The document contains multiple choice questions about environmental issues and policies in India. Some key points covered include:
- The UN conference on the human environment was held in Stockholm in 1972.
- Several important Acts related to environmental protection and pollution control in India came into force in the 1970s-1980s, including the Environment Protection Act, Water Prevention and Control Act, and Wildlife Protection Act.
- Family welfare programs aiming to control population growth in India began in the 1950s-1960s by promoting a two-child norm per family.
- Key agencies involved in environmental regulation in India include the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs).
The document contains multiple choice questions about environmental issues and policies in India. Some key points covered include:
- The UN conference on the human environment was held in Stockholm in 1972.
- Several important Acts related to environmental protection and pollution control in India came into force in the 1970s-1980s, including the Environment Protection Act, Water Prevention and Control Act, and Wildlife Protection Act.
- Family welfare programs aiming to control population growth in India began in the 1950s-1960s by promoting a two-child norm per family.
- Key agencies involved in environmental regulation in India include the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs).
The document contains multiple choice questions about environmental issues and policies in India. Some key points covered include:
- The UN conference on the human environment was held in Stockholm in 1972.
- Several important Acts related to environmental protection and pollution control in India came into force in the 1970s-1980s, including the Environment Protection Act, Water Prevention and Control Act, and Wildlife Protection Act.
- Family welfare programs aiming to control population growth in India began in the 1950s-1960s by promoting a two-child norm per family.
- Key agencies involved in environmental regulation in India include the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs).
The document contains multiple choice questions about environmental issues and policies in India. Some key points covered include:
- The UN conference on the human environment was held in Stockholm in 1972.
- Several important Acts related to environmental protection and pollution control in India came into force in the 1970s-1980s, including the Environment Protection Act, Water Prevention and Control Act, and Wildlife Protection Act.
- Family welfare programs aiming to control population growth in India began in the 1950s-1960s by promoting a two-child norm per family.
- Key agencies involved in environmental regulation in India include the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs).
1. The UN conference on the human environment held in:
(a) Stockholm (b) Paris (c) London (d) Japan 2. The UN conference on the human environment held in: (a) 1972 (b) 1985 (c) 1986 (d) 1981 3. The Environment Protection Act (EPA) came into force from: (a) 1972 (b) 1985 (c) 1986 (d) 1981 4. The Air Prevention and control Act came into force from: (a) 1972 (b) 1985 (c) 1986 (d) 1981 5. The pollution level in atmosphere is measured in: (a) Parts per million (b) milligram (c) Microgram per cubic meter (d) All of the above 6. The motor vehicle act was passed in: (a) 1972 (b) 1948 (c) 1939 (d) 1981 7. The Water Prevention and control Act came into force from: (a) 1974 (b) 1964 (c) 1984 (d) 1994 8. The Wildlife Protection Act came into force from: (a) 1972 (b) 1982 (c) 1952 (d) 1981 9. The Amendment to the Wildlife Protection Act came into: (a) 2000 (b) 2002 (c) 2001 (d) 2003 10. The Amendment to the Wildlife Protection Act prevents the use of resources: (a) Naturally (b) Artificially (c) Commercially (d) All of the above 11. The Wildlife Protection Act is adopted by all except: (a) Jammu (b) Kashmir(c) Nagaland (d) All the above 12. The Forest Prevention and control Act came into force from: (a) 1960 (b) 1948 (c) 1980 (d) 1990 13. Family welfare program (FWP) came in: (a) 1961 (b) 1981 (c) 1951 (d) 1990 14. According to FWP, one family should not have children more than: (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four 15. Today’s need suggest having: (a) Only one child (b) Many children (c) Two children (d) Four children 16. A group of individuals of a particular area at a