Professional Ethics and Accountancy For Lawyers
Professional Ethics and Accountancy For Lawyers
Professional Ethics and Accountancy For Lawyers
Professional Ethics consist of an ethical code of conduct of persons in the !eld of legal
sector and persons who practice the law. People of the legal profession have the duty to
the court and to administer justice . it is important for the legal practitioners to act on the
basis of integrity, give assistance to the court, and even to promote the public faith in the
legal system.
While performing their duties they have to deal with other persons of the legal profession
with integrity and courtesy. Advocates are also known as the o"cers of the court who play
an important role in the administration of justice for the people. The code of conduct for
advocates de!nes the rules of advocates conduct and principles of advocating ethics.
The rules that govern the professional conduct comes out from the duties that they owe to
the court, the client, their opponents and other advocates. Our society depends upon the
rule of law, advocate performs a special role . Advocate is called to serve both the interest
of justice and those rights and privileges that are entrusted to him/her to defend the rights
of his/her client.
In India the legal profession was originated during the British Rule as earlier there was no
existence of the legal profession during the Hindu Rule and Mughal Dynasty period. At that
period of the administration of justice was in the hands of the king and the king court was
treated as the highest court of the country. The king was respected as the representative
of the god who would render justice to the people. No one could appeal against the order
of the king , persons disobeying the king’s order was charged with sedition.
Rules on the professional standards that an advocate needs to maintain are mentioned in
Chapter II, Part VI of the Bar Council of India Rules. These rules have been placed there
under section 49(1)(c) of the Advocates Act, 1961.
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Rules on an Advocate’s
Admissions for the next dutybatch
towards the court:
1. To Act in a proper manner
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An advocate must behave
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in a proper/safety manner during the time of his case as well as
while acting before the court. He should conduct himself with self-respect. Whenever there
is a ground for complaint against a judicial o"cer, the advocate has a duty to submit his
grievance to the concerned authority.
3. No communication in private
The advocate should not communicate with the judicial o"cer in private regarding any
matter pending before the court. The advocate should not in%uence the decision of a court
in any matter through illegal acts such as coercion, bribe, etc.
3. Other duties:-
· Not advertise or solicit work.
· Sign board and nameplate must be of reasonable size.
· Not promote an unauthorized practice of law.
· Obtain the consent of the fellow advocates in some cases.
State Bar Council and its Disciplinary Committee:
Section 35 of the Advocates Act deals with the provisions regarding formulation and
functioning of Disciplinary Committee under the State Bar Council. Under this, if any legal
practitioner is found guilty of any professional misconduct, after providing an opportunity
of being heard may make any of the following orders:
1. Dismiss the complaint
2. Scold the advocate
3. Suspend the advocate for a period as it may deem !t;
4. Remove the name of the advocate from the State roll of advocates.
In the case of Nortanmal Chauaisia v. M.R. Murli Murli, the Supreme Court held that the
term Misconduct had not been de!ned under the Advocates Act. But the term refers to the
breach of discipline, although it would not be possible to lay down what would lead to
misconduct or indiscipline, which is very wide enough to include wrongful act, whether
done intentionally or unintentionally. It also means improper behavior, intentional
wrongdoing or violation of a rule of the standard of behavior.
Professional ethics are the duties that are must to be followed by an advocate in his
profession. They are referred as the moral duties which every person in this !eld should
have knowledge. An advocate who don’t work with sincerity and do not follow the rules
of conduct is said to have violated the code of ethics of this profession. The main aim of
legal ethics is to maintain honor, dignity of the legal profession to ensure the spirit of
friendly co-operation, fair dealing of the counsel with their clients and also to secure the
responsibilities of the lawyers towards the society.
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Vinayak Madiwale
Nice & adequate information briefed!
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Arjuna Mallik
There should hve been sections description
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