Nitomortar S
Nitomortar S
Nitomortar S
Uses Properties
For fast and permanent patch repair of concrete, particularly The following results were obtained at a temperature of 20°C
where high strength, abrasion and chemical resistance is unless otherwise specified.
required. It is ideally suited for:
Test method Typical result
Sewage tanks Compressive strength : 70 N/mm2 @ 7 days
(BS 6319, Pt 2)
Sea walls
Flexural strength : 20 N/mm2 @ 7 days
Industrial floors (BS 6319, Pt 3)
Tensile strength : 10 N/mm2 @ 7 days
Use as a bedding mortar
(BS 6319, Pt 7)
Joint arris repairs Water absorption : 0.2% (concrete - 2.0 to 2.5%)
BRE Impact Resistance
Advantages BS 8204 Part 1: 1987 : Category A
20°C 35°C
High ultimate strength - suitable for structural use.
Pot Life : 45 mins 20 mins
Early development of strength minimises disruption. Initial hardness : 24 hours 16 hours
Full cure : 7 days 4 days
Abrasion-resistance: suitable for heavily trafficked areas.
Fresh wet density : Approximately 2000 kg/m3
Highly resistant to a wide range of chemicals. (fully compacted)
Will cure under damp conditions - cured product is highly Fully cured blocks of Nitomortar S were continually im-
impermeable to water. mersed at 20°C in a wide range of aggressive chemicals
found in industrial environments. Tests were performed by
Pre-weighed components ensure consistency.
constant immersion over a set period, followed by visual
inspection and testing for Shore D hardness.
Acids (m/v)
Nitomortar S is a three-component material supplied in
Citric acid 10% : Resistant
pre-weighed quantities ready for on-site mixing and use. It is
Tartaric acid 10% : Resistant
based on a high quality, solvent-free, epoxy resin system;
Hydrochloric acid 25% : Resistant
with special aggregates to provide high strength and excel-
Sulphuric acid 10% : Resistant
lent abrasion resistance.
Phosphoric acid 50% : Resistant
Lactic acid 10% : Resistant
Nitric acid 10% : Resistant
High strength epoxy repair mortar
Alkalis (m/v)
The high strength repair mortar shall be Nitomortar S, a Sodium Hydroxide 50%: Resistant
three-component epoxy resin. The cured mortar shall
Solvents & organics
achieve a compressive strength of 70 N/mm2, a flexural
Diesel fuel/petrol 100% : Resistant
strength of 20 N/mm2 and a tensile strength of 10 N/mm2
Hydrocarbons 100% : Resistant
when tested at 28 days. The water absorption of the cured
mortar shall not exceed 0.2%. Aqueous solutions
Sugar solutions (sat.) : Resistant
housekeeping practice.
Fosroc Nitomortar S
Instructions for use The mixed primer should be scrubbed well into the prepared
substrate, taking care that all imperfections in the surface are
Design criteria
properly coated and avoiding ‘ponding’ in depressions. If the
Nitomortar S can be applied in sections up to 50 mm thick- primer is absorbed within 30 minutes, a second coat should
ness in horizontal locations, and 12 mm in vertical locations, be applied before continuing. Nitomortar S can be applied as
in a single application and without the use of form work, soon as the primer has started to gel but still has surface
dependent upon the repair geometry. ‘tack’. This is normally between 30 minutes and 4 hours
dependent on the ambient and substrate temperatures. If the
Nitomortar S can be used for emergency repairs where fast
primer cures hard, a second application must be made before
strength gain is important. When properly compacted, the
application of Nitomortar S. The usable life of the mixed
mortar is highly impermeable.
primer is approximately 60 minutes at 20°C or 30 minutes at
In certain instances, Nitomortar S can be used on metal 35°C.
substrates. Contact the local Fosroc office for advice in this
Care should be taken to ensure that Nitomortar S is thorough-
For fast repairs in vertical and overhead locations where a
ly mixed to produce a fully homogeneous, trowellable mortar.
higher-build, lightweight formulation is required, the use of
Nitomortar HB*† is recommended. Nitomortar S must be mixed mechanically. The ‘hardener’
and ‘base’ components should be stirred thoroughly in order
to disperse any settlement before mixing them together. The
Clean the surface and remove any dust, unsound material, entire contents of the ‘ hardener’ container should then be
plaster, oil, paint, grease, corrosion deposits or algae. Rough- emptied into the ‘base’ container and manually mixed for 3
en the surface and remove any laitence by light scabbling or minutes, then emptied into a forced action mixer of adequate
grit-blasting. Saw cut or cut back the extremities of the repair capacity (e.g. Cretangle or Pennine). Add the aggregate
locations to a depth of at least 5 mm to avoid feather-edging slowly with the mixer running and continue for 2 to 3 minutes
and to provide a square edge. Break out the complete repair until all the components are thoroughly blended. Under no
area to a minimum depth of 5 mm up to the sawn edge. circumstances should part packs be used.
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Fosroc Nitomortar S
Build-up Estimating
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Fosroc Nitomortar S
Nitoprime 25, Nitocote Primer Sealer, Nitomortar S and Nitomortar S is extremely durable and resistant to a wide
Fosroc Solvent 102 should not come in contact with skin or range of acids, alkalis and industrial chemicals and will
eyes, or be swallowed. Ensure adequate ventilation and provide excellent protection to the concrete and embedded
avoid inhalation of vapours. Some people are sensitive to steel reinforcement within the repaired location. The
resins, hardeners and solvents. Wear suitable protective surrounding parts of the structure may benefit from the
clothing, gloves and eye protection. If working in confined application of a protective coating, thus bringing them up to
areas, suitable respiratory protective equipment must be the same protective standard as the repair itself. Fosroc
used. recommends use of the Nitocote range of epoxy resin,
chemical-resistant, protective coatings.
The use of barrier creams provide additional skin protection.
In case of contact with skin, remove immediately with resin For surrounding areas not subjected to chemical attack or
removing cream followed by washing with soap and water. physical wear, Fosroc recommend the use of the Dekguard
Do not use solvent. In case of contact with eyes, rinse range of anti-carbonation, anti-chloride protective coatings.
immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical These products provide a decorative and uniform appear-
advice. If swallowed, seek medical attention immediately - ance as well as protecting areas of the structure which might
do not induce vomiting. otherwise be at risk from the environment.
Flash points
Nitoprime 25 : 39°C
Fosroc Solvent 102 : 33°C
Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the Supply of
Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest version.
Head Office
telephone: (+9714) 2039699 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email:
Al Gurg Fosroc LLC
Regional offices
Post Box 657, Dubai Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 673 1779 fax: 673 1449 email:
Bahrain, YBA Kanoo telephone: 17738200 fax: 17732828 email:
United Arab Emirates Kuwait, Boodai telephone: 4817618 fax: 4832124 email:
Oman, Al Amana telephone: 24815080 fax: 24817554 email: