The Effectiveness of Google Classroom in Teaching English During Covid-19 at SMA N 1 M. Payed
The Effectiveness of Google Classroom in Teaching English During Covid-19 at SMA N 1 M. Payed
The Effectiveness of Google Classroom in Teaching English During Covid-19 at SMA N 1 M. Payed
*) correspondence:
This research aimed to find out Google Classroom effectiveness, which was used to enhance students’
speaking skill. This research used a quasi-experimental with a pre-experimental research design. The
subject of this study is the eleventh grade of senior high school at SMA N 1 M. Payed. It involved 25
students as a sample of this study. In the process of data collection, the researcher used a pre-test and
post-test. The researcher analyzed the data using Wilcoxon Ranks Test to test the hypothesis. This
study found the value of significance (2-tailed) was lower than the significance level (0.000 < 0.05),
then the Ha was accepted. It means there was a significant value on students’ achievement of the
speaking skill by using Google Classroom. Finding obtained of pretest 71,20 and posttest 78,16. In
conclusion, the mean pretest and posttest scores differ significantly, or there is an effect of using
google classroom enhancing students speaking skill at SMA N 1 Manyak Payed. However, it can be
concluded that Google Classroom significantly affects students’ speaking skill and helps them finish
and collect the assignment without any bound by time and space.
Keywords: google classroom; teaching English; Covid-19
Teaching and learning process are really important for students’ exactly at the second grade of students
in senior high school. They need the teacher to teach them about their teaching materials that related
to their major, but since the beginning of march in 2020 the students cannot learn in the class their
material like before because of the coronavirus or COVID-19. Coronavirus is a virus that attacks the
respiratory system. It is due to infection with this virus and it is called COVID-19, coronavirus can
cause mild disorders of the respiratory system, severe lung infection, and even death (Huang et al.,
2019). Anyone can be infected with the corona virus like infants and young children, as well as people
with weak immunity, are more vulnerable to this virus attack (Holshue et al., 2019). Coronavirus
infection is caused by the coronavirus itself. Most coronaviruses spread like other viruses in general,
such as Sprinkling saliva (swollen and sneezing), touch the hand or face of an infected person, touching
the eyes, nose, or mouth after handling an item that is affected by saliva sprinkling with coronavirus.
(yulandari.,2020) Because this virus is really easy to spread from one person to another, the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia has given a command to stop the teaching and learning
process in every level of education in Indonesia especially in Aceh in order to minimize the people
from infection of this virus. Although the government command is for the better for every people the
students also got the disadvantages from this command. The students should study from home. How
the way they can learn effective if they did not used technology. They can used technology to apply
teaching learning process such as e-learning.
Rodrigues et al. (2019) defined e-learning as an innovative web-based system based on digital
technologies and other forms of educational materials whose primary goal is to provide students with
a personalized, learner-centered, open, enjoyable, and interactive learning environment supporting
and enhancing the learning processes. Dawley (2007) found that e-learning encouraged learners to
seek information, evaluate it, share it collaboratively and, ultimately, transform it into their own
knowledge. It can be stated that e-learning as the technology that really influences for teaching learning
process in searching educational material.
The world today has been getting into the new era called industry 4.0, in which all things are
conducted by people using digital technology (Kerzik et al., 2018. It means that the industrial
revolution 4.0 era, technological has important role in this country. No exception in the field of
education. The younger generation is now more interested in learning using gadgets, smartphones,
laptops, androids, and so on. They can easily open google search, you tube, google play store, etc., to
access various kinds of information connected to the internet. Now days, be an English teacher should
communicative and active in using teaching model. As we seen that teaching learning process easier
to access through internet as online learning. It can be introduced with using google classroom as
media in teaching learning process.
There are many embodiments of technology that can be applied in the education sector, such
as Google Classroom, Zoom Cloud Meeting, and Duo lingo (Genova, 2019). Those are online
applications that help teachers and students in learning. Google Classroom is an online application
promoted by Google for schools intended to facilitate teachers in assorting, creating, and valuing the
task in a paperless way (Negara, 2018). Zoom Cloud Meeting is a perfect tool for those who are on
the way and still need to have a meeting. It has a special group service of massages in the real-time
and secure recording sessions (Archibald, Ambagtsheer, Casey, & Lawless, 2019). Duo lingo is a useful
language application that gives learners the systematic and practical steps to know a new language
Based on the preliminary of this research, the researcher done the observation to the SMA N 1
Manyak Payed Aceh Tamiang, the process of teaching learning English at that school not running well
as the pandemi. They should learn from home using their mobile phone. So, the teacher should think
harder to overcome this situation. As we know that google classroom is easier media to teach them
and can be used as an alternative to train students' especially in speaking where they can change their
smartphones by learning anytime and anywhere by looking at video speaking shared by the teacher.
