Renderoc RSXtra
Renderoc RSXtra
Renderoc RSXtra
Uses Specification
For the emergency reinstatement of damaged or deteriorat- Where shown on the contract documents, the fast setting
ed concrete. The material can be used internally or external- repair concrete shall be Renderoc RSXtra; a single compo-
ly and is particularly suitable for repairs to: nent, cement-based blend of powders and graded aggre-
gates, to which only the site-addition of water shall be permit-
Airport runways and aprons
ted. The cured repair shall achieve compressive strengths of
Areas where wheeled traffic requires fast return to ser- 15 N/mm2 after 3 hours, 30 N/mm2 after 1 day and 45 N/mm2
vice after 28 days (at 25ºC). The material shall thus be capable
of supporting pedestrian and vehicular traffic after 4 hours, at
Advantages an ambient temperature of 25ºC.
Instructions for use When the drill and paddle mixing method is used, the com-
plete measured volume of water should be placed in the mix-
ing drum. With the paddle rotating, add one full 25 kg bag of
Saw or cut back the extremities of the repair locations to a Renderoc RSXtra and mix for 5 minutes until a smooth even
depth of at least 20mm to avoid feather-edging and to provide consistency is obtained.
a square edge. Break out the complete repair area to a mini-
mum depth of 20mm up to the sawn edge.
The mixed material should be placed within 10 minutes of
Clean the surface and remove any dust, unsound or contam-
mixing in order to gain the full benefit of fluidity. Each repair
inated material, plaster, oil, paint, grease, corrosion depos-
should be poured or pumped in a single continuous operation.
its or algae. Where breaking out is not required, roughen
Repairs may be surface finished using a trowel or wood float.
the surface and remove any laitance by light scabbling or
If a textured surface is required, this can be achieved using a
suitable roller or brush as the material begins to stiffen. The
Oil and grease deposits should be removed by steam clean- completed surface should not be overworked. Renderoc
ing, detergent scrubbing or the use of a proprietary degreaser. RSXtra can be applied up to 100 mm thickness in a single
The effectiveness of decontamination should then be as- application.
sessed by a pull-off test.
Note the minimum applied thickness of Renderoc RSXtra is
The prepared area should be blown clean with oil-free com- 20mm. Aggregate should not be added at applied thickness-
pressed air. Temporary formwork should be fitted tightly into es between 20mm and 100mm without specific advice from
all existing pavement and floor joints which abut the repair Fosroc.
zone in order to prevent grout loss during the repair process.
For repair sections deeper than 100 mm, it will be necessary
Priming to ‘fill-out’ Renderoc RSXtra with Fosroc Bulking Aggregate in
order to minimise temperature rise. Contact the local Fosroc
Prior to placing, the prepared concrete substrate should be
for further details.
saturated by flooding with clean water. Immediately prior
to the application of Renderoc RSXtra, free standing water High temperature working
should be removed leaving the substrate ‘saturated surface
It is suggested that, for temperatures above 30°C, the follow-
ing guidelines are adopted as good working practice:
Providing the substrate has been properly soaked, further
(i) Store unmixed material in a cool (preferably temperature
priming is not normally necessary.
controlled) environment, avoiding exposure to direct sun-
Mixing light.
Care should be taken to ensure that Renderoc RSXtra is thor- (ii) Keep equipment cool, arranging shade protection if
oughly mixed. A forced action mixer, suitable for fluid mixes, necessary. It is especially important to keep cool those
is essential (free fall mixers are not suitable). Hand mixing of surfaces of the equipment which will come into direct
single bags should be carried out in a suitably-sized mixing contact with the material itself.
vessel, using a slow speed drill (400/500 rpm) + Fosroc mix-
(iii) Try to eliminate application during the hottest times of the
ing paddle attachment. Under no circumstances should part
day, and in direct sunlight.
mixing be considered.
(iv) Make sufficient material, plant and labour available to
It is essential that machine mixing capacity, material quanti-
ensure that application is a continuous process.
ties and labour availability is adequate to enable the placing
operation to be carried out continuously. Measure 3.75 litres (v) Water (below 20°C) should be used for mixing the grout
of drinking quality cool water and pour three quarters into the prior to placement.
mixer. With the machine in operation, add one full 25 kg bag
of Renderoc RSXtra and mix for one minute before adding
the rest of the water. Mix for a further 3 to 4 minutes until
a smooth even consistency is obtained. Note that powder
must always be added to water. The quantities mixed may be
scaled up as required.
Curing Estimating
Technical support
Flash points
Fosroc Solvent 102 : 33°C
See separate data sheet
Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the Supply of
Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest version.
Head Office
telephone: (+9714) 2039699 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email:
Al Gurg Fosroc LLC
Regional offices
Post Box 657, Dubai Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 673 1779 fax: 673 1449 email:
Bahrain, YBA Kanoo telephone: 17738200 fax: 17732828 email:
United Arab Emirates Kuwait, Boodai telephone: 4817618 fax: 4832124 email:
Oman, Al Amana telephone: 24815080 fax: 24817554 email: