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Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues 51

Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues, 5 (1) page 51-62, 2022
ISSN: 2615-3920 EISSN: 2685-4473
DOI: 10.21043/jetli.v5i1.13913

Technology Effect of EFL Listening Comprehension to

Teacher during Pandemic

Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri 1

Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Purworejo,

Contact: Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri esunjayanto@umpwr.ac.id

The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of technology KEYWORDS:
to student who taught listening comprehension during pandemic. The listening comprehension;
researchers recruited 66 senior high school students for this study. A technology media;
test was used as a research instrument by the researchers. To display learning management system;
the material, the researchers used Learning Management System and
Short Video on YouTube. The data was analyzed statistically by the
researchers using an Anates program. The findings of this study ARTICLE HISTORY:
indicate that technology-assisted language learning has a significant Received 17 February 2022
effect on EFL Listening Comprehension. This discovery demonstrated Accepted 16 June 2022
that technology-assisted language learning is an effective strategy for
teaching Listening comprehension.

Language is defined as a system of arbitrary sound symbols used by a social community to
communicate, cooperate, and identify itself (Chen, 2020; Eggins, 1994; Nurhadi & Masykuri,
2020). English, as a language, is vital for international communication plays an important role
in communicating with people from other countries. English is taught in every school in
Indonesia, from elementary school to university level. There are four language skills and
language functions that students can learn by learning English. Writing, reading, speaking, and
listening are examples of language skills (I. A. R., M. A. S, & A. M., 2012). Pronunciation,
spelling, structure, and vocabulary are the functions (Aferbach & Paris, P, 2017). They are
related to one another. They are related to one another. Writing is one of the most difficult to
grasp. Listening comprehension is one of the most difficult productive skills for students to
learn (Delsa & R, 2016). It is regarded as a sign language expertise and a fundamentally useful
explicit action for students of second and unfamiliar English (EFL) (Khan Kakar & Hussain
Pathan, 2017). To be well-equipped scholars, EFL students require scholarly systems as well
as specific semantic and jargon information, as well as appropriate listening skills that will

Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues (JETLI).
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International License, which permits copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, remix, transform,
and build upon the material for any purpose.
52 Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri

assist them in adequately putting themselves out there (Jelisaveta, 2014). It is also common
knowledge that Listening Comprehension has consistently been regarded as “a mind-
boggling” measure (Meyerhuber, 2019). As a result, there are various issues and difficulties.
Listening Comprehension, as one of the most important English skills, is the most difficult
skill encountered by students from junior high school to university because it employs English
grammar and structure in dialog and sometimes it is too fast for the ESL learner. Listening
Comprehension is a necessary skill of successful learning English. It can assist students in
accurately how to express themselves and their ideas. Students have numerous opportunities
to learn how to get the idea correctly when they listen to the audio (A.N. Knoop-van Campen,
Segers, & Verhoeven, 2020; Emilie, Gerard, & Marie Line, 2017). The previous study was about
optimizing listening skills using podcast the impact of podcast (Delsa & R, 2016; G, 2017),
audio text as an aid and its effect in this study (Khabib Sholeh, Baguya, & Nur Aini, 2020),
Learning Management System is to support education system (Mhd Rodzi, Amantha Kumar,
Osman, & Masykuri, 2020). The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit various countries has
prompted W.H.O to issue an appeal to halt crowd gathering activities. As a result, online
learning is a viable option for addressing these issues (Sadikin & Hamidah, 2020; Sunjayanto
Masykuri & Thien Wan, 2020).
The study's gap is whether it is effective for learning listening skills when two media are
combined; audio and visual device. Therefore the researchers employ two teaching media in
Senior High School Listening instruction in one period: Learning Management System (LMS)
and Short Video on YouTube. The researchers then compare them to determine which
teaching strategies are best suited to helping students learn to get the Idea. The purpose of
this research was to determine the effect of technology-assisted language learning on EFL
Listening Comprehension. It was in the third-semester of University using LMS and video on
YouTube. This research was conducted in one of Indonesia's Senior High School schools. The
researchers use 66 students as the sample, which is based on two classes. The advancement
of information and communication technology marks the beginning of a new approach to
teaching theoretical content and the process of scientific reasoning.
This technology was used to visualize the real processes of learning activity, such as the
motion of objects, in order to improve students' understanding of the learning (A, Haolader, &
Kushi, 2013; H, Warsono, Angraini, & Jatmika, 2021). The ability of students to think creatively
is important factors in the teaching and learning process (Farhad, Zang, & Bahrain, 2011;
Twyman & Heward, 2018). The incorporation of technology into learning activities is thought
to improve students' learning abilities (Arifah, 2012; Parapi, Maesaroh, & Masykuri, 2020). In
addition, smartphones as learning media are certainly interesting and practical because they
can be accessed anywhere and at any time (khotimah & Masykuri, 2017; Masykuri, 2013).
Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues 53