With google classroom the teacher uses computer technology with internet access to provide
information, reading material, videos and learning materials for students. Related to those condition,
students can learn best when they have attractive model in the teaching learning process.
In fact, Teaching speaking through google classroom can be very useful for the effective and
joyful learning. the researcher aims to find out "The effectiveness of google classroom in teaching
speaking skill at SMA N 1 Manyak Payed Aceh Tamiang". Based on the background above, two
research questions were formulated to this study, both are; Is there an effect of google classroom on
the English-speaking skills at SMA N 1 M. Payed Aceh Tamiang? And Are there differences in the
level of English-speaking skills of SMA N 1 M. Payed students at Aceh Tamiang, before and after
used google classroom as media in teaching learning process.
Speaking is the ability to communicate in issuing ideas and messages orally. The ability of students to
communicate requires language delivery in real communication.
Based on Gert and Hans (2008: 207), speaking is the ability to speak or utterance that has a specific
purpose and purpose that is known to the speaker and listener. Hafizah (in the 2016 pandapotan)
stated that so far teaching the skills of speaking and listening (especially speaking) has not gotten the
maximum results as expected. The students did not fully have the communicative skills. They are still
afraid, ashamed, and hesitant when it comes to speaking in public and conveying their ideas.
The speaking learning material to be taught in school is speaking activities without speaking
theories. Kundharu Saddhono and St. Y. Slamet (2012: 59) notes that the speaking learning material
listed in the curriculum includes activities, (1) lecturing, (2) debating, (3) conversing, (4) preaching, (5)
telephone, (6) telling stories, (7) giving speeches, (8) exchanging ideas, (9) asking questions, (10)
playing roles, (11) interviewing, (12) discussing, (13) campaigning, (14) delivering remarks,
congratulations, messages, ( 15) reporting, (16) responding, (17) refuting opinions, (18) rejecting
requests, offers, invitations, (19) answering questions, (20) expressing attitudes, (21) informing, (22)
speaking, (23) describe the contents of the drama, (24) describe how to make something, (25) offer
something, (26) apologize, (27) give directions, (28) introduce oneself, (29) greet, (30) invite, (31) invite
, (32) warned, (33) corrected, and (34) question and answer.
Tarigan in isnani 2013 speaking is the ability to pronounce articulated sounds or words to
express, express or convey thoughts, ideas and feelings. Speaking is also defined as a tool for
communicating ideas that are structured and developed according to needs. Talking basically has a
general purpose to convey. There are three general purposes in speaking, namely: (a) inform and report
(toinform), (b) entertain and entertain (to entertain), and (c) persuade, invite, urge, and convincing (to
persuade) (Henry Guntur Tarigan, 2008: 16-17).
According to Mudini Salamat Purba (2009: 4-5), in general the objectives of the conversation
are: (1) encouraging or stimulating, (2) convincing, (3) moving, (4) informing, and (5) entertaining.
The following are steps that must be mastered by a good speaker, namely: (a) selecting topics, speaker
interests, speaking skills, listener interests, listening skills, time provided, (b) understanding and testing
topics, understanding listeners, situations , the listener's background, level of ability, facilities, and (c)
formulating the framework of the conversation, introduction, content and closing (Kundharu
Saddhono and Slamet, 2012: 6)
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is considered one of Google's web's best features for improving teachers’ and
students’ performance in teaching and learning activities. (Nurlaili 2020) it can be stated as one place
to share all activities in teaching learning process. Iftakhar,2016 (stated in nur laili 2020) explained
that Google Classroom is the best feature provided by the Google platform that can be used by the
scholar to get information about the class material with the use of many times saved. It means we can
access and save the material whenever and wherever, no limitation time.
Nur laili (2020) stated Google Classroom is completely simple to be used. Here are all available
features integrated and correlated between one and others. The teachers facilitated to keep all files in
Google Drive. Using this device, they can give rank and level, attach pdf, photo, video, voice note,
document, or any links for instructional purposes. From Google Classroom, the teacher can send the
assignment to all learners’ at the same time and more focused on explaining the material during the
class (Iftakhar, 2016 in nur laili 2020). It means Google classroom is effective flatform to teach
speaking because we can share the materials like file, video that’s connect to you tube, ppt, pdf and
we can do the assignment, quiz at that flatform but there is one disadvantage we can not make direct
interaction as face to face with our students like zoom.