specific time is referred as: (a)Population (b) Pollution (c) Community (d) Society 17. The level of birth defined as an index is called (a) Migration (b) Emigration (c) Natality (d) Mortality 18. The level of death defined as an index is called (a) Migration (b) Emigration (c) Natality (d) Mortality 19. The movement of inhabitants from one place to another is called (a) Migration (b) Emigration (c) Transmigration (d) Remigration 20. The movement of inhabitants back to their home country is called (a) Migration (b) Emigration (c) Transmigration (d) Remigration 21. The movement of inhabitant’s entry a new country to settle permanently is: (a) Migration (b) Emigration (c) Transmigration (d) Immigration 22. The movement of inhabitant’s leaving a country to settle in another country: (a) Migration (b) Emigration (c) Transmigration (d) Immigration 23. The movement of inhabitants from densely populated area into an area with lesser population is called (a) Migration (b) Emigration (c) Transmigration (d) Immigration 24. The movement of inhabitants from villages to cities is called (a) Migration (b) Emigration (c) Transmigration (d) Immigration 25. The Indian tradition believes in __________ of nature. (a) Destruction (b) Extraction (c) Pollution (d) Preservation 26. In India several Acts were passed from: (a) 1970-1980 (b) 1969-1989 (c) 1972-1986 (d) None of the above 27. Environmental laboratories are established by: (a) State Government (b) Central Government (c) Municipal Corporation (d) None of the above 28. EIA stand for: (a) Environmental Impact Assessment (b) Economical Investment Assessment (c) Evaluation Important Assessment (d) None of the above 29. CPCB stand for: (a) Control of pollution by Central Bureau (b) Central pollution control board (c) Central Population Control Bank (d) None of the above 30. SPCB stand for (a) State of pollution by Central Bureau (b) State pollution control board (c) State Population Control Bank (d) None of the above 31. The chairman of CPCB is nominated by: (a) Central Government (b) State Government (c ) Prime Minister of India (d) Chief Justice of supreme court 32. The chairman of SPCB is nominated by: (a) Central Government (b) State Government (c ) Prime Minister of India (d) Chief Justice of supreme court 33. The chairman of Wildlife Advisory board is nominated by: (a) Central Government (b) State Government (c ) Prime Minister of India (d) Chief Justice of supreme court 34. National Human Rights commission in India is headed by: (a) Central Government (b) State Government (c ) Prime Minister of India (d) Chief Justice of supreme court 35.As per EPA 1986, environment does not include: (a) Air (b) Space (c) Water (d) Land 36. Carbon credit is meant for ________ (a) Deforestation (b) Protection of environment (c) Rural infrastructure (d) Diamond trading 37. Which state has made it compulsory to harvest rain water for all buildings? (a) Rajasthan (b) West Bengal (c) Tamilnadu (d) Maharashtra 38. In Mumbai what is the minimum plot area for which rain water harvesting is mandatory? (a) 2000 Sq.m (b) 500 Sq.m (c) 1000 Sq.m (d) 1500 Sq.m 39. Noise pollution has been inserted in the Air Prevention and Control Act in: (a) 1987 (b) 1977 (c) 1967 (d) 1957 40. WWF international is located in _______ (a) India (b) America (c) Canada (d) Switzerland 41. Runoff water from surface is conserved by: (a) Rain water Conservation (b) Rain water harvesting (c) Water storage (d) none of the above 43. Shortage of water faced can be solved by: (a)Well digging (b) Rain water harvesting (c) Water storage (d) none of the above 44. The main advantage of water shed approach is _____ (a) High cost (b) Time consuming (c) Environmental friendly (d) none 45. The prime objective of watershed management is focus on water: (a) Utilization (b) Conservation (c) Analysis (d) None of the above 46. _________of rivers help to redistribute water logging: (a) Interlinking (b) Dam (c) Diverting water (d) none of the above 47. Article _______of India Constitution deals with fundamental duties: (a) 48-A (b) 5-A (g) (c) 21 (d) 19 48. ________technology is highly useful for Environment and health (a) Digital (b) Chemical (c) Information (d) Computational 49. An organization that works outside government ____ (a) NGO (b) Nature lovers (c) Activists (d) Antisocial 50. NGO has freedom to take issues in _____ (a) Society (b) Parliament (c) Municipality (d) None of the above