughts and effort. 30%
Originality Used a lot of new ideas and originality to create a Poster 20%
Reflect what you have learned after you go through this module.
Compose 3 to 5 sentences.
Cleofe, Myreen P., DIWA Senior High School Series: Personal Development Module, DIWA
Learning Systems Inc. (2016)
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