This research refers to a quantitative research approach. According to Nana S. Sukmadinata (2010),
quantitative research is based on the philosophy of positivism which emphasizes objective phenomena
that are studied quantitatively or carried out using numbers, statistical processing, structure, and
controlled experiments. While the type of research used in this study is a quasi-experimental design
research. Sugiyono (2007) defines that experimental research is research that is used to find the effect
of certain treatments on others under controlled conditions
This research uses quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental). The design of this study is a pre-
experimental design (Non design) by one group pretest post-test design. The dependent variable of
this study is the blended learning model, while the independent variable is speaking skills. The
instrument used was an oral test with a Likert scale of 0-4. The students' scores of speaking in the pre-
test and post-test were compared for both groups in order to determine whether there were significant
differences between the groups in relation to the treatment.
X1 = Using the Blended learning
O1 = Pretest Observation in model class before Blended Learning
O2 = Posttest observation in the model class after Blended Learning
The populations of this study were the students of SMA N 1 Manyak Payed. The sample was
used eleven grade students. The Total of students as many as 25 students of eleven class. The research
sample was selected based on purposive sampling technique.
The instruments used in this study were observation and test. The observation guidelines used
in this study are the observation guidelines made by students during the learning of speaking skills
using google classroom. At the test researcher used instrument for recording the students'
performances during the action given, such as talk about offering/ suggestion, giving opinion and
inviting someone. There were two kinds of test used in this research, such as pre-test (test 1) for the
preliminary observation in speaking, post-test (test 2) after the treatment for the final performance in
speaking. The speaking tests in pre-test and post-test were scored based on oral proficiency scoring
categories (Brown and Abeywickrama, 2004). The description of the students’ speaking scores was a
modified form of scale 0-100 which included five speaking components, namely grammar, vocabulary,
comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation.
TABLE 1. The criterion of speaking scores
No The Indicator of Assessments Scores
1 Grammar 0- 4
2 Vocabulary 0-4
3 Comprehension 0-4
4 Fluency 0-4
5 Pronunciation 0-4
comment column , than the teacher ask the students to create the conversation related to the topics
that already given.
At the third online meeting, the teacher posted the material of how to invite someone, she
explained the kinds of expression used at the dialog, then shared video from the native that attached
from YouTube to google classroom. The students really interested followed the class it can be proved
by their assignment at the video recording, any improvement at the vocabulary, grammar,
performance, pronunciation, intention and fluency. It can be seen based on the posttest given by the
teacher at the last online meeting using google classroom media.
From the result of the pre-test to the result of the post-test after the treatment using google
classroom, it showed rather an effectiveness. This significant difference between the students'
speaking skill in the pre-test and post-test is the effectiveness using google classroom in teaching
speaking. By using google classroom platform the students easier to understand the explanation
because they learned speaking by some expert video. The teacher sent all of the material as file, ppt
and video from youtube. They can access whenever and wherever.
Based on this study's results in the previous section, the table of Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
statistics showed the significance level was 0.000. As a hypothesis requirement, when the significance
level smaller than significance (0.05), which indicates that the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. In contrast, if the significance value is higher than (0.05), it
indicates that the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected.
Based on the statement above, it can be inferred that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted,
while the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected based on the result of the significant value 0.000 < 0.05.
This study's result was in line with (Negara 2018 in nurlaili 2020) that Google Classroom is an
online medium generated to help teachers or lecturers create a task, share teaching material, collect
paperless assignments, assess student duty, and be attributed by automatic document storage. It can
be stated as awesome media that completely available in teaching learning process because so many
items paperless we can share at that platform.
Based on the result of the findings and discussion stated earlier, it can be concluded that the
effectiveness of google classroom in teaching English during covid 19 especially in speaking skill at
SMA N 1 Manyak Payed differ significantly or there is an effect of google classroom on enhancing
students speaking skill at that school. It can be shown that there was a significant enhancement of
speaking skill between pretest and posttest using Google Classroom media in enhancing students
speaking skill. The differences of pretest 71,20 and posttest 78,16. Considering the conclusion
formulated above, google classroom can be used as an alternative model or activities in English class.
The implementation of Google Classroom as a medium in teaching speaking has a significant
effect on the students’ in speaking english. In other words, Google Classroom also assists teachers
and students in communicating the material and assignment between them. Furthermore, it might
need more time, more effort, and more spirit for teachers and additional techniques to enhance
students’ speaking skill.
The researcher realized that the accomplishment of this article would not run well without any help
from the others. Therefore, here she wishes to give her sincerest gratitude and appreciation to her
dean and colleagues who have support and valuable comments in any part of this manuscript. Finally,
this article is still far from being perfect. Hence, any criticisms or suggestions from the readers and
users are welcome to the researcher in order to make improvement. In the same time, the researcher
hopes that this article can be useful for other writers, teachers, and students.
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