Learning multimedia in the form of educational practices can improve student learning
outcomes by making the learning process more interesting, flexible, increasing student
concentration, and assisting student understanding (Kusuma, Ngafif, & Sunjayanto Masykuri,
2021). As a result, Learning Management System and Video, which were introduced as an
educational learning environment, require further development. Students can learn more
easily in this manner because using an online application such as LMS to teach and Short
Video on YouTube to present the material is more effective and can attract more student
attention. YouTube and LMS improve attention, engagement, and enjoyment(McVee,
Shanahan, Pearson, & Reichenberg, 2018).
LMS is yet another device introduced in 2014 as part of Google Apps for Education like
Edmundo, Google Classroom, and so on. This program, which collaborates with educators to
create and organize tasks quickly, provide constructive criticism, and speak without breaking
a sweat on the web or by combining learning and presentation style, provides numerous
advantages over the traditional study hall presentation style (Mhd Rodzi et al., 2020). LMS in
the work of educating and learning measures is simple for understudies to use whenever the
need arises. The primary responsibility of the instructors is to educate students on how to use
the applications. LMS is linked to Gmail, Drive, Classroom, YouTube, and a detailed schedule.
LMS's numerous offices will make it easier for instructors to conduct learning exercises. The
planned learning happens not just in class, but also outside of it, because understudies can
adapt wherever and whenever they want by going to Google study hall on the web. This
application makes it simpler for instructors and students to complete the learning system
more thoroughly. This is due to the fact that the two instructors and understudies can gather
tasks, disperse tasks, and survey tasks without being constrained by the exercise time limit.
It can operate in a unidirectional cycle. It is happen when the instructor does not need to give
more direction to do the task because the direction has been put advance so the learner will
remember them repeatedly. This condition can support the instructors' techniques.
LMS study hall is a learning board framework that can be used to provide demonstrating
materials and coordinated test evaluations. When it comes to learning media, it is diverse;
different advantages of LMS with media include issues of adequacy and productivity in the
classroom. The learning media has been shown to aid in the achievement of educating and
learning because it can be used with any model or method. The simplest way to access LMS
is to search for it in the Android play apps, download it, open it, and install it on any Android
phone. The showcase structure is a green square with a LMS that displays available phones
or Android. The instructor can create a class by writing the name of the class, the subject, and
the topic of investigation for the understudies. There are also some videos, which show how
to create a finished image on a whiteboard or something that resembles videos. Unlike
54 Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri

traditional animation, whiteboard animation movies can dynamically depict concepts (and
misconceptions) without relying on narrative action. The dynamically represented content is
more visible and serves as a cue to improve learning animation content. As a result, it will
attract students' interest in learning and provide them with the most important and pressing
aspects of the learning concept (Daru Santoso, Sunjayanto Masykuri, Widiyono, & Sholeh,
2018). Some videos are a type of media that emphasizes moving picture delivering a
message. These animations describe some images which develops a narrator's voice is used
to guide viewers in the mental construction of the concepts presented.
In addition, a human hand is frequently used as a signaling effect and/or to direct the
student's attention. Furthermore, this graphic resource shares some characteristics, such as
dynamics and humor (Anggraita, 2012). Line drawings are visual plan components that
influence students' feelings and foster learning (Wright, 1989). For example, whiteboard
animation has a significant positive impact on exercise maintenance, commitment, and
enjoyment. These studies support the utility of whiteboard animation in explicit trains, but its
adequacy in center courses, where students come from various disciplines, is overlooked. In
this case, the researchers use not only audio but also visual, and this animation will support
students to draw mind mapping of what the speaker said. As a result, we might want to focus
on how whiteboard movement aids in teaching and learning in a typical center course.


This study is classified as an experimental study because the researchers conducted an

experiment or treatment to compare the results of the pre-test and post-test. Furthermore,
quantitative techniques were used in this study to process the data and obtain the results. As
a result, this study's researcher type was an experimental researcher. In this study, the
researchers used a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent design. In a non-
equivalent design, the experimental class has a pre-test, treatment, and post-test, whereas the
control class only has a pre-test and a post-test. The study was conducted in a secondary
school, with 66 students participating.
The researchers conducted the study over the course of five sessions. The pre-test was
administered at the first meeting, the treatment was administered from the second to the
fourth meetings, and the post-test was administered at the fifth meeting. The researchers
obtained samples from a random group of students, so the data for this study was gathered
through random sampling. The researchers chose this sampling method for a variety of
reasons, including a lack of time, effort, and money. We need a time to develop the apps to be
entertaining, relaxing and educating and also we need to implement the apps in larger class.
As a result, a large and representative sample cannot be collected. Furthermore, this technique
Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues 55

