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Definability of Rough Approximations For Binary Relations and Cloud Computing

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2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis

Definability of Rough Approximations for Binary Relations and Cloud Computing

Yu-Ru Syau Ly-Fie Sugianto

Department of Information Management Monash Business School
National Formosa University Monash University
Yunlin, Taiwan Victoria 3800, Australia

En-Bing Lin*
Department of Mathematics
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, USA
e-mail: enbing.lin@cmich.edu

Abstract-We establish a characterization of upper considered by several authors in generalized rough set
approximation for binary relations. Based on this models (for example, see [7], [11]-[13]). Unlike the lower
characterization, the R-definability of Slowinski and and upper approximations in the classical rough set model,
Vanderpooten is alternatively defined in terms of lower and the generalized lower and upper approximations are not
upper approximations. In addition, some necessary conditions necessarily defmable.
for R-definability are presented. In this paper, we investigate the R-definability of
Slowinski and Vanderpooten [6]. A characterization of upper
Keywords-rough sets; lower and upper approximations;
approximation for binary relations is established. Based on
binary relations; deflnability
this characterization, the R-defmability of Slowinski and
I. INTRODUCTION Vanderpooten [6] is alternatively defined in terms of lower
and upper approximation. In addition, some necessary
Pawlak's rough set model [1], [2] intrinsically is a study conditions are given. Furthermore, one may apply rough
of an equivalence relation, namely, an approximation of approximation to deal with large scaled granular computing
equivalence classes. The rough set philosophy is founded on [14], which gives rise to an approach to work on cloud
the assumption that every object of the universe (of discourse) computing.
U is associated with some information (data, knowledge).
Objects characterized by the same information are II. PRELIMINARIES
indiscernible (similar) in view of available information about Let U be a fixed non-empty set, we refer it as the
them. Any set of all indiscernible (similar) objects is called universe (of discourse). The notation ZU denotes the power
an elementary set and considered as a basic granule of set of U. A binary relation on U is a subset R !:; UXU. The
knowledge about the universe [3]. inverse relation of R is the binary relation R-1 obtained by
A set X !:; U is definable if it is a finite union of reversing the ordered pairs of R.
elementary sets. If a set is not definable, it is called rough. Let R be a binary relation on U, and letx E U. The set
Roughness is basically meant to describe how rough a set is.
H is determined by a pair of sets, called the lower and upper Rs(x) = {y E UI(x,y) E R} (1)
approximations of the rough set. The lower approximation of
a set X is the greatest definable set contained in X, whereas is called the R-successor set, or the right R-neighborhood, of
the upper approximation of a set X is the least defmable set x. The set
containing X [4]. Accordingly, a set X!:; U is defmable iff Rp(x) = {y E UI(y,x) E R} (2)
(abbreviation for if and only it) its lower and upper
approximations are identical. is called the R-predecessor set, or the left R-neighborhood, of
Classical definitions of lower and upper approximations Note that Rs(x) Ri/(x) . By ER we mean the
x. =

[1], [2] were extended to the use of a general binary relation equivalence relation on U by regarding objects x, y of U as
[5 to 9] instead of an equivalence relation. Wang et al. [8] equivalent ifRs(x) Rs (y). The family VIER of all distinct

relaxed the equivalence relations to general binary relations, ER-equivalence classes is called the derived partition R [15].
and studied relation decision systems. For any X !:; U , the lower and upper approximations,
The Rough Set theoretical definability concept was R (X) and R*(X) , respectively, of X with respect to R­
generalized to tolerance relations (reflexive and symmetric successor sets are defined as follows [16], [17]:
relations) in [10], and to arbitrary binary relations, called R­
definability, in [6]. The notion of definability was also R (X)
= {x E UIRs(x) !:; X}, (3)

978-1-5090-2594-7116/$31.00 ©20 16 IEEE 233

R*(X) = {x E UIRs(x) () x * 0}. (4)

Accordingly, we have R.(X) U -R*(U -X). In

U Rp(x) = UR* ({x}) = R*(X)
addition, ={x E UIRs(x) () X * 0}.
R (0) {x E UIRs(x) 0} (5)
= =


andR*(U) U -R (0) [18]. It is known [16, 17] that

Motivated by [13], we obtain, by Definition 1 and

R*(UXEdlX) UXEdlR*(X) 'if cA � 2u .
= (6) Theorem 2, an alternative defmition of R-definability as
Theorem 1 [6]. Considering a subsetX �U and a binary Definition 2. Considering a subset X � U and a binary
reflexive relation R defined on U, we have relation R on U, Xis R-definable if and only if:
UXEXRp(x) = {x E UIRs(x) () X * 0}. (7) 3X' � R (X)such thatX R*(X'). (14)

Definition 1[6]. Considering a subset X � U and a Remark. Let R be a binary relation on U, and let
binary relation R on U, Xis R-definable if and only if:
�R = {S � UIS E U fER and S * R.(0)}. (15)
3X' �X such thatX = UXEX!Rp(x) , (8)
We point out some insights of Defmition 2.
'<Ix E X',Rs(x) � X. (9) 1. If a set X � U is R-definable then X () R (0) 0.

