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Renderoc S

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Fosroc Renderoc S constructive solutions

Shrinkage compensated, polymer modified, fibre Properties

reinforced, thixotropic repair mortar system
The following typical results were obtained at a water to
Uses powder ratio of 0.14.

Renderoc S is suitable for sprayed or trowelled applica- Test method Typical result
tions, with high build characteristics. Typical applications Compressive strength : > 20 N/mm² at 1 day
would include, but not be limited to, the following: BS1881 : Pt 116 > 40 N/mm² at 3 days
> 50 N/mm² at 7 days
 All types of structural repair which can be applied by
> 60 N/mm² at 28 days
trowel or wet spray
Flexural Strength : > 6 N/mm²
 Repair of structural members subjected to repetitive (BS 6319 pt 3)
loading including application in trafficked areas Tensile Strength : > 4 N/mm²
(BS 6319 pt 7)
 Repairs to reinforced or pre-stressed beams or columns

 Repairs in industrial area, especially those containing

mineral oils, lubricants etc Instructions for use

 Repairs in marine environments Preparation

Advantages It is essential that the substrate to be repaired is sound,

clean and free of all contamination.
 Wet or dry spray application - rapid application of large
quantities The damaged areas of concrete to be removed must be
clearly identified. The Perimeter of the area should be saw
 Low rebound - when dry spray applied rebound is eping the sides square. Feather-edging is not permitted and
minimal with subsequent saving in material cost a minimum thickness of 10mm must be maintained over the
 Extremely low permeability - gives excellent resistance whole area.
to attack by aggressive elements The substrate should be prepared to provide a rough
Description surface having at least a 5mm amplitude at 20mm frequen-
Renderoc S is supplied as a ready to use blend of dry
powders, which requires only the addition of clean water to If unsound or oil contaminated concrete is found to extend
produce a highly consistent, repair mortar suitable for beyond the premarked area, consult the engineer in charge.
structural concrete and masonry repairs. Subject to approval cut back to clean sound concrete.

Renderoc S contains no metallic aggregate and is chloride If reinforcement is corroded ensure that the back of the steel
free. has been exposed. reinforcement should have all rust
removed by the use of power tools, abrasive basting (wet or
Renderoc S is formulated for sprayed or trowelled applica- dry) or wire brushing. Reinforcing steel should be exposed
tions, in thicknesses upto 50mm in one layer by hand and cleaned around it’s whole circumference. Steel should
application. Greater thicknesses can be achieved when be prepared to Swedish Standard SIS 05-900:1967-SA2½
spray applied. or BS4232 Ref. 24 second quality.

Extra protection to the reiforcement can be provided by

Nitoprime Zincrich*† and Galvashied XP*† or Galvashield
CC*†. Dependent on the circumstances of use and require-
ment of the client.

Severely corroded reinforcement may require replacement

and the engineer must be consulted.
Renderoc S
Fosroc Renderoc S
Water Saturation Estimating

Thoroughly saturate the surface of the concrete to provide a Supply

saturated surface dry condition. Poor quality concrete may
Renderoc S : 25kg bags
require soaking for a significant length of time. Any surface
water should be removed using an oil free compressed airjet. Yield

Mixing Renderoc S : approx. 13 litres per 25kg

Renderoc S should be mixed mechanically with a Heavy
Duty, slow speed drill or a forced action mixer fitted with Fos- Limitations
roc MR3 mortar mixing paddle.
- Renderoc S should not be used when the ambient
Add 3.5 litres of water per 25kg bag. Pour the desired temperature is below 5ºC and falling.
quantity of water into a suitably sized mixing vessel for full
- Renderoc S should not be exposed to running water
bag mixing. Do not use part-bags. Place 3.5 litres of cool,
either during application or prior to final set.
clean drinking water in the mixing container followed by the
full bag of Renderoc S and mix for 3-5 minutes, until the mix Storage
becomes fully homogeneous.
Shelf life
Renderoc S has a shelf life of 12 months; if kept in a dry
After mixing, Renderoc S can be sprayed or trowel applied. environment, in its original, unopened packing. If stored in
Suitable spraying units are Putzmeister P11, Turbosol T20 conditions of high humidity and/or temperature, the shelf life
or Meyco Deguna 20. When applying by hand, Renderoc S, will be reduced.
must be forced tightly into the substrate to ensure intimate
contact with the pre-wetted substrate. Levelling and initial Precautions
finishing should be carried using a wooden or plastic float. Health and safety
Final finishing should be carried out using a steel float. When
the material has stiffened to the point where finger pressure Renderoc S contains cement powders which, when mixed
lightly marks the surface, a final firm trowelling should be with water or upon becoming damp, release alkalis which can
given using a steel float. be harmful to the skin. In case of contact with eyes, rinse
immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical
Curing advice. If swallowed seek medical attention immediately - do
Renderoc S demands good curing. Particular care is required not induce vomiting.
in hot/windy conditions. Curing is to be commenced imme- Fire
diately either by applying Concure 1315, or by covering the
work with plastic sheet fixed over wet hessian and taped at Renderoc S, is non-flammable and thus presents no fire
all edges. hazard.

Nitobond AR can be used as a curing compound but not For further information, please refer to the Product Material
recommended in situations where overcoating with epoxy Safety Data Sheet for Renderoc S.

See separate data sheet

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the Supply of
Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest version.

Head Office
telephone: (+9714) 2039699 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email: agf@fosroc.com
Al Gurg Fosroc LLC
Regional offices
Post Box 657, Dubai Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 673 1779 fax: 673 1449 email: abudhabi@fosroc.com
Bahrain, YBA Kanoo telephone: 17738200 fax: 17732828 email: bahrain@fosroc.com
United Arab Emirates Kuwait, Boodai telephone: 4817618 fax: 4832124 email: kuwait@fosroc.com
Oman, Al Amana telephone: 24815080 fax: 24817554 email: oman@fosroc.com


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