improved researchers' precision in selecting data sources based on the variable under
In this study, the researchers used a test of drafting process text as an instrument to
collect data. To collect data, the students were instructed to write a method text based on the
task in their handbook as a pre-test and post-test. A pre-test was given prior to the therapy,
and a post-test was given following the therapy. This is a quantitative study. As a result, data
analysis becomes necessary. To determine the impact of technology-assisted language
acquisition on EFL listening, the researchers used an acceptable technique to examine the
data in this study. The researchers used descriptive and inferential analysis. In descriptive
analysis, the mean, mode, median, range, variance, and standard deviation are all calculated
(SD) by finding t-test.

In contrast, inferential analysis includes tests for normality, homogeneity, and

hypothesis. A normality test is used to determine how the highest and lowest values are
distributed, as well as the variability of research data. To test for normalcy distribution, the chi-
square method is commonly used. Based on research data from different groups within the
same population, the homogeneity test was used to determine whether the research was
uniformly drawn from the same population. To determine whether the variance was
homogeneous, the F-test was used.

A hypothesis test was used to investigate the impact of technology-assisted language

acquisition on EFL listening skills.

Listening Skills

The researchers present the findings of their research and data analysis in this section. The
students were put to the test by the researchers in order to create a procedure text. Following
that, those students were taught using LMS and Short Video on YouTube. The scoring criteria
are used to compute the test result of writing procedure text (Arikunto, 2010). This is the
56 Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri

Table 1. The classification of the students’ writing skill

Grade Category
A Excellent
B Good
C Sufficient
D Fairly Sufficient
E Poor

After receiving the results of the students' tests, the researchers created a chart of the
score based on the table of criteria, the bar chart shown below:

Chart 1. Score of students’ Listening post-test

30 28



5 2 0 0 0 0
0 0

Excellent Good Sufficient Fairly Sufficient Poor
Experimental 28 2 0 0 0
Control 9 21 0 0 0

The chart above depicts the tests completed by both experimental and control class
students. The test is about the comprehension of the short conversation. There are no
students (0%) in the experimental class who are poor, 0 students (0%) who are fairly sufficient,
0 students (0%) who are sufficient, 2 students (7%) who are good, and 28 students (93%) who
are excellent. Meanwhile, in the control group, there are 0 students (0%) who are poor, 0
students (0%) who are fairly sufficient, 0 students (0%) who are sufficient, 21 students (70%)
who are good, and 9 students (30%) who are excellent.
The researchers then ran a series of statistical calculations to see how technology-
assisted language acquisition affected EFL Listening. Based on quantitative data analysis, the
students' listening reveals statistically significant differences between pre-test and post-test
outcomes. Descriptive statistics are used to determine pre-test and post-test central tendency
and dispersion, while a t-test is used to investigate the impact of technology-assisted
language acquisition on Listening skills. Descriptive analysis is a type of statistical
Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues 57

computation that is used to show or figure out the observed object by data sample or
population without performing analysis and drawing general conclusions (Sugiyono, 2019).
Central tendency (mean, median, mode, maximum score, minimum score, and sum/total
score) and dispersion are statistics used (range, variance, standard deviation). The
computation's outcome is shown in the table below:

Table 3. The result of descriptive statistics computation

Class M R V S
ax in e o D

Experi 9 7 8 8 8 1 3 1 2
mental 0 7 3,93 4 0 3 ,47 2,06 518

8 7 7 7 7 1 3 1 2
4 2 8,1 8 8 2 ,26 0,64 343

The experimental class, there is the maximum score (max) is 90, the minimum (Min) is
77, the mean (Mean) is 83.93, the median (Me) is 84, the mode (Mo) is 80, the range (R) is 13,
the standard deviation (SD) is 3.47, the variance (V) is 12.06, and the sum(sum) is 2518.
Meanwhile, in the control class, there is the maximum score (Max) is 84, the minimum (Min)
is 72, the mean (Mean) is 78.1, the median (Me) is 78, the mode (Mo) is 78, the range (R) is
12, the standard deviation (SD) is 3.26, the variance (V) is 10.64, and the sum(sum) is 2343.

Table 4. Ten questions for the tool

1. Do you have any difficulty in download the apps?
2. How long you learn the apps?
3. What do you use for operate this apps; smartphone or PC/Laptop?
4. Is the apps necessary for blended learning?
5. Do you need other apps to watch/ play the learning material?
6. Do you need a friend for collaboration?
7. What are the benefits for you?
8. Is the apps able to be played anytime?
9. Is the apps able to be played anywhere?
10. Are you agree all material are put in here?