Such a set X' is called a reference set of the R-defmable 2. Any R-defmable set X must be a member of the
setX family {R*(Y)IY � U}; consequently, Xis the union
Lemma 1 [6]. Considering a binary relation R on U, if a members of �R.
subset X� U is R-defmable set then the set 3. A subset X � U is R-definable if and only if
X" = {x E UI Rs(x) � X and Rp(x) � X} is the
·· R*(R (X) () (Wl) (X)) = X (16)
maximal reference set in the sense that X is a reference set * *
of Xand contains any reference set X'. v. AN ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE
Notice [7] that
To illustrate what we have presented in the previous
X" = {x E UI Rs(x) �X and Rp(x) � X} sections, the following is an example using a reflexive (but
not symmetric or transitive) relation and a reflexive and
= R.(X) () (Wl).(X). (10) symmetric (but not transitive) relation.
Example 1. Consider a set U {Xl'X2,X3'x4} and a

FOR BINARY RELATIONS R = {(Xl'Xl),(X2'X2),(X3'X3),(Xl'X2),(xvX3),
Motivated by the proof of an axiomatization of binary (X2'Xl),(X3'Xl)'(X3'X2),(X4'X3)}.
relations in [17], we obtain the following result.
Lemma 2. Let R be a binary relation on U. For each
R is neither reflexive nor symmetric. The R-successor
x E U, we have and R-predecessor sets are:

R*({x}) Rp(x). = (11) Rs(Xl) = {Xl'X2'X3}' Rp(xl) = {XvX2,X3}'

RS(X2) = {Xl,X2}, Rp(X2) = {XvX2,X3},
Proof: Let R be a binary relation on U, and letx E U. Rs(X3) = {Xl'X2'X3}' Rp(X3) = {XvX3,X4}'
According to (4), we have RS(X4) Rp(X4) 0.
= {X3}, =

R*({x}) = {y E UIRs(Y) () {x} * 0}. Accordingly, we have

= {y E Ulx E Rs(Y)} R.(0){x4},

= {y E UI(y,x) E R} U fER {{xvX3},{X2},{x4}},


= Rp(x). (12) �R {{Xl,X3}'{xz}},


Based on this lemma, (7) for a reflexive relation can be and we derive the lower and upper approximations as shown
easily extended to an arbitrary binary relation. in Table I.
Theorem 2. Considering a subset X � U and a binary In this example, the set X = {XVX3} E �R is not R­
relation R defined on U, we have defmable since it is not a member of{R*(y)IY � U}.
Let us consider the set X={Xl,X2,X3} in{R*(y)IY � U}.
UXEXRp(x) = {x E UIRs(x) () X * 0}. (13) Here Xis R-definable since

Proof: Let R be a binary relation on U, and letX E U. R*(R (X) () (Wl) (X)) =R*({xvX2,X3,X4} () {Xl'X2,X4})
* *
Using (4), (6) and Lemma 2, we have =R'({Xl,X2,X4}) {XVX2,X3}.


x R.(X) (R l).(X) R'(X) (R l)'(X)

C/J C/J fx ,} C/J C/J
{XL } C/J {X ,} {Xi,X2,X3 } {X ,X2,X3 }
fX2 1 C/J fx, l fx"x2,x, 1 fx ,X2 }
fx, } fx} fx, } fx"x"X, } fx,x7,x, }
{X4 } C/J {X,} C/J {X3 }
fx"x2 1 fX2 1 fx ,1 fx"xvx, l fx ,xvx, l
fx"x, } fx, } fx, } fx,X7,X"X, } fx,X7,X, }
{xvx, } C/J {x,} {x 'X2'X3'X4} {x 'x2'x3}
{x2,x3 1 {x l {x ,1 {x ,x2,x3,x4 1 {x ,x2,x3 1
fX7,X ,} C/J fx, } fX"X7,X, } fx ,X7,X, }
{X3'X ,} {x} {x,} {Xi,X3'X ,} {x,X2,X3 }
{x ,xvx, l {x ,x2,x"x, 1 {x"xvx , 1 {x ,x2,x"x4 1 {x ,xvx, l
fx ,x7,x. } fx7 } fx, } fx"x7,X, } fx,x7,x, }
{x 'x3'x4 } {x4 } {X3,X4 } {x ,X2,X3,X4 } {x ,X2,X3 }
{xvx"x4 1 fx l fx ,1 {x ,x2,x"x4 1 {x ,xvx, l
fX"X7,X"X, } fx,X7,X"X, } fx,X7,X"X, } fx,X7,X"X, } fx,X7,X, }

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