Proofex SM
Proofex SM
Proofex SM
Uses Properties
Instructions for use Whilst nominal dry film thickness of 2mm are recommended
as standard, 3mm & 4mm thickness may be applied to suit
The instructions for use are those generally to be followed. particular site conditions.
However, as the product may be applied in a wide variety of
Note: a) As the conversion from wet film to dry is
differing situations, your local Fosroc office should be
instantaneous dry film measurements may be
contacted to provide specific method statements.
taken 5 minutes after time of application.
Surface preparation
b) In certain conditions intercoat blistering may
All surfaces shall be clean and free from dust, dirt, oil, grease, occur as a result of water loss. These blisters
moss, release agent residue or curing membrane and other will shrink back over a period of 36 hours and
materials which may affect adhesion. will have no effect on subsequent product
All nibs and protrusions must be removed.
Proofex SM may be used on a variety of substrates or applied
onto green concrete in the saturated surface dry condition. Proofex SM membrane must be protected from traffic, backfill,
Proofex SM should not be applied to permanently wet settlement scour, following trades and weathering
substrates or on standing water. immediately after application using geotextile materials,
protection board, sand, screed or polyethylene as
Blow & pin holes
appropriate. For complete details refer to the Fosroc method
Blow and pin holes shall be repaired using a suitable Fosroc statement or drawings.
In most general applications only a Fosroc approved 200gm/
Fillets m2 weight geotextile will be applied to the Proofex SM
immediately after the product has been sprayed and the
All internal angles shall be filled using a sand/cement/PVA
surface is still wet but not tacky. The 200gm/m2 weight
25mm x 25mm radiused fillet. In substructure applications
geotextile will provide protection from penetration and
where differential movement or settlement can occur, Fosroc
settlement scour in most applications. However, in certain
Plastijoint shall be used to provide a 25mm x 25mm radiused
heavy duty applications the geotextile type and weight may
fillet (concave).
be changed to meet certain specific site conditions, contact
Sharp edges your Fosroc office for details.
Fosroc offers a comprehensive technical support service to The material must not be stored at temperatures below 5°C or above
specifiers, end users and contractors. It is also able to offer 50°C.
on-site technical assistance, an AutoCAD facility and dedicated
specification assistance in locations all over the world.
Proofex SM : 528 m2/1600 litre unit
@ 2mm dft
Possible application rate : 780 litres per hour
Proofex SM
Ahmedabad : (079) 26762799 Ankleshwar :(02646) 220704/224687 Bhubaneshwar : (0674) 2521176 Chennai (044) 24899949/24853383
Chandigarh : (0172) 2639360 Cochin : (0484) 2356668 Coimbatore : (0422) 2472966 Goa : (0832) 2542465 Guwahati (0361) 2548793
Hyderabad : (040) 27662324/27662425 Hubli (0836) 3402597 Indore : (0731) 504339/5061477 Jaipur : (0141) 2235349 Lucknow :(0522)
22239044 Nagercoil (04652) 2224849 Mangalore: (0824) 22272234 Visakhapatnam : (0891) 2564850 INDIA/2004/00823/C