Table 5. Student’s Note

Positive and negative feedback

1. I love this apps because of the visual aid.
2. Please put me on the group because I can do multitask.
3. It is easy to play anytime and anywhere.
4. I wish not only English material but also other lecture.
58 Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri

5. I can use smartphone but I prefer to use laptop.

6. I do not need long time to learn the apps.
7. The questions are too easy for me.
8. I will watch it later in quiet place.
9. I prefer to use this apps.
10. It is enjoyable.
11. No more limitation time to do the test.
12. Please, don’t erase the apps.
13. I hate online teaching.
14. I do not have smartphone.
15. I have to go to campus to download the material.

Dissatisfie Very
dissatisfie Fair Satisfied
d satisfied

0 1.67% 8.33% 56.67% 33.33%

Table 6. The Student’s Questionnaire about tool satisfactory

This study found that the students had positive feelings about the collaborative blended
learning writing environment they had experienced, which was similar to a prior study. They
believed that the collaborative blended learning activities had helped them overcome their fear
of writing and enhance their writing skills by exposing them to and teaching them about the
micro and macro components of audio recording. Students also felt that their online
discussions and participation in viber groups, as well as the class blog, had considerably
assisted them in their listening section.

Findings and Discussion

The study's findings suggest that technology-assisted language learning aids writing
processes such as idea generation, drafting, and editing. This conclusion is backed up by a
prior study that looked into the advantages of online learning in writing classes. When
compared to maximizing audio recording, the benefits of technology-assisted idea
development and refinement are larger. Peer activities help to boost the idea generation
process. The students need a friend to learn how to manage the apps. Some students said
that the exercises will be finished earlier when the students do not do multitasking. Direct
teacher feedback, on the other hand, improves the revision phase. This disclosure shows how
Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues 59

the integration of technology-assisted and internet technology affects language performance,

particularly listening skills.
This study confirms the findings of a prior study that LMS is an innovative and successful
online platform for boosting EFL students' Listening skills. Additionally, students rated
Learning Management System favorably in terms of its utility, simplicity of use, and
accessibility. The enhancement in writing performance was assisted by a variety of
circumstances. For example, the method of implementing the LMS intervention, as well as the
duration of implementation, which lasted one semester, all contributed to the likelihood of
good results, an effective set of LMS features, and students' positive attitudes toward LMS in
terms of its usefulness, ease of use, and accessibility. It is impossible to live in this digital age
without encountering new teaching and learning tools. As all institutions of higher education
aim to explore new online platforms, understanding new technology and how it works in
classrooms has become a requirement. This study's findings indicated a real-world
application of LMS as an emerging online platform in an EFL classroom. Utilizing technology
necessitates a thorough understanding of the technology to get a competitive advantage.


The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of technology-assisted language

acquisition on EFL Listening skills. After conducting a series of studies that included gathering
data, teaching students using LMS and Short video on YouTube, and then testing students
after they had been taught using those two media, the researchers concluded that, as can be
seen from the descriptive analysis discussed earlier, on the table 3. The mean score of the
experimental class (83.93) is higher than the control class (78.1). The findings of this study
show that technology-assisted language learning has a considerable impact on EFL learners'
listening skills. Students report a high level of enthusiasm and willingness to learn listening
through online learning. Furthermore, due to the online delivery of information, pupils have a
better understanding of the topic. Listening processes for getting idea comprehensively, mind
mapping, and idea developing benefit from technology-assisted language acquisition.
Students' concerns with online learning, on the other hand, are ones of misunderstanding and
financial outlay.
The researchers suggest that English teachers should create all alternatives in teaching
English, especially in listening by using audio or visual cut maker. It is on two platform now;
PC or smartphone based. It is possible to cut, combine, and edit the audio and visual
becoming short-video. The teachers should be creative in using teaching media, to make the
teaching-learning more effective. The teachers are suggested to use short video in teaching-
learning processes as a medium to teach listening comprehension, so it will be easier to be
understood by the students. The video could be documentary, tourism, or just a talk show
60 Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri

which is entertaining or funny. By the easy and relax content, the students would pay attention
to. Then they would do what the teachers' instruction and all the duty. Future researchers are
suggested to be able to conduct research using the factors that influence English learning in
similar topics. Hopefully, with more researchers, the result will be more effective to improve
the English student abilities and the English learning process.


The researchers would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta‘ala, The Almighty. We can complete our article soon. Our best friend, mas Mul, always
motivates and burns our spirit. Our beloved friend as researchers who give us support
financially also aided us in holding and focusing the research and we know so many new
things we are thankful to them. Secondly, we would like to thank friends and participants who
give much help to us in completing this project in the limited